path: root/host/matelight/fonts/examples/TeX.txt
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authorjaseg <jaseg@jaseg.net>2013-12-30 20:16:50 +0100
committerjaseg <jaseg@jaseg.net>2013-12-30 20:16:50 +0100
commit21b9596a98fbe051b1b194bdd4c99293233b7922 (patch)
tree33d54b8e44fe4b6f496cd0c74f1b2924ed4bdf0a /host/matelight/fonts/examples/TeX.txt
parent493863fcc0d0bc52a27631eeb76a85446f3e6760 (diff)
Added some bdf fonts
Diffstat (limited to 'host/matelight/fonts/examples/TeX.txt')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/host/matelight/fonts/examples/TeX.txt b/host/matelight/fonts/examples/TeX.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7047aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/matelight/fonts/examples/TeX.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+TeX codes for various Unicode 3.2 characters
+Markus Kuhn -- 2002-07-25
+This UTF-8 example file lists the various characters supported by
+Donald Knuth's TeX, as listed in Appendix F and section 9 of
+the TeXbook and section 3.3.2 of Leslie Lamport's LaTeX User's Guide
+and Reference Manual.
+Math mode symbols:
+Lowercase Greek letters
+ α \alpha ι \iota ϱ \varrho
+ β \beta κ \kappa σ \sigma
+ γ \gamma λ \lambda ς \varsigma
+ δ \delta μ \mu τ \tau
+ ϵ \epsilon ν \nu υ \upsilon
+ ε \varepsilon ξ \xi ϕ \phi
+ ζ \zeta ο o φ \varphi
+ η \eta π \pi χ \chi
+ θ \theta ϖ \varpi ψ \psi
+ ϑ \vartheta ρ \rho ω \omega
+Uppercase Greek letters
+ Γ \Gamma Ξ \Xi Φ \Phi
+ Δ \Delta Π \Pi Ψ \Psi
+ Θ \Theta Σ \Sigma Ω \Omega
+ Λ \Lambda Υ \Upsilon
+Miscellaneous symbols
+ ℵ \aleph ′ \prime ! ∀ \forall
+ ℏ \hbar ∅ \emptyset ∃ \exists
+ ı \imath ∇ \nabla ¬ \neg
+ j \jmath ! √ \surd ♭ \flat
+ ℓ \ell ⊤ \top ♮ \natural
+ ℘ \wp ⊥ \bot ♯ \sharp
+ ℜ \Re ∥ \| ♣ \clubsuit
+ ℑ \Im ∠ \angle ♢ \diamondsuit
+ ∂ \partial △ \triangle ♡ \heartsuit
+ ∞ \infty \ \backslash ♠ \spadesuit
+ □ \Box ◇ \Diamond
+“Large” operators
+ ∑ \sum ⋂ \bigcap ⨀ \bigodot
+ ∏ \prod ⋃ \bigcup ⨂ \bigotimes
+ ∐ \coprod ⨆ \bigsqcup ⨁ \bigoplus
+ ∫ \int ⋁ \bigvee ⨄ \biguplus
+ ∮ \oint ⋀ \bigwedge
+Binary operations
+ ± \pm ∩ \cap ∨ \vee
+ ∓ \mp ∪ \cup ∧ \wedge
+ ∖ \setminus ⊎ \uplus ⊕ \oplus
+ ⋅ \cdot ⊓ \sqcap ⊖ \ominus
+ × \times ⊔ \sqcup ⊗ \otimes
+ ∗ \ast ◁ \triangleleft ⊘ \oslash
+ ⋆ \star ▷ \triangleright ⊙ \odot
+ ⋄ \diamond ≀ \wr † \dagger
+ ∘ \circ ◯ \bigcirc ‡ \ddagger
+ ∙ \bullet △ \bigtriangleup ⨿ \amalg
+ ÷ \div ▽ \bigtriangledown ⊴ \unlhd
+ ⊲ \lhd ⊳ \rhd ⊵ \unrhd
+ ≤ \leq ≥ \geq ≡ \equiv
+ ≺ \prec ≻ \succ ∼ \sim
+ ≼ \preceq ≽ \succeq ≃ \simeq
+ ≪ \ll ≫ \gg ≍ \asymp
+ ⊂ \subset ⊃ \supset ≈ \approx
+ ⊆ \subseteq ⊇ \supseteq ≅ \cong
+ ⊑ \sqsubseteq ⊒ \sqsupseteq ⋈ \bowtie
+ ∈ \in ∋ \ni ∝ \propto
+ ⊢ \vdash ⊣ \dashv ⊨ \models
+ ⌣ \smile ∣ \mid ≐ \doteq
+ ⌢ \frown ∥ \parallel ⊥ \perp
+ ⊏ \sqsubset ⊐ \sqsupset ⨝ \Join
+Negated relations
+ ≮ \not< ≯ \not> ≠ \not=
+ ≰ \not\leq ≱ \not\geq ≢ \not\equiv
+ ⊀ \not\prec ⊁ \not\succ ≁ \not\sim
+ ⋠ \not\preceq ⋡ \not\succeq ≄ \not\simeq
+ ⊄ \not\subset ⊅ \not\supset ≉ \not\approx
+ ⊈ \not\subseteq ⊉ \not\supseteq ≇ \not\cong
+ ⋢ \not\sqsubseteq ⋣ \not\sqsupseteq ≭ \not\asymp
+ ← \leftarrow ⟵ \longleftarrow ↑ \uparrow
+ ⇐ \Leftarrow ⟸ \Longleftarrow ⇑ \Uparrow
+ → \rightarrow ⟶ \longrightarrow ↓ \downarrow
+ ⇒ \Rightarrow ⟹ \Longrightarrow ⇓ \Downarrow
+ ↔ \leftrightarrow ⟷ \longleftrightarrow ↕ \updownarrow
+ ⇔ \Leftrightarrow ⟺ \Longleftrightarrow ⇕ \Updownarrow
+ ↦ \mapsto ⟼ \longmapsto ↗ \nearrow
+ ↩ \hookleftarrow ↪ \hookrightarrow ↘ \searrow
+ ↼ \leftharpoonup ⇀ \rightharpoonup ↙ \swarrow
+ ↽ \leftharpoondown ⇁ \rightharpoondown ↖ \nwarrow
+ ⇌ \rightleftharpoons ↝ \leadsto
+ [ \lbrack ⌊ \lfloor ⌈ \lceil ⟦ [\![
+ { \lbrace ⟨ \langle ⟪ \langle\!\langle
+ ] \rbrack ⌋ \rfloor ⌉ \rceil ⟧ ]\!]
+ } \rbrace ⟩ \rangle ⟫ \rangle\!\rangle
+Alternate names
+ ≠ \ne or \neq (same as \not=)
+ ≤ \le (same as \leq)
+ ≥ \ge (same as \geq)
+ { \{ (same as \lbrace)
+ } \} (same as \rbrace)
+ → \to (same as \rightarrow)
+ ← \gets (same as \leftarrow)
+ ∋ \owns (same as \ni)
+ ∧ \land (same as \wedge)
+ ∨ \lor (same as \vee)
+ ¬ \lnot (same as \neg)
+ ∣ \vert (same as |)
+ ∥ \Vert (same as |\)
+ ⋮ \vdots
+ ⋯ \cdots
+ ⋱ \ddots
+Non-math mode symbols:
+Typographic symbols and ligatures
+ ’ '
+ ‘ `
+ ” ''
+ “ ``
+ ‐ - (hyphen)
+ – -- (en dash)
+ — --- (em dash)
+ − $-$ (minus)
+ ′ $'$ (prime)
+ ″ $''$ (double prime)
+ ‴ $'''$ (triple prime)
+ ⁗ $''''$ (quadruple prime)
+ ff ff
+ fi fi
+ fl fl
+ ffi ffi
+ ffl ffl
+ ¡ !`
+ ¿ ?`
+   ~ (no-break space)
+   \thinspace
+   $\,$
+ \ (space)
+ œ \oe
+ Π\OE
+ æ \ae
+ Æ \AE
+ å \aa
+ Å \AA
+ ø \o
+ Ø \O
+ ł \l
+ Ł \L
+ ß \ss
+ § \S
+ ¶ \P
+ † \dag
+ ‡ \ddag
+ © \copyright
+ £ \pounds
+ … \ldots
+Combining characters
+ ◌́ \'
+ ◌̀ \`
+ ◌̂ \^
+ ◌̈ \"
+ ◌̃ \~
+ ◌̄ \=
+ ◌̇ \.
+ ◌̆ \u
+ ◌̌ \v
+ ◌̋ \H
+ ◌͡ \t
+ ◌̧ \c
+ ◌̣ \d
+ ◌̱ \b
+ ◌̸ \not
+TeX names followed by ! indicate that there is no Unicode character
+available to encode this exact TeX character (Unicode 3.2 lacks a
+dot-less j and a non-superscript prime).