path: root/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/runTest.bat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/runTest.bat')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/runTest.bat b/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/runTest.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d8d4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/runTest.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+@echo off
+set UVEXE=C:\Keil_v5\UV4\UV4.EXE
+if .%1==. goto help
+for %%a in (ARM GCC ARMCLANG) do if %1==%%a goto checkParam2
+echo parameter %1 not supported.
+goto help
+if .%2==. goto help
+for %%a in ( ^
+ cortexM0l ^
+ cortexM3l ^
+ cortexM4l ^
+ cortexM4lf ^
+ cortexM7l ^
+ cortexM7lfsp ^
+ cortexM7lfdp ^
+ ARMv8MBLl ^
+ ARMv8MMLl ^
+ ARMv8MMLlfsp ^
+ ARMv8MMLlfdp ^
+ ARMv8MMLld ^
+ ARMv8MMLldfsp ^
+ ARMv8MMLldfdp ^
+ ) do if %2==%%a goto checkParam3
+echo parameter %2 not supported.
+goto help
+if .%3==. goto help
+for %%a in (MPS2 FVP Simulator) do if %3==%%a goto CheckLibraries
+echo parameter %3 not supported.
+goto help
+if %1==ARM goto CheckLibrariesARM
+if %1==ARMCLANG goto CheckLibrariesARMCLANG
+if %1==GCC goto CheckLibrariesGCC
+goto end
+if not exist ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\arm_%2_ref.lib" (echo ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\arm_%2_ref.lib" not found. & goto end)
+if not exist "..\Lib\%1\arm_%2_math.lib" (echo "..\Lib\%1\arm_%2_ref.lib" not found. & goto end)
+goto CopyLibrariesARM
+if not exist ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\arm_%2_ref.lib" (echo ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\arm_%2_ref.lib" not found. & goto end)
+if not exist "..\Lib\%1\arm_%2_math.lib" (echo "..\Lib\%1\arm_%2_ref.lib" not found. & goto end)
+goto CopyLibrariesARMCLANG
+if not exist ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\libarm_%2_ref.a" (echo ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\libarm_%2_ref.a" not found. & goto end)
+if not exist "..\Lib\%1\libarm_%2_math.a" (echo "..\Lib\%1\libarm_%2_math.a" not found. & goto end)
+goto CopyLibrariesGCC
+copy /B ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\arm_%2_ref.lib" .\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Lib\arm_ref.lib /B /Y
+copy /B "..\Lib\%1\arm_%2_math.lib" .\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Lib\arm_math.lib /B /Y
+goto buildProject
+copy /B ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\arm_%2_ref.lib" .\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Lib\arm_ref.lib /B /Y
+copy /B "..\Lib\%1\arm_%2_math.lib" .\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Lib\arm_math.lib /B /Y
+goto buildProject
+copy /B ".\RefLibs\%1\Lib\libarm_%2_ref.a" .\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Lib\libarm_ref.a /B /Y
+copy /B "..\Lib\%1\libarm_%2_math.a" .\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Lib\libarm_math.a /B /Y
+goto buildProject
+ echo Build Test Project ...
+%UVEXE% -r -j0 .\DspLibTest_%3\%1\DspLibTest_%3.uvprojx -t "%2" -o ".\Logs\DspLibTest_%3_%2_build.log"
+ echo Run Test ...
+del /Q ".\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Logs\DspLibTest_%3.log" 2>NUL
+del /Q ".\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Logs\DspLibTest_%3_%2.log" 2>NUL
+rem get start time (The format of %TIME% is HH:MM:SS,CS for example 23:59:59,99)
+rem run the test
+%UVEXE% -d .\DspLibTest_%3\%1\DspLibTest_%3.uvprojx -t "%2"
+rem get end time
+rem calculate duration
+rem Change formatting for the start and end times
+for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%STARTTIME%") do (
+ set /A "start=(((%%a*60)+1%%b %% 100)*60+1%%c %% 100)*100+1%%d %% 100"
+for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%ENDTIME%") do (
+ set /A "end=(((%%a*60)+1%%b %% 100)*60+1%%c %% 100)*100+1%%d %% 100"
+rem Test midnight rollover. If so, add 1 day=8640000 1/100ths secs
+if %end% lss %start% set /a end+=8640000
+rem Calculate the elapsed time by subtracting values
+set /A elapsed=end-start
+rem Format the results for output
+set /A hh=elapsed/(60*60*100), rest=elapsed%%(60*60*100), mm=rest/(60*100), rest%%=60*100, ss=rest/100, cc=rest%%100
+if %hh% lss 10 set hh=0%hh%
+if %mm% lss 10 set mm=0%mm%
+if %ss% lss 10 set ss=0%ss%
+if %cc% lss 10 set cc=0%cc%
+set DURATION=%hh%:%mm%:%ss%,%cc%
+rem write time to file
+echo Test %1 %2 : > ".\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Logs\DspLibTest_%3_%2_time.log"
+echo Start time: %STARTTIME% >> ".\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Logs\DspLibTest_%3_%2_time.log"
+echo End time: %ENDTIME% >> ".\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Logs\DspLibTest_%3_%2_time.log"
+echo Duration: %DURATION% >> ".\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Logs\DspLibTest_%3_%2_time.log"
+ echo Copy Logfile ...
+copy /B ".\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Logs\DspLibTest_%3.log" ".\DspLibTest_%3\%1\Logs\DspLibTest_%3_%2.log"
+goto end
+echo Syntax: runTest toolchain core test
+echo toolchain: ARM ^| GCC
+echo core: cortexM0l ^| cortexM3l ^| cortexM4l ^| cortexM4lf ^| cortexM7l ^| cortexM7lfsp ^| cortexM7lfdp
+echo ARMv8MBLl
+echo ARMv8MMLl ^| ARMv8MMLlfsp ^| ARMv8MMLlfdp
+echo ARMv8MMLld ^| ARMv8MMLldfsp ^| ARMv8MMLldfdp
+echo test: MPS2 ^| FVP ^| Simulator
+echo e.g.: runTest ARM cortexM3l Simulator
+@echo on