path: root/completion
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'completion')
4 files changed, 44 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/completion/bash-completion.sh b/completion/bash-completion.sh
index ae6a744..6a346f5 100644..100755
--- a/completion/bash-completion.sh
+++ b/completion/bash-completion.sh
@@ -1,36 +1,21 @@
-# bash completion for ponysay -*- shell-script -*-
+# this is bash completion function file for ponysay.py.
+# generated by genzshcomp(ver: 0.5.1)
- local cur prev words cword
- _init_completion -n = || return
- options="--version --help --list --altlist --pony --wrap --quote --balloonlist --balloon --file ++file ++pony ++list ++altlist --all ++all"
- options="$options --256-colours --tty-colours --kms-colours"
- COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur" ) )
- if [ $prev = "-f" ] || [ $prev = "--pony" ] || [ $prev = "--file" ]; then
- ponies=$('/usr/bin/ponysay' --onelist)
- COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$ponies" -- "$cur" ) )
+ local cur
+ local cmd
- elif [ $prev = "-F" ] || [ $prev = "++pony" ] || [ $prev = "++file" ]; then
- extraponies=$('/usr/bin/ponysay' ++onelist)
- COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$extraponies" -- "$cur" ) )
+ cmd=( ${COMP_WORDS[@]} )
- elif [ $prev = "-q" ] || [ $prev = "--quote" ]; then
- quoters=$('/usr/bin/ponysay' --quoters)
- COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$quoters" -- "$cur" ) )
- elif [ $prev = "-b" ] || [ $prev = "--balloon" ] || [ $prev = "--bubble" ]; then
- balloons=$('/usr/bin/ponysay' --balloonlist)
- COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$balloons" -- "$cur" ) )
- elif [ $prev = "-W" ] || [ $prev = "--wrap" ]; then
- cols=$(( `stty size | cut -d ' ' -f 2` - 10 ))
- COMPREPLY=( $cols $(( $cols / 2 )) 100 60 none inherit )
- fi
+ if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
+ COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "-h --help --pony -p --quote -q --center -c --center-text -C --width -w --balloon -b" -- $cur ) )
+ return 0
+ fi
-complete -o default -F _ponysay ponysay
+complete -F _ponysay.py -o default ponysay.py
diff --git a/completion/fish-completion.fish b/completion/fish-completion.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index 24e9b05..0000000
--- a/completion/fish-completion.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# fish completion for ponysay -*- shell-script -*-
-# Author: Elis Axelsson <etu AT elis DOT nu>
-set -g ponies ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --onelist)
-set -g xponies ('/usr/bin/ponysay' ++onelist)
-set -g quoters ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --quoters)
-set -g balloons ('/usr/bin/ponysay' --balloonlist)
-## TODO: update with options [see info manual]: +l +L ++list ++altlist ++file --file ++pony {-A, +A, -V, -K, -X}(with alternative)
-complete --command ponysay --short-option h --long-option help --description 'help of ponysay'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option v --long-option version --description 'version of ponysay'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option l --long-option list --description 'list pony names'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option L --long-option altlist --description 'list pony names with alternatives'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option B --long-option balloonlist --description 'list balloon style names'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option f --long-option pony --arguments "$ponies" --description 'pony'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option F --arguments "$xponies" --description 'extra pony'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option q --long-option quote --arguments "$quoters" --no-files --description 'pony'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option b --long-option balloon --arguments "$balloons" --no-files --description 'balloon style'
-complete --command ponysay --short-option W --long-option wrap --arguments 'Integer' --description 'specify the column when the message should be wrapped' ## TODO arguments `none` and `inherit` should be suggested
-complete --command ponysay --arguments 'MESSAGE'
-set -e ponies
-set -e xponies
-set -e quoters
-set -e balloons
diff --git a/completion/zsh-completion.sh b/completion/zsh-completion.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e280ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/completion/zsh-completion.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#compdef ponysay ponythink
+# this is zsh completion function file.
+# generated by genzshcomp(ver: 0.5.1)
+typeset -A opt_args
+local context state line
+local -a _available_ponies
+(( $+functions[_ponysay_pony] )) || _ponysay_pony()
+ (( $#_available_ponies )) || _available_ponies=($(ponysay -p list) )
+ compadd "$@" -a _available_ponies
+ [[ "$words" == ponythink* ]] && compadd "$@" cowsay ascii || compadd "$@" cowsay ascii unicode round linux-vt
+_arguments -s -w -S \
+ "(-h --help)"{-h,--help}"[show this help message and exit]" \
+ "(-p= --pony=)"{-p,--pony}"[The name of the pony to be used. Use \"-p list\" to list all ponies, \"-p random\" (default) to use a random pony.]:PONY:_ponysay_pony" \
+ "(-q --quote)"{-q,--quote}"[Use a random quote of the pony being displayed as text]" \
+ "(-c --center)"{-c,--center}"[Center the pony]" \
+ "(-C --center-text)"{-C,--center-text}"[Center the text in the bubble]" \
+ "(-w= --width=)"{-w,--width}"[Terminal width. Use 0 for unlimited width. Default: autodetect]:WIDTH: " \
+ "(-b= --balloon=)"{-b,--balloon}"[Balloon style to use. Use \"-b list\" to list available styles.]:BALLOON:_ponysay_balloons"
diff --git a/completion/zsh-completion.zsh b/completion/zsh-completion.zsh
deleted file mode 100644
index ec00594..0000000
--- a/completion/zsh-completion.zsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# zsh completion for ponysay -*- shell-script -*-
-#compdef ponysay ponythink
- '(--version -v)'{-v,--version}'[Show version and exit]'
- '(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Show this help and exit]'
- '(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[list pony names]'
- '(-L --altlist)'{-L,--altlist}'[list pony names with alternatives]'
- '(+l ++list)'{+l,++list}'[list extra pony names]'
- '(+L ++altlist)'{+L,++altlist}'[list extra pony names with alternatives]'
- '(-B --balloonlist)'{-B,--balloonlist}'[list balloon style names]'
- '(-b --ballon)'{-b,--balloon}'[Selecy a balloon style]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/balloons' -g "*(\:r)"'
- '(-c --compact)'{-c,--compat}'[Compress messages.]'
- '(-W --wrap)'{-W,--wrap}'[The screen column where the message should be wrapped]' # TODO arguments `none` and `inherit` should be suggested
- )
- '(-q --quite)'{-q,--quote}'[Select ponies for MLP:FiM quotes]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/ttyponies' -g "*(\:r)"'
- '(-f --pony)'{-f,--pony}'[select pony]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/ttyponies/' -g "*(\:r)"'
- '(-F ++pony)'{-F,++pony}'[Select a extra pony]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/extrattyponies' -g "*(\:r)"'
- )
- '(-q --quite)'{-q,--quote}'[Select ponies for MLP:FiM quotes]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/ponies' -g "*(\:r)"'
- '(-f --pony)'{-f,--pony}'[select pony]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/ponies/' -g "*(\:r)"'
- '(-F ++pony)'{-F,++pony}'[Select a extra pony]: :_path_files -W '/usr/share/ponysay/extraponies' -g "*(\:r)"'
- )
-if [[ "${(f)"$(tty)"##*/}" == "tty*" ]]; then
- _arguments \
- "$_opts[@]" \
- "$_tty_select[@]"
- _arguments \
- "$_opts[@]" \
- "$_select[@]"