path: root/ponysay.py
diff options
authorMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2012-08-19 22:12:28 +0200
committerMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2012-08-19 22:12:28 +0200
commit3704d1a2fa953f2610668b05142c2468f17c215c (patch)
tree71312adafb8c293335ca282f56e48174825452f4 /ponysay.py
parent80f3524a1bf78276e86d2250010747bf30de795c (diff)
can print the pony with link and other variables
Diffstat (limited to 'ponysay.py')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/ponysay.py b/ponysay.py
index 79477db..789c7e4 100755
--- a/ponysay.py
+++ b/ponysay.py
@@ -389,11 +389,15 @@ class Ponysay():
if linuxvt:
print('\033[H\033[2J', end='')
- proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=sys.stderr)
- output = proc.communicate()[0].decode('utf8', 'replace')
+ proc = Backend(message = msg, ponyfile = pony, wrapcolumn = int(args.opts['-W']) if args.opts['-W'] is not None else None) # Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=sys.stderr)
+ exit_value = 0
+ try:
+ proc.parse()
+ except:
+ exit_value = 1
+ output = proc.output # proc.communicate()[0].decode('utf8', 'replace')
if (len(output) > 0) and (output[-1] == '\n'):
output = output[:-1]
- exit_value = proc.returncode
env_bottom = os.environ['PONYSAY_BOTTOM'] if 'PONYSAY_BOTTOM' in os.environ else None
@@ -420,23 +424,6 @@ class Ponysay():
- ## TODO not implement, but it will be obsolete if we rewrite cowsay
- '''
- (if not customcowsay)
- pcmd='#!/usr/bin/perl\nuse utf8;'
- ccmd=$(for c in $(echo $PATH":" | sed -e 's/:/\/'"$cmd"' /g'); do if [ -f $c ]; then echo $c; break; fi done)
- if [ ${0} == *ponythink ]; then
- cat <(echo -e $pcmd) $ccmd > "/tmp/ponythink"
- perl '/tmp/ponythink' "$@"
- rm '/tmp/ponythink'
- else
- perl <(cat <(echo -e $pcmd) $ccmd) "$@"
- fi
- '''
@@ -531,7 +518,7 @@ VARIADIC = 2
Simple argument parser
-class ArgParser:
+class ArgParser():
The short description is printed on same line as the program name
@@ -784,6 +771,101 @@ opts.add_variadic( ['-q', '--quote'], arg = "PONY", help = 'Select a po
+Replacement for cowsay
+class Backend():
+ '''
+ Constructor
+ Takes message [string], ponyfile [filename string] and wrapcolumn [None or an int]
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, message, ponyfile, wrapcolumn):
+ self.message = message
+ self.wrapcolumn = wrapcolumn
+ self.output = None
+ ponystream = None
+ try:
+ ponystream = open(ponyfile, 'r')
+ self.pony = ''.join(ponystream.readlines())
+ finally:
+ if ponystream is not None:
+ ponystream.close()
+ def parse(self):
+ self.output = ''
+ variables = {'\\' : '\\', '/' : '/'} if not isthink else {'\\' : '\\', '/' : '/'}
+ variables[''] = '$'
+ indent = 0
+ dollar = None
+ (i, n) = (0, len(self.pony))
+ while i < n:
+ c = self.pony[i]
+ i += 1
+ if c == '$':
+ if dollar is not None:
+ if '=' in dollar:
+ name = dollar[:find('=')]
+ value = dollar[find('=') + 1:]
+ variables[name] = value
+ elif (len(dollar) < 7) or not (dollar[:7] == 'balloon'):
+ self.output += variables[dollar]
+ else:
+ (w, h) = (0, 0)
+ #final String props = var.substring("balloon".length());
+ #if (props.isEmpty() == false)
+ # if (props.contains(","))
+ # {
+ # if (props.startsWith(",") == false)
+ # w = Integer.parseInt(props.substring(0, props.indexOf(",")));
+ # h = Integer.parseInt(props.substring(1 + props.indexOf(",")));
+ # }
+ # else
+ # w = Integer.parseInt(props);
+ #
+ #balloon.print(w, h, indent);
+ indent = 0
+ dollar = None
+ else:
+ dollar = ''
+ elif dollar is not None:
+ dollar += c
+ elif c == '\033':
+ self.output += c
+ if i == n: break
+ c = self.pony[i]
+ i += 1
+ self.output += c
+ if c == ']':
+ if i == n: break
+ c = self.pony[i]
+ i += 1
+ self.output += c
+ if c == 'P':
+ di = 0
+ while (di < 7) and (i < n):
+ c = self.pony[i]
+ i += 1
+ di += 1
+ self.output = c
+ elif c == '[':
+ while i < n:
+ c = self.pony[i]
+ i += 1
+ self.output += c
+ if (c == '~') or (('a' <= c) and (c <= 'z')) or (('A' <= c) and (c <= 'Z')):
+ break
+ else:
+ self.output += c;
Start the program from ponysay.__init__ if this is the executed file