path: root/dxf_export/
diff options
authorMichael Schwarz <>2014-12-10 22:13:34 +0100
committerMichael Schwarz <>2014-12-10 22:13:34 +0100
commit8e5a1520cd5e901f514c382ad17e77d64727896a (patch)
tree184de9647c4776669f54fabf72e6f1f4bf2253a3 /dxf_export/
parent785aec3aa6e2deda9acfefa8a9114ea3e7d39f44 (diff)
Moved DXF export scripts to separate directory.
Diffstat (limited to 'dxf_export/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/dxf_export/ b/dxf_export/
deleted file mode 100755
index 47cc61e..0000000
--- a/dxf_export/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Copyright (C) 2006 Jean-Francois Barraud,
-Copyright (C) 2010 Alvin Penner,
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-This code defines several functions to make handling of transform
-attribute easier.
-import inkex, cubicsuperpath, bezmisc, simplestyle
-import copy, math, re
-def parseTransform(transf,mat=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]):
- if transf=="" or transf==None:
- return(mat)
- stransf = transf.strip()
- result=re.match("(translate|scale|rotate|skewX|skewY|matrix)\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*,?",stransf)
-#-- translate --
- if"translate":
-',',' ').split()
- dx=float(args[0])
- if len(args)==1:
- dy=0.0
- else:
- dy=float(args[1])
- matrix=[[1,0,dx],[0,1,dy]]
-#-- scale --
- if"scale":
-',',' ').split()
- sx=float(args[0])
- if len(args)==1:
- sy=sx
- else:
- sy=float(args[1])
- matrix=[[sx,0,0],[0,sy,0]]
-#-- rotate --
- if"rotate":
-',',' ').split()
- a=float(args[0])*math.pi/180
- if len(args)==1:
- cx,cy=(0.0,0.0)
- else:
- cx,cy=map(float,args[1:])
- matrix=[[math.cos(a),-math.sin(a),cx],[math.sin(a),math.cos(a),cy]]
- matrix=composeTransform(matrix,[[1,0,-cx],[0,1,-cy]])
-#-- skewX --
- if"skewX":
- a=float(*math.pi/180
- matrix=[[1,math.tan(a),0],[0,1,0]]
-#-- skewY --
- if"skewY":
- a=float(*math.pi/180
- matrix=[[1,0,0],[math.tan(a),1,0]]
-#-- matrix --
- if"matrix":
- a11,a21,a12,a22,v1,',',' ').split()
- matrix=[[float(a11),float(a12),float(v1)], [float(a21),float(a22),float(v2)]]
- matrix=composeTransform(mat,matrix)
- if result.end() < len(stransf):
- return(parseTransform(stransf[result.end():], matrix))
- else:
- return matrix
-def formatTransform(mat):
- return ("matrix(%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f)" % (mat[0][0], mat[1][0], mat[0][1], mat[1][1], mat[0][2], mat[1][2]))
-def composeTransform(M1,M2):
- a11 = M1[0][0]*M2[0][0] + M1[0][1]*M2[1][0]
- a12 = M1[0][0]*M2[0][1] + M1[0][1]*M2[1][1]
- a21 = M1[1][0]*M2[0][0] + M1[1][1]*M2[1][0]
- a22 = M1[1][0]*M2[0][1] + M1[1][1]*M2[1][1]
- v1 = M1[0][0]*M2[0][2] + M1[0][1]*M2[1][2] + M1[0][2]
- v2 = M1[1][0]*M2[0][2] + M1[1][1]*M2[1][2] + M1[1][2]
- return [[a11,a12,v1],[a21,a22,v2]]
-def composeParents(node, mat):
- trans = node.get('transform')
- if trans:
- mat = composeTransform(parseTransform(trans), mat)
- if node.getparent().tag == inkex.addNS('g','svg'):
- mat = composeParents(node.getparent(), mat)
- return mat
-def applyTransformToNode(mat,node):
- m=parseTransform(node.get("transform"))
- newtransf=formatTransform(composeTransform(mat,m))
- node.set("transform", newtransf)
-def applyTransformToPoint(mat,pt):
- x = mat[0][0]*pt[0] + mat[0][1]*pt[1] + mat[0][2]
- y = mat[1][0]*pt[0] + mat[1][1]*pt[1] + mat[1][2]
- pt[0]=x
- pt[1]=y
-def applyTransformToPath(mat,path):
- for comp in path:
- for ctl in comp:
- for pt in ctl:
- applyTransformToPoint(mat,pt)
-def fuseTransform(node):
- if node.get('d')==None:
- #FIXME: how do you raise errors?
- raise AssertionError, 'can not fuse "transform" of elements that have no "d" attribute'
- t = node.get("transform")
- if t == None:
- return
- m = parseTransform(t)
- d = node.get('d')
- p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)
- applyTransformToPath(m,p)
- node.set('d', cubicsuperpath.formatPath(p))
- del node.attrib["transform"]
-##-- Some functions to compute a rough bbox of a given list of objects.
-##-- this should be shipped out in an separate file...
-def boxunion(b1,b2):
- if b1 is None:
- return b2
- elif b2 is None:
- return b1
- else:
- return((min(b1[0],b2[0]), max(b1[1],b2[1]), min(b1[2],b2[2]), max(b1[3],b2[3])))
-def roughBBox(path):
- xmin,xMax,ymin,yMax = path[0][0][0][0],path[0][0][0][0],path[0][0][0][1],path[0][0][0][1]
- for pathcomp in path:
- for ctl in pathcomp:
- for pt in ctl:
- xmin = min(xmin,pt[0])
- xMax = max(xMax,pt[0])
- ymin = min(ymin,pt[1])
- yMax = max(yMax,pt[1])
- return xmin,xMax,ymin,yMax
-def refinedBBox(path):
- xmin,xMax,ymin,yMax = path[0][0][1][0],path[0][0][1][0],path[0][0][1][1],path[0][0][1][1]
- for pathcomp in path:
- for i in range(1, len(pathcomp)):
- cmin, cmax = cubicExtrema(pathcomp[i-1][1][0], pathcomp[i-1][2][0], pathcomp[i][0][0], pathcomp[i][1][0])
- xmin = min(xmin, cmin)
- xMax = max(xMax, cmax)
- cmin, cmax = cubicExtrema(pathcomp[i-1][1][1], pathcomp[i-1][2][1], pathcomp[i][0][1], pathcomp[i][1][1])
- ymin = min(ymin, cmin)
- yMax = max(yMax, cmax)
- return xmin,xMax,ymin,yMax
-def cubicExtrema(y0, y1, y2, y3):
- cmin = min(y0, y3)
- cmax = max(y0, y3)
- d1 = y1 - y0
- d2 = y2 - y1
- d3 = y3 - y2
- if (d1 - 2*d2 + d3):
- if (d2*d2 > d1*d3):
- t = (d1 - d2 + math.sqrt(d2*d2 - d1*d3))/(d1 - 2*d2 + d3)
- if (t > 0) and (t < 1):
- y = y0*(1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*y1*t*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*y2*t*t*(1-t) + y3*t*t*t
- cmin = min(cmin, y)
- cmax = max(cmax, y)
- t = (d1 - d2 - math.sqrt(d2*d2 - d1*d3))/(d1 - 2*d2 + d3)
- if (t > 0) and (t < 1):
- y = y0*(1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*y1*t*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*y2*t*t*(1-t) + y3*t*t*t
- cmin = min(cmin, y)
- cmax = max(cmax, y)
- elif (d3 - d1):
- t = -d1/(d3 - d1)
- if (t > 0) and (t < 1):
- y = y0*(1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*y1*t*(1-t)*(1-t) + 3*y2*t*t*(1-t) + y3*t*t*t
- cmin = min(cmin, y)
- cmax = max(cmax, y)
- return cmin, cmax
-def computeBBox(aList,mat=[[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]):
- bbox=None
- for node in aList:
- m = parseTransform(node.get('transform'))
- m = composeTransform(mat,m)
- #TODO: text not supported!
- d = None
- if node.get("d"):
- d = node.get('d')
- elif node.get('points'):
- d = 'M' + node.get('points')
- elif node.tag in [ inkex.addNS('rect','svg'), 'rect', inkex.addNS('image','svg'), 'image' ]:
- d = 'M' + node.get('x', '0') + ',' + node.get('y', '0') + \
- 'h' + node.get('width') + 'v' + node.get('height') + \
- 'h-' + node.get('width')
- elif node.tag in [ inkex.addNS('line','svg'), 'line' ]:
- d = 'M' + node.get('x1') + ',' + node.get('y1') + \
- ' ' + node.get('x2') + ',' + node.get('y2')
- elif node.tag in [ inkex.addNS('circle','svg'), 'circle', \
- inkex.addNS('ellipse','svg'), 'ellipse' ]:
- rx = node.get('r')
- if rx is not None:
- ry = rx
- else:
- rx = node.get('rx')
- ry = node.get('ry')
- cx = float(node.get('cx', '0'))
- cy = float(node.get('cy', '0'))
- x1 = cx - float(rx)
- x2 = cx + float(rx)
- d = 'M %f %f ' % (x1, cy) + \
- 'A' + rx + ',' + ry + ' 0 1 0 %f,%f' % (x2, cy) + \
- 'A' + rx + ',' + ry + ' 0 1 0 %f,%f' % (x1, cy)
- if d is not None:
- p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)
- applyTransformToPath(m,p)
- bbox=boxunion(refinedBBox(p),bbox)
- elif node.tag == inkex.addNS('use','svg') or node.tag=='use':
- refid=node.get(inkex.addNS('href','xlink'))
- path = '//*[@id="%s"]' % refid[1:]
- refnode = node.xpath(path)
- bbox=boxunion(computeBBox(refnode,m),bbox)
- bbox=boxunion(computeBBox(node,m),bbox)
- return bbox
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 fileencoding=utf-8 textwidth=99