path: root/doc/
diff options
authorjaseg <>2018-05-20 15:54:03 +0200
committerjaseg <>2018-05-20 15:54:03 +0200
commitcba83e780a9350eb45eb1c2f09fc87f5d389e1ac (patch)
tree89232388812444e2f95242e2b49d68d0de510f1c /doc/
parentf4d511afdb126de676914a74bf5143d913f62a4f (diff)
Move documentation and simulation stuff to its own subdir
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..38145d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import ast
+import re
+import csv
+import math
+ 'a': 1e-18,
+ 'f': 1e-15,
+ 'p': 1e-12,
+ 'n': 1e-9,
+ 'u': 1e-6,
+ 'µ': 1e-6,
+ 'm': 1e-3,
+ 'k': 1e3,
+ 'M': 1e6,
+ 'G': 1e9,
+ 'T': 1e12,
+ 'P': 1e15,
+ 'E': 1e18,
+def load_ltspice_csv(filename):
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t')
+ fieldnames = reader.fieldnames
+ return np.array([ [float(field) for field in line.values()] for line in reader ]), fieldnames
+def parse_unit(val, **units):
+ for unit, scale in units.items():
+ if val.endswith(unit):
+ val = val[:-len(unit)]
+ break
+ else:
+ scale = 1.0
+ if val[0] == '!':
+ val = '-'+val[1:]
+ try:
+ return float(val)*scale
+ except:
+ match = re.match(r'(-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?)([afpnuµmkMGTPE])', val)
+ if not match:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid value: {val}')
+ val, _, suffix = match.groups()
+ return float(val) * MULTIPLIERS[suffix] * scale
+def parse_range(text, sep='-', **units):
+ if text:
+ start, _, end = text.partition(sep)
+ return parse_unit(start, **units), parse_unit(end, **units) if end else math.inf
+ else:
+ return 0, math.inf
+def apply_style(ax):
+ ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False)
+ ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False)
+ ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('#08bdf9')
+ ax.spines['left'].set_color('#08bdf9')
+ ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors='#01769D')
+ ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors='#01769D')
+ ax.xaxis.label.set_color('#01769D')
+ ax.yaxis.label.set_color('#01769D')
+ ax.grid(color='#08bdf9', linestyle=':')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ import os
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('input_txt', action='store', nargs='+', help='LTSpice .txt data export')
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output SVG file. Defaults to <input file name>.svg.', default=None, nargs='?')
+ parser.add_argument('-s', '--span', default=None, help='Time span to plot, format: [time][unit]{-[time][unit]}')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--channels', default=[None], action='store', nargs='*', help='List of channels to plot. Comma-separated 0-based indices or signal names. Use multiple times for vertically-stacked subplots.')
+ parser.add_argument('-x', '--xlabel', default='$t\;(\mu s)$', help='Time axis label')
+ parser.add_argument('-y', '--ylabel', default=[None]*100, action='store', nargs='*', help='Y axis labels. Use multiple times for subplots.')
+ parser.add_argument('-r', '--yrange', default=[None]*100, action='store', nargs='*', help='Value ranges for y axes. Use multiple times for subplots. Use ! instead of prefix minus sign.')
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--timescale', default='1us', help='Time axis unit')
+ parser.add_argument('--subplot-title', default=[None]*100, action='store', nargs='*', help='Subplot titles')
+ parser.add_argument('-f', '--figure-size', default='8x6', help='Plot size in [x]x[y] inches')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ start, end = parse_range(args.span, s=1)
+ timescale = parse_unit(args.timescale, s=1)
+ inputs = []
+ for filename in args.input_txt:
+ data, fieldnames = load_ltspice_csv(filename)
+ data = data[(data[:,0] > start) & (data[:,0] < end)]
+ data[:,0] = (data[:,0] - start) / timescale
+ inputs.append((data, fieldnames))
+ fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(args.channels), 1, squeeze=False, sharex=True, figsize=parse_range(args.figure_size, sep='x'))
+ for row, (ax, channelspec) in enumerate(zip(axs.flatten(), args.channels)):
+ channels = channelspec.split(',') if args.channels else range(0, 1000)
+ apply_style(ax)
+ n_plotted = 0
+ name_plotted = 'V(out)'
+ for k, (data, fieldnames) in enumerate(inputs):
+ for i, name in enumerate(fieldnames[1:], start=1):
+ if not any(x in channels for x in [i, f'{i}', f'{k}:{i}', f'{name}', f'{k}:{name}']):
+ print(f'Not plotting channel {i} "{name}"')
+ continue
+ print(f'Plotting channel {i} "{name}"')
+ ax.plot(data[:,0], data[:,i], color='#fe3ea0')
+ n_plotted += 1
+ name_plotted = name
+ if args.yrange[row]:
+ ax.set_ylim(parse_range(args.yrange[row], A=1, V=1))
+ if args.ylabel[row]:
+ ax.set_ylabel(args.ylabel[row])
+ else: # Guess label
+ unit = {'V': 'V', 'I': 'A'}[name_plotted[0]]
+ if n_plotted == 1:
+ ax.set_ylabel(f'${name_plotted}\;({unit})$')
+ else:
+ ax.set_ylabel(f'${name_plotted[0]}\;({unit})$')
+ if args.subplot_title[row] not in (None, '<none>'):
+ ax.set_title(args.subplot_title[row], color='#fe3ea0', fontname='Fredoka One')
+ outfile = args.output if args.output else os.path.splitext(args.input_txt[0])[0] + '.svg'
+ if args.xlabel:
+ axs.flatten()[-1].set_xlabel(args.xlabel)
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ fig.savefig(outfile)