diff options
authorjaseg <>2018-06-17 14:06:52 +0200
committerjaseg <>2018-06-17 14:06:52 +0200
commit2d583dc7d0b0b58e94da0a2e56277e42ed762914 (patch)
parentcba83e780a9350eb45eb1c2f09fc87f5d389e1ac (diff)
Clamp looking alright
3 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_base.scad b/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_base.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cea8b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_base.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/* A small, arbitrary unit to guard against rounding errors */
+eps = 0.1;
+alot = 1000;
+/* Base PCB size */
+pcb_width = 90;
+pcb_height = 50;
+bottom_thickness = 1.5;
+screw_base_dia = 8;
+screw_base_h = 5;
+screw_nut_dia = 5.4;
+screw_nut_h = 6;
+screw_hole_dia = 3.5;
+screw_hole_h = 6;
+module rounded_rect(w, h, r) {
+ hull(){
+ translate([w/2-r, h/2-r]) circle(r);
+ translate([-(w/2-r), h/2-r]) circle(r);
+ translate([w/2-r, -(h/2-r)]) circle(r);
+ translate([-(w/2-r), -(h/2-r)]) circle(r);
+ }
+module single_screw_base() {
+ translate([0, 0, bottom_thickness-eps]) linear_extrude(height=screw_base_h+eps) {
+ circle(d=screw_base_dia);
+ translate([-screw_base_dia/2, 0]) square([alot, alot]);
+ translate([0, -screw_base_dia/2]) square([alot, alot]);
+ }
+w = pcb_width+10;
+h = pcb_height;
+l = 10;
+r = 10;
+t = 5;
+b = 5;
+s1_pos = [ w/2-l, h/2-b];
+s2_pos = [-w/2+r, -h/2+t];
+s3_pos = [ w/2-l, -h/2+t];
+s4_pos = [-w/2+r, h/2-b];
+module screw_bases() {
+ intersection() {
+ union() {
+ translate(s1_pos) single_screw_base();
+ translate(s2_pos) mirror([1,1,0]) single_screw_base();
+ translate(s3_pos) mirror([0,1,0]) single_screw_base();
+ translate(s4_pos) mirror([1,0,0]) single_screw_base();
+ }
+ cube([w+eps, h+eps, alot], center=true);
+ }
+module single_screw_hole() {
+ translate([0, 0, bottom_thickness+screw_base_h+eps])
+ mirror([0,0,1])
+ union() {
+ cylinder(h=screw_nut_h+eps, d=screw_nut_dia);
+ cylinder(h=screw_hole_h+eps, d=screw_hole_dia);
+ }
+module screw_holes() {
+ translate(s1_pos) single_screw_hole();
+ translate(s2_pos) mirror([1,1,0]) single_screw_hole();
+ translate(s3_pos) mirror([0,1,0]) single_screw_hole();
+ translate(s4_pos) mirror([1,0,0]) single_screw_hole();
+tab_w = 20;
+tab_h = 30;
+tab_thickness = 3;
+tab_hole_d = 9;
+module screw_tab() {
+ difference() {
+ translate([-tab_h/2, -eps, 0]) cube([tab_h, tab_w+eps, tab_thickness]);
+ rotate([0, 0, -50]) translate([-alot/2, tab_h*0.6, -eps]) cube([alot, alot, tab_h+2*eps]);
+ rotate([0, 0, 50]) translate([-alot/2, tab_h*0.6, -eps]) cube([alot, alot, tab_thickness+2*eps]);
+ translate([0, tab_w/2, -eps]) cylinder(d=tab_hole_d, h=tab_thickness+eps*2);
+ }
+wall_height = bottom_thickness + 3;
+wall_thickness = 1.5;
+cutout_w = 25;
+cutout_h = 70;
+module carrier() {
+ union() {
+ difference() {
+ translate([0, 0, wall_height/2]) cube([w, h, wall_height], center=true);
+ translate([0, 0, bottom_thickness + alot/2]) cube([w-wall_thickness*2+eps, h-wall_thickness*2+eps, alot], center=true);
+ cube([cutout_h, cutout_w, alot], center=true);
+ }
+ difference() {
+ screw_bases();
+ screw_holes();
+ }
+ translate([0, h/2, 0]) screw_tab();
+ mirror([0,1,0]) translate([0, h/2, 0]) screw_tab();
+ }
+carrier($fn=25); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_base.scad b/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_base.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73fba97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_base.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+eps = 0.01;
+module clamp(l=90, w=20, h=10, d1=40, o=10, hdia1=5, hdia2=10, hd=1, nw=7.8, nd=3, notch_sf=0.75, notch_d=5, notch_a=10, notch_o=1, edge_a=10, edge_d=22) {
+ translate([-h-l/2, -w/2, 0]) union() {
+ translate([l+h-notch_d, 0, 0]) intersection() {
+ difference() {
+ cube([d1, w, d1]);
+ //scale([notch_sf, 1, 1]) translate([(d1-h)/2, 0, h+(d1-h)/2]) rotate([0, -135, 0]) translate([0, -eps/2, 0]) cube([d1, w+eps, d1]);
+ translate([notch_d, 0, h+notch_o]) mirror([1, 0, 0]) rotate([0, notch_a, 0]) translate([0, -eps/2, 0]) cube([d1, w+eps, d1]);
+ }
+ translate([d1-edge_a, 0, d1/2]) rotate([0, -90-45, 0]) cube([2*d1, w+eps, 2*d1]);
+ translate([-d1-edge_d, 0]) cube([2*d1, w+eps, 2*d1]);
+ }
+ difference() {
+ union() {
+ cube ([l+h, w, h]);
+ cube ([h, w, d1]);
+ }
+ rotate([0, 45, 0]) translate([-l/2, -eps/2, -d1/8*7]) cube([l, w+eps, d1]);
+ translate([0, 0, d1]) rotate([0, 90+45, 0]) translate([-l/2, -eps/2, -d1/8*7]) cube([l, w+eps, d1]);
+ translate([-eps/2, w/2, d1-o]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) union() {
+ cylinder(d=hdia1, h=l);
+ cylinder(d=hdia2, h=hd);
+ translate([0, 0, h-nd/2]) hexagon(nw, nd+2*eps);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+module hexagon(size, height) {
+ boxWidth = size/1.75;
+ for (r = [-60, 0, 60]) rotate([0,0,r]) cube([boxWidth, size, height], true);
+nut_dia = 5.3;
+nut_off_y = 80/2;
+nut_off_x = 20;
+module base($fn=25, cw=90, sw=15, sh=10, strut_spacing=30, clamp_dist=90) {
+ difference() {
+ translate([0, -clamp_dist/2, 0]) union() {
+ translate([0, clamp_dist, 0]) clamp(l=cw, h=sh);
+ /*
+ translate([0, 0, 0]) clamp(l=cw, h=sh);
+ translate([-strut_spacing/2-sw, 0, 0]) cube([sw, clamp_dist, sh]);
+ translate([ strut_spacing/2, 0, 0]) cube([sw, clamp_dist, sh]);
+ */
+ }
+ /*
+ translate([nut_off_x, nut_off_y, -eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth+eps);
+ translate([nut_off_x, -nut_off_y, -eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth+eps);
+ translate([-nut_off_x, nut_off_y, -eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth+eps);
+ translate([-nut_off_x, -nut_off_y, -eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth+eps);
+ */
+ }
+base(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_stoppers.scad b/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_stoppers.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ca8a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_stoppers.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+w = 20;
+h = w;
+d = 5;
+hole_dia = 5;
+hole_d = 4;
+hole_fringe = 1.5;
+fringe_extra = 1.0;
+eps = 0.001;
+module stopper() {
+ difference() {
+ union() {
+ translate([-w/2, -h/2, 0]) cube([w, h, d]);
+ translate([0, 0, d-eps]) cylinder(d1=hole_dia+2*hole_fringe+2*fringe_extra, d2=hole_dia+2*fringe_extra, h=hole_fringe);
+ }
+ translate([0, 0, d+hole_fringe-hole_d]) cylinder(d=hole_dia, h=hole_d+eps);
+ }
+stopper($fn=25); \ No newline at end of file