path: root/host
diff options
authorjaseg <jaseg@jaseg.net>2014-02-17 20:34:36 +0100
committerjaseg <jaseg@jaseg.net>2014-02-17 20:34:36 +0100
commit1392b46636e9df2a4e4ecc56f12df2cb0301f6e8 (patch)
tree770874ccd01bd9b5d83ccfe93a99f43957a1cc28 /host
parent65784459319c5012a8858e9e0528f2941c81a149 (diff)
Network handling works now
Diffstat (limited to 'host')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/host/server.py b/host/server.py
index 1ab7959..ab3f7b5 100755
--- a/host/server.py
+++ b/host/server.py
@@ -1,16 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
+from socketserver import *
+from time import time, strftime, sleep
+from collections import namedtuple
+from itertools import product
+import threading
+import random
from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, c_void_p, Structure, c_uint8, c_size_t, cast, addressof
import numpy as np
-from itertools import product
from matelight import sendframe, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT
-from terminal import printframe
class COLOR(Structure):
- _fields_ = [('r', c_uint8), ('g', c_uint8), ('b', c_uint8), ('a', c_uint8)]
+ _fields_ = [('r', c_uint8), ('g', c_uint8), ('b', c_uint8), ('a', c_uint8)]
class FRAMEBUFFER(Structure):
- _fields_ = [('data', POINTER(COLOR)), ('w', c_size_t), ('h', c_size_t)]
+ _fields_ = [('data', POINTER(COLOR)), ('w', c_size_t), ('h', c_size_t)]
bdf = CDLL('./libbdf.so')
bdf.read_bdf_file.restype = c_void_p
@@ -19,31 +30,130 @@ bdf.framebuffer_render_text.restype = POINTER(FRAMEBUFFER)
unifont = bdf.read_bdf_file('unifont.bdf')
def render_text(text):
- assert unifont
- fb = bdf.framebuffer_render_text(bytes(str(text), 'UTF-8'), unifont)
- fbd = fb.contents
- buf = np.ctypeslib.as_array(cast(fbd.data, POINTER(c_uint8)), shape=(fbd.h, fbd.w, 4))
- # Set data pointer to NULL before freeing framebuffer struct to prevent free_framebuffer from also freeing the data
- # buffer that is now used by numpy
- #bdf.console_render_buffer(fb)
- fbd.data = cast(c_void_p(), POINTER(COLOR))
- bdf.free_framebuffer(fb)
- return buf
+ assert unifont
+ fb = bdf.framebuffer_render_text(bytes(str(text), 'UTF-8'), unifont)
+ fbd = fb.contents
+ buf = np.ctypeslib.as_array(cast(fbd.data, POINTER(c_uint8)), shape=(fbd.h, fbd.w, 4))
+ # Set data pointer to NULL before freeing framebuffer struct to prevent free_framebuffer from also freeing the data
+ # buffer that is now used by numpy
+ #bdf.console_render_buffer(fb)
+ fbd.data = cast(c_void_p(), POINTER(COLOR))
+ bdf.free_framebuffer(fb)
+ return buf
def printframe(fb):
- h,w,_ = fb.shape
- print('\033[H\033[2J')
- bdf.console_render_buffer(fb.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_uint8)), w, h)
+ h,w,_ = fb.shape
+ print('\033[s\033[H', end='')
+ bdf.console_render_buffer(fb.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_uint8)), w, h)
+ print('\033[0m\033[u', end='')
+def scroll(text):
+ """ Returns whether it could scroll all the text uninterrupted """
+ fb = render_text(text);
+ h,w,_ = fb.shape
+ for i in range(-DISPLAY_WIDTH,w+1):
+ if current_entry.entrytype == 'udp' or (current_entry in defaulttexts and textqueue):
+ return False
+ leftpad = np.zeros((DISPLAY_HEIGHT, max(-i, 0), 4), dtype=np.uint8)
+ framedata = fb[:, max(0, i):min(i+DISPLAY_WIDTH, w)]
+ rightpad = np.zeros((DISPLAY_HEIGHT, min(DISPLAY_WIDTH, max(0, i+DISPLAY_WIDTH-w)), 4), dtype=np.uint8)
+ dice = np.concatenate((leftpad, framedata, rightpad), 1)
+ sendframe(dice)
+ #printframe(dice)
+ fb = render_text(text);
+ return True
+QueueEntry = namedtuple('QueueEntry', ['entrytype', 'remote', 'timestamp', 'text'])
+defaulttexts = [QueueEntry('text', '', 0, t) for t in [
+ '\x1B[92mMate Light\x1B[93m@\x1B[92mPlay store or \x1B[94;101mtcp://matelight.cbrp3.c-base.org:1337\x1B[0;91m ♥',
+ '\x1B[92mMate Light\x1B[0;91m ♥ \x1B[92mUnicode',
+ '\x1B[92mMate Light\x1B[0m powered by \x1B[95mMicrosoft™ \x1B[96mMarquee Manager® Professional OEM',
+ '\x1B[92mMate Light\x1B[0m powered by \x1B[95mData Becker™ \x1B[96mLaufschriftstudio 2000® Platinum Edition',
+ '\x1B[92mMate Light\x1B[0m powered by \x1B[95mApple™ \x1B[96miScroll®',
+ '\x1B[92mMate Light\x1B[0m powered by \x1B[95mSiemens™ \x1B[96mLaufschrift® v.0.1.2b fuer Intel™ Pentium®',
+ ]]
+current_entry = random.choice(defaulttexts)
+conns = {}
+textqueue = []
+def log(*args):
+ print(strftime('[%m-%d %H:%M:%S]'), *args)
+class MateLightUDPHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
+ def handle(self):
+ try:
+ global current_entry, conns
+ data = self.request[0].strip()
+ if len(data) != FRAME_SIZE+4:
+ #raise ValueError('Invalid frame size: Expected {}, got {}'.format(FRAME_SIZE+4, len(data)))
+ return
+ frame = data[:-4]
+ #crc1, = struct.unpack('!I', data[-4:])
+ #crc2, = zlib.crc32(frame, 0),
+ #if crc1 != crc2:
+ # raise ValueError('Invalid frame CRC checksum: Expected {}, got {}'.format(crc2, crc1))
+ #socket.sendto(b'ACK', self.client_address)
+ a = np.array(list(frame), dtype=np.uint8)
+ timestamp = time()
+ addr = self.client_address[0]
+ if addr not in conns:
+ current_entry = QueueEntry('udp', addr, timestamp, '')
+ conns[addr] = current_entry
+ log('New UDP connection from', addr)
+ else:
+ conns[addr].timestamp = timestamp
+ if current_entry.entrytype == 'udp' and current_entry.remote == addr:
+ frame = a.reshape((DISPLAY_HEIGHT, DISPLAY_WIDTH, 3))
+ sendframe(frame)
+ #printframe(frame)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Error receiving UDP frame:', e)
+ ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_tb(tb)
+class MateLightTCPTextHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
+ def handle(self):
+ global current_entry, conns
+ data = str(self.request.recv(1024).strip(), 'UTF-8')
+ addr = self.client_address[0]
+ timestamp = time()
+ if len(data) > 140:
+ self.request.sendall('TOO MUCH INFORMATION!\n')
+ return
+ log('Text from {}: {}\x1B[0m'.format(addr, data))
+ textqueue.append(QueueEntry('text', addr, timestamp, data))
+ self.request.sendall(b'KTHXBYE!\n')
+TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
+server = TCPServer(('', 1337), MateLightTCPTextHandler)
+t = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
+t.daemon = True
+UDPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
+userver = UDPServer(('', 1337), MateLightUDPHandler)
+t = threading.Thread(target=userver.serve_forever)
+t.daemon = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
- fb = render_text('\033[31;48;5;167;4;6mfoo\033[0;91mbar\033[93;106;5mbaz\033[0m\033[0;94;6m♥♥♥');
- h,w,_ = fb.shape
- for i in range(-DISPLAY_WIDTH,w+1):
- leftpad = np.zeros((DISPLAY_HEIGHT, max(-i, 0), 4), dtype=np.uint8)
- framedata = fb[:, max(0, i):min(i+DISPLAY_WIDTH, w)]
- rightpad = np.zeros((DISPLAY_HEIGHT, min(DISPLAY_WIDTH, max(0, i+DISPLAY_WIDTH-w)), 4), dtype=np.uint8)
- dice = np.concatenate((leftpad, framedata, rightpad), 1)
- sendframe(dice)
- printframe(dice)
- fb = render_text('\033[31;48;5;167;4;6mfoo\033[0;91mbar\033[93;106;5mbaz\033[0m\033[0;94;6m♥♥♥');
+ print('\n'*7)
+ while True:
+ if current_entry.entrytype == 'text':
+ if scroll(current_entry.text):
+ textqueue.remove(current_entry)
+ if textqueue:
+ current_entry = textqueue[0]
+ else:
+ if conns:
+ current_entry = random.choice(conns.values())
+ else:
+ current_entry = random.choice(defaulttexts)
+ if current_entry.entrytype != 'udp' and textqueue:
+ current_entry = textqueue[0]
+ if current_entry.entrytype == 'udp':
+ if time() - current_entry.timestamp > UDP_TIMEOUT:
+ current_entry = random.choice(defaulttexts)
+ else:
+ sleep(0.2)