path: root/controller/fw/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'controller/fw/src')
7 files changed, 794 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/controller/fw/src/freq_meas.c b/controller/fw/src/freq_meas.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6b3976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller/fw/src/freq_meas.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <arm_math.h>
+#include <levmarq.h>
+#include "freq_meas.h"
+#include "sr_global.h"
+/* FTT window lookup table defined in generated/fmeas_fft_window.c */
+extern const float * const fmeas_fft_window_table;
+/* jury-rig some definitions for these functions since the ARM headers only export an over-generalized variable bin size
+ * variant. */
+extern arm_status arm_rfft_32_fast_init_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S);
+extern arm_status arm_rfft_64_fast_init_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S);
+extern arm_status arm_rfft_128_fast_init_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S);
+extern arm_status arm_rfft_256_fast_init_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S);
+extern arm_status arm_rfft_512_fast_init_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S);
+extern arm_status arm_rfft_1024_fast_init_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S);
+extern arm_status arm_rfft_2048_fast_init_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S);
+extern arm_status arm_rfft_4096_fast_init_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S);
+#define CONCAT(A, B, C) A ## B ## C
+#define arm_rfft_init_name(nbits) CONCAT(arm_rfft_, nbits, _fast_init_f32)
+float func_gauss_grad(float *out, float *params, int x, void *userdata);
+float func_gauss(float *params, int x, void *userdata);
+int adc_buf_measure_freq(uint16_t adc_buf[FMEAS_FFT_LEN], float *out) {
+ int rc;
+ float in_buf[FMEAS_FFT_LEN];
+ float out_buf[FMEAS_FFT_LEN];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<FMEAS_FFT_LEN; i++)
+ in_buf[i] = (float)adc_buf[i] / (float)FMEAS_ADC_MAX * fmeas_fft_window_table[i];
+ arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 fft_inst;
+ if ((rc = arm_rfft_init_name(FMEAS_FFT_LEN)(&fft_inst)) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
+ return rc;
+ arm_rfft_fast_f32(&fft_inst, in_buf, out_buf, 0);
+#define FMEAS_FFT_WINDOW_MIN_F 30.0f
+#define FMEAS_FFT_WINDOW_MAX_F 70.0f
+ const float binsize = (float)FMEAS_ADC_SAMPLING_RATE / FMEAS_FFT_LEN;
+ const int first_bin = (int)(FMEAS_FFT_WINDOW_MIN_F / binsize);
+ const int last_bin = (int)(FMEAS_FFT_WINDOW_MAX_F / binsize + 0.5f);
+ const int nbins = last_bin - first_bin + 1;
+ /* Copy real values of target data to front of output buffer */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<nbins; i++)
+ out_buf[i] = out_buf[2 * (first_bin + i)];
+ LMstat lmstat;
+ levmarq_init(&lmstat);
+ float a_max = 0.0f;
+ int i_max = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<nbins; i++) {
+ if (out_buf[i] > a_max) {
+ a_max = out_buf[i];
+ i_max = i;
+ }
+ }
+ float par[3] = {
+ a_max, i_max, 1.0f
+ };
+ if (levmarq(3, &params, nbins, out_buf, NULL, func_gauss, func_gauss_grad, NULL, &lmstat))
+ return -1;
+ *out = (params[1] + first_bin) * binsize;
+ return 0;
+float func_gauss(float *params, int x, void *userdata) {
+ UNUSED(userdata);
+ float a = params[0];
+ float mu = params[1];
+ float sigma = params[2];
+ return a*expf(-arm_power_f32((x-mu), 2.0f/(2.0f*(sigma*sigma))));
+float func_gauss_grad(float *out, float *params, int x, void *userdata) {
+ UNUSED(userdata);
+ float a = params[0];
+ float mu = params[1];
+ float sigma = params[2];
+ return -(x-mu) / ( sigma*sigma*sigma * 2.5066282746310002f) * a*expf(-arm_power_f32((x-mu), 2.0f/(2.0f*(sigma*sigma))));
diff --git a/controller/fw/src/freq_meas.h b/controller/fw/src/freq_meas.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c083f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller/fw/src/freq_meas.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef __FREQ_MEAS_H__
+#define __FREQ_MEAS_H__
+int adc_buf_measure_freq(uint16_t adc_buf[FMEAS_FFT_LEN], float *out);
+#endif /* __FREQ_MEAS_H__ */
diff --git a/controller/fw/src/gold_code.h b/controller/fw/src/gold_code.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..739b477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller/fw/src/gold_code.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+/* header file for generated gold code tables */
+extern const uint8_t * const gold_code_table;
diff --git a/controller/fw/src/ldpc_decoder.c b/controller/fw/src/ldpc_decoder.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe59d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller/fw/src/ldpc_decoder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+void gausselimination(size_t n, size_t k, int8_t *A, int8_t *b);
+void inner_logbp(
+ size_t m, size_t n,
+ size_t bits_count, size_t nodes_count, const uint32_t bits_values[], const uint32_t nodes_values[],
+ int8_t Lc[],
+ float Lq[], float Lr[],
+ unsigned int n_iter,
+ float L_posteriori_out[]);
+//decode(384, 6, 8, ...)
+int decode(size_t n, size_t nodes_count, size_t bits_count, uint32_t bits[], int8_t y[], int8_t out[], unsigned int maxiter) {
+ const size_t m = n * nodes_count / bits_count;
+ float Lq[m*n];
+ float Lr[m*n];
+ float L_posteriori[n];
+ /* Calculate column bit positions from row bit positions */
+ int32_t bits_transposed[nodes_count * n];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<nodes_count * n; i++)
+ bits_transposed[i] = -1;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<m; i++) {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<bits_count; j++) {
+ int32_t *base = bits_transposed + bits[i*bits_count + j] * nodes_count;
+ for (; *base != -1; base++)
+ ;
+ *base = i;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ printf("Row positions: [");
+ for (size_t i=0; i<m*bits_count; i++) {
+ if (i)
+ printf(", ");
+ if (i%32 == 0)
+ printf("\n ");
+ printf("%4d", bits[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n]\n");
+ printf("Column positions: [");
+ for (size_t i=0; i<n*nodes_count; i++) {
+ if (i)
+ printf(", ");
+ if (i%32 == 0)
+ printf("\n ");
+ printf("%4d", bits_transposed[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n]\n");
+ */
+ /* Run iterative optimization algorithm */
+ for (unsigned int n_iter=0; n_iter<maxiter; n_iter++) {
+ inner_logbp(m, n, bits_count, nodes_count, bits, (uint32_t*)bits_transposed, y, Lq, Lr, n_iter, L_posteriori);
+ /*
+ float *arrs[3] = {Lq, Lr, L_posteriori};
+ const char *names[3] = {"Lq", "Lr", "L_posteriori"};
+ size_t lens[3] = {m*n, m*n, n};
+ const size_t head_tail = 10;
+ for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
+ printf("%s=[", names[j]);
+ bool ellipsis = false;
+ const int w = 16;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lens[j]; i++) {
+ if (lens[j] > 1000 && i/w > head_tail && i/w < m*n/w-head_tail) {
+ if (!ellipsis) {
+ ellipsis = true;
+ printf("\n ...");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (i)
+ printf(", ");
+ if (i%w == 0)
+ printf("\n ");
+ float outf = arrs[j][i];
+ char *s = outf < 0 ? "\033[91m" : (outf > 0 ? "\033[92m" : "\033[94m");
+ printf("%s% 012.6g\033[38;5;240m", s, outf);
+ }
+ printf("\n]\n");
+ }
+ */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
+ out[i] = L_posteriori[i] <= 0.0f;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<m; i++) {
+ bool sum = 0;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<bits_count; j++)
+ sum ^= out[bits[i*bits_count + j]];
+ if (sum)
+ continue;
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ return n_iter;
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ return -1;
+/* Perform inner ext LogBP solver */
+void inner_logbp(
+ size_t m, size_t n,
+ size_t bits_count, size_t nodes_count, uint32_t const bits_values[], const uint32_t nodes_values[],
+ int8_t Lc[],
+ float Lq[], float Lr[],
+ unsigned int n_iter,
+ float L_posteriori_out[]) {
+ /*
+ printf("Input data: [");
+ for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ if (i)
+ printf(", ");
+ if (i%32 == 0)
+ printf("\n ");
+ printf("%4d", Lc[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n]\n");
+ */
+ /* step 1 : Horizontal */
+ unsigned int bits_counter = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<m; i++) {
+ //printf("=== i=%zu\n", i);
+ for (size_t p=bits_counter; p<bits_counter+bits_count; p++) {
+ size_t j = bits_values[p];
+ //printf("\033[38;5;240mj=%04zd ", j);
+ float x = 1;
+ if (n_iter == 0) {
+ for (size_t q=bits_counter; q<bits_counter+bits_count; q++) {
+ if (bits_values[q] != j) {
+ //int lcv = Lc[bits_values[q]];
+ //char *s = lcv < 0 ? "\033[91m" : (lcv > 0 ? "\033[92m" : "\033[94m");
+ //printf("nij=%04u Lc=%s%3d\033[38;5;240m ", bits_values[q], s, lcv);
+ x *= tanhf(0.5f * Lc[bits_values[q]]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (size_t q=bits_counter; q<bits_counter+bits_count; q++) {
+ if (bits_values[q] != j)
+ x *= tanhf(0.5f * Lq[i*n + bits_values[q]]);
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("\n==== i=%03zd p=%01zd x=%08f\n", i, p-bits_counter, x);
+ float num = 1 + x;
+ float denom = 1 - x;
+ if (num == 0)
+ Lr[i*n + j] = -1.0f;
+ else if (denom == 0)
+ Lr[i*n + j] = 1.0f;
+ else
+ Lr[i*n + j] = logf(num/denom);
+ }
+ bits_counter += bits_count;
+ }
+ /* step 2 : Vertical */
+ unsigned int nodes_counter = 0;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<n; j++) {
+ for (size_t p=bits_counter; p<nodes_counter+nodes_count; p++) {
+ size_t i = nodes_values[p];
+ Lq[i*n + j] = Lc[j];
+ for (size_t q=bits_counter; q<nodes_counter+nodes_count; q++) {
+ if (nodes_values[q] != i)
+ Lq[i*n + j] += Lr[nodes_values[q]*n + j];
+ }
+ }
+ nodes_counter += nodes_count;
+ }
+ /* LLR a posteriori */
+ nodes_counter = 0;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<n; j++) {
+ float sum = 0;
+ for (size_t k=bits_counter; k<nodes_counter+nodes_count; k++)
+ sum += Lr[nodes_values[k]*n + j];
+ nodes_counter += nodes_count;
+ L_posteriori_out[j] = Lc[j] + sum;
+ }
+/* Compute the original (k) bit message from a (n) bit codeword x.
+ *
+ * tG: (n, k)-matrix
+ * x: (n)-vector
+ * out: (k)-vector
+ */
+void get_message(size_t n, size_t k, int8_t *tG, int8_t *x, int8_t *out) {
+ gausselimination(n, k, tG, x);
+ out[k - 1] = x[k - 1];
+ for (ssize_t i=k-2; i>=0; i--) {
+ out[i] = x[i];
+ uint8_t sum = 0;
+ for (size_t j=i+1; j<k; j++)
+ sum ^= tG[i*k + j] * out[j];
+ out[i] = !!(out[i] - sum);
+ }
+/* Solve linear system in Z/2Z via Gauss Gauss elimination.
+ *
+ * A: (n, k)-matrix
+ * b: (n)-vector
+ */
+void gausselimination(size_t n, size_t k, int8_t *A, int8_t *b) {
+ ssize_t d = k<n ? k : n;
+ for (ssize_t j=0; j<d; j++) {
+ ssize_t pivot = -1;
+ for (size_t i=j; i<n; i++) {
+ if (A[i*k + j]) {
+ pivot = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pivot == -1)
+ continue;
+ if (pivot != j) {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<k; i++) {
+ int8_t tmp = A[j*k + i];
+ A[j*k + i] = A[pivot*k + i];
+ A[pivot*k + i] = tmp;
+ }
+ int8_t tmp = b[j];
+ b[j] = b[pivot];
+ b[pivot] = tmp;
+ }
+ for (size_t i=j+1; i<n; i++) {
+ if (A[i*k + j]) {
+ for (size_t p=0; p<k; p++)
+ A[i*k + p] = !!(A[i*k + p] - A[j*k + p]);
+ b[i] = !!(b[i] - b[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/controller/fw/src/ b/controller/fw/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b91bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller/fw/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import pyldpc
+import scipy.sparse
+import numpy as np
+import test_decoder
+import os, sys
+import ctypes as C
+import argparse
+if __name__ != '__main__':
+ raise RuntimeError("Please don't import this module, this is a command-line program.")
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('-r', '--reference', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run reference decoder instead of C implemention')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+lib = C.CDLL('./')
+n = 5*19
+nodes, bits = 17, 19
+H, G = pyldpc.make_ldpc(n, nodes, bits, systematic=False, seed=0)
+_1, bits_pos, _2 = scipy.sparse.find(H)
+_, k = G.shape
+st = np.random.RandomState(seed=0)
+test_data = st.randint(0, 2, k)
+d =, test_data) % 2
+x = (-1) ** d
+x[29:] = 0
+bits_pos = bits_pos.astype(np.uint32)
+x = x.astype(np.int8)
+lib.decode.argtypes = [C.c_size_t, C.c_size_t, C.c_size_t, C.POINTER(C.c_size_t), C.POINTER(C.c_int8), C.POINTER(C.c_int8), C.c_uint]
+lib.get_message.argtypes = [C.c_size_t, C.c_size_t, C.POINTER(C.c_int8), C.POINTER(C.c_int8), C.POINTER(C.c_int8)]
+if args.reference:
+ ref_out = test_decoder.decode(H, x, 3)
+ print('decoder output:', ref_out, flush=True)
+ print('msg reconstruction:', test_decoder.get_message(G, ref_out))
+ print('reference decoder: ', np.all(np.equal(test_decoder.get_message(G, ref_out), test_data)), flush=True)
+ np.set_printoptions(linewidth=220)
+ print(test_data)
+ print(test_decoder.get_message(G, ref_out))
+ print(test_decoder.get_message(G, ref_out) ^ test_data)
+ out = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.uint8)
+ # print('python data:', x, flush=True)
+ print('decoder iterations:', lib.decode(n, nodes, bits,
+ bits_pos.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_ulong)),
+ x.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_int8)),
+ out.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_int8)),
+ 25), flush=True)
+ print('decoder output:', out)
+ print('msg reconstruction:', test_decoder.get_message(G, out.astype(np.int64)))
+ print('decoder under test:', np.all(np.equal(test_decoder.get_message(G, out.astype(np.int64)), test_data)))
+ np.set_printoptions(linewidth=220)
+ print(test_data)
+ print(test_decoder.get_message(G, out.astype(np.int64)))
+ G = G.astype(np.int8)
+ msg = np.zeros(k, dtype=np.int8)
+ lib.get_message(
+ n, k,
+ G.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_int8)),
+ out.astype(np.int8).ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_int8)),
+ msg.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_int8)))
+ print(msg)
+ print(msg ^ test_data)
+print('codeword length:', len(x))
+print('data length:', len(test_data))
diff --git a/controller/fw/src/ b/controller/fw/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8be5b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller/fw/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+"""Decoding module."""
+import numpy as np
+import warnings
+import test_pyldpc_utils as utils
+from numba import njit, int64, types, float64
+np.set_printoptions(linewidth=180, threshold=1000, edgeitems=20)
+def decode(H, y, snr, maxiter=100):
+ """Decode a Gaussian noise corrupted n bits message using BP algorithm.
+ Decoding is performed in parallel if multiple codewords are passed in y.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ H: array (n_equations, n_code). Decoding matrix H.
+ y: array (n_code, n_messages) or (n_code,). Received message(s) in the
+ codeword space.
+ maxiter: int. Maximum number of iterations of the BP algorithm.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ x: array (n_code,) or (n_code, n_messages) the solutions in the
+ codeword space.
+ """
+ m, n = H.shape
+ bits_hist, bits_values, nodes_hist, nodes_values = utils.bitsandnodes(H)
+ var = 10 ** (-snr / 10)
+ if y.ndim == 1:
+ y = y[:, None]
+ # step 0: initialization
+ Lc = 2 * y / var
+ _, n_messages = y.shape
+ Lq = np.zeros(shape=(m, n, n_messages))
+ Lr = np.zeros(shape=(m, n, n_messages))
+ for n_iter in range(maxiter):
+ #print(f'============================ iteration {n_iter} ============================')
+ Lq, Lr, L_posteriori = _logbp_numba(bits_hist, bits_values, nodes_hist,
+ nodes_values, Lc, Lq, Lr, n_iter)
+ #print("Lq=", Lq.flatten())
+ #print("Lr=", Lr.flatten())
+ #print("L_posteriori=", L_posteriori.flatten())
+ #print('L_posteriori=[')
+ #for row in L_posteriori.reshape([-1, 16]):
+ # for val in row:
+ # cc = '\033[91m' if val < 0 else ('\033[92m' if val > 0 else '\033[94m')
+ # print(f"{cc}{val: 012.6g}\033[38;5;240m", end=', ')
+ # print()
+ x = np.array(L_posteriori <= 0).astype(int)
+ product = utils.incode(H, x)
+ if product:
+ print(f'found, n_iter={n_iter}')
+ break
+ if n_iter == maxiter - 1:
+ warnings.warn("""Decoding stopped before convergence. You may want
+ to increase maxiter""")
+ return x.squeeze()
+output_type_log2 = types.Tuple((float64[:, :, :], float64[:, :, :],
+ float64[:, :]))
+#@njit(output_type_log2(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], float64[:, :],
+# float64[:, :, :], float64[:, :, :], int64), cache=True)
+def _logbp_numba(bits_hist, bits_values, nodes_hist, nodes_values, Lc, Lq, Lr,
+ n_iter):
+ """Perform inner ext LogBP solver."""
+ m, n, n_messages = Lr.shape
+ # step 1 : Horizontal
+ bits_counter = 0
+ nodes_counter = 0
+ for i in range(m):
+ #print(f'=== i={i}')
+ ff = bits_hist[i]
+ ni = bits_values[bits_counter: bits_counter + ff]
+ bits_counter += ff
+ for j_iter, j in enumerate(ni):
+ nij = ni[:]
+ #print(f'\033[38;5;240mj={j:04d}', end=' ')
+ X = np.ones(n_messages)
+ if n_iter == 0:
+ for kk in range(len(nij)):
+ if nij[kk] != j:
+ lcv = Lc[nij[kk],0]
+ lcc = '\033[91m' if lcv < 0 else ('\033[92m' if lcv > 0 else '\033[94m')
+ #print(f'nij={nij[kk]:04d} Lc={lcc}{lcv:> 8f}\033[38;5;240m', end=' ')
+ X *= np.tanh(0.5 * Lc[nij[kk]])
+ else:
+ for kk in range(len(nij)):
+ if nij[kk] != j:
+ X *= np.tanh(0.5 * Lq[i, nij[kk]])
+ #print(f'\n==== {i:03d} {j_iter:01d} {X[0]:> 8f}')
+ num = 1 + X
+ denom = 1 - X
+ for ll in range(n_messages):
+ if num[ll] == 0:
+ Lr[i, j, ll] = -1
+ elif denom[ll] == 0:
+ Lr[i, j, ll] = 1
+ else:
+ Lr[i, j, ll] = np.log(num[ll] / denom[ll])
+ # step 2 : Vertical
+ for j in range(n):
+ ff = nodes_hist[j]
+ mj = nodes_values[bits_counter: nodes_counter + ff]
+ nodes_counter += ff
+ for i in mj:
+ mji = mj[:]
+ Lq[i, j] = Lc[j]
+ for kk in range(len(mji)):
+ if mji[kk] != i:
+ Lq[i, j] += Lr[mji[kk], j]
+ # LLR a posteriori:
+ L_posteriori = np.zeros((n, n_messages))
+ nodes_counter = 0
+ for j in range(n):
+ ff = nodes_hist[j]
+ mj = nodes_values[bits_counter: nodes_counter + ff]
+ nodes_counter += ff
+ L_posteriori[j] = Lc[j] + Lr[mj, j].sum(axis=0)
+ return Lq, Lr, L_posteriori
+def get_message(tG, x):
+ """Compute the original `n_bits` message from a `n_code` codeword `x`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tG: array (n_code, n_bits) coding matrix tG.
+ x: array (n_code,) decoded codeword of length `n_code`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ message: array (n_bits,). Original binary message.
+ """
+ n, k = tG.shape
+ rtG, rx = utils.gausselimination(tG, x)
+ message = np.zeros(k).astype(int)
+ message[k - 1] = rx[k - 1]
+ for i in reversed(range(k - 1)):
+ message[i] = rx[i]
+ message[i] -= utils.binaryproduct(rtG[i, list(range(i+1, k))],
+ message[list(range(i+1, k))])
+ return abs(message)
diff --git a/controller/fw/src/ b/controller/fw/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b14532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controller/fw/src/
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+"""Conversion tools."""
+import math
+import numbers
+import numpy as np
+import scipy
+from scipy.stats import norm
+pi = math.pi
+def int2bitarray(n, k):
+ """Change an array's base from int (base 10) to binary (base 2)."""
+ binary_string = bin(n)
+ length = len(binary_string)
+ bitarray = np.zeros(k, 'int')
+ for i in range(length - 2):
+ bitarray[k - i - 1] = int(binary_string[length - i - 1])
+ return bitarray
+def bitarray2int(bitarray):
+ """Change array's base from binary (base 2) to int (base 10)."""
+ bitstring = "".join([str(i) for i in bitarray])
+ return int(bitstring, 2)
+def binaryproduct(X, Y):
+ """Compute a matrix-matrix / vector product in Z/2Z."""
+ A =
+ try:
+ A = A.toarray()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return A % 2
+def gaussjordan(X, change=0):
+ """Compute the binary row reduced echelon form of X.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ X: array (m, n)
+ change : boolean (default, False). If True returns the inverse transform
+ Returns
+ -------
+ if `change` == 'True':
+ A: array (m, n). row reduced form of X.
+ P: tranformations applied to the identity
+ else:
+ A: array (m, n). row reduced form of X.
+ """
+ A = np.copy(X)
+ m, n = A.shape
+ if change:
+ P = np.identity(m).astype(int)
+ pivot_old = -1
+ for j in range(n):
+ filtre_down = A[pivot_old+1:m, j]
+ pivot = np.argmax(filtre_down)+pivot_old+1
+ if A[pivot, j]:
+ pivot_old += 1
+ if pivot_old != pivot:
+ aux = np.copy(A[pivot, :])
+ A[pivot, :] = A[pivot_old, :]
+ A[pivot_old, :] = aux
+ if change:
+ aux = np.copy(P[pivot, :])
+ P[pivot, :] = P[pivot_old, :]
+ P[pivot_old, :] = aux
+ for i in range(m):
+ if i != pivot_old and A[i, j]:
+ if change:
+ P[i, :] = abs(P[i, :]-P[pivot_old, :])
+ A[i, :] = abs(A[i, :]-A[pivot_old, :])
+ if pivot_old == m-1:
+ break
+ if change:
+ return A, P
+ return A
+def binaryrank(X):
+ """Compute rank of a binary Matrix using Gauss-Jordan algorithm."""
+ A = np.copy(X)
+ m, n = A.shape
+ A = gaussjordan(A)
+ return sum([a.any() for a in A])
+def f1(y, sigma):
+ """Compute normal density N(1,sigma)."""
+ f = norm.pdf(y, loc=1, scale=sigma)
+ return f
+def fm1(y, sigma):
+ """Compute normal density N(-1,sigma)."""
+ f = norm.pdf(y, loc=-1, scale=sigma)
+ return f
+def bitsandnodes(H):
+ """Return bits and nodes of a parity-check matrix H."""
+ if type(H) != scipy.sparse.csr_matrix:
+ bits_indices, bits = np.where(H)
+ nodes_indices, nodes = np.where(H.T)
+ else:
+ bits_indices, bits = scipy.sparse.find(H)[:2]
+ nodes_indices, nodes = scipy.sparse.find(H.T)[:2]
+ bits_histogram = np.bincount(bits_indices)
+ nodes_histogram = np.bincount(nodes_indices)
+ return bits_histogram, bits, nodes_histogram, nodes
+def incode(H, x):
+ """Compute Binary Product of H and x."""
+ return (binaryproduct(H, x) == 0).all()
+def gausselimination(A, b):
+ """Solve linear system in Z/2Z via Gauss Gauss elimination."""
+ if type(A) == scipy.sparse.csr_matrix:
+ A = A.toarray().copy()
+ else:
+ A = A.copy()
+ b = b.copy()
+ n, k = A.shape
+ for j in range(min(k, n)):
+ listedepivots = [i for i in range(j, n) if A[i, j]]
+ if len(listedepivots):
+ pivot = np.min(listedepivots)
+ else:
+ continue
+ if pivot != j:
+ aux = (A[j, :]).copy()
+ A[j, :] = A[pivot, :]
+ A[pivot, :] = aux
+ aux = b[j].copy()
+ b[j] = b[pivot]
+ b[pivot] = aux
+ for i in range(j+1, n):
+ if A[i, j]:
+ A[i, :] = abs(A[i, :]-A[j, :])
+ b[i] = abs(b[i]-b[j])
+ return A, b
+def check_random_state(seed):
+ """Turn seed into a np.random.RandomState instance
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ seed : None | int | instance of RandomState
+ If seed is None, return the RandomState singleton used by np.random.
+ If seed is an int, return a new RandomState instance seeded with seed.
+ If seed is already a RandomState instance, return it.
+ Otherwise raise ValueError.
+ """
+ if seed is None or seed is np.random:
+ return np.random.mtrand._rand
+ if isinstance(seed, numbers.Integral):
+ return np.random.RandomState(seed)
+ if isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState):
+ return seed
+ raise ValueError('%r cannot be used to seed a numpy.random.RandomState'
+ ' instance' % seed)