7seg.git7seg: Large display made up of hundreds of 7-segment displaysjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
8seg.git8seg: Gigantic low-cost segmented alphanumeric display light installationjasegsummarylogtree
barcode.gitExperiments in generating and decoding custom bar codesjasegsummarylogtree
card-base.gitBase board for electronic greeting cardsjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
dbg-connect.gitdbg-connect: My in-house standard for small, board-edge debug connectorsjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
gerbolyze.gitGerbolyze: Put high resolution, high detail graphics directly into gerber files....jaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
gerbonara.gitGerbonara: Pythonic library to read, modify and write Gerber and other PCB fabri...jasegsummarylogtree
iot-sensor.gitiot-sensor: Experimental project on augmenting household devices with simple, ge...jaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
kimesh.gitKiMesh: KiCAD plugin to generate randomized security mesh tracesjasegsummarylogtree
kipaste.gitKiPaste: Paste website for KiCad schematics and layoutsjasegsummarylogtree
matelight.gitMatelight: Large graphical matrix display made up of Mate soda bottlesjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
minikbd.gitMiniKBD: Small USB HID controller to add media keys to any systemjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
moargb.gitMoaRGB: Experimental "current-steering" high fidelity LED driverjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
olsndot.gitolsndot: 32-channel high fidelity 12V LED tape driver with RS485 controljaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
pcb-tools-extension.gitTemporary fork of pcb-tools-extension including fixes for KiCAD nightliesjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
pogojig.gitPogojig: Semi-automatic tool for generating pogo pin test fixturesjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
submit-button-fw.gitA big red button as a USB HID device using WCH's CH93929 USB HID chipjasegsummarylogtree
usb-remote.gitUSB Remote: Wifi-controlled USB power switch for remote control of USB-powered g...jaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
fenris.gitFenris: Experimental bootloader for STM32 microcontrollersjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
st-cmsis-core-lowfat.gitLow-fat version of ST's CMSIS core repo with relevant subtrees in branchesjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
stm32square.gitMirror of STM32 dependencies auto-re-published as git repo using gitlab CI, see ...jaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
blog.gitMy blog with technical articles, blog.jaseg.dejasegsummarylogtree
infra.gitAnsible playbooks to set up infrastructure at jaseg.dejaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
sticker.gitMost of my sticker designsjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
taep.gittaep: Print pictures as collages of label tapejasegsummarylogtree
useful-fish.gitMy fish shell configjasegsummarylogtree
useful-neovim.gitMy neovim configjasegsummarylogtree
002.git002: Experimental portable EEG and other biopotential frontendjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
ihsm.gitResearch on Inertial Hardware Security Modules published at TCHES 2022/1jaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
master-thesis.gitSafety Reset: My master thesis on how to reset smart meters during a cyberwar th...jasegsummarylogtree
secure-hid.gitSecureHID: Bus encryption for USB HID devices to guard against malicius USB devi...jasegsummarylogtree
clippy.gitMicrosoft's Clippy digital assistant for your terminaljaseg3 yearssummarylogtree A simple python module to read Infiray C200 IRG thermal image fi...jasegsummarylogtree
lolcat.gitHigh-performance lolcat implementationjasegsummarylogtree
numberator.git2D image region tagging tool for PCB reverse engineeringjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
pixelterm.gitPixelterm: Display images or gifs on the terminal using colored unicode block ch...jaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
ponysay.gitPonysay: Cowsay but with ponies, in Pythonjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree
python-mpv.gitpython-mpv: Moderately popular pythonic interface to the awesome mpv media playe...jasegsummarylogtree
secure-download.gitSecure-Download: Utility for encrypted share hosting on your own serverjaseg3 yearssummarylogtree