path: root/taep/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'taep/')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/taep/ b/taep/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985705f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taep/
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import tempfile
+import webbrowser
+import re
+import base64
+import copy
+import subprocess
+import shlex
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+from pathlib import Path
+import click
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from .svg_util import *
+__version__ = "v1.0.0-rc1"
+USVG_DPI = 96.0
+def run_cargo_command(binary, *args, **kwargs):
+ # By default, try a number of options:
+ candidates = [
+ # somewhere in $PATH
+ binary,
+ # wasi-wrapper in $PATH
+ f'wasi-{binary}',
+ # in user-local cargo installation
+ Path.home() / '.cargo' / 'bin' / binary,
+ # wasi-wrapper in user-local pip installation
+ Path.home() / '.local' / 'bin' / f'wasi-{binary}',
+ # next to our current python interpreter (e.g. in virtualenv)
+ str(Path(sys.executable).parent / f'wasi-{binary}')
+ ]
+ return run_command(binary, *args, candidates=candidates, **kwargs)
+def run_command(binary, *args, candidates=[], **kwargs):
+ cmd_args = []
+ for key, value in kwargs.items():
+ if value is not None:
+ if value is False:
+ continue
+ if len(key) > 1:
+ cmd_args.append(f'--{key.replace("_", "-")}')
+ else:
+ cmd_args.append(f'-{key}')
+ if value is not True:
+ cmd_args.append(str(value))
+ cmd_args.extend(map(str, args))
+ # By default, try a number of options:
+ if not candidates:
+ candidates = [binary]
+ # if envvar is set, try that first.
+ if (env_var := os.environ.get(Path(binary).name.replace('-', '_').upper())):
+ candidates = [str(Path(env_var).expanduser()), *candidates]
+ for cand in candidates:
+ try:
+ res =[cand, *cmd_args], check=True)
+ break
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise SystemError(f'{binary} executable not found')
+def simplify_and_open_svg(data):
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.svg') as tmp_in_svg,\
+ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r', suffix='.svg') as tmp_out_svg:
+ tmp_in_svg.write(data)
+ tmp_in_svg.flush()
+ try:
+ run_cargo_command('usvg', *shlex.split(os.environ.get('USVG_OPTIONS', '')),,
+ except SystemError:
+ raise click.ClickException('Cannot find usvg. Please install usvg using cargo, or pass the full path to the usvg binary in the USVG environment variable.')
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise click.ClickException(f'usvg exited with return code {e.returncode}.')
+ return BeautifulSoup(, 'xml')
+def print_tape(png_file):
+ try:
+ run_command('ptouch-print', '--image', png_file)
+ except SystemError:
+ raise click.ClickException('Cannot find ptouch-print. Please install ptouch-print from the upstream repo at . You can pass the full path to the ptouch-print binary in the PTOUCH_PRINT environment variable if it\'s not in $PATH.')
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise click.ClickException(f'ptouch-print exited with return code {e.returncode}.')
+def calc_scale(soup):
+ svg = soup.find('svg')
+ vb_x, vb_y, vb_w, vb_h = map(float, svg['viewBox'].split())
+ doc_w, doc_h = float(svg['width']), float(svg['height'])
+ doc_w_mm = doc_w / USVG_DPI * 25.4
+ doc_h_mm = doc_h / USVG_DPI * 25.4
+ mm_per_px_x = doc_w_mm / vb_w
+ mm_per_px_y = doc_h_mm / vb_h
+ return mm_per_px_x, mm_per_px_y
+def do_dither(soup, magic_color, dpi, pixel_height):
+ mm_per_px_x, mm_per_px_y = calc_scale(soup)
+ for i, path in enumerate(list(soup.find_all('path'))):
+ if path.get('stroke').lower() != magic_color:
+ continue
+ path_id = path.get('id', '<no id?>')
+ commands = list(parse_path_d(path.get('d', '')))
+ if len(commands) != 2:
+ print('Path', path_id, 'has magic color, but has more than two nodes. Ignoring.', file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ if commands[1][0] != 'L':
+ print('Path', path_id, 'has magic color, but has a curve. Ignoring.', file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ if commands[0][0] != 'M':
+ print('Path', path_id, 'has magic color, but is malformed (does not start with M command). Ignoring.', file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ (_c1, (x1, y1)), (_c2, (x2, y2)) = commands
+ mat = Transform.parse_svg(path.get('transform', ''))
+ for parent in path.parents:
+ xf = Transform.parse_svg(parent.get('transform', ''))
+ mat = xf * mat # make sure we apply the parent transform from the left, i.e. after the child transform
+ x1, y1 = mat.transform_point(x1, y1)
+ x2, y2 = mat.transform_point(x2, y2)
+ path_len = math.dist((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
+ path_len_mm = math.dist((x1*mm_per_px_x, y1*mm_per_px_y), (x2*mm_per_px_x, y2*mm_per_px_y))
+ if math.isclose(path_len, 0, abs_tol=1e-3):
+ print('Path', path_id, 'has magic color, but has (almost) zero length. Ignoring.', file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ if not (stroke_w := path.get('stroke-width')):
+ print('Path', path_id, 'has magic color, but has no defined stroke width. Ignoring.', file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ stroke_w = float(re.match('[-0-9.]+', stroke_w).group(0))
+ path_angle = math.atan2((y2-y1), (x2-x1))
+ dx, dy = (x2-x1)/path_len, (y2-y1)/path_len
+ sx1, sy1 = mat.transform_point(x1-dy*stroke_w/2, y1+dx*stroke_w/2)
+ sx2, sy2 = mat.transform_point(x1+dy*stroke_w/2, y1-dx*stroke_w/2)
+ stroke_w = round(math.dist((sx1, sy1), (sx2, sy2)), 3)
+ stroke_w_mm = round(math.dist((sx1*mm_per_px_x, sy1*mm_per_px_y), (sx2*mm_per_px_x, sy2*mm_per_px_y)), 3)
+ out_soup = copy.copy(soup)
+ print(f'Identified tape from path "{path_id}", length {path_len_mm:2f} mm, angle {math.degrees(path_angle):.1f} deg with physical stroke width {stroke_w_mm:.2f} mm from ({x1:.2f}, {y1:.2f}) to ({x2:.2f}, {y2:.2f})')
+ #out_soup.find('svg').append(out_soup.new_tag('path', fill='none', stroke='blue', stroke_width=f'24px',
+ # d=f'M {x1} {y1} L {x2} {y2}'))
+ xf = Transform.translate(0, stroke_w/2) * Transform.rotate(-path_angle) * Transform.translate(-x1, -y1)
+ g = out_soup.new_tag('g', id='transform-group', transform=xf.as_svg())
+ k = list(out_soup.find('svg').contents)
+ for c in k:
+ g.append(c.extract())
+ out_soup.find('svg').append(g)
+ out_soup.find('path', id=path['id']).parent.decompose()
+ out_soup.find('svg')['viewBox'] = f'0 0 {path_len} {stroke_w}'
+ out_soup.find('svg')['width'] = f'{path_len_mm}mm'
+ out_soup.find('svg')['height'] = f'{stroke_w_mm}mm'
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.svg') as tmp_svg,\
+ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('rb', suffix='.png') as tmp_png,\
+ tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('rb', suffix='.png') as tmp_dither:
+ tmp_svg.write(out_soup.prettify())
+ tmp_svg.flush()
+ run_cargo_command('resvg',,, width=round(Inch(path_len, 'mm')*dpi), height=pixel_height)
+ args = shlex.split(os.environ.get('DIDDER_ARGS', 'edm --serpentine FloydSteinberg'))
+ run_command('didder', *args, palette='black white',,
+ yield (x1, y1, path_angle, stroke_w, path_len),
+def make_preview(input_svg, out_file, *dither_args, assembly_labels=False, **dither_kwargs):
+ imgs = []
+ labels = []
+ soup = simplify_and_open_svg(input_svg)
+ for tape_num, ((x1, y1, path_angle, stroke_w, path_len), img) in enumerate(do_dither(soup, *dither_args, **dither_kwargs), start=1):
+ xf = f'translate({x1} {y1}) rotate({math.degrees(path_angle)}) translate(0 {-stroke_w/2})'
+ imgs.append(Tag('image', width=path_len, height=stroke_w, preserveAspectRatio='none',
+ id=f'preview_image_{tape_num}',
+ x=0, y=0,
+ transform=xf,
+ xlink__href=f'data:image/png;base64,{base64.b64encode(img).decode()}'))
+ labels.append(Tag('path', fill='none', stroke_width='0.2px', stroke='red', transform=xf,
+ d=f'M 0 0 h {path_len} v {stroke_w} h {-path_len} Z'))
+ labels.append(Tag('text', fill='red', stroke='none', font_size=f'{stroke_w*0.8}px', transform=xf,
+ x='2px', y=f'{stroke_w*0.9}px', children=[f'{tape_num}']))
+ layer = Tag('g', inkscape__layer='Preview', inkscape__groupmode='layer', id='layer_preview', children=[
+ Tag('g', id='preview_images', children=imgs),
+ ])
+ if assembly_labels:
+ layer.children.append(Tag('g', id='assembly_instructions', children=labels))
+ vbx, vby, vbw, vbh = map(float, soup.find('svg')['viewBox'].split())
+ bounds = (vbx, vby), (vbx+vbw, vby+vbh)
+ svg = setup_svg([layer], bounds, inkscape=True)
+ if out_file is not None:
+ out_file.write(str(svg))
+ else:
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg', mode='w', delete=False) as f:
+ f.write(str(svg))
+ f.flush()
+ webbrowser.open_new_tab(f'file://{}')
+def cli():
+ pass
+@click.option('--num-rows', type=int, default=5, help='Number of tapes')
+@click.option('--tape-width', type=float, default=24, help='Width of tape')
+@click.option('--tape-border', type=float, default=3, help='Width of empty border at the edges of the tape in mm')
+@click.option('--tape-spacing', type=float, default=2, help='Space between tapes')
+@click.option('--tape-length', type=float, default=250, help='Length of tape segments')
+@click.option('--magic-color', type=str, default='#cc0301', help='SVG color of tape')
+@click.argument('output_svg', type=click.File(mode='w'), default='-')
+def template(num_rows, tape_width, tape_border, tape_spacing, tape_length, magic_color, output_svg):
+ pitch = tape_width + tape_spacing
+ tags = [Tag('g', inkscape__layer='Layer 1', inkscape__groupmode='layer', id='layer1', children=[
+ Tag('g', id='g1', children=[
+ Tag('g', id=f'tape{i}', children=[
+ Tag('path', id=f'tape{i}_outline', fill='none', stroke='black', opacity='0.3', stroke_width=f'{tape_width}px',
+ d=f'M 0 {tape_width/2 + i*pitch} {tape_length} {tape_width/2 + i*pitch}'),
+ Tag('path', id=f'tape{i}_printable_area', fill='none', stroke=magic_color, stroke_width=f'{tape_width-2*tape_border}px',
+ d=f'M 0 {tape_width/2 + i*pitch} {tape_length} {tape_width/2 + i*pitch}'),
+ ])
+ for i in range(num_rows)
+ ])
+ ])]
+ bounds = (0, 0), (tape_length, num_rows*tape_width + (num_rows-1)*tape_spacing)
+ svg = setup_svg(tags, bounds, margin=tape_width, inkscape=True)
+ output_svg.write(str(svg))
+@click.option('--magic-color', type=str, default='#cc0301', help='SVG color of tape')
+@click.option('--dpi', type=float, default=180, help='Printer bitmap resolution in DPI')
+@click.option('--pixel-height', type=int, default=127, help='Printer tape vertical pixel height')
+@click.option('--confirm/--no-confirm', default=True, help='Ask for confirmation before printing each tape')
+@click.option('--tape', type=str, default='-', help='The index numbers of which tapes to print. Comma-separate list, each entry is either a single number or a "3-5" style range where both ends are included.')
+@click.argument('input_svg', type=click.File(mode='r'), default='-')
+def cli_print(input_svg, tape, magic_color, dpi, pixel_height, confirm):
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
+ out = {}
+ soup = simplify_and_open_svg(
+ for i, (_tape_pos, img) in enumerate(do_dither(soup, magic_color=magic_color, dpi=dpi, pixel_height=pixel_height), start=1):
+ f = Path(tmpdir) / f'dither_tape_{i}.png'
+ f.write_bytes(img)
+ out[i] = f
+ selected = set()
+ for entry in tape.split(','):
+ start, sep, stop = entry.partition('-')
+ if not sep:
+ selected.add(int(start))
+ else:
+ start = int(start) if start else min(out)
+ stop = int(stop) if stop else max(out)
+ selected |= set(range(start, stop+1))
+ for tape in sorted(selected):
+ if confirm:
+ if not click.confirm(f'Do you want to continue and print tape {tape}?'):
+ break
+ print_tape(out[tape])
+@click.option('--magic-color', type=str, default='#cc0301', help='SVG color of tape')
+@click.option('--dpi', type=float, default=180, help='Printer bitmap resolution in DPI')
+@click.option('--pixel-height', type=int, default=127, help='Printer tape vertical pixel height')
+@click.argument('input_svg', type=click.File(mode='r'), default='-')
+@click.argument('output_svg', type=click.File(mode='w'), required=False)
+def preview(input_svg, output_svg, magic_color, dpi, pixel_height):
+ make_preview(, output_svg, magic_color=magic_color, dpi=dpi, pixel_height=pixel_height, assembly_labels=False)
+@click.option('--magic-color', type=str, default='#cc0301', help='SVG color of tape')
+@click.option('--dpi', type=float, default=180, help='Printer bitmap resolution in DPI')
+@click.option('--pixel-height', type=int, default=127, help='Printer tape vertical pixel height')
+@click.argument('input_svg', type=click.File(mode='r'), default='-')
+@click.argument('output_svg', type=click.File(mode='w'), required=False)
+def assembly(input_svg, output_svg, magic_color, dpi, pixel_height):
+ make_preview(, output_svg, magic_color=magic_color, dpi=dpi, pixel_height=pixel_height, assembly_labels=True)
+@click.option('--magic-color', type=str, default='#cc0301', help='SVG color of tape')
+@click.option('--dpi', type=float, default=180, help='Printer bitmap resolution in DPI')
+@click.option('--pixel-height', type=int, default=127, help='Printer tape vertical pixel height')
+@click.argument('input_svg', type=click.File(mode='r'), default='-')
+@click.argument('output_dir', type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, path_type=Path))
+def dither(input_svg, output_dir, magic_color, dpi, pixel_height):
+ output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ soup = simplify_and_open_svg(
+ for i, (_tape_pos, img) in enumerate(do_dither(soup, magic_color=magic_color, dpi=dpi, pixel_height=pixel_height), start=1):
+ outfile = output_dir / f'dither_tape_{i}.png'
+ outfile.write_bytes(img)
+ print(f'Wrote {outfile}')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cli()