CMSIS-Zone (Preview)  Version 0.0.1
System Resource Management
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/assign element

The assign element defines the resources used by a zone.


<pzone name="App" Dname="ARM32CM4128x" Pname="Cortex-M4">
<assign name="SHARED" as="SRAM" access="rwu">
<capture symbol=".bss.shared"/>
<capture symbol=".data.shared"/>
<assign name="ADC0" access="rw" />

Schema Description

Parent Element Element Chain
pzone /pzone element
Attributes Description Type Use
name The name of a resource (mapped to the processor) to be used by this zone. xs:string required
as The name of the mapping (alias) to be used to address the referenced resource. xs:string optional
access Additional access attributes to be used. xs:string optional
info Brief description of the resource assignment. xs:string optional
Child Elements Description Type Occurrence
/capture element Linker usage complexType 0..*