var rtxImplementation = [ [ "Theory of Operation", "theory.html", [ [ "Settings for osFeature_xxx in cmsis_os.h", "theory.html#osFeature", null ], [ "RTX Kernel Timer Tick and Thread Management", "theory.html#KernelTimer", null ], [ "CMSIS-RTOS RTX Threads", "theory.html#RTX_Threads", null ], [ "Priority Inversion on Resource Sharing", "theory.html#PriorityInversion", null ], [ "Function calls from Interrupt Service Routines (ISR)", "theory.html#isr_function_calls", null ] ] ], [ "Directory Structure and File Overview", "dirstructfiles.html", [ [ "CMSIS-RTOS RTX Directory Structure", "dirstructfiles.html#Folders", null ], [ "CMSIS-RTOS RTX Library Files", "dirstructfiles.html#libFiles", null ], [ "Configuration File RTX_Conf_CM.c", "dirstructfiles.html#RTX_Conf_CM", null ] ] ], [ "Technical Data", "technicalData.html", [ [ "osWait", "technicalData.html#osWait", null ] ] ], [ "MISRA-C:2004 Compliance Exceptions", "misraCompliance.html", null ], [ "Create an RTX Project", "using.html", [ [ "Define and Reference Object Definitions", "using.html#DefRefObj", null ], [ "Using IRQ Interrupts", "using.html#UsingIRQs", null ] ] ], [ "Configure RTX", "configure.html", "configure" ], [ "RTX Tutorial", "exampleRTX_Tutorial.html", null ], [ "Building the RTX Library", "creating_RTX_LIB.html", null ] ];