var configure = [ [ "Thread Configuration", "threadConfig.html", [ [ "Configuration of Thread count and Stack Space", "threadConfig.html#stackConfig", null ], [ "Stack Overflow Checking", "threadConfig.html#stackCheck", null ], [ "Stack Usage Watermark", "threadConfig.html#stackUsage", null ], [ "Processor Mode for Thread Execution", "threadConfig.html#processorMode", null ] ] ], [ "RTX Kernel Tick Timer Configuration", "timerTick.html", [ [ "Usage of an Alternate Timer as RTX Kernel Timer", "timerTick.html#AltTimer", null ] ] ], [ "System Configuration", "systemConfig.html", [ [ "Settings for Round-Robin Thread Switching", "systemConfig.html#RoundRobin", null ], [ "User Timer Management", "systemConfig.html#UserTimer", null ], [ "ISR FIFO Queue size", "systemConfig.html#ISRFIFO", null ] ] ], [ "Configuration for Low-Power Modes", "lowPower.html", [ [ "Tick-less operation", "lowPower.html#TickLess", null ] ] ], [ "SVC Functions", "svcFunctions.html", null ] ];