CMSIS-RTOS  Version 1.02
CMSIS-RTOS API: Generic RTOS interface for Cortex-M processor-based devices.
Revision History
Version Description
V1.02 - only documentation changes Added: Overview of the CMSIS-RTOS Validation Software Pack.
Clarified: Behaviour of Timout Value.
V1.02 Added: New control functions for short timeouts in microsecond resolution osKernelSysTick, osKernelSysTickFrequency, osKernelSysTickMicroSec.
Removed: osSignalGet.
V1.01 Added capabilities for C++, kernel initialization and object deletion.
Prepared for C++ class interface. In this context to const attribute has been moved from osXxxxDef_t typedefs to the osXxxxDef macros.
Added: osTimerDelete, osMutexDelete, osSemaphoreDelete.
Added: osKernelInitialize that prepares the Kernel for object creation.
V1.00 First official Release.
Added: osKernelStart; starting 'main' as a thread is now an optional feature.
Semaphores have now the standard behavior.
osTimerCreate does no longer start the timer. Added: osTimerStart (replaces osTimerRestart).
Changed: osThreadPass is renamed to osThreadYield.
V0.02 Preview Release.