from machine import Pin, ADC, Timer, WDT, reset import network import time import ujson from uhashlib import sha256 import binascii import math import urequests import ntptime ######################################################## CONFIG ######################################################## # Wifi settings: # WIFI_ESSID = 'Your wifi ESSID (name)' # WIFI_PSK = 'Your wifi key' # # Notification settings: # NOTIFICATION_URL = '' # NOTIFICATION_SECRET = b'Your notification proxy secret for this endpoint' # # NOTIFICATION_COOLDOWN = 60 # how long to wait after sending a notification before sending the next, in seconds # HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 60 # seconds # # Detection settings # MEAN_LEN = 8 # Window length for DC offset determination in seconds (1024ms to be exact) # RMS_THRESHOLD = 1000 # Threshold for rms detection threshold over 1s window in ADC counts ######################################################### END ########################################################## def wifi_connect(): iface = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not iface.isconnected(): print('Connecting to wifi... ') iface.connect(WIFI_ESSID, WIFI_PSK) for i in range(20): if iface.isconnected(): print('Wifi connected. IP config: ', iface.ifconfig()) break time.sleep(0.5) else: print("Couldn't connect to wifi.") buf = [0] * 1024 capture = None mean = 0 rms = 0 sample_tim = Timer(-1) def start_sampling(): global sample_tim buf_pos = 0 buf_sum = 0 mean_acc = [] adc = ADC(Pin(34)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) def sample_cb(tim): global buf, mean, rms, capture nonlocal adc, buf_pos, buf_sum, mean_acc val = buf[buf_pos] = val buf_sum += val buf_pos += 1 if buf_pos == len(buf): buf_pos = 0 mean_acc = [buf_sum/len(buf)] + mean_acc[:MEAN_LEN-1] mean = sum(mean_acc)/len(mean_acc) buf_sum = 0 rms = math.sqrt( sum( (x-mean)**2 for x in buf )/len(buf) ) capture = list(buf) # Make a copy sample_tim.init(period=1, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=sample_cb) # period in ms def uhmac(key, data): blocksize = 64 key += bytes(64 - len(key)) tx = lambda s, x: bytes( b ^ x for b in s ) outer = sha256(tx(key, 0x5C)) inner = sha256(tx(key, 0x36)) inner.update(data) outer.update(inner.digest()) return outer.digest() def unix_time(): return int(time.time()) + 946684800 # ESP32 counts from 2000-01-01, unix from 1970-01-01 def usign(secret, scope, payload=None, seq=None): payload = {'time': unix_time(), 'scope': scope, 'd': payload} if seq is not None: payload['seq'] = seq payload = ujson.dumps(payload).encode() auth = binascii.hexlify(uhmac(secret, payload)) return ujson.dumps({'payload': payload, 'auth': auth}) def notify(scope, **kwargs): wifi_connect() data = usign(NOTIFICATION_SECRET, scope, kwargs) print(unix_time(), 'Notifying', NOTIFICATION_URL), data=data, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) def format_exc(limit=None, chain=True): return "".join(repr(i) for i in sys.exc_info()) def loop(): global rms, capture last_notification, last_heartbeat = 0, 0 n_exc, last_exc_clear = 0, unix_time() last_ntp_sync = unix_time() wdt = WDT(timeout=60000) while True: try: now = unix_time() if (now - last_notification) > NOTIFICATION_COOLDOWN and rms > RMS_THRESHOLD: old_capture = capture rms = 0 while rms == 0: time.sleep(0.1) rms = 0 notify('default', rms=rms, capture=[old_capture, capture]) last_notification = now if (now - last_heartbeat) > HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: notify('heartbeat') last_heartbeat = now if (now - last_ntp_sync) > 3600 * 24: wifi_connect() ntptime.settime() last_ntp_sync = now if (now - last_exc_clear) > 300: if n_exc > 0: n_exc -= 1 last_exc_clear = now wdt.feed() except: notify('error', e=format_exc()) n_exc += 1 if n_exc >= 5: reset() finally: time.sleep(0.1) wifi_connect() ntptime.settime() start_sampling() notify('boot') loop()