#include #include #include #include #include #define HZ 3906UL #define TIMEOUT_SEC 5 #define MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_MS 50 #define RING_DURATION_SEC 20 #define OPEN_DURATION_SEC 3 #define PRESSED_MIN_MS 250 #define RELEASED_MIN_MS 250 uint8_t global_thursday_mode = 0; void tx_str(const char * PROGMEM s) { uint8_t c; while ((c = pgm_read_byte(s++))) { while (!(UCSR0A & (1<\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR("Echo is disabled.\r\n\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR("Notifications are sent on their own line using the format \"CODE Human-readable explanation\\r\\n\".\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR("The notifications types are (the following occurences have been nerfed using backspaces):\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" T \bHUA Thursday mode auto open\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" R \bING Ringing\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" C \bODE Code access granted\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" T \bHU1 Thursday mode set to on\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" T \bHU0 Thursday mode set to off\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" B \bOOT Device booted.\r\n\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" O \bPEN Manual open\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR("Commands must be sent on their own line. Available commands:\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" open - Opens the door\r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" thursday on - Mutes the ringer and turns on auto opening \r\n")); tx_str(PSTR(" thursday off - Unmutes the ringer and turns off auto opening\r\n\r\n")); } void open(void) { PORTC |= 0x02; /* Opener relay */ /* wait and blink for a few seconds */ for (uint8_t i=0; i<4*OPEN_DURATION_SEC; i++) { PORTB ^= 0x20; /* LED */ _delay_ms(250); } PORTC &= ~0x02; /* Opener relay */ } uint8_t handle_open_button(void) { if (PINC&0x20) return 0; tx_str(PSTR("OPEN Manual open\r\n")); open(); return 1; } void ring(void) { if (global_thursday_mode) { tx_str(PSTR("THUA Thursday mode auto open\r\n")); open(); } else { tx_str(PSTR("RING Ringing\r\n")); PORTB |= 0x20; PORTC |= 0x04; for (uint16_t i=0; i 3906.25Hz */ PORTC |= 0x01; /* Ringer relay input */ DDRC |= 0x02; /* Opener relay output */ DDRC |= 0x04; /* Doorbell button output */ PORTC |= 0x08; /* Thursday mode toggle */ DDRC |= 0x10; /* Thursday mode signal */ PORTC |= 0x20; /* Opener button */ DDRB |= 0x20; /* Status LED */ sei(); _delay_ms(500); tx_help(); tx_str(PSTR("BOOT Device booted.\r\n")); uint16_t pattern[7]; uint8_t pidx = 0; uint8_t thursday_toggle_timeout = 0; uint8_t codefail = 0; for (;;) { handle_open_button(); if (!(PINC&0x08) && !thursday_toggle_timeout) { /* Thursday button */ set_thursday_mode(!global_thursday_mode); thursday_toggle_timeout = 1; TCNT1 = 0; } if (TCNT1 > TIMEOUT_SEC*HZ) { /* Doorbell button timeout */ if (pidx != 0 || codefail) ring(); pidx = 0; codefail = 0; thursday_toggle_timeout = 0; TCNT1 = 0; } else { uint8_t st = PINC&1; if (st == (pidx&1)) { uint16_t val = TCNT1; if (val > HZ/1000*MIN_PULSE_WIDTH_MS) { pattern[pidx++] = val; TCNT1 = 0; if (pidx == sizeof(pattern)/sizeof(pattern[0])-1) { pidx = 0; if(( PRESSED_MIN_MS*HZ/1000 <= pattern[1]) && (RELEASED_MIN_MS*HZ/1000 <= pattern[2]) && ( PRESSED_MIN_MS*HZ/1000 <= pattern[3]) && (RELEASED_MIN_MS*HZ/1000 <= pattern[4]) && ( PRESSED_MIN_MS*HZ/1000 <= pattern[5]) && (RELEASED_MIN_MS*HZ/1000 <= pattern[6])) codefail = (code(), 0); else codefail = 1; } } } } } }