/* * This file is part of the libusbhost library * hosted at http://github.com/libusbhost/libusbhost * * Copyright (C) 2015 Amir Hammad * * * libusbhost is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . * */ #include "usbh_config.h" #include "usbh_lld_stm32f4.h" #include "driver/usbh_device_driver.h" #include "usart_helpers.h" #include #include static struct { bool enumeration_run; const usbh_driver_t * const *lld_drivers; const usbh_dev_driver_t * const *dev_drivers; int8_t address_temporary; } usbh_data = {0}; static void set_enumeration(void) { usbh_data.enumeration_run = true; } static void reset_enumeration(void) { usbh_data.enumeration_run = false; } static bool enumeration(void) { return usbh_data.enumeration_run; } /** * */ static const usbh_dev_driver_t *find_driver(const usbh_dev_driver_info_t * device_info) { #define CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(what) \ if (usbh_data.dev_drivers[i]->info->what != -1\ && device_info->what != usbh_data.dev_drivers[i]->info->what) {\ i++;\ continue;\ } int i = 0; while (usbh_data.dev_drivers[i]) { CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(ifaceClass); CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(ifaceSubClass); CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(ifaceProtocol); CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(deviceClass); CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(deviceSubClass); CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(deviceProtocol); CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(idVendor); CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY(idProduct); return usbh_data.dev_drivers[i]; } return 0; #undef CHECK_PARTIAL_COMPATIBILITY } static void device_register(void *descriptors, uint16_t descriptors_len, usbh_device_t *dev) { uint32_t i = 0; dev->drv = 0; uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)descriptors; dev->drv = 0; dev->drvdata = 0; uint8_t desc_len = buf[i]; uint8_t desc_type = buf[i + 1]; usbh_dev_driver_info_t device_info; if (desc_type == USB_DT_DEVICE) { struct usb_device_descriptor *device_desc = (void*)&buf[i]; LOG_PRINTF("DEVICE DESCRIPTOR"); device_info.deviceClass = device_desc->bDeviceClass; device_info.deviceSubClass = device_desc->bDeviceSubClass; device_info.deviceProtocol = device_desc->bDeviceProtocol; device_info.idVendor = device_desc->idVendor; device_info.idProduct = device_desc->idProduct; } else { LOG_PRINTF("INVALID descriptors pointer - fatal error"); return; } while (i < descriptors_len) { desc_len = buf[i]; desc_type = buf[i + 1]; switch (desc_type) { case USB_DT_INTERFACE: { LOG_PRINTF("INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR\n"); struct usb_interface_descriptor *iface = (void*)&buf[i]; device_info.ifaceClass = iface->bInterfaceClass; device_info.ifaceSubClass = iface->bInterfaceSubClass; device_info.ifaceProtocol = iface->bInterfaceProtocol; const usbh_dev_driver_t *driver = find_driver(&device_info); if (driver) { dev->drv = driver; dev->drvdata = dev->drv->init(dev); if (!dev->drvdata) { LOG_PRINTF("CANT TOUCH THIS"); } break; } } break; default: break; } if (desc_len == 0) { LOG_PRINTF("PROBLEM WITH PARSE %d\n",i); return; } i += desc_len; } if (dev->drv && dev->drvdata) { // analyze descriptors LOG_PRINTF("ANALYZE"); i = 0; while (i < descriptors_len) { desc_len = buf[i]; void *drvdata = dev->drvdata; LOG_PRINTF("[%d]",buf[i+1]); if (dev->drv->analyze_descriptor(drvdata, &buf[i])) { LOG_PRINTF("Device Initialized\n"); return; } i += desc_len; } } LOG_PRINTF("Device NOT Initialized\n"); } void usbh_init(const void *drivers_lld[], const usbh_dev_driver_t * const device_drivers[]) { if (!drivers_lld) { return; } usbh_data.lld_drivers = (const usbh_driver_t **)drivers_lld; usbh_data.dev_drivers = device_drivers; // TODO: init structures uint32_t k = 0; while (usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]) { LOG_PRINTF("DRIVER %d\n", k); usbh_device_t * usbh_device = ((usbh_generic_data_t *)(usbh_data.lld_drivers[k])->driver_data)->usbh_device; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < USBH_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { //~ LOG_PRINTF("%p ", &usbh_device[i]); usbh_device[i].address = -1; usbh_device[i].drv = 0; usbh_device[i].drvdata = 0; } LOG_PRINTF("DRIVER %d", k); usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]->init(usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]->driver_data); k++; } } /* * NEW ENUMERATE * */ void device_xfer_control_write(void *data, uint16_t datalen, usbh_packet_callback_t callback, usbh_device_t *dev) { usbh_packet_t packet; packet.data = data; packet.datalen = datalen; packet.address = dev->address; packet.endpoint_address = 0; packet.endpoint_size_max = dev->packet_size_max0; packet.endpoint_type = USBH_EPTYP_CONTROL; packet.speed = dev->speed; packet.callback = callback; packet.callback_arg = dev; packet.toggle = &dev->toggle0; usbh_write(dev, &packet); LOG_PRINTF("WR@device...%d | \n", dev->address); } void device_xfer_control_read(void *data, uint16_t datalen, usbh_packet_callback_t callback, usbh_device_t *dev) { usbh_packet_t packet; packet.data = data; packet.datalen = datalen; packet.address = dev->address; packet.endpoint_address = 0; packet.endpoint_size_max = dev->packet_size_max0; packet.endpoint_type = USBH_EPTYP_CONTROL; packet.speed = dev->speed; packet.callback = callback; packet.callback_arg = dev; packet.toggle = &dev->toggle0; usbh_read(dev, &packet); LOG_PRINTF("RD@device...%d | \n", dev->address); } bool usbh_enum_available(void) { return !enumeration(); } /** * Returns 0 on error * device otherwise */ usbh_device_t *usbh_get_free_device(const usbh_device_t *dev) { const usbh_driver_t *lld = dev->lld; usbh_generic_data_t *lld_data = lld->driver_data; usbh_device_t *usbh_device = lld_data->usbh_device; uint8_t i; LOG_PRINTF("DEV ADDRESS%d\n", dev->address); for (i = 0; i < USBH_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { if (usbh_device[i].address < 0) { LOG_PRINTF("\t\t\t\t\tFOUND: %d", i); usbh_device[i].address = i+1; return &usbh_device[i]; } else { LOG_PRINTF("address: %d\n\n\n", usbh_device[i].address); } } return 0; } static void device_enumeration_terminate(usbh_device_t *dev) { reset_enumeration(); dev->state = 0; dev->address = -1; } /* Do not call this function directly, * only via callback passing into low-level function * If you must, call it carefully ;) */ static void device_enumerate(usbh_device_t *dev, usbh_packet_callback_data_t cb_data) { const usbh_driver_t *lld = dev->lld; usbh_generic_data_t *lld_data = lld->driver_data; uint8_t *usbh_buffer = lld_data->usbh_buffer; uint8_t state_start = dev->state; // Detection of hang // LOG_PRINTF("\nSTATE: %d\n", state); switch (dev->state) { case 1: { switch (cb_data.status) { case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK: dev->state++; LOG_PRINTF("::%d::", dev->address); device_xfer_control_read(0, 0, device_enumerate, dev); break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EFATAL: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EAGAIN: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_ERRSIZ: device_enumeration_terminate(dev); ERROR(cb_data.status); break; } } break; case 2: switch (cb_data.status) { case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK: if (dev->address == 0) { dev->address = usbh_data.address_temporary; LOG_PRINTF("ADDR: %d\n", dev->address); } struct usb_setup_data setup_data; setup_data.bmRequestType = 0b10000000; setup_data.bRequest = USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR; setup_data.wValue = USB_DT_DEVICE << 8; setup_data.wIndex = 0; setup_data.wLength = USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE; dev->state++; device_xfer_control_write(&setup_data, sizeof(setup_data), device_enumerate, dev); break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EFATAL: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EAGAIN: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_ERRSIZ: device_enumeration_terminate(dev); ERROR(cb_data.status); break; } break; case 3: { switch (cb_data.status) { case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK: dev->state++; device_xfer_control_read(&usbh_buffer[0], USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE, device_enumerate, dev); break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EAGAIN: dev->state = 2; // WARNING: Recursion // .. but should work cb_data.status = USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK; device_enumerate(dev, cb_data); break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EFATAL: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_ERRSIZ: device_enumeration_terminate(dev); ERROR(cb_data.status); break; } } break; case 4: { switch (cb_data.status) { case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK: { struct usb_device_descriptor *ddt = (struct usb_device_descriptor *)&usbh_buffer[0]; struct usb_setup_data setup_data; setup_data.bmRequestType = 0b10000000; setup_data.bRequest = USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR; setup_data.wValue = USB_DT_CONFIGURATION << 8; setup_data.wIndex = 0; setup_data.wLength = ddt->bMaxPacketSize0;//USB_DT_CONFIGURATION_SIZE; dev->state++; device_xfer_control_write(&setup_data, sizeof(setup_data), device_enumerate, dev); } break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_ERRSIZ: if (cb_data.transferred_length >= 8) { struct usb_device_descriptor *ddt = (struct usb_device_descriptor *)&usbh_buffer[0]; dev->packet_size_max0 = ddt->bMaxPacketSize0; dev->state = 2; // WARNING: Recursion // .. but should work cb_data.status = USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK; device_enumerate(dev, cb_data); } break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EFATAL: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EAGAIN: device_enumeration_terminate(dev); ERROR(cb_data.status); break; } } break; case 5: { switch (cb_data.status) { case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK: dev->state++; device_xfer_control_read(&usbh_buffer[USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE], dev->packet_size_max0, device_enumerate, dev); break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EFATAL: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EAGAIN: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_ERRSIZ: device_enumeration_terminate(dev); ERROR(cb_data.status); break; } } break; case 6: { switch (cb_data.status) { case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK: { struct usb_config_descriptor *cdt = (struct usb_config_descriptor *)&usbh_buffer[USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE]; struct usb_setup_data setup_data; LOG_PRINTF("WRITE: LEN: %d", cdt->wTotalLength); setup_data.bmRequestType = 0b10000000; setup_data.bRequest = USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR; setup_data.wValue = USB_DT_CONFIGURATION << 8; setup_data.wIndex = 0; setup_data.wLength = cdt->wTotalLength; dev->state++; device_xfer_control_write(&setup_data, sizeof(setup_data), device_enumerate, dev); } break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_ERRSIZ: if (cb_data.transferred_length >= USB_DT_CONFIGURATION_SIZE) { struct usb_config_descriptor *cdt = (struct usb_config_descriptor *)&usbh_buffer[USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE]; if (cb_data.transferred_length <= cdt->wTotalLength) { dev->state = 8; // WARNING: Recursion // .. but should work cb_data.status = USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK; device_enumerate(dev, cb_data); } } break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EAGAIN: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EFATAL: device_enumeration_terminate(dev); ERROR(cb_data.status); break; } } break; case 7: { switch (cb_data.status) { case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK: { struct usb_config_descriptor *cdt = (struct usb_config_descriptor *)&usbh_buffer[USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE]; dev->state++; device_xfer_control_read(&usbh_buffer[USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE], cdt->wTotalLength, device_enumerate, dev); } break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EFATAL: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EAGAIN: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_ERRSIZ: device_enumeration_terminate(dev); ERROR(cb_data.status); break; } } break; case 8: { switch (cb_data.status) { case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_OK: { struct usb_config_descriptor *cdt = (struct usb_config_descriptor *)&usbh_buffer[USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE]; LOG_PRINTF("TOTAL_LENGTH: %d\n", cdt->wTotalLength); device_register(usbh_buffer, cdt->wTotalLength + USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE, dev); dev->state++; reset_enumeration(); } break; case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EFATAL: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_EAGAIN: case USBH_PACKET_CALLBACK_STATUS_ERRSIZ: device_enumeration_terminate(dev); ERROR(cb_data.status); break; } } break; default: LOG_PRINTF("Error: Unknown state "__FILE__"/%d\n", __LINE__); break; } if (state_start == dev->state) { LOG_PRINTF("\n !HANG %d\n", state_start); } } void device_enumeration_start(usbh_device_t *dev) { set_enumeration(); dev->state = 1; // save address uint8_t address = dev->address; dev->address = 0; if (dev->speed == USBH_SPEED_LOW) { dev->packet_size_max0 = 8; } else { dev->packet_size_max0 = 64; } usbh_data.address_temporary = address; LOG_PRINTF("\n\n\n ENUMERATION OF DEVICE@%d STARTED \n\n", address); struct usb_setup_data setup_data; setup_data.bmRequestType = 0b00000000; setup_data.bRequest = USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS; setup_data.wValue = address; setup_data.wIndex = 0; setup_data.wLength = 0; device_xfer_control_write(&setup_data, sizeof(setup_data), device_enumerate, dev); } /** * Should be called with at least 1kHz frequency * */ void usbh_poll(uint32_t time_curr_us) { uint32_t k = 0; while (usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]) { usbh_device_t * usbh_device = ((usbh_generic_data_t *)(usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]->driver_data))->usbh_device; usbh_generic_data_t *lld_data = usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]->driver_data; enum USBH_POLL_STATUS poll_status = usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]->poll(lld_data, time_curr_us); switch (poll_status) { case USBH_POLL_STATUS_DEVICE_CONNECTED: // New device found LOG_PRINTF("\nDEVICE FOUND\n"); usbh_device[0].lld = usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]; usbh_device[0].speed = usbh_data.lld_drivers[k]->root_speed(lld_data); usbh_device[0].address = 1; device_enumeration_start(&usbh_device[0]); break; case USBH_POLL_STATUS_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED: { // Device disconnected if (usbh_device[0].drv && usbh_device[0].drvdata) { usbh_device[0].drv->remove(usbh_device[0].drvdata); } usbh_device[0].drv = 0; usbh_device[0].drvdata = 0; uint32_t i; for (i = 1; i < USBH_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { usbh_device[i].address = -1; usbh_device[i].drv = 0; usbh_device[i].drvdata = 0; } } break; default: break; } if (lld_data->usbh_device[0].drv && usbh_device[0].drvdata) { usbh_device[0].drv->poll(usbh_device[0].drvdata, time_curr_us); } k++; } } void usbh_read(usbh_device_t *dev, usbh_packet_t *packet) { const usbh_driver_t *lld = dev->lld; lld->read(lld->driver_data, packet); } void usbh_write(usbh_device_t *dev, const usbh_packet_t *packet) { const usbh_driver_t *lld = dev->lld; lld->write(lld->driver_data, packet); }