/* * This file is part of the libusbhost library * hosted at http://github.com/libusbhost/libusbhost * * Copyright (C) 2015 Amir Hammad * * * libusbhost is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . * */ #include "usart_helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef USART_DEBUG void usart_init(uint32_t usart, uint32_t baudrate) { (void)usart; (void)baudrate; } void usart_printf(const char *str, ...) { (void)str; } void usart_vprintf(const char *str, va_list va) { (void)va; (void)str; } void usart_fifo_send(void){} void usart_call_cmd(struct usart_commands * commands) { (void)commands; } void usart_interrupt(void){} #else #warning compiling with debug functions #define USART_FIFO_OUT_SIZE (4096) uint8_t usart_fifo_out_data[USART_FIFO_OUT_SIZE]; uint32_t usart_fifo_out_len = 0; uint32_t usart_fifo_out_index = 0; #define USART_FIFO_IN_SIZE (1024) uint8_t usart_fifo_in_data[USART_FIFO_IN_SIZE]; uint32_t usart_fifo_in_len = 0; uint32_t usart_fifo_in_index = 0; static uint32_t usart = 0; static uint8_t usart_fifo_pop(void) { uint8_t ret; usart_fifo_out_len--; ret = usart_fifo_out_data[usart_fifo_out_index]; usart_fifo_out_index++; if (usart_fifo_out_index == USART_FIFO_OUT_SIZE ) { usart_fifo_out_index = 0; } return ret; } static void usart_fifo_push(uint8_t aData) { uint32_t i; if( (usart_fifo_out_len + 1) == USART_FIFO_OUT_SIZE)//overflow { usart_fifo_out_len = 0; LOG_PRINTF("OVERFLOW!"); return; } i = usart_fifo_out_index + usart_fifo_out_len; if (i >= USART_FIFO_OUT_SIZE) { i -= USART_FIFO_OUT_SIZE; } usart_fifo_out_data[i] = aData; usart_fifo_out_len++; } static uint8_t usart_fifo_in_pop(void) { uint8_t ret; usart_fifo_in_len--; ret = usart_fifo_in_data[usart_fifo_in_index]; usart_fifo_in_index++; if (usart_fifo_in_index == USART_FIFO_IN_SIZE ) { usart_fifo_in_index = 0; } return ret; } static void usart_fifo_in_push(uint8_t aData) { uint32_t i; if( (usart_fifo_in_len + 1) == USART_FIFO_IN_SIZE)//overflow { usart_fifo_in_len = 0; return; } i = usart_fifo_in_index + usart_fifo_in_len; if (i >= USART_FIFO_IN_SIZE) { i -= USART_FIFO_IN_SIZE; } usart_fifo_in_data[i] = aData; usart_fifo_in_len++; } static void usart_write(const char * data, uint32_t len) { uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { usart_fifo_push(data[i]); } } void usart_printf(const char *str, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, str); usart_vprintf(str, va); va_end(va); } void usart_vprintf(const char *str, va_list va) { char databuffer[128]; int i = vsnprintf(databuffer, 128, str, va); if (i > 0) { usart_write(databuffer, i); } } void usart_init(uint32_t arg_usart, uint32_t baudrate) { usart_set_baudrate(arg_usart, baudrate); usart_set_databits(arg_usart, 8); usart_set_flow_control(arg_usart, USART_FLOWCONTROL_NONE); usart_set_mode(arg_usart, USART_MODE_TX | USART_MODE_RX); usart_set_parity(arg_usart, USART_PARITY_NONE); usart_set_stopbits(arg_usart, USART_STOPBITS_1); usart_enable_rx_interrupt(arg_usart); usart_enable(arg_usart); usart = arg_usart; } void usart_interrupt(void) { if (usart_get_interrupt_source(usart, USART_SR_RXNE)) { uint8_t data = usart_recv(usart); usart_fifo_in_push(data); if ( data != 3 && data != '\r' && data != '\n') { usart_fifo_push(data); } else { LOG_PRINTF("\r\n>>"); } } } void usart_fifo_send(void) { while(usart_fifo_out_len) { uint8_t data = usart_fifo_pop(); usart_wait_send_ready(usart); usart_send(usart, data); } } static char command[128]; static uint8_t command_len = 0; static uint8_t command_argindex = 0; static uint8_t usart_read_command(void) { uint32_t fifo_len = usart_fifo_in_len; while (fifo_len) { uint8_t data = usart_fifo_in_pop(); if ((data >= 'A') && (data <= 'Z')) { data += 'a'-'A'; } if (((data >= 'a') && (data <= 'z')) || ((data >='0') && (data<='9'))) { command[command_len++] = data; } else if (data == ' ') { if (command_len) { if (command_argindex == 0) { command[command_len++] = 0; command_argindex = command_len; } else { command[command_len++] = ' '; } } } else if (data == '\r' || data == '\n') { if (command_len) { command[command_len++] = 0; if (!command_argindex) { command_argindex = command_len; } return 1; } } else if (data == 127) { if (command_len) { if (command_argindex) { if (command_len == command_argindex) { command_argindex = 0; } } command[command_len] = '\0'; command_len--; } } else if (data == 3) { command_len = 0; command_argindex = 0; } else { LOG_PRINTF("%d ",data); } fifo_len--; } return 0; } void usart_call_cmd(struct usart_commands * commands) { uint32_t i = 0; if(!usart_read_command()) { return; } if (!command_len) { LOG_PRINTF("#2"); return; } //~ for (i = 0; i < command_len; i++) { //~ LOG_PRINTF("%c", command[i]); //~ } i=0; while(commands[i].cmd != NULL) { if (!strcmp((char*)command, (char*)commands[i].cmd)) { if (commands[i].callback) { if(command_argindex == command_len) { commands[i].callback(NULL); } else { commands[i].callback(&command[command_argindex]); } } usart_write("\r\n>>",4); command_len = 0; command_argindex = 0; return; } else { } i++; } command_len = 0; command_argindex = 0; LOG_PRINTF("INVALID COMMAND\r\n>>"); } #endif