import string import time startup = time.time() def _print_line(write, ts, line, width=16): h,m,s,ms = int(ts//3600), int((ts//60)%60), int(ts%60), int((ts%1.0) * 1000) timestamp = f'{h: 3d}:{m:02d}:{s:02d}:{ms:03d}' line = list(line) + [None]*(width-len(line)) hexcol = '\033[0m' col = lambda b, s: s if b != 0 else f'\033[91m{s}{hexcol}' hexfmt = ' '.join( ' '.join(col(b, f'{b:02x}') if b is not None else ' ' for b in line[i*8:i*8+8]) for i in range(1 + (len(line)-1)//8)) asciifmt = ''.join(chr(c) if c is not None and chr(c) in string.printable and c>=0x20 else '.' for c in line) write(f'\033[38;5;244m{timestamp} {hexcol}{hexfmt} \033[38;5;244m|\033[92m{asciifmt}\033[38;5;244m|\033[0m', flush=True, end='') def hexdump(write, packet, width=16): ts = time.time() while len(packet) > width: chunk, packet = packet[:width], packet[width:] _print_line(write, ts-startup, chunk, width=width) write() _print_line(write, ts-startup, packet, width=width) write()