cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) # initialize compiler include (cmake/toolchain.cmake) # initialize flashing include (cmake/openocd_flash.cmake) # initilize doc include (cmake/doc.cmake) project (libusbhost C) # Declare cached variables set (USE_STM32F4_FS TRUE CACHE BOOL "Use USB full speed (FS) host periphery") set (USE_STM32F4_HS TRUE CACHE BOOL "Use USB high speed (HS) host periphery") set (USE_USART_DEBUG TRUE CACHE BOOL "Enable human-readable serial debug output") set (DEBUG_USART USART1 CACHE STRING "USART to use for debug output") set (DEBUG_USART_BAUDRATE 1000000 CACHE STRING "Baud rate to use for debug USART") set (DEBUG_USART_DMA_NUM 2 CACHE STRING "DMA controller number to use for debug usart") set (DEBUG_USART_DMA_STREAM_NUM 7 CACHE STRING "DMA stream number to use for debug usart. This must be the stream mapped to the [DEBUG_USART]_TX channel") set (DEBUG_USART_DMA_CHANNEL_NUM 4 CACHE STRING "DMA channel number to use for debug usart. This must be the channel mapped to the [DEBUG_USART]_TX channel") # Set compiler and linker flags set (FP_FLAGS "-mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfp16-format=alternative" ) set (ARCH_FLAGS "-mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 ${FP_FLAGS}" ) set (COMMON_FLAGS "-O2 -g -Wextra -Wshadow -Wredundant-decls -fno-common -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections --specs=nosys.specs" ) set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${COMMON_FLAGS} ${ARCH_FLAGS} -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wimplicit-function-declaration" ) set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${COMMON_FLAGS} ${ARCH_FLAGS} -Weffc++" ) # C preprocessor flags set (CPP_FLAGS " -MD -Wall -Wundef" ) add_definitions (${CPP_FLAGS}) # set platform add_definitions (-DSTM32F4) set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "--static -nostartfiles -T${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libusbhost_stm32f4.ld -Wl, -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--start-group -lc -lgcc -lnosys -Wl,--end-group" ) include_directories ( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include src/crypto/noise-c/include ) function (init_libopencm3) include_directories (${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libopencm3/include) link_directories (${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libopencm3/lib) set (LIBOPENCM3_LIB opencm3_stm32f4 PARENT_SCOPE) execute_process ( COMMAND sh "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_QUIET ) endfunction (init_libopencm3) message (STATUS "Initializing repository") init_libopencm3 () message (STATUS "Repository initialized") # Process cached varibles message (STATUS "Setuping build") if (USE_STM32F4_FS) message (STATUS "... Using USB full speed (FS) host periphery") add_definitions (-DUSE_STM32F4_USBH_DRIVER_FS) endif (USE_STM32F4_FS) if (USE_STM32F4_HS) message (STATUS "... Using USB high speed (HS) host periphery") add_definitions (-DUSE_STM32F4_USBH_DRIVER_HS) endif (USE_STM32F4_HS) if (USE_USART_DEBUG) message (STATUS "... Using debug uart output") add_definitions (-DUSART_DEBUG) endif (USE_USART_DEBUG) message (STATUS "Setup done") add_definitions (-DDEBUG_USART=${DEBUG_USART}) add_definitions (-DDEBUG_USART_BAUDRATE=${DEBUG_USART_BAUDRATE}) add_definitions (-DDEBUG_USART_DMA_NUM=${DEBUG_USART_DMA_NUM}) add_definitions (-DDEBUG_USART_DMA_STREAM_NUM=${DEBUG_USART_DMA_STREAM_NUM}) add_definitions (-DDEBUG_USART_DMA_CHANNEL_NUM=${DEBUG_USART_DMA_CHANNEL_NUM}) add_custom_target ( SOURCES ) add_subdirectory (src)