import secrets from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES import base64 import struct import subprocess import binascii import os from contextlib import contextmanager FILE_ID_LENGTH = 22 TOKEN_LENGTH = 22 HEADER_LENGTH = 56 def generate_keys(download_filename, chunk_size=1000000//16): file_id = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) auth_secret = secrets.token_bytes(16) key = secrets.token_bytes(16) data_nonce = secrets.token_bytes(8) token_cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM) token_cipher.update(download_filename.encode()) ciphertext, token_tag = token_cipher.encrypt_and_digest(key) token = base64.b64encode(ciphertext, b'+-').rstrip(b'=').decode() def encrypt(filename_in): with open(f'{file_id}.enc', 'wb') as fout, open(filename_in, 'rb') as fin: fout.write(token_cipher.nonce) # 16 bytes fout.write(token_tag) # 16 bytes fout.write(auth_secret) # 16 bytes fout.write(data_nonce) # 8 bytes assert fout.tell() == HEADER_LENGTH cipher =, AES.MODE_CTR, initial_value=struct.pack('Q', seek // token_cipher.block_size), nonce=data_nonce) - seek % cipher.block_size, 1) offset = seek % cipher.block_size to_send = end - seek + 1 if end else None block =*chunk_size) while block and (to_send is None or to_send > 0): data = cipher.decrypt(block) out = data[offset:to_send] yield out if to_send is not None: to_send -= len(out) offset = 0 block =*chunk_size) return generator()