from ctypes import * import threading import os import asyncio from warnings import warn # vim: ts=4 sw=4 backend = CDLL('') class MpvHandle(c_void_p): pass class ErrorCode: """ For documentation on these, see mpv's libmpv/client.h """ SUCCESS = 0 EVENT_QUEUE_FULL = -1 NOMEM = -2 UNINITIALIZED = -3 INVALID_PARAMETER = -4 OPTION_NOT_FOUND = -5 OPTION_FORMAT = -6 OPTION_ERROR = -7 PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND = -8 PROPERTY_FORMAT = -9 PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE = -10 PROPERTY_ERROR = -11 COMMAND = -12 EXCEPTION_DICT = { 0: None, -1: lambda *a: MemoryError('mpv event queue full', *a), -2: lambda *a: MemoryError('mpv cannot allocate memory', *a), -3: lambda *a: ValueError('Uninitialized mpv handle used', *a), -4: lambda *a: ValueError('Invalid value for mpv parameter', *a), -5: lambda *a: AttributeError('mpv option does not exist', *a), -6: lambda *a: TypeError('Tried to set mpv option using wrong format', *a), -7: lambda *a: ValueError('Invalid value for mpv option', *a), -8: lambda *a: AttributeError('mpv property does not exist', *a), -9: lambda *a: TypeError('Tried to set mpv property using wrong format', *a), -10: lambda *a: AttributeError('mpv property is not available', *a), -11: lambda *a: ValueError('Invalid value for mpv property', *a), -12: lambda *a: SystemError('Error running mpv command', *a) } @classmethod def DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER(ec, *args): return ValueError(_mpv_error_string(ec).decode(), ec, *a) @classmethod def raise_for_ec(kls, func, *args): ec = func(*args) ex = kls.EXCEPTION_DICT.get(ec , kls.DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER) if ex: raise ex(ec, *args) class MpvFormat(c_int): NONE = 0 STRING = 1 OSD_STRING = 2 FLAG = 3 INT64 = 4 DOUBLE = 5 NODE = 6 NODE_ARRAY = 7 NODE_MAP = 8 class MpvEventID(c_int): NONE = 0 SHUTDOWN = 1 LOG_MESSAGE = 2 GET_PROPERTY_REPLY = 3 SET_PROPERTY_REPLY = 4 COMMAND_REPLY = 5 START_FILE = 6 END_FILE = 7 FILE_LOADED = 8 TRACKS_CHANGED = 9 TRACK_SWITCHED = 10 IDLE = 11 PAUSE = 12 UNPAUSE = 13 TICK = 14 SCRIPT_INPUT_DISPATCH = 15 CLIENT_MESSAGE = 16 VIDEO_RECONFIG = 17 AUDIO_RECONFIG = 18 METADATA_UPDATE = 19 SEEK = 20 PLAYBACK_RESTART = 21 PROPERTY_CHANGE = 22 CHAPTER_CHANGE = 23 ANY = ( SHUTDOWN, LOG_MESSAGE, GET_PROPERTY_REPLY, SET_PROPERTY_REPLY, COMMAND_REPLY, START_FILE, END_FILE, FILE_LOADED, TRACKS_CHANGED, TRACK_SWITCHED, IDLE, PAUSE, UNPAUSE, TICK, SCRIPT_INPUT_DISPATCH, CLIENT_MESSAGE, VIDEO_RECONFIG, AUDIO_RECONFIG, METADATA_UPDATE, SEEK, PLAYBACK_RESTART, PROPERTY_CHANGE, CHAPTER_CHANGE ) class MpvEvent(Structure): _fields_ = [('event_id', MpvEventID), ('error', c_int), ('reply_userdata', c_ulonglong), ('data', c_void_p)] def as_dict(self): dtype = {MpvEventID.END_FILE: MpvEventEndFile, MpvEventID.PROPERTY_CHANGE: MpvEventProperty, MpvEventID.GET_PROPERTY_REPLY: MpvEventProperty, MpvEventID.LOG_MESSAGE: MpvEventLogMessage, MpvEventID.SCRIPT_INPUT_DISPATCH: MpvEventScriptInputDispatch, MpvEventID.CLIENT_MESSAGE: MpvEventClientMessage }.get(self.event_id.value, None) return {'event_id': self.event_id.value, 'error': self.error, 'reply_userdata': self.reply_userdata, 'event': cast(, POINTER(dtype)).contents.as_dict() if dtype else None} class MpvEventProperty(Structure): _fields_ = [('name', c_char_p), ('format', MpvFormat), ('data', c_void_p)] def as_dict(): pass # FIXME class MpvEventLogMessage(Structure): _fields_ = [('prefix', c_char_p), ('level', c_char_p), ('text', c_char_p)] def as_dict(self): return { name: getattr(self, name) for name, _t in self._fields_ } class MpvEventEndFile(c_int): EOF_OR_INIT_FAILURE = 0 RESTARTED = 1 ABORTED = 2 QUIT = 3 def as_dict(self): return {'reason': self.value} class MpvEventScriptInputDispatch(Structure): _fields_ = [('arg0', c_int), ('type', c_char_p)] def as_dict(self): pass # TODO class MpvEventClientMessage(Structure): _fields_ = [('num_args', c_int), ('args', POINTER(c_char_p))] def as_dict(self): return { 'args': [ self.args[i].value for i in range(self.num_args.value) ] } WakeupCallback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p) def _handle_func(name, args=[], res=None): func = getattr(backend, name) if res is not None: func.restype = res func.argtypes = [MpvHandle] + args def wrapper(*args): if res is not None: return func(*args) else: ErrorCode.raise_for_ec(func, *args) globals()['_'+name] = wrapper backend.mpv_client_api_version.restype = c_ulong def _mpv_client_api_version(): ver = backend.mpv_client_api_version() return ver>>16, ver&0xFFFF backend.mpv_free.argtypes = [c_void_p] _mpv_free = backend.mpv_free backend.mpv_create.restype = MpvHandle _mpv_create = backend.mpv_create _handle_func('mpv_client_name', [], c_char_p) _handle_func('mpv_initialize') _handle_func('mpv_detach_destroy', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_terminate_destroy', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_load_config_file', [c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_suspend', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_resume', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_get_time_us', [], c_ulonglong) _handle_func('mpv_set_option', [c_char_p, MpvFormat, c_void_p]) _handle_func('mpv_set_option_string', [c_char_p, c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_command', [POINTER(c_char_p)]) _handle_func('mpv_command_string', [c_char_p, c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_command_async', [c_ulonglong, POINTER(c_char_p)]) _handle_func('mpv_set_property', [c_char_p, MpvFormat, c_void_p]) _handle_func('mpv_set_property_string', [c_char_p, c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_set_property_async', [c_ulonglong, c_char_p, MpvFormat, c_void_p]) _handle_func('mpv_get_property', [c_char_p, MpvFormat, c_void_p]) _handle_func('mpv_get_property_string', [c_char_p], c_char_p) _handle_func('mpv_get_property_osd_string', [c_char_p], c_char_p) _handle_func('mpv_get_property_async', [c_ulonglong, c_char_p, MpvFormat]) _handle_func('mpv_observe_property', [c_ulonglong, c_char_p, MpvFormat]) _handle_func('mpv_unobserve_property', [c_ulonglong]) backend.mpv_event_name.restype = c_char_p backend.mpv_event_name.argtypes = [c_int] _mpv_event_name = backend.mpv_event_name backend.mpv_error_string.restype = c_char_p backend.mpv_error_string.argtypes = [c_int] _mpv_error_string = backend.mpv_error_string _handle_func('mpv_request_event', [MpvEventID, c_int]) _handle_func('mpv_request_log_messages', [c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_wait_event', [c_double], POINTER(MpvEvent)) _handle_func('mpv_wakeup', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_set_wakeup_callback', [WakeupCallback, c_void_p], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_get_wakeup_pipe', [], c_int) class ynbool: def __init__(self, val=False): self.val = bool(val and val not in (b'no', 'no')) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.val) def __str__(self): return 'yes' if self.val else 'no' def __repr__(self): return str(self.val) def _ensure_encoding(possibly_bytes): return possibly_bytes.decode() if type(possibly_bytes) is bytes else possibly_bytes def _event_generator(handle): while True: event = _mpv_wait_event(handle, -1).contents if event.event_id.value == MpvEventID.NONE: raise StopIteration() yield event def load_lua(): """ Use this function if you intend to use mpv's built-in lua interpreter. This is e.g. needed for playback of youtube urls. """ CDLL('', mode=RTLD_GLOBAL) class MPV: """ See man mpv(1) for the details of the implemented commands. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Create an MPV instance. Any kwargs given will be passed to mpv as options. """ self.handle = _mpv_create() self.event_callbacks = [] self._playback_cond = threading.Condition() def event_loop(): for event in _event_generator(self.handle): devent = event.as_dict() # copy data from ctypes if devent['event_id'] in (MpvEventID.SHUTDOWN, MpvEventID.END_FILE, MpvEventID.PAUSE): with self._playback_cond: self._playback_cond.notify_all() for callback in self.event_callbacks: self._event_thread = threading.Thread(target=event_loop, daemon=True) self._event_thread.start() _mpv_set_option_string(self.handle, b'audio-display', b'no') istr = lambda o: ('yes' if o else 'no') if type(o) is bool else str(o) for k,v in kwargs.items(): _mpv_set_option_string(self.handle, k.replace('_', '-').encode(), istr(v).encode()) _mpv_initialize(self.handle) def wait_for_playback(self): """ Waits until playback of the current title is paused or done """ with self._playback_cond: self._playback_cond.wait() # def __del__(self): # _mpv_terminate_destroy(self.handle) def command(self, name, *args): """ Execute a raw command """ args = [name.encode()] + [ str(arg).encode() for arg in args if arg is not None ] + [None] _mpv_command(self.handle, (c_char_p*len(args))(*args)) def seek(self, amount, reference="relative", precision="default-precise"): self.command('seek', amount, reference, precision) def revert_seek(self): self.command('revert_seek'); def frame_step(self): self.command('frame_step') def frame_back_step(self): self.command('frame_back_step') def _set_property(self, name, value): self.command('set_property', name, str(value)) def _add_property(self, name, value=None): self.command('add_property', name, value) def _cycle_property(self, name, direction='up'): self.command('cycle_property', name, direction) def _multiply_property(self, name, factor): self.command('multiply_property', name, factor) def screenshot(self, includes='subtitles', mode='single'): self.command('screenshot', includes, mode) def screenshot_to_file(self, filename, includes='subtitles'): self.command('screenshot_to_file', filename, includes) def playlist_next(self, mode='weak'): self.command('playlist_next', mode) def playlist_prev(self, mode='weak'): self.command('playlist_prev', mode) def loadfile(self, filename, mode='replace'): self.command('loadfile', filename, mode) def loadlist(self, playlist, mode='replace'): self.command('loadlist', playlist, mode) def playlist_clear(self): self.command('playlist_clear') def playlist_remove(self, index='current'): self.command('playlist_remove', index) def playlist_move(self, index1, index2): self.command('playlist_move', index1, index2) def run(self, command, *args): self.command('run', command, *args) def quit(self, code=None): self.command('quit', code) def quit_watch_later(self, code=None): self.command('quit_watch_later', code) def sub_add(self, filename): self.command('sub_add', filename) def sub_remove(self, sub_id=None): self.command('sub_remove', sub_id) def sub_reload(self, sub_id=None): self.command('sub_reload', sub_id) def sub_step(self, skip): self.command('sub_step', skip) def sub_seek(self, skip): self.command('sub_seek', skip) def toggle_osd(self): self.command('osd') def show_text(self, string, duration='-', level=None): self.command('show_text', string, duration, level) def show_progress(self): self.command('show_progress') def discnav(self, command): self.command('discnav', command) def write_watch_later_config(self): self.command('write_watch_later_config') def overlay_add(self, overlay_id, x, y, file_or_fd, offset, fmt, w, h, stride): self.command('overlay_add', overlay_id, x, y, file_or_fd, offset, fmt, w, h, stride) def overlay_remove(self, overlay_id): self.command('overlay_remove', overlay_id) def script_message(self, *args): self.command('script_message', *args) def script_message_to(self, target, *args): self.command('script_message_to', target, *args) @property def metadata(self): raise NotImplementedError def chapter_metadata(self): raise NotImplementedError def vf_metadata(self): raise NotImplementedError # Convenience functions def play(self, filename): self.loadfile(filename) # Complex properties _VIDEO_PARAMS_LIST = ( ('pixelformat', str), ('w', int), ('h', int), ('dw', int), ('dh', int), ('aspect', float), ('par', float), ('colormatrix', str), ('colorlevels', str), ('chroma-location', str), ('rotate', int)) @property def video_params(self): return self._get_dict('video-params/', _VIDEO_PARAMS_LIST) @property def video_out_params(self): return self._get_dict('video-out-params/', _VIDEO_PARAMS_LIST) @property def playlist(self): return self._get_list('playlist/', (('filename', str),)) @property def track_list(self): return self._get_list('track-list/', ( ('id', int), ('type', str), ('src-id', int), ('title', str), ('lang', str), ('albumart', ynbool), ('default', ynbool), ('external', ynbool), ('external-filename', str), ('codec', str), ('selected', ynbool))) @property def chapter_list(self): return self._get_dict('chapter-list/', (('title', str), ('time', float))) def _get_dict(self, prefix, props): return { name: proptype(_ensure_encoding(_mpv_get_property_string(self.handle, (prefix+name).encode()))) for name, proptype in props } def _get_list(self, prefix, props): count = int(_ensure_encoding(_mpv_get_property_string(self.handle, (prefix+'count').encode()))) return [ self._get_dict(prefix+str(index)+'/', props) for index in range(count)] # TODO: af, vf properties # TODO: edition-list # TODO property-mapped options def bindproperty(MPV, name, proptype, access): def getter(self): return proptype(_ensure_encoding(_mpv_get_property_string(self.handle, name.encode()))) def setter(self, value): _mpv_set_property_string(self.handle, name.encode(), str(proptype(value)).encode()) def barf(*args): raise NotImplementedError('Access denied') setattr(MPV, name.replace('-', '_'), property(getter if 'r' in access else barf, setter if 'w' in access else barf)) for name, proptype, access in ( ('osd-level', int, 'rw'), ('osd-scale', float, 'rw'), ('loop', str, 'rw'), ('loop-file', str, 'rw'), ('speed', float, 'rw'), ('filename', str, 'r'), ('file-size', int, 'r'), ('path', str, 'r'), ('media-title', str, 'r'), ('stream-pos', int, 'rw'), ('stream-end', int, 'r'), ('length', float, 'r'), ('avsync', float, 'r'), ('total-avsync-change', float, 'r'), ('drop-frame-count', int, 'r'), ('percent-pos', int, 'rw'), ('ratio-pos', float, 'rw'), ('time-pos', float, 'rw'), ('time-start', float, 'r'), ('time-remaining', float, 'r'), ('playtime-remaining', float, 'r'), ('chapter', int, 'rw'), ('edition', int, 'rw'), ('disc-titles', int, 'r'), ('disc-title', str, 'rw'), ('disc-menu-active', ynbool, 'r'), ('chapters', int, 'r'), ('editions', int, 'r'), ('angle', int, 'rw'), ('pause', ynbool, 'rw'), ('core-idle', ynbool, 'r'), ('cache', int, 'r'), ('cache-size' , int, 'rw'), ('pause-for-cache', ynbool, 'r'), ('eof-reached', ynbool, 'r'), ('pts-association-mode', str, 'rw'), ('hr-seek', ynbool, 'rw'), ('volume', float, 'rw'), ('mute', ynbool, 'rw'), ('audio-delay', float, 'rw'), ('audio-format', str, 'r'), ('audio-codec', str, 'r'), ('audio-bitrate', float, 'r'), ('audio-samplerate', int, 'r'), ('audio-channels', str, 'r'), ('aid', int, 'rw'), ('audio', int, 'rw'), ('balance', int, 'rw'), ('fullscreen', ynbool, 'rw'), ('deinterlace', str, 'rw'), ('colormatrix', str, 'rw'), ('colormatrix-input-range', str, 'rw'), ('colormatrix-output-range', str, 'rw'), ('colormatrix-primaries', str, 'rw'), ('ontop', ynbool, 'rw'), ('border', ynbool, 'rw'), ('framedrop', str, 'rw'), ('gamma', float, 'rw'), ('brightness', int, 'rw'), ('contrast', int, 'rw'), ('saturation', int, 'rw'), ('hue', int, 'rw'), ('hwdec', ynbool, 'rw'), ('panscan', float, 'rw'), ('video-format', str, 'r'), ('video-codec', str, 'r'), ('video-bitrate', float, 'r'), ('width', int, 'r'), ('height', int, 'r'), ('dwidth', int, 'r'), ('dheight', int, 'r'), ('fps', float, 'r'), ('estimated-vf-fps', float, 'r'), ('window-scale', float, 'rw'), ('video-aspect', str, 'rw'), ('osd-width', int, 'r'), ('osd-height', int, 'r'), ('osd-par', float, 'r'), ('vid', int, 'rw'), ('video', int, 'rw'), ('video-align-x', float, 'rw'), ('video-align-y', float, 'rw'), ('video-pan-x', int, 'rw'), ('video-pan-y', int, 'rw'), ('video-zoom', float, 'rw'), ('video-unscaled', ynbool, 'w'), ('program', int, 'w'), ('sid', int, 'rw'), ('secondary-sid', int, 'rw'), ('sub', int, 'rw'), ('sub-delay', float, 'rw'), ('sub-pos', int, 'rw'), ('sub-visibility', ynbool, 'rw'), ('sub-forced-only', ynbool, 'rw'), ('sub-scale', float, 'rw'), ('ass-use-margins', ynbool, 'rw'), ('ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat', ynbool, 'rw'), ('ass-style-override', str, 'rw'), ('stream-capture', str, 'rw'), ('tv-brightness', int, 'rw'), ('tv-contrast', int, 'rw'), ('tv-saturation', int, 'rw'), ('tv-hue', int, 'rw'), ('playlist-pos', int, 'rw'), ('playlist-count', int, 'r'), ('quvi-format', str, 'rw'), ('seekable', ynbool, 'r')): bindproperty(MPV, name, proptype, access)