from ctypes import * import threading import os import asyncio from warnings import warn # vim: ts=4 sw=4 backend = CDLL('') class MpvHandle(c_void_p): pass class ErrorCode: """ For documentation on these, see mpv's libmpv/client.h """ SUCCESS = 0 EVENT_QUEUE_FULL = -1 NOMEM = -2 UNINITIALIZED = -3 INVALID_PARAMETER = -4 OPTION_NOT_FOUND = -5 OPTION_FORMAT = -6 OPTION_ERROR = -7 PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND = -8 PROPERTY_FORMAT = -9 PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE = -10 PROPERTY_ERROR = -11 COMMAND = -12 EXCEPTION_DICT = { 0: None, -1: lambda *a: MemoryError('mpv event queue full', *a), -2: lambda *a: MemoryError('mpv cannot allocate memory', *a), -3: lambda *a: ValueError('Uninitialized mpv handle used', *a), -4: lambda *a: ValueError('Invalid value for mpv parameter', *a), -5: lambda *a: AttributeError('mpv option does not exist', *a), -6: lambda *a: TypeError('Tried to set mpv option using wrong format', *a), -7: lambda *a: ValueError('Invalid value for mpv option', *a), -8: lambda *a: AttributeError('mpv property does not exist', *a), -9: lambda *a: TypeError('Tried to set mpv property using wrong format', *a), -10: lambda *a: AttributeError('mpv property is not available', *a), -11: lambda *a: ValueError('Invalid value for mpv property', *a), -12: lambda *a: SystemError('Error running mpv command', *a) } @classmethod def DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER(ec, *args): return ValueError(_mpv_error_string(ec).decode(), ec, *a) @classmethod def raise_for_ec(kls, func, *args): ec = func(*args) ex = kls.EXCEPTION_DICT.get(ec , kls.DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER) if ex: raise ex(ec, *args) class MpvFormat(c_int): NONE = 0 STRING = 1 OSD_STRING = 2 FLAG = 3 INT64 = 4 DOUBLE = 5 NODE = 6 NODE_ARRAY = 7 NODE_MAP = 8 class MpvEventID(c_int): NONE = 0 SHUTDOWN = 1 LOG_MESSAGE = 2 GET_PROPERTY_REPLY = 3 SET_PROPERTY_REPLY = 4 COMMAND_REPLY = 5 START_FILE = 6 END_FILE = 7 FILE_LOADED = 8 TRACKS_CHANGED = 9 TRACK_SWITCHED = 10 IDLE = 11 PAUSE = 12 UNPAUSE = 13 TICK = 14 SCRIPT_INPUT_DISPATCH = 15 CLIENT_MESSAGE = 16 VIDEO_RECONFIG = 17 AUDIO_RECONFIG = 18 METADATA_UPDATE = 19 SEEK = 20 PLAYBACK_RESTART = 21 PROPERTY_CHANGE = 22 CHAPTER_CHANGE = 23 ANY = ( SHUTDOWN, LOG_MESSAGE, GET_PROPERTY_REPLY, SET_PROPERTY_REPLY, COMMAND_REPLY, START_FILE, END_FILE, FILE_LOADED, TRACKS_CHANGED, TRACK_SWITCHED, IDLE, PAUSE, UNPAUSE, TICK, SCRIPT_INPUT_DISPATCH, CLIENT_MESSAGE, VIDEO_RECONFIG, AUDIO_RECONFIG, METADATA_UPDATE, SEEK, PLAYBACK_RESTART, PROPERTY_CHANGE, CHAPTER_CHANGE ) class MpvEvent(Structure): _fields_ = [('event_id', MpvEventID), ('error', c_int), ('reply_userdata', c_ulonglong), ('data', c_void_p)] def as_dict(self): dtype = {MpvEventID.END_FILE: MpvEventEndFile, MpvEventID.PROPERTY_CHANGE: MpvEventProperty, MpvEventID.GET_PROPERTY_REPLY: MpvEventProperty, MpvEventID.LOG_MESSAGE: MpvEventLogMessage, MpvEventID.SCRIPT_INPUT_DISPATCH: MpvEventScriptInputDispatch, MpvEventID.CLIENT_MESSAGE: MpvEventClientMessage }.get(self.event_id.value, None) return {'event_id': self.event_id.value, 'error': self.error, 'reply_userdata': self.reply_userdata, 'event': cast(, POINTER(dtype)).contents.as_dict() if dtype else None} class MpvEventProperty(Structure): _fields_ = [('name', c_char_p), ('format', MpvFormat), ('data', c_void_p)] def as_dict(): pass # FIXME class MpvEventLogMessage(Structure): _fields_ = [('prefix', c_char_p), ('level', c_char_p), ('text', c_char_p)] def as_dict(self): return { name: getattr(self, name).value for name, _t in _fields_ } class MpvEventEndFile(c_int): EOF_OR_INIT_FAILURE = 0 RESTARTED = 1 ABORTED = 2 QUIT = 3 def as_dict(self): return {'reason': self.value} class MpvEventScriptInputDispatch(Structure): _fields_ = [('arg0', c_int), ('type', c_char_p)] def as_dict(self): pass # TODO class MpvEventClientMessage(Structure): _fields_ = [('num_args', c_int), ('args', POINTER(c_char_p))] def as_dict(self): return { 'args': [ self.args[i].value for i in range(self.num_args.value) ] } WakeupCallback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p) def _handle_func(name, args=[], res=None): func = getattr(backend, name) if res is not None: func.restype = res func.argtypes = [MpvHandle] + args def wrapper(*args): if res is not None: return func(*args) else: ErrorCode.raise_for_ec(func, *args) globals()['_'+name] = wrapper backend.mpv_client_api_version.restype = c_ulong def _mpv_client_api_version(): ver = backend.mpv_client_api_version() return ver>>16, ver&0xFFFF backend.mpv_free.argtypes = [c_void_p] _mpv_free = backend.mpv_free backend.mpv_create.restype = MpvHandle _mpv_create = backend.mpv_create _handle_func('mpv_client_name', [], c_char_p) _handle_func('mpv_initialize') _handle_func('mpv_detach_destroy', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_terminate_destroy', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_load_config_file', [c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_suspend', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_resume', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_get_time_us', [], c_ulonglong) _handle_func('mpv_set_option', [c_char_p, MpvFormat, c_void_p]) _handle_func('mpv_set_option_string', [c_char_p, c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_command', [POINTER(c_char_p)]) _handle_func('mpv_command_string', [c_char_p, c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_command_async', [c_ulonglong, POINTER(c_char_p)]) _handle_func('mpv_set_property', [c_char_p, MpvFormat, c_void_p]) _handle_func('mpv_set_property_string', [c_char_p, c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_set_property_async', [c_ulonglong, c_char_p, MpvFormat, c_void_p]) _handle_func('mpv_get_property', [c_char_p, MpvFormat, c_void_p]) _handle_func('mpv_get_property_string', [c_char_p], c_char_p) _handle_func('mpv_get_property_osd_string', [c_char_p], c_char_p) _handle_func('mpv_get_property_async', [c_ulonglong, c_char_p, MpvFormat]) _handle_func('mpv_observe_property', [c_ulonglong, c_char_p, MpvFormat]) _handle_func('mpv_unobserve_property', [c_ulonglong]) backend.mpv_event_name.restype = c_char_p backend.mpv_event_name.argtypes = [c_int] _mpv_event_name = backend.mpv_event_name backend.mpv_error_string.restype = c_char_p backend.mpv_error_string.argtypes = [c_int] _mpv_error_string = backend.mpv_error_string _handle_func('mpv_request_event', [MpvEventID, c_int]) _handle_func('mpv_request_log_messages', [c_char_p]) _handle_func('mpv_wait_event', [c_double], POINTER(MpvEvent)) _handle_func('mpv_wakeup', [], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_set_wakeup_callback', [WakeupCallback, c_void_p], c_int) _handle_func('mpv_get_wakeup_pipe', [], c_int) class ynbool: def __init__(self, val=False): if not val or val == b'no' or val == 'no': self.val = False else: self.val = True def __nonzero__(self): return self.val def __str__(self): return 'yes' if self.val else 'no' def __repr__(self): return str(self.val) def _ensure_encoding(possibly_bytes): return possibly_bytes.decode() if type(possibly_bytes) is bytes else possibly_bytes def _event_generator(handle): while True: event = _mpv_wait_event(handle, 0).contents if event.event_id.value == MpvEventID.NONE: raise StopIteration() yield event def load_lua(): """ Use this function if you intend to use mpv's built-in lua interpreter. This is e.g. needed for playback of youtube urls. """ CDLL('', mode=RTLD_GLOBAL) class MPV: """ See man mpv(1) for the details of the implemented commands. """ def __init__(self, evloop=None, **kwargs): """ Create an MPV instance. You should pass in an asyncio event loop that will handle the mpv event queue via the evloop argument. If you do not pass in one, one will be created for you and run in a freshly spawned thread (works for prototypes but is likely not what you want). Any kwargs given will be passed to mpv as options. """ self.handle = _mpv_create() self.event_callbacks = [] self._event_fd = _mpv_get_wakeup_pipe(self.handle) self._playback_cond = threading.Condition() def mpv_event_extractor():, 512) for event in _event_generator(self.handle): devent = event.as_dict() # copy data from ctypes if devent['event_id'] in (MpvEventID.SHUTDOWN, MpvEventID.END_FILE, MpvEventID.PAUSE): with self._playback_cond: self._playback_cond.notify_all() for callback in self.event_callbacks: if evloop: evloop.add_reader(self._event_fd, mpv_event_extractor) else: def loop_runner(): loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() loop.add_reader(self._event_fd, mpv_event_extractor) try: loop.run_forever() finally: loop.close() self._event_thread = threading.Thread(target=loop_runner, daemon=True) self._event_thread.start() _mpv_set_option_string(self.handle, b'audio-display', b'no') istr = lambda o: ('yes' if o else 'no') if type(o) is bool else str(o) for k,v in kwargs.items(): _mpv_set_option_string(self.handle, k.replace('_', '-').encode(), istr(v).encode()) _mpv_initialize(self.handle) def wait_for_playback(self): """ Waits until playback of the current title is paused or done """ with self._playback_cond: self._playback_cond.wait() # def __del__(self): # _mpv_terminate_destroy(self.handle) def command(self, name, *args): """ Execute a raw command """ args = [name.encode()] + [ str(arg).encode() for arg in args if arg is not None ] + [None] _mpv_command(self.handle, (c_char_p*len(args))(*args)) def seek(self, amount, reference="relative", precision="default-precise"): self.command('seek', amount, reference, precision) def revert_seek(self): self.command('revert_seek'); def frame_step(self): self.command('frame_step') def frame_back_step(self): self.command('frame_back_step') def _set_property(self, name, value): self.command('set_property', name, str(value)) def _add_property(self, name, value=None): self.command('add_property', name, value) def _cycle_property(self, name, direction='up'): self.command('cycle_property', name, direction) def _multiply_property(self, name, factor): self.command('multiply_property', name, factor) def screenshot(self, includes='subtitles', mode='single'): self.command('screenshot', includes, mode) def screenshot_to_file(self, filename, includes='subtitles'): self.command('screenshot_to_file', filename, includes) def playlist_next(self, mode='weak'): self.command('playlist_next', mode) def playlist_prev(self, mode='weak'): self.command('playlist_prev', mode) def loadfile(self, filename, mode='replace'): self.command('loadfile', filename, mode) def loadlist(self, playlist, mode='replace'): self.command('loadlist', playlist, mode) def playlist_clear(self): self.command('playlist_clear') def playlist_remove(self, index='current'): self.command('playlist_remove', index) def playlist_move(self, index1, index2): self.command('playlist_move', index1, index2) def run(self, command, *args): self.command('run', command, *args) def quit(self, code=None): self.command('quit', code) def quit_watch_later(self, code=None): self.command('quit_watch_later', code) def sub_add(self, filename): self.command('sub_add', filename) def sub_remove(self, sub_id=None): self.command('sub_remove', sub_id) def sub_reload(self, sub_id=None): self.command('sub_reload', sub_id) def sub_step(self, skip): self.command('sub_step', skip) def sub_seek(self, skip): self.command('sub_seek', skip) def toggle_osd(self): self.command('osd') def show_text(self, string, duration='-', level=None): self.command('show_text', string, duration, level) def show_progress(self): self.command('show_progress') def discnav(self, command): self.command('discnav', command) def write_watch_later_config(self): self.command('write_watch_later_config') def overlay_add(self, overlay_id, x, y, file_or_fd, offset, fmt, w, h, stride): self.command('overlay_add', overlay_id, x, y, file_or_fd, offset, fmt, w, h, stride) def overlay_remove(self, overlay_id): self.command('overlay_remove', overlay_id) def script_message(self, *args): self.command('script_message', *args) def script_message_to(self, target, *args): self.command('script_message_to', target, *args) @property def metadata(self): ... def chapter_metadata(self): ... def vf_metadata(self): ... # Convenience functions def play(self, filename): self.loadfile(filename) # Complex properties _VIDEO_PARAMS_LIST = ( ('pixelformat', str), ('w', int), ('h', int), ('dw', int), ('dh', int), ('aspect', float), ('par', float), ('colormatrix', str), ('colorlevels', str), ('chroma-location', str), ('rotate', int)) @property def video_params(self): return self._get_dict('video-params/', _VIDEO_PARAMS_LIST) @property def video_out_params(self): return self._get_dict('video-out-params/', _VIDEO_PARAMS_LIST) @property def playlist(self): return self._get_list('playlist/', (('filename', str),)) @property def track_list(self): return self._get_list('track-list/', ( ('id', int), ('type', str), ('src-id', int), ('title', str), ('lang', str), ('albumart', ynbool), ('default', ynbool), ('external', ynbool), ('external-filename', str), ('codec', str), ('selected', ynbool))) @property def chapter_list(self): return self._get_dict('chapter-list/', (('title', str), ('time', float))) def _get_dict(self, prefix, props): return { name: proptype(_ensure_encoding(_mpv_get_property_string(self.handle, (prefix+name).encode()))) for name, proptype in props } def _get_list(self, prefix, props): count = int(_ensure_encoding(_mpv_get_property_string(self.handle, (prefix+'count').encode()))) return [ self._get_dict(prefix+str(index)+'/', props) for index in range(count)] # TODO: af, vf properties # TODO: edition-list # TODO property-mapped options def bindproperty(MPV, name, proptype, access): def getter(self): return proptype(_ensure_encoding(_mpv_get_property_string(self.handle, name.encode()))) def setter(self, value): _mpv_set_property_string(self.handle, name.encode(), str(proptype(value)).encode()) def barf(*args): raise NotImplementedError('Access denied') setattr(MPV, name.replace('-', '_'), property(getter if 'r' in access else barf, setter if 'w' in access else barf)) for name, proptype, access in ( ('osd-level', int, 'rw'), ('osd-scale', float, 'rw'), ('loop', str, 'rw'), ('loop-file', str, 'rw'), ('speed', float, 'rw'), ('filename', str, 'r'), ('file-size', int, 'r'), ('path', str, 'r'), ('media-title', str, 'r'), ('stream-pos', int, 'rw'), ('stream-end', int, 'r'), ('length', float, 'r'), ('avsync', float, 'r'), ('total-avsync-change', float, 'r'), ('drop-frame-count', int, 'r'), ('percent-pos', int, 'rw'), ('ratio-pos', float, 'rw'), ('time-pos', float, 'rw'), ('time-start', float, 'r'), ('time-remaining', float, 'r'), ('playtime-remaining', float, 'r'), ('chapter', int, 'rw'), ('edition', int, 'rw'), ('disc-titles', int, 'r'), ('disc-title', str, 'rw'), ('disc-menu-active', ynbool, 'r'), ('chapters', int, 'r'), ('editions', int, 'r'), ('angle', int, 'rw'), ('pause', ynbool, 'rw'), ('core-idle', ynbool, 'r'), ('cache', int, 'r'), ('cache-size' , int, 'rw'), ('pause-for-cache', ynbool, 'r'), ('eof-reached', ynbool, 'r'), ('pts-association-mode', str, 'rw'), ('hr-seek', ynbool, 'rw'), ('volume', float, 'rw'), ('mute', ynbool, 'rw'), ('audio-delay', float, 'rw'), ('audio-format', str, 'r'), ('audio-codec', str, 'r'), ('audio-bitrate', float, 'r'), ('audio-samplerate', int, 'r'), ('audio-channels', str, 'r'), ('aid', int, 'rw'), ('audio', int, 'rw'), ('balance', int, 'rw'), ('fullscreen', ynbool, 'rw'), ('deinterlace', str, 'rw'), ('colormatrix', str, 'rw'), ('colormatrix-input-range', str, 'rw'), ('colormatrix-output-range', str, 'rw'), ('colormatrix-primaries', str, 'rw'), ('ontop', ynbool, 'rw'), ('border', ynbool, 'rw'), ('framedrop', str, 'rw'), ('gamma', float, 'rw'), ('brightness', int, 'rw'), ('contrast', int, 'rw'), ('saturation', int, 'rw'), ('hue', int, 'rw'), ('hwdec', ynbool, 'rw'), ('panscan', float, 'rw'), ('video-format', str, 'r'), ('video-codec', str, 'r'), ('video-bitrate', float, 'r'), ('width', int, 'r'), ('height', int, 'r'), ('dwidth', int, 'r'), ('dheight', int, 'r'), ('fps', float, 'r'), ('estimated-vf-fps', float, 'r'), ('window-scale', float, 'rw'), ('video-aspect', str, 'rw'), ('osd-width', int, 'r'), ('osd-height', int, 'r'), ('osd-par', float, 'r'), ('vid', int, 'rw'), ('video', int, 'rw'), ('video-align-x', float, 'rw'), ('video-align-y', float, 'rw'), ('video-pan-x', int, 'rw'), ('video-pan-y', int, 'rw'), ('video-zoom', float, 'rw'), ('video-unscaled', ynbool, 'w'), ('program', int, 'w'), ('sid', int, 'rw'), ('secondary-sid', int, 'rw'), ('sub', int, 'rw'), ('sub-delay', float, 'rw'), ('sub-pos', int, 'rw'), ('sub-visibility', ynbool, 'rw'), ('sub-forced-only', ynbool, 'rw'), ('sub-scale', float, 'rw'), ('ass-use-margins', ynbool, 'rw'), ('ass-vsfilter-aspect-compat', ynbool, 'rw'), ('ass-style-override', str, 'rw'), ('stream-capture', str, 'rw'), ('tv-brightness', int, 'rw'), ('tv-contrast', int, 'rw'), ('tv-saturation', int, 'rw'), ('tv-hue', int, 'rw'), ('playlist-pos', int, 'rw'), ('playlist-count', int, 'r'), ('quvi-format', str, 'rw'), ('seekable', ynbool, 'r')): bindproperty(MPV, name, proptype, access)