path: root/
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1 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index b2f6868..19f3581 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1944,6 +1944,43 @@ class MPV(object):
return cb
return register
+ @contextmanager
+ def play_context(self):
+ """ Context manager for streaming bytes straight into libmpv.
+ This is a convenience wrapper around python_stream. play_context returns a write method, which you can use in
+ the body of the context manager to feed libmpv bytes. All bytes you feed in with write() in the body of a single
+ call of this context manager are treated as one single file. A queue is used internally, so this function is
+ thread-safe. The queue is unlimited, so it cannot block and is safe to call from async code. You can use this
+ function to stream chunked data, e.g. from the network.
+ Use it like this:
+ with m.play_context() as write:
+ with open(TESTVID, 'rb') as f:
+ while (chunk := # Get some chunks of bytes
+ write(chunk)
+ """
+ q = queue.Queue()
+ frame = sys._getframe()
+ stream_name = f'__python_mpv_play_generator_{hash(frame)}'
+ EOF = frame # Get some unique object as EOF marker
+ @self.python_stream(stream_name)
+ def reader():
+ while (chunk := q.get()) is not EOF:
+ if chunk:
+ yield chunk
+ reader.unregister()
+ def write(chunk):
+ q.put(chunk)
+ # Start playback before yielding, the first call to reader() will block until write is called at least once.
+ yield write
+ q.put(EOF)
def python_stream_catchall(self, cb):
""" Register a catch-all python stream to be called when no name matches can be found. Use this decorator on a
function that takes a name argument and returns a (generator, size) tuple (with size being None if unknown).