#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys from subprocess import Popen, PIPE PONYSAY_VERSION = '2.5' class Setup(): def __init__(self): usage_script = '\033[34;1msetup.py\033[21;39m' usage_help = '(version | help)' usage_proc = '[\033[4mconfigurations\033[24m] ([build] | prebuilt | install | (uninstall|clean)[-old])' usage = '%s %s\n%s %s' % (usage_script, usage_help, usage_script, usage_proc) usage = usage.replace('\033[', '\0') for sym in ('[', ']', '(', ')', '|', '...'): usage = usage.replace(sym, '\033[2m' + sym + '\033[22m') usage = usage.replace('\0', '\033[') opts = ArgParser(program = 'setup.py', description = 'installer for ponysay', usage = usage) opts.add_argumentless(alternatives = ['--help']) opts.add_argumentless(alternatives = ['--version']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Install everything that is not explicity excluded', alternatives = ['--everything', '--with-everything']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Install only the essentials\nNote that this can vary depending on version', alternatives = ['--minimal']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Install nothing that is not explicity included', alternatives = ['--nothing', '--with-nothing']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install ponysay command', alternatives = ['--without-ponysay']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Install ponysay command', alternatives = ['--with-ponysay']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install ponythink command', alternatives = ['--without-ponythink']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Install ponythink command', alternatives = ['--with-ponythink']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install a user shared cache', alternatives = ['--without-shared-cache']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Install a user shared cache at CACHEDIR\nDefault = /var/cache/ponysay', alternatives = [ '--with-shared-cache'], arg='CACHEDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install completion for GNU Bash', alternatives = ['--without-bash']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set file name for the completion for ponysay in GNU Bash', alternatives = [ '--with-bash'], arg='PONYSAY_BASH_FILE') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install completion for Friendly interactive shell', alternatives = ['--without-fish']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set file name for the completion for ponysay in Friendly interactive shell', alternatives = [ '--with-fish'], arg='PONYSAY_FISH_FILE') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install completion for zsh', alternatives = ['--without-zsh']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set file name for the completion for ponysay in zsh', alternatives = [ '--with-zsh'], arg='PONYSAY_ZSH_FILE') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Only install explicitly included shell completions', alternatives = ['--without-shells']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set share/ directory used for shell completions\nDefault = $SHAREDIR', alternatives = [ '--with-shells'], arg='SHAREDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install PDF manual\nDefault', alternatives = ['--without-pdf']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for PDF manual\nDefault = $PREFIX/doc', alternatives = [ '--with-pdf'], arg='DOCDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not compress PDF manual\nDefault', alternatives = ['--without-pdf-compression']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Select compression for PDF manual\nDefault = gz, xz is also recognised', alternatives = [ '--with-pdf-compression'], arg='COMPRESSION') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install info manual', alternatives = ['--without-info']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for info manual\nDefault = $SHARE/info', alternatives = [ '--with-info'], arg='INFODIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not use install-info when installing info manual', alternatives = ['--without-info-install']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Use install-info when installing info manual, and set description\nDefault', alternatives = [ '--with-info-install'], arg='DESCIPTION') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not compress info manual', alternatives = ['--without-info-compression']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Select compression for info manual\nDefault = gz, xz is also recognised', alternatives = [ '--with-info-compression'], arg='COMPRESSION') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install English manpage manual', alternatives = ['--without-man-en']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for English manpage\nDefault = $SHARE/man', alternatives = [ '--with-man-en'], arg='MANDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install Spanish manpage manual\nDefault.', alternatives = ['--without-man-es']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for Spanish manpage\nDefault = $SHARE/man', alternatives = [ '--with-man-es'], arg='MANDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install any manpages', alternatives = ['--without-man']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for all man pages\nDefault = $SHARE/man', alternatives = [ '--with-man'], arg='MANDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not compress English manpage', alternatives = ['--without-man-en-compression']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Select compression for English manpage\nDefault = gz, xz is also recognised', alternatives = [ '--with-man-en-compression'], arg='COMPRESSION') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not compress Spanish manpage', alternatives = ['--without-man-es-compression']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Select compression for Spanish manpage\nDefault = gz, xz is also recognised', alternatives = [ '--with-man-es-compression'], arg='COMPRESSION') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not compress any installed manpage', alternatives = ['--without-man-compression']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Select compression for installed manpages\nDefault = gz, xz is also recognised', alternatives = [ '--with-man-compression'], arg='COMPRESSION') opts.add_argumented (help = 'Change the section for the ponysay manpage\nDefault = 6', alternatives = ['--man-section-ponysay'], arg='SECTION') opts.add_argumented (help = 'Change the section for the cowsay manpage\nDefault = 1', alternatives = ['--man-section-cowsay'], arg='SECTION') opts.add_argumented (help = 'Change the section for the fortune manpage\nDefault = 6', alternatives = ['--man-section-fortune'], arg='SECTION') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install xterm ponies', alternatives = ['--without-ponies']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for xterm ponies\nDefault = $SHAREDIR/ponysay/ponies', alternatives = [ '--with-ponies'], arg='PONYDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install tty ponies', alternatives = ['--without-ttyponies']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for tty ponies\nDefault = $SHAREDIR/ponysay/ttyponies', alternatives = [ '--with-ttyponies'], arg='TTYPONYDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install extra xterm ponies', alternatives = ['--without-extraponies']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for extra xterm ponies\nDefault = $SHAREDIR/ponysay/extraponies', alternatives = [ '--with-extraponies'], arg='XPONYDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install extra tty ponies', alternatives = ['--without-extrattyponies']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for extra tty ponies\nDefault = $SHAREDIR/ponysay/extrattyponies', alternatives = [ '--with-extrattyponies'], arg='XTTYPONYDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install pony quotes', alternatives = ['--without-quotes']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for pony quotes\nDefault = $SHAREDIR/ponysay/quotes', alternatives = [ '--with-quotes'], arg='QUOTEDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install balloon styles', alternatives = ['--without-balloons']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set directory for balloon styles\nDefault = $SHAREDIR/ponysay/balloons', alternatives = [ '--with-balloons'], arg='BALLOONDIR') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Do not install UCS pony name map', alternatives = ['--without-ucs']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set file for the UCS pony name map\nDefault = $SHAREDIR/ponysay/ucsmap', alternatives = [ '--with-ucs'], arg='UCSFILE') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Let the installer set the env name for python in ponysay\nDefault', alternatives = ['--without-custom-env-python']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set the env name for python in ponysay', alternatives = ['--with-custom-env-python'], arg='PYTHON') opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set a prefix to all implicit directories\nDefault = /usr', alternatives = ['--prefix'], arg='PREFIX') opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Change all implicit configurations to fit local user a installation for the current user', alternatives = ['--private']) opts.add_argumentless(help = 'Change all implicit directories to fit installation to /opt', alternatives = ['--opt']) opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set the system\'s directory for command executables\nDefault = $PREFIX/bin', alternatives = ['--bin-dir'], arg='BINDIR') opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set the system\'s directory for non-command executables\nDefault = $PREFIX/lib\nNot used.', alternatives = ['--lib-dir'], arg='LIBDIR') opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set the system\'s directory for resource files\nDefault = $PREFIX/share', alternatives = ['--share-dir'], arg='SHAREDIR') opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set the system\'s directory for cache directories\nDefault = /var/cache', alternatives = ['--cache-dir'], arg='CACHEDIR') opts.add_argumented (help = 'Set off environment for installation\nEmpty by default', alternatives = ['--dest-dir'], arg='DESTDIR') opts.parse() if len(opts.files) > 1) or (opts.opts['--help'] is not None) or ((len(opts.files) == 1) and (opts.files[0] == 'help')): opts.help() elif (opts.opts['--version'] is not None) or ((len(opts.files) == 1) and (opts.files[0] == 'version')): print('Ponysay %s installer' % (PONYSAY_VERSION)) else: if len(opts.files) == 0: opts.files = ['build'] method = opts.files[0] conf = self.configure(opts.opts) if method == 'build': Setup.build (conf) elif method == 'prebuilt': Setup.install (conf) elif method == 'install': Setup.build (conf); Setup.install(conf) elif method == 'uninstall': Setup.uninstall (conf) elif method == 'uninstall-old': Setup.uninstallOld(conf) elif method == 'clean': Setup.clean (conf) elif method == 'clean-old': Setup.cleanOld (conf) else: opts.help() ''' Parses configurations ''' def configure(self, opts): (defaults, conf) = ({}, {}) manpages = (('en', 'English'), ('es', 'Spanish')) #'en' must be first sharedirs = ('ponies', 'ttyponies', 'extraponies', 'extrattyponies', 'quotes', 'balloons') sharefiles = (('ucs', 'ucsmap')) commands = ('ponysay', 'ponythink') shells = (('bash', '/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ponysay'), ('fish', '/usr/share/fish/completions/ponysay.fish'), ('zsh', '/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_ponysay')) mansections = (('ponysay', '6'), ('cowsay', '1'), ('fortune', '6')) for command in commands: conf[command] = True conf['shared-cache'] = '/var/cache/ponysay' for shell in shells: conf[shell[0]] = shell[1] conf['pdf'] = '/usr/doc' conf['pdf-compression'] = 'gz' conf['info'] = '/usr/share/info' conf['info-install'] = 'My Little Ponies for your terminal' conf['info-compression'] = 'gz' for manpage in manpages: conf['man-' + manpage[0]] = '/usr/share/man' conf['man-' + manpage[0] + '-compression'] = 'gz' for sharedir in sharedirs: conf[sharedir] = '/usr/share/ponysay/' + sharedir for sharefile in sharefiles: conf[sharefile[0]] = '/usr/share/ponysay/' + sharefile[1] conf['custom-env-python'] = 'python3' if opts['--private'] is not None: if opts['--prefix'] is None: opts['--prefix'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.local' prefix = '/usr' if opts['--prefix'] is not None: prefix = opts['--prefix'][0] for key in conf: if conf.startswith('/usr'): conf[key] = prefix + conf[key][4:] if opts['--opt'] is not None: if opts['--bin-dir'] is None: opts['--bin-dir'] = ['/opt/ponysay/bin'] if opts['--lib-dir'] is None: opts['--lib-dir'] = ['/opt/ponysay/lib'] if opts['--share-dir'] is None: opts['--share-dir'] = ['/opt/ponysay/share'] if opts['--cache-dir'] is None: opts['--cache-dir'] = ['/var/opt/ponysay/cache'] for dir in ('bin', 'lib', 'share'): if opts['--' + dir + '-dir'] is not None: d = opts['--' + dir + '-dir'][0] for key in conf: if conf.startswith(prefix + '/' + dir): conf[key] = d + conf[key][5 + len(dir):] if opts['--cache-dir'] is not None: dir = opts['--cache-dir'][0] for key in conf: if conf.startswith('/var/cache'): conf[key] = d + conf[key][10:] for key in conf: defaults[key] = conf[key] if opts['--nothing'] is not None: opts['--minimal'] = opts['--nothing'] for key in ('custom-env-python'): conf[key] = None if opts['--everything'] is not None: for key in ('pdf', 'pdf-compression'): conf[key] = None nomanen = opts['--minimal'] is not None for manpage in manpages: if manpage is not manpage[0] or nomanen: for key in ('man-' + manpage[0], 'man-' + manpage[0] + '-compression'): conf[key] = None if (opts['--private'] is not None) or (opts['--minimal'] is not None): for key in ('info-install', 'shared-cache'): conf[key] = None if opts['--minimal'] is not None: for key in ['info', 'info-compression'] + [item[0] in item for shells]: conf[key] = None for key in sharedirs: if key is not sharedirs[0]: conf[key] = None if opts['--nothing'] is not None: for command in commands: conf[command] = True for coll in (('shell', '/usr/share', [item[0] for item in shells]), ('man', '/usr/share/man', ['man-' + item[0] for item in manpages]), ('man-compression', 'gz', ['man-' + item[0] + '-compression' for item in manpages]) ): if opts['--without-' + coll[0]] is not None: for item in coll[2]: conf[item] = None if opts['--with-' + coll[0]] is not None: for item in coll[2]: defaults[item] = conf[item] = defaults[item].replace(coll[1], coll[1] if opts['--with-' + coll[0]][0] is None else opts['--with-' + coll[0]][0]); for key in conf: if opts['--with-' + key] is not None: if defaults[key] in (False, True): conf[key] = True else: conf[key] = defaults[key] if opts['--with-' + key][0] is None else opts['--with-' + key][0] if opts['--without-' + key] is not None: conf[key] = False if defaults[key] in (False, True) else None for pair in (('pdf', 'pdf-compression'), ('info', 'info-install'), ('info', 'info-compression'), ('man-es', 'man-es-compression')): if (conf[pair[0]] in (False, None)) and (conf[pair[1]] not in (False, None)): conf[pair[0]] = defaults[pair[0]] for mansection in mansections: if opts['--man-section-' + mansection[0]] is not None: conf['man-section-' + mansection[0]] = opts['--man-section-' + mansection[0]] else: conf['man-section-' + mansection[0]] = mansection[1] if opts['--dest-dir'] is not None: destdir = opts['--dest-dir'][0] for key in conf: if (conf[key] is not None) and conf.startswith('/'): conf[key] = destdir + conf[key] return conf ARGUMENTLESS = 0 ARGUMENTED = 1 ''' Simple argument parser, a strip down of the one in ponysay and slitly modified ''' class ArgParser(): ''' Constructor. The short description is printed on same line as the program name ''' def __init__(self, program, description, usage, longdescription = None): self.__program = program self.__description = description self.__usage = usage self.__longdescription = longdescription self.__arguments = [] (self.opts, self.optmap) = ({}, {}) ''' Add option that takes no arguments ''' def add_argumentless(self, alternatives, help = None): ARGUMENTLESS self.__arguments.append((ARGUMENTLESS, alternatives, None, help)) (stdalt, self.opts[stdalt]) = (alternatives[0], None) for alt in alternatives: self.optmap[alt] = (stdalt, ARGUMENTLESS) ''' Add option that takes one argument ''' def add_argumented(self, alternatives, arg, help = None): self.__arguments.append((ARGUMENTED, alternatives, arg, help)) (stdalt, self.opts[stdalt]) = (alternatives[0], None) for alt in alternatives: self.optmap[alt] = (stdalt, ARGUMENTED) ''' Parse arguments ''' def parse(self, argv = sys.argv): self.argcount = len(argv) - 1 self.files = [] (argqueue, optqueue, get) = ([], [], False) for arg in argv: if get: get = False if (len(arg) > 2) and (arg[:2] in ('--', '++')): argqueue.append(None) else: argqueue.append(arg) continue if (len(arg) > 2) and (arg[:2] in ('--', '++')): if (arg in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg][1] == ARGUMENTLESS): optqueue.append(arg) argqueue.append(None) elif '=' in arg: arg_opt = arg[:arg.index('=')] if (arg_opt in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg_opt][1] == ARGUMENTED): optqueue.append(arg_opt) argqueue.append(arg[arg.index('=') + 1:]) else: unrecognised(arg) elif (arg in self.optmap) and (self.optmap[arg][1] == ARGUMENTED): optqueue.append(arg) get = True else: sys.stderr.write('%s: fatal: unrecognised option %s. see --help or the manual\n' % (self.__program, arg)) exit(-1) else: self.files.append(arg) (i, n) = (0, len(optqueue)) if len(argqueue) < n: argqueue.append(None) while i < n: (opt, arg, i) = (optqueue[i], argqueue[i], i + 1) opt = self.optmap[opt][0] if (opt not in self.opts) or (self.opts[opt] is None): self.opts[opt] = [] self.opts[opt].append(arg) ''' Prints a colourful help message ''' def help(self): print('\033[1m%s\033[21m - %s\n' % (self.__program, self.__description)) if self.__longdescription is not None: print(self.__longdescription) print() print('\n\033[1mUSAGE:\033[21m', end='') first = True for line in self.__usage.split('\n'): if first: first = False else: print(' or', end='') print('\t%s' % (line)) print('\n\033[1mCONFIGURATIONS:\033[21m\n') for opt in self.__arguments: (opt_type, opt_alts, opt_arg, opt_help) = opt[0:4] if opt_help is not None: for opt_alt in opt_alts: if opt_alt is opt_alts[-1]: print('\t%s \033[4m%s\033[24m' % (opt_alt, opt_arg) if opt_type == ARGUMENTED else '\t' + opt_alt) else: print('\t\033[2m' + opt_alt + '\033[22m') first = True for line in opt_help.split('\n'): print(('\t\t\033[32;1m%s\033[21;39m' if first else '\t\t%s') % (line)) first = False print() print() if __name__ == '__main__': Setup()