#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys, random from os.path import dirname, realpath, exists import argparse, textwrap try: import re2 as re except: import re # (oneline, multiline, bottom, top, linkl, linkr) # {one,multi}line := (left, right) # {left,right} := (top, middle, bottom) balloonstyles= {'cowsay': (((' ', '', '< '), (' ', '', '> ')), ((' /', '|', '\\ '), (' \\', '|', '/ ')), '-', '_', '\\', '/'), 'cowsay.think': (((' ', '', '( '), (' ', '', ') ')), ((' (', '(', '( '), (' )', ')', ') ')), '-', '_', 'o', 'o'), 'ascii': (((' /|', '', '\\ '), (' \\|', '', '/ ')), ((' /|', '|', '|\\'), (' \\|', '|', '|/')), '_', '_', '\\', '/'), 'ascii.think': (((' ((', '', '( '), (' ))', '', ') ')), ((' ((', '(', '(('), (' ))', ')', '))')), '_', '_', 'o', 'o'), 'unicode': ((('┌││', '', '│└ '), ('┐││', '', '│┘ ')), (('┌││', '│', '││└'), ('┐││', '│', '││┘')), '─', '─', '╲', '╱'), 'round': ((('╭││', '', '│╰ '), ('╮││', '', '│╯ ')), (('╭││', '│', '││╰'), ('╮││', '│', '││╯')), '─', '─', '╲', '╱'), 'linux-vt': ((('┌││', '', '│└ '), ('┐││', '', '│┘ ')), (('┌││', '│', '││└'), ('┐││', '│', '││┘')), '─', '─', '\\', '/')} ponypath=realpath(dirname(__file__)+'/ponies') if not exists(ponypath): ponypath=realpath(dirname(__file__)+'/../../ponies') def list_ponies(markQuotes=False): quotes = lambda n: ' (quotes)' if markQuotes and exists(ponypath+'/'+n+'.quotes') else '' return [ f[:-5]+quotes(f[:-5]) for f in os.listdir(ponypath) if not f.endswith('quotes') ] def list_ponies_with_quotes(markQuotes=False): return [ f[:-7] for f in os.listdir(ponypath) if f.endswith('quotes') ] def load_pony(name): return open(ponypath+'/'+name+'.pony').readlines() def random_quote(name): quotepath=ponypath+'/'+name+'.quotes' if exists(quotepath): return random.choice(open(quotepath).read().split('\n\n')) else: return None def render_balloon(text, balloonstyle, minwidth=0, maxwidth=40, pad=str.center): if text is None: return [] (oneline, multiline, bottom, top, linkl, linkr) = balloonstyle lines = [ ' '+wrapline+' ' for textline in text.center(minwidth).split('\n') for wrapline in textwrap.wrap(textline, maxwidth) ] width = max([ len(line) for line in lines ]+[minwidth]) side = lambda top, middle, bottom: top + middle*(len(lines)-2) + bottom leftside, rightside = oneline if len(lines) == 1 else multiline topextra, bottomextra = len(leftside[0])-2, len(leftside[2])-2 leftside, rightside = side(*leftside), side(*rightside) lines = [top*width] + [' '*width]*topextra + [ pad(line, width) for line in lines ] + [' '*width]*bottomextra + [bottom*width] return [ l+m+r for l,m,r in zip(leftside, lines, rightside) ] def render_pony(name, text, balloonstyle, width=80, center=False, centertext=False): pony = load_pony(name) #CAUTION: these lines already end with '\n' balloon = link_l = link_r = '' if text: [link_l, link_r] = balloonstyle[-2:] for i,line in enumerate(pony): match = re.search('\$balloon([0-9]*)\$', line) if match: minwidth = int(match.group(1) or '0') pony[i:i+1] = render_balloon(text, balloonstyle, minwidth=minwidth, maxwidth=int(width/2), pad=str.center if centertext else str.ljust) break try: first = pony.index('$$$\n') second = pony[first+1:].index('$$$\n') pony[first:] = pony[first+1+second+1:] except: pass pony = [ line.replace('$\\$', link_l).replace('$/$', link_r) for line in pony ] indent = '' if center: ponywidth = max([ len(re.sub(r'\x1B\[[0-9;]+m|\$.*\$', '', line)) for line in pony ]) indent = ' '*int((width-ponywidth)/2) wre = re.compile('((\x1B\[[0-9;]+m)*.){0,%s}' % width) return ''.join([ indent+wre.search(line).group()+'\n' for line in pony ])