From 5a53636adb696b90f566c4f19cae65647d350d0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Elis Axelsson <>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 17:01:39 +0200
Subject: Ooops

--- | 293 -------------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 293 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755

diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0728666..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-''' - POC of ponysay in python
-Copyright (C) 2012 Elis "etu" Axelsson, Mattias "maandree" Andrée
-License: WTFPL
-import argparse
-import os
-import sys
-import random
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-The version of ponysay
-VERSION = '2.0-alpha'
-The directory where ponysay is installed, this is modified when building with make
-INSTALLDIR = '/usr'
-The directories where pony files are stored, ttyponies/ are used if the terminal is Linux VT (also known as TTY)
-ponydirs = []
-if os.environ['TERM'] == 'linux':  _ponydirs = [INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/ttyponies/',  os.environ['HOME'] + '/.local/share/ponysay/ttyponies/']
-else:                              _ponydirs = [INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/ponies/',     os.environ['HOME'] + '/.local/share/ponysay/ponies/'   ]
-for ponydir in _ponydirs:
-    if os.path.isdir(ponydir):
-        ponydirs.append(ponydir)
-The directories where quotes files are stored
-quotedirs = []
-_quotedirs = [INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/quotes/',  os.environ['HOME'] + '/.local/share/ponysay/quotes/']
-for quotedir in _quotedirs:
-    if os.path.isdir(quotedir):
-        quotedirs.append(quotedir)
-Argument parsing
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Ponysay, like cowsay with ponies')
-parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action = 'version',    version = '%s %s' % ('ponysay', VERSION))
-parser.add_argument('-l', '--list',    action = 'store_true', dest = 'list',     help = 'list pony files')
-parser.add_argument('-L', '--altlist', action = 'store_true', dest = 'linklist', help = 'list pony files with alternatives')
-parser.add_argument(      '--quoters', action = 'store_true', dest = 'quoters',  help = 'list ponies with quotes (visible in -l and -L)')  # for shell completions
-parser.add_argument(      '--onelist', action = 'store_true', dest = 'onelist',  help = 'list pony files in one columns')                  # for shell completions
-parser.add_argument('-f', '--pony',    action = 'append',     dest = 'pony',     help = 'select a pony (either a file name or a pony name)')
-parser.add_argument('message', nargs = '?', help = 'message to ponysay')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-class ponysay():
-    def __init__(self, args):
-        if   args.list:      self.list()
-        elif args.linklist:  self.linklist()
-        elif args.quoters:   self.quoters()
-        elif args.onelist:   self.onelist()
-        else:                self.print_pony(args)
-    '''
-    Returns a set with all ponies that have quotes and are displayable
-    '''
-    def __quoters(self):
-        quotes = []
-        quoteshash = set()
-        _quotes = []
-        for quotedir in quotedirs:
-            _quotes += [item[:item.index('.')] for item in os.listdir(INSTALLDIR + '/share/ponysay/quotes/')]
-        for quote in _quotes:
-            if not quote == '':
-                if not quote in quoteshash:
-                    quoteshash.add(quote)
-                    quotes.append(quote)
-        ponies = set()
-        for ponydir in ponydirs:
-            for pony in os.listdir(ponydir):
-                if not pony[0] == '.':
-                    p = pony[:-5] # remove .pony
-                    for quote in quotes:
-                        if ('+' + p + '+') in ('+' + quote + '+'):
-                            if not p in ponies:
-                                ponies.add(p)
-        return ponies
-    '''
-    Returns one .pony-file with full path, names is filter for names, also accepts filepaths
-    '''
-    def __getponypath(self, names = None):
-        ponies = {}
-        if names != None:
-            for name in names:
-                if os.path.isfile(name):
-                    return name
-        for ponydir in ponydirs:
-            for ponyfile in os.listdir(ponydir):
-                ponies[ponyfile[:-5]] = ponydir + ponyfile
-        if names == None:
-            names = list(ponies.keys())
-        return ponies[names[random.randrange(0, len(names) - 1)]]
-    '''
-    Returns a list with all (pony, quote file) pairs
-    '''
-    def __quotes(self):
-        quotes = []
-        for quotedir in quotedirs:
-            quotes += [quotedir + item for item in os.listdir(quotedir)]
-        rc = []
-        for ponydir in ponydirs:
-            for pony in os.listdir(ponydir):
-                if not pony[0] == '.':
-                    p = pony[:-5] # remove .pony
-                    for quote in quotes:
-                        q = quote[quote.rindex('/') + 1:]
-                        if ('+' + p + '+') in ('+' + q + '+'):
-                            rc.append((p, quote))
-        return rc
-    '''
-    Lists the available ponies
-    '''
-    def list(self):
-        termsize = Popen(['stty', 'size'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode('utf8', 'replace')[:-1].split(' ')
-        termsize = [int(item) for item in termsize]
-        quoters = self.__quoters()
-        for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
-            print('\033[1mponyfiles located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
-            ponies = os.listdir(ponydir)
-            ponies = [item[:-5] for item in ponies] # remove .pony from file name
-            ponies.sort()
-            width = len(max(ponies, key = len)) + 2 # Get the longest ponyfilename lenght + 2 spaces
-            x = 0
-            for pony in ponies:
-                spacing = ' ' * (width - len(pony))
-                print(('\033[1m' + pony + '\033[21m' if (pony in quoters) else pony) + spacing, end='') # Print ponyfilename
-                x += width
-                if x > (termsize[1] - width): # If too wide, make new line
-                    print()
-                    x = 0
-            print('\n');
-    '''
-    Lists the available ponies with alternatives inside brackets
-    '''
-    def linklist(self):
-        termsize = Popen(['stty', 'size'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].decode('utf8', 'replace')[:-1].split(' ')
-        termsize = [int(item) for item in termsize]
-        quoters = self.__quoters()
-        for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
-            print('\033[1mponyfiles located in ' + ponydir + '\033[21m')
-            files = os.listdir(ponydir)
-            files = [item[:-5] for item in files] # remove .pony from file name
-            files.sort()
-            pairs = [(item, os.readlink(ponydir + item + '.pony') if os.path.islink(ponydir + item + '.pony') else '') for item in files]
-            ponymap = {}
-            for pair in pairs:
-                if pair[1] == '':
-                    if pair[0] not in ponymap:
-                        ponymap[pair[0]] = []
-                else:
-                    target = pair[1][:-5]
-                    if '/' in target:
-                        target = target[target.rindex('/') + 1:]
-                    if target in ponymap:
-                        ponymap[target].append(pair[0])
-                    else:
-                        ponymap[target] = [pair[0]]
-            width = 0
-            ponies = []
-            widths = []
-            for pony in ponymap:
-                w = len(pony)
-                item = '\033[1m' + pony + '\033[21m' if (pony in quoters) else pony
-                syms = ponymap[pony]
-                if len(syms) > 0:
-                    w += 2 + len(syms)
-                    item += ' ('
-                    first = True
-                    for sym in syms:
-                        w += len(sym)
-                        if not first:
-                            item += ' '
-                        else:
-                            first = False
-                        item += '\033[1m' + sym + '\033[21m' if (sym in quoters) else sym
-                    item += ')'
-                ponies.append(item)
-                widths.append(w)
-                if width < w:
-                    width = w
-            width += 2;
-            x = 0
-            index = 0
-            for pony in ponies:
-                spacing = ' ' * (width - widths[index])
-                index += 1
-                print(pony + spacing, end='') # Print ponyfilename
-                x += width
-                if x > (termsize[1] - width): # If too wide, make new line
-                    print()
-                    x = 0
-            print('\n');
-    '''
-    Lists with all ponies that have quotes and are displayable
-    '''
-    def quoters(self):
-        last = ""
-        ponies = []
-        for pony in self.__quoters():
-            ponies.append(pony)
-        ponies.sort()
-        for pony in ponies:
-            if not pony == last:
-                last = pony
-                print(pony)
-    '''
-    Lists the available ponies one one column without anything bold
-    '''
-    def onelist(self):
-        last = ""
-        ponies = []
-        for ponydir in ponydirs: # Loop ponydirs
-            ponies += os.listdir(ponydir)
-        ponies = [item[:-5] for item in ponies] # remove .pony from file name
-        ponies.sort()
-        for pony in ponies:
-            if not pony == last:
-                last = pony
-                print(pony)
-    def print_pony(self, args):
-        if args.message == None:
-            msg =
-        else:
-            msg = args.message
-        pony = self.__getponypath(args.pony)
-        os.system('cowsay -f ' + pony + ' \'' + msg + '\'')
-Start the program from ponysay.__init__ if this is the executed file
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    ponysay(args)