import os, sys
from lib import util

def _openscad(in_path, out_path, deps_path):
	util.command([os.environ['OPENSCAD'], '-o', out_path, '-d', deps_path, in_path])

def _write_dependencies(path, target, dependencies):
	util.write_file(path, '{}: {}\n'.format(target, ' '.join(dependencies)).encode())

def main(in_path, out_path, deps_path):
	cwd = os.getcwd()
	def relpath(path):
		return os.path.relpath(path, cwd)
	with util.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
		temp_deps_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'deps')
		temp_mk_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'mk')
		temp_files_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'files')
		_, out_ext = os.path.splitext(out_path)
		# OpenSCAD requires the output file name to end in .stl or .dxf.
		temp_out_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'out' + out_ext)
		_openscad(in_path, temp_out_path, temp_deps_path)
		mk_content = '%:; echo "$@" >> {}'.format(util.bash_escape_string(temp_files_path))
		# Use make to parse the dependency makefile written by OpenSCAD.
		util.write_file(temp_mk_path, mk_content.encode())
		util.command(['make', '-s', '-B', '-f', temp_mk_path, '-f', temp_deps_path], remove_env = ['MAKELEVEL', 'MAKEFLAGS'])
		# All dependencies as paths relative to the project root.
		deps = set(map(relpath, util.read_file(temp_files_path).decode().splitlines()))
		# Relative paths to all files that should not appear in the dependency makefile.
		ignored_files = set(map(relpath, [in_path, temp_deps_path, temp_mk_path, temp_out_path]))
		# Write output files.
		_write_dependencies(deps_path, relpath(out_path), deps - ignored_files)
		os.rename(temp_out_path, out_path)

except util.UserError as e:
	print 'Error:', e
except KeyboardInterrupt: