#! /usr/bin/env bash in_file=$1 out_file=$2 # If environment variable DXF_EXPORT_DEBUG is set, the temporary file that is modified using Inkscape is saved in the same directory as the source file and not removed. if [ "$DXF_EXPORT_DEBUG" ]; then temp_file="$(dirname "$in_file")/$(basename "$in_file" '.svg')~temp.svg" else temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) temp_file="$temp_dir/temp.svg" fi script_path=$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE") cp "$in_file" "$temp_file" # Run a few commands using Inkscape on the SVG file to get in into a shape that makes a successful conversion to DXF more likely. "$INKSCAPE" \ --verb UnlockAllInAllLayers \ --verb EditSelectAllInAllLayers \ --verb ObjectToPath \ --verb EditSelectAllInAllLayers \ --verb SelectionUnGroup \ --verb EditSelectAllInAllLayers \ --verb StrokeToPath \ --verb FileSave \ --verb FileClose \ "$temp_file" # Convert the SVG to a DXF file. python2 "$script_path/better_dxf_outlines.py" "$temp_file" > "$out_file" if ! [ "$DXF_EXPORT_DEBUG" ]; then rm -rf "$temp_dir" fi