path: root/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_base.scad
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_base.scad')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_base.scad b/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_base.scad
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad09989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hardware/enclosure/olsndot_clamp_base.scad
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+eps = 0.01;
+module clamp(
+ l=90,
+ w=14,
+ h=10,
+ d1=30,
+ d2=35,
+ o=10,
+ hdia1=5,
+ hdia2=10,
+ hd=5,
+ nw=7.8,
+ nd=3,
+ notch_sf=0.75,
+ notch_d=3,
+ notch_a=10,
+ notch_o=0.5,
+ edge_a=5,
+ edge_d=12) {
+ translate([-h-l/2, -w/2, 0]) union() {
+ translate([l+h-notch_d, 0, 0]) intersection() {
+ difference() {
+ cube([d1, w, d1]);
+ //scale([notch_sf, 1, 1]) translate([(d1-h)/2, 0, h+(d1-h)/2]) rotate([0, -135, 0]) translate([0, -eps/2, 0]) cube([d1, w+eps, d1]);
+ translate([notch_d, 0, h+notch_o]) mirror([1, 0, 0]) rotate([0, notch_a, 0]) translate([0, -eps/2, 0]) cube([d1, w+eps, d1]);
+ }
+ translate([d1-edge_a, 0, d1/2]) rotate([0, -90-45, 0]) cube([2*d1, w+eps, 2*d1]);
+ translate([-d1-edge_d, 0]) cube([2*d1, w+eps, 2*d1]);
+ }
+ difference() {
+ union() {
+ cube ([l+h, w, h]);
+ cube ([h, w, d2]);
+ }
+ rotate([0, 45, 0]) translate([-l/2, -eps/2, -d2/8*7]) cube([l, w+eps, d2]);
+ translate([0, 0, d2]) rotate([0, 90+45, 0]) translate([-l/2, -eps/2, -d2/8*7]) cube([l, w+eps, d2]);
+ translate([-eps/2, w/2, d2-o]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) union() {
+ cylinder(d=6, h=l);
+ cylinder(d=12, h=hd);
+ translate([-11/2, -11/2, h-4]) cube([11, 11, 5]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+module hexagon(size, height) {
+ boxWidth = size/1.75;
+ for (r = [-60, 0, 60]) rotate([0,0,r]) cube([boxWidth, size, height], true);
+nut_dia = 5.3;
+nut_off_y = 80/2;
+nut_off_x = 20;
+module nut_holder(
+ a = 30,
+ b = 15,
+ c = 10,
+ d = 5.0,
+ e = 4.0,
+ ) {
+ difference() {
+ union() {
+ translate([-b/2, -(a-b)/2, 0]) cube([b, a-b, c]);
+ translate([0, -(a-b)/2, 0]) cylinder(d=b, h=c);
+ translate([0, (a-b)/2, 0]) cylinder(d=b, h=c);
+ }
+ translate([0, a/2 - d, -eps]) {
+ translate([0, 0, c-nut_depth+2*eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth);
+ cylinder(d=e, h=c+2*eps);
+ }
+ translate([0, -a/2 + d, -eps]) {
+ translate([0, 0, c-nut_depth+2*eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth);
+ cylinder(d=e, h=c+2*eps);
+ }
+ }
+module base($fn=25, cw=93, sw=15, sh=15, strut_spacing=30, clamp_dist=90) {
+ d = 30;
+ clamp(l=cw, h=sh);
+ translate([-d, 0, 0]) nut_holder();
+ translate([d, 0, 0]) nut_holder();
+ /*difference() {
+ translate([0, -clamp_dist/2, 0]) union() {
+ */
+ /*
+ translate([0, 0, 0]) clamp(l=cw, h=sh);
+ translate([-strut_spacing/2-sw, 0, 0]) cube([sw, clamp_dist, sh]);
+ translate([ strut_spacing/2, 0, 0]) cube([sw, clamp_dist, sh]);
+ */
+ //}
+ /*
+ translate([nut_off_x, nut_off_y, -eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth+eps);
+ translate([nut_off_x, -nut_off_y, -eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth+eps);
+ translate([-nut_off_x, nut_off_y, -eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth+eps);
+ translate([-nut_off_x, -nut_off_y, -eps]) cylinder(d=nut_dia, h=nut_depth+eps);
+ */
+ //}
+base(); \ No newline at end of file