From 6ab94e0b318884bbcb95e2ea3835f951502e1d99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jaseg <>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 12:47:28 +0200
Subject: Move firmware into subdirectory

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 .../DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest.h |   17 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_cycle.h                 |   65 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_define.h                |   37 -
 .../DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_fw.h  |  253 --
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group.h                 |   66 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group_call.h            |  126 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group_define.h          |   87 -
 .../DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_pf.h  |   85 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_systick.h               |   93 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test.h                  |  100 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_call.h             |  121 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_define.h           |  133 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_ret.h              |   17 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/jtest_util.h                  |   27 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/opt_arg.h             |   15 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/pp_narg.h             |   25 -
 .../Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/splice.h              |    8 -
 .../DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/util/util.h |   52 -
 .../Common/JTest/src/jtest_cycle.c                 |    9 -
 .../Common/JTest/src/jtest_dump_str_segments.c     |   36 -
 .../DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_fw.c  |    9 -
 .../Common/JTest/src/jtest_trigger_action.c        |   37 -
 .../DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/all_tests.h   |    9 -
 .../inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_templates.h    |  267 --
 .../inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_data.h    |   46 -
 .../inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_group.h   |    9 -
 .../Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_tests.h |   17 -
 .../complex_math_tests/complex_math_templates.h    |  222 --
 .../complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_data.h    |   50 -
 .../complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_group.h   |    9 -
 .../inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_tests.h    |   14 -
 .../inc/controller_tests/controller_templates.h    |   46 -
 .../inc/controller_tests/controller_test_data.h    |   33 -
 .../inc/controller_tests/controller_test_group.h   |    9 -
 .../Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_tests.h |   11 -
 .../inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_templates.h      |  102 -
 .../inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_test_data.h      |   29 -
 .../inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_test_group.h     |    9 -
 .../inc/filtering_tests/filtering_templates.h      |   91 -
 .../inc/filtering_tests/filtering_test_data.h      |   81 -
 .../inc/filtering_tests/filtering_test_group.h     |    9 -
 .../Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_tests.h   |   15 -
 .../inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_templates.h    |  166 -
 .../inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_test_data.h    |   27 -
 .../inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_test_group.h   |    9 -
 .../DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/math_helper.h |   52 -
 .../Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_templates.h     |  370 ---
 .../Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_test_data.h     |   54 -
 .../Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.h    |    9 -
 .../Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_tests.h         |   17 -
 .../inc/statistics_tests/statistics_templates.h    |  157 -
 .../inc/statistics_tests/statistics_test_data.h    |   44 -
 .../inc/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.h   |    9 -
 .../Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_tests.h |   15 -
 .../Common/inc/support_tests/support_templates.h   |  120 -
 .../Common/inc/support_tests/support_test_data.h   |   31 -
 .../Common/inc/support_tests/support_test_group.h  |    9 -
 .../Common/inc/support_tests/support_tests.h       |   11 -
 .../Common/inc/templates/template.h                |   88 -
 .../Common/inc/templates/test_templates.h          |  458 ---
 .../inc/transform_tests/transform_templates.h      |  181 --
 .../inc/transform_tests/transform_test_data.h      |   48 -
 .../inc/transform_tests/transform_test_group.h     |    9 -
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 .../Common/platform/ARMCC/startup_armv7-m.s        |  218 --
 .../Common/platform/ARMCLANG/startup_armv6-m.S     |  203 --
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 .../complex_math_tests/cmplx_mag_squared_tests.c   |   31 -
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 .../src/controller_tests/controller_test_group.c   |   13 -
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 .../Common/src/controller_tests/pid_tests.c        |   79 -
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 .../fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests_common_data.c  |  364 ---
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 .../Common/src/filtering_tests/correlate_tests.c   |  310 --
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 .../Common/src/filtering_tests/iir_tests.c         |   76 -
 .../Common/src/filtering_tests/lms_tests.c         |  219 --
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 .../intrinsics_tests_common_data.c                 |  189 --
 .../CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/main.c  |   27 -
 .../DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/math_helper.c |  491 ---
 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_add_tests.c        |   31 -
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 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_init_tests.c       |   58 -
 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_inverse_tests.c    |   92 -
 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_fast_tests.c  |   57 -
 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_tests.c       |   59 -
 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_scale_tests.c      |   90 -
 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_sub_tests.c        |   34 -
 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_trans_tests.c      |   33 -
 .../src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_common_data.c     |  255 --
 .../Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.c    |   19 -
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 .../Common/src/statistics_tests/mean_tests.c       |   36 -
 .../Common/src/statistics_tests/min_tests.c        |   36 -
 .../Common/src/statistics_tests/power_tests.c      |   36 -
 .../Common/src/statistics_tests/rms_tests.c        |   34 -
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 .../src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.c   |   14 -
 .../Common/src/statistics_tests/std_tests.c        |   34 -
 .../Common/src/statistics_tests/var_tests.c        |   34 -
 .../Common/src/support_tests/copy_tests.c          |   33 -
 .../Common/src/support_tests/fill_tests.c          |   36 -
 .../src/support_tests/support_test_common_data.c   |   85 -
 .../Common/src/support_tests/support_test_group.c  |   10 -
 .../Common/src/support_tests/x_to_y_tests.c        |   80 -
 .../Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_family_tests.c |  183 --
 .../Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_tests.c        |  144 -
 .../Common/src/transform_tests/dct4_tests.c        |  197 --
 .../Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_fast_tests.c   |   75 -
 .../Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_tests.c        |   94 -
 .../src/transform_tests/transform_test_group.c     |   11 -
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 157 files changed, 17681 deletions(-)
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 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_dot_prod_tests.c
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 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mag_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mult_cmplx_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mult_real_test.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_common_data.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_group.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/controller_test_common_data.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/controller_test_group.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/pid_reset_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/pid_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/sin_cos_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests_common_data.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/biquad_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/conv_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/correlate_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/filtering_test_common_data.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/filtering_test_group.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/fir_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/iir_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/lms_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_tests_common_data.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/main.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/math_helper.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_add_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_cmplx_mult_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_init_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_inverse_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_fast_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_scale_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_sub_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_trans_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_common_data.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/max_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/mean_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/min_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/power_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/rms_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_common_data.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/std_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/var_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/copy_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/fill_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/support_test_common_data.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/support_test_group.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/x_to_y_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_family_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/dct4_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_fast_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_tests.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/transform_test_group.c
 delete mode 100644 hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/transform_tests_common_data.c

(limited to 'hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common')

diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/arr_desc/arr_desc.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/arr_desc/arr_desc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index effab26..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/arr_desc/arr_desc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ARR_DESC_H_
-#define _ARR_DESC_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>             /* memset() */
-#include "../util/util.h"       /* CONCAT() */
-/* Type Definitions */
- *  Array-descriptor struct.
- */
-typedef struct ARR_DESC_struct
-    void *  data_ptr;                /* Pointer to the array contents. */
-    int32_t element_count;           /* Number of current elements. */
-    int32_t element_size;            /* Size of current elements in bytes. */
-    int32_t underlying_size;         /* Size of underlying array in bytes. */
-} ARR_DESC_t;
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Prefix of the array variable's name when creating an array and an array
- *  descriptor at the same time.
- */
- *  Evaluate to the array variable's name when creating an array and an array
- *  descriptor at the same time.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_ARR_NAME(name)                 \
- *  Define an #ARR_DESC_t by itself.
- *
- *  @note The user must supply an array to store the data used by the
- *  #ARR_DESC_t.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_INTERNAL_DEFINE(name, data_ptr,                \
-                                 element_count, element_size)   \
-    ARR_DESC_t name = {                                         \
-        data_ptr,                                               \
-        element_count,                                          \
-        element_size,                                           \
-        element_count * element_size                            \
-    }                                                           \
- *  Define both an array and an #ARR_DESC_t that describes it.
- *
- *  @note Use the #CURLY() macro for the content field; it provides the curly
- *  braces necessary for an array initialization.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_DEFINE(type, name, element_count, content)             \
-    type ARR_DESC_ARR_NAME(name)[element_count] = content;              \
-    ARR_DESC_INTERNAL_DEFINE(name,                                      \
-                             &ARR_DESC_ARR_NAME(name),                  \
-                             element_count,                             \
-                             sizeof(type)) /* Note the lacking semicolon */
- *  Create a #ARR_DESC_t which refers to a subset of the data in another.
- *
- *  The new #ARR_DESC_t shares the same underlying array as the aliased
- *  #ARR_DESC_t, but only describes a subset of the originals values.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_DEFINE_SUBSET(name, original, element_cnt)         \
-    ARR_DESC_INTERNAL_DEFINE(name,                                  \
-                             &ARR_DESC_ARR_NAME(original),          \
-                             element_cnt,                           \
-                             sizeof(ARR_DESC_ARR_NAME(original)[0]) \
-        ) /* Note the lacking semicolon */
- *  Creat an #ARR_DESC_t which points to the data in an existing array.
- *
- *  @param start_idx Offset in array_ptr of first element.
- *  @param element_cnt Number of elements to include in the #ARR_DESC_t.
- *
- *  @example
- *
- *  float my_floats[4] = {0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f};
- *
- *  ARR_DESC_DEFINE_USING_ARR(my_arr_desc, my_floats, 1, 3);
- *
- *  printf("Element 0: %f\n", ARR_DESC_ELT(float, 0, &my_arr_desc));
- *  printf("Element 1: %f\n", ARR_DESC_ELT(float, 1, &my_arr_desc));
- *
- *  Outputs:
- *
- *  Element 0: 1.000000
- *  Element 1: 2.000000
- *
- *  @warning There are no checks in place to catch invalid start indices; This
- *  is left to the user.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_DEFINE_USING_ARR(type, name, array_ptr, start_idx, element_cnt) \
-    ARR_DESC_INTERNAL_DEFINE(                                           \
-        name,                                                           \
-        (type *) (array_ptr + start_idx),                               \
-        element_cnt,                                                    \
-        sizeof(type)                                                    \
-        ) /* Note the lacking semicolon*/
- *  Declare an #ARR_DESC_t object.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_DECLARE(name)                              \
-    extern ARR_DESC_t name /* Note the lacking semicolon */
- *  Evaluate to the number of bytes stored in the #ARR_DESC_t.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_BYTES(arr_desc_ptr)                                \
-    ((arr_desc_ptr)->element_count * (arr_desc_ptr)->element_size)
- *  Set the contents of #ARR_DESC_t to value.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_MEMSET(arr_desc_ptr, value, bytes)     \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        memset((arr_desc_ptr)->data_ptr,                \
-               value,                                   \
-               BOUND(0,                                 \
-                     (arr_desc_ptr)->underlying_size,   \
-                     bytes)                             \
-            );                                          \
-    } while (0)
- *  Perform a memcpy of 'bytes' bytes from the source #ARR_DESC_t to the
- *  destination #ARR_DESC_t.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_MEMCPY(arr_desc_dest_ptr, arr_desc_src_ptr, bytes) \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        memcpy((arr_desc_dest_ptr)->data_ptr,                       \
-               (arr_desc_src_ptr)->data_ptr,                        \
-               BOUND(0,                                             \
-                     (arr_desc_dest_ptr)->underlying_size,          \
-                     bytes));                                       \
-    } while (0)
- *  Evaluate to true if the source #ARR_DESC_t contents will fit into the
- *  destination #ARR_DESC_t and false otherwise.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_COPYABLE(arr_desc_dest_ptr, arr_desc_src_ptr)  \
-      (ARR_DESC_BYTES(arr_desc_src_ptr) <=                      \
-       (arr_desc_dest_ptr)->underlying_size)
- *  Copy all the data from the source #ARR_DESC_t to the destination
- *  #ARR_DESC_t.
- *
- *  @note If the destination #ARR_DESC_t is too small to fit the source data the
- *  copy is aborted and nothing happens.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_COPY(arr_desc_dest_ptr, arr_desc_src_ptr)      \
-    do                                                          \
-    {                                                           \
-        if (ARR_DESC_COPYABLE(arr_desc_dest_ptr,                 \
-                             arr_desc_src_ptr))                 \
-        {                                                       \
-            ARR_DESC_MEMCPY(arr_desc_dest_ptr,                  \
-                            arr_desc_src_ptr,                   \
-                            ARR_DESC_BYTES(arr_desc_src_ptr));  \
-            /* Update the properties*/                          \
-            (arr_desc_dest_ptr)->element_count =                \
-                (arr_desc_src_ptr)->element_count;              \
-            (arr_desc_dest_ptr)->element_size =                 \
-                (arr_desc_src_ptr)->element_size;               \
-        }                                                       \
-    } while (0)
- *  Compare the data in two #ARR_DESC_t structs for the specified number of
- *  bytes.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_MEMCMP(arr_desc_ptr_a, arr_desc_ptr_b, bytes)  \
-        memcmp((arr_desc_ptr_a)->data_ptr,                      \
-            (arr_desc_ptr_b)->data_ptr,                         \
-               bytes) /* Note the lacking semicolon */          \
- *  Zero out the contents of the #ARR_DESC_t.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_ZERO(arr_desc_ptr)             \
-        ARR_DESC_MEMSET(arr_desc_ptr,           \
-                        0,                      \
-                        (arr_desc_ptr)->underlying_size)
- *  Evaluate to the data address in #ARR_DESC_t at offset.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_DATA_ADDR(type, arr_desc_ptr, offset)  \
-        ((void*)(((type *)                              \
-                  ((arr_desc_ptr)->data_ptr))           \
-                 + offset))
- *  Evaluate to the element in #ARR_DESC_t with type at idx.
- */
-#define ARR_DESC_ELT(type, idx, arr_desc_ptr)           \
-        (*((type *) ARR_DESC_DATA_ADDR(type,            \
-                                       arr_desc_ptr,    \
-                                       idx)))
-#endif /* _ARR_DESC_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d0af06..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_H_
-#define _JTEST_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include "jtest_fw.h"
-#include "jtest_test.h"
-#include "jtest_test_define.h"
-#include "jtest_test_call.h"
-#include "jtest_group.h"
-#include "jtest_group_define.h"
-#include "jtest_group_call.h"
-#include "jtest_cycle.h"
-#endif /* _JTEST_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_cycle.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_cycle.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1934af8..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_cycle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_CYCLE_H_
-#define _JTEST_CYCLE_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include "jtest_fw.h"           /* JTEST_DUMP_STRF() */
-#include "jtest_systick.h"
-#include "jtest_util.h"         /* STR() */
-/* Declare Module Variables */
-extern const char * JTEST_CYCLE_STRF;
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Wrap the function call, fn_call, to count execution cycles and display the
- *  results.
- */
-/* skipp function name + param
-#define JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(fn_call)                     \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        uint32_t __jtest_cycle_end_count;               \
-                                                        \
-        JTEST_SYSTICK_RESET(SysTick);                   \
-        JTEST_SYSTICK_START(SysTick);                   \
-                                                        \
-        fn_call;                                        \
-                                                        \
-        __jtest_cycle_end_count =                       \
-            JTEST_SYSTICK_VALUE(SysTick);               \
-                                                        \
-		JTEST_SYSTICK_RESET(SysTick);                   \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STRF(JTEST_CYCLE_STRF,               \
-                        STR(fn_call),                   \
-                        (JTEST_SYSTICK_INITIAL_VALUE -  \
-                         __jtest_cycle_end_count));     \
-    } while (0)
-#define JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(fn_call)                     \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        uint32_t __jtest_cycle_end_count;               \
-                                                        \
-        JTEST_SYSTICK_RESET(SysTick);                   \
-        JTEST_SYSTICK_START(SysTick);                   \
-                                                        \
-        fn_call;                                        \
-                                                        \
-        __jtest_cycle_end_count =                       \
-            JTEST_SYSTICK_VALUE(SysTick);               \
-                                                        \
-		JTEST_SYSTICK_RESET(SysTick);                   \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STRF(JTEST_CYCLE_STRF,               \
-                        (JTEST_SYSTICK_INITIAL_VALUE -  \
-                         __jtest_cycle_end_count));     \
-    } while (0)
-#endif /* _JTEST_CYCLE_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_define.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_define.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cbec329..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_define.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_DEFINE_H_
-#define _JTEST_DEFINE_H_
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Makes a symbol for use as a struct name. Names made this way have two parts;
- *  the first parts is a prefix common to all structs of that class. The second
- *  is a specifier which differs for each instance of that struct type.
- */
-#define JTEST_STRUCT_NAME(prefix, specifier)    \
-    CONCAT(prefix, specifier)
- *  Define a struct with type with a name generated by #JTEST_STRUCT_NAME().
- */
-#define JTEST_DEFINE_STRUCT(type, struct_name)    \
-    type struct_name
- *  Declare a struct with type with a name generated by #JTEST_STRUCT_NAME().
- */
-#define JTEST_DECLARE_STRUCT(struct_definition) \
-    extern struct_definition
- *  Define and initialize a struct (created with JTEST_DEFINE_STRUCT()) and
- *  initialize it with init_values.
- */
-#define JTEST_INIT_STRUCT(struct_definition, init_values)       \
-    struct_definition = {                                       \
-        init_values                                             \
-    }
-#endif /* _JTEST_DEFINE_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_fw.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_fw.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 13b015d..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_fw.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_FW_H_
-#define _JTEST_FW_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include <stdint.h>             /* int32_t */
-#include <string.h>             /* strcpy() */
-#include <stdio.h>              /* sprintf() */
-#include "jtest_pf.h"           /* Extend JTEST_FW_t with Pass/Fail data */
-#include "jtest_group.h"
-/* Type Definitions */
- *  A struct used to interface with the Keil Debugger.
- */
-typedef struct JTEST_FW_struct
-    /* Action Triggers: The Keil debugger monitors these values for changes.  In
-     * response to a change, the debugger executes code on the host. */
-    volatile int32_t test_start;
-    volatile int32_t test_end;
-    volatile int32_t group_start;
-    volatile int32_t group_end;
-    volatile int32_t dump_str;
-    volatile int32_t dump_data;
-    volatile int32_t exit_fw;
-    JTEST_GROUP_t * current_group_ptr;
-    /* Buffers: The C-code cannot send strings and data directly to the
-     * debugging framework. Instead, the debugger can be told to read 128 byte
-     * (by default) chunks of memory.  Data received in this manner requires
-     * post-processing to be legible.*/
-    char * str_buffer;
-    char * data_buffer;
-    /* Pass/Fail Data */
-} JTEST_FW_t;
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Default name for the JTEST_FW struct.
- *
- *  Define your own if you want the variable containing the #JTEST_FW_t to have
- *  a different name.
- */
-#ifndef JTEST_FW
- *  Default name for the JTEST_FW_STR_BUFFER.
- *
- *  Define your own if you want the variable containing the char buffer to have
- *  a different name.
- */
- *  Size of the #JTEST_FW_t, output string-buffer.
- *
- *  If you change this value, make sure the "dump_str_fn" and "dump_data_fn"
- *  functions in jtest_fns.ini uses the same size. If you aren't sure, read the
- *  documentation Keil Debugger Command 'DISPLAY'.
- */
-#define JTEST_BUF_SIZE 256
- *  The maximum number of bytes output at once using #JTEST_DUMP_STRF().
- */
- *  The maximum number of block transimissions needed to send a string from a
- *  buffer with JTEST_BUF_SIZE.
- */
-#define JTEST_STR_MAX_OUTPUT_SEGMENTS           \
- *  Initialize the JTEST framework.
- */
-#define JTEST_INIT()                                                    \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        JTEST_FW.str_buffer = JTEST_FW_STR_BUFFER;                      \
-    } while (0)
-/* Debugger Action-triggering Macros */
- *  Dispatch macro to trigger various actions in the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_TRIGGER_ACTION(action_name)       \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        action_name();                          \
-    } while (0)
- *  Trigger the "Test Start" action in the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_ACT_TEST_START()                  \
-    JTEST_TRIGGER_ACTION(test_start)
- *  Trigger the "Test End" action in the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_ACT_TEST_END()                    \
- *  Trigger the "Group Start" action in the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_ACT_GROUP_START()                 \
-    JTEST_TRIGGER_ACTION(group_start)
- *  Trigger the "Group End" action in the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_ACT_GROUP_END()                   \
-    JTEST_TRIGGER_ACTION(group_end)
- *  Fill the buffer named buf_name with value and dump it to the Keil debugger
- *  using action.
- */
-#define JTEST_ACT_DUMP(action, buf_name, value) \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        JTEST_CLEAR_BUFFER(buf_name);           \
-        strcpy(JTEST_FW.buf_name, (value));     \
-        JTEST_TRIGGER_ACTION(action);           \
-    } while (0)
- *  Trigger the "Exit Framework" action in the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_ACT_EXIT_FW()                     \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        JTEST_TRIGGER_ACTION(exit_fw);          \
-    } while (0)
-/* Buffer Manipulation Macros */
- *  Clear the JTEST_FW buffer with name buf_name.
- */
-#define JTEST_CLEAR_BUFFER(buf_name)                    \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        memset(JTEST_FW.buf_name, 0, JTEST_BUF_SIZE);   \
-    } while (0)
- *  Clear the memory needed for the JTEST_FW's string buffer.
- */
-#define JTEST_CLEAR_STR_BUFFER()                \
-        JTEST_CLEAR_BUFFER(str_buffer)
- *  Clear the memory needed for the JTEST_FW's data buffer.
- */
-#define JTEST_CLEAR_DATA_BUFFER()               \
-        JTEST_CLEAR_BUFFER(data_buffer)
- *  Dump the given string to the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_DUMP_STR(string)                          \
-        JTEST_ACT_DUMP(dump_str, str_buffer, string)
- *  Dump a formatted string to the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_DUMP_STRF(format_str, ... )                               \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        JTEST_CLEAR_STR_BUFFER();                                       \
-        sprintf(JTEST_FW.str_buffer,format_str, __VA_ARGS__);           \
-        jtest_dump_str_segments();                                      \
-    } while (0)
-/* Pass/Fail Macros */
- *  Increment the number of passed tests in #JTEST_FW.
- */
-#define JTEST_FW_INC_PASSED(amount)             \
-        JTEST_PF_INC_PASSED(&JTEST_FW, amount)
- *  Increment the number of passed tests in #JTEST_FW.
- */
-#define JTEST_FW_INC_FAILED(amount)             \
-        JTEST_PF_INC_FAILED(&JTEST_FW, amount)
-/* Manipulating the Current Group */
- *  Evaluate to the current_group_ptr in #JTEST_FW.
- */
-#define JTEST_CURRENT_GROUP_PTR()               \
-    (JTEST_FW.current_group_ptr)
-#define JTEST_SET_CURRENT_GROUP(group_ptr)      \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        JTEST_CURRENT_GROUP_PTR() = group_ptr;  \
-    } while (0)
-/* Declare Global Variables */
-extern volatile JTEST_FW_t JTEST_FW;
-/* Function Prototypes */
-void jtest_dump_str_segments(void);
-void test_start  (void);
-void test_end    (void);
-void group_start (void);
-void group_end   (void);
-void dump_str    (void);
-void dump_data   (void);
-void exit_fw     (void);
-#endif /* _JTEST_FW_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b37ae4..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_GROUP_H_
-#define _JTEST_GROUP_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include "jtest_pf.h"
-#include "jtest_util.h"
-/* Type Definitions */
- *  A struct which represents a group of #JTEST_TEST_t structs. This struct is
- *  used to run the group of tests, and report on their outcomes.
- */
-typedef struct JTEST_GROUP_struct
-    void (* group_fn_ptr) (void); /**< Pointer to the test group */
-    char * name_str;              /**< Name of the group */
-    /* Extend the #JTEST_GROUP_t with Pass/Fail information.*/
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Set the name of JTEST_GROUP_t.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_SET_NAME(group_ptr, name)     \
-    JTEST_SET_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE(group_ptr, name_str, name)
-#define JTEST_GROUP_SET_FN(group_ptr, fn_ptr)     \
-    JTEST_SET_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE(group_ptr, group_fn_ptr, fn_ptr)
- *  Increment the number of tests passed in the JTEST_GROUP_t pointed to by
- *  group_ptr.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_INC_PASSED(group_ptr, amount) \
-    JTEST_PF_INC_PASSED(group_ptr, amount)
- *  Increment the number of tests failed in the JTEST_GROUP_t pointed to by
- *  group_ptr.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_INC_FAILED(group_ptr, amount) \
-    JTEST_PF_INC_FAILED(group_ptr, amount)
- *  Reset the pass/fail information of the #JTEST_GROUP_t pointed to by
- *  group_ptr.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_RESET_PF(group_ptr)         \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        JTEST_PF_RESET_PASSED(group_ptr);       \
-        JTEST_PF_RESET_FAILED(group_ptr);       \
-    } while (0)
-#endif /* _JTEST_GROUP_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group_call.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group_call.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d565a4c..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group_call.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "jtest_fw.h"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Execute the test in the #JTEST_GROUP_t struct associated witht he identifier
- *  group_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_RUN(group_fn)                                   \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STR("Group Name:\n");                            \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STR(JTEST_GROUP_STRUCT_NAME(group_fn).name_str); \
-        JTEST_GROUP_STRUCT_NAME(group_fn).group_fn_ptr();           \
-    } while (0)
- *  Update the enclosing #JTEST_GROUP_t's pass/fail information using the
- *  current #JTEST_GROUP_t's.
- *
- *  @param group_ptr Pointer to the current #JTEST_GROUP_t.
- *  @param parent_ptr Pointer to the enclosing #JTEST_GROUP_t.
- *
- *  @warning Only run this if the current #JTEST_GROUP_t is being called within
- *  the context of another #JTEST_GROUP_t.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_UPDATE_PARENT_GROUP_PF(group_ptr, parent_group_ptr) \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        JTEST_GROUP_INC_PASSED(parent_group_ptr,                        \
-                               (group_ptr)->passed);                    \
-        JTEST_GROUP_INC_FAILED(parent_group_ptr,                        \
-                               (group_ptr)->failed);                    \
-    } while (0)
- *  Update the #JTEST_FW's pass/fail information using the current
- *  #JTEST_GROUP_t's.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_UPDATE_FW_PF(group_ptr)                     \
-    do                                                          \
-    {                                                           \
-        JTEST_FW_INC_PASSED((group_ptr)->passed);               \
-        JTEST_FW_INC_FAILED((group_ptr)->failed);               \
-    } while (0)
- *  Update the enclosing context with the current #JTEST_GROUP_t's pass/fail
- *  information. If this group isn't in an enclosing group, it updates the
- *  #JTEST_FW's pass/fail info by default.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_UPDATE_PARENT_GROUP_OR_FW_PF(group_ptr,         \
-                                                 parent_group_ptr)  \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        /* Update the pass fail counts in the parent group */       \
-        if (parent_group_ptr /* Null implies Top*/)                 \
-        {                                                           \
-            JTEST_GROUP_UPDATE_PARENT_GROUP_PF(                     \
-                group_ptr,                                          \
-                parent_group_ptr);                                  \
-        } else {                                                    \
-            JTEST_GROUP_UPDATE_FW_PF(                               \
-                group_ptr);                                         \
-        }                                                           \
-    } while (0)
- *  Dump the results of running the #JTEST_GROUP_t to the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_DUMP_RESULTS(group_ptr)                             \
-        do                                                              \
-        {                                                               \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF(                                            \
-                "Tests Run: %" PRIu32 "\n"                              \
-                "----------\n"                                          \
-                "   Passed: %" PRIu32 "\n"                              \
-                "   Failed: %" PRIu32 "\n",                             \
-                (group_ptr)->passed + (group_ptr)->failed,              \
-                (group_ptr)->passed,                                    \
-                (group_ptr)->failed);                                   \
-        } while (0)
- *  Call the #JTEST_GROUP_t associated with the identifier group_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_CALL(group_fn)                                      \
-        do                                                              \
-        {   /* Save the current group from JTEST_FW_t before swapping */ \
-            /* it to this group (in order to restore it later )*/       \
-            JTEST_GROUP_t * __jtest_temp_group_ptr =                    \
-                JTEST_CURRENT_GROUP_PTR();                              \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Reset this group's pass/fail count. Each group */        \
-            /* should only remember counts for its last execution. */   \
-            JTEST_GROUP_RESET_PF(JTEST_CURRENT_GROUP_PTR());            \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Run the current group */                                 \
-            JTEST_ACT_GROUP_START();                                    \
-            JTEST_GROUP_RUN(group_fn);                                  \
-            JTEST_ACT_GROUP_END();                                      \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Update the pass fail counts in the parent group (or FW) */ \
-            JTEST_GROUP_UPDATE_PARENT_GROUP_OR_FW_PF(                   \
-                JTEST_CURRENT_GROUP_PTR(),                              \
-                __jtest_temp_group_ptr);                                \
-                                                                        \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Restore the previously current group */                  \
-            JTEST_SET_CURRENT_GROUP(__jtest_temp_group_ptr);            \
-        } while (0)
-#endif /* _JTEST_GROUP_CALL_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group_define.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group_define.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b3a86c0..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_group_define.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "jtest_util.h"
-#include "jtest_define.h"
-#include "jtest_group.h"
-/* For defining macros with optional arguments */
-#include "opt_arg/opt_arg.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Prefix for all #JTEST_GROUP_t structs.
- */
- *  Define test template used by #JTEST_GROUP_t tests.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_FN_TEMPLATE(group_fn)    \
-    void group_fn(void)
-                                                            #JTEST_GROUP_FN_TEMPLATE. */
- *  Evaluate to the name of the #JTEST_GROUP_t struct associated with group_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_STRUCT_NAME(group_fn)    \
- *  Define a #JTEST_GROUP_t struct based on the given group_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_DEFINE_STRUCT(group_fn)  \
-                        JTEST_GROUP_STRUCT_NAME(group_fn))
- *  Declare a #JTEST_GROUP_t struct based on the given group_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_DECLARE_STRUCT(group_fn) \
- *  Contents needed to initialize a JTEST_GROUP_t struct.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_STRUCT_INIT(group_fn)    \
-    group_fn,                                \
-        STR_NL(group_fn),                       \
- *  Initialize the contents of a #JTEST_GROUP_t struct.
- */
-#define JTEST_GROUP_INIT(group_fn)           \
-    JTEST_GROUP_DEFINE_STRUCT(group_fn) = {  \
-        JTEST_GROUP_STRUCT_INIT(group_fn)    \
-    }
-/* Test Definition Macro */
- *  Define a #JTEST_GROUP_t object and a test function.
- */
-#define JTEST_DEFINE_GROUP(group_fn)         \
-    JTEST_GROUP_FN_PROTOTYPE(group_fn);      \
-    JTEST_GROUP_INIT(group_fn);              \
-    JTEST_GROUP_FN_PROTOTYPE(group_fn) /* Notice the lacking semicolon */
- *  Declare a #JTEST_GROUP_t object and a test function prototype.
- */
-#define JTEST_DECLARE_GROUP(group_fn)        \
-    JTEST_GROUP_FN_PROTOTYPE(group_fn);      \
-    JTEST_GROUP_DECLARE_STRUCT(group_fn) /* Note the lacking semicolon */
-#endif /* _JTEST_GROUP_DEFINE_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_pf.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_pf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b005b6..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_pf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_PF_H_
-#define _JTEST_PF_H_
-/* Purpose */
-/* jtest_pf.h Contains macros useful for capturing pass/fail data. */
-/* Macros and Defines */
- * Members that can be added to other structs to extend them pass/fail data and
- * corresponding functionality.
- */
-#define JTEST_PF_MEMBERS                            \
-    uint32_t passed;                                \
-    uint32_t failed /* Note the lacking semicolon*/ \
- *  Used for initializing JTEST_PF_MEMBERS in a struct declaration.
- */
-#define JTEST_PF_MEMBER_INIT                    \
-    0,                                          \
-    0
-/* Member-Incrementing Macros */
- *  Dispatch macro for incrementing #JTEST_PF_MEMBERS.
- *
- *  @param xxx Values: 'passed', 'failed'
- */
-#define JTEST_PF_INC_XXX(xxx, struct_pf_ptr, amount)    \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        ((struct_pf_ptr)->xxx) += (amount);             \
-    } while (0)
- *  Specialization of the #JTEST_PF_INC_XXX macro to increment the passed
- *  member.
- */
-#define JTEST_PF_INC_PASSED(struct_pf_ptr, amount)  \
-    JTEST_PF_INC_XXX(passed, struct_pf_ptr, amount)
- *  Specialization of the #JTEST_PF_INC_XXX macro to increment the failed
- *  member.
- */
-#define JTEST_PF_INC_FAILED(struct_pf_ptr, amount)  \
-    JTEST_PF_INC_XXX(failed, struct_pf_ptr, amount)
-/* Member-Resetting Macros */
- *  Dispatch macro for setting #JTEST_PF_MEMBERS to zero.
- *
- *  @param xxx Values: 'passed', 'failed'
- */
-#define JTEST_PF_RESET_XXX(xxx, struct_pf_ptr)  \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        ((struct_pf_ptr)->xxx) = UINT32_C(0);   \
-    } while (0)
- *  Specialization of #JTEST_PF_RESET_XXX for the 'passed' member.
- */
-#define JTEST_PF_RESET_PASSED(struct_pf_ptr)    \
-    JTEST_PF_RESET_XXX(passed, struct_pf_ptr)
- *  Specialization of #JTEST_PF_RESET_XXX for the 'failed' member.
- */
-#define JTEST_PF_RESET_FAILED(struct_pf_ptr)    \
-    JTEST_PF_RESET_XXX(failed, struct_pf_ptr)
-#endif /* _JTEST_PF_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_systick.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_systick.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 339ecf2..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_systick.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_SYSTICK_H_
-#define _JTEST_SYSTICK_H_
-/* Includes */
-/* Get access to the SysTick structure. */
-#if   defined ARMCM0
-  #include "ARMCM0.h"
-#elif defined ARMCM0P
-  #include "ARMCM0plus.h"
-#elif defined ARMCM3
-  #include "ARMCM3.h"
-#elif defined ARMCM4
-  #include "ARMCM4.h"
-#elif defined ARMCM4_FP
-  #include "ARMCM4_FP.h"
-#elif defined ARMCM7
-  #include "ARMCM7.h" 
-#elif defined ARMCM7_SP
-  #include "ARMCM7_SP.h"
-#elif defined ARMCM7_DP
-  #include "ARMCM7_DP.h"
-#elif defined ARMSC000
-  #include "ARMSC000.h"
-#elif defined ARMSC300
-  #include "ARMSC300.h"
-#elif defined ARMv8MBL
-  #include "ARMv8MBL.h"
-#elif defined ARMv8MML
-  #include "ARMv8MML.h"
-#elif defined ARMv8MML_DSP
-  #include "ARMv8MML_DSP.h"
-#elif defined ARMv8MML_SP
-  #include "ARMv8MML_SP.h"
-#elif defined ARMv8MML_DSP_SP
-  #include "ARMv8MML_DSP_SP.h"
-#elif defined ARMv8MML_DP
-  #include "ARMv8MML_DP.h"
-#elif defined ARMv8MML_DSP_DP
-  #include "ARMv8MML_DSP_DP.h"
-  #warning "no appropriate header file found!"
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Initial value for the SysTick module.
- *
- *  @note This is also the maximum value, important as SysTick is a decrementing
- *  counter.
- */
- *  Reset the SysTick, decrementing timer to it's maximum value and disable it.
- *
- *  This macro should leave the SysTick timer in a state that's ready for cycle
- *  counting.
- */
-#define JTEST_SYSTICK_RESET(systick_ptr)                    \
-    do                                                      \
-    {                                                       \
-        (systick_ptr)->LOAD = JTEST_SYSTICK_INITIAL_VALUE;  \
-        (systick_ptr)->VAL = 1;                             \
-                                                            \
-        /* Disable the SysTick module. */                   \
-        (systick_ptr)->CTRL = UINT32_C(0x000000);           \
-    } while (0)
- *  Start the SysTick timer, sourced by the processor clock.
- */
-#define JTEST_SYSTICK_START(systick_ptr)                    \
-    do                                                      \
-    {                                                       \
-        (systick_ptr)->CTRL =                               \
-            SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk |                       \
-            SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk; /* Internal clk*/   \
-    } while (0)
- *  Evaluate to the current value of the SysTick timer.
- */
-#define JTEST_SYSTICK_VALUE(systick_ptr)        \
-    ((systick_ptr)->VAL)
-#endif /* _JTEST_SYSTICK_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 023145f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_TEST_H_
-#define _JTEST_TEST_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "jtest_util.h"
-#include "jtest_test_ret.h"
-/* Type Definitions */
- *  A struct which represents a Test in the JTEST framework.  This struct is
- *  used to enable, run, and describe the test it represents.
- */
-typedef struct JTEST_TEST_struct
-    JTEST_TEST_RET_t ( * test_fn_ptr)(void); /**< Pointer to the test function. */
-    char   * test_fn_str;                    /**< Name of the test function */
-    char   * fut_str;           /**< Name of the function under test. */
-    /**
-     *  Flags that govern how the #JTEST_TEST_t behaves.
-     */
-    union {
-        struct {
-            unsigned enabled : 1;
-            unsigned unused  : 7;
-        } bits;
-        uint8_t byte;           /* Access all flags at once. */
-    } flags;
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Assign a test function to the #JTEST_TEST_t struct.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_SET_FN(jtest_test_ptr, fn_ptr)                   \
-    JTEST_SET_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE(jtest_test_ptr, test_fn_ptr, fn_ptr)
- *  Specify a function under test (FUT) for the #JTEST_TEST_t struct.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_SET_FUT(jtest_test_ptr, str)                 \
-    JTEST_SET_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE(jtest_test_ptr, fut_str, str)
-/* Macros concerning JTEST_TEST_t flags */
-#define JTEST_TEST_FLAG_SET 1 /**< Value of a set #JTEST_TEST_t flag. */
-#define JTEST_TEST_FLAG_CLR 0 /**< Value of a cleared #JTEST_TEST_t flag. */
- *  Evaluate to the flag in #JTEST_TEST_t having flag_name.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_FLAG(jtest_test_ptr, flag_name)  \
-    ((jtest_test_ptr)->flags.bits.flag_name)
- *  Dispatch macro for setting and clearing #JTEST_TEST_t flags.
- *
- *  @param jtest_test_ptr Pointer to a #JTEST_TEST_t struct.
- *  @param flag_name      Name of the flag to set in #JTEST_TEST_t.flags.bits
- *  @param xxx            Vaid values: "SET" or "CLR"
- *
- *  @note This function depends on JTEST_TEST_FLAG_SET and JTEST_TEST_FLAG_CLR.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_XXX_FLAG(jtest_test_ptr, flag_name, xxx)                  \
-    do                                                                       \
-    {                                                                        \
-        JTEST_TEST_FLAG(jtest_test_ptr, flag_name) = JTEST_TEST_FLAG_##xxx ; \
-    } while (0)
- *  Specification of #JTEST_TEST_XXX_FLAG to set #JTEST_TEST_t flags.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_SET_FLAG(jtest_test_ptr, flag_name)                       \
-    JTEST_TEST_XXX_FLAG(jtest_test_ptr, flag_name, SET)
- *  Specification of #JTEST_TEST_XXX_FLAG to clear #JTEST_TEST_t flags.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_CLR_FLAG(jtest_test_ptr, flag_name)                       \
-    JTEST_TEST_XXX_FLAG(jtest_test_ptr, flag_name, CLR)
- *  Evaluate to true if the #JTEST_TEST_t is enabled.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_IS_ENABLED(jtest_test_ptr)                           \
-    (JTEST_TEST_FLAG(jtest_test_ptr, enabled) == JTEST_TEST_FLAG_SET)
-#endif /* _JTEST_TEST_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_call.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_call.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9325185..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_call.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_TEST_CALL_H_
-#define _JTEST_TEST_CALL_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include "jtest_test.h"
-#include "jtest_test_define.h"
-#include "jtest_fw.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Exectute the test in the #JTEST_TEST_t struct associated with the identifier
- *  test_fn and store the result in retval.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_RUN(retval, test_fn)                                 \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STR("Test Name:\n");                                 \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STR(JTEST_TEST_STRUCT_NAME(test_fn).test_fn_str);    \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STR("Function Under Test:\n");                       \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STR(JTEST_TEST_STRUCT_NAME(test_fn).fut_str);        \
-        retval = JTEST_TEST_STRUCT_NAME(test_fn).test_fn_ptr();         \
-    } while (0)
- *  Update the enclosing #JTEST_GROUP_t's pass/fail information based on
- *  test_retval.
- *
- *  @param test_retval A #JTEST_TEST_RET_enum for the current test.
- *
- *  @warning Only use if #JTEST_TEST_t is called in the context of a
- *  #JTEST_GROUP_t.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_UPDATE_PARENT_GROUP_PF(test_retval)              \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        /* Update enclosing JTEST_GROUP_t with pass/fail info */    \
-        if (test_retval == JTEST_TEST_PASSED)                       \
-        {                                                           \
-        } else {                                                    \
-        }                                                           \
-    } while (0)
- *  Update the #JTEST_FW with pass/fail information based on test_retval.
- *
- *  @param test_retval A #JTEST_TEST_RET_enum for the current test.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_UPDATE_FW_PF(test_retval)                        \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        /* Update the JTEST_FW with pass/fail info */                \
-        if (test_retval == JTEST_TEST_PASSED)                       \
-        {                                                           \
-            JTEST_FW_INC_PASSED( 1);                                \
-        } else {                                                    \
-            JTEST_FW_INC_FAILED(1);                                 \
-        }                                                           \
-    } while (0)
- *  Update the enclosing JTEST_GROUP_t's pass/fail information, or the
- *  #JTEST_FW's if this test has no enclosing #JTEST_GROUP_t.
- *
- *  @param test_retval A #JTEST_TEST_RET_enum for the current test.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_UPDATE_PARENT_GROUP_OR_FW_PF(test_retval)            \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        /* Update pass-fail information */                              \
-        if (JTEST_CURRENT_GROUP_PTR() /* Non-null */)                    \
-        {                                                               \
-            JTEST_TEST_UPDATE_PARENT_GROUP_PF(test_retval);             \
-        } else {                                                        \
-            JTEST_TEST_UPDATE_FW_PF(test_retval);                       \
-        }                                                               \
-    } while (0)
- *  Dump the results of the test to the Keil Debugger.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_DUMP_RESULTS(test_retval)        \
-        do                                          \
-        {                                           \
-            if (test_retval == JTEST_TEST_PASSED)   \
-            {                                       \
-                JTEST_DUMP_STR("Test Passed\n");      \
-            } else {                                \
-                JTEST_DUMP_STR("Test Failed\n");      \
-            }                                       \
-        } while (0)
- *  Call the #JTEST_TEST_t assocaited with the identifier test_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_CALL(test_fn)                                        \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        if (JTEST_TEST_IS_ENABLED(&JTEST_TEST_STRUCT_NAME(test_fn)))    \
-        {                                                               \
-            /* Default to failure */                                    \
-            JTEST_TEST_RET_t __jtest_test_ret = JTEST_TEST_FAILED;      \
-                                                                        \
-            JTEST_ACT_TEST_START();                                     \
-            JTEST_TEST_RUN(__jtest_test_ret, test_fn);                  \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Update pass-fail information */                          \
-            JTEST_TEST_UPDATE_PARENT_GROUP_OR_FW_PF(__jtest_test_ret);  \
-                                                                        \
-            JTEST_TEST_DUMP_RESULTS(__jtest_test_ret);                  \
-            JTEST_ACT_TEST_END();                                       \
-        }                                                               \
-    } while (0)
-#endif /* _JTEST_TEST_CALL_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_define.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_define.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1447dd0..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_define.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "jtest_util.h"
-#include "jtest_define.h"
-#include "jtest_test.h"
-/* For defining macros with optional arguments */
-#include "opt_arg/opt_arg.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Prefix for all #JTEST_TEST_t structs.
- */
- *  Define test template used by #JTEST_TEST_t tests.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_FN_TEMPLATE(test_fn)                         \
-    JTEST_TEST_RET_t test_fn(void)
-                                                        * #JTEST_TEST_FN_TEMPLATE. */
- *  Evaluate to the name of the #JTEST_TEST_t struct associated with test_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_STRUCT_NAME(test_fn)                         \
- *  Define a #JTEST_TEST_t struct based on the given test_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_DEFINE_STRUCT(test_fn)                   \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_STRUCT(JTEST_TEST_t,                       \
-                        JTEST_TEST_STRUCT_NAME(test_fn))
- *  Declare a #JTEST_TEST_t struct based on the given test_fn.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_DECLARE_STRUCT(test_fn)      \
- *  Contents needed to initialize a JTEST_TEST_t struct.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_STRUCT_INIT(test_fn, fut, enable)    \
-    test_fn,                                            \
-        STR_NL(test_fn),                                   \
-        STR_NL(fut),                                       \
-    {                                                   \
-        {                                               \
-            enable,                                     \
-                0                                       \
-        }                                               \
-    }                                                   \
- *  Initialize the contents of a #JTEST_TEST_t struct.
- */
-#define JTEST_TEST_INIT(test_fn, fut, enable)              \
-    JTEST_TEST_DEFINE_STRUCT(test_fn) = {                  \
-        JTEST_TEST_STRUCT_INIT(test_fn, fut, enable)       \
-    }
-/* Test Definition Macro */
- *  Define a #JTEST_TEST_t object and a test function.
- */
-#define _JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(test_fn, fut, enable)           \
-    JTEST_TEST_FN_PROTOTYPE(test_fn);                      \
-    JTEST_TEST_INIT(test_fn, fut, enable);                 \
-    JTEST_TEST_FN_PROTOTYPE(test_fn) /* Notice the lacking semicolon */
- *  Declare a #JTEST_TEST_t object and a test function prototype.
- */
-#define JTEST_DECLARE_TEST(test_fn)                                     \
-    JTEST_TEST_FN_PROTOTYPE(test_fn);                                   \
-    JTEST_TEST_DECLARE_STRUCT(test_fn) /* Note the lacking semicolon */
-/* Macros with optional arguments */
-/* Top-level Interface */
-#define JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(...)                             \
-/* Dispatch Macro*/
-#define JTEST_DEFINE_TEST_(N, ...)                         \
-/* Default Arguments */
-#define JTEST_DEFINE_TEST_DEFAULT_ENABLE                   \
-    JTEST_TRUE                                 /* Tests enabled by
-                                                * default. */ 
-/* Dispatch Cases*/
-#define JTEST_DEFINE_TEST_1(_1)                            \
-    _JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(                                    \
-        _1,                                                \
-        JTEST_DEFINE_TEST_DEFAULT_FUT,                     \
-        JTEST_DEFINE_TEST_DEFAULT_ENABLE                   \
-        )
-#define JTEST_DEFINE_TEST_2(_1, _2)                        \
-    _JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(                                    \
-        _1,                                                \
-        _2,                                                \
-        JTEST_DEFINE_TEST_DEFAULT_ENABLE                   \
-        )
-#define JTEST_DEFINE_TEST_3(_1, _2, _3)                    \
-    _JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(                                    \
-        _1,                                                \
-        _2,                                                \
-        _3                                                 \
-        )
-#endif /* _JTEST_TEST_DEFINE_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_ret.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_ret.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c3176e5..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_test_ret.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_TEST_RET_H_
-#define _JTEST_TEST_RET_H_
-/* Type Definitions */
- *  Values a #JTEST_TEST_t can return.
- */
-typedef enum JTEST_TEST_RET_enum
-#endif /* _JTEST_TEST_RET_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_util.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e07d2e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/jtest_util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _JTEST_UTIL_H_
-#define _JTEST_UTIL_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include "util/util.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-/* Define boolean values for the framework. */
-#define JTEST_TRUE  1           /**< Value used for TRUE in JTEST. */
-#define JTEST_FALSE 0           /**< Value used for FALSE in JTEST. */
- *  Set the value of the attribute in the struct to by struct_ptr to value.
- */
-#define JTEST_SET_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE(struct_ptr, attribute, value)    \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        (struct_ptr)->attribute = (value);                          \
-    } while (0)
-#endif /* _JTEST_UTIL_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/opt_arg.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/opt_arg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 683be1d..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/opt_arg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _OPT_ARG_H_
-#define _OPT_ARG_H_
-/* Includes */
-#include "pp_narg.h"
-#include "splice.h"
-/* If you are Joseph Jaoudi, you have a snippet which expands into an
-   example. If you are not Joseph, but possess his code, study the examples. If
-   you have no examples, turn back contact Joseph. */
-#endif /* _OPT_ARG_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/pp_narg.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/pp_narg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d3248f4..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/pp_narg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _PP_NARG_H_
-#define _PP_NARG_H_
-#define PP_NARG(...)                                      \
-    PP_NARG_(__VA_ARGS__,PP_RSEQ_N())
-#define PP_NARG_(...)                                     \
-    PP_ARG_N(__VA_ARGS__)
-#define PP_ARG_N(                                         \
-                 _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9,_10,  \
-                 _11,_12,_13,_14,_15,_16,_17,_18,_19,_20, \
-                 _21,_22,_23,_24,_25,_26,_27,_28,_29,_30, \
-                 _31,_32,_33,_34,_35,_36,_37,_38,_39,_40, \
-                 _41,_42,_43,_44,_45,_46,_47,_48,_49,_50, \
-                 _51,_52,_53,_54,_55,_56,_57,_58,_59,_60, \
-                 _61,_62,_63,N,...) N
-#define PP_RSEQ_N()                                       \
-    63,62,61,60,                                          \
-        59,58,57,56,55,54,53,52,51,50,                    \
-        49,48,47,46,45,44,43,42,41,40,                    \
-        39,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,                    \
-        29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,                    \
-        19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,                    \
-        9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
-#endif /* _PP_NARG_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/splice.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/splice.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ec9142b..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/opt_arg/splice.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SPLICE_H_
-#define _SPLICE_H_
-#define SPLICE(a,b) SPLICE_1(a,b)
-#define SPLICE_1(a,b) SPLICE_2(a,b)
-#define SPLICE_2(a,b) a##b
-#endif /* _SPLICE_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/util/util.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/util/util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f56e0e6..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/inc/util/util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _UTIL_H_
-#define _UTIL_H_
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Convert a symbol to a string and add a 'NewLine'.
- */
-#define STR_NL(x)  STR1_NL(x)
-#define STR1_NL(x) (STR2_NL(x)"\n")
-#define STR2_NL(x) #x
- *  Convert a symbol to a string.
- */
-#define STR(x)  STR1(x)
-#define STR1(x) STR2(x)
-#define STR2(x) #x
- *  Concatenate two symbols.
- */
-#define CONCAT(a, b)  CONCAT1(a, b)
-#define CONCAT1(a, b) CONCAT2(a, b)
-#define CONCAT2(a, b) a##b
- *  Place curly braces around a varaible number of macro arguments.
- */
-#define CURLY(...) {__VA_ARGS__}
- *  Place parenthesis around a variable number of macro arguments.
- */
-#define PAREN(...) (__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Standard min/max macros. */
-#define MIN(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y) )
-#define MAX(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y) )
- *  Bound value using low and high limits.
- *
- *  Evaluate to a number in the range, endpoint inclusive.
- */
-#define BOUND(low, high, value)                 \
-    MAX(MIN(high, value), low)
-#endif /* _UTIL_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_cycle.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_cycle.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d552d..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_cycle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#include "../inc/jtest_cycle.h"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-/* Define Module Variables */
-/* const char * JTEST_CYCLE_STRF = "Running: %s\nCycles: %" PRIu32 "\n"; */
-const char * JTEST_CYCLE_STRF = "Cycles: %" PRIu32 "\n"; /* function name + parameter string skipped */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_dump_str_segments.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_dump_str_segments.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3a9bf8..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_dump_str_segments.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest_fw.h"
- *  Dump the JTEST_FW.str_buffer the Keil framework in pieces.
- *
- *  The JTEST_FW.str_buffer contains more characters than the Keil framework can
- *  dump at once. This function dumps them in blocks.
- */
-void jtest_dump_str_segments(void)
-    uint32_t seg_idx      = 0;
-    uint32_t memmove_idx = 0;
-    uint32_t seg_cnt  =
-        (strlen(JTEST_FW.str_buffer) / JTEST_STR_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE) + 1;
-    for( seg_idx = 0; seg_idx < seg_cnt; ++seg_idx)
-    {
-        JTEST_TRIGGER_ACTION(dump_str);
-        if (seg_idx < JTEST_STR_MAX_OUTPUT_SEGMENTS)
-        {
-            memmove_idx = 0;
-            while (memmove_idx < (seg_cnt - seg_idx -1) )
-            {
-                memmove(
-                    JTEST_FW.str_buffer+
-                    (memmove_idx* JTEST_STR_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE),
-                    JTEST_FW.str_buffer+
-                    ((memmove_idx+1)*JTEST_STR_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE),
-                    JTEST_BUF_SIZE);
-                ++memmove_idx;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_fw.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_fw.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d7a63..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_fw.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#include "../inc/jtest.h"
-/* Define Global Variables */
-volatile JTEST_FW_t JTEST_FW = {0};
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_trigger_action.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_trigger_action.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a3901da..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/JTest/src/jtest_trigger_action.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest_fw.h"
-void test_start    (void) {
-//  ;
-  JTEST_FW.test_start++;
-void test_end      (void) {
-//  ;
-  JTEST_FW.test_end++;
-void group_start   (void) {
-//  ;
-  JTEST_FW.group_start++;
-void group_end     (void) {
-//  ;
-  JTEST_FW.group_end++;
-void dump_str      (void) {
-//  ;
-  JTEST_FW.dump_str++;
-void dump_data     (void) {
-//  ;
-  JTEST_FW.dump_data++;
-void exit_fw       (void) {
-//  ;
-  JTEST_FW.exit_fw++;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/all_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/all_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index df1e998..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/all_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ALL_TESTS_H_
-#define _ALL_TESTS_H_
-/* Declare Test Groups */
-#endif /* _ALL_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 958ef78..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- *  Compare the outputs used by basic math tests for the function under test and
- *  the reference function.
- */
-#define BASIC_MATH_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size, output_type)   \
-    TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_EQUAL(                                  \
-        basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr,                         \
-        basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr,                         \
-        block_size * sizeof(output_type))
- * Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in basic_math_tests.
- */
-#define BASIC_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 120
-#define BASIC_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_q31_t 100
-#define BASIC_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_q15_t 75
- *  Compare reference and fut outputs using SNR.
- *
- *  @note The outputs are converted to float32_t before comparison.
- */
-#define BASIC_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size, output_type)   \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                                \
-            basic_math_output_f32_ref,                              \
-            basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr,                         \
-            basic_math_output_f32_fut,                              \
-            basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr,                         \
-            block_size,                                             \
-            output_type,                                            \
-            BASIC_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type                  \
-            );                                                      \
-    } while (0)
- *  Compare reference and fut outputs using SNR.
- *
- *  @note The outputs are converted to float32_t before comparison.
- */
-#define BASIC_MATH_SNR_ELT1_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size, output_type)  \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                                    \
-            basic_math_output_f32_ref,                                  \
-            basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr,                             \
-            basic_math_output_f32_fut,                                  \
-            basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr,                             \
-            1,                                                          \
-            output_type,                                                \
-            BASIC_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type                      \
-            );                                                          \
-    } while (0)
-/* Input Interfaces */
- *  General:
- *  Input interfaces provide inputs to functions inside test templates.  They
- *  ONLY provide the inputs.  The output variables should be hard coded.
- *
- *  The input interfaces must have the following format:
- *
- *
- *  The xxx must be lowercase, and is intended to be the indentifying substring
- *  in the function's name.  Acceptable values are 'sub' or 'add' from the
- *  functions arm_add_q31.
- */
-#define ARM_abs_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_abs_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define ARM_add_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size) \
-#define REF_add_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size) \
-#define ARM_dot_prod_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size)      \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, block_size, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr) \
-#define REF_dot_prod_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size)      \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, block_size, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr) \
-#define ARM_mult_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size)          \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size) \
-#define REF_mult_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size)          \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size) \
-#define ARM_negate_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_negate_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define ARM_offset_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, elt, block_size)          \
-    PAREN(input, elt, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size)   \
-#define REF_offset_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, elt, block_size)          \
-    PAREN(input, elt, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size)   \
-#define ARM_shift_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, elt, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input, elt, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size)   \
-#define REF_shift_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, elt, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input, elt, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size)   \
-#define ARM_scale_float_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, elt, block_size)     \
-    PAREN(input, elt, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size)   \
-#define REF_scale_float_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, elt, block_size)     \
-    PAREN(input, elt, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size)   \
-/* These two are for the fixed point functions */
-#define ARM_scale_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, elt1, elt2, block_size)        \
-    PAREN(input, elt1, elt2, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size) \
-#define REF_scale_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, elt1, elt2, block_size)        \
-    PAREN(input, elt1, elt2, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size) \
-#define ARM_sub_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, basic_math_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size) \
-#define REF_sub_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, basic_math_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size) \
-/* Test Templates */
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK() for basic math tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-#define BASIC_MATH_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(fn_name,       \
-                                                 suffix,        \
-                                                 input_type,    \
-                                                 output_type)   \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,          \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                 \
-    {                                                           \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(                                 \
-            basic_math_f_all,                                   \
-            basic_math_block_sizes,                             \
-            input_type,                                         \
-            output_type,                                        \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                           \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                    \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                           \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                    \
-            BASIC_MATH_COMPARE_INTERFACE);                      \
-    }
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK() for basic math tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-#define BASIC_MATH_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK(fn_name,               \
-                                                 suffix,                \
-                                                 input_type,            \
-                                                 output_type,           \
-                                                 comparison_interface)  \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,                  \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                         \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK(                                         \
-            basic_math_f_all,                                           \
-            basic_math_f_all,                                           \
-            basic_math_block_sizes,                                     \
-            input_type,                                                 \
-            output_type,                                                \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                                   \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                            \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                                   \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                            \
-            comparison_interface);                                      \
-    }
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT1_BLK() for basic math tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-                                                      suffix,       \
-                                                      input_type,   \
-                                                      elt_type,     \
-                                                      output_type)  \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,              \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                     \
-    {                                                               \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT1_BLK(                                \
-            basic_math_f_all,                                       \
-            basic_math_elts,                                        \
-            basic_math_block_sizes,                                 \
-            input_type,                                             \
-            elt_type,                                               \
-            output_type,                                            \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            BASIC_MATH_COMPARE_INTERFACE);                          \
-    }
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT2_BLK() for basic math tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-                                                      suffix,       \
-                                                      input_type,   \
-                                                      elt1_type,    \
-                                                      elt2_type,    \
-                                                      output_type)  \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,              \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                     \
-    {                                                               \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT2_BLK(                                \
-            basic_math_f_all,                                       \
-            basic_math_elts,                                        \
-            basic_math_elts2,                                       \
-            basic_math_block_sizes,                                 \
-            input_type,                                             \
-            elt1_type,                                              \
-            elt2_type,                                              \
-            output_type,                                            \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            BASIC_MATH_COMPARE_INTERFACE);                          \
-    }
-#endif /* _BASIC_MATH_TEMPLATES_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f0b239..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-/* Declare Variables */
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-/* Block Sizes*/
-/* Numbers */
-/* Float Inputs */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ece92c7..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
-#endif /* _BASIC_MATH_TEST_GROUP_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0550444..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/basic_math_tests/basic_math_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/* Test/Group Declarations */
-#endif /* _BASIC_MATH_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b7f22f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- *  Compare the real outputs from the function under test and the reference
- *  function.
- */
-#define COMPLEX_MATH_COMPARE_RE_INTERFACE(block_size, output_type)  \
-    TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_EQUAL(                                      \
-        complex_math_output_ref_a.data_ptr,                         \
-        complex_math_output_fut_a.data_ptr,                         \
-        block_size * sizeof(output_type))
- *  Compare the real and imaginary outputs from the function under test and the
- *  reference function.
- */
-#define COMPLEX_MATH_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE(block_size, output_type)   \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        COMPLEX_MATH_COMPARE_RE_INTERFACE(block_size * 2, output_type); \
-    } while (0)
- * Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in complex_math_tests.
- */
-#define COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 120
- *  Compare reference and fut outputs using SNR.
- *
- *  The output_suffix specifies which output buffers to use for the
- *  comparison. An output_suffix of 'a' expands to the following buffers:
- *
- *  - complex_math_output_f32_ref_a
- *  - complex_math_output_f32_fut_a
- *  - complex_math_output_ref_a
- *  - complex_math_output_fut_a
- *
- *  @note The outputs are converted to float32_t before comparison.
- */
-#define COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_OUT_INTERFACE(block_size,      \
-                                               output_type,     \
-                                               output_suffix)   \
-    do                                                          \
-    {                                                           \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                            \
-            complex_math_output_f32_ref_##output_suffix,        \
-            complex_math_output_ref_##output_suffix.data_ptr,   \
-            complex_math_output_f32_fut_##output_suffix,        \
-            complex_math_output_fut_##output_suffix.data_ptr,   \
-            block_size,                                         \
-            output_type,                                        \
-            COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type            \
-            );                                                  \
-    } while (0)
- *  Specification of #COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE() for real outputs.
- */
-#define COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_RE_INTERFACE(block_size,       \
-                                                   output_type) \
-    COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_OUT_INTERFACE(block_size,          \
-                                           output_type,         \
-                                           a)
- *  Specification of #COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE() for complex outputs.
- */
-                                                 output_type)   \
-        COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_OUT_INTERFACE(block_size * 2,  \
-                                               output_type,     \
-                                               a)
- *  Compare reference and fut split outputs using SNR.
- *
- *  'Split' refers to two separate output buffers; one for real and one for
- *  complex.
- */
-                                                 output_type)   \
-        do                                                      \
-        {                                                       \
-            COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_OUT_INTERFACE(block_size,  \
-                                                   output_type, \
-                                                   a);          \
-            COMPLEX_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_OUT_INTERFACE(block_size,  \
-                                                   output_type, \
-                                                   b);          \
-        } while (0)
-/* Input Interfaces */
- *  General:
- *  Input interfaces provide inputs to functions inside test templates.  They
- *  ONLY provide the inputs.  The output variables should be hard coded.
- *
- *  The input interfaces must have the following format:
- *
- *
- *  The xxx must be lowercase, and is intended to be the indentifying substring
- *  in the function's name.  Acceptable values are 'sub' or 'add' from the
- *  functions arm_add_q31.
- */
-#define ARM_cmplx_conj_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input, complex_math_output_fut_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_cmplx_conj_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)           \
-    PAREN(input, complex_math_output_ref_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define ARM_cmplx_dot_prod_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, block_size,                                 \
-          complex_math_output_fut_a.data_ptr,                          \
-          complex_math_output_fut_b.data_ptr)
-#define REF_cmplx_dot_prod_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, block_size,                                 \
-          complex_math_output_ref_a.data_ptr,                          \
-          complex_math_output_ref_b.data_ptr)
-#define ARM_cmplx_mag_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)            \
-    PAREN(input, complex_math_output_fut_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_cmplx_mag_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)            \
-    PAREN(input, complex_math_output_ref_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define ARM_cmplx_mag_squared_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)    \
-    PAREN(input, complex_math_output_fut_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_cmplx_mag_squared_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)    \
-    PAREN(input, complex_math_output_ref_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define ARM_cmplx_mult_cmplx_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, complex_math_output_fut_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_cmplx_mult_cmplx_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, complex_math_output_ref_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define ARM_cmplx_mult_real_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, complex_math_output_fut_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_cmplx_mult_real_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_b, block_size) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_b, complex_math_output_ref_a.data_ptr, block_size)
-/* Test Templates */
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK() for complex math tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-#define COMPLEX_MATH_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(fn_name,         \
-                                                   suffix,          \
-                                                   input_type,      \
-                                                   output_type,     \
-                                                   comparison_interface) \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,              \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                     \
-    {                                                               \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(                                     \
-            complex_math_f_all,                                     \
-            complex_math_block_sizes,                               \
-            input_type,                                             \
-            output_type,                                            \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            comparison_interface);                                  \
-    }
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK1() for complex math tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-#define COMPLEX_MATH_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK(fn_name,         \
-                                                   suffix,          \
-                                                   input_type,      \
-                                                   output_type,     \
-                                                   comparison_interface) \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,              \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                     \
-    {                                                               \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK(                                     \
-            complex_math_f_all,                                     \
-            complex_math_f_all,                                     \
-            complex_math_block_sizes,                               \
-            input_type,                                             \
-            output_type,                                            \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            comparison_interface);                                  \
-    }
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index df561b4..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-/* Decalare Variables */
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-complex_math_output_f32_ref_a[COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2];
-complex_math_output_f32_ref_b[COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2];
-complex_math_output_f32_fut_a[COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2];
-complex_math_output_f32_fut_b[COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2];
-/* Block Sizes*/
-/* Float Inputs */
-#endif /* _COMPLEX_MATH_TEST_DATA_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c2ea1f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab4f0ae..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/complex_math_tests/complex_math_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-/* Test/Group Declarations */
-#endif /* _COMPLEX_MATH_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f7956fb..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include <string.h>             /* memcpy() */
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- * Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in transform_tests.
- */
-#define CONTROLLER_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 110
-#define CONTROLLER_SNR_THRESHOLD_q31_t     100
-#define CONTROLLER_SNR_THRESHOLD_q15_t     45
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
- *  function using SNR.
- */
-#define CONTROLLER_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size,    \
-                                         output_type)   \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                    \
-            controller_output_f32_ref,                  \
-            (output_type *) controller_output_ref,      \
-            controller_output_f32_fut,                  \
-            (output_type *) controller_output_fut,      \
-            block_size,                                 \
-            output_type,                                \
-            CONTROLLER_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type      \
-            );                                          \
-    } while (0)
-/* TEST Templates */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aa63eb..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arm_math.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-#define CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN 1024
-/* Variable Declarations */
-extern float32_t controller_output_fut[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN];
-extern float32_t controller_output_ref[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN];
-extern float32_t controller_output_f32_fut[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN];
-extern float32_t controller_output_f32_ref[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN];
-extern const float32_t controller_f32_inputs[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN];
-extern const q31_t controller_q31_inputs[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN];
-extern const q15_t * controller_q15_inputs;
-extern const float32_t controller_f32_coeffs[CONTROLLER_MAX_COEFFS_LEN];
-extern const q31_t controller_q31_coeffs[CONTROLLER_MAX_COEFFS_LEN];
-extern const q15_t controller_q15_coeffs[CONTROLLER_MAX_COEFFS_LEN];
-#endif /* _CONTROLLER_TEST_DATA_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index baead25..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Group */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 41996a8..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/controller_tests/controller_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* Test/Group Declarations */
-#endif /* _CONTROLLER_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b49512..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include <string.h>             /* memcpy() */
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- * Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in transform_tests.
- */
-#define FAST_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 95
-#define FAST_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_q31_t     95
-#define FAST_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_q15_t     45
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
- *  function using SNR.
- */
-#define FAST_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size,     \
-                                        output_type)    \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                    \
-            fast_math_output_f32_ref,                   \
-            (output_type *) fast_math_output_ref,       \
-            fast_math_output_f32_fut,                   \
-            (output_type *) fast_math_output_fut,       \
-            block_size,                                 \
-            output_type,                                \
-            FAST_MATH_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type       \
-            );                                          \
-    } while (0)
-/* TEST Templates */
-#define SQRT_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(suffix)                             \
-                                                                    \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_sqrt_##suffix##_test, arm_sqrt_##suffix)  \
-    {                                                               \
-        uint32_t i;                                                 \
-                                                                    \
-        JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                         \
-            for(i=0;i<FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN;i++)                        \
-            {                                                       \
-                arm_sqrt_##suffix(                                  \
-                    (suffix##_t)fast_math_##suffix##_inputs[i]      \
-                    ,(suffix##_t*)fast_math_output_fut + i);        \
-            });                                                     \
-                                                                    \
-        for(i=0;i<FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN;i++)                            \
-        {                                                           \
-            ref_sqrt_##suffix(                                      \
-                (suffix##_t)fast_math_##suffix##_inputs[i]          \
-                ,(suffix##_t*)fast_math_output_ref + i);            \
-        }                                                           \
-                                                                    \
-        FAST_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                            \
-            FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN,                                      \
-            suffix##_t);                                            \
-                                                                    \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-    }
-#define SIN_COS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(suffix, type, func)                  \
-                                                                        \
-        JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##func##_##suffix##_test, arm_##func##_##suffix) \
-        {                                                               \
-            uint32_t i;                                                 \
-                                                                        \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                         \
-                for(i=0;i<FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN;i++)                        \
-                {                                                       \
-                    *((type*)fast_math_output_fut + i) = arm_##func##_##suffix( \
-                        fast_math_##suffix##_inputs[i]);                \
-                });                                                     \
-                                                                        \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                         \
-                for(i=0;i<FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN;i++)                        \
-                {                                                       \
-                    *((type*)fast_math_output_ref + i) = ref_##func##_##suffix( \
-                        fast_math_##suffix##_inputs[i]);                \
-                });                                                     \
-                                                                        \
-            FAST_MATH_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                            \
-                FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN,                                      \
-                type);                                                  \
-                                                                        \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-        }
-#endif /* _FAST_MATH_TEMPLATES_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0279be0..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arm_math.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-#define FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN 1024
-/* Variable Declarations */
-extern float32_t fast_math_output_fut[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN];
-extern float32_t fast_math_output_ref[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN];
-extern float32_t fast_math_output_f32_fut[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN];
-extern float32_t fast_math_output_f32_ref[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN];
-extern const float32_t fast_math_f32_inputs[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN];
-extern const q31_t fast_math_q31_inputs[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN];
-extern const q15_t * fast_math_q15_inputs;
-#endif /* _FAST_MATH_TEST_DATA_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3282118..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/fast_math_tests/fast_math_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
-#endif /* _FAST_MATH_TEST_GROUP_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f3eb564..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- * Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in statistics_tests.
- */
-#define FILTERING_SNR_THRESHOLD_float64_t 120
-#define FILTERING_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 99
- *  Compare reference and fut outputs using SNR.
- *
- *  @note The outputs are converted to float32_t before comparison.
- */
-#define FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size,                     \
-                                        output_type)                    \
-    FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE_OFFSET(0, block_size, output_type)
- *  Compare reference and fut outputs starting at some offset using SNR.
- */
-                                               block_size,  \
-                                               output_type) \
-    do                                                      \
-    {                                                       \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                        \
-            filtering_output_f32_ref,                       \
-            (output_type *) filtering_output_ref + offset,  \
-            filtering_output_f32_fut,                       \
-            (output_type *) filtering_output_fut + offset,  \
-            block_size,                                     \
-            output_type,                                    \
-            FILTERING_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type           \
-            );                                              \
-    } while (0)                                              
- *  Compare reference and fut outputs starting at some offset using SNR.
- *  Special case for float64_t
- */
-#define FILTERING_DBL_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size,  				\
-                                            output_type) 				\
-    do                                                      		\
-    {                                                       		\
-        TEST_ASSERT_DBL_SNR(                        						\
-            (float64_t*)filtering_output_ref,               \
-            (float64_t*)filtering_output_fut,               \
-            block_size,                                     		\
-            FILTERING_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type           		\
-            );                                              		\
-    } while (0)                                              
-/* Input Interfaces */
- *  General:
- *  Input interfaces provide inputs to functions inside test templates.  They
- *  ONLY provide the inputs.  The output variables should be hard coded.
- *
- *  The input interfaces must have the following format:
- *
- *
- *  The xxx must be lowercase, and is intended to be the indentifying substring
- *  in the function's name.  Acceptable values are 'sub' or 'add' from the
- *  functions arm_add_q31.
- */
-/* Test Templates */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee07291..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-#define LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE        512
-#define FILTERING_MAX_L				3
-#define FILTERING_MAX_M				33
-/* Declare Variables */
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-extern float32_t filtering_output_fut[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2];
-extern float32_t filtering_output_ref[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2];
-extern float32_t filtering_output_f32_fut[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2];
-extern float32_t filtering_output_f32_ref[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2];
-extern float32_t filtering_input_lms[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2];
-extern float32_t filtering_pState[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE + FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-extern float32_t filtering_scratch[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * 3];
-extern float32_t filtering_scratch2[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * 3];
-extern float32_t filtering_coeffs_lms[FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-extern const float64_t filtering_f64_inputs[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * FILTERING_MAX_M + FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-extern const float32_t filtering_f32_inputs[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * FILTERING_MAX_M + FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-extern const q31_t filtering_q31_inputs[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * FILTERING_MAX_M + FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-extern const q15_t * filtering_q15_inputs;
-extern const q7_t * filtering_q7_inputs;
-/* Block Sizes */
-/* Coefficient Lists */
-extern const float64_t filtering_coeffs_f64[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2];
-extern const float64_t filtering_coeffs_b_f64[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2];
-extern const float32_t filtering_coeffs_f32[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2];
-extern const float32_t filtering_coeffs_b_f32[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2];
-extern const float32_t *filtering_coeffs_c_f32;
-extern float32_t filtering_coeffs_lms_f32[FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-extern const q31_t filtering_coeffs_q31[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2];
-extern const q31_t *filtering_coeffs_b_q31;
-extern const q31_t *filtering_coeffs_c_q31;
-extern q31_t filtering_coeffs_lms_q31[FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-extern const q15_t filtering_coeffs_q15[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 4];
-extern const q15_t *filtering_coeffs_b_q15;
-extern const q15_t *filtering_coeffs_c_q15;
-extern q15_t filtering_coeffs_lms_q15[FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-extern const q7_t filtering_coeffs_q7[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 8];
-extern const q7_t *filtering_coeffs_b_q7;
-extern const q7_t *filtering_coeffs_c_q7;
-/* Tap Delay Lists */
-extern const int32_t filtering_tap_delay[FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-/* Numbers */
-/* Float Inputs */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f6877..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
-#endif /* _FILTERING_TEST_GROUP_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4caeca9..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/filtering_tests/filtering_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* Test/Group Declarations */
-#endif /* _FILTERING_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5872fe9..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include <string.h>             /* memcpy() */
-/* Group Specific Templates */
-* Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in transform_tests.
-#define INTRINSICS_SNR_THRESHOLD_q63_t     120
-#define INTRINSICS_SNR_THRESHOLD_q31_t     95
-*  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
-*  function using SNR.
-   output_type)                                       \
-   do                                                 \
-   {                                                  \
-      TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                    \
-         intrinsics_output_f32_ref,                   \
-         (output_type##_t *) intrinsics_output_ref,   \
-         intrinsics_output_f32_fut,                   \
-         (output_type##_t *) intrinsics_output_fut,   \
-         block_size,                                  \
-         output_type,                                 \
-         INTRINSICS_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type##_t   \
-      );                                              \
-   } while (0)
-/* TEST Templates */
-#define INTRINSICS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(functionName, dataType)              \
-                                                                           \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(functionName##_test, functionName)                    \
-   {                                                                       \
-      uint32_t i;                                                          \
-                                                                           \
-      JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                  \
-         for(i=0;i<INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN;i++)                                 \
-         {                                                                 \
-            *((dataType##_t*)intrinsics_output_fut + i) =                  \
-               functionName(                                               \
-                  (dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]);        \
-         });                                                               \
-                                                                           \
-      for(i=0;i<INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN;i++)                                    \
-      {                                                                    \
-         *((dataType##_t*)intrinsics_output_ref + i) =                     \
-            ref##functionName(                                             \
-               (dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]);           \
-      }                                                                    \
-                                                                           \
-      INTRINSICS_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                    \
-         INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN,                                               \
-         dataType);                                                        \
-                                                                           \
-      return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                            \
-   }
-#define INTRINSICS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(functionName, dataType)              \
-                                                                           \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(functionName##_test, functionName)                    \
-   {                                                                       \
-      uint32_t i;                                                          \
-                                                                           \
-      JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                  \
-         for(i=0;i<INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN;i++)                                 \
-         {                                                                 \
-            *((dataType##_t*)intrinsics_output_fut + i) =                  \
-               functionName(                                               \
-                  (dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]          \
-                  ,(dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]);       \
-         });                                                               \
-                                                                           \
-      for(i=0;i<INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN;i++)                                    \
-      {                                                                    \
-         *((dataType##_t*)intrinsics_output_ref + i) =                     \
-            ref##functionName(                                             \
-               (dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]             \
-               ,(dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]);          \
-      }                                                                    \
-                                                                           \
-      INTRINSICS_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                    \
-         INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN,                                               \
-         dataType);                                                        \
-                                                                           \
-      return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                            \
-   }
-#define INTRINSICS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT3(functionName, dataType)              \
-                                                                           \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(functionName##_test, functionName)                    \
-   {                                                                       \
-      uint32_t i;                                                          \
-                                                                           \
-      JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                  \
-         for(i=0;i<INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN;i++)                                 \
-         {                                                                 \
-            *((dataType##_t*)intrinsics_output_fut + i) =                  \
-               functionName(                                               \
-                  (dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]          \
-                  ,(dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]         \
-                  ,(dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]);       \
-         });                                                               \
-                                                                           \
-      for(i=0;i<INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN;i++)                                    \
-      {                                                                    \
-         *((dataType##_t*)intrinsics_output_ref + i) =                     \
-            ref##functionName(                                             \
-               (dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]             \
-               ,(dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]            \
-               ,(dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]);          \
-      }                                                                    \
-                                                                           \
-      INTRINSICS_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                    \
-         INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN,                                               \
-         dataType);                                                        \
-                                                                           \
-      return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                            \
-   }
-#define INTRINSICS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT4(functionName, dataType, dataType2)   \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(functionName##_test, functionName)                    \
-   {                                                                       \
-      uint32_t i;                                                          \
-                                                                           \
-      JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                  \
-         for(i=0;i<INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN;i++)                                 \
-         {                                                                 \
-            *((dataType2##_t*)intrinsics_output_fut + i) =                 \
-               functionName(                                               \
-                  (dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]          \
-                  ,(dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]         \
-                  ,(dataType2##_t)intrinsics_##dataType2##_inputs[i]);     \
-         });                                                               \
-                                                                           \
-      for(i=0;i<INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN;i++)                                    \
-      {                                                                    \
-         *((dataType2##_t*)intrinsics_output_ref + i) =                    \
-            ref##functionName(                                             \
-               (dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]             \
-               ,(dataType##_t)intrinsics_##dataType##_inputs[i]            \
-               ,(dataType2##_t)intrinsics_##dataType2##_inputs[i]);        \
-      }                                                                    \
-                                                                           \
-      INTRINSICS_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                    \
-         INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN,                                               \
-         dataType2);                                                       \
-                                                                           \
-      return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                            \
-   }
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 130e4e8..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arm_math.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-#define INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN 1024
-/* Variable Declarations */
-extern q63_t intrinsics_output_fut[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN];
-extern q63_t intrinsics_output_ref[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN];
-extern float32_t intrinsics_output_f32_fut[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN];
-extern float32_t intrinsics_output_f32_ref[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN];
-extern const q63_t intrinsics_q63_inputs[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN];
-extern const q31_t *intrinsics_q31_inputs;
-#endif /* _INTRINSICS_TEST_DATA_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d21d626..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/math_helper.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/math_helper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ca7acb..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/math_helper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
-* $Date:        29. November 2010
-* $Revision:    V1.0.3
-* Project:      CMSIS DSP Library
-* Title:        math_helper.h
-* Description:	Prototypes of all helper functions required.
-* Target Processor: Cortex-M4/Cortex-M3
-* Version 1.0.3 2010/11/29
-*    Re-organized the CMSIS folders and updated documentation.
-* Version 1.0.2 2010/11/11
-*    Documentation updated.
-* Version 1.0.1 2010/10/05
-*    Production release and review comments incorporated.
-* Version 1.0.0 2010/09/20
-*    Production release and review comments incorporated.
-* Version 0.0.7  2010/06/10
-*    Misra-C changes done
-* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifndef MATH_HELPER_H
-#define MATH_HELPER_H
-#include "arm_math.h"
-float arm_snr_f32(float *pRef, float *pTest,  uint32_t buffSize);
-double arm_snr_f64(double *pRef, double *pTest,  uint32_t buffSize);
-void arm_float_to_q12_20(float *pIn, q31_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples);
-void arm_provide_guard_bits_q15(q15_t *input_buf, uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t guard_bits);
-void arm_provide_guard_bits_q31(q31_t *input_buf, uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t guard_bits);
-void arm_float_to_q14(float *pIn, q15_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples);
-void arm_float_to_q29(float *pIn, q31_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples);
-void arm_float_to_q28(float *pIn, q31_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples);
-void arm_float_to_q30(float *pIn, q31_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples);
-void arm_clip_f32(float *pIn, uint32_t numSamples);
-uint32_t arm_calc_guard_bits(uint32_t num_adds);
-void arm_apply_guard_bits (float32_t * pIn, uint32_t numSamples, uint32_t guard_bits);
-uint32_t arm_compare_fixed_q15(q15_t *pIn, q15_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples);
-uint32_t arm_compare_fixed_q31(q31_t *pIn, q31_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples);
-uint32_t arm_calc_2pow(uint32_t guard_bits);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f3552..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
- *  function.
- */
-#define MATRIX_COMPARE_INTERFACE(output_type, output_content_type)  \
-    TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_EQUAL(                                      \
-        ((output_type *) &matrix_output_ref)->pData,                \
-        ((output_type *) &matrix_output_fut)->pData,                \
-        ((output_type *) &matrix_output_fut)->numRows *             \
-        ((output_type *) &matrix_output_ref)->numCols *             \
-        sizeof(output_content_type))
- * Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in matrix_tests.
- */
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
- *  function using SNR.
- */
-#define MATRIX_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(output_type, output_content_type)  \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                                    \
-            (float32_t *)matrix_output_f32_ref,                         \
-            ((output_type *) &matrix_output_ref)->pData,                \
-            (float32_t *)matrix_output_f32_fut,                         \
-            ((output_type *) &matrix_output_ref)->pData,                \
-            ((output_type *) &matrix_output_fut)->numRows *             \
-            ((output_type *) &matrix_output_ref)->numCols,              \
-            output_content_type,                                        \
-            MATRIX_SNR_THRESHOLD                                        \
-            );                                                          \
-    } while (0)
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
- *  function using SNR. This is special for float64_t
- */
-#define MATRIX_DBL_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(output_type)                   \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEST_ASSERT_DBL_SNR(                                            \
-            (float64_t *)matrix_output_f32_ref,                         \
-            (float64_t *)matrix_output_f32_fut,                         \
-            ((output_type *) &matrix_output_fut)->numRows *             \
-            ((output_type *) &matrix_output_ref)->numCols,              \
-            MATRIX_SNR_THRESHOLD                                        \
-            );                                                          \
-    } while (0)
-/* Input Interfaces */
- *  General:
- *  Input interfaces provide inputs to functions inside test templates.  They
- *  ONLY provide the inputs.  The output variables should be hard coded.
- *
- *  The input interfaces must have the following format:
- *
- *
- *  The xxx must be lowercase, and is intended to be the indentifying substring
- *  in the function's name.  Acceptable values are 'sub' or 'add' from the
- *  functions arm_add_q31.
- */
-#define ARM_mat_add_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr)    \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_fut)
-#define REF_mat_add_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr)    \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_ref)
-#define ARM_mat_cmplx_mult_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr)    \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_fut)
-#define REF_mat_cmplx_mult_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr)    \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_ref)
-#define ARM_mat_inverse_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_ptr)  \
-    PAREN(input_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_fut)
-#define REF_mat_inverse_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_ptr)  \
-    PAREN(input_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_ref)
-#define ARM_mat_mult_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr)      \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_fut)
-#define REF_mat_mult_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr)      \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_ref)
-#define ARM_mat_mult_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr) \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_fut)
-#define REF_mat_mult_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr) \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_ref)
-#define ARM_mat_sub_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr)    \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_fut)
-#define REF_mat_sub_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr)    \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_ref)
-#define ARM_mat_trans_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_ptr)    \
-    PAREN(input_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_fut)
-#define REF_mat_trans_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_ptr)    \
-    PAREN(input_ptr, (void *) &matrix_output_ref)
-/* Dimension Validation Interfaces */
-                                              matrix_a_ptr, \
-                                              matrix_b_ptr) \
-    ((((input_type) (matrix_a_ptr))->numRows ==             \
-      ((input_type) (matrix_b_ptr))->numRows) &&            \
-     (((input_type) (matrix_a_ptr))->numCols ==             \
-      ((input_type) (matrix_b_ptr))->numCols))
-                                                    matrix_a_ptr,   \
-                                                    matrix_b_ptr)   \
-    (((input_type) (matrix_a_ptr))->numCols ==                      \
-     ((input_type) (matrix_b_ptr))->numRows)
-                                            matrix_ptr) \
-    (((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numRows ==             \
-     ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numCols)
-                                            matrix_ptr) \
-    (1 == 1)                                            \
-/* Output Configuration Interfaces */
-/* The matrix tests assume the output matrix is always the correct size.  These
- * interfaces size the properly size the output matrices according to the input
- * matrices and the operation at hand.*/
-#define MATRIX_TEST_CONFIG_ADDITIVE_OUTPUT(input_type,      \
-                                           matrix_a_ptr,    \
-                                           matrix_b_ptr)    \
-    do                                                      \
-    {                                                       \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_fut)->numRows =        \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_a_ptr))->numRows;          \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_fut)->numCols =        \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_a_ptr))->numCols;          \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_ref)->numRows =        \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_a_ptr))->numRows;          \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_ref)->numCols =        \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_a_ptr))->numCols;          \
-    } while (0)
-                                                 matrix_a_ptr,  \
-                                                 matrix_b_ptr)  \
-    do                                                          \
-    {                                                           \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_fut)->numRows =            \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_a_ptr))->numRows;              \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_fut)->numCols =            \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_b_ptr))->numCols;              \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_ref)->numRows =            \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_a_ptr))->numRows;              \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_ref)->numCols =            \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_b_ptr))->numCols;              \
-    } while (0)
-                                           matrix_ptr)  \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_fut)->numRows =    \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numRows;        \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_fut)->numCols =    \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numCols;        \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_ref)->numRows =    \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numRows;        \
-        ((input_type) &matrix_output_ref)->numCols =    \
-            ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numCols;        \
-    } while (0)
-#define MATRIX_TEST_CONFIG_TRANSPOSE_OUTPUT(input_type,     \
-                                            matrix_ptr)     \
-        do                                                  \
-        {                                                   \
-            ((input_type) &matrix_output_fut)->numRows =    \
-                ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numCols;        \
-            ((input_type) &matrix_output_fut)->numCols =    \
-                ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numRows;        \
-            ((input_type) &matrix_output_ref)->numRows =    \
-                ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numCols;        \
-            ((input_type) &matrix_output_ref)->numCols =    \
-                ((input_type)(matrix_ptr))->numRows;        \
-        } while (0)
-/* TEST Templates */
-#define MATRIX_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(arr_desc_inputs,                      \
-                                  input_type,                           \
-                                  output_type, output_content_type,     \
-                                  fut, fut_arg_interface,               \
-                                  ref, ref_arg_interface,               \
-                                  output_config_interface,              \
-                                  dim_validation_interface,             \
-                                  compare_interface)                    \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
-            input_idx, input_type, input, arr_desc_inputs               \
-            ,                                                           \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Matrix Dimensions: %dx%d\n",               \
-                         (int)input->numRows,                           \
-                         (int)input->numCols);                          \
-                                                                        \
-            if (dim_validation_interface(input_type,                     \
-                                        input)) {                       \
-                output_config_interface(input_type,                     \
-                                        input);                         \
-                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                                  \
-                    fut, fut_arg_interface(input),                      \
-                    ref, ref_arg_interface(input));                     \
-                compare_interface(output_type,                          \
-                                  output_content_type);                 \
-            } else {                                                    \
-                arm_status matrix_test_retval;                          \
-                TEST_CALL_FUT(                                          \
-                    matrix_test_retval = fut,                           \
-                    fut_arg_interface(input));                          \
-                                                                        \
-                /* If dimensions are known bad, the fut should */       \
-                /* detect it. */                                        \
-                if ( matrix_test_retval != ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH) {     \
-                    return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                           \
-                }                                                       \
-            });                                                         \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
-    } while (0)
-#define MATRIX_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(arr_desc_inputs_a,                    \
-                                  arr_desc_inputs_b,                    \
-                                  input_type,                           \
-                                  output_type, output_content_type,     \
-                                  fut, fut_arg_interface,               \
-                                  ref, ref_arg_interface,               \
-                                  output_config_interface,              \
-                                  dim_validation_interface,             \
-                                  compare_interface)                    \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
-            input_a_idx, input_type, input_a, arr_desc_inputs_a         \
-            ,                                                           \
-            input_type input_b = ARR_DESC_ELT(                          \
-                input_type, input_a_idx,                                \
-                &(arr_desc_inputs_b));                                  \
-                                                                        \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Matrix Dimensions: A %dx%d  B %dx%d\n",    \
-                     (int)input_a->numRows,                             \
-                     (int)input_a->numCols,                             \
-                     (int)input_b->numRows,                             \
-                     (int)input_b->numCols);                            \
-                                                                        \
-            if (dim_validation_interface(input_type,                     \
-                                        input_a,                        \
-                                        input_b)) {                     \
-                                                                        \
-                output_config_interface(input_type,                     \
-                                        input_a,                        \
-                                        input_b);                       \
-                                                                        \
-                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                                  \
-                    fut, fut_arg_interface(input_a, input_b),           \
-                    ref, ref_arg_interface(input_a, input_b));          \
-                                                                        \
-                compare_interface(output_type, output_content_type);    \
-                                                                        \
-            } else {                                                    \
-                arm_status matrix_test_retval;                          \
-                TEST_CALL_FUT(                                          \
-                    matrix_test_retval = fut, fut_arg_interface(input_a, input_b)); \
-                                                                        \
-                /* If dimensions are known bad, the fut should */       \
-                /* detect it. */                                        \
-                if ( matrix_test_retval != ARM_MATH_SIZE_MISMATCH) {     \
-                    return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                           \
-                }                                                       \
-            });                                                         \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
-    } while (0)
- *  Specialization of #MATRIX_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2() for matrix tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-#define MATRIX_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(fn_name, suffix,           \
-                                         output_config_interface,   \
-                                         dim_validation_interface,  \
-                                         comparison_interface)      \
-        JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,          \
-                          arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                 \
-        {                                                           \
-            MATRIX_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(                              \
-                matrix_##suffix##_a_inputs,                         \
-                matrix_##suffix##_b_inputs,                         \
-                arm_matrix_instance_##suffix * ,                    \
-                arm_matrix_instance_##suffix,                       \
-                TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                           \
-                arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                           \
-                ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                    \
-                ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                           \
-                REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                    \
-                output_config_interface,                            \
-                dim_validation_interface,                           \
-                comparison_interface);                              \
-        }                                                           \
- *  Specialization of #MATRIX_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1() for matrix tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-#define MATRIX_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(fn_name, suffix,           \
-                                         output_config_interface,   \
-                                         dim_validation_interface)  \
-        JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,          \
-                          arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                 \
-        {                                                           \
-            MATRIX_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(                              \
-                matrix_##suffix##_a_inputs,                         \
-                arm_matrix_instance_##suffix * ,                    \
-                arm_matrix_instance_##suffix,                       \
-                TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                           \
-                arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                           \
-                ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                    \
-                ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                           \
-                REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                    \
-                output_config_interface,                            \
-                dim_validation_interface,                           \
-                MATRIX_COMPARE_INTERFACE);                          \
-        }                                                           \
-#endif /* _MATRIX_TEMPLATES_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5940ae3..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* float32_t */
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Declare the matrix inputs defined by MATRIX_DEFINE_INPUTS.
- */
-#define MATRIX_DECLARE_INPUTS(suffix)               \
-    ARR_DESC_DECLARE(matrix_##suffix##_a_inputs);   \
-    ARR_DESC_DECLARE(matrix_##suffix##_b_inputs);   \
-    ARR_DESC_DECLARE(matrix_##suffix##_invertible_inputs)
-/* Declare Variables */
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-extern arm_matrix_instance_f32 matrix_output_fut;
-extern arm_matrix_instance_f32 matrix_output_ref;
-extern arm_matrix_instance_f64 matrix_output_fut64;
-extern arm_matrix_instance_f64 matrix_output_ref64;
-/* Matrix Inputs */
-extern const float32_t matrix_f32_scale_values[MATRIX_MAX_COEFFS_LEN];
-extern const q31_t matrix_q31_scale_values[MATRIX_MAX_COEFFS_LEN];
-extern const q15_t matrix_q15_scale_values[MATRIX_MAX_COEFFS_LEN];
-extern const int32_t matrix_shift_values[MATRIX_MAX_SHIFTS_LEN];
-#endif /* _MATRIX_TEST_DATA_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 017b125..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
-#endif /* _MATRIX_TEST_GROUP_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9947c02..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/matrix_tests/matrix_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _MATRIX_TESTS_H_
-#define _MATRIX_TESTS_H_
-/* Test/Group Declarations */
-#endif /* _MATRIX_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ddca35c..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference function.
- */
-#define STATISTICS_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size,    \
-                                     output_type)   \
-    do                                              \
-    {                                               \
-        TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_EQUAL(                  \
-            statistics_output_ref.data_ptr,         \
-            statistics_output_fut.data_ptr,         \
-            1 * sizeof(output_type) /* All fns return one value*/   \
-            );                                      \
-        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(                          \
-            statistics_idx_fut,                     \
-            statistics_idx_ref);                    \
-    } while (0)                                      \
- * Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in statistics_tests.
- */
-#define STATISTICS_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 120
- *  Compare reference and fut outputs using SNR.
- *
- *  @note The outputs are converted to float32_t before comparison.
- */
-#define STATISTICS_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size,    \
-                                         output_type)   \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                    \
-            statistics_output_f32_ref,                  \
-            statistics_output_ref.data_ptr,             \
-            statistics_output_f32_fut,                  \
-            statistics_output_fut.data_ptr,             \
-                1, /* All fns return one element*/      \
-            output_type,                                \
-            STATISTICS_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type      \
-            );                                          \
-    } while (0)
-/* Input Interfaces */
- *  General:
- *  Input interfaces provide inputs to functions inside test templates.  They
- *  ONLY provide the inputs.  The output variables should be hard coded.
- *
- *  The input interfaces must have the following format:
- *
- *
- *  The xxx must be lowercase, and is intended to be the indentifying substring
- *  in the function's name.  Acceptable values are 'sub' or 'add' from the
- *  functions arm_add_q31.
- */
-#define ARM_max_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size,                                    \
-          statistics_output_fut.data_ptr, &statistics_idx_fut)
-#define REF_max_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size,                                    \
-          statistics_output_ref.data_ptr, &statistics_idx_ref)
-#define ARM_mean_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)             \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_fut.data_ptr)
-#define REF_mean_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)             \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_ref.data_ptr)
-#define ARM_min_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size,                                    \
-          statistics_output_fut.data_ptr, &statistics_idx_fut)
-#define REF_min_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size,                                    \
-          statistics_output_ref.data_ptr, &statistics_idx_ref)
-#define ARM_power_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)            \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_fut.data_ptr)
-#define REF_power_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)            \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_ref.data_ptr)
-#define ARM_rms_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_fut.data_ptr)
-#define REF_rms_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_ref.data_ptr)
-#define ARM_std_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_fut.data_ptr)
-#define REF_std_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_ref.data_ptr)
-#define ARM_var_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_fut.data_ptr)
-#define REF_var_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)              \
-    PAREN(input, block_size, statistics_output_ref.data_ptr)
-/* Test Templates */
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK() for statistics tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-                                                 suffix,        \
-                                                 input_type,    \
-                                                 output_type,   \
-                                                 comparison_interface)  \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,          \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                 \
-    {                                                           \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(                                 \
-            statistics_f_all,                                   \
-            statistics_block_sizes,                             \
-            input_type,                                         \
-            output_type,                                        \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                           \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                    \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                           \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                    \
-            comparison_interface);                              \
-    }
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e1ee09..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-/* Declare Variables */
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-extern uint32_t statistics_idx_fut;
-extern uint32_t statistics_idx_ref;
-/* Block Sizes */
-/* Float Inputs */
-#endif /* _STATISTICS_TEST_DATA_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d1446ed..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 20df03e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/statistics_tests/statistics_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* Test/Group Declarations */
-#endif /* _STATISTICS_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc94791..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference function.
- */
-#define SUPPORT_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size,   \
-                                  output_type)  \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_EQUAL(              \
-            support_output_ref.data_ptr,        \
-            support_output_fut.data_ptr,        \
-            block_size * sizeof(output_type));  \
-    } while (0)                                  \
-/* Input Interfaces */
- *  General:
- *  Input interfaces provide inputs to functions inside test templates.  They
- *  ONLY provide the inputs.  The output variables should be hard coded.
- *
- *  The input interfaces must have the following format:
- *
- *
- *  The xxx must be lowercase, and is intended to be the indentifying substring
- *  in the function's name.  Acceptable values are 'sub' or 'add' from the
- *  functions arm_add_q31.
- */
-#define ARM_copy_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)         \
-    PAREN(input, support_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_copy_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)         \
-    PAREN(input, support_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define ARM_fill_INPUT_INTERFACE(elt, block_size)       \
-    PAREN(elt, support_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_fill_INPUT_INTERFACE(elt, block_size)       \
-    PAREN(elt, support_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define ARM_x_to_y_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)       \
-    PAREN(input, support_output_fut.data_ptr, block_size)
-#define REF_x_to_y_INPUT_INTERFACE(input, block_size)       \
-    PAREN(input, support_output_ref.data_ptr, block_size)
-/* Test Templates */
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK() for support tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-#define SUPPORT_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(fn_name,              \
-                                              suffix,               \
-                                              input_type,           \
-                                              output_type,          \
-                                              comparison_interface) \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,              \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                     \
-    {                                                               \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(                                     \
-            support_f_all,                                          \
-            support_block_sizes,                                    \
-            input_type,                                             \
-            output_type,                                            \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            comparison_interface);                                  \
-    }
- *  Specialization of #TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1_BLK() for support tests.
- *
- *  @note This macro relies on the existance of ARM_xxx_INPUT_INTERFACE and
- */
-#define SUPPORT_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1_BLK(fn_name,              \
-                                              suffix,               \
-                                              elt_type,             \
-                                              output_type,          \
-                                              comparison_interface) \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##fn_name##_##suffix##_test,              \
-                      arm_##fn_name##_##suffix)                     \
-    {                                                               \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1_BLK(                                     \
-            support_elts,                                           \
-            support_block_sizes,                                    \
-            elt_type,                                               \
-            output_type,                                            \
-            arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            ARM_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                               \
-            REF_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                        \
-            comparison_interface);                                  \
-    }
-#endif /* _SUPPORT_TEMPLATES_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cc6c636..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-/* Declare Variables */
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-/* Block Sizes*/
-/* Numbers */
-/* Float Inputs */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ef3a768..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
-#endif /* _SUPPORT_TEST_GROUP_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eab273..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/support_tests/support_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SUPPORT_TESTS_H_
-#define _SUPPORT_TESTS_H_
-/* Test/Group Declarations */
-#endif /* _SUPPORT_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/templates/template.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/templates/template.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e4577d1..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/templates/template.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TEMPLATE_H_
-#define _TEMPLATE_H_
-/* Looping and Iteration */
- *  Template for the general structure of a loop.
- */
-#define TEMPLATE_LOOP(setup, loop_def, body)    \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        setup;                                  \
-        loop_def {                              \
-            body;                               \
-        }                                       \
-    } while (0)
- *  Template for looping over an array-like sequence.
- */
-#define TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_LIKE(iter_idx, type,                            \
-                             arr, arr_length,                           \
-                             iter_elem_setup,                           \
-                             body)                                      \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEMPLATE_LOOP(                                                  \
-            int iter_idx,                                               \
-            for(iter_idx = 0; iter_idx < (arr_length); ++iter_idx),     \
-            iter_elem_setup;                                            \
-            body);                                                      \
-    } while (0)
- *  Template for looping over the contents of an array.
- */
-#define TEMPLATE_DO_ARR(iter_idx, type, iter_elem, arr, arr_length, body) \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_LIKE(                                           \
-            iter_idx, type, arr, arr_length,                            \
-            type iter_elem = (arr)[iter_idx],                           \
-            body);                                                      \
-    } while (0)
- *  Template for looping over the contents of an #ARR_DESC.
- */
-#define TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(iter_idx, type, iter_elem, arr_desc, body) \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_LIKE(                                           \
-            iter_idx, type, arr_desc, (arr_desc).element_count,         \
-            type iter_elem = ARR_DESC_ELT(type, iter_idx, &(arr_desc)), \
-            body);                                                      \
-    } while (0)
-/* Test Definition */
- *  Template for the general structure of a test.
- */
-#define TEMPLATE_TEST(setup, body, teardown)    \
-        do                                      \
-        {                                       \
-            setup;                              \
-            body;                               \
-            teardown;                           \
-        } while (0)
- *  Template for calling a function.
- *
- *  @note Surround function arguments with the #PAREN() macro.
- *
- *  @example
- *  void my_func(int arg1, int arg2);
- *
- *  TEMPLATE_CALL_FN(my_func, PAREN(3, 7));
- */
-#define TEMPLATE_CALL_FN(fn, fn_args)           \
-        fn fn_args
-#endif /* _TEMPLATE_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/templates/test_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/templates/test_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 700bbe1..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/templates/test_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "template.h"
-#include <string.h>             /* memcmp() */
-#include <inttypes.h>           /* PRIu32 */
-#include "math_helper.h"        /* arm_snr_f32() */
-/* Function Aliases for use in Templates. */
-#define ref_q31_t_to_float ref_q31_to_float
-#define ref_q15_t_to_float ref_q15_to_float
-#define ref_q7_t_to_float  ref_q7_to_float
-#define ref_float_to_q31_t ref_float_to_q31
-#define ref_float_to_q15_t ref_float_to_q15
-#define ref_float_to_q7_t  ref_float_to_q7
-#define ref_float32_t_to_float ref_copy_f32
-#define ref_float_to_float32_t ref_copy_f32
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Call the function-under-test.
- */
-#define TEST_CALL_FUT(fut, fut_args)                    \
- *  Call the reference-function.
- */
-#define TEST_CALL_REF(ref, ref_args)            \
-    TEMPLATE_CALL_FN(ref, ref_args)
- *  Call the function-under-test and the reference-function.
- */
-#define TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(fut, fut_args, ref, ref_args) \
-    do {                                                    \
-        TEST_CALL_FUT(fut, fut_args);                       \
-        TEST_CALL_REF(ref, ref_args);                       \
-    } while (0)
- *  This macro eats a variable number of arguments and evaluates to a null
- *  statement.
- */
- *  A function name, Usable in any template where a fut or ref name is accepted,
- *  that evaluates to a #TEST_NULL_STATEMENT().
- */
- *  Assert that buffers A and B are byte-equivalent for a number of bytes.
- */
-#define TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_EQUAL(buf_a, buf_b, bytes)  \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        if (memcmp(buf_a, buf_b, bytes) != 0)           \
-        {                                               \
-            return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                   \
-        }                                               \
-    } while (0)
- *  Assert that the two entities are equal.
- */
-#define TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b)                         \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        if ((a) != (b))                                 \
-        {                                               \
-            return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                   \
-        }                                               \
-    } while (0)
- *  Convert elements to from src_type to float.
- */
-#define TEST_CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(src_ptr, dst_ptr, block_size, src_type)   \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        ref_##src_type##_to_float(                                      \
-            src_ptr,                                                    \
-            dst_ptr,                                                    \
-            block_size);                                                \
-        } while (0)                                                      \
- *  Convert elements to from float to dst_type .
- */
-#define TEST_CONVERT_FLOAT_TO(src_ptr, dst_ptr, block_size, dst_type)   \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        ref_float_to_##dst_type(                                        \
-            src_ptr,                                                    \
-            dst_ptr,                                                    \
-            block_size);                                                \
-    } while (0)                                                          \
- *  Assert that the SNR between a reference and test sample is above a given
- *  threshold.
- */
-#define TEST_ASSERT_SNR(ref_ptr, tst_ptr, block_size, threshold)    \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        float32_t snr = arm_snr_f32(ref_ptr, tst_ptr, block_size);  \
-        if ( snr <= threshold)                                       \
-        {                                                           \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("SNR: %f\n", snr);                      \
-            return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                               \
-        }                                                           \
-    } while (0)                                                      \
- *  Assert that the SNR between a reference and test sample is above a given
- *  threshold.  Special case for float64_t
- */
-#define TEST_ASSERT_DBL_SNR(ref_ptr, tst_ptr, block_size, threshold)    \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        float64_t snr = arm_snr_f64(ref_ptr, tst_ptr, block_size);  \
-        if ( snr <= threshold)                                       \
-        {                                                           \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("SNR: %f\n", snr);                      \
-            return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                               \
-        }                                                           \
-    } while (0)                                                      \
- *  Compare test and reference elements by converting to float and
- *  calculating an SNR.
- *
- *  This macro is a merger of the #TEST_CONVERT_TO_FLOAT() and
- *  #TEST_ASSERT_SNR() macros.
- */
-#define TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(ref_dst_ptr, ref_src_ptr,   \
-                                    tst_dst_ptr, tst_src_ptr,   \
-                                    block_size,                 \
-                                    tst_src_type,               \
-                                    threshold)                  \
-        do                                                      \
-        {                                                       \
-            TEST_CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(ref_src_ptr,                  \
-                                  ref_dst_ptr,                  \
-                                  block_size,                   \
-                                  tst_src_type);                \
-            TEST_CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(tst_src_ptr,                  \
-                                  tst_dst_ptr,                  \
-                                  block_size,                   \
-                                  tst_src_type);                \
-            TEST_ASSERT_SNR(ref_dst_ptr,                        \
-                            tst_dst_ptr,                        \
-                            block_size,                         \
-                            threshold);                         \
-        } while (0)
- *  Execute statements only if the combination of block size, function type
- *  specifier, and input ARR_DESC_t are valid.
- *
- *  @example An ARR_DESC_t that contains 64 bytes cant service a 32 element
- *  block size if they are extracted in float32_t increments.
- *
- *  8 * 32 = 256 > 64.
- */
-#define TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(block_size, fn_type_spec,   \
-                                input_arr_desc, body)       \
-    do                                                      \
-    {                                                       \
-        if (block_size * sizeof(fn_type_spec) <=             \
-           ARR_DESC_BYTES(input_arr_desc))                  \
-        {                                                   \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %"PRIu32"\n", block_size); \
-            body;                                           \
-        }                                                   \
-    } while (0)                                              \
- *  Template for tests that rely on one input buffer and a blocksize parameter.
- *
- *  The buffer is an #ARR_DESC_t.  It is iterated over and it's values are
- *  passed to the function under test and reference functions through their
- *  appropriate argument interfaces.  The argument interfaces this template to
- *  execute structurally similar functions.
- *
- */
-#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(arr_desc_inputs,                         \
-                              arr_desc_block_sizes,                     \
-                              input_type, output_type,                  \
-                              fut, fut_arg_interface,                   \
-                              ref, ref_arg_interface,                   \
-                              compare_interface)                        \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
-            input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs         \
-            ,                                                           \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
-                block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size, arr_desc_block_sizes \
-                ,                                                       \
-                void *   input_data_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;          \
-                                                                        \
-                TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(                                \
-                    block_size, input_type, input_ptr                   \
-                    ,                                                   \
-                    TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                              \
-                        fut, fut_arg_interface(                         \
-                            input_data_ptr, block_size),                \
-                        ref, ref_arg_interface(                         \
-                            input_data_ptr, block_size));               \
-                                                                        \
-                    compare_interface(block_size, output_type))));      \
-                                                                        \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
-                                                                        \
-    } while (0)
- *  Template for tests that rely on an input buffer and an element.
- *
- *  An element can is any thing which doesn't walk and talk like a
- *  sequence. Examples include numbers, and structures.
- */
-#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT1(arr_desc_inputs,                        \
-                                arr_desc_elts,                          \
-                                input_type, elt_type, output_type,      \
-                                fut, fut_arg_interface,                 \
-                                ref, ref_arg_interface,                 \
-                                compare_interface)                      \
-        do                                                              \
-        {                                                               \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
-                input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs     \
-                ,                                                       \
-                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                   \
-                    elt_idx, elt_type, elt, arr_desc_elts               \
-                    ,                                                   \
-                    void * input_data_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;        \
-                    TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                              \
-                        fut, fut_arg_interface(input_data_ptr, elt),    \
-                        ref, ref_arg_interface(input_data_ptr, elt));   \
-                                                                        \
-                    compare_interface(output_type)));                   \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-        } while (0)
- *  Template for tests that rely on an input buffer, an element, and a blocksize
- *  parameter.
- */
-#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT1_BLK(arr_desc_inputs,                \
-                                    arr_desc_elts,                  \
-                                    arr_desc_block_sizes,           \
-                                    input_type, elt_type, output_type,  \
-                                    fut, fut_arg_interface,         \
-                                    ref, ref_arg_interface,         \
-                                    compare_interface);             \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
-            inut_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs      \
-            ,                                                       \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                   \
-                block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size,               \
-                arr_desc_block_sizes                                \
-                ,                                                   \
-                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
-                    elt_idx, elt_type, elt, arr_desc_elts           \
-                    ,                                               \
-                    void * input_data_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;    \
-                    TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(                        \
-                        block_size, input_type, input_ptr,          \
-                                              \
-                        TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                      \
-                            fut, fut_arg_interface(                 \
-                                input_data_ptr, elt, block_size),   \
-                            ref, ref_arg_interface(                 \
-                                input_data_ptr, elt, block_size));  \
-                        compare_interface(block_size, output_type))))); \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-    } while (0)
- *  Template for tests that rely on an input buffer, two elements, and a blocksize
- *  parameter.
- */
-#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_ELT2_BLK(arr_desc_inputs,                    \
-                                    arr_desc_elt1s,                     \
-                                    arr_desc_elt2s,                     \
-                                    arr_desc_block_sizes,               \
-                                    input_type, elt1_type,              \
-                                    elt2_type, output_type,             \
-                                    fut, fut_arg_interface,             \
-                                    ref, ref_arg_interface,             \
-                                    compare_interface)                  \
-        do                                                              \
-        {                                                               \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
-                inut_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs      \
-                ,                                                       \
-                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                   \
-                    block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size,               \
-                    arr_desc_block_sizes                                \
-                    ,                                                   \
-                    TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
-                        elt1_idx, elt1_type, elt1, arr_desc_elt1s       \
-                        ,                                               \
-                        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                           \
-                            elt2_idx, elt2_type, elt2, arr_desc_elt2s   \
-                            ,                                           \
-                            void * input_data_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr; \
-                            TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(                    \
-                                block_size, input_type, input_ptr,      \
-                                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                  \
-                                    fut, fut_arg_interface(             \
-                                        input_data_ptr, elt1, elt2, block_size), \
-                                    ref, ref_arg_interface(             \
-                                        input_data_ptr, elt1, elt2, block_size)); \
-                                compare_interface(block_size, output_type)))))); \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-        } while (0)
- *  Template for tests that rely on two input buffers and a blocksize parameter.
- *
- *  The two #ARR_DESC_t, input buffers are iterated through in parallel. The
- *  length of the first #ARR_DESC_t determines the length of the iteration.
- */
-#define TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK(arr_desc_inputs_a,                       \
-                              arr_desc_inputs_b,                        \
-                              arr_desc_block_sizes,                     \
-                              input_type, output_type,                  \
-                              fut, fut_arg_interface,                   \
-                              ref, ref_arg_interface,                   \
-                              compare_interface)                        \
-    do                                                                  \
-    {                                                                   \
-        /* Iterate over two input arrays in parallel.*/                 \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
-            input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, arr_desc_inputs_a       \
-            ,                                                           \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                       \
-                block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size, arr_desc_block_sizes, \
-                void * input_a_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;               \
-                void * input_b_ptr = ARR_DESC_ELT(                      \
-                    ARR_DESC_t *, input_idx,                            \
-                    &(arr_desc_inputs_b))->data_ptr;                    \
-                                                                        \
-                TEST_DO_VALID_BLOCKSIZE(                                \
-                    block_size, input_type, input_ptr                   \
-                    ,                                                   \
-                    TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                              \
-                        fut, fut_arg_interface(                         \
-                            input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, block_size),      \
-                        ref, ref_arg_interface(                         \
-                            input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr, block_size));     \
-                                                                        \
-                    compare_interface(block_size, output_type))));      \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
-    } while (0)
- *  Test template that uses a single element.
- */
-#define TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(arr_desc_elts,                       \
-                           elt_type, output_type,               \
-                           fut, fut_arg_interface,              \
-                           ref, ref_arg_interface,              \
-                           compare_interface)                   \
-        do                                                      \
-        {                                                       \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
-                elt_idx, elt_type, elt, arr_desc_elts           \
-                ,                                               \
-                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                          \
-                    fut, fut_arg_interface(                     \
-                        elt),                                   \
-                    ref, ref_arg_interface(                     \
-                        elt));                                  \
-                /* Comparison interfaces typically accept */    \
-                /* a block_size. Pass a dummy value 1.*/        \
-                compare_interface(1, output_type));             \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                           \
-        } while (0)
- *  Test template that iterates over two sets of elements in parallel.
- *
- *  The length of the first set determines the number of iteratsions.
- */
-#define TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(arr_desc_elts_a,                     \
-                           arr_desc_elts_b,                     \
-                           elt_a_type, elt_b_type, output_type, \
-                           fut, fut_arg_interface,              \
-                           ref, ref_arg_interface,              \
-                           compare_interface)                   \
-        do                                                      \
-        {                                                       \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
-                elt_a_idx, elt_a_type, elt_a, arr_desc_elts_a   \
-                ,                                               \
-                elt_b_type * elt_b = ARR_DESC_ELT(              \
-                    elt_b_type,                                 \
-                    elt_a_idx,                                  \
-                    arr_desc_elts_b);                           \
-                                                                \
-                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                          \
-                    fut, fut_arg_interface(                     \
-                        elt_a, elt_b),                          \
-                    ref, ref_arg_interface(                     \
-                        elt_a, elt_b));                         \
-                /* Comparison interfaces typically accept */    \
-                /* a block_size. Pass a dummy value 1.*/        \
-                compare_interface(1, output_type));             \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                           \
-        } while (0)
- *  Test template that uses an element and a block size.
- */
-#define TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1_BLK(arr_desc_elts,                       \
-                               arr_desc_block_sizes,                \
-                               elt_type, output_type,               \
-                               fut, fut_arg_interface,              \
-                               ref, ref_arg_interface,              \
-                               compare_interface)                   \
-        do                                                          \
-        {                                                           \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                   \
-                block_size_idx, uint32_t, block_size,               \
-                arr_desc_block_sizes                                \
-                ,                                                   \
-                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                               \
-                    elt_idx, elt_type, elt, arr_desc_elts           \
-                    ,                                               \
-                    JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n",             \
-                         (int)block_size);                          \
-                    TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                          \
-                        fut, fut_arg_interface(                     \
-                            elt, block_size),                       \
-                        ref, ref_arg_interface(                     \
-                            elt, block_size));                      \
-                    compare_interface(block_size, output_type)));   \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                               \
-        } while (0)
-#endif /* _TEST_TEMPLATES_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_templates.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_templates.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c6314b5..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_templates.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include <string.h>             /* memcpy() */
-/* Group Specific Templates */
- * Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in transform_tests.
- */
-#define TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 90
-#define TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_q31_t     90
-#define TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_q15_t     30
-#define DCT4_TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 80
-#define DCT4_TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_q31_t     75
-#define DCT4_TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_q15_t     11
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
- *  function using SNR.
- */
-#define TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size,     \
-                                        output_type)    \
-    do                                                  \
-    {                                                   \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                    \
-            transform_fft_output_f32_ref,               \
-            (output_type *) transform_fft_output_ref,   \
-            transform_fft_output_f32_fut,               \
-            (output_type *) transform_fft_output_fut,   \
-            block_size,                                 \
-            output_type,                                \
-            TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type       \
-            );                                          \
-    } while (0)
- *  Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
- *  function using SNR.
- */
-                                            output_type) \
-    do                                                   \
-    {                                                    \
-        TEST_CONVERT_AND_ASSERT_SNR(                     \
-            transform_fft_output_f32_ref,                \
-            (output_type *) transform_fft_output_ref,    \
-            transform_fft_output_f32_fut,                \
-            (output_type *) transform_fft_output_fut,    \
-            block_size,                                  \
-            output_type,                                 \
-            DCT4_TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_##output_type   \
-            );                                           \
-    } while (0)                                           \
- *  Specialization on #TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE() to fix the block_size
- *  for complex datasets.
- */
-#define TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE(block_size, output_type)  \
-    /* Complex numbers have two components*/                            \
-    TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size * 2, output_type )
- * This macro copys data from the input_ptr into input arrays.
- *
- * Some functions modify their input data; in order to provide the same data to
- * multiple tests, copies must be made so the changes from one function don't
- * impact the others.
- */
-#define TRANSFORM_COPY_INPUTS(input_ptr,        \
-                              bytes)            \
-    do                                          \
-    {                                           \
-        memcpy(                                 \
-            transform_fft_input_fut,            \
-            input_ptr,                          \
-            bytes);                             \
-        memcpy(                                 \
-            transform_fft_input_ref,            \
-            input_ptr,                          \
-            bytes);                             \
-    } while (0)
- * This macro copys data from the input_ptr into input arrays. It also creates
- * symmetric input data for rfft inverse.
- *
- * The 4.534234f just makes the middle entry of the array semi random.  It's
- * actual value doesn't seem to matter much.
- *
- * Some functions modify their input data; in order to provide the same data to
- * multiple tests, copies must be made so the changes from one function don't
- * impact the others.
- */
-#define TRANSFORM_PREPARE_INVERSE_INPUTS(input_ptr,                              \
-                              fftlen, input_type, bytes)                         \
-    do                                                                           \
-    {                                                                            \
-        uint32_t i;                                                              \
-                                                                                 \
-        memcpy(                                                                  \
-            transform_fft_input_fut,                                             \
-            input_ptr,                                                           \
-            bytes);                                                              \
-                                                                                 \
-        ((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut)[1] = 0;                           \
-        ((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut)[fftlen + 0] = 0;                  \
-        ((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut)[fftlen + 1] = 0;                  \
-        for(i=1;i<fftlen/2;i++)                                                  \
-        {                                                                        \
-           *((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut + fftlen + 2*i + 0) =          \
-               *((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut + fftlen - 2*i + 0);       \
-           *((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut + fftlen + 2*i + 1) =          \
-               -(*((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut + fftlen - 2*i + 1));    \
-                                                                                 \
-        }                                                                        \
-                                                                                 \
-        memcpy(                                                                  \
-            transform_fft_input_ref,                                             \
-            transform_fft_input_fut,                                             \
-            bytes * 2);                                                          \
-    } while (0)
- * This macro copys data from the input_ptr into the in-place input arrays.
- *
- * Some functions modify their input data; in order to provide the same data to
- * multiple tests, copies must be made so the changes from one function don't
- * impact the others.
- */
-                                         bytes,                     \
-                                         type)                      \
-    do                                                              \
-    {                                                               \
-        uint32_t i;                                                 \
-        memcpy(                                                     \
-            transform_fft_inplace_input_fut,                        \
-            input_ptr,                                              \
-            bytes);                                                 \
-        memcpy(                                                     \
-            transform_fft_inplace_input_ref,                        \
-            input_ptr,                                              \
-            bytes);                                                 \
-        for(i=0;i<bytes/sizeof(type);i++) {                         \
-            *((type*)transform_fft_inplace_input_fut + i) >>= 1;    \
-            *((type*)transform_fft_inplace_input_ref + i) >>= 1;}   \
-    } while (0)
- * This macro copys data from the input_ptr into the in-place input arrays.
- *
- * Some functions modify their input data; in order to provide the same data to
- * multiple tests, copies must be made so the changes from one function don't
- * impact the others.
- */
-                                         bytes)     \
-    do                                              \
-    {                                               \
-        memcpy(                                     \
-            transform_fft_inplace_input_fut,        \
-            input_ptr,                              \
-            bytes);                                 \
-        memcpy(                                     \
-            transform_fft_inplace_input_ref,        \
-            input_ptr,                              \
-            bytes);                                 \
-    } while (0)
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_test_data.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_test_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bda5e12..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_test_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes */
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-/* Variable Declarations */
-/* Lengths are multiplied by 2 to accomodate complex numbers*/
-extern float32_t transform_fft_output_fut[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-extern float32_t transform_fft_output_ref[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-extern float32_t transform_fft_input_fut[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-extern float32_t transform_fft_input_ref[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-extern float32_t transform_fft_output_f32_fut[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-extern float32_t transform_fft_output_f32_ref[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-extern float32_t * transform_fft_inplace_input_fut;
-extern float32_t * transform_fft_inplace_input_ref;
-extern float32_t transform_fft_f32_inputs[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-extern q31_t transform_fft_q31_inputs[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-extern q15_t * transform_fft_q15_inputs;
-extern q15_t dct4_transform_fft_q15_inputs[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2];
-/* FFT Lengths */
-/* CFFT Structs */
-#endif /* _TRANSFORM_TEST_DATA_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_test_group.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_test_group.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c7c9e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_test_group.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Declare Test Groups */
-#endif /* _TRANSFORM_TEST_GROUP_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_tests.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_tests.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 874c83f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/transform_tests/transform_tests.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* Test/Group Declarations */
-#endif /* _TRANSFORM_TESTS_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/type_abbrev.h b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/type_abbrev.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5909124..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/inc/type_abbrev.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _TYPE_ABBREV_H_
-#define _TYPE_ABBREV_H_
-/* Macros and Defines */
- *  Expand the abbreviation for a type into the type itself.
- */
-#define TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(abbrev)                \
-    TYPE_ABBREV_##abbrev                        \
- *  Expand the type to an abbreviation for that type.
- *
- *  Inverse of #TYPE_FROM_ABBREV().
- *
- *  @note Should be able to get a type back by writing.
- */
-#define ABBREV_FROM_TYPE(type)                  \
-    TYPE_SUFFIX_##type
-#define TYPE_ABBREV_f64 float64_t
-#define TYPE_ABBREV_f32 float32_t
-#define TYPE_ABBREV_q31 q31_t
-#define TYPE_ABBREV_q15 q15_t
-#define TYPE_ABBREV_q7  q7_t
-#define TYPE_SUFFIX_float64_t f64
-#define TYPE_SUFFIX_float32_t f32
-#define TYPE_SUFFIX_q31_t q31
-#define TYPE_SUFFIX_q15_t q15
-#define TYPE_SUFFIX_q7_t q7
-#endif /* _TYPE_ABBREV_H_ */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/Retarget.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/Retarget.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ffac3df..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/Retarget.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * Name:    Retarget.c
- * Purpose: 'Retarget' layer for target-dependent low level functions
- * Note(s):
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools.
- * This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current,
- * end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software
- * development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software.
- *
- * This software is supplied "AS IS" without warranties of any kind.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Keil - An ARM Company. All rights reserved.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <rt_misc.h>
-#include "Serial.h"
-#pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi)
-struct __FILE { int handle; /* Add whatever you need here */ };
-FILE __stdout;
-FILE __stdin;
-int fputc(int c, FILE *f) {
-  return (SER_PutChar(c));
-int fgetc(FILE *f) {
-  return (SER_GetChar());
-int ferror(FILE *f) {
-  /* Your implementation of ferror */
-  return EOF;
-void _ttywrch(int c) {
-  SER_PutChar(c);
-void _sys_exit(int return_code) {
-label:  goto label;  /* endless loop */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/startup_armv6-m.s b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/startup_armv6-m.s
deleted file mode 100644
index fa814eb..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/startup_armv6-m.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-;/* File: startup_armv6-m.s
-; * Purpose: startup file for armv7-m architecture devices.
-; *          Should be used with ARMCC
-; * Version: V2.00
-; * Date: 16 November 2015
-; *
-; */
-;/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014 ARM LIMITED
-;   All rights reserved.
-;   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-;   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-;   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-;     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-;   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-;     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-;     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-;   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
-;     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-;     specific prior written permission.
-;   *
-;   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-;  //-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ------------------
-; <h> Stack Configuration
-;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
-; </h>
-Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
-                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
-Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
-; <h> Heap Configuration
-;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
-; </h>
-Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000C00
-                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
-Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
-                PRESERVE8
-                THUMB
-; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
-                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
-                EXPORT  __Vectors
-                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
-                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
-__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
-                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
-                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
-                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
-                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
-__Vectors_Size  EQU     __Vectors_End - __Vectors
-                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
-; Reset Handler
-Reset_Handler   PROC
-                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]
-                IMPORT  SystemInit
-                IMPORT  __main
-                LDR     R0, =SystemInit
-                BLX     R0
-                LDR     R0, =__main
-                BX      R0
-                ENDP
-; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
-NMI_Handler     PROC
-                EXPORT  NMI_Handler               [WEAK]
-                BKPT #0
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler         [WEAK]
-                BKPT #0
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-SVC_Handler     PROC
-                EXPORT  SVC_Handler               [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-PendSV_Handler  PROC
-                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler            [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-SysTick_Handler PROC
-                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler           [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                ALIGN
-; User Initial Stack & Heap
-                IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
-                EXPORT  __initial_sp
-                EXPORT  __heap_base
-                EXPORT  __heap_limit
-                ELSE
-                IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
-;  __user_setup_stackheap() returns the:
-;     - heap base in r0 (if the program uses the heap)
-;     - stack base in sp
-;     - heap limit in r2 (if the program uses the heap and uses two-region memory).
-; */
-                EXPORT  __user_setup_stackheap
-__user_setup_stackheap PROC
-                LDR     R0, = __initial_sp
-                MOV     SP, R0
-				IF Heap_Size > 0
-                LDR     R2, = __heap_limit
-                LDR     R0, = __heap_base
-				ELSE
-                MOV     R0, #0
-                MOV     R2, #0
-                ENDIF
-                BX      LR
-                ENDP
-;__user_initial_stackheap() returns the:
-;   - heap base in r0
-;   - stack base in r1, that is, the highest address in the stack region
-;   - heap limit in r2
-;   - stack limit in r3, that is, the lowest address in the stack region.
-; */
-;                EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
-;__user_initial_stackheap PROC
-;                LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
-;                LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
-;                LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
-;                LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
-;                BX      LR
-;                ENDP
-; */
-                ALIGN
-                ENDIF
-                END
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/startup_armv7-m.s b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/startup_armv7-m.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 899f2de..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCC/startup_armv7-m.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-;/* File: startup_armv7-m.s
-; * Purpose: startup file for armv7-m architecture devices.
-; *          Should be used with ARMCC
-; * Version: V2.00
-; * Date: 16 November 2015
-; *
-; */
-;/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014 ARM LIMITED
-;   All rights reserved.
-;   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-;   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-;   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-;     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-;   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-;     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-;     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-;   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
-;     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-;     specific prior written permission.
-;   *
-;   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-;  //-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ------------------
-; <h> Stack Configuration
-;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
-; </h>
-Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000400
-                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
-Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size
-; <h> Heap Configuration
-;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
-; </h>
-Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000C00
-                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
-Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size
-                PRESERVE8
-                THUMB
-; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
-                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
-                EXPORT  __Vectors
-                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
-                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
-__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack
-                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler
-                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
-                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
-                DCD     MemManage_Handler         ; MPU Fault Handler
-                DCD     BusFault_Handler          ; Bus Fault Handler
-                DCD     UsageFault_Handler        ; Usage Fault Handler
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
-                DCD     DebugMon_Handler          ; Debug Monitor Handler
-                DCD     0                         ; Reserved
-                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
-                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
-__Vectors_Size  EQU     __Vectors_End - __Vectors
-                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
-; Reset Handler
-Reset_Handler   PROC
-                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]
-                IMPORT  SystemInit
-                IMPORT  __main
-                LDR     R0, =SystemInit
-                BLX     R0
-                LDR     R0, =__main
-                BX      R0
-                ENDP
-; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
-NMI_Handler     PROC
-                EXPORT  NMI_Handler               [WEAK]
-                BKPT #0
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler         [WEAK]
-                BKPT #0
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  MemManage_Handler         [WEAK]
-                BKPT #0
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  BusFault_Handler          [WEAK]
-                BKPT #0
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  UsageFault_Handler        [WEAK]
-                BKPT #0
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-SVC_Handler     PROC
-                EXPORT  SVC_Handler               [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  DebugMon_Handler          [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-PendSV_Handler  PROC
-                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler            [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-SysTick_Handler PROC
-                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler           [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                ALIGN
-; User Initial Stack & Heap
-                IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB
-                EXPORT  __initial_sp
-                EXPORT  __heap_base
-                EXPORT  __heap_limit
-                ELSE
-                IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
-;  __user_setup_stackheap() returns the:
-;     - heap base in r0 (if the program uses the heap)
-;     - stack base in sp
-;     - heap limit in r2 (if the program uses the heap and uses two-region memory).
-; */
-                EXPORT  __user_setup_stackheap
-__user_setup_stackheap PROC
-                LDR     R0, = __initial_sp
-                MOV     SP, R0
-				IF Heap_Size > 0
-                LDR     R2, = __heap_limit
-                LDR     R0, = __heap_base
-				ELSE
-                MOV     R0, #0
-                MOV     R2, #0
-                ENDIF
-                BX      LR
-                ENDP
-;__user_initial_stackheap() returns the:
-;   - heap base in r0
-;   - stack base in r1, that is, the highest address in the stack region
-;   - heap limit in r2
-;   - stack limit in r3, that is, the lowest address in the stack region.
-; */
-;                EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap
-;__user_initial_stackheap PROC
-;                LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
-;                LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)
-;                LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)
-;                LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
-;                BX      LR
-;                ENDP
-; */
-                ALIGN
-                ENDIF
-                END
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCLANG/startup_armv6-m.S b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCLANG/startup_armv6-m.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e60478..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCLANG/startup_armv6-m.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-/* File: startup_armv6-m.S
- * Purpose: startup file for armv6-m architecture devices.
- *          Should be used with ARMCLANG
- * Version: V2.00
- * Date: 16 November 2015
- *
- */
-/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
-   All rights reserved.
-   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
-     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-     specific prior written permission.
-   *
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-  ;//-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ------------------
-    .syntax unified
-    .arch   armv6-m
-/* .eabi_attribute Tag_ABI_align8_preserved,1 */
-.eabi_attribute 25, 1   /* Tag_ABI_align_preserved */
-  ;<h> Stack Configuration
-  ;  <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
-  ;</h>
-    .equ    Stack_Size, 0x00000400
-    .section STACK, "w"
-    .align  3
-    .globl  __StackTop
-    .globl  __StackLimit
-    .space  Stack_Size
-__StackTop:   /* formerly known as __initial_sp */
-  ;<h> Heap Configuration
-  ;  <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
-  ;</h>
-    .equ    Heap_Size, 0x00000C00
-    .section HEAP, "w"
-    .align  3
-    .globl  __HeapBase
-    .globl  __HeapLimit
-    .if Heap_Size
-    .space  Heap_Size
-    .endif
-    .section RESET, "x"
-    .align  2
-    .globl  __Vectors
-    .globl  __Vectors_End
-    .globl  __Vectors_Size
-    .long   __StackTop            /* Top of Stack */
-    .long   Reset_Handler         /* Reset Handler */
-    .long   NMI_Handler           /* NMI Handler */
-    .long   HardFault_Handler     /* Hard Fault Handler */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   SVC_Handler           /* SVCall Handler */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   PendSV_Handler        /* PendSV Handler */
-    .long   SysTick_Handler       /* SysTick Handler */
-    .equ    __Vectors_Size, __Vectors_End - __Vectors
-    .text
-    .thumb
-    .align  2
-    .globl  Reset_Handler
-    .weak   Reset_Handler
-    .type   Reset_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bl      SystemInit
-    bl      __main
-    .globl  NMI_Handler
-    .weak   NMI_Handler
-    .type   NMI_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  HardFault_Handler
-    .weak   HardFault_Handler
-    .type   HardFault_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  SVC_Handler
-    .weak   SVC_Handler
-    .type   SVC_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  PendSV_Handler
-    .weak   PendSV_Handler
-    .type   PendSV_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  SysTick_Handler
-    .weak   SysTick_Handler
-    .type   SysTick_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .global __use_two_region_memory
-  __user_setup_stackheap() returns the:
-     - heap base in r0 (if the program uses the heap)
-     - stack base in sp
-     - heap limit in r2 (if the program uses the heap and uses two-region memory).
- */
-    .globl  __user_setup_stackheap
-    .type   __user_setup_stackheap, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    ldr     r0, =__StackTop
-    mov     sp, r0
-    .if Heap_Size
-    ldr     r0, =__HeapBase
-    ldr     r2, =__HeapLimit
-    .else
-    mov     r0, #0
-    mov     r2, #0
-    .endif
-    bx      lr
-__user_initial_stackheap() returns the:
-   - heap base in r0
-   - stack base in r1, that is, the highest address in the stack region
-   - heap limit in r2
-   - stack limit in r3, that is, the lowest address in the stack region.
- */
-    .globl  __user_initial_stackheap
-    .type   __user_initial_stackheap, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    ldr     r0, = __HeapBase
-    ldr     r1, = __StackTop
-    ldr     r2, = __HeapLimit
-    ldr     r3, = __StackLimit
-    bx      lr
-    .end
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCLANG/startup_armv7-m.S b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCLANG/startup_armv7-m.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ba4a9..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/ARMCLANG/startup_armv7-m.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-/* File: startup_armv7-m.S
- * Purpose: startup file for armv7-m architecture devices.
- *          Should be used with ARMCLANG
- * Version: V2.00
- * Date: 16 November 2015
- *
- */
-/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
-   All rights reserved.
-   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
-     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-     specific prior written permission.
-   *
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-  ;//-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ------------------
-    .syntax unified
-    .arch   armv6-m
-/* .eabi_attribute Tag_ABI_align8_preserved,1 */
-.eabi_attribute 25, 1   /* Tag_ABI_align_preserved */
-  ;<h> Stack Configuration
-  ;  <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
-  ;</h>
-    .equ    Stack_Size, 0x00000400
-    .section STACK, "w"
-    .align  3
-    .globl  __StackTop
-    .globl  __StackLimit
-    .space  Stack_Size
-__StackTop:   /* formerly known as __initial_sp */
-  ;<h> Heap Configuration
-  ;  <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
-  ;</h>
-    .equ    Heap_Size, 0x00000C00
-    .section HEAP, "w"
-    .align  3
-    .globl  __HeapBase
-    .globl  __HeapLimit
-    .if Heap_Size
-    .space  Heap_Size
-    .endif
-    .section RESET, "x"
-    .align  2
-    .globl  __Vectors
-    .globl  __Vectors_End
-    .globl  __Vectors_Size
-    .long   __StackTop            /* Top of Stack */
-    .long   Reset_Handler         /* Reset Handler */
-    .long   NMI_Handler           /* NMI Handler */
-    .long   HardFault_Handler     /* Hard Fault Handler */
-    .long   MemManage_Handler     /* MPU Fault Handler */
-    .long   BusFault_Handler      /* Bus Fault Handler */
-    .long   UsageFault_Handler    /* Usage Fault Handler */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   SVC_Handler           /* SVCall Handler */
-    .long   DebugMon_Handler      /* Debug Monitor Handler */
-    .long   0                     /* Reserved */
-    .long   PendSV_Handler        /* PendSV Handler */
-    .long   SysTick_Handler       /* SysTick Handler */
-    .equ    __Vectors_Size, __Vectors_End - __Vectors
-    .text
-    .thumb
-    .align  2
-    .globl  Reset_Handler
-    .weak   Reset_Handler
-    .type   Reset_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bl      SystemInit
-    bl      __main
-    .globl  NMI_Handler
-    .weak   NMI_Handler
-    .type   NMI_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  HardFault_Handler
-    .weak   HardFault_Handler
-    .type   HardFault_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  MemManage_Handler
-    .weak   MemManage_Handler
-    .type   MemManage_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  BusFault_Handler
-    .weak   BusFault_Handler
-    .type   BusFault_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  UsageFault_Handler
-    .weak   UsageFault_Handler
-    .type   UsageFault_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  SVC_Handler
-    .weak   SVC_Handler
-    .type   SVC_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  DebugMon_Handler
-    .weak   DebugMon_Handler
-    .type   DebugMon_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  PendSV_Handler
-    .weak   PendSV_Handler
-    .type   PendSV_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .globl  SysTick_Handler
-    .weak   SysTick_Handler
-    .type   SysTick_Handler, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    bkpt    #0
-    b       .
-    .global __use_two_region_memory
-  __user_setup_stackheap() returns the:
-     - heap base in r0 (if the program uses the heap)
-     - stack base in sp
-     - heap limit in r2 (if the program uses the heap and uses two-region memory).
- */
-    .globl  __user_setup_stackheap
-    .type   __user_setup_stackheap, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    ldr     r0, =__StackTop
-    mov     sp, r0
-    .if Heap_Size
-    ldr     r0, =__HeapBase
-    ldr     r2, =__HeapLimit
-    .else
-    mov     r0, #0
-    mov     r2, #0
-    .endif
-    bx      lr
-__user_initial_stackheap() returns the:
-   - heap base in r0
-   - stack base in r1, that is, the highest address in the stack region
-   - heap limit in r2
-   - stack limit in r3, that is, the lowest address in the stack region.
- */
-    .globl  __user_initial_stackheap
-    .type   __user_initial_stackheap, %function
-    .thumb_func
-    ldr     r0, = __HeapBase
-    ldr     r1, = __StackTop
-    ldr     r2, = __HeapLimit
-    ldr     r3, = __StackLimit
-    bx      lr
-    .end
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/Retarget.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/Retarget.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab6c13..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/Retarget.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * Name:    Retarget.c
- * Purpose: 'Retarget' layer for target-dependent low level functions
- * Note(s):
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools.
- * This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current,
- * end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software
- * development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software.
- *
- * This software is supplied "AS IS" without warranties of any kind.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Keil - An ARM Company. All rights reserved.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-int SER_PutChar (int c) {
-  return (c);
-int SER_GetChar (void) {
-  return (-1);
-/*-- GCC - Newlib runtime support --------------------------------------------*/
-extern int  __HeapBase;
-extern int  __HeapLimit;
-int _open (const char * path, int flags, ...) 
-  return (-1);
-int _close (int fd) 
-  return (-1);
-int _lseek (int fd, int ptr, int dir) 
-  return (0);
-int __attribute__((weak)) _fstat (int fd, struct stat * st) 
-  memset (st, 0, sizeof (* st));
-  st->st_mode = S_IFCHR;
-  return (0);
-int _isatty (int fd) 
-  return (1);
-int _read (int fd, char * ptr, int len) 
-  char c;
-  int  i;
-  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) 
-  {
-    c = SER_GetChar();
-    if (c == 0x0D) break;
-    *ptr++ = c;
-    SER_PutChar(c);
-  }
-  return (len - i);
-int _write (int fd, char * ptr, int len) 
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) SER_PutChar (*ptr++);
-  return (i);
-caddr_t _sbrk (int incr) 
-  static char * heap;
-         char * prev_heap;
-  if (heap == NULL) 
-  {
-    heap = (char *)&__HeapBase;
-  }
-  prev_heap = heap;
-  if ((heap + incr) > (char *)&__HeapLimit) 
-  {
-    errno = ENOMEM;
-    return (caddr_t) -1;
-  }
-  heap += incr;
-  return (caddr_t) prev_heap;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/startup_armv6-m.S b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/startup_armv6-m.S
deleted file mode 100644
index c928912..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/startup_armv6-m.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-/* File: startup_armv6-m.S
- * Purpose: startup file for armv6-m architecture devices.
- *          Should be used with GCC for ARM Embedded Processors
- * Version: V2.00
- * Date: 16 November 2015
- *
- */
-/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
-   All rights reserved.
-   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
-     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-     specific prior written permission.
-   *
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-	.syntax	unified
-	.arch	armv6-m
-	.section .stack
-	.align	3
-#ifdef __STACK_SIZE
-	.equ	Stack_Size, __STACK_SIZE
-	.equ	Stack_Size, 0x00000400
-	.globl	__StackTop
-	.globl	__StackLimit
-	.space	Stack_Size
-	.size	__StackLimit, . - __StackLimit
-	.size	__StackTop, . - __StackTop
-	.section .heap
-	.align	3
-#ifdef __HEAP_SIZE
-	.equ	Heap_Size, __HEAP_SIZE
-	.equ	Heap_Size, 0x00000C00
-	.globl	__HeapBase
-	.globl	__HeapLimit
-	.if	Heap_Size
-	.space	Heap_Size
-	.endif
-	.size	__HeapBase, . - __HeapBase
-	.size	__HeapLimit, . - __HeapLimit
-	.section .vectors
-	.align 2
-	.globl	__Vectors
-	.long	__StackTop            /* Top of Stack */
-	.long	Reset_Handler         /* Reset Handler */
-	.long	NMI_Handler           /* NMI Handler */
-	.long	HardFault_Handler     /* Hard Fault Handler */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	SVC_Handler           /* SVCall Handler */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	PendSV_Handler        /* PendSV Handler */
-	.long	SysTick_Handler       /* SysTick Handler */
-	.size	__Vectors, . - __Vectors
-	.text
-	.thumb
-	.thumb_func
-	.align	1
-	.globl	Reset_Handler
-	.type	Reset_Handler, %function
-/*  Firstly it copies data from read only memory to RAM. There are two schemes
- *  to copy. One can copy more than one sections. Another can only copy
- *  one section.  The former scheme needs more instructions and read-only
- *  data to implement than the latter.
- *  Macro __STARTUP_COPY_MULTIPLE is used to choose between two schemes.  */
-/*  Multiple sections scheme.
- *
- *  Between symbol address __copy_table_start__ and __copy_table_end__,
- *  there are array of triplets, each of which specify:
- *    offset 0: LMA of start of a section to copy from
- *    offset 4: VMA of start of a section to copy to
- *    offset 8: size of the section to copy. Must be multiply of 4
- *
- *  All addresses must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.
- */
-	ldr	r4, =__copy_table_start__
-	ldr	r5, =__copy_table_end__
-	cmp	r4, r5
-	bge	.L_loop0_done
-	ldr	r1, [r4]
-	ldr	r2, [r4, #4]
-	ldr	r3, [r4, #8]
-	subs	r3, #4
-	blt	.L_loop0_0_done
-	ldr	r0, [r1, r3]
-	str	r0, [r2, r3]
-	b	.L_loop0_0
-	adds	r4, #12
-	b	.L_loop0
-/*  Single section scheme.
- *
- *  The ranges of copy from/to are specified by following symbols
- *    __etext: LMA of start of the section to copy from. Usually end of text
- *    __data_start__: VMA of start of the section to copy to
- *    __data_end__: VMA of end of the section to copy to
- *
- *  All addresses must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.
- */
-	ldr	r1, =__etext
-	ldr	r2, =__data_start__
-	ldr	r3, =__data_end__
-	subs	r3, r2
-	ble	.L_loop1_done
-	subs	r3, #4
-	ldr	r0, [r1,r3]
-	str	r0, [r2,r3]
-	bgt	.L_loop1
-/*  This part of work usually is done in C library startup code. Otherwise,
- *  define this macro to enable it in this startup.
- *
- *  There are two schemes too. One can clear multiple BSS sections. Another
- *  can only clear one section. The former is more size expensive than the
- *  latter.
- *
- *  Define macro __STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS_MULTIPLE to choose the former.
- *  Otherwise efine macro __STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS to choose the later.
- */
-/*  Multiple sections scheme.
- *
- *  Between symbol address __copy_table_start__ and __copy_table_end__,
- *  there are array of tuples specifying:
- *    offset 0: Start of a BSS section
- *    offset 4: Size of this BSS section. Must be multiply of 4
- */
-	ldr	r3, =__zero_table_start__
-	ldr	r4, =__zero_table_end__
-	cmp	r3, r4
-	bge	.L_loop2_done
-	ldr	r1, [r3]
-	ldr	r2, [r3, #4]
-	movs	r0, 0
-	subs	r2, #4
-	blt	.L_loop2_0_done
-	str	r0, [r1, r2]
-	b	.L_loop2_0
-	adds	r3, #8
-	b	.L_loop2
-#elif defined (__STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS)
-/*  Single BSS section scheme.
- *
- *  The BSS section is specified by following symbols
- *    __bss_start__: start of the BSS section.
- *    __bss_end__: end of the BSS section.
- *
- *  Both addresses must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.
- */
-	ldr	r1, =__bss_start__
-	ldr	r2, =__bss_end__
-	movs	r0, 0
-	subs	r2, r1
-	ble	.L_loop3_done
-	subs	r2, #4
-	str	r0, [r1, r2]
-	bgt	.L_loop3
-#ifndef __NO_SYSTEM_INIT
-	bl	SystemInit
-#ifndef __START
-#define __START _start
-	bl	__START
-	.pool
-	.size	Reset_Handler, . - Reset_Handler
-	.align	1
-	.thumb_func
-	.weak	Default_Handler
-	.type	Default_Handler, %function
-    bkpt #0
-	b	.
-	.size	Default_Handler, . - Default_Handler
-/*    Macro to define default handlers. Default handler
- *    will be weak symbol and just dead loops. They can be
- *    overwritten by other handlers */
-	.macro	def_irq_handler	handler_name
-	.weak	\handler_name
-	.set	\handler_name, Default_Handler
-	.endm
-	def_irq_handler	NMI_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	HardFault_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	SVC_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	PendSV_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	SysTick_Handler
-	.end
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/startup_armv7-m.S b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/startup_armv7-m.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 2320877..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/GCC/startup_armv7-m.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-/* File: startup_armv7-m.S
- * Purpose: startup file for armv7-m architecture devices.
- *          Should be used with GCC for ARM Embedded Processors
- * Version: V2.00
- * Date: 16 November 2015
- *
- */
-/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2015 ARM LIMITED
-   All rights reserved.
-   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
-     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-     specific prior written permission.
-   *
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-	.syntax	unified
-	.arch	armv7-m
-	.section .stack
-	.align	3
-#ifdef __STACK_SIZE
-	.equ	Stack_Size, __STACK_SIZE
-	.equ	Stack_Size, 0x00000400
-	.globl	__StackTop
-	.globl	__StackLimit
-	.space	Stack_Size
-	.size	__StackLimit, . - __StackLimit
-	.size	__StackTop, . - __StackTop
-	.section .heap
-	.align	3
-#ifdef __HEAP_SIZE
-	.equ	Heap_Size, __HEAP_SIZE
-	.equ	Heap_Size, 0x00000C00
-	.globl	__HeapBase
-	.globl	__HeapLimit
-	.if	Heap_Size
-	.space	Heap_Size
-	.endif
-	.size	__HeapBase, . - __HeapBase
-	.size	__HeapLimit, . - __HeapLimit
-	.section .vectors
-	.align	2
-	.globl	__Vectors
-	.long	__StackTop            /* Top of Stack */
-	.long	Reset_Handler         /* Reset Handler */
-	.long	NMI_Handler           /* NMI Handler */
-	.long	HardFault_Handler     /* Hard Fault Handler */
-	.long	MemManage_Handler     /* MPU Fault Handler */
-	.long	BusFault_Handler      /* Bus Fault Handler */
-	.long	UsageFault_Handler    /* Usage Fault Handler */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	SVC_Handler           /* SVCall Handler */
-	.long	DebugMon_Handler      /* Debug Monitor Handler */
-	.long	0                     /* Reserved */
-	.long	PendSV_Handler        /* PendSV Handler */
-	.long	SysTick_Handler       /* SysTick Handler */
-	.size	__Vectors, . - __Vectors
-	.text
-	.thumb
-	.thumb_func
-	.align	2
-	.globl	Reset_Handler
-	.type	Reset_Handler, %function
-/*  Firstly it copies data from read only memory to RAM. There are two schemes
- *  to copy. One can copy more than one sections. Another can only copy
- *  one section.  The former scheme needs more instructions and read-only
- *  data to implement than the latter.
- *  Macro __STARTUP_COPY_MULTIPLE is used to choose between two schemes.  */
-/*  Multiple sections scheme.
- *
- *  Between symbol address __copy_table_start__ and __copy_table_end__,
- *  there are array of triplets, each of which specify:
- *    offset 0: LMA of start of a section to copy from
- *    offset 4: VMA of start of a section to copy to
- *    offset 8: size of the section to copy. Must be multiply of 4
- *
- *  All addresses must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.
- */
-	ldr	r4, =__copy_table_start__
-	ldr	r5, =__copy_table_end__
-	cmp	r4, r5
-	bge	.L_loop0_done
-	ldr	r1, [r4]
-	ldr	r2, [r4, #4]
-	ldr	r3, [r4, #8]
-	subs	r3, #4
-	ittt	ge
-	ldrge	r0, [r1, r3]
-	strge	r0, [r2, r3]
-	bge	.L_loop0_0
-	adds	r4, #12
-	b	.L_loop0
-/*  Single section scheme.
- *
- *  The ranges of copy from/to are specified by following symbols
- *    __etext: LMA of start of the section to copy from. Usually end of text
- *    __data_start__: VMA of start of the section to copy to
- *    __data_end__: VMA of end of the section to copy to
- *
- *  All addresses must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.
- */
-	ldr	r1, =__etext
-	ldr	r2, =__data_start__
-	ldr	r3, =__data_end__
-	cmp	r2, r3
-	ittt	lt
-	ldrlt	r0, [r1], #4
-	strlt	r0, [r2], #4
-	blt	.L_loop1
-/*  This part of work usually is done in C library startup code. Otherwise,
- *  define this macro to enable it in this startup.
- *
- *  There are two schemes too. One can clear multiple BSS sections. Another
- *  can only clear one section. The former is more size expensive than the
- *  latter.
- *
- *  Define macro __STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS_MULTIPLE to choose the former.
- *  Otherwise efine macro __STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS to choose the later.
- */
-/*  Multiple sections scheme.
- *
- *  Between symbol address __copy_table_start__ and __copy_table_end__,
- *  there are array of tuples specifying:
- *    offset 0: Start of a BSS section
- *    offset 4: Size of this BSS section. Must be multiply of 4
- */
-	ldr	r3, =__zero_table_start__
-	ldr	r4, =__zero_table_end__
-	cmp	r3, r4
-	bge	.L_loop2_done
-	ldr	r1, [r3]
-	ldr	r2, [r3, #4]
-	movs	r0, 0
-	subs	r2, #4
-	itt	ge
-	strge	r0, [r1, r2]
-	bge	.L_loop2_0
-	adds	r3, #8
-	b	.L_loop2
-#elif defined (__STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS)
-/*  Single BSS section scheme.
- *
- *  The BSS section is specified by following symbols
- *    __bss_start__: start of the BSS section.
- *    __bss_end__: end of the BSS section.
- *
- *  Both addresses must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.
- */
-	ldr	r1, =__bss_start__
-	ldr	r2, =__bss_end__
-	movs	r0, 0
-	cmp	r1, r2
-	itt	lt
-	strlt	r0, [r1], #4
-	blt	.L_loop3
-#ifndef __NO_SYSTEM_INIT
-	bl	SystemInit
-#ifndef __START
-#define __START _start
-	bl	__START
-	.pool
-	.size	Reset_Handler, . - Reset_Handler
-	.align	1
-	.thumb_func
-	.weak	Default_Handler
-	.type	Default_Handler, %function
-    bkpt #0
-	b	.
-	.size	Default_Handler, . - Default_Handler
-/*    Macro to define default handlers. Default handler
- *    will be weak symbol and just dead loops. They can be
- *    overwritten by other handlers */
-	.macro	def_irq_handler	handler_name
-	.weak	\handler_name
-	.set	\handler_name, Default_Handler
-	.endm
-	def_irq_handler	NMI_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	HardFault_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	MemManage_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	BusFault_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	UsageFault_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	SVC_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	DebugMon_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	PendSV_Handler
-	def_irq_handler	SysTick_Handler
-	.end
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/startup_generic.S b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/startup_generic.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 1826a78..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/startup_generic.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#if defined (__CC_ARM)
-  #if   (defined (ARM_MATH_CM0))
-    #include "ARMCC\startup_armv6-m.s"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM0P))
-    #include "ARMCC\startup_armv6-m.s"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM3))
-    #include "ARMCC\startup_armv7-m.s"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM4))
-    #include "ARMCC\startup_armv7-m.s"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM7))
-    #include "ARMCC\startup_armv7-m.s"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_ARMV8MBL))
-    #include "ARMCC\startup_armv6-m.s"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_ARMV8MML))
-    #include "ARMCC\startup_armv7-m.s"
-  #else
-    #error "No appropriate startup file found!"
-  #endif
-#elif defined (__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
-  #if   (defined (ARM_MATH_CM0))
-    #include "ARMCLANG\startup_armv6-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM0P))
-    #include "ARMCLANG\startup_armv6-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM3))
-    #include "ARMCLANG\startup_armv7-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM4))
-    #include "ARMCLANG\startup_armv7-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM7))
-    #include "ARMCLANG\startup_armv7-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_ARMV8MBL))
-    #include "ARMCLANG\startup_armv6-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_ARMV8MML))
-    #include "ARMCLANG\startup_armv7-m.S"
-  #else
-    #error "No appropriate startup file found!"
-  #endif
-#elif defined (__GNUC__)
-  #if   (defined (ARM_MATH_CM0))
-    #include "GCC\startup_armv6-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM0P))
-    #include "GCC\startup_armv6-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM3))
-    #include "GCC\startup_armv7-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM4))
-    #include "GCC\startup_armv7-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_CM7))
-    #include "GCC\startup_armv7-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_ARMV8MBL))
-    #include "GCC\startup_armv6-m.S"
-  #elif (defined (ARM_MATH_ARMV8MML))
-    #include "GCC\startup_armv7-m.S"
-  #else
-    #error "No appropriate startup file found!"
-  #endif
-  #error "Compiler not supported!"
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM0.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM0.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b272255..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM0.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMCM0.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMCM0 Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     07. September 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "ARMCM0.h"
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM23.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM23.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 791ee34..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM23.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMCM23.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMCM23 Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     21. October 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#if defined (ARMCM23)
-  #include "ARMCM23.h"
-#elif defined (ARMCM23_TZ)
-  #include "ARMCM23_TZ.h"
-  #if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) &&  (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-    #include "partition_ARMCM23.h"
-  #endif
-  #error device not specified!
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  Externals
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  extern uint32_t __Vectors;
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t) &__Vectors;
-#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-  TZ_SAU_Setup();
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM3.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM3.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2544c43..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM3.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMCM3.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMCM3 Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     07. September 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "ARMCM3.h"
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  Externals
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  extern uint32_t __Vectors;
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t) &__Vectors;
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM33.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM33.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 287119c..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM33.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMCM33.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMCM33 Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     02. November 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#if defined (ARMCM33)
-  #include "ARMCM33.h"
-#elif defined (ARMCM33_TZ)
-  #include "ARMCM33_TZ.h"
-  #if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) &&  (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-    #include "partition_ARMCM33.h"
-  #endif
-#elif defined (ARMCM33_DSP_FP)
-  #include "ARMCM33_DSP_FP.h"
-#elif defined (ARMCM33_DSP_FP_TZ)
-  #include "ARMCM33_DSP_FP_TZ.h"
-  #if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) &&  (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-    #include "partition_ARMCM33.h"
-  #endif
-  #error device not specified!
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  Externals
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  extern uint32_t __Vectors;
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t) &__Vectors;
-#if defined (__FPU_USED) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)
-  SCB->CPACR |= ((3U << 10U*2U) |           /* set CP10 Full Access */
-                 (3U << 11U*2U)  );         /* set CP11 Full Access */
-#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-  TZ_SAU_Setup();
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM4.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM4.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cea212e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM4.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMCM4.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMCM4 Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     07. September 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#if defined (ARMCM4)
-  #include "ARMCM4.h"
-#elif defined (ARMCM4_FP)
-  #include "ARMCM4_FP.h"
-  #error device not specified!
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  Externals
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  extern uint32_t __Vectors;
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t) &__Vectors;
-#if defined (__FPU_USED) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)
-  SCB->CPACR |= ((3U << 10U*2U) |           /* set CP10 Full Access */
-                 (3U << 11U*2U)  );         /* set CP11 Full Access */
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM7.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM7.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a99c08..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMCM7.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMCM7.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMCM7 Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     07. September 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#if defined (ARMCM7)
-  #include "ARMCM7.h"
-#elif defined (ARMCM7_SP)
-  #include "ARMCM7_SP.h"
-#elif defined (ARMCM7_DP)
-  #include "ARMCM7_DP.h"
-  #error device not specified!
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  Externals
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  extern uint32_t __Vectors;
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t) &__Vectors;
-#if defined (__FPU_USED) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)
-  SCB->CPACR |= ((3U << 10U*2U) |           /* set CP10 Full Access */
-                 (3U << 11U*2U)  );         /* set CP11 Full Access */
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMSC000.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMSC000.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fda345..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMSC000.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMSC000.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           for ARMSC000 Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     07. September 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "ARMSC000.h"
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMSC300.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMSC300.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3db4ee7..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMSC300.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMSC300.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMSC300 Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     07. September 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "ARMSC300.h"
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  Externals
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  extern uint32_t __Vectors;
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t) &__Vectors;
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMv8MBL.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMv8MBL.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8310b8f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMv8MBL.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMv8MBL.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMv8MBL Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     07. September 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "ARMv8MBL.h"
-#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) &&  (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-  #include "partition_ARMv8MBL.h"
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  Externals
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  extern uint32_t __Vectors;
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t) &__Vectors;
-#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-  TZ_SAU_Setup();
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMv8MML.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMv8MML.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bd77100..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_ARMv8MML.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * @file     system_ARMv8MML.c
- * @brief    CMSIS Device System Source File for
- *           ARMv8MML Device Series
- * @version  V5.00
- * @date     02. November 2016
- ******************************************************************************/
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
- * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#if defined (ARMv8MML)
-  #include "ARMv8MML.h"
-#elif defined (ARMv8MML_DSP)
-  #include "ARMv8MML_DSP.h"
-#elif defined (ARMv8MML_SP)
-  #include "ARMv8MML_SP.h"
-#elif defined (ARMv8MML_DSP_SP)
-  #include "ARMv8MML_DSP_SP.h"
-#elif defined (ARMv8MML_DP)
-  #include "ARMv8MML_DP.h"
-#elif defined (ARMv8MML_DSP_DP)
-  #include "ARMv8MML_DSP_DP.h"
-  #error device not specified!
-#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) &&  (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-  #include "partition_ARMv8MML.h"
-  Define clocks
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define  XTAL            ( 5000000UL)      /* Oscillator frequency */
-#define  SYSTEM_CLOCK    (5U * XTAL)
-  Externals
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  extern uint32_t __Vectors;
-  System Core Clock Variable
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System Core Clock update function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
-  System initialization function
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void SystemInit (void)
-#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
-  SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t) &__Vectors;
-#if defined (__FPU_USED) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)
-  SCB->CPACR |= ((3U << 10U*2U) |           /* set CP10 Full Access */
-                 (3U << 11U*2U)  );         /* set CP11 Full Access */
-#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
-  TZ_SAU_Setup();
-  SystemCoreClock = SYSTEM_CLOCK;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_generic.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_generic.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 37d82ab..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/platform/system_generic.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#if   (defined (ARMCM0))
-  #include "system_ARMCM0.c"
-#elif (defined (ARMCM0P))
-  #include "system_ARMCM0plus.c"
-#elif (defined (ARMCM3))
-  #include "system_ARMCM3.c"
-#elif (defined (ARMCM4) || defined (ARMCM4_FP))
-  #include "system_ARMCM4.c"
-#elif (defined (ARMCM7) || defined (ARMCM7_SP) || defined (ARMCM7_DP))
-  #include "system_ARMCM7.c"
-#elif defined (ARMv8MBL)
-  #include "system_ARMv8MBL.c"
-#elif (defined (ARMv8MML)    || defined (ARMv8MML_DSP)    || \
-       defined (ARMv8MML_SP) || defined (ARMv8MML_DSP_SP) || \
-       defined (ARMv8MML_DP) || defined (ARMv8MML_DSP_DP)   )
-  #include "system_ARMv8MML.c"
-  #error "No appropriate system file found!"
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/all_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/all_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b7a8fd..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/all_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_group.h"
-#include "complex_math_test_group.h"
-#include "controller_test_group.h"
-#include "fast_math_test_group.h"
-#include "filtering_test_group.h"
-#include "matrix_test_group.h"
-#include "statistics_test_group.h"
-#include "support_test_group.h"
-#include "transform_test_group.h"
-#include "intrinsics_test_group.h"
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out
-    */
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(basic_math_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(complex_math_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(controller_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(fast_math_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(filtering_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(matrix_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(statistics_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(support_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(transform_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(intrinsics_tests);
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/abs_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/abs_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e6bedb..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/abs_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_ABS_TEST(suffix)              \
-        abs,                                    \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix))
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_abs_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_abs_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_abs_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_abs_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/add_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/add_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a2d043c..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/add_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_ADD_TEST(suffix)              \
-        add,                                    \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_add_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_add_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_add_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_add_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 86728f9..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-                basic_math_output_fut,
-                CURLY(0));
-                basic_math_output_ref,
-                CURLY(0));
-/* Block Sizes */
-  To change test parameter values add/remove values inside CURLY and update 
-  the preceeding parameter to reflect the number of values inside CURLY. 
-                basic_math_block_sizes,
-                4,
-                CURLY( 2, 7, 15, 32));
-/* Numbers */
-  To change test parameter values add/remove values inside CURLY and update 
-  the preceeding parameter to reflect the number of values inside CURLY. 
-                basic_math_elts,
-                4,
-                CURLY( 0, 1, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff));
-                basic_math_elts2,
-                5,
-                CURLY( 0, 3, -3, -7, 7));
-                basic_math_eltsf,
-                6,
-                CURLY( 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.254001, -1.665584, -127.435646, 245.34634267));
-/* Test Data */
-                basic_math_f_32,
-                32,
-                CURLY(
-                      -0.432565, -1.665584,  0.125332,  0.287676, -1.146471,
-                       1.190915,  1.189164, -0.037633,  0.327292,  0.174639,
-                      -0.186709,  0.725791, -0.588317,  2.183186, -0.136396,
-                       0.113931,  1.066768,  0.059281, -0.095648, -0.832349,
-                       0.294411, -1.336182,  0.714325,  1.623562, -0.691776,
-                       0.857997,  1.254001, -1.593730, -1.440964,  0.571148,
-                      -0.399886,  0.689997
-                      ));
-/* Alias the 32 element array with wrappers that end sooner. */
-                       basic_math_f_32,
-                       15);
-                       basic_math_f_32,
-                       2);
-                basic_math_zeros,
-                32,
-                CURLY(0));
-/* Aggregate all float datasets. */
-                basic_math_f_all,
-                4,
-                CURLY(
-                      &basic_math_zeros,
-                      &basic_math_f_2,
-                      &basic_math_f_15,
-                      &basic_math_f_32
-                      ));
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_group.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b219fe..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/basic_math_test_group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_tests.h"
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(abs_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(add_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(dot_prod_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mult_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(negate_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(offset_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(scale_tests); 
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(shift_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(sub_tests);
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/dot_prod_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/dot_prod_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ed758a1..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/dot_prod_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_DOT_PROD_TEST(suffix)         \
-        dot_prod,                               \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_dot_prod_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_dot_prod_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_dot_prod_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_dot_prod_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/mult_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/mult_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a94bf68..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/mult_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MULT_TEST(suffix, compare_interface)  \
-        mult,                                   \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        compare_interface)
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mult_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mult_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mult_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mult_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/negate_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/negate_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 276cdac..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/negate_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_NEGATE_TEST(suffix)           \
-        negate,                                 \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix))
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_negate_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_negate_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_negate_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_negate_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/offset_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/offset_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e10f78..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/offset_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_OFFSET_TEST(suffix)               \
-        offset,                                     \
-        suffix,                                     \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix))
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_offset_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_offset_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_offset_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_offset_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/scale_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/scale_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2839a8f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/scale_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_SCALE_TEST(suffix)                \
-        scale,                                      \
-        suffix,                                     \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix), /*elt1_type*/     \
-        int8_t, /*elt2_type*/                       \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix))
-/* float32_t defined separately because it has less arguments */
-                  arm_scale_f32)
-        basic_math_f_all,
-        basic_math_eltsf,
-        basic_math_block_sizes,
-        float32_t,
-        float32_t,
-        float32_t,
-        arm_scale_f32,
-        ARM_scale_float_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-        ref_scale_f32,
-        REF_scale_float_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_scale_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_scale_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_scale_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_scale_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/shift_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/shift_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ed83b63..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/shift_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_SHIFT_TEST(suffix)                \
-        shift,                                      \
-        suffix,                                     \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-        int8_t, /*elt_type*/                        \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix))
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_shift_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_shift_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_shift_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/sub_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/sub_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a486842..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/basic_math_tests/sub_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "basic_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "basic_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_SUB_TEST(suffix)              \
-        sub,                                    \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sub_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sub_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sub_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sub_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_conj_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_conj_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fcc0bc..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_conj_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "complex_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "complex_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_CMPLX_CONJ_TEST(suffix)           \
-        cmplx_conj,                                 \
-        suffix,                                     \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_conj_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_conj_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_conj_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_dot_prod_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_dot_prod_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bcdaf5b..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_dot_prod_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "complex_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "complex_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_CMPLX_DOT_PROD_TEST(suffix, comparison_interface) \
-    COMPLEX_MATH_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK(                     \
-        cmplx_dot_prod,                                             \
-        suffix,                                                     \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                                   \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                                   \
-        comparison_interface)
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_dot_prod_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_dot_prod_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_dot_prod_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mag_squared_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mag_squared_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ca11fc..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mag_squared_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "complex_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "complex_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_CMPLX_MAG_SQUARED_TEST(suffix)    \
-        cmplx_mag_squared,                          \
-        suffix,                                     \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mag_squared_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mag_squared_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mag_squared_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mag_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mag_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8711957..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mag_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "complex_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "complex_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_CMPLX_MAG_TEST(suffix, comparison_interface)  \
-        cmplx_mag,                                              \
-        suffix,                                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                               \
-        comparison_interface)
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mag_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mag_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mag_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mult_cmplx_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mult_cmplx_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 22c5a70..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mult_cmplx_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "complex_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "complex_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-        cmplx_mult_cmplx,                       \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mult_cmplx_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mult_cmplx_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mult_cmplx_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mult_real_test.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mult_real_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fce7b82..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/cmplx_mult_real_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "complex_math_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "complex_math_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_CMPLX_MULT_REAL_TEST(suffix, comparison_interface)    \
-    COMPLEX_MATH_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF2_BLK(                         \
-        cmplx_mult_real,                                                \
-        suffix,                                                         \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                                       \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                                       \
-        comparison_interface)
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mult_real_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mult_real_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cmplx_mult_real_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 396dc2f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#include "complex_math_test_data.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-                complex_math_output_fut_a,
-                COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2 /*Complex data has two parts*/,
-                CURLY(0));
-                complex_math_output_fut_b,
-                COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2 /*Complex data has two parts*/,
-                CURLY(0));
-                complex_math_output_ref_a,
-                COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2 /*Complex data has two parts*/,
-                CURLY(0));
-                complex_math_output_ref_b,
-                COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2 /*Complex data has two parts*/,
-                CURLY(0));
-complex_math_output_f32_ref_a[COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2];
-complex_math_output_f32_ref_b[COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2];
-complex_math_output_f32_fut_a[COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2];
-complex_math_output_f32_fut_b[COMPLEX_MATH_MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS * 2];
-/* Block Sizes */
-                complex_math_block_sizes,
-                4,
-                CURLY(1, 2, 15, 32));
-/* Test Data */
-                complex_math_f_32,
-                32 * 2 /*Complex data has two parts*/,
-                CURLY(
-                      -0.432564811528220680 ,	0.815622288876143300,	
-                      -1.665584378238097000 ,	0.711908323500893280,	
-                      0.125332306474830680  ,	1.290249754932477000,	
-                      0.287676420358548850  ,	0.668600505682040320,	
-                      -1.146471350681463700 ,	1.190838074243369100,	
-                      1.190915465642998800  ,	-1.202457114773944000,	
-                      1.189164201652103100  ,	-0.019789557768770449,	
-                      -0.037633276593317645 ,	-0.156717298831980680,	
-                      0.327292361408654140  ,	-1.604085562001158500,	
-                      0.174639142820924520  ,	0.257304234677489860,	
-                      -0.186708577681439360 ,	-1.056472928081482400,	
-                      0.725790548293302700  ,	1.415141485872338600,	
-                      -0.588316543014188680 ,	-0.805090404196879830,	
-                      2.183185818197101100  ,	0.528743010962224870,	
-                      -0.136395883086595700 ,	0.219320672667622370,	
-                      0.113931313520809620  ,	-0.921901624355539130,	
-                      1.066768211359188800  ,	-2.170674494305262500,	
-                      0.059281460523605348  ,	-0.059187824521191180,	
-                      -0.095648405483669041 ,	-1.010633706474247400,	
-                      -0.832349463650022490 ,	0.614463048895480980,	
-                      0.294410816392640380  ,	0.507740785341985520,	
-                      -1.336181857937804000 ,	1.692429870190521400,	
-                      0.714324551818952160  ,	0.591282586924175900,	
-                      1.623562064446270700  ,	-0.643595202682526120,	
-                      -0.691775701702286750 ,	0.380337251713910140,	
-                      0.857996672828262640  ,	-1.009115524340785000,	
-                      1.254001421602532400  ,	-0.019510669530289293,	
-                      -1.593729576447476800 ,	-0.048220789145312269,	
-                      -1.440964431901020000 ,	0.000043191841625545,	
-                      0.571147623658177950  ,	-0.317859451247687890,	
-                      -0.399885577715363150 ,	1.095003738787492500,	
-                      0.689997375464345140  ,	-1.873990257640960800
-                      ));
-                       complex_math_f_32,
-                       15 * 2 /*Complex data has two parts*/);
-                       complex_math_f_32,
-                       2 * 2 /*Complex data has two parts*/);
-                complex_math_zeros,
-                32 * 2 /*Complex data has two parts*/,
-                CURLY(0));
-/* Aggregate all float datasets */
-                complex_math_f_all,
-                4,
-                CURLY(
-                      &complex_math_zeros,
-                      &complex_math_f_2,
-                      &complex_math_f_15,
-                      &complex_math_f_32
-                      ));
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_group.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 38546fb..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/complex_math_tests/complex_math_test_group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "complex_math_tests.h"
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(cmplx_conj_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(cmplx_dot_prod_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(cmplx_mag_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(cmplx_mag_squared_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(cmplx_mult_cmplx_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(cmplx_mult_real_tests);
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/controller_test_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/controller_test_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 661a487..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/controller_test_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-#include "controller_test_data.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-float32_t controller_output_fut[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-float32_t controller_output_ref[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-float32_t controller_output_f32_fut[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-float32_t controller_output_f32_ref[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-const q31_t controller_q31_inputs[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN] =
-		0xC14A5524, 0xCCABDA17, 0xAD6F5B56, 0xFDAFCE3B, 0xA9B226EB, 0x41F6F6A,
-		0xA5CE38BF, 0x3A978AFA, 0xBA44B82A, 0x855C0F8, 0x3D060524, 0x93D5E570,
-		0x97D7791D, 0xFFE0C38C, 0x26749841, 0xC0A6EE54, 0x218EC386, 0x39FF3726,
-		0x8DC1F7CA, 0x702F2CF5, 0xC1142FF1, 0xEC1476AB, 0x15F640DD, 0xE62CCE49,
-		0x3805DE7E, 0xF70871FE, 0xCF8BD360, 0x8D19A8A0, 0xD764F821, 0xA58558CF,
-		0x8C0CE04D, 0x50A46C19, 0x66D2370D, 0x50FA359A, 0xB646AE24, 0x6CE00F5C,
-		0xE6D48948, 0xB55BD831, 0x3B72950A, 0x9EB69530, 0x73394127, 0x773FA6F4,
-		0x9805A980, 0x838DE587, 0x9CF597F4, 0xA2AD1691, 0xFA81A473, 0x7CDC7D7F,
-		0x4A5190D0, 0xED895BB9, 0x8FD60F35, 0x1A21D530, 0xA0EB6DDA, 0xBDE6A516,
-		0x2501A3E1, 0x5ED893C8, 0xE1E175B1, 0xACBBB2F3, 0xED350907, 0xDB140D7E,
-		0xEEAE272D, 0xBE229841, 0xC18BFB88, 0xA6BB9B80, 0xBCF090E4, 0x24DB166C,
-		0xF9AB7E42, 0x62DF28D1, 0xC7004665, 0xE3F56FC6, 0x419E0C75, 0x46BE9F38,
-		0x2432B9B2, 0x758D83E0, 0xDCE12926, 0x3F57CB74, 0x1F4458E2, 0xF1DD639,
-		0x83A1FB49, 0x173AFC76, 0x86EF7531, 0x48D32F34, 0x7D3E3063, 0x8F2FB549,
-		0x5C314C9, 0x18CBEB6D, 0xA6F8B697, 0x447B9E9C, 0x2E32BA33, 0xD074D715,
-		0x81ACD746, 0xE55A4E04, 0x4891860F, 0x1DA3EB4F, 0xE0E6A27F, 0x20BFDEB4,
-		0xD0B3A25B, 0x40C10544, 0xC15656C, 0x15405EAE, 0x9858E3E1, 0xA36A9C4E,
-		0x88BD21F9, 0xAACF7A68, 0x773665E5, 0xCEDFDF66, 0x617A9610, 0x524FC968,
-		0xC2D086CD, 0x5F008079, 0x24DCA447, 0x6A4F5599, 0xB706CD4A, 0x1DE70608,
-		0xA33A2EE5, 0x137E488E, 0x98061B7B, 0x4079D69D, 0xA4A897D5, 0xC4CEC8F5,
-		0xD75F7883, 0x22406802, 0xF1AD70BB, 0x9D4ADD79, 0xBCBC7CE4, 0xB358C0D8,
-		0x85792E47, 0xA7ADAC05, 0x3D19EEAB, 0x331AC0AF, 0x33035831, 0x13D93987,
-		0xFC542094, 0x845F317E, 0xDDC4BF8B, 0x1379E50C, 0x5C20193F, 0xFDD58298,
-		0x9D482B82, 0x4A6BE062, 0xDC8A757B, 0x272917C1, 0x90E1EFBC, 0x355AD882,
-		0xE6F8EA35, 0x604555A1, 0x7DFFFBB, 0xF58AE216, 0x9A11B463, 0xD3541BAD,
-		0xA1576756, 0x483BED8D, 0x1F05AFCC, 0xCEA63DFB, 0x55B84677, 0xFB2E04F2,
-		0x787AF96C, 0x84A12CD3, 0x460A9BD, 0x9DB22DD8, 0x1A8C7F28, 0x861E452E,
-		0x932D3F78, 0x7652D852, 0x73357BBA, 0xEBBB0A58, 0x62536AFA, 0x3F6B65EF,
-		0x6DC57B58, 0x9EB798CE, 0xE6B0A740, 0xDFF68B47, 0x3247FB8F, 0xFFF3D302,
-		0xA9FD3E40, 0x475A43D1, 0x6FF9528A, 0x2018A09D, 0x47E0F9C9, 0x4CF5F6D3,
-		0x2807CE34, 0xDD6FD8ED, 0x234045D1, 0x51CEB5F9, 0x25297896, 0x6443A0FE,
-		0x8F4449A9, 0xD4C3E1C6, 0xF01D52F1, 0x4E09C820, 0xF18F0810, 0xE1548689,
-		0xF9DE5A1F, 0x5286DC23, 0x48AC3A4B, 0xEA0C1BE0, 0xA1B785DB, 0x7086465D,
-		0x1CC10929, 0x1E1D716E, 0xED231D4C, 0x2049D108, 0xB8FF9971, 0x949CF8D4,
-		0x441F1E8B, 0xC3D95372, 0x69C324B4, 0xA10BFDC9, 0xC781DE78, 0x82476137,
-		0xE163DDF, 0x390DEEC2, 0xAF68CE5B, 0x8E680ABD, 0x8223A615, 0x92593380,
-		0x7B1465FE, 0x865AE957, 0x930F53EB, 0xED772EF7, 0x10E916B6, 0xE3BCFA68,
-		0x2ACB80BB, 0xE51C5590, 0x994714B5, 0xF30984EE, 0x59BBE1B4, 0xB4867DBC,
-		0xB91C706C, 0xBC16C218, 0xA8931CD0, 0x129A66AB, 0x13171F4D, 0x62882872,
-		0x4B167FD4, 0xE6902F4C, 0xFA794932, 0xD4B152C, 0xB0856EA9, 0x39466D55,
-		0x3669E451, 0x8F5B9E8C, 0x877A3C6A, 0x51B956B4, 0x367EAD2A, 0x9D2C662A,
-		0x78FB6880, 0x4E6D40B6, 0x4070EFDC, 0x4DF9679C, 0x20306EDB, 0xE381AAE7,
-		0xA55DA748, 0x9B8B617B, 0x3E036FAD, 0x84E4C4A7, 0xD5A3F517, 0x669BA988,
-		0x98FDDE8C, 0x67BD85CE, 0x34BBB46C, 0x76994800, 0x85B9D8B6, 0x6DFA2FEF,
-		0x205DB5C, 0x9F843C4C, 0x72721B52, 0x73EF6B86, 0x5FB98B61, 0xC323DDAC,
-		0x31D424B4, 0xF68C0D7E, 0x162FAF9D, 0x7B2A7A99, 0xF9392693, 0xC42D12C0,
-		0x8692A73E, 0xD9A1EE80, 0xDD956856, 0x44E7BDAC, 0x8D874532, 0x5F5C9DD0,
-		0x5D167858, 0x8559FEA2, 0x9D821476, 0xD9654ED2, 0x594C0DC7, 0x1A87B506,
-		0x3F693200, 0x7A651AB5, 0xA0CCBC8A, 0x9F9E662C, 0x78EF631, 0x2A09DA0,
-		0xB088C72F, 0x92EE0D42, 0x360DCD5F, 0xF333FE48, 0x8D63CC06, 0x233A8ACB,
-		0x706651ED, 0x7AA5C079, 0x262239D1, 0x3EBBEBB6, 0xA25A4F3D, 0x32581A06,
-		0x6E6FD780, 0x5773F7C7, 0x75ED1DDC, 0x90DF2D15, 0xBC79A9BC, 0xB7175917,
-		0x354E381C, 0x762AADD7, 0xF643DAC1, 0xF3BBF49E, 0xD2FECE7E, 0x6C8140F4,
-		0xD7694875, 0x92D30822, 0xC742A7CF, 0xB792ED98, 0x121CFE24, 0xA04E1EE7,
-		0x58CE268, 0x215A080, 0x316CB323, 0xFAB14A31, 0xE1C13C03, 0xFD8EF4F1,
-		0xF3F446D0, 0x6C6CEA0A, 0xBBFDF9FB, 0x67242969, 0xBE55A4EB, 0x8FF5534,
-		0x52F0DF1C, 0x9710ADE3, 0xD40F4A21, 0x7984E8E7, 0x419545EB, 0x993F7880,
-		0xAB246B20, 0x408AABC4, 0xCBF6EA49, 0xC0894C55, 0x4CAA6398, 0xA47856E9,
-		0xAF2AE47D, 0x22F55D33, 0xF0D37915, 0xD0634C72, 0xD983671, 0x2BCC5AF8,
-		0x9A77D48, 0xC11B5CFA, 0xF107CD7E, 0x3A6B3593, 0xE1425F05, 0x6271812A,
-		0x5B838310, 0xBD8418CA, 0x10A58792, 0x239F7137, 0xA13D5071, 0x7F9930D4,
-		0xA462664F, 0x54180F8E, 0x291585BA, 0xE586B87A, 0x144B2C12, 0x98E425C7,
-		0xBAA4B373, 0x18F0D03C, 0x99462AC0, 0xD8B4D2EF, 0x72473895, 0xA6BF5435,
-		0xEDAD53B, 0xE0912FA6, 0x5C33F331, 0x3D93CD7, 0x4D03D752, 0x20699929,
-		0xB89962F9, 0x36E781E9, 0xF58B642C, 0x5FCA69E3, 0x5960A7F4, 0xAD5AAFD0,
-		0xDF18324A, 0x3DB1E5AA, 0x76BA3876, 0x1BC29AF6, 0xBCC18841, 0x73A60174,
-		0x625BFF58, 0x67C57724, 0x4458E53C, 0xE157B095, 0x2B370837, 0x83DF6CE3,
-		0xDD08EEFA, 0x3F52A7C2, 0x191B4785, 0x60843D82, 0xB0DE11F1, 0x105EA26C,
-		0x6E1C7AA2, 0x47AADD14, 0xB6676D03, 0x3B8D4DF6, 0x737A694, 0x409521DC,
-		0x744206A, 0xC722023F, 0x2BE4EAD5, 0x63E11D76, 0xCA4A09AB, 0x5CF2D2B9,
-		0x31586916, 0xCDFD7D84, 0xB203F634, 0xAD7329D4, 0xC524582F, 0x2E53E6C1,
-		0xBB0E019B, 0xB8538C6A, 0x6A2542D, 0x8A6A00E5, 0x119725CC, 0x5406D347,
-		0x1B6FFAF1, 0xECCF71F1, 0x981117F2, 0x7167CA76, 0x74F4B880, 0x77A55F47,
-		0x59EADB62, 0x4A331D95, 0xBCBBA76F, 0xA45C4D50, 0xC718D5, 0x87CE05D1,
-		0x60D47AD5, 0xA5CA9C40, 0xB0061766, 0xE69B39DF, 0xBD5F1320, 0x9930EAD3,
-		0xA8B38325, 0x8DD090F, 0x6A6EEF37, 0x2DF16F66, 0xAB514C7E, 0x31109C58,
-		0xFD48C7FC, 0x515341CA, 0x77AB8EA6, 0x41328DAF, 0xBAF8D31E, 0xA4B31611,
-		0xED37F331, 0x7A832A22, 0xA22591C7, 0x722D1F89, 0x3B19CF18, 0x261B8A4D,
-		0xC3F6F6DB, 0xCF8CED61, 0x990FA250, 0xA02E72A9, 0x560DCEA2, 0xB08E67B4,
-		0x3674E663, 0x97CC3852, 0xA7EB2EAC, 0xFFDE0AA8, 0xA64719A, 0x23269EDD,
-		0x3C0B339E, 0x86284D40, 0x48D82ECB, 0xA4D4CCF8, 0x43631B91, 0x4BF0C248,
-		0xB6497B9B, 0x6827BC58, 0xE30B7AF9, 0xA0CCBF26, 0x6C3B7B71, 0xD744B3ED,
-		0xFA25D2F6, 0x4CDE642D, 0xD65B8142, 0xA6F9207F, 0xE7A207BE, 0xDB506684,
-		0x44DA4780, 0x9175EA0C, 0x156104AF, 0x4155E1B0, 0x6E3A6886, 0x9DBA1EA2,
-		0x5423D9C8, 0xCC024E22, 0x758F852A, 0x1DD6395, 0x2D19CBAD, 0xE164F5A1,
-		0xC2084602, 0x89C274AD, 0x13CB5562, 0xD7FE2D5B, 0xE07A4EE5, 0x1672BA91,
-		0x4F624CCF, 0x2E5EA4A3, 0x28FEEFAF, 0xBDDA6EF4, 0x32AFD40C, 0x99A5FB3B,
-		0xDD1D73A3, 0xA342CB3E, 0xA78445F5, 0x53979C3B, 0x427D7943, 0x5221B58C,
-		0xA6CE9A5E, 0xFB50ECA4, 0xBB86E36E, 0x60839F6D, 0xC5E1C2F3, 0xA1B7FB04,
-		0xFBB65E0C, 0x78B80F5E, 0xFD8D972B, 0x3BF3BA90, 0x2D572D9, 0x2B5BC920,
-		0xB6A0DE01, 0xD274D306, 0xC7C6C855, 0x9CAA669B, 0xB04AA641, 0x4D6B1760,
-		0x3E17ED79, 0xD23241B0, 0xA4A6F957, 0xCBDE76AF, 0x4E5F9493, 0x4C215DA5,
-		0x33A052B, 0x1A4D80C2, 0x40AEEBCA, 0x390D106B, 0xE9E8E018, 0x5AF3D6CF,
-		0xE35E1D4, 0xC4FB1C6, 0x14B6299B, 0x8D2E25F0, 0xCCBF932A, 0xC5AC18B6,
-		0x2227567D, 0x86B5CE2F, 0x26344534, 0x22C515EC, 0x2442B70D, 0xEC3721C6,
-		0x34EF687D, 0x9C06323A, 0xEAF3EA60, 0x60396F52, 0xEAE78AA1, 0xC9D06CBC,
-		0x6F95F6C8, 0x584CC258, 0xBA9A27BB, 0x66DF8D47, 0x9D4804EA, 0x57DD9E67,
-		0xF89C7895, 0xF5336111, 0x25C122C8, 0x62742114, 0xCFBF6D26, 0xBF9F6482,
-		0xE6F02CD9, 0x11083202, 0xC99E2618, 0x7EBC9351, 0x440112F1, 0xC9DFFBC1,
-		0x3BF4DC25, 0xB1BA7FA0, 0x61AF9AED, 0x6B1F7D29, 0xAD865294, 0xE3E01129,
-		0x7E9E77A5, 0x100435D7, 0x9FE3A71, 0x88597C81, 0x722849FA, 0x31C5A0AF,
-		0xFBA178DC, 0x7F102D31, 0x5CA07864, 0x950E6F98, 0x82C34882, 0x5D041F11,
-		0x8C613C57, 0xD398CFD1, 0x426F38AD, 0x5599AB1D, 0xFAFA078D, 0xAB25B413,
-		0xD94B32CF, 0xB288FE38, 0x2893BB46, 0x9A0B4168, 0xA91BCA94, 0x653A5E8D,
-		0x2174EBBE, 0xDEFE6415, 0x30DA429C, 0xD0C5E40C, 0xB4719AA4, 0xD29CE7A6,
-		0x905957CD, 0xCD287499, 0x83CA0AA7, 0xA8385832, 0x25A0CA02, 0xC20D47A4,
-		0xB562F556, 0x4BC19E4C, 0xD9E215C7, 0x27E838B4, 0xC58612F4, 0xA2827F6F,
-		0xC49DCDBA, 0x679B7362, 0x4E495845, 0xCFD2F0D1, 0x395E76A0, 0x375A655E,
-		0x92E2058F, 0x73F9F0CA, 0x61EFF3B3, 0x51FFD362, 0xE7410345, 0x7FDA8B3B,
-		0xA219E2E8, 0x17ABE543, 0x26557412, 0x4B30084D, 0xA68E191D, 0xFE0D93DF,
-		0x73EF127D, 0x4DECDDB1, 0x77FAF45F, 0xD6002898, 0x92DD0A40, 0x157F6DDF,
-		0xC2A55F8E, 0x4359F924, 0xFB630C3F, 0x338B6B58, 0xB2945F75, 0x4FA23A0E,
-		0x836EB8C0, 0xB3B18FD, 0x86114337, 0x24668ACB, 0x99BB82F0, 0x924C8A47,
-		0xBA959701, 0x81155ABF, 0x8C612D71, 0x36074CA7, 0xD1668C41, 0xE35F58C7,
-		0x7FC2802D, 0x8E6A7CF3, 0x65B07D07, 0x815F6A6B, 0x791BF0DD, 0x6E47D719,
-		0xC24394C7, 0xE84A6EB, 0xF194AFEE, 0x464A2F52, 0x677579FD, 0xEBA775AE,
-		0x1F6EEFF, 0x9A795237, 0x78D9D45F, 0x9D0B344D, 0xBBD34AB7, 0x2F85B12A,
-		0x16C5C2AD, 0x3990985D, 0x88DF3351, 0x82811AA5, 0x6D351F41, 0x4066A69D,
-		0x86B660BF, 0x6EDB4768, 0xDDD78CF0, 0xB5D74F6E, 0xE89E220C, 0x91439687,
-		0x947CC9C9, 0x3857E2BD, 0x302F8AE4, 0x1DABE7F8, 0x4832D6C9, 0x37D58FCB,
-		0x4EA8A711, 0xCD7BAC98, 0x19DBF8BC, 0xD8DE8DC2, 0xEAFF7E7B, 0xB7629C93,
-		0x792C6E19, 0xF7009192, 0xFF88439D, 0x2E196A66, 0xEC71B78C, 0xEAF4BB3A,
-		0x7C16225E, 0x668F337, 0xCBEE1608, 0x6D5B5552, 0x345DC590, 0x681209CC,
-		0x7B24A819, 0xD08A1416, 0x99888FE3, 0x9FC7288A, 0x24BD8502, 0xEA1D9678,
-		0x20EECA0, 0x59BEA057, 0x5ADE91EB, 0xDEA8E49D, 0xFA200E6F, 0x9149C81D,
-		0xF2281E93, 0x8A5B0451, 0x67312D58, 0xE3B849F1, 0xD2217960, 0x7CDF59F3,
-		0x33C775C0, 0x9EBA8799, 0x7DF9506, 0xB4E96110, 0xB8FCF3E3, 0xDEA059B2,
-		0x8229B6EA, 0x316486F6, 0x43919185, 0x6C0D90F3, 0x1C6F3DF8, 0x38DB92A9,
-		0x5CD41244, 0x2C9F0A7B, 0xDF4A315F, 0xF7CE9C66, 0x4C800860, 0x318D53E0,
-		0xF105C20D, 0xD753E1F2, 0x750810BA, 0xA17ECCA5, 0x2010140, 0x4D884763,
-		0xC2BB0DA7, 0xB2D5BA74, 0x141CECD4, 0x887FDFC3, 0xC64B53, 0x2D2A85F6,
-		0x15532B45, 0x5D5CBCE1, 0xBEB9A16A, 0xA214611B, 0x9FC5AC5F, 0x11AE5DD7,
-		0xA0B9A5A9, 0xFC648AF4, 0x740009AC, 0xED0E0321, 0xB8E6A61, 0x8910C544,
-		0xC74F26C8, 0x9525CCF3, 0xB41AEB59, 0xE61984CE, 0x598B2197, 0xA412E59D,
-		0xE1976DD4, 0xB29BBE16, 0x88FD9FB0, 0xB04006F3, 0xB45E309, 0xD5CC15F1,
-		0xD9DAF630, 0xDC809335, 0x803ED52, 0xB537F5A5, 0xA994F6EB, 0xF5288568,
-		0xF66FD264, 0x2EA2B3A6, 0x647619F3, 0xFFB38C7A, 0x1BC03B9, 0xB6BC3061,
-		0xBF30596E, 0xBE2AD27B, 0x8AC04220, 0x641979A3, 0x9ECCBB89, 0xA144FBC1,
-		0x4E8FAE26, 0x8C5A9D90, 0x299ED467, 0xD7C9C7E3, 0x1D4865ED, 0x76F31C3D,
-		0xCEE81CDF, 0xB479195E, 0x6FFB3AE1, 0xDC8A398, 0x300F7364, 0xC7940AFA,
-		0x3B85BE3E, 0xD98CC40D, 0xA24A3D89, 0x3A674204, 0x22888A38, 0x2E77F2D,
-		0xA2841C9C, 0xCF0689C3, 0x9FE98922, 0x89335017, 0x2D6B69A7, 0xFEDB63F9,
-		0x899AF4EF, 0x9F9F9B40, 0xA4BE97E8, 0xA51DAF7A, 0x16AC50D3, 0xA8D7ED6,
-		0xED193443, 0x7615EF1B, 0xB0DF6A4E, 0x64FFE794, 0xE3DB2C9A, 0x7435B022,
-		0x556E825C, 0x23802AF9, 0xC25098A4, 0xE75A18BB, 0x70B2A7B9, 0x7FB81BF,
-		0x63EF910, 0x6C669591, 0x6574DD2B, 0xCF6E379D, 0xD2B3AFAC, 0x1E6A1101,
-		0x1DE22385, 0x2338191F, 0xC69704B6, 0xCBABC599, 0x54EB4809, 0x7839BE6D,
-		0xD50017DD, 0x39B1A0E1, 0x288D52D3, 0x2D52668C, 0x20D22A68, 0x4E1207D1,
-		0x3FCC0EFE, 0x47F3FE64, 0x25177A90, 0xB4BFDD4D, 0xDA8DBDCE, 0x6F7275A8,
-		0x6BEAA655, 0xAA1810FC, 0xE4DB593A, 0x8A4D4BC0, 0x2C402E93, 0xF1C0F7F9,
-		0x6F0CC577, 0x70412414, 0x752F9DC1, 0xD82E38EA, 0xAC455F7B, 0x4DCD4EDB,
-		0x92BC2696, 0xFB03F135, 0x4FCA1F8C, 0xBD5E75F6, 0x502F41B0, 0x3616D3F1,
-		0x2E5B8E31, 0x2026EB19, 0x57E783D7, 0x467BBE00, 0x4703ABA3, 0x1F776B9C,
-		0xE2570A84, 0xFEC7DB48, 0x1BD5012, 0xFD0A2D5D, 0x7FCC29F2, 0x291304B6,
-		0x99D5D8ED, 0xC7551C8, 0xFD12F38F, 0xBADE8892, 0xDF749997, 0xA5DAE2F,
-		0x2B9FA269, 0x5C13CFED, 0x15E9A399, 0x54437F4E, 0xA72DB2AB, 0x56186AA1,
-		0xFE4DB55C, 0xA34D7836, 0x2A879760, 0xC63FA94, 0xAC18B207, 0x5FC78B3,
-		0x7F10621E, 0xA769E6B2, 0xEC9F4A11, 0xCE3F982C, 0x62BA2EF5, 0xA5F239CD,
-		0x73D63FED, 0xE36E9F5E, 0x8AC1DA0E, 0x3F3DB3EB, 0x738326EA, 0x35C366B1,
-		0xCD476E86, 0x82F6B208, 0xF11A9FC1, 0x426AC396, 0x7E4D1B93, 0x75E4EDB7,
-		0xAF3C44A7, 0x51A5EF5C, 0xFAD2463D, 0x8A5639CA, 0xC995AC78, 0xCC4BE4F6,
-		0x3AFE7F8D, 0x66993D04, 0x4386FF37, 0xCBC1C6C2, 0x55A8F5EC, 0xE81A9A75,
-		0x30A67E1B, 0x4A4A7D0C, 0x20F7F993, 0x1891805, 0x738976AD, 0xD426E7D6,
-		0x3C5CEEBF, 0x4499187F, 0xABF17C97, 0x447C317F, 0x68D8419C, 0x7AAB6456,
-		0x421BCF29, 0xF6740F9C, 0x8916BB8D, 0x3D72AAB, 0x9AD54DD7, 0x7549C6EE,
-		0x7317342B, 0xA18546D4, 0x1056BDA7, 0x54BBCCCE, 0x8CE63E46, 0x5D146234,
-		0x33BE6C63, 0xB250C4E5, 0x89D72335, 0x87C36BA, 0xB65530CC, 0x2DFAC48C,
-		0x1663D16F, 0x59B80AA, 0x950274EA, 0x92532D4A, 0x3CEF802D, 0x492FBDA5,
-		0xA63A2574, 0xEF8005C2, 0x94A18651, 0xAF627ABA, 0x6829B238, 0xA698F646,
-		0xD2598516, 0x10144D36, 0xD9B1D1B9, 0xAB2ACF05, 0x5395B699, 0xA7851C75,
-		0x1806C6F3, 0xAE970306, 0x3284B145, 0x98F4FE8F
-/* The source data is random across the q31_t range. Accessing it by word should
-   remain random. */
-const q15_t * controller_q15_inputs = (q15_t *) controller_q31_inputs;
-const float32_t controller_f32_inputs[CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN] =
-		43.0264275639 , -17.0525215570 , -94.8488973910 , -8.1924989580  ,
-		7.2830326091   , 66.8368719314  , 33.9778190671  , 117.8652289772 ,
-		-129.6077797465, -14.6420815368 , 18.0239223278  , 20.6760530292  ,
-		55.0375037651  , 1.8674609862   , -85.6534302408 , -33.5750364909 ,
-		29.2110949614  , 110.4727049460 , -94.1914619387 , -1.4084169343  ,
-		83.5181653041  , 47.3073514127  , -13.3420621181 , 30.3389699104  ,
-		12.1188124277  , 100.9730921941 , -114.0146362390, -77.5823200409 ,
-		37.2019034618  , 40.0026301128  , -58.3387276630 , -34.9472398600 ,
-		-5.1169678311  , -87.7660091118 , -150.5888601131, 56.0349370503  ,
-		50.2168884079  , -74.2313236767 , 22.3648603560  , -6.8676387051  ,
-		74.8957303680  , -90.1292012823 , -55.1436241586 , -66.6732976100 ,
-		-6.7918147615  , 7.7612697081   , 35.7892605979  , -20.0470508830 ,
-		41.8369017546  , -143.7378056984, -41.9127158600 , -108.3531841158,
-		-57.1917422289 , -124.2808828105, 38.9316388820  , -77.9212517405 ,
-		37.1990818377  , -28.9545952748 , -155.6371057564, 45.8088886393  ,
-		36.2537018275  , -6.5727656016  , -104.2070491921, 45.5583813729  ,
-		-19.7674717059 , -80.4802190947 , -1.4444563441  , -42.2142256438 ,
-		36.6546339194  , -57.0866498590 , 44.4677067511  , 65.7285753407  ,
-		-103.8158864647, 25.4348723711  , -153.5419639389, 39.3608409474  ,
-		49.1658103436  , 79.5570602275  , 75.2944095996  , 58.9394700746  ,
-		-53.1018534392 , 33.4172444014  , 35.6224682287  , -64.4353396418 ,
-		-125.8464291251, -47.6072111617 , -26.2177687594 , -12.0061322096 ,
-		-17.7887967585 , -28.2926175090 , -62.0691715749 , 40.5098573604  ,
-		-191.1123732593, 119.6750713043 , 19.6182375803  , -26.7615252921 ,
-		2.2957847015   , -108.3436451287, -50.5906164995 , -5.6360985100  ,
-		-11.6772204201 , -84.2765293757 , -60.9317810068 , 82.0446350218  ,
-		-70.2048296348 , 72.8738253222  , 60.2450218115  , 114.2741231228 ,
-		46.8180775285  , 6.9915412654   , -8.9909197429  , -78.9165936808 ,
-		66.4731535459  , -68.4235455651 , -79.8254597080 , -10.6308477115 ,
-		-62.6161569330 , -55.7744410292 , -11.8408366528 , 98.1034940997  ,
-		35.8213741877  , -54.4694482732 , 86.9631830044  , -53.0343838122 ,
-		-47.4898642865 , -47.2010929590 , -31.3312639685 , -23.0908245172 ,
-		12.0258009869  , -5.1098204703  , -9.8420230737  , -107.3328761158,
-		44.6810431959  , -17.9083820345 , -60.9753512872 , -7.5915088994  ,
-		17.2250813329  , 57.9176125648  , 124.3004161362 , -63.1950908493 ,
-		120.5788885640 , -44.1734238117 , -91.7408095116 , -43.5696066595 ,
-		-49.9560710099 , -167.8513443296, -70.9437505499 , -46.4109705355 ,
-		-64.2264526456 , -13.9995803916 , -100.9548186356, 9.9101010575   ,
-		-50.0615130815 , -55.7590145012 , -60.3195153388 , 61.7913378549  ,
-		-102.0850899209, 53.2360193126  , -25.8997883369 , 75.1445512333  ,
-		-113.8148602310, 17.8027281119  , -19.5006822722 , -44.2169628471 ,
-		107.5017084384 , -113.7909124666, -43.9735396033 , 7.6880981388   ,
-		46.7384653508  , 9.9047443751   , 81.8646964362  , 132.3812863877 ,
-		-95.6959050236 , -68.5015813484 , 65.8586404494  , 18.5039353889  ,
-		-30.1786166621 , -90.3098515667 , -22.9356228552 , -20.5778272423 ,
-		-2.2127786675  , -35.4418447703 , -51.8722915974 , -107.9024439078,
-		-51.5940748232 , -51.7463262677 , 74.2795485984  , 94.2205022462  ,
-		9.7016384049   , -47.3556083155 , -36.7822314478 , -151.6455525363,
-		-15.7183814485 , 78.2063383182  , 0.1516414969   , 37.9304181609  ,
-		20.6185902740  , -22.2164106778 , 6.1160554677   , 2.4061326953   ,
-		-111.6681824598, -60.0858917090 , 75.1698614693  , -76.5787410444 ,
-		28.3391655715  , -2.4946186443  , -68.0378899682 , 104.0893199171 ,
-		-51.8319647254 , 38.8521710524  , 75.9114239564  , 73.9206172905  ,
-		-103.2533029987, 6.9002718274   , -36.6346436319 , -25.1990926265 ,
-		1.5852145953   , -50.6438436795 , 21.5018844428  , -151.9305562846,
-		-51.7326681814 , 21.4475994143  , 42.2564011921  , -74.0520586926 ,
-		49.7370635809  , -13.2957534126 , 36.6746826778  , -31.7005492589 ,
-		148.4894964268 , 79.7890632353  , 16.8856024809  , 16.1690460177  ,
-		39.2665169484  , 117.2461167794 , -37.4827984831 , -47.8387803604 ,
-		-95.7025286193 , 34.3058214285  , -124.9536456028, 56.1640195764  ,
-		94.3636873606  , 35.3992852810  , -38.3920852159 , -100.5738062016,
-		-29.7837022314 , 42.9133913996  , -34.2715618187 , -14.3589115627 ,
-		-16.5935468750 , 20.4574192236  , -88.7897972666 , -38.6285080386 ,
-		53.3203422726  , 98.5991486746  , 122.7305462474 , 67.7902817187  ,
-		5.1764117389   , 5.0632821624   , 21.9288789574  , -78.3140512638 ,
-		-21.2069682335 , 23.6342010925  , 34.4445769455  , 59.1346766615  ,
-		28.9978778000  , 39.8121180845  , -17.1650033520 , -56.9174900874 ,
-		17.8157086148  , -112.8801457350, -122.4019040408, 140.8669393157 ,
-		-65.4664329639 , 40.6952775518  , 32.7260891658  , -43.2565155866 ,
-		19.3945751928  , -20.1815002000 , -67.6601711640 , -18.1921178207 ,
-		-35.6802153684 , 49.9550290306  , 131.4925251016 , -31.2940938167 ,
-		-5.2848453344  , -109.5580577933, 20.2437599390  , -8.8782958734  ,
-		54.1836717264  , 7.2555852190   , -3.5698316137  , -51.9236786262 ,
-		6.7861547980   , -104.4814551670, 45.8458629668  , 70.0890876844  ,
-		38.3572837740  , 61.8024165129  , 68.0176962024  , -12.8193934080 ,
-		-21.4661610917 , -0.9377108815  , -74.2100679061 , 71.0490808147  ,
-		91.9813889497  , -14.5797640164 , 3.5036749129   , -138.3605478356,
-		-48.1501349794 , -16.0636922482 , -12.1334197606 , 15.0562207637  ,
-		-34.0878176054 , 55.1075126157  , 97.3829871877  , 0.2053358099   ,
-		-94.8713267382 , 51.5460954054  , 21.2966946363  , 58.1331025047  ,
-		-23.4599044132 , -19.3315856528 , -8.4497193577  , -1.9594679356  ,
-		-33.1906549336 , -144.6825417978, -57.1218958072 , 35.7353406097  ,
-		61.4666549819  , 14.6536253128  , 82.1632196866  , -44.6230161723 ,
-		-91.1022589278 , -18.5737673927 , -136.8975612334, 56.9606788003  ,
-		70.7059960183  , -68.2829345081 , -10.2629800455 , -53.6385325047 ,
-		-68.7928766204 , 88.2444688302  , 83.1412324801  , -102.9206928160,
-		-68.2329763159 , -69.7552955469 , 108.2132269009 , -28.2582329307 ,
-		5.6685898328   , -36.0392956840 , 43.3269513128  , -8.6436416796  ,
-		-16.5054886972 , 11.5008791788  , 39.6923606683  , -28.9039554061 ,
-		13.5938214364  , -23.6296332202 , 49.1171161163  , 53.1636857935  ,
-		-62.9672053166 , -54.2594757384 , 48.3838956696  , 8.0469071555   ,
-		-33.6472086213 , -120.5381752144, 55.0880453111  , 17.8990740563  ,
-		144.9402232336 , 101.7886229203 , -73.3666393712 , -16.4721379138 ,
-		-12.7447935685 , 101.8245160983 , -49.7026860415 , -15.1227790364 ,
-		65.7430288442  , -131.8695390036, 10.2750933946  , 90.9752774838  ,
-		-26.5859990591 , -95.6962772568 , 76.2174589344  , 24.8796848060  ,
-		-38.8938223046 , 54.1687774852  , -37.3585968996 , -34.6848570502 ,
-		33.0151011570  , -55.8345877671 , -3.9009101671  , -31.5024971691 ,
-		-9.6863895491  , 91.8719195957  , -58.9993249744 , -25.6887030614 ,
-		-8.0829472205  , 4.6386491741   , -71.4019697167 , -21.3734669095 ,
-		86.2079144404  , 79.6823974266  , -0.0910915997  , 44.8067718095  ,
-		58.7204020766  , 72.6856808976  , -50.3373732478 , -116.1175365534,
-		-15.0884909384 , 5.4593772059   , -63.6553527905 , 37.3460388205  ,
-		-32.2399421679 , 95.7569350513  , -7.3700141964  , -56.0370832967 ,
-		-41.7377150439 , -42.0042856519 , 12.5134312941  , 93.7845584531  ,
-		-32.4801087157 , -33.3976050318 , -24.2252126001 , -46.3199064467 ,
-		-20.3704610276 , 15.8571376404  , 88.9127217235  , -33.1132582267 ,
-		-1.0005675836  , -28.1780471904 , 150.9349379135 , 38.0600520828  ,
-		36.4338677563  , -3.3709201641  , 29.7709773016  , 16.5064119077  ,
-		21.3147729463  , 110.6714300904 , 18.8406036507  , 14.8963298097  ,
-		50.9975960392  , 16.3991140350  , -194.0805845907, -41.6723945839 ,
-		-74.8991127408 , -6.4587655805  , -0.6883628218  , -49.8709647175 ,
-		194.2265120473 , 64.3043624521  , 16.0040882780  , 68.4032551772  ,
-		-43.4050313128 , 84.6826289824  , -28.1357565943 , 134.6895584120 ,
-		-7.9746152680  , -95.6692886462 , -48.9444370342 , 79.4479343188  ,
-		-50.5345228122 , 52.4800633307  , -14.7735051703 , -20.1510237050 ,
-		22.5049816980  , 64.4191999102  , 24.8385648232  , 99.4265041360  ,
-		62.0189508473  , -28.3892600378 , -109.8842008564, -79.0407483407 ,
-		18.3408112020  , 49.1650536089  , 31.5419844924  , -36.1160722679 ,
-		-132.9148081329, 10.4053531567  , -129.2463715470, -43.4602207151 ,
-		-24.2420653292 , 91.5388317556  , 21.4762248190  , -44.3810909139 ,
-		18.4098011282  , -45.8691164539 , -20.9831197962 , 16.2076792914  ,
-		66.0224147666  , -13.6794615513 , 101.2163279622 , -62.4462618603 ,
-		22.2040981785  , -52.3208382802 , -24.7909079016 , 58.5150375093  ,
-		18.8569705105  , -55.6083430939 , 131.0273367422 , -34.5209015065 ,
-		121.4357296573 , -77.2590299593 , -51.5929566898 , 5.0247131098   ,
-		-23.8451707592 , -4.5912313547  , 31.1387246821  , 61.7019310824  ,
-		49.1912429744  , -50.5836913031 , -74.8182600630 , -21.6209317022 ,
-		20.9409464654  , -72.7870824583 , -28.3530746820 , -45.0794425434 ,
-		-13.4910629905 , -62.0158772255 , -34.1421181246 , 44.2844972784  ,
-		8.4213193211   , 79.9349022793  , 60.0160502260  , 32.2272994080  ,
-		-72.2893887746 , 17.3063698247  , -134.6335742431, 64.6499736261  ,
-		7.1411921919   , -37.5517577873 , 6.2405670930   , 117.1920927305 ,
-		128.7420689815 , -3.1556854963  , -13.4100422909 , -11.9336372907 ,
-		-8.6022400553  , -102.0033506666, -78.4696575074 , 15.0765861403  ,
-		-111.5219718576, -13.4162786508 , 38.2437013694  , 61.1637732561  ,
-		-34.4804160003 , 107.4438003830 , -79.4193067813 , -81.1842853968 ,
-		-26.2622970331 , 132.3205425408 , -119.1464268477, 67.3048866598  ,
-		103.3266736715 , -58.1865815617 , 27.6231908601  , -11.2004371750 ,
-		26.0340617206  , 12.5696123916  , 0.6442714420   , -30.7393043544 ,
-		1.5314955897   , 49.9110088250  , -106.1358721920, 51.1608329944  ,
-		-32.8684239794 , -27.7215905745 , -11.6450303367 , -36.7731678028 ,
-		59.9383486599  , -4.6301990580  , 5.0361682939   , -10.5669407980 ,
-		124.0908762205 , 35.8305364082  , -123.6216777114, -74.2569079167 ,
-		-56.7651776816 , 16.0736385582  , 23.5030632215  , -110.6764295938,
-		44.3086821806  , 9.4452708243   , 5.3300080251   , 39.0483916714  ,
-		151.4550562868 , 62.8957092621  , -116.8103461233, 5.1129927759   ,
-		-33.2252515135 , -9.4522506046  , 22.7026048372  , -15.5264414569 ,
-		71.2087620034  , 19.1191568332  , 50.3019546809  , -5.6096922409  ,
-		22.9344126462  , -7.7591876203  , 31.8949515564  , -58.4253952381 ,
-		66.4341297173  , -19.0583083044 , 96.7695087855  , 20.4934280047  ,
-		4.9544603116   , -20.8288135920 , -173.2659655408, -62.4883621640 ,
-		-48.5528422703 , 12.1437504278  , 60.2482234666  , -19.6072312919 ,
-		-34.6320214291 , 129.0089698963 , -50.9042160618 , 98.3952661477  ,
-		-4.7051792479  , -13.1768910826 , 69.5138802139  , 58.5748201565  ,
-		-45.9385652563 , 151.7952104306 , 34.2541941013  , -58.0417838381 ,
-		28.1480473670  , 46.4006562684  , 97.7001828545  , 4.0855607626   ,
-		-32.6097018162 , 16.8913949959  , 105.7266202978 , -89.3978374651 ,
-		-60.9338593128 , -41.2220734230 , 49.9393070783  , 95.0974764854  ,
-		49.2498366456  , 58.6214364590  , 34.1113830569  , 45.6634098874  ,
-		-22.5356086770 , -97.1978653617 , 86.5565049535  , 70.6118545777  ,
-		-30.6978082909 , 118.7238621666 , 14.5922386932  , 11.3449652072  ,
-		65.6007783405  , 82.6369678204  , -52.0390492248 , -47.0160551227 ,
-		-95.5142448634 , 99.7162626888  , -36.5523815090 , -42.8042935534 ,
-		68.3566199798  , -13.8451547552 , -71.1629911780 , 36.2989433752  ,
-		-32.4867163365 , 112.4079947071 , -75.6295117422 , 47.5276421639  ,
-		51.8078250755  , -26.8715188457 , -9.6291144797  , 40.1999849640  ,
-		-38.4634033246 , 40.9764960915  , -26.1715730268 , 36.5996396515  ,
-		-26.9924731886 , 53.7879986570  , -83.1658398348 , 23.6381378489  ,
-		43.8794937753  , -55.4133836419 , 90.0266130838  , 14.1036181982  ,
-		-18.1225736715 , 85.1363181151  , -62.5970846379 , -18.5291947838 ,
-		-25.7341986703 , -49.7061342931 , -59.0442763971 , 50.8960636803  ,
-		-87.6471123430 , -36.7217762531 , 22.5952364054  , 11.1107885650  ,
-		-0.5377327229  , 160.8145792630 , 73.3103441505  , 10.1656872354  ,
-		-50.4554350397 , -57.3478171016 , -15.4201715357 , -26.9135446491 ,
-		-4.9891264771  , -37.0226770057 , -80.9919535641 , 50.4418660876  ,
-		-25.8517575250 , -69.9538258421 , -17.5730160671 , 15.9405836751  ,
-		113.9545230349 , -46.1040379057 , -94.2458635014 , -69.0338522452 ,
-		43.5813790265  , 107.1836101171 , -55.1012654323 , -77.1529555887 ,
-		-33.1530320656 , -94.5582659641 , -53.6837586872 , 27.0680381378  ,
-		93.9385415207  , -61.0955216188 , 18.0530957225  , 7.9150142320   ,
-		-12.1218191587 , 34.0173961457  , 40.0084937565  , 9.8119275580   ,
-		44.2065861274  , -1.8718514394  , 67.4740024215  , 46.7391150131  ,
-		207.2404815875 , 45.1635364462  , 43.3580102761  , -44.0244218674 ,
-		83.2387206007  , -8.6441851856  , 12.3993902588  , -22.5091685270 ,
-		-19.8332981376 , 97.9196509289  , -76.6720306234 , 28.9740705859  ,
-		121.9415248016 , 9.6656982611   , -51.0996453694 , 37.3704374740  ,
-		74.7589840907  , -113.4066752631, 120.0029566342 , -105.3786221360,
-		81.8152755619  , -13.4979932982 , -21.4680758393 , -85.1088235539 ,
-		-65.3610798409 , -35.0444139470 , -48.0220794487 , -41.6210317362 ,
-		33.1212995259  , -82.1480936443 , -10.5479715135 , 76.4601917004  ,
-		42.1983651157  , 92.6104239912  , -42.3536237955 , -24.5644182272 ,
-		30.4446637772  , -90.2899420489 , 63.6723540422  , 103.0895811428 ,
-		64.1706769263  , -10.7069812309 , 21.8927240409  , 6.3571071738   ,
-		57.1457649358  , -52.9866276448 , 66.0981829072  , -29.5372056881 ,
-		-79.2252039810 , -136.2440652798, -57.0106422562 , 86.8203548141  ,
-		66.4244149837  , 53.3230426111  , -66.1283059222 , -131.0402660353,
-		8.0548411081   , 122.9088988100 , 1.2626894208   , -60.5059112373 ,
-		-68.8707203082 , -6.4747987200  , 85.8411327244  , 99.9624156733  ,
-		90.4197864338  , -35.9630441182 , -22.9158275507 , -17.3660128776 ,
-		16.7845345761  , 34.7219749782  , -39.3513765878 , 1.0460702756   ,
-		-60.9494500182 , 20.0900333387  , -85.9636743832 , 88.4400782168  ,
-		15.0729628728  , 61.5499846243  , 11.8579871757  , 107.8617581581 ,
-		-42.9393027864 , -62.8422307621 , -19.0589600542 , 4.0750325807   ,
-		-36.0651825425 , 55.7638724501  , -10.4691736080 , -55.5672537178 ,
-		-61.2061519915 , -21.1885348576 , -131.2535612498, 24.7463552676  ,
-		22.9426321237  , 14.3038202264  , -138.0926317438, -59.0892900856 ,
-		-162.5416439986, 7.1307658250   , -141.1236672256, -4.7173618068  ,
-		-16.7741532807 , -68.2615451173 , -2.6608701102  , 84.1978109826  ,
-		-11.3446202072 , 59.9630033088  , -1.8994925010  , -37.9301641959 ,
-		-119.4435600954, -11.4587491646 , 12.2423215240  , -7.3169898616  ,
-		-67.0373621128 , 36.0198843055  , 53.9791315249  , -134.5885680695,
-		-83.8330811965 , -16.6714816463 , -8.8498552035  , -24.0513088196 ,
-		-22.9444328877 , -37.7961441531 , 25.1975736186  , -136.1611637464,
-		-5.0843464033  , -10.3939554694 , 20.7422826935  , 75.6854136623  ,
-		46.4179626736  , -57.0052830175 , 7.3457235521   , -51.5504447254 ,
-		-158.4375751701, -200.2426967181, -48.1234996261 , 1.6623945527   ,
-		21.1746524375  , 99.4092980367  , -2.3206772903  , 45.7989166757  ,
-		2.0181548348   , -88.0556010969 , -59.1527212096 , 47.3607925077  ,
-		-10.4181140309 , 56.3558125650  , -8.9799125560  , -30.0376711812 ,
-		-36.7132904688 , 35.7785050392  , -13.0763909369 , -2.1855594714  ,
-		18.1550954005  , -28.6711803575 , -55.4495172398 , -2.8812973198  ,
-		-59.9575059158 , 40.0588875786  , 57.4713686602  , -3.2835144853  ,
-		-36.7193552111 , -64.9415131516 , -166.9555466445, -23.5556853844 ,
-		-54.9408569587 , -35.2310451959 , 21.3345143458  , 65.7590671151  ,
-		51.2214538168  , 46.1271939944  , -42.2235267919 , 127.2329928299 ,
-		105.2391778600 , 17.6726845966  , -129.9021148044, 8.7065613044   ,
-		-94.0987112511 , -3.5375742950  , -23.1385452379 , 60.6219530633  ,
-		92.5445564235  , 48.5111974469  , -52.5699309159 , -60.0634811685 ,
-		25.9034368684  , 140.0249495491 , 1.5918852392   , 38.0266038291  ,
-		17.5588710703  , 3.4294066089   , -27.6748782173 , 59.6182974489  ,
-		-35.2924781853 , -38.6198576115 , -13.6119803198 , 7.8375587489   ,
-		22.7250686519  , -28.3524510951 , -34.4269062817 , 22.6464817325  ,
-		-61.6528147860 , -5.9782002429  , 61.4730771294  , 43.5582379527  ,
-		55.6862408270  , 87.8745651631  , 46.3401042715  , -19.8780979663 ,
-		74.1272633369  , 29.8590452377  , -12.8665765140 , 34.2931401219  ,
-		53.9279617551  , -16.9017895140 , -70.1527553166 , -79.6367897992 ,
-		109.3728271017 , -129.2214826835, -53.4644539730 , -51.5654458993 ,
-		17.6062148433  , 3.5090251835   , 74.2615941204  , -109.3431097845,
-		40.1403465151  , 28.8714561280  , 94.0868659302  , -19.0047033845 ,
-		-60.0967410050 , -19.0998457619 , -67.2027075128 , 72.0711434846  ,
-		-17.8737851232 , 123.7050551274 , 132.6331504104 , 25.5018761009  ,
-		-36.7817189239 , -29.1580893235 , -6.5848563828  , 90.2868948516  ,
-		-35.7017258498 , -68.5675432955 , -52.4888589786 , 47.1377730021  ,
-		-7.4546621940  , -52.0657517138 , -49.0404829633 , -114.6910280126,
-		-117.6819819437, -32.7856729408 , 31.8232065591  , 12.1192973039  ,
-		35.2678513420  , -1.0336778293  , 30.7021249679  , 127.0442906046 ,
-		-84.8457819393 , 28.9862843096  , -47.3524701726 , -126.1094998460,
-		-2.9700276582  , -2.4956545870  , -53.8624121141 , -85.2114117637 ,
-		76.9057985618  , 137.1205201755 , -19.0830817212 , 14.3407526579  ,
-		-56.5921994449 , -25.6084873186 , -44.9470801106 , -133.3139496090,
-		0.3487447576   , 33.4499716730  , 34.7126257844  , -9.3307383323  ,
-		27.2996276947  , 10.8765676134  , -91.1032360444 , -90.9584216222 ,
-		1.6981490570   , 96.8557438791  , 56.7726390913  , -44.3246449237 ,
-		52.3260643361  , 21.5551140465  , 27.4535327381  , 2.0072717479   ,
-		7.4823125629   , 77.1185863870  , 16.1372262663  , -10.7206012957
-const float32_t controller_f32_coeffs[CONTROLLER_MAX_COEFFS_LEN] =
-	/* S->Kp, S->Ki, S->Kd; */
-	0.0000000000  , -1.0336778293 , 56.7726390913 ,
-	0.3487447576  , 0.0000000000  , 27.4535327381 ,
-	-29.1580893235, 1.6981490570  , 0.0000000000  ,
-	0.0000000000  , 0.0000000000  , -2.4956545870 ,
-	0.0000000000  , 8.7065613044  , 0.0000000000  ,
-	0.0000000000  , 0.0000000000  , 0.0000000000  ,
-	18.1550954005 , -5.9782002429 , 2.0072717479  ,
-	33.1212995259 , -82.1480936443, -10.5479715135,
-	-23.6296332202, 49.1171161163 , 53.1636857935 ,
-	7.2830326091  , 66.8368719314 , 33.9778190671 ,
-	9.4452708243  , 5.3300080251  , 39.0483916714 ,
-	6.9915412654  , -8.9909197429 , -78.9165936808
-const q31_t controller_q31_coeffs[CONTROLLER_MAX_COEFFS_LEN] =
-	0x00000000,	0xFEF760E4,	0x38C5CBAD,
-	0x00594756,	0x00000000,	0x1B741AB9,
-	0xE2D78775,	0x01B2B9E6,	0x00000000,
-	0x00000000,	0x00000000,	0xFD811CC8,
-	0x00000000,	0x08B4E134,	0x00000000,
-	0x00000000,	0x00000000,	0x00000000,
-	0x1227B455,	0xFA0594AB,	0x0201DC90,
-	0x211F0D7C,	0xADDA1689,	0xF573B824,
-	0xE85ED05B,	0x311DFB52,	0x3529E750,
-	0x074874D3,	0x42D63D3D,	0x21FA525A,
-	0x0971FD45,	0x05547B68,	0x270C6366,
-	0x06FDD5A6,	0xF7025315,	0xB1155A1E
-const q15_t controller_q15_coeffs[CONTROLLER_MAX_COEFFS_LEN] =
-	0x0000,	0xFEF7,	0x38C6,
-	0x0059,	0x0000,	0x1B74,
-	0xE2D8,	0x01B3,	0x0000,
-	0x0000,	0x0000,	0xFD81,
-	0x0000,	0x08B5,	0x0000,
-	0x0000,	0x0000,	0x0000,
-	0x1228,	0xFA06,	0x0202,
-	0x211F,	0xADDA,	0xF574,
-	0xE85F,	0x311E,	0x352A,
-	0x0748,	0x42D6,	0x21FA,
-	0x0972,	0x0554,	0x270C,
-	0x06FE,	0xF702,	0xB115
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/controller_test_group.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/controller_test_group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f9709e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/controller_test_group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "controller_tests.h"
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(pid_reset_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(pid_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(sin_cos_tests);
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/pid_reset_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/pid_reset_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a930dbb..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/pid_reset_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#include "test_templates.h"
-/* Bucket of zeros. For comparison with the output of arm_pid_reset_xxx. */
-ARR_DESC_DEFINE(float32_t, zeroes, 3, CURLY(0));
- *  Define a JTEST_TEST_t for the function arm_pid_reset_xxx function having
- *  suffix.
- */
-#define ARM_PID_RESET_TEST(suffix)                                      \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_pid_reset_##suffix##_test,                    \
-                      arm_pid_reset_##suffix)                           \
-    {                                                                   \
-        /* Initialise the pid_instance */                               \
-        arm_pid_instance_##suffix pid_inst = { 0 };                     \
-            pid_inst.state[0] = (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix)) 0xffffffff;  \
-            pid_inst.state[1] = (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix)) 0xffffffff;  \
-            pid_inst.state[2] = (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix)) 0xffffffff;  \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Display cycle count and run test */                      \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(arm_pid_reset_##suffix(&pid_inst));      \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Test correctness */                                      \
-            TEST_ASSERT_BUFFERS_EQUAL(                                  \
-                pid_inst.state,                                         \
-                zeroes.data_ptr,                                        \
-                3 * sizeof(TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix)));                  \
-                                                                        \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-    }
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_pid_reset_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_pid_reset_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_pid_reset_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/pid_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/pid_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e1c56e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/pid_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "controller_test_data.h"
-#include "controller_templates.h"
- *  Define a JTEST_TEST_t for the function arm_pid_xxx function having
- *  suffix.
- */
-#define ARM_PID_TEST(suffix,type)                                       \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_pid_##suffix##_test, arm_pid_##suffix)        \
-    {                                                                   \
-            uint32_t i,j;                                               \
-                                                                        \
-            arm_pid_instance_##suffix fut_pid_inst = { 0 };             \
-            arm_pid_instance_##suffix ref_pid_inst = { 0 };             \
-                                                                        \
-            for(i=0;i<CONTROLLER_MAX_COEFFS_LEN/3;i++)                  \
-            {                                                           \
-                fut_pid_inst.Kp = controller_##suffix##_coeffs[i*3+0];  \
-                fut_pid_inst.Ki = controller_##suffix##_coeffs[i*3+1];  \
-                fut_pid_inst.Kd = controller_##suffix##_coeffs[i*3+2];  \
-                ref_pid_inst.Kp = controller_##suffix##_coeffs[i*3+0];  \
-                ref_pid_inst.Ki = controller_##suffix##_coeffs[i*3+1];  \
-                ref_pid_inst.Kd = controller_##suffix##_coeffs[i*3+2];  \
-                                                                        \
-                arm_pid_init_##suffix(&fut_pid_inst, 1);                \
-                arm_pid_init_##suffix(&ref_pid_inst, 1);                \
-                                                                        \
-                /* Display parameter values */                          \
-                JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n",                     \
-                                (int)CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN);               \
-                                                                        \
-                /* Display cycle count and run test */                  \
-                JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                     \
-                    for(j=0;j<CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN;j++)                   \
-                    {                                                   \
-                       *((type*)controller_output_fut + j) =            \
-                           arm_pid_##suffix(&fut_pid_inst,              \
-                           controller_##suffix##_inputs[j]);            \
-                    });                                                 \
-                                                                        \
-                for(j=0;j<CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN;j++)                       \
-                {                                                       \
-                   *((type*)controller_output_ref + j) =                \
-                        ref_pid_##suffix(&ref_pid_inst,                 \
-                        controller_##suffix##_inputs[j]);               \
-                }                                                       \
-                                                                        \
-                /* Test correctness */                                  \
-                CONTROLLER_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                       \
-                        CONTROLLER_MAX_LEN,                             \
-                        type);                                          \
-            }                                                           \
-                                                                        \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-    }
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_pid_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_pid_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_pid_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/sin_cos_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/sin_cos_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e3887ac..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/controller_tests/sin_cos_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#include "test_templates.h"
-/* Input Data */
-                arm_sin_cos_degrees_f32,
-                9,
-                CURLY(
-                    0,
-                    17,
-                    45,
-                    90,
-                    180,
-                    360,
-                    362,
-                    -73,
-                    -191.111
-                      ));
-/* The Q31 version of the function maps numbers in the range [-1, 0.9999999]
- * to degrees in the range [-180, 179]*/
-                arm_sin_cos_degrees_q31,
-                6,
-                CURLY(
-                    0,
-                    0x80000000, /* -1 */
-                    0x7fffffff, /* 0.99999 */
-                    /* Randoms */
-                    0xf7badafa,
-                    0x285954a1,
-                    0xb9d09511
-                      ));
-/* Output Variables */
-float32_t sin_val_fut = 0;
-float32_t cos_val_fut = 0;
-float32_t sin_val_ref = 0;
-float32_t cos_val_ref = 0;
-/* Test Definitions */
-#define MAX_DELTA_f32 50.0e-8f
-#define ABS(x) ((x) > 0 ? (x) : -(x))
-  Function to test correctness of sin_cos output by comparing it with reference library
-#define COMPARISON_INTERFACE(type, threshold)                           \
-    if ( (ABS((type) sin_val_ref - (type) sin_val_fut) >                 \
-         (type) threshold ) ||                                          \
-        (ABS((type) cos_val_ref - (type) cos_val_fut) >                 \
-         (type) threshold))                                             \
-    {                                                                   \
-        JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Error: %f %f\n",                               \
-                        ABS((type) sin_val_ref - (type) sin_val_fut),   \
-                        ABS((type) cos_val_ref - (type) cos_val_fut));  \
-        return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;                                       \
-    }
-  Sine and cosine test function for float32_t input
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_sin_cos_f32_test, arm_sin_cos_f32)
-    /* Test function for all input degree values */
-        degree_idx, TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(f32),
-        degree, arm_sin_cos_degrees_f32
-        ,
-        /* Display cycle count and run test */
-            arm_sin_cos_f32(
-                degree,
-                (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(f32) *) &sin_val_fut,
-                (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(f32) *) &cos_val_fut)
-        );
-        ref_sin_cos_f32(
-            degree,
-            (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(f32) *) &sin_val_ref,
-            (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(f32) *) &cos_val_ref);
-        /* Test correctness */
-            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(f32),
-            MAX_DELTA_f32));
-    return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;
-  Sine and cosine test function for q31_t input
-                  arm_sin_cos_q31)
-    /* Test function for all input degree values */
-        degree_idx, TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31),
-        degree, arm_sin_cos_degrees_q31
-        ,
-        /* Display cycle count and run test */
-            arm_sin_cos_q31(
-                degree,
-                (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31) *) &sin_val_fut,
-                (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31) *) &cos_val_fut)
-        );
-        ref_sin_cos_q31(
-            degree,
-            (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31) *) &sin_val_ref,
-            (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31) *) &cos_val_ref);
-        /* Convert q31 numbers to float for comparison purposes. */
-        ref_q31_t_to_float((TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31) *) &sin_val_fut, &sin_val_fut, 1);
-        ref_q31_t_to_float((TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31) *) &cos_val_fut, &cos_val_fut, 1);
-        ref_q31_t_to_float((TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31) *) &sin_val_ref, &sin_val_ref, 1);
-        ref_q31_t_to_float((TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31) *) &cos_val_ref, &cos_val_ref, 1);
-        /* Test correctness */
-            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(f32),
-            MAX_DELTA_f32));
-    return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sin_cos_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sin_cos_q31_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 50ec433..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "fast_math_templates.h"
-#include "fast_math_test_data.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-SIN_COS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(f32, float32_t, sin);
-SIN_COS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(q31, q31_t, sin);
-SIN_COS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(q15, q15_t, sin);
-SIN_COS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(f32, float32_t, cos);
-SIN_COS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(q31, q31_t, cos);
-SIN_COS_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT1(q15, q15_t, cos);
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sqrt_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sqrt_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sin_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sin_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_sin_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cos_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cos_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cos_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cf806e3..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/fast_math_tests/fast_math_tests_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-#include "fast_math_test_data.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-float32_t fast_math_output_fut[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-float32_t fast_math_output_ref[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-float32_t fast_math_output_f32_fut[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-float32_t fast_math_output_f32_ref[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-const q31_t fast_math_q31_inputs[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN] =
-    0x414A5524, 0x4CAB5A17, 0x2D6F5B56, 0x7DAF4E3B, 0x29B226EB, 0x41F6F6A ,
-    0x25CE38BF, 0x3A970AFA, 0x3A44382A, 0x05540F8 , 0x3D060524, 0x13D56570,
-    0x17D7791D, 0x7FE0438C, 0x26741841, 0x40A66E54, 0x218E4386, 0x39FF3726,
-    0x0DC177CA, 0x702F2CF5, 0x41142FF1, 0x6C1476AB, 0x15F640DD, 0x662C4E49,
-    0x38055E7E, 0x770871FE, 0x4F8B5360, 0x0D1928A0, 0x57647821, 0x258558CF,
-    0x0C0C604D, 0x50A46C19, 0x66D2370D, 0x50FA359A, 0x36462E24, 0x6CE00F5C,
-    0x66D40948, 0x355B5831, 0x3B72150A, 0x1EB61530, 0x73394127, 0x773F26F4,
-    0x18052980, 0x038D6587, 0x1CF517F4, 0x22AD1691, 0x7A812473, 0x7CDC7D7F,
-    0x4A5110D0, 0x6D895BB9, 0x0FD60F35, 0x1A215530, 0x20EB6DDA, 0x3DE62516,
-    0x250123E1, 0x5ED813C8, 0x61E175B1, 0x2CBB32F3, 0x6D350907, 0x5B140D7E,
-    0x6EAE272D, 0x3E221841, 0x418B7B88, 0x26BB1B80, 0x3CF010E4, 0x24DB166C,
-    0x79AB7E42, 0x62DF28D1, 0x47004665, 0x63F56FC6, 0x419E0C75, 0x46BE1F38,
-    0x243239B2, 0x758D03E0, 0x5CE12926, 0x3F574B74, 0x1F4458E2, 0x71D5639 ,
-    0x03A17B49, 0x173A7C76, 0x06EF7531, 0x48D32F34, 0x7D3E3063, 0x0F2F3549,
-    0x5C314C9 , 0x18CB6B6D, 0x26F83697, 0x447B1E9C, 0x2E323A33, 0x50745715,
-    0x01AC5746, 0x655A4E04, 0x4891060F, 0x1DA36B4F, 0x60E6227F, 0x20BF5EB4,
-    0x50B3225B, 0x40C10544, 0x415656C , 0x15405EAE, 0x185863E1, 0x236A1C4E,
-    0x08BD21F9, 0x2ACF7A68, 0x773665E5, 0x4EDF5F66, 0x617A1610, 0x524F4968,
-    0x42D006CD, 0x5F000079, 0x24DC2447, 0x6A4F5599, 0x37064D4A, 0x1DE70608,
-    0x233A2EE5, 0x137E488E, 0x18061B7B, 0x4079569D, 0x24A817D5, 0x44CE48F5,
-    0x575F7883, 0x22406802, 0x71AD70BB, 0x1D4A5D79, 0x3CBC7CE4, 0x335840D8,
-    0x05792E47, 0x27AD2C05, 0x3D196EAB, 0x331A40AF, 0x33035831, 0x13D93987,
-    0x7C542094, 0x045F317E, 0x5DC43F8B, 0x1379650C, 0x5C20193F, 0x7DD50298,
-    0x1D482B82, 0x4A6B6062, 0x5C8A757B, 0x272917C1, 0x10E16FBC, 0x355A5882,
-    0x66F86A35, 0x604555A1, 0x7DF7FBB , 0x758A6216, 0x1A113463, 0x53541BAD,
-    0x21576756, 0x483B6D8D, 0x1F052FCC, 0x4EA63DFB, 0x55B84677, 0x7B2E04F2,
-    0x787A796C, 0x04A12CD3, 0x46029BD , 0x1DB22DD8, 0x1A8C7F28, 0x061E452E,
-    0x132D3F78, 0x76525852, 0x73357BBA, 0x6BBB0A58, 0x62536AFA, 0x3F6B65EF,
-    0x6DC57B58, 0x1EB718CE, 0x66B02740, 0x5FF60B47, 0x32477B8F, 0x7FF35302,
-    0x29FD3E40, 0x475A43D1, 0x6FF9528A, 0x2018209D, 0x47E079C9, 0x4CF576D3,
-    0x28074E34, 0x5D6F58ED, 0x234045D1, 0x51CE35F9, 0x25297896, 0x644320FE,
-    0x0F4449A9, 0x54C361C6, 0x701D52F1, 0x4E094820, 0x718F0810, 0x61540689,
-    0x79DE5A1F, 0x52865C23, 0x48AC3A4B, 0x6A0C1BE0, 0x21B705DB, 0x7086465D,
-    0x1CC10929, 0x1E1D716E, 0x6D231D4C, 0x20495108, 0x38FF1971, 0x149C78D4,
-    0x441F1E8B, 0x43D95372, 0x69C324B4, 0x210B7DC9, 0x47815E78, 0x02476137,
-    0x6163DDF , 0x390D6EC2, 0x2F684E5B, 0x0E680ABD, 0x02232615, 0x12593380,
-    0x7B1465FE, 0x065A6957, 0x130F53EB, 0x6D772EF7, 0x10E916B6, 0x63BC7A68,
-    0x2ACB00BB, 0x651C5590, 0x194714B5, 0x730904EE, 0x59BB61B4, 0x34867DBC,
-    0x391C706C, 0x3C164218, 0x28931CD0, 0x129A66AB, 0x13171F4D, 0x62882872,
-    0x4B167FD4, 0x66902F4C, 0x7A794932, 0x54B152C , 0x30856EA9, 0x39466D55,
-    0x36696451, 0x0F5B1E8C, 0x077A3C6A, 0x51B956B4, 0x367E2D2A, 0x1D2C662A,
-    0x78FB6880, 0x4E6D40B6, 0x40706FDC, 0x4DF9679C, 0x20306EDB, 0x63812AE7,
-    0x255D2748, 0x1B8B617B, 0x3E036FAD, 0x04E444A7, 0x55A37517, 0x669B2988,
-    0x18FD5E8C, 0x67BD05CE, 0x34BB346C, 0x76994800, 0x05B958B6, 0x6DFA2FEF,
-    0x2055B5C , 0x1F843C4C, 0x72721B52, 0x73EF6B86, 0x5FB90B61, 0x43235DAC,
-    0x31D424B4, 0x768C0D7E, 0x162F2F9D, 0x7B2A7A99, 0x79392693, 0x442D12C0,
-    0x0692273E, 0x59A16E80, 0x5D956856, 0x44E73DAC, 0x0D874532, 0x5F5C1DD0,
-    0x5D167858, 0x05597EA2, 0x1D821476, 0x59654ED2, 0x594C0DC7, 0x1A873506,
-    0x3F693200, 0x7A651AB5, 0x20CC3C8A, 0x1F9E662C, 0x78E7631 , 0x2A01DA0 ,
-    0x3088472F, 0x12EE0D42, 0x360D4D5F, 0x73337E48, 0x0D634C06, 0x233A0ACB,
-    0x706651ED, 0x7AA54079, 0x262239D1, 0x3EBB6BB6, 0x225A4F3D, 0x32581A06,
-    0x6E6F5780, 0x577377C7, 0x75ED1DDC, 0x10DF2D15, 0x3C7929BC, 0x37175917,
-    0x354E381C, 0x762A2DD7, 0x76435AC1, 0x73BB749E, 0x52FE4E7E, 0x6C8140F4,
-    0x57694875, 0x12D30822, 0x474227CF, 0x37926D98, 0x121C7E24, 0x204E1EE7,
-    0x58C6268 , 0x2152080 , 0x316C3323, 0x7AB14A31, 0x61C13C03, 0x7D8E74F1,
-    0x73F446D0, 0x6C6C6A0A, 0x3BFD79FB, 0x67242969, 0x3E5524EB, 0x0FF5534 ,
-    0x52F05F1C, 0x17102DE3, 0x540F4A21, 0x798468E7, 0x419545EB, 0x193F7880,
-    0x2B246B20, 0x408A2BC4, 0x4BF66A49, 0x40894C55, 0x4CAA6398, 0x247856E9,
-    0x2F2A647D, 0x22F55D33, 0x70D37915, 0x50634C72, 0x5983671 , 0x2BCC5AF8,
-    0x1A77D48 , 0x411B5CFA, 0x71074D7E, 0x3A6B3593, 0x61425F05, 0x6271012A,
-    0x5B830310, 0x3D8418CA, 0x10A50792, 0x239F7137, 0x213D5071, 0x7F9930D4,
-    0x2462664F, 0x54180F8E, 0x291505BA, 0x6586387A, 0x144B2C12, 0x18E425C7,
-    0x3AA43373, 0x18F0503C, 0x19462AC0, 0x58B452EF, 0x72473895, 0x26BF5435,
-    0x6DA553B , 0x60912FA6, 0x5C337331, 0x3D93CD7 , 0x4D035752, 0x20691929,
-    0x389962F9, 0x36E701E9, 0x758B642C, 0x5FCA69E3, 0x596027F4, 0x2D5A2FD0,
-    0x5F18324A, 0x3DB165AA, 0x76BA3876, 0x1BC21AF6, 0x3CC10841, 0x73A60174,
-    0x625B7F58, 0x67C57724, 0x4458653C, 0x61573095, 0x2B370837, 0x03DF6CE3,
-    0x5D086EFA, 0x3F5227C2, 0x191B4785, 0x60843D82, 0x30DE11F1, 0x105E226C,
-    0x6E1C7AA2, 0x47AA5D14, 0x36676D03, 0x3B8D4DF6, 0x7372694 , 0x409521DC,
-    0x744206A , 0x4722023F, 0x2BE46AD5, 0x63E11D76, 0x4A4A09AB, 0x5CF252B9,
-    0x31586916, 0x4DFD7D84, 0x32037634, 0x2D7329D4, 0x4524582F, 0x2E5366C1,
-    0x3B0E019B, 0x38530C6A, 0x6A2542D , 0x0A6A00E5, 0x119725CC, 0x54065347,
-    0x1B6F7AF1, 0x6CCF71F1, 0x181117F2, 0x71674A76, 0x74F43880, 0x77A55F47,
-    0x59EA5B62, 0x4A331D95, 0x3CBB276F, 0x245C4D50, 0x4718D5  , 0x07CE05D1,
-    0x60D47AD5, 0x25CA1C40, 0x30061766, 0x669B39DF, 0x3D5F1320, 0x19306AD3,
-    0x28B30325, 0x0DD090F , 0x6A6E6F37, 0x2DF16F66, 0x2B514C7E, 0x31101C58,
-    0x7D4847FC, 0x515341CA, 0x77AB0EA6, 0x41320DAF, 0x3AF8531E, 0x24B31611,
-    0x6D377331, 0x7A832A22, 0x222511C7, 0x722D1F89, 0x3B194F18, 0x261B0A4D,
-    0x43F676DB, 0x4F8C6D61, 0x190F2250, 0x202E72A9, 0x560D4EA2, 0x308E67B4,
-    0x36746663, 0x17CC3852, 0x27EB2EAC, 0x7FDE0AA8, 0x264719A , 0x23261EDD,
-    0x3C0B339E, 0x06284D40, 0x48D82ECB, 0x24D44CF8, 0x43631B91, 0x4BF04248,
-    0x36497B9B, 0x68273C58, 0x630B7AF9, 0x20CC3F26, 0x6C3B7B71, 0x574433ED,
-    0x7A2552F6, 0x4CDE642D, 0x565B0142, 0x26F9207F, 0x67A207BE, 0x5B506684,
-    0x44DA4780, 0x11756A0C, 0x156104AF, 0x415561B0, 0x6E3A6886, 0x1DBA1EA2,
-    0x542359C8, 0x4C024E22, 0x758F052A, 0x1DD6395 , 0x2D194BAD, 0x616475A1,
-    0x42084602, 0x09C274AD, 0x13CB5562, 0x57FE2D5B, 0x607A4EE5, 0x16723A91,
-    0x4F624CCF, 0x2E5E24A3, 0x28FE6FAF, 0x3DDA6EF4, 0x32AF540C, 0x19A57B3B,
-    0x5D1D73A3, 0x23424B3E, 0x278445F5, 0x53971C3B, 0x427D7943, 0x5221358C,
-    0x26CE1A5E, 0x7B506CA4, 0x3B86636E, 0x60831F6D, 0x45E142F3, 0x21B77B04,
-    0x7BB65E0C, 0x78B80F5E, 0x7D8D172B, 0x3BF33A90, 0x2D572D9 , 0x2B5B4920,
-    0x36A05E01, 0x52745306, 0x47C64855, 0x1CAA669B, 0x304A2641, 0x4D6B1760,
-    0x3E176D79, 0x523241B0, 0x24A67957, 0x4BDE76AF, 0x4E5F1493, 0x4C215DA5,
-    0x33A052B , 0x1A4D00C2, 0x40AE6BCA, 0x390D106B, 0x69E86018, 0x5AF356CF,
-    0x63561D4 , 0x44F31C6 , 0x14B6299B, 0x0D2E25F0, 0x4CBF132A, 0x45AC18B6,
-    0x2227567D, 0x06B54E2F, 0x26344534, 0x22C515EC, 0x2442370D, 0x6C3721C6,
-    0x34EF687D, 0x1C06323A, 0x6AF36A60, 0x60396F52, 0x6AE70AA1, 0x49D06CBC,
-    0x6F9576C8, 0x584C4258, 0x3A9A27BB, 0x66DF0D47, 0x1D4804EA, 0x57DD1E67,
-    0x789C7895, 0x75336111, 0x25C122C8, 0x62742114, 0x4FBF6D26, 0x3F9F6482,
-    0x66F02CD9, 0x11083202, 0x499E2618, 0x7EBC1351, 0x440112F1, 0x49DF7BC1,
-    0x3BF45C25, 0x31BA7FA0, 0x61AF1AED, 0x6B1F7D29, 0x2D865294, 0x63E01129,
-    0x7E9E77A5, 0x100435D7, 0x1FE3A71 , 0x08597C81, 0x722849FA, 0x31C520AF,
-    0x7BA178DC, 0x7F102D31, 0x5CA07864, 0x150E6F98, 0x02C34882, 0x5D041F11,
-    0x0C613C57, 0x53984FD1, 0x426F38AD, 0x55992B1D, 0x7AFA078D, 0x2B253413,
-    0x594B32CF, 0x32887E38, 0x28933B46, 0x1A0B4168, 0x291B4A94, 0x653A5E8D,
-    0x21746BBE, 0x5EFE6415, 0x30DA429C, 0x50C5640C, 0x34711AA4, 0x529C67A6,
-    0x105957CD, 0x4D287499, 0x03CA0AA7, 0x28385832, 0x25A04A02, 0x420D47A4,
-    0x35627556, 0x4BC11E4C, 0x59E215C7, 0x27E838B4, 0x458612F4, 0x22827F6F,
-    0x449D4DBA, 0x679B7362, 0x4E495845, 0x4FD270D1, 0x395E76A0, 0x375A655E,
-    0x12E2058F, 0x73F970CA, 0x61EF73B3, 0x51FF5362, 0x67410345, 0x7FDA0B3B,
-    0x221962E8, 0x17AB6543, 0x26557412, 0x4B30084D, 0x268E191D, 0x7E0D13DF,
-    0x73EF127D, 0x4DEC5DB1, 0x77FA745F, 0x56002898, 0x12DD0A40, 0x157F6DDF,
-    0x42A55F8E, 0x43597924, 0x7B630C3F, 0x338B6B58, 0x32945F75, 0x4FA23A0E,
-    0x036E38C0, 0x33B18FD , 0x06114337, 0x24660ACB, 0x19BB02F0, 0x124C0A47,
-    0x3A951701, 0x01155ABF, 0x0C612D71, 0x36074CA7, 0x51660C41, 0x635F58C7,
-    0x7FC2002D, 0x0E6A7CF3, 0x65B07D07, 0x015F6A6B, 0x791B70DD, 0x6E475719,
-    0x424314C7, 0x68426EB , 0x71942FEE, 0x464A2F52, 0x677579FD, 0x6BA775AE,
-    0x1F66EFF , 0x1A795237, 0x78D9545F, 0x1D0B344D, 0x3BD34AB7, 0x2F85312A,
-    0x16C542AD, 0x3990185D, 0x08DF3351, 0x02811AA5, 0x6D351F41, 0x4066269D,
-    0x06B660BF, 0x6EDB4768, 0x5DD70CF0, 0x35D74F6E, 0x689E220C, 0x11431687,
-    0x147C49C9, 0x385762BD, 0x302F0AE4, 0x1DAB67F8, 0x483256C9, 0x37D50FCB,
-    0x4EA82711, 0x4D7B2C98, 0x19DB78BC, 0x58DE0DC2, 0x6AFF7E7B, 0x37621C93,
-    0x792C6E19, 0x77001192, 0x7F88439D, 0x2E196A66, 0x6C71378C, 0x6AF43B3A,
-    0x7C16225E, 0x6687337 , 0x4BEE1608, 0x6D5B5552, 0x345D4590, 0x681209CC,
-    0x7B242819, 0x508A1416, 0x19880FE3, 0x1FC7288A, 0x24BD0502, 0x6A1D1678,
-    0x20E6CA0 , 0x59BE2057, 0x5ADE11EB, 0x5EA8649D, 0x7A200E6F, 0x1149481D,
-    0x72281E93, 0x0A5B0451, 0x67312D58, 0x63B849F1, 0x52217960, 0x7CDF59F3,
-    0x33C775C0, 0x1EBA0799, 0x7DF1506 , 0x34E96110, 0x38FC73E3, 0x5EA059B2,
-    0x022936EA, 0x316406F6, 0x43911185, 0x6C0D10F3, 0x1C6F3DF8, 0x38DB12A9,
-    0x5CD41244, 0x2C9F0A7B, 0x5F4A315F, 0x77CE1C66, 0x4C800860, 0x318D53E0,
-    0x7105420D, 0x575361F2, 0x750810BA, 0x217E4CA5, 0x2010140 , 0x4D884763,
-    0x42BB0DA7, 0x32D53A74, 0x141C6CD4, 0x087F5FC3, 0x464B53  , 0x2D2A05F6,
-    0x15532B45, 0x5D5C3CE1, 0x3EB9216A, 0x2214611B, 0x1FC52C5F, 0x11AE5DD7,
-    0x20B925A9, 0x7C640AF4, 0x740009AC, 0x6D0E0321, 0x38E6A61 , 0x09104544,
-    0x474F26C8, 0x15254CF3, 0x341A6B59, 0x661904CE, 0x598B2197, 0x2412659D,
-    0x61976DD4, 0x329B3E16, 0x08FD1FB0, 0x304006F3, 0x3456309 , 0x55CC15F1,
-    0x59DA7630, 0x5C801335, 0x0036D52 , 0x353775A5, 0x299476EB, 0x75280568,
-    0x766F5264, 0x2EA233A6, 0x647619F3, 0x7FB30C7A, 0x1BC03B9 , 0x36BC3061,
-    0x3F30596E, 0x3E2A527B, 0x0AC04220, 0x641979A3, 0x1ECC3B89, 0x21447BC1,
-    0x4E8F2E26, 0x0C5A1D90, 0x299E5467, 0x57C947E3, 0x1D4865ED, 0x76F31C3D,
-    0x4EE81CDF, 0x3479195E, 0x6FFB3AE1, 0x5C82398 , 0x300F7364, 0x47940AFA,
-    0x3B853E3E, 0x598C440D, 0x224A3D89, 0x3A674204, 0x22880A38, 0x2E77F2D ,
-    0x22841C9C, 0x4F0609C3, 0x1FE90922, 0x09335017, 0x2D6B69A7, 0x7EDB63F9,
-    0x099A74EF, 0x1F9F1B40, 0x24BE17E8, 0x251D2F7A, 0x16AC50D3, 0x28D7ED6 ,
-    0x6D193443, 0x76156F1B, 0x30DF6A4E, 0x64FF6794, 0x63DB2C9A, 0x74353022,
-    0x556E025C, 0x23802AF9, 0x425018A4, 0x675A18BB, 0x70B227B9, 0x7FB01BF ,
-    0x63E7910 , 0x6C661591, 0x65745D2B, 0x4F6E379D, 0x52B32FAC, 0x1E6A1101,
-    0x1DE22385, 0x2338191F, 0x469704B6, 0x4BAB4599, 0x54EB4809, 0x78393E6D,
-    0x550017DD, 0x39B120E1, 0x288D52D3, 0x2D52668C, 0x20D22A68, 0x4E1207D1,
-    0x3FCC0EFE, 0x47F37E64, 0x25177A90, 0x34BF5D4D, 0x5A8D3DCE, 0x6F7275A8,
-    0x6BEA2655, 0x2A1810FC, 0x64DB593A, 0x0A4D4BC0, 0x2C402E93, 0x71C077F9,
-    0x6F0C4577, 0x70412414, 0x752F1DC1, 0x582E38EA, 0x2C455F7B, 0x4DCD4EDB,
-    0x12BC2696, 0x7B037135, 0x4FCA1F8C, 0x3D5E75F6, 0x502F41B0, 0x361653F1,
-    0x2E5B0E31, 0x20266B19, 0x57E703D7, 0x467B3E00, 0x47032BA3, 0x1F776B9C,
-    0x62570A84, 0x7EC75B48, 0x1BD5012 , 0x7D0A2D5D, 0x7FCC29F2, 0x291304B6,
-    0x19D558ED, 0x47551C8 , 0x7D12738F, 0x3ADE0892, 0x5F741997, 0x25D2E2F ,
-    0x2B9F2269, 0x5C134FED, 0x15E92399, 0x54437F4E, 0x272D32AB, 0x56186AA1,
-    0x7E4D355C, 0x234D7836, 0x2A871760, 0x4637A94 , 0x2C183207, 0x5FC78B3 ,
-    0x7F10621E, 0x276966B2, 0x6C9F4A11, 0x4E3F182C, 0x62BA2EF5, 0x25F239CD,
-    0x73D63FED, 0x636E1F5E, 0x0AC15A0E, 0x3F3D33EB, 0x738326EA, 0x35C366B1,
-    0x4D476E86, 0x02F63208, 0x711A1FC1, 0x426A4396, 0x7E4D1B93, 0x75E46DB7,
-    0x2F3C44A7, 0x51A56F5C, 0x7AD2463D, 0x0A5639CA, 0x49952C78, 0x4C4B64F6,
-    0x3AFE7F8D, 0x66993D04, 0x43867F37, 0x4BC146C2, 0x55A875EC, 0x681A1A75,
-    0x30A67E1B, 0x4A4A7D0C, 0x20F77993, 0x1891805 , 0x738976AD, 0x542667D6,
-    0x3C5C6EBF, 0x4499187F, 0x2BF17C97, 0x447C317F, 0x68D8419C, 0x7AAB6456,
-    0x421B4F29, 0x76740F9C, 0x09163B8D, 0x3D72AAB , 0x1AD54DD7, 0x754946EE,
-    0x7317342B, 0x218546D4, 0x10563DA7, 0x54BB4CCE, 0x0CE63E46, 0x5D146234,
-    0x33BE6C63, 0x325044E5, 0x09D72335, 0x07C36BA , 0x365530CC, 0x2DFA448C,
-    0x1663516F, 0x59B00AA , 0x150274EA, 0x12532D4A, 0x3CEF002D, 0x492F3DA5,
-    0x263A2574, 0x6F8005C2, 0x14A10651, 0x2F627ABA, 0x68293238, 0x26987646,
-    0x52590516, 0x10144D36, 0x59B151B9, 0x2B2A4F05, 0x53953699, 0x27851C75,
-    0x180646F3, 0x2E970306, 0x32843145, 0x18F4FE8F
-/* The source data is random across the q31_t range. Accessing it by word should
-   remain random. */
-const q15_t * fast_math_q15_inputs = (q15_t *) fast_math_q31_inputs;
-const float32_t fast_math_f32_inputs[FAST_MATH_MAX_LEN] =
-       -1.5E-07, 5.0545058, 6.1958757, 0.1884450, 3.3656774, 0.5471223,
-        -5.0396892, 6.2149808, 0.4206357, 5.9024140, 0.1142128, 4.2966847,
-        -4.9243615, 3.3560853, 5.5628775, 5.6486144, 3.9328821, 0.8662564,
-        -1.3684878, 1.1444261, 0.2627620, 0.6719343, 3.8732286, 5.9040643,
-        -2.2271110, 2.5800587, 6.1848498, 5.9412493, 4.2514839, 6.2096863,
-        -4.8181437, 2.1155439, 4.1618680, 1.5341357, 1.8567268, 4.2736867,
-        -3.3165594, 2.5861183, 3.7864876, 4.7156566, 3.6664471, 3.4670146,
-        -3.6666823, 3.2158594, 0.5189454, 4.5211925, 6.2590334, 2.2276047,
-        -6.1025991, 2.1768018, 5.5703194, 2.8569321, 2.5976403, 1.3680509,
-        -0.7895111, 1.9409676, 4.5622487, 4.9189303, 4.3591961, 0.0615894,
-        -5.2980657, 5.7951829, 4.8440482, 0.2680398, 2.3762136, 4.4254964,
-        -4.5836656, 1.4091744, 1.6905207, 4.2287795, 3.0001720, 3.9189258,
-        -1.4856273, 1.1129014, 5.2128031, 4.8187110, 5.8715002, 0.6778860,
-        -1.1449692, 0.6226340, 3.0772767, 1.2141962, 5.6290528, 0.6225986,
-        -0.2775005, 3.5015887, 4.8537297, 1.9599772, 1.1245801, 2.1297213,
-        -1.3203840, 3.2053828, 5.6948550, 3.9516457, 0.6379562, 2.4558128,
-        -0.3431663, 3.1496534, 2.7125841, 6.2678565, 5.0994494, 3.0514394,
-        -5.6199810, 0.8642307, 2.4504731, 5.8267510, 5.7647838, 4.4835177,
-        3.8851284, 2.1569414, 5.8812331, 0.7839784, 4.5904032, 4.0619375,
-        5.2348483, 2.5024810, 4.7112719, 5.2478452, 2.0260784, 3.4699621,
-        6.1520498, 3.4514073, 2.0761128, 3.8922546, 2.2659464, 4.7532896,
-        2.6006151, 3.0934955, 4.3652005, 6.1118673, 2.0593452, 5.2640727,
-        4.6437278, 5.9952549, 0.2005758, 2.2422740, 4.1635768, 1.7687265,
-        1.4475395, 4.4681525, 3.9243074, 3.7109036, 4.1496541, 0.2987948,
-        2.1914796, 2.8358565, 1.5136507, 4.4927603, 5.3795520, 1.7687650,
-        4.5933278, 0.8655898, 5.2572843, 0.8708603, 3.6958286, 2.3006310,
-        5.0690197, 3.1653480, 3.0762120, 5.5106597, 2.2188555, 2.8239372,
-        6.0540393, 0.2657649, 6.1132775, 1.1888217, 4.1916405, 3.6847088,
-        4.2418564, 2.2683684, 3.8973243, 5.0966113, 0.1209983, 0.5269928,
-        6.1248595, 4.0925498, 1.4529100, 2.5352096, 0.7666775, 1.6866509,
-        1.6200953, 2.0839142, 0.9565145, 2.1865966, 0.7644026, 5.5552975,
-        0.5923686, 5.8436176, 2.5071164, 0.2978322, 2.1511962, 4.6242118,
-        4.9931353, 3.4237447, 4.3116692, 5.6148598, 0.3442670, 1.9079607,
-        0.2902301, 1.2282167, 4.5249352, 4.5349096, 5.5153742, 3.6595342,
-        0.4441228, 5.7977751, 5.0288862, 1.7966571, 3.4159368, 6.1875316,
-        4.4967379, 5.2714014, 2.7222564, 2.9570223, 3.5230663, 1.6907520,
-        4.7062218, 3.1660203, 4.0640250, 1.9336225, 0.8716326, 2.9881129,
-        2.2773988, 4.9518627, 4.9027432, 4.2003861, 0.8388295, 0.1354396,
-        3.5175829, 1.8901016, 5.9024853, 6.1631993, 1.8008890, 5.0317023,
-        5.6304337, 3.7543702, 5.5544410, 5.9296402, 3.4504620, 4.5765894,
-        3.6238793, 0.1624673, 2.8056369, 4.0608350, 3.2748147, 2.3393094,
-        5.8881908, 5.2121085, 5.3349614, 2.3407017, 3.7270886, 5.4824095,
-        5.8653636, 4.2000849, 1.2992148, 4.1082644, 0.4527132, 2.5555406,
-        4.1904544, 5.8667713, 5.0953493, 3.0445066, 4.7547955, 2.6203864,
-        6.1059115, 6.2076281, 5.4295991, 2.4434288, 2.8572272, 1.5499814,
-        4.9286757, 5.5470323, 5.7410198, 3.5078076, 3.7627993, 0.9354200,
-        5.6530665, 2.8299063, 1.2922774, 5.6526739, 4.7914663, 5.5448250,
-        1.7903950, 4.2300036, 4.1737937, 0.7716694, 2.5592571, 1.7296789,
-        4.5029688, 1.7805566, 5.6309835, 5.1935484, 2.4506089, 3.1284165,
-        4.3655898, 5.2424950, 3.8304163, 3.6111801, 2.0485834, 2.8678003,
-        4.4849099, 5.5568808, 4.5292698, 0.1169475, 4.2397456, 2.7552322,
-        2.7509053, 0.7353640, 5.1187960, 2.0411269, 1.5470969, 2.1533307,
-        2.3605433, 3.4340988, 3.5306485, 2.4870244, 2.5015301, 3.2381477,
-        4.1313862, 5.9747764, 4.5386496, 2.5137752, 5.2268018, 0.8440727,
-        0.3799239, 0.5293398, 0.0000000, 2.0371338, 1.8958053, 0.0733938,
-        3.3923238, 0.5992443, 0.9205800, 3.9655772, 5.3992694, 6.1212150,
-        3.5866836, 6.2633946, 3.4780043, 3.2387210, 2.0777367, 2.7017810,
-        3.0901098, 0.4463392, 5.5778300, 0.4061048, 2.7406309, 5.1938664,
-        2.4789345, 3.8545764, 5.1436714, 5.5683790, 5.8503469, 1.1987353,
-        1.6247202, 5.6414565, 3.7282025, 3.1657206, 3.8503962, 5.1485818,
-        3.3419582, 1.2696753, 2.8518968, 2.6886436, 6.0698884, 3.8959208,
-        4.3692639, 4.5249277, 2.1796068, 3.2483466, 3.4978155, 0.9832885,
-        3.5315023, 4.3655778, 2.6794992, 5.2544420, 4.5954405, 2.2621418,
-        2.8539005, 2.4277593, 4.8729535, 4.6135614, 2.7035154, 4.3589760,
-        5.9389515, 4.9274787, 4.4332387, 0.6869673, 2.4500066, 3.7127639,
-        2.8863700, 0.3162955, 1.4368865, 5.2413645, 0.0982985, 5.4268554,
-        0.4905223, 4.2037186, 3.1429204, 1.3696954, 3.5915675, 0.7677371,
-        4.2170618, 3.7673071, 0.3517086, 0.3540136, 0.9581898, 0.1232828,
-        2.7342886, 5.2290017, 3.8791769, 3.2680695, 5.4278441, 0.6138541,
-        5.7054603, 0.6786889, 3.2483864, 0.8994758, 3.5146290, 0.0287746,
-        4.8172051, 5.3325973, 5.7605579, 6.2013046, 3.1738449, 1.7053924,
-        0.6330341, 3.1909083, 3.6794907, 4.7933610, 0.5212697, 4.1569315,
-        3.2482749, 1.0747264, 5.8971330, 3.7101152, 2.7685894, 5.9182512,
-        4.1212281, 2.8396586, 5.2759745, 3.3465722, 3.4801751, 4.2729777,
-        2.3071222, 1.5035072, 3.6374836, 5.4468120, 2.5558538, 0.7075818,
-        2.7887656, 1.8861142, 2.5219880, 5.2361777, 2.5360737, 2.4515477,
-        2.2647672, 0.8812504, 1.6344462, 0.5454754, 2.6979830, 1.6165554,
-        1.8695956, 2.6694641, 0.7490013, 3.1105972, 4.4384875, 1.5304166,
-        4.9327408, 0.4655185, 2.4748426, 0.0213259, 1.3865538, 0.0081717,
-        1.1886509, 0.8952537, 1.6843712, 1.0988793, 0.8711572, 3.7629093,
-        5.6615138, 5.9022971, 1.3897429, 3.0327137, 2.3625475, 3.2910070,
-        1.6642436, 0.4295011, 2.7415239, 1.0923508, 0.1640358, 5.9984205,
-        2.7055177, 6.0416507, 4.7903915, 0.0461730, 4.2728088, 4.4356194,
-        4.0534637, 3.4702651, 1.3704176, 4.8529200, 1.4327442, 2.3302118,
-        5.5978709, 5.3807748, 2.5285646, 1.9981730, 3.8241692, 5.7189253,
-        5.7120324, 3.7170973, 2.0896078, 5.3599569, 2.7796679, 5.6822331,
-        0.2084724, 3.3453343, 4.5018856, 1.1265867, 2.1144987, 1.1794352,
-        2.0227281, 2.5375066, 3.4467437, 0.3062336, 3.4729184, 1.7266910,
-        1.5174002, 1.5277262, 0.9686124, 6.0093412, 5.8789338, 5.1441345,
-        4.5758041, 1.1046577, 2.2642776, 1.1862024, 0.0075297, 1.9881224,
-        4.3958232, 3.9285942, 3.4121603, 2.7585521, 1.8059588, 3.1520171,
-        4.7849358, 4.7903511, 3.6194660, 4.6977042, 4.0560129, 0.7742111,
-        3.1692252, 2.1819072, 0.5789810, 0.9289656, 1.2451370, 4.2239985,
-        2.7112647, 4.3630684, 1.6134250, 0.0613154, 3.3444332, 1.7554715,
-        5.9453394, 5.6953510, 2.4673100, 0.1561700, 4.2187618, 5.2600982,
-        6.1041123, 0.3577199, 2.8294680, 3.6597688, 4.3142726, 4.5203293,
-        4.0843265, 4.5673388, 2.3489542, 3.6541880, 0.7295941, 0.3622530,
-        6.1560465, 1.7896003, 3.7383338, 6.0454361, 1.1672793, 1.2129049,
-        2.1466132, 5.8615704, 2.4546365, 1.7166712, 0.9547117, 2.4951084,
-        2.3544507, 0.8238180, 2.7334414, 0.5749942, 3.8618151, 0.0689837,
-        3.6019012, 4.9620190, 1.4788531, 2.8149909, 3.5773830, 0.3857966,
-        3.1182750, 4.0357856, 1.3902536, 5.2593808, 6.1014456, 5.3179177,
-        3.1792883, 1.7522271, 4.6911344, 1.4886775, 6.0151778, 3.8972087,
-        3.7715583, 1.0845061, 0.5676653, 1.6038597, 5.3945577, 5.7244031,
-        4.3959286, 4.5564551, 1.4444168, 3.6194506, 5.0933266, 2.5374227,
-        6.2105471, 0.5654792, 2.0165320, 3.2132771, 0.3808010, 4.5596317,
-        3.4969429, 3.3260664, 5.2149334, 5.3957421, 4.9576149, 1.9970040,
-        2.8413032, 4.7263877, 0.6902815, 0.6895316, 1.6957291, 3.2963937,
-        6.1113470, 4.4636294, 1.9594738, 1.8312791, 5.3429527, 5.7280497,
-        4.0166905, 1.6045389, 0.5571039, 5.2669152, 3.6738954, 5.9571429,
-        0.3834561, 3.6734096, 1.7913869, 5.2007946, 1.2000032, 2.7804978,
-        2.4718774, 5.1935175, 4.2529065, 1.3044083, 1.9987109, 0.8407592,
-        4.2189258, 3.5876427, 1.0666779, 0.9277486, 2.9912971, 5.7057758,
-        3.4694180, 0.2069675, 0.3384307, 5.0583614, 2.8360719, 2.4042372,
-        4.9614777, 2.2888819, 3.3448533, 4.4714710, 5.4756485, 2.0652177,
-        4.0848120, 6.1250762, 0.4773170, 3.6883502, 2.6005256, 1.9423615,
-        1.6577182, 4.7674690, 6.2531264, 1.1722630, 4.9080805, 1.2302350,
-        6.2351753, 5.0407581, 2.6654950, 4.5795867, 3.1312479, 5.0830358,
-        2.2400117, 0.4602021, 3.7133088, 5.7188788, 1.2174673, 2.7166470,
-        4.7071094, 0.2462034, 5.9459353, 4.7983010, 3.5111731, 1.1551193,
-        3.1287047, 3.2537199, 6.2470131, 5.3711915, 6.0469623, 4.2659122,
-        2.5352740, 5.8746469, 3.0126903, 1.4563896, 2.4899651, 4.4301324,
-        3.5095299, 4.7540509, 6.2547920, 6.0471349, 3.3619258, 6.0561746,
-        0.7264988, 0.3232592, 1.9122808, 3.6454528, 3.3361480, 5.6624574,
-        3.3963785, 2.7142142, 3.4096772, 4.4762342, 0.1047703, 5.0323343,
-        0.8954125, 3.0063438, 1.6137441, 2.3190715, 4.1579916, 1.0656836,
-        1.7516517, 1.2454643, 1.2256706, 2.0535941, 5.5313259, 2.9600203,
-        2.5382144, 1.1261446, 6.0879353, 2.5601199, 5.3060708, 3.8662016,
-        2.3663172, 5.5114955, 4.9313732, 2.9213939, 5.1143679, 5.6450910,
-        2.6969853, 2.1006537, 3.7488443, 5.6673754, 4.4112136, 2.3716204,
-        4.6178643, 5.9948046, 3.4105954, 3.3935850, 1.9547595, 0.4475800,
-        1.1434170, 0.5842667, 2.9121888, 0.0586379, 5.7492774, 4.0384655,
-        0.0089162, 0.1909163, 1.3098570, 2.8586366, 0.7996361, 0.0543350,
-        4.5683759, 2.2249794, 4.9036865, 2.7435946, 2.7429546, 0.3092155,
-        0.3118464, 0.5723993, 3.7324447, 1.5147758, 5.2864780, 5.3860266,
-        6.0545540, 3.0718480, 1.3842492, 1.4213108, 3.3727372, 4.7884765,
-        2.1838288, 2.8980046, 4.0169897, 5.7637923, 1.0151904, 4.4964699,
-        3.6300404, 2.7224978, 5.5558613, 2.4696170, 1.1245340, 3.9793522,
-        3.9207111, 2.0605178, 5.0451799, 6.2799046, 6.1636676, 0.7981966,
-        1.4592079, 0.1484872, 3.8166117, 0.6962355, 2.5601436, 5.5548184,
-        3.4440198, 2.3185147, 1.3090764, 2.7705283, 6.0079576, 0.7792778,
-        2.9578927, 5.3840384, 0.2726304, 4.3456090, 6.1511471, 1.7798247,
-        0.8405677, 4.3057392, 5.7142715, 3.8382030, 5.6547587, 1.2153801,
-        4.7401894, 2.1756202, 2.6303011, 0.9784166, 5.1459324, 3.9265103,
-        4.6405120, 5.0586705, 0.4223724, 5.9739917, 3.1263686, 4.7447217,
-        4.6646686, 5.2221411, 0.9833301, 2.8733554, 3.8836400, 5.8570808,
-       -5.2470141, 5.6261119, 3.6600718, 3.6615062, 5.3716581, 0.2190677,
-       -5.5632585, 2.5618482, 0.2285950, 4.6881858, 0.9728179, 0.9042027,
-       -3.8073530, 1.5989503, 2.0367209, 2.5245268, 2.5533189, 2.4265105,
-       -3.8314979, 1.0486053, 1.1818174, 0.5945707, 2.0306392, 4.8355201,
-       -1.4710068, 4.6518534, 4.3531065, 5.1778361, 5.2023364, 1.8432851,
-       -1.9438243, 3.2862931, 2.0439139, 5.2266206, 5.0912323, 3.4997233,
-       -1.6522518, 4.2761236, 1.4680860, 2.8678051, 2.4163051, 3.3841326,
-       -6.2310582, 4.7451897, 6.1603795, 1.4751828, 3.3210347, 0.3231823,
-       -4.7555888, 3.7823504, 5.3857498, 6.2095284, 5.8401232, 2.5730582,
-       -0.0021455, 3.3984387, 1.3052100, 1.3777994, 2.0471011, 0.6028680,
-       -4.6968925, 4.7030205, 3.4136510, 2.1245480, 5.2297066, 3.4719134,
-       -6.0164208, 5.6098372, 2.2399783, 3.4331443, 2.1782657, 3.9131853,
-       -5.0053405, 4.6864702, 0.7887674, 5.1672539, 0.1580253, 2.6039335,
-       -4.5955687, 4.9095176, 2.3077255, 4.6801428, 5.6062801, 1.5243220,
-       -0.8142818, 1.4141432, 2.1992023, 1.8038058, 5.8275790, 0.3224138,
-       -3.7238350, 1.0235240, 5.2678588, 1.0528164, 3.1554195, 6.2789723,
-       -2.2330890, 0.2957980, 1.3424690, 2.4996969, 2.0964990, 1.4426353,
-       -5.8818165, 4.2926017, 6.0451393, 2.7518666, 5.9083095, 0.0366581,
-       -3.8346722, 5.0333074, 1.4638661, 5.8588735, 4.7957215, 5.1927356,
-       -3.6031780, 4.9799375, 2.0674268, 1.4040530, 1.9627813, 3.6726693,
-       -5.2145043, 1.8250297, 2.5293238, 5.4164658, 3.8625225, 6.2278165,
-       -1.2798778, 5.1975080, 4.2465638, 1.5641957, 2.9894493, 2.5074636,
-       -3.7663816, 5.0298329, 0.6601666, 5.1612735, 5.2847013, 2.2274284,
-       -2.7022061, 3.5954850, 4.4034117, 4.6650751, 4.7619266, 2.4449681,
-       -2.6973871, 6.0088907, 3.6000853, 5.3389611
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/biquad_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/biquad_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3157d1c..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/biquad_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "filtering_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "filtering_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define BIQUAD_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, instance_name, config_suffix, output_type)    \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##_##suffix##_test,       \
-         arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##_##suffix)                          \
-   {                                                                             \
-      instance_name biquad_inst_fut = { 0 };                                     \
-      instance_name biquad_inst_ref = { 0 };                                     \
-                                                                                 \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                      \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes             \
-            ,                                                                    \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                   \
-               numstages_idx, uint16_t, numStages, filtering_numstages           \
-               ,                                                                 \
-               /* Initialize the BIQUAD Instances */                             \
-               arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##_init_##suffix(               \
-                     &biquad_inst_fut, numStages,                                \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_b_##suffix,                  \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState);                                 \
-                                                                                 \
-               /* Display test parameter values */                               \
-               JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                                \
-                               "Number of Stages: %d\n",                         \
-                               (int)blockSize,                                   \
-                               (int)numStages);                                  \
-                                                                                 \
-               JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                               \
-                     arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##_##suffix(              \
-                           &biquad_inst_fut,                                     \
-                           (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                 \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_fut,                        \
-                           blockSize));                                          \
-                                                                                 \
-               arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##_init_##suffix(               \
-                     &biquad_inst_ref, numStages,                                \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_b_##suffix,                  \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState);                                 \
-                                                                                 \
-               ref_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##_##suffix(                    \
-                     &biquad_inst_ref,                                           \
-                     (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                       \
-                     (void *) filtering_output_ref,                              \
-                     blockSize);                                                 \
-                                                                                 \
-               FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                  \
-                     blockSize,                                                  \
-                     output_type)));                                             \
-                                                                                 \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                            \
-   }
-#define BIQUAD_WITH_POSTSHIFT_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, config_suffix, speed, output_type)   \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##speed##_##suffix##_test,      \
-         arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##speed##_##suffix)                         \
-   {                                                                                   \
-      arm_biquad_casd_##config_suffix##_inst_##suffix biquad_inst_fut = { 0 };         \
-      arm_biquad_casd_##config_suffix##_inst_##suffix biquad_inst_ref = { 0 };         \
-                                                                                       \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                            \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes                   \
-            ,                                                                          \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                         \
-               numstages_idx, uint16_t, numStages, filtering_numstages                 \
-               ,                                                                       \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                      \
-                  postshifts_idx, uint8_t, postShift, filtering_postshifts             \
-                  ,                                                                    \
-                  /* Display test parameter values */                                  \
-                  JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                                   \
-                                  "Number of Stages: %d\n"                             \
-                                  "Post Shift: %d\n",                                  \
-                                  (int)blockSize,                                      \
-                                  (int)numStages,                                      \
-                                  (int)postShift);                                     \
-                                                                                       \
-                  /* Initialize the BIQUAD Instances */                                \
-                  arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##_init_##suffix(                  \
-                        &biquad_inst_fut, numStages,                                   \
-                        (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_b_##suffix,                     \
-                        (void *) filtering_pState, postShift);                         \
-                                                                                       \
-                  JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                  \
-                        arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##speed##_##suffix(          \
-                              &biquad_inst_fut,                                        \
-                              (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                    \
-                              (void *) filtering_output_fut,                           \
-                              blockSize));                                             \
-                                                                                       \
-                  arm_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##_init_##suffix(                  \
-                        &biquad_inst_ref, numStages,                                   \
-                        (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_b_##suffix,                     \
-                        (void *) filtering_pState, postShift);                         \
-                                                                                       \
-                  ref_biquad_cascade_##config_suffix##speed##_##suffix(                \
-                        &biquad_inst_ref,                                              \
-                        (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                          \
-                        (void *) filtering_output_ref,                                 \
-                        blockSize);                                                    \
-                                                                                       \
-                  FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                     \
-                        blockSize,                                                     \
-                        output_type))));                                               \
-                                                                                       \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                                  \
-   }
-      arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_q31)
-   arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31 biquad_inst_fut = { 0 };
-   arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31 biquad_inst_ref = { 0 };
-         blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes
-         ,
-            numstages_idx, uint16_t, numStages, filtering_numstages
-            ,
-               postshifts_idx, uint8_t, postShift, filtering_postshifts
-               ,
-               /* Initialize the BIQUAD Instances */
-               arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_init_q31(
-                     &biquad_inst_fut, numStages,
-                     (q31_t*)filtering_coeffs_b_q31,
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, postShift);
-              /* Display test parameter values */
-              JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"
-                              "Number of Stages: %d\n",
-                              (int)blockSize,
-                              (int)numStages);
-               JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(
-                     arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_q31(
-                           &biquad_inst_fut,
-                           (void *) filtering_q31_inputs,
-                           (void *) filtering_output_fut,
-                           blockSize));
-               arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_init_q31(
-                     &biquad_inst_ref, numStages,
-                     (q31_t*)filtering_coeffs_b_q31,
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, postShift);
-               ref_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_q31(
-                     &biquad_inst_ref,
-                     (void *) filtering_q31_inputs,
-                     (void *) filtering_output_ref,
-                     blockSize);
-                     blockSize,
-                     q31_t))));
-         return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;
-     arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_f64)
-  arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f64 biquad_inst_fut = { 0 };
-  arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f64 biquad_inst_ref = { 0 };
-        blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes
-        ,
-           numstages_idx, uint16_t, numStages, filtering_numstages
-           ,
-           /* Display test parameter values */
-           JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"
-                           "Number of Stages: %d\n",
-                           (int)blockSize,
-                           (int)numStages);
-           /* Initialize the BIQUAD Instances */
-           arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_init_f64(
-                 &biquad_inst_fut, numStages,
-                 (float64_t*)filtering_coeffs_b_f64,
-                 (void *) filtering_pState);
-                 arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_f64(
-                       &biquad_inst_fut,
-                       (void *) filtering_f64_inputs,
-                       (void *) filtering_output_fut,
-                       blockSize));
-           arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_init_f64(
-                 &biquad_inst_ref, numStages,
-                 (float64_t*)filtering_coeffs_b_f64,
-                 (void *) filtering_pState);
-           ref_biquad_cascade_df2T_f64(
-                 &biquad_inst_ref,
-                 (void *) filtering_f64_inputs,
-                 (void *) filtering_output_ref,
-                 blockSize);
-                 blockSize,
-                 float64_t)));
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;
-BIQUAD_DEFINE_TEST(f32,arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32, df1,float32_t);
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cascade_stereo_df2T_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cascade_df2T_f64_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cascade_df1_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cascade_df1_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cascade_df1_fast_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cascade_df1_fast_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_q31_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/conv_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/conv_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c2fdf0f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/conv_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "filtering_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "filtering_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-/* Header Stuff */
-#define CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS  32
-#define CONV_TEST_VALID_PARTIAL_PARAMS(input_a_len, input_b_len,           \
-                                       first_index, num_points)            \
-    (((((input_a_len) + (input_b_len) - 1)) >= num_points + first_index )  \
-    && (num_points > 0))
-/* Input Interfaces */
- *  General:
- *  Input interfaces provide inputs to functions inside test templates.  They
- *  ONLY provide the inputs.  The output variables should be hard coded.
- *
- *  The input interfaces must have the following format:
- *
- *
- *  The xxx must be lowercase, and is intended to be the indentifying substring
- *  in the function's name.  Acceptable values are 'sub' or 'add' from the
- *  functions arm_add_q31.
- */
-#define CONV_arm_conv_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len, (void*)filtering_output_fut)
-#define CONV_ref_conv_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len, (void*)filtering_output_ref)
-#define CONV_arm_conv_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(              \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                               \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                               \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,   \
-          (void*) filtering_output_fut,                 \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                    \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CONV_ref_conv_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(              \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                               \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                               \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,   \
-          (void*) filtering_output_ref,                 \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                    \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CONV_arm_conv_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,        \
-                                           input_b, input_b_len)        \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len, (void*)filtering_output_fut)
-#define CONV_ref_conv_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,        \
-                                           input_b, input_b_len)        \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len, (void*)filtering_output_ref)
-#define CONV_arm_conv_fast_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(         \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                               \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                               \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,   \
-          (void*) filtering_output_fut,                 \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                    \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CONV_ref_conv_fast_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(         \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                               \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                               \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,   \
-          (void*) filtering_output_ref,                 \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                    \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CONV_arm_conv_partial_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,     \
-                                              input_b, input_b_len,     \
-                                              first_index, num_points)  \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,                   \
-          (void*)filtering_output_fut, first_index, num_points)
-#define CONV_ref_conv_partial_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,     \
-                                              input_b, input_b_len,     \
-                                              first_index, num_points)  \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,                   \
-          (void*)filtering_output_ref, first_index, num_points)
-#define CONV_arm_conv_partial_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,   \
-                                              input_b, input_b_len,        \
-                                              first_index, num_points)     \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,                      \
-          (void*)filtering_output_fut, first_index, num_points)
-#define CONV_ref_conv_partial_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,   \
-                                              input_b, input_b_len,        \
-                                              first_index, num_points)     \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,                      \
-          (void*)filtering_output_ref, first_index, num_points)
-#define CONV_arm_conv_partial_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len, \
-                                              input_b, input_b_len,     \
-                                              first_index, num_points)  \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,                   \
-          (void*)filtering_output_fut, first_index, num_points,         \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                                    \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CONV_ref_conv_partial_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len, \
-                                              input_b, input_b_len,     \
-                                              first_index, num_points)  \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,                   \
-          (void*)filtering_output_ref, first_index, num_points,         \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                                    \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CONV_arm_conv_partial_fast_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,  \
-                                              input_b, input_b_len,           \
-                                              first_index, num_points)        \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,                         \
-          (void*)filtering_output_fut, first_index, num_points,               \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                                          \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CONV_ref_conv_partial_fast_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,  \
-                                              input_b, input_b_len,           \
-                                              first_index, num_points)        \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,                         \
-          (void*)filtering_output_ref, first_index, num_points,               \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                                          \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-/* Convolution Inputs */
-/* The following symbols alias the filtering_q31_inputs array:
- *
- * - filtering_q15_inputs
- * - filtering_q7_inputs
- *
- * The aliasing conflicts with the instantiation of #ARR_DESC_t structs.
- *
- * These macro-level aliases allow the #CONV_DEFINE_RAND_INPUT_ARR_DESCS() macro
- * to correctly select the filtering_q31_input or filtering_f32_input array,
- * within a template, by type_suffix.
- *
- */
-#define CONV_f32_INPUTS filtering_f32_inputs
-#define CONV_q31_INPUTS filtering_q31_inputs
-#define CONV_q15_INPUTS filtering_q31_inputs
-#define CONV_q7_INPUTS  filtering_q31_inputs
- *  Defines #ARR_DESC_t objects that wrap existing, type-specific, common
- *  inputs.
- */
-#define CONV_DEFINE_RAND_INPUT_ARR_DESCS(type_suffix)           \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE_USING_ARR(                                  \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(type_suffix),                          \
-        conv_input_rand1_##type_suffix,                         \
-        CONV_##type_suffix##_INPUTS,                            \
-        0,                                                      \
-        CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS);                                   \
-                                                                \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE_USING_ARR(                                  \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(type_suffix),                          \
-        conv_input_rand2_##type_suffix,                         \
-        CONV_##type_suffix##_INPUTS,                            \
-        1,                                                      \
-        CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS)  /* Note the lacking semicolon */
-ARR_DESC_DEFINE(float32_t, conv_input_zeros, CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS, CURLY(0));
- *  Define Input #ARR_DESC_t arrays by type suffix.
- *
- *  Taking inputs in parallel from the 'a' and 'b' arrays yields the following
- *  test cases (star is convolution):
- *
- *  - zero_array   * zero_array
- *  - zero_array   * random_array
- *  - random_array * zero_array
- *  - random_array * different_random_arary
- */
-#define CONV_DEFINE_ALL_INPUTS(type_suffix)                 \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE(ARR_DESC_t *,                           \
-                    conv_##type_suffix##_a_inputs,          \
-                    4,                                      \
-                    CURLY(                                  \
-                        &conv_input_zeros,                  \
-                        &conv_input_zeros,                  \
-                        &conv_input_rand1_##type_suffix,    \
-                        &conv_input_rand1_##type_suffix     \
-                        ));                                 \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE(ARR_DESC_t *,                           \
-                    conv_##type_suffix##_b_inputs,          \
-                    4,                                      \
-                    CURLY(                                  \
-                        &conv_input_zeros,                  \
-                        &conv_input_rand1_##type_suffix,    \
-                        &conv_input_zeros,                  \
-                        &conv_input_rand2_##type_suffix     \
-                        )) /* Note the lacking semicolon */
-/* Convolution Lengths */
- *  The conv_lens_a and conv_lens_b #ARR_DESC_t objects are accessed in parallel
- *  to provide convolution-length pairs. Taken in parallel they provide the
- *  following cases:
- *
- *  - 1 * 1    : Shortest convolution possible.
- *  - 1 * 2    : Short convolution   , one side is degenerate .
- *  - 17 * 1   : Medium convolution  , one side is degenerate .
- *  - 15 * MAX : Longest convolution , one side is degenerate .
- *  MAX * MAX  : Longest convolution.
- */
-                conv_lens_a,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                    1,
-                    1,
-                    17,
-                    15,
-                    CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS
-                    ));
-                conv_lens_b,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                    1,
-                    2,
-                    1,
-                    CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS,
-                    CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS
-                    ));
-/* Partial Indexing */
-                first_index_arr_desc,
-                4,
-                CURLY(
-                    0,
-                    1,
-                    CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS / 2,
-                    CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS
-                    ));
-                num_points_arr_desc,
-                3,
-                CURLY(
-                    1,
-                    CONV_MAX_OUTPUT_ELTS / 2,
-                    CONV_MAX_OUTPUT_ELTS
-                    ));
-/* Convolution Tests */
-#define CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE(fut, fut_arg_interface,                            \
-                           ref, ref_arg_interface,                            \
-                           suffix, output_type)                               \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(fut##_tests, fut)                                       \
-    {                                                                         \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                 \
-            input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, conv_##suffix##_a_inputs      \
-            ,                                                                 \
-            void * input_a_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;                         \
-            void * input_b_ptr = ARR_DESC_ELT(                                \
-                ARR_DESC_t *, input_idx,                                      \
-                &(conv_##suffix##_b_inputs))->data_ptr;                       \
-                                                                              \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                             \
-                conv_len_idx, uint32_t, conv_len_a, conv_lens_a               \
-                ,                                                             \
-                uint32_t conv_len_b = ARR_DESC_ELT(                           \
-                    uint32_t, conv_len_idx, &(conv_lens_b));                  \
-                                                                              \
-                JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Input A Length: %d\n"                        \
-                                "Input B Length: %d\n",                       \
-                                (int)conv_len_a,                              \
-                                (int)conv_len_b);                             \
-                                                                              \
-                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                                        \
-                    fut, fut_arg_interface(                                   \
-                        input_a_ptr, conv_len_a, input_b_ptr, conv_len_b),    \
-                    ref, ref_arg_interface(                                   \
-                        input_a_ptr, conv_len_a, input_b_ptr, conv_len_b));   \
-                                                                              \
-                FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                              \
-                    conv_len_a + conv_len_b - 1,                              \
-                    output_type)));                                           \
-                                                                              \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                             \
-    }                                                                         \
-                                                                              \
-#define CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE(fut, fut_arg_interface,                    \
-                                   ref, ref_arg_interface,                    \
-                                   suffix, output_type)                       \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(fut##_tests, fut)                                       \
-    {                                                                         \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                 \
-            input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, conv_##suffix##_a_inputs      \
-            ,                                                                 \
-            void * input_a_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;                         \
-            void * input_b_ptr = ARR_DESC_ELT(                                \
-                ARR_DESC_t *, input_idx,                                      \
-                &(conv_##suffix##_b_inputs))->data_ptr;                       \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                             \
-                conv_len_idx, uint32_t, conv_len_a, conv_lens_a               \
-                ,                                                             \
-                uint32_t conv_len_b = ARR_DESC_ELT(                           \
-                    uint32_t, conv_len_idx, &(conv_lens_b));                  \
-                                                                              \
-                TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                         \
-                    first_index_idx, uint32_t, first_index,                   \
-                    first_index_arr_desc                                      \
-                    ,                                                         \
-                    TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                     \
-                        num_points_idx, uint32_t, num_points,                 \
-                        num_points_arr_desc                                   \
-                        ,                                                     \
-                        if (CONV_TEST_VALID_PARTIAL_PARAMS(                   \
-                                conv_len_a, conv_len_b,                       \
-                                first_index, num_points))                     \
-                        {                                                     \
-                            /* Display test parameter values */               \
-                            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Input A Length: %d\n"            \
-                                            "Input B Length: %d\n"            \
-                                            "First Sample Index: %d\n"        \
-                                            "Number of Output Points: %d\n",  \
-                                            (int)conv_len_a,                  \
-                                            (int)conv_len_b,                  \
-                                            (int)first_index,                 \
-                                            (int)num_points);                 \
-                                                                              \
-                           memset(filtering_output_ref,0,                     \
-                                 (2*CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS)*sizeof(output_type)); \
-                           memset(filtering_output_fut,0,                     \
-                                 (2*CONV_MAX_INPUT_ELTS)*sizeof(output_type)); \
-                                                                              \
-                            TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                            \
-                                fut, fut_arg_interface(                       \
-                                    input_a_ptr, conv_len_a,                  \
-                                    input_b_ptr, conv_len_b,                  \
-                                    first_index, num_points),                 \
-                                ref, ref_arg_interface(                       \
-                                    input_a_ptr, conv_len_a,                  \
-                                    input_b_ptr, conv_len_b,                  \
-                                    first_index, num_points));                \
-                                                                              \
-                            FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE_OFFSET(           \
-                                first_index,                                  \
-                                num_points,                                   \
-                                output_type);                                 \
-                        } else {                                              \
-                            /* FUT should return ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR*/    \
-                            /* if first_index and num_points don't make */    \
-                            /* sense*/                                        \
-                                                                              \
-                            arm_status conv_test_retval;                      \
-                            TEST_CALL_FUT(                                    \
-                                conv_test_retval = fut,                       \
-                                fut_arg_interface(                            \
-                                    input_a_ptr, conv_len_a,                  \
-                                    input_b_ptr, conv_len_b,                  \
-                                    first_index, num_points));                \
-                                                                              \
-                            if (conv_test_retval != ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR) { \
-                                JTEST_DUMP_STR("FUT failed to raise error."); \
-                                /* return JTEST_TEST_FAILED; */               \
-                            }                                                 \
-                        }))));                                                \
-                                                                              \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                             \
-    }
-#define CONV_DEFINE_TEST(fn_name, suffix, output_type, test_template)   \
-    test_template(                                                      \
-        arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                                       \
-        CONV_arm_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                           \
-        ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                                       \
-        CONV_ref_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                           \
-        suffix,                                                         \
-        output_type                                                     \
-        ) /* Note the lacking semicolon*/
-/* Tests on functions without partial outputs */
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv          , f32, float32_t, CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv          , q31, q31_t    , CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv          , q15, q15_t    , CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv          , q7 , q7_t     , CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_opt      , q15, q15_t    , CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_opt      , q7 , q7_t     , CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_fast     , q31, q31_t    , CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_fast     , q15, q15_t    , CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_fast_opt , q15, q15_t    , CONV_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-/* Tests on functions with partial outputs  */
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial          , f32, float32_t, CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial          , q31, q31_t    , CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial          , q15, q15_t    , CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial          , q7 , q7_t     , CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial_fast     , q31, q31_t    , CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial_fast     , q15, q15_t    , CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial_fast_opt , q15, q15_t    , CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial_opt      , q15, q15_t    , CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CONV_DEFINE_TEST(conv_partial_opt      , q7 , q7_t     , CONV_PARTIAL_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_f32_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_q31_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_q7_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_opt_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_opt_q7_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_fast_q31_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_fast_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_fast_opt_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_f32_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_q31_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_q7_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_fast_q31_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_fast_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_fast_opt_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_opt_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_conv_partial_opt_q7_tests);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/correlate_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/correlate_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 689b075..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/correlate_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "filtering_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "filtering_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-/* Header Stuff */
-/* Input Interfaces */
- *  General:
- *  Input interfaces provide inputs to functions inside test templates.  They
- *  ONLY provide the inputs.  The output variables should be hard coded.
- *
- *  The input interfaces must have the following format:
- *
- *
- *  The xxx must be lowercase, and is intended to be the indentifying substring
- *  in the function's name.  Acceptable values are 'sub' or 'add' from the
- *  functions arm_add_q31.
- */
-#define CORRELATE_arm_correlate_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len, (void*)filtering_output_fut)
-#define CORRELATE_ref_correlate_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len) \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len, (void*)filtering_output_ref)
-#define CORRELATE_arm_correlate_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(    \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                               \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                               \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,   \
-          (void*) filtering_output_fut,                 \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch)
-#define CORRELATE_arm_correlate_opt_q7_INPUT_INTERFACE(  \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                                \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                                \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,    \
-          (void*) filtering_output_fut,                  \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                     \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CORRELATE_ref_correlate_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(    \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                               \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                               \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,   \
-          (void*) filtering_output_ref,                 \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch)
-#define CORRELATE_ref_correlate_opt_q7_INPUT_INTERFACE( \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                               \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                               \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,   \
-          (void*) filtering_output_ref,                 \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch,                    \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch2)
-#define CORRELATE_arm_correlate_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,          \
-                                           input_b, input_b_len)                    \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len, (void*)filtering_output_fut)
-#define CORRELATE_ref_correlate_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a, input_a_len,          \
-                                           input_b, input_b_len)                    \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len, (void*)filtering_output_ref)
-#define CORRELATE_arm_correlate_fast_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(   \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                                   \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                                   \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,       \
-          (void*) filtering_output_fut,                     \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch)
-#define CORRELATE_ref_correlate_fast_opt_INPUT_INTERFACE(   \
-    input_a, input_a_len,                                   \
-    input_b, input_b_len)                                   \
-    PAREN(input_a, input_a_len, input_b, input_b_len,       \
-          (void*) filtering_output_ref,                     \
-          (void*) filtering_scratch)
-/* Convolution Inputs */
-/* The following symbols alias the filtering_q31_inputs array:
- *
- * - filtering_q15_inputs
- * - filtering_q7_inputs
- *
- * The aliasing conflicts with the instantiation of #ARR_DESC_t structs.
- *
- * These macro-level aliases allow the #CORRELATE_DEFINE_RAND_INPUT_ARR_DESCS() macro
- * to correctly select the filtering_q31_input or filtering_f32_input array,
- * within a template, by type_suffix.
- *
- */
-#define CORRELATE_f32_INPUTS filtering_f32_inputs
-#define CORRELATE_q31_INPUTS filtering_q31_inputs
-#define CORRELATE_q15_INPUTS filtering_q31_inputs
-#define CORRELATE_q7_INPUTS  filtering_q31_inputs
- *  Defines #ARR_DESC_t objects that wrap existing, type-specific, common
- *  inputs.
- */
-#define CORRELATE_DEFINE_RAND_INPUT_ARR_DESCS(type_suffix)      \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE_USING_ARR(                                  \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(type_suffix),                          \
-        correlate_input_rand1_##type_suffix,                    \
-        CORRELATE_##type_suffix##_INPUTS,                       \
-        0,                                                      \
-        CORRELATE_MAX_INPUT_ELTS);                              \
-                                                                \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE_USING_ARR(                                  \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(type_suffix),                          \
-        correlate_input_rand2_##type_suffix,                    \
-        CORRELATE_##type_suffix##_INPUTS,                       \
-        1,                                                      \
-        CORRELATE_MAX_INPUT_ELTS)  /* Note the lacking semicolon */
-ARR_DESC_DEFINE(float32_t, correlate_input_zeros, CORRELATE_MAX_INPUT_ELTS, CURLY(0));
- *  Define Input #ARR_DESC_t arrays by type suffix.
- *
- *  Taking inputs in parallel from the 'a' and 'b' arrays yields the following
- *  test cases (star is correlate):
- *
- *  - zero_array   * zero_array
- *  - zero_array   * random_array
- *  - random_array * zero_array
- *  - random_array * different_random_arary
- */
-#define CORRELATE_DEFINE_ALL_INPUTS(type_suffix)                  \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE(ARR_DESC_t *,                                 \
-                    correlate_##type_suffix##_a_inputs,           \
-                    4,                                            \
-                    CURLY(                                        \
-                        &correlate_input_zeros,                   \
-                        &correlate_input_zeros,                   \
-                        &correlate_input_rand1_##type_suffix,     \
-                        &correlate_input_rand1_##type_suffix      \
-                        ));                                       \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE(ARR_DESC_t *,                                 \
-                    correlate_##type_suffix##_b_inputs,           \
-                    4,                                            \
-                    CURLY(                                        \
-                        &correlate_input_zeros,                   \
-                        &correlate_input_rand1_##type_suffix,     \
-                        &correlate_input_zeros,                   \
-                        &correlate_input_rand2_##type_suffix      \
-                        )) /* Note the lacking semicolon */
-/* Convolution Lengths */
- *  The correlate_lens_a and correlate_lens_b #ARR_DESC_t objects are accessed in parallel
- *  to provide correlate-length pairs. Taken in parallel they provide the
- *  following cases:
- *
- *  - 1 * 1    : Shortest correlate possible.
- *  - 1 * 2    : Short correlate , one side is degenerate.
- *  - 17 * 1   : Medium correlate, one side is degenerate.
- *  - 15 * MAX : Longest correlate.
- *  MAX * MAX  : Longest correlate.
- */
-                correlate_lens_a,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                    1,
-                    1,
-                    17,
-                    15,
-                    CORRELATE_MAX_INPUT_ELTS
-                    ));
-                correlate_lens_b,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                    1,
-                    2,
-                    1,
-                    CORRELATE_MAX_INPUT_ELTS,
-                    CORRELATE_MAX_INPUT_ELTS
-                    ));
-/* Convolution Tests */
-#define CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE(fut, fut_arg_interface,                                \
-                           ref, ref_arg_interface,                                     \
-                           suffix, output_type)                                        \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(fut##_tests, fut)                                                \
-    {                                                                                  \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                          \
-            input_idx, ARR_DESC_t *, input_ptr, correlate_##suffix##_a_inputs          \
-            ,                                                                          \
-            void * input_a_ptr = input_ptr->data_ptr;                                  \
-            void * input_b_ptr = ARR_DESC_ELT(                                         \
-                ARR_DESC_t *, input_idx,                                               \
-                &(correlate_##suffix##_b_inputs))->data_ptr;                           \
-                                                                                       \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                      \
-                correlate_len_idx, uint32_t, correlate_len_a, correlate_lens_a         \
-                ,                                                                      \
-                uint32_t correlate_len_b = ARR_DESC_ELT(                               \
-                    uint32_t, correlate_len_idx, &(correlate_lens_b));                 \
-                                                                                       \
-                /* Display test parameter values */                                    \
-                 JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Input A Length: %d\n"                                \
-                                 "Input B Length: %d\n",                               \
-                                (int)correlate_len_a,                                  \
-                                (int)correlate_len_b);                                 \
-                                                                                       \
-                memset(filtering_output_ref,0,                                         \
-                      (2*CORRELATE_MAX_INPUT_ELTS)*sizeof(output_type));               \
-                memset(filtering_output_fut,0,                                         \
-                      (2*CORRELATE_MAX_INPUT_ELTS)*sizeof(output_type));               \
-                                                                                       \
-                TEST_CALL_FUT_AND_REF(                                                 \
-                    fut, fut_arg_interface(                                            \
-                        input_a_ptr, correlate_len_a, input_b_ptr, correlate_len_b),   \
-                    ref, ref_arg_interface(                                            \
-                        input_a_ptr, correlate_len_a, input_b_ptr, correlate_len_b));  \
-                                                                                       \
-                FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                       \
-                    correlate_len_a + correlate_len_b - 2,                             \
-                    output_type)));                                                    \
-                                                                                       \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                                      \
-    }
-#define CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(fn_name, suffix, output_type, test_template)    \
-    test_template(                                                            \
-        arm_##fn_name##_##suffix,                                             \
-        CORRELATE_arm_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                            \
-        ref_##fn_name##_##suffix,                                             \
-        CORRELATE_ref_##fn_name##_INPUT_INTERFACE,                            \
-        suffix,                                                               \
-        output_type                                                           \
-        ) /* Note the lacking semicolon*/
-/* Tests on functions without partial outputs */
-CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(correlate          , f32, float32_t, CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(correlate          , q31, q31_t    , CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(correlate          , q15, q15_t    , CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(correlate          , q7 , q7_t     , CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(correlate_opt      , q15, q15_t    , CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-   arm_correlate_opt_q7,
-   CORRELATE_arm_correlate_opt_q7_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-   ref_correlate_opt_q7,
-   CORRELATE_ref_correlate_opt_q7_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-   q7,
-   q7_t
-   );
-CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(correlate_fast     , q31, q31_t    , CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(correlate_fast     , q15, q15_t    , CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-CORRELATE_DEFINE_TEST(correlate_fast_opt , q15, q15_t    , CORRELATE_TEST_TEMPLATE);
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_f32_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_q31_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_q7_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_opt_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_opt_q7_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_fast_q31_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_fast_q15_tests);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_correlate_fast_opt_q15_tests);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/filtering_test_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/filtering_test_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd1afb..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/filtering_test_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-#include "filtering_test_data.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-float32_t filtering_output_fut[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2] = {0};
-float32_t filtering_output_ref[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2] = {0};
-float32_t filtering_output_f32_fut[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2] = {0};
-float32_t filtering_output_f32_ref[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2] = {0};
-float32_t filtering_input_lms[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE*2] = {0};
-float32_t filtering_pState[LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE + FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS] = {0};
-float32_t filtering_scratch[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * 3] = {0};
-float32_t filtering_scratch2[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * 3] = {0};
-float32_t filtering_coeffs_lms[FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS];
-    0xC14A5524, 0xCCABDA17, 0xAD6F5B56, 0xFDAFCE3B, 0xA9B226EB,
-    0x41F6F6A, 0xA5CE38BF, 0x3A978AFA, 0xBA44B82A, 0x855C0F8,
-    0x3D060524, 0x93D5E570, 0x97D7791D, 0xFFE0C38C, 0x26749841,
-    0xC0A6EE54, 0x218EC386, 0x39FF3726, 0x8DC1F7CA, 0x702F2CF5,
-    0xC1142FF1, 0xEC1476AB, 0x15F640DD, 0xE62CCE49, 0x3805DE7E,
-    0xF70871FE, 0xCF8BD360, 0x8D19A8A0, 0xD764F821, 0xA58558CF,
-    0x8C0CE04D, 0x50A46C19, 0x66D2370D, 0x50FA359A, 0xB646AE24,
-    0x6CE00F5C, 0xE6D48948, 0xB55BD831, 0x3B72950A, 0x9EB69530,
-    0x73394127, 0x773FA6F4, 0x9805A980, 0x838DE587, 0x9CF597F4,
-    0xA2AD1691, 0xFA81A473, 0x7CDC7D7F, 0x4A5190D0, 0xED895BB9,
-    0x8FD60F35, 0x1A21D530, 0xA0EB6DDA, 0xBDE6A516, 0x2501A3E1,
-    0x5ED893C8, 0xE1E175B1, 0xACBBB2F3, 0xED350907, 0xDB140D7E,
-    0xEEAE272D, 0xBE229841, 0xC18BFB88, 0xA6BB9B80, 0xBCF090E4,
-    0x24DB166C, 0xF9AB7E42, 0x62DF28D1, 0xC7004665, 0xE3F56FC6,
-    0x419E0C75, 0x46BE9F38, 0x2432B9B2, 0x758D83E0, 0xDCE12926,
-    0x3F57CB74, 0x1F4458E2, 0xF1DD639, 0x83A1FB49, 0x173AFC76,
-    0x86EF7531, 0x48D32F34, 0x7D3E3063, 0x8F2FB549, 0x5C314C9,
-    0x18CBEB6D, 0xA6F8B697, 0x447B9E9C, 0x2E32BA33, 0xD074D715,
-    0x81ACD746, 0xE55A4E04, 0x4891860F, 0x1DA3EB4F, 0xE0E6A27F,
-    0x20BFDEB4, 0xD0B3A25B, 0x40C10544, 0xC15656C, 0x15405EAE,
-    0x9858E3E1, 0xA36A9C4E, 0x88BD21F9, 0xAACF7A68, 0x773665E5,
-    0xCEDFDF66, 0x617A9610, 0x524FC968, 0xC2D086CD, 0x5F008079,
-    0x24DCA447, 0x6A4F5599, 0xB706CD4A, 0x1DE70608, 0xA33A2EE5,
-    0x137E488E, 0x98061B7B, 0x4079D69D, 0xA4A897D5, 0xC4CEC8F5,
-    0xD75F7883, 0x22406802, 0xF1AD70BB, 0x9D4ADD79, 0xBCBC7CE4,
-    0xB358C0D8, 0x85792E47, 0xA7ADAC05, 0x3D19EEAB, 0x331AC0AF,
-    0x33035831, 0x13D93987, 0xFC542094, 0x845F317E, 0xDDC4BF8B,
-    0x1379E50C, 0x5C20193F, 0xFDD58298, 0x9D482B82, 0x4A6BE062,
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-    0x7DE465B0, 0x4E4C905E, 0x2A652959, 0x116FF167, 0x5C74AAB9,
-    0x467BBE00, 0x4703ABA3, 0x1F776B9C, 0xE2570A84, 0xFEC7DB48,
-    0x1BD5012, 0xFD0A2D5D, 0x7FCC29F2, 0x291304B6, 0x99D5D8ED,
-    0xC7551C8, 0xFD12F38F, 0xBADE8892, 0xDF749997, 0xA5DAE2F,
-    0x2B9FA269, 0x5C13CFED, 0x15E9A399, 0x54437F4E, 0xA72DB2AB,
-    0x56186AA1, 0xFE4DB55C, 0xA34D7836, 0x2A879760, 0xC63FA94,
-    0xAC18B207, 0x5FC78B3, 0x7F10621E, 0xA769E6B2, 0xEC9F4A11,
-    0xCE3F982C, 0x62BA2EF5, 0xA5F239CD, 0x4FEFC920, 0x28DF4EB8,
-    0x29EBF45A, 0x1E350CF6
- };
-/* The source data is random across the q31_t range. Accessing it by word should
-   remain random. */
-const q15_t * filtering_q15_inputs = (q15_t *) filtering_q31_inputs;
-const q7_t * filtering_q7_inputs = (q7_t *) filtering_q31_inputs;
-const float32_t filtering_f32_inputs[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * FILTERING_MAX_M + FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS] =
-    43.0264275639  , -17.0525215570 , -94.8488973910 , -8.1924989580  , 7.2830326091   , 66.8368719314  , 33.9778190671  , 117.8652289772 ,
-    -129.6077797465, -14.6420815368 , 18.0239223278  , 20.6760530292  , 55.0375037651  , 1.8674609862   , -85.6534302408 , -33.5750364909 ,
-    29.2110949614  , 110.4727049460 , -94.1914619387 , -1.4084169343  , 83.5181653041  , 47.3073514127  , -13.3420621181 , 30.3389699104  ,
-    12.1188124277  , 100.9730921941 , -114.0146362390, -77.5823200409 , 37.2019034618  , 40.0026301128  , -58.3387276630 , -34.9472398600 ,
-    -5.1169678311  , -87.7660091118 , -150.5888601131, 56.0349370503  , 50.2168884079  , -74.2313236767 , 22.3648603560  , -6.8676387051  ,
-    74.8957303680  , -90.1292012823 , -55.1436241586 , -66.6732976100 , -6.7918147615  , 7.7612697081   , 35.7892605979  , -20.0470508830 ,
-    41.8369017546  , -143.7378056984, -41.9127158600 , -108.3531841158, -57.1917422289 , -124.2808828105, 38.9316388820  , -77.9212517405 ,
-    37.1990818377  , -28.9545952748 , -155.6371057564, 45.8088886393  , 36.2537018275  , -6.5727656016  , -104.2070491921, 45.5583813729  ,
-    -19.7674717059 , -80.4802190947 , -1.4444563441  , -42.2142256438 , 36.6546339194  , -57.0866498590 , 44.4677067511  , 65.7285753407  ,
-    -103.8158864647, 25.4348723711  , -153.5419639389, 39.3608409474  , 49.1658103436  , 79.5570602275  , 75.2944095996  , 58.9394700746  ,
-    -53.1018534392 , 33.4172444014  , 35.6224682287  , -64.4353396418 , -125.8464291251, -47.6072111617 , -26.2177687594 , -12.0061322096 ,
-    -17.7887967585 , -28.2926175090 , -62.0691715749 , 40.5098573604  , -191.1123732593, 119.6750713043 , 19.6182375803  , -26.7615252921 ,
-    2.2957847015   , -108.3436451287, -50.5906164995 , -5.6360985100  , -11.6772204201 , -84.2765293757 , -60.9317810068 , 82.0446350218  ,
-    -70.2048296348 , 72.8738253222  , 60.2450218115  , 114.2741231228 , 46.8180775285  , 6.9915412654   , -8.9909197429  , -78.9165936808 ,
-    66.4731535459  , -68.4235455651 , -79.8254597080 , -10.6308477115 , -62.6161569330 , -55.7744410292 , -11.8408366528 , 98.1034940997  ,
-    35.8213741877  , -54.4694482732 , 86.9631830044  , -53.0343838122 , -47.4898642865 , -47.2010929590 , -31.3312639685 , -23.0908245172 ,
-    12.0258009869  , -5.1098204703  , -9.8420230737  , -107.3328761158, 44.6810431959  , -17.9083820345 , -60.9753512872 , -7.5915088994  ,
-    17.2250813329  , 57.9176125648  , 124.3004161362 , -63.1950908493 , 120.5788885640 , -44.1734238117 , -91.7408095116 , -43.5696066595 ,
-    -49.9560710099 , -167.8513443296, -70.9437505499 , -46.4109705355 , -64.2264526456 , -13.9995803916 , -100.9548186356, 9.9101010575   ,
-    -50.0615130815 , -55.7590145012 , -60.3195153388 , 61.7913378549  , -102.0850899209, 53.2360193126  , -25.8997883369 , 75.1445512333  ,
-    -113.8148602310, 17.8027281119  , -19.5006822722 , -44.2169628471 , 107.5017084384 , -113.7909124666, -43.9735396033 , 7.6880981388   ,
-    46.7384653508  , 9.9047443751   , 81.8646964362  , 132.3812863877 , -95.6959050236 , -68.5015813484 , 65.8586404494  , 18.5039353889  ,
-    -30.1786166621 , -90.3098515667 , -22.9356228552 , -20.5778272423 , -2.2127786675  , -35.4418447703 , -51.8722915974 , -107.9024439078,
-    -51.5940748232 , -51.7463262677 , 74.2795485984  , 94.2205022462  , 9.7016384049   , -47.3556083155 , -36.7822314478 , -151.6455525363,
-    -15.7183814485 , 78.2063383182  , 0.1516414969   , 37.9304181609  , 20.6185902740  , -22.2164106778 , 6.1160554677   , 2.4061326953   ,
-    -111.6681824598, -60.0858917090 , 75.1698614693  , -76.5787410444 , 28.3391655715  , -2.4946186443  , -68.0378899682 , 104.0893199171 ,
-    -51.8319647254 , 38.8521710524  , 75.9114239564  , 73.9206172905  , -103.2533029987, 6.9002718274   , -36.6346436319 , -25.1990926265 ,
-    1.5852145953   , -50.6438436795 , 21.5018844428  , -151.9305562846, -51.7326681814 , 21.4475994143  , 42.2564011921  , -74.0520586926 ,
-    49.7370635809  , -13.2957534126 , 36.6746826778  , -31.7005492589 , 148.4894964268 , 79.7890632353  , 16.8856024809  , 16.1690460177  ,
-    39.2665169484  , 117.2461167794 , -37.4827984831 , -47.8387803604 , -95.7025286193 , 34.3058214285  , -124.9536456028, 56.1640195764  ,
-    94.3636873606  , 35.3992852810  , -38.3920852159 , -100.5738062016, -29.7837022314 , 42.9133913996  , -34.2715618187 , -14.3589115627 ,
-    -16.5935468750 , 20.4574192236  , -88.7897972666 , -38.6285080386 , 53.3203422726  , 98.5991486746  , 122.7305462474 , 67.7902817187  ,
-    5.1764117389   , 5.0632821624   , 21.9288789574  , -78.3140512638 , -21.2069682335 , 23.6342010925  , 34.4445769455  , 59.1346766615  ,
-    28.9978778000  , 39.8121180845  , -17.1650033520 , -56.9174900874 , 17.8157086148  , -112.8801457350, -122.4019040408, 140.8669393157 ,
-    -65.4664329639 , 40.6952775518  , 32.7260891658  , -43.2565155866 , 19.3945751928  , -20.1815002000 , -67.6601711640 , -18.1921178207 ,
-    -35.6802153684 , 49.9550290306  , 131.4925251016 , -31.2940938167 , -5.2848453344  , -109.5580577933, 20.2437599390  , -8.8782958734  ,
-    54.1836717264  , 7.2555852190   , -3.5698316137  , -51.9236786262 , 6.7861547980   , -104.4814551670, 45.8458629668  , 70.0890876844  ,
-    38.3572837740  , 61.8024165129  , 68.0176962024  , -12.8193934080 , -21.4661610917 , -0.9377108815  , -74.2100679061 , 71.0490808147  ,
-    91.9813889497  , -14.5797640164 , 3.5036749129   , -138.3605478356, -48.1501349794 , -16.0636922482 , -12.1334197606 , 15.0562207637  ,
-    -34.0878176054 , 55.1075126157  , 97.3829871877  , 0.2053358099   , -94.8713267382 , 51.5460954054  , 21.2966946363  , 58.1331025047  ,
-    -23.4599044132 , -19.3315856528 , -8.4497193577  , -1.9594679356  , -33.1906549336 , -144.6825417978, -57.1218958072 , 35.7353406097  ,
-    61.4666549819  , 14.6536253128  , 82.1632196866  , -44.6230161723 , -91.1022589278 , -18.5737673927 , -136.8975612334, 56.9606788003  ,
-    70.7059960183  , -68.2829345081 , -10.2629800455 , -53.6385325047 , -68.7928766204 , 88.2444688302  , 83.1412324801  , -102.9206928160,
-    -68.2329763159 , -69.7552955469 , 108.2132269009 , -28.2582329307 , 5.6685898328   , -36.0392956840 , 43.3269513128  , -8.6436416796  ,
-    -16.5054886972 , 11.5008791788  , 39.6923606683  , -28.9039554061 , 13.5938214364  , -23.6296332202 , 49.1171161163  , 53.1636857935  ,
-    -62.9672053166 , -54.2594757384 , 48.3838956696  , 8.0469071555   , -33.6472086213 , -120.5381752144, 55.0880453111  , 17.8990740563  ,
-    144.9402232336 , 101.7886229203 , -73.3666393712 , -16.4721379138 , -12.7447935685 , 101.8245160983 , -49.7026860415 , -15.1227790364 ,
-    65.7430288442  , -131.8695390036, 10.2750933946  , 90.9752774838  , -26.5859990591 , -95.6962772568 , 76.2174589344  , 24.8796848060  ,
-    -38.8938223046 , 54.1687774852  , -37.3585968996 , -34.6848570502 , 33.0151011570  , -55.8345877671 , -3.9009101671  , -31.5024971691 ,
-    -9.6863895491  , 91.8719195957  , -58.9993249744 , -25.6887030614 , -8.0829472205  , 4.6386491741   , -71.4019697167 , -21.3734669095 ,
-    86.2079144404  , 79.6823974266  , -0.0910915997  , 44.8067718095  , 58.7204020766  , 72.6856808976  , -50.3373732478 , -116.1175365534,
-    -15.0884909384 , 5.4593772059   , -63.6553527905 , 37.3460388205  , -32.2399421679 , 95.7569350513  , -7.3700141964  , -56.0370832967 ,
-    -41.7377150439 , -42.0042856519 , 12.5134312941  , 93.7845584531  , -32.4801087157 , -33.3976050318 , -24.2252126001 , -46.3199064467 ,
-    -20.3704610276 , 15.8571376404  , 88.9127217235  , -33.1132582267 , -1.0005675836  , -28.1780471904 , 150.9349379135 , 38.0600520828  ,
-    36.4338677563  , -3.3709201641  , 29.7709773016  , 16.5064119077  , 21.3147729463  , 110.6714300904 , 18.8406036507  , 14.8963298097  ,
-    50.9975960392  , 16.3991140350  , -194.0805845907, -41.6723945839 , -74.8991127408 , -6.4587655805  , -0.6883628218  , -49.8709647175 ,
-    194.2265120473 , 64.3043624521  , 16.0040882780  , 68.4032551772  , -43.4050313128 , 84.6826289824  , -28.1357565943 , 134.6895584120 ,
-    -7.9746152680  , -95.6692886462 , -48.9444370342 , 79.4479343188  , -50.5345228122 , 52.4800633307  , -14.7735051703 , -20.1510237050 ,
-    22.5049816980  , 64.4191999102  , 24.8385648232  , 99.4265041360  , 62.0189508473  , -28.3892600378 , -109.8842008564, -79.0407483407 ,
-    18.3408112020  , 49.1650536089  , 31.5419844924  , -36.1160722679 , -132.9148081329, 10.4053531567  , -129.2463715470, -43.4602207151 ,
-    -24.2420653292 , 91.5388317556  , 21.4762248190  , -44.3810909139 , 18.4098011282  , -45.8691164539 , -20.9831197962 , 16.2076792914  ,
-    66.0224147666  , -13.6794615513 , 101.2163279622 , -62.4462618603 , 22.2040981785  , -52.3208382802 , -24.7909079016 , 58.5150375093  ,
-    18.8569705105  , -55.6083430939 , 131.0273367422 , -34.5209015065 , 121.4357296573 , -77.2590299593 , -51.5929566898 , 5.0247131098   ,
-    -23.8451707592 , -4.5912313547  , 31.1387246821  , 61.7019310824  , 49.1912429744  , -50.5836913031 , -74.8182600630 , -21.6209317022 ,
-    20.9409464654  , -72.7870824583 , -28.3530746820 , -45.0794425434 , -13.4910629905 , -62.0158772255 , -34.1421181246 , 44.2844972784  ,
-    8.4213193211   , 79.9349022793  , 60.0160502260  , 32.2272994080  , -72.2893887746 , 17.3063698247  , -134.6335742431, 64.6499736261  ,
-    7.1411921919   , -37.5517577873 , 6.2405670930   , 117.1920927305 , 128.7420689815 , -3.1556854963  , -13.4100422909 , -11.9336372907 ,
-    -8.6022400553  , -102.0033506666, -78.4696575074 , 15.0765861403  , -111.5219718576, -13.4162786508 , 38.2437013694  , 61.1637732561  ,
-    -34.4804160003 , 107.4438003830 , -79.4193067813 , -81.1842853968 , -26.2622970331 , 132.3205425408 , -119.1464268477, 67.3048866598  ,
-    103.3266736715 , -58.1865815617 , 27.6231908601  , -11.2004371750 , 26.0340617206  , 12.5696123916  , 0.6442714420   , -30.7393043544 ,
-    1.5314955897   , 49.9110088250  , -106.1358721920, 51.1608329944  , -32.8684239794 , -27.7215905745 , -11.6450303367 , -36.7731678028 ,
-    59.9383486599  , -4.6301990580  , 5.0361682939   , -10.5669407980 , 124.0908762205 , 35.8305364082  , -123.6216777114, -74.2569079167 ,
-    -56.7651776816 , 16.0736385582  , 23.5030632215  , -110.6764295938, 44.3086821806  , 9.4452708243   , 5.3300080251   , 39.0483916714  ,
-    151.4550562868 , 62.8957092621  , -116.8103461233, 5.1129927759   , -33.2252515135 , -9.4522506046  , 22.7026048372  , -15.5264414569 ,
-    71.2087620034  , 19.1191568332  , 50.3019546809  , -5.6096922409  , 22.9344126462  , -7.7591876203  , 31.8949515564  , -58.4253952381 ,
-    66.4341297173  , -19.0583083044 , 96.7695087855  , 20.4934280047  , 4.9544603116   , -20.8288135920 , -173.2659655408, -62.4883621640 ,
-    -48.5528422703 , 12.1437504278  , 60.2482234666  , -19.6072312919 , -34.6320214291 , 129.0089698963 , -50.9042160618 , 98.3952661477  ,
-    -4.7051792479  , -13.1768910826 , 69.5138802139  , 58.5748201565  , -45.9385652563 , 151.7952104306 , 34.2541941013  , -58.0417838381 ,
-    28.1480473670  , 46.4006562684  , 97.7001828545  , 4.0855607626   , -32.6097018162 , 16.8913949959  , 105.7266202978 , -89.3978374651 ,
-    -60.9338593128 , -41.2220734230 , 49.9393070783  , 95.0974764854  , 49.2498366456  , 58.6214364590  , 34.1113830569  , 45.6634098874  ,
-    -22.5356086770 , -97.1978653617 , 86.5565049535  , 70.6118545777  , -30.6978082909 , 118.7238621666 , 14.5922386932  , 11.3449652072  ,
-    65.6007783405  , 82.6369678204  , -52.0390492248 , -47.0160551227 , -95.5142448634 , 99.7162626888  , -36.5523815090 , -42.8042935534 ,
-    68.3566199798  , -13.8451547552 , -71.1629911780 , 36.2989433752  , -32.4867163365 , 112.4079947071 , -75.6295117422 , 47.5276421639  ,
-    51.8078250755  , -26.8715188457 , -9.6291144797  , 40.1999849640  , -38.4634033246 , 40.9764960915  , -26.1715730268 , 36.5996396515  ,
-    -26.9924731886 , 53.7879986570  , -83.1658398348 , 23.6381378489  , 43.8794937753  , -55.4133836419 , 90.0266130838  , 14.1036181982  ,
-    -18.1225736715 , 85.1363181151  , -62.5970846379 , -18.5291947838 , -25.7341986703 , -49.7061342931 , -59.0442763971 , 50.8960636803  ,
-    -87.6471123430 , -36.7217762531 , 22.5952364054  , 11.1107885650  , -0.5377327229  , 160.8145792630 , 73.3103441505  , 10.1656872354  ,
-    -50.4554350397 , -57.3478171016 , -15.4201715357 , -26.9135446491 , -4.9891264771  , -37.0226770057 , -80.9919535641 , 50.4418660876  ,
-    -25.8517575250 , -69.9538258421 , -17.5730160671 , 15.9405836751  , 113.9545230349 , -46.1040379057 , -94.2458635014 , -69.0338522452 ,
-    43.5813790265  , 107.1836101171 , -55.1012654323 , -77.1529555887 , -33.1530320656 , -94.5582659641 , -53.6837586872 , 27.0680381378  ,
-    93.9385415207  , -61.0955216188 , 18.0530957225  , 7.9150142320   , -12.1218191587 , 34.0173961457  , 40.0084937565  , 9.8119275580   ,
-    44.2065861274  , -1.8718514394  , 67.4740024215  , 46.7391150131  , 207.2404815875 , 45.1635364462  , 43.3580102761  , -44.0244218674 ,
-    83.2387206007  , -8.6441851856  , 12.3993902588  , -22.5091685270 , -19.8332981376 , 97.9196509289  , -76.6720306234 , 28.9740705859  ,
-    121.9415248016 , 9.6656982611   , -51.0996453694 , 37.3704374740  , 74.7589840907  , -113.4066752631, 120.0029566342 , -105.3786221360,
-    81.8152755619  , -13.4979932982 , -21.4680758393 , -85.1088235539 , -65.3610798409 , -35.0444139470 , -48.0220794487 , -41.6210317362 ,
-    33.1212995259  , -82.1480936443 , -10.5479715135 , 76.4601917004  , 42.1983651157  , 92.6104239912  , -42.3536237955 , -24.5644182272 ,
-    30.4446637772  , -90.2899420489 , 63.6723540422  , 103.0895811428 , 64.1706769263  , -10.7069812309 , 21.8927240409  , 6.3571071738   ,
-    57.1457649358  , -52.9866276448 , 66.0981829072  , -29.5372056881 , -79.2252039810 , -136.2440652798, -57.0106422562 , 86.8203548141  ,
-    66.4244149837  , 53.3230426111  , -66.1283059222 , -131.0402660353, 8.0548411081   , 122.9088988100 , 1.2626894208   , -60.5059112373 ,
-    -68.8707203082 , -6.4747987200  , 85.8411327244  , 99.9624156733  , 90.4197864338  , -35.9630441182 , -22.9158275507 , -17.3660128776 ,
-    16.7845345761  , 34.7219749782  , -39.3513765878 , 1.0460702756   , -60.9494500182 , 20.0900333387  , -85.9636743832 , 88.4400782168  ,
-    15.0729628728  , 61.5499846243  , 11.8579871757  , 107.8617581581 , -42.9393027864 , -62.8422307621 , -19.0589600542 , 4.0750325807   ,
-    -36.0651825425 , 55.7638724501  , -10.4691736080 , -55.5672537178 , -61.2061519915 , -21.1885348576 , -131.2535612498, 24.7463552676  ,
-    22.9426321237  , 14.3038202264  , -138.0926317438, -59.0892900856 , -162.5416439986, 7.1307658250   , -141.1236672256, -4.7173618068  ,
-    -16.7741532807 , -68.2615451173 , -2.6608701102  , 84.1978109826  , -11.3446202072 , 59.9630033088  , -1.8994925010  , -37.9301641959 ,
-    -119.4435600954, -11.4587491646 , 12.2423215240  , -7.3169898616  , -67.0373621128 , 36.0198843055  , 53.9791315249  , -134.5885680695,
-    -83.8330811965 , -16.6714816463 , -8.8498552035  , -24.0513088196 , -22.9444328877 , -37.7961441531 , 25.1975736186  , -136.1611637464,
-    -5.0843464033  , -10.3939554694 , 20.7422826935  , 75.6854136623  , 46.4179626736  , -57.0052830175 , 7.3457235521   , -51.5504447254 ,
-    -158.4375751701, -200.2426967181, -48.1234996261 , 1.6623945527   , 21.1746524375  , 99.4092980367  , -2.3206772903  , 45.7989166757  ,
-    2.0181548348   , -88.0556010969 , -59.1527212096 , 47.3607925077  , -10.4181140309 , 56.3558125650  , -8.9799125560  , -30.0376711812 ,
-    -36.7132904688 , 35.7785050392  , -13.0763909369 , -2.1855594714  , 18.1550954005  , -28.6711803575 , -55.4495172398 , -2.8812973198  ,
-    -59.9575059158 , 40.0588875786  , 57.4713686602  , -3.2835144853  , -36.7193552111 , -64.9415131516 , -166.9555466445, -23.5556853844 ,
-    -54.9408569587 , -35.2310451959 , 21.3345143458  , 65.7590671151  , 51.2214538168  , 46.1271939944  , -42.2235267919 , 127.2329928299 ,
-    105.2391778600 , 17.6726845966  , -129.9021148044, 8.7065613044   , -94.0987112511 , -3.5375742950  , -23.1385452379 , 60.6219530633  ,
-    92.5445564235  , 48.5111974469  , -52.5699309159 , -60.0634811685 , 25.9034368684  , 140.0249495491 , 1.5918852392   , 38.0266038291  ,
-    17.5588710703  , 3.4294066089   , -27.6748782173 , 59.6182974489  , -35.2924781853 , -38.6198576115 , -13.6119803198 , 7.8375587489   ,
-    22.7250686519  , -28.3524510951 , -34.4269062817 , 22.6464817325  , -61.6528147860 , -5.9782002429  , 61.4730771294  , 43.5582379527  ,
-    55.6862408270  , 87.8745651631  , 46.3401042715  , -19.8780979663 , 74.1272633369  , 29.8590452377  , -12.8665765140 , 34.2931401219  ,
-    53.9279617551  , -16.9017895140 , -70.1527553166 , -79.6367897992 , 109.3728271017 , -129.2214826835, -53.4644539730 , -51.5654458993 ,
-    17.6062148433  , 3.5090251835   , 74.2615941204  , -109.3431097845, 40.1403465151  , 28.8714561280  , 94.0868659302  , -19.0047033845 ,
-    -60.0967410050 , -19.0998457619 , -67.2027075128 , 72.0711434846  , -17.8737851232 , 123.7050551274 , 132.6331504104 , 25.5018761009  ,
-    -36.7817189239 , -29.1580893235 , -6.5848563828  , 90.2868948516  , -35.7017258498 , -68.5675432955 , -52.4888589786 , 47.1377730021  ,
-    -7.4546621940  , -52.0657517138 , -49.0404829633 , -114.6910280126, -117.6819819437, -32.7856729408 , 31.8232065591  , 12.1192973039  ,
-    35.2678513420  , -1.0336778293  , 30.7021249679  , 127.0442906046 , -84.8457819393 , 28.9862843096  , -47.3524701726 , -126.1094998460,
-    -2.9700276582  , -2.4956545870  , -53.8624121141 , -85.2114117637 , 76.9057985618  , 137.1205201755 , -19.0830817212 , 14.3407526579  ,
-    -56.5921994449 , -25.6084873186 , -44.9470801106 , -133.3139496090, 0.3487447576   , 33.4499716730  , 34.7126257844  , -9.3307383323  ,
-    27.2996276947  , 10.8765676134  , -91.1032360444 , -90.9584216222 , 1.6981490570   , 96.8557438791  , 56.7726390913  , -44.3246449237 ,
-    52.3260643361  , 21.5551140465  , 27.4535327381  , 2.0072717479   , 7.4823125629   , 77.1185863870  , 16.1372262663  , -10.7206012957 ,
-    66.8830091413  , 49.3523828287  , 54.0855375598  , 30.8570349345  , -10.9255375390 , 62.3910624674  , 30.9238561381  , 0.3352881853   ,
-    72.1022806197  , -28.8319885008 , 23.3335288806  , 46.8999035980  , -67.0984424822 , -164.7917209112, 42.5767681360  , -92.4668227688 ,
-    43.8491734282  , -17.1126540408 , 37.4819594334  , 69.0774409673  , -39.3530526854 , -14.0693747124 , -60.2520781215 , -80.3860105519 ,
-    32.6689956840  , 15.3393042576  , -18.5529761307 , 97.3942151573  , -4.4462855745  , 13.7614349817  , 158.3358780719 , -44.7258299667 ,
-    -17.7741912819 , 116.5136962268 , -33.6261057820 , 22.8344441288  , -155.1423976144, 5.7070117893   , -22.7906543902 , -45.0633909283 ,
-    -13.9329987929 , -66.0848932507 , 1.1383038109   , 123.8386958483 , 67.6662401589  , 45.9152963554  , -27.4397697462 , 97.9596747354  ,
-    -6.3544655181  , 29.0832146722  , 96.3468162499  , 32.4535976137  , -91.0650399301 , 2.7293262791   , 70.7853483111  , -92.3655274571 ,
-    69.0359217256  , 83.1530567979  , 35.8375091111  , 7.3393552348   , -95.1770165365 , 76.4905790891  , 55.6253140577  , -29.5315327050 ,
-    -16.5935468750 , 20.4574192236  , -88.7897972666 , -38.6285080386 , 53.3203422726  , 98.5991486746  , 122.7305462474 , 67.7902817187  ,
-    5.1764117389   , 5.0632821624   , 21.9288789574  , -78.3140512638 , -21.2069682335 , 23.6342010925  , 34.4445769455  , 59.1346766615  ,
-    28.9978778000  , 39.8121180845  , -17.1650033520 , -56.9174900874 , 17.8157086148  , -112.8801457350, -122.4019040408, 140.8669393157 ,
-    -65.4664329639 , 40.6952775518  , 32.7260891658  , -43.2565155866 , 19.3945751928  , -20.1815002000 , -67.6601711640 , -18.1921178207 ,
-    -35.6802153684 , -19.6571455162
-const float64_t filtering_f64_inputs[FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE * FILTERING_MAX_M + FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS] =
-    43.0264275639  , -17.0525215570 , -94.8488973910 , -8.1924989580  , 7.2830326091   , 66.8368719314  , 33.9778190671  , 117.8652289772 ,
-    -129.6077797465, -14.6420815368 , 18.0239223278  , 20.6760530292  , 55.0375037651  , 1.8674609862   , -85.6534302408 , -33.5750364909 ,
-    29.2110949614  , 110.4727049460 , -94.1914619387 , -1.4084169343  , 83.5181653041  , 47.3073514127  , -13.3420621181 , 30.3389699104  ,
-    12.1188124277  , 100.9730921941 , -114.0146362390, -77.5823200409 , 37.2019034618  , 40.0026301128  , -58.3387276630 , -34.9472398600 ,
-    -5.1169678311  , -87.7660091118 , -150.5888601131, 56.0349370503  , 50.2168884079  , -74.2313236767 , 22.3648603560  , -6.8676387051  ,
-    74.8957303680  , -90.1292012823 , -55.1436241586 , -66.6732976100 , -6.7918147615  , 7.7612697081   , 35.7892605979  , -20.0470508830 ,
-    41.8369017546  , -143.7378056984, -41.9127158600 , -108.3531841158, -57.1917422289 , -124.2808828105, 38.9316388820  , -77.9212517405 ,
-    37.1990818377  , -28.9545952748 , -155.6371057564, 45.8088886393  , 36.2537018275  , -6.5727656016  , -104.2070491921, 45.5583813729  ,
-    -19.7674717059 , -80.4802190947 , -1.4444563441  , -42.2142256438 , 36.6546339194  , -57.0866498590 , 44.4677067511  , 65.7285753407  ,
-    -103.8158864647, 25.4348723711  , -153.5419639389, 39.3608409474  , 49.1658103436  , 79.5570602275  , 75.2944095996  , 58.9394700746  ,
-    -53.1018534392 , 33.4172444014  , 35.6224682287  , -64.4353396418 , -125.8464291251, -47.6072111617 , -26.2177687594 , -12.0061322096 ,
-    -17.7887967585 , -28.2926175090 , -62.0691715749 , 40.5098573604  , -191.1123732593, 119.6750713043 , 19.6182375803  , -26.7615252921 ,
-    2.2957847015   , -108.3436451287, -50.5906164995 , -5.6360985100  , -11.6772204201 , -84.2765293757 , -60.9317810068 , 82.0446350218  ,
-    -70.2048296348 , 72.8738253222  , 60.2450218115  , 114.2741231228 , 46.8180775285  , 6.9915412654   , -8.9909197429  , -78.9165936808 ,
-    66.4731535459  , -68.4235455651 , -79.8254597080 , -10.6308477115 , -62.6161569330 , -55.7744410292 , -11.8408366528 , 98.1034940997  ,
-    35.8213741877  , -54.4694482732 , 86.9631830044  , -53.0343838122 , -47.4898642865 , -47.2010929590 , -31.3312639685 , -23.0908245172 ,
-    12.0258009869  , -5.1098204703  , -9.8420230737  , -107.3328761158, 44.6810431959  , -17.9083820345 , -60.9753512872 , -7.5915088994  ,
-    17.2250813329  , 57.9176125648  , 124.3004161362 , -63.1950908493 , 120.5788885640 , -44.1734238117 , -91.7408095116 , -43.5696066595 ,
-    -49.9560710099 , -167.8513443296, -70.9437505499 , -46.4109705355 , -64.2264526456 , -13.9995803916 , -100.9548186356, 9.9101010575   ,
-    -50.0615130815 , -55.7590145012 , -60.3195153388 , 61.7913378549  , -102.0850899209, 53.2360193126  , -25.8997883369 , 75.1445512333  ,
-    -113.8148602310, 17.8027281119  , -19.5006822722 , -44.2169628471 , 107.5017084384 , -113.7909124666, -43.9735396033 , 7.6880981388   ,
-    46.7384653508  , 9.9047443751   , 81.8646964362  , 132.3812863877 , -95.6959050236 , -68.5015813484 , 65.8586404494  , 18.5039353889  ,
-    -30.1786166621 , -90.3098515667 , -22.9356228552 , -20.5778272423 , -2.2127786675  , -35.4418447703 , -51.8722915974 , -107.9024439078,
-    -51.5940748232 , -51.7463262677 , 74.2795485984  , 94.2205022462  , 9.7016384049   , -47.3556083155 , -36.7822314478 , -151.6455525363,
-    -15.7183814485 , 78.2063383182  , 0.1516414969   , 37.9304181609  , 20.6185902740  , -22.2164106778 , 6.1160554677   , 2.4061326953   ,
-    -111.6681824598, -60.0858917090 , 75.1698614693  , -76.5787410444 , 28.3391655715  , -2.4946186443  , -68.0378899682 , 104.0893199171 ,
-    -51.8319647254 , 38.8521710524  , 75.9114239564  , 73.9206172905  , -103.2533029987, 6.9002718274   , -36.6346436319 , -25.1990926265 ,
-    1.5852145953   , -50.6438436795 , 21.5018844428  , -151.9305562846, -51.7326681814 , 21.4475994143  , 42.2564011921  , -74.0520586926 ,
-    49.7370635809  , -13.2957534126 , 36.6746826778  , -31.7005492589 , 148.4894964268 , 79.7890632353  , 16.8856024809  , 16.1690460177  ,
-    39.2665169484  , 117.2461167794 , -37.4827984831 , -47.8387803604 , -95.7025286193 , 34.3058214285  , -124.9536456028, 56.1640195764  ,
-    94.3636873606  , 35.3992852810  , -38.3920852159 , -100.5738062016, -29.7837022314 , 42.9133913996  , -34.2715618187 , -14.3589115627 ,
-    -16.5935468750 , 20.4574192236  , -88.7897972666 , -38.6285080386 , 53.3203422726  , 98.5991486746  , 122.7305462474 , 67.7902817187  ,
-    5.1764117389   , 5.0632821624   , 21.9288789574  , -78.3140512638 , -21.2069682335 , 23.6342010925  , 34.4445769455  , 59.1346766615  ,
-    28.9978778000  , 39.8121180845  , -17.1650033520 , -56.9174900874 , 17.8157086148  , -112.8801457350, -122.4019040408, 140.8669393157 ,
-    -65.4664329639 , 40.6952775518  , 32.7260891658  , -43.2565155866 , 19.3945751928  , -20.1815002000 , -67.6601711640 , -18.1921178207 ,
-    -35.6802153684 , 49.9550290306  , 131.4925251016 , -31.2940938167 , -5.2848453344  , -109.5580577933, 20.2437599390  , -8.8782958734  ,
-    54.1836717264  , 7.2555852190   , -3.5698316137  , -51.9236786262 , 6.7861547980   , -104.4814551670, 45.8458629668  , 70.0890876844  ,
-    38.3572837740  , 61.8024165129  , 68.0176962024  , -12.8193934080 , -21.4661610917 , -0.9377108815  , -74.2100679061 , 71.0490808147  ,
-    91.9813889497  , -14.5797640164 , 3.5036749129   , -138.3605478356, -48.1501349794 , -16.0636922482 , -12.1334197606 , 15.0562207637  ,
-    -34.0878176054 , 55.1075126157  , 97.3829871877  , 0.2053358099   , -94.8713267382 , 51.5460954054  , 21.2966946363  , 58.1331025047  ,
-    -23.4599044132 , -19.3315856528 , -8.4497193577  , -1.9594679356  , -33.1906549336 , -144.6825417978, -57.1218958072 , 35.7353406097  ,
-    61.4666549819  , 14.6536253128  , 82.1632196866  , -44.6230161723 , -91.1022589278 , -18.5737673927 , -136.8975612334, 56.9606788003  ,
-    70.7059960183  , -68.2829345081 , -10.2629800455 , -53.6385325047 , -68.7928766204 , 88.2444688302  , 83.1412324801  , -102.9206928160,
-    -68.2329763159 , -69.7552955469 , 108.2132269009 , -28.2582329307 , 5.6685898328   , -36.0392956840 , 43.3269513128  , -8.6436416796  ,
-    -16.5054886972 , 11.5008791788  , 39.6923606683  , -28.9039554061 , 13.5938214364  , -23.6296332202 , 49.1171161163  , 53.1636857935  ,
-    -62.9672053166 , -54.2594757384 , 48.3838956696  , 8.0469071555   , -33.6472086213 , -120.5381752144, 55.0880453111  , 17.8990740563  ,
-    144.9402232336 , 101.7886229203 , -73.3666393712 , -16.4721379138 , -12.7447935685 , 101.8245160983 , -49.7026860415 , -15.1227790364 ,
-    65.7430288442  , -131.8695390036, 10.2750933946  , 90.9752774838  , -26.5859990591 , -95.6962772568 , 76.2174589344  , 24.8796848060  ,
-    -38.8938223046 , 54.1687774852  , -37.3585968996 , -34.6848570502 , 33.0151011570  , -55.8345877671 , -3.9009101671  , -31.5024971691 ,
-    -9.6863895491  , 91.8719195957  , -58.9993249744 , -25.6887030614 , -8.0829472205  , 4.6386491741   , -71.4019697167 , -21.3734669095 ,
-    86.2079144404  , 79.6823974266  , -0.0910915997  , 44.8067718095  , 58.7204020766  , 72.6856808976  , -50.3373732478 , -116.1175365534,
-    -15.0884909384 , 5.4593772059   , -63.6553527905 , 37.3460388205  , -32.2399421679 , 95.7569350513  , -7.3700141964  , -56.0370832967 ,
-    -41.7377150439 , -42.0042856519 , 12.5134312941  , 93.7845584531  , -32.4801087157 , -33.3976050318 , -24.2252126001 , -46.3199064467 ,
-    -20.3704610276 , 15.8571376404  , 88.9127217235  , -33.1132582267 , -1.0005675836  , -28.1780471904 , 150.9349379135 , 38.0600520828  ,
-    36.4338677563  , -3.3709201641  , 29.7709773016  , 16.5064119077  , 21.3147729463  , 110.6714300904 , 18.8406036507  , 14.8963298097  ,
-    50.9975960392  , 16.3991140350  , -194.0805845907, -41.6723945839 , -74.8991127408 , -6.4587655805  , -0.6883628218  , -49.8709647175 ,
-    194.2265120473 , 64.3043624521  , 16.0040882780  , 68.4032551772  , -43.4050313128 , 84.6826289824  , -28.1357565943 , 134.6895584120 ,
-    -7.9746152680  , -95.6692886462 , -48.9444370342 , 79.4479343188  , -50.5345228122 , 52.4800633307  , -14.7735051703 , -20.1510237050 ,
-    22.5049816980  , 64.4191999102  , 24.8385648232  , 99.4265041360  , 62.0189508473  , -28.3892600378 , -109.8842008564, -79.0407483407 ,
-    18.3408112020  , 49.1650536089  , 31.5419844924  , -36.1160722679 , -132.9148081329, 10.4053531567  , -129.2463715470, -43.4602207151 ,
-    -24.2420653292 , 91.5388317556  , 21.4762248190  , -44.3810909139 , 18.4098011282  , -45.8691164539 , -20.9831197962 , 16.2076792914  ,
-    66.0224147666  , -13.6794615513 , 101.2163279622 , -62.4462618603 , 22.2040981785  , -52.3208382802 , -24.7909079016 , 58.5150375093  ,
-    18.8569705105  , -55.6083430939 , 131.0273367422 , -34.5209015065 , 121.4357296573 , -77.2590299593 , -51.5929566898 , 5.0247131098   ,
-    -23.8451707592 , -4.5912313547  , 31.1387246821  , 61.7019310824  , 49.1912429744  , -50.5836913031 , -74.8182600630 , -21.6209317022 ,
-    20.9409464654  , -72.7870824583 , -28.3530746820 , -45.0794425434 , -13.4910629905 , -62.0158772255 , -34.1421181246 , 44.2844972784  ,
-    8.4213193211   , 79.9349022793  , 60.0160502260  , 32.2272994080  , -72.2893887746 , 17.3063698247  , -134.6335742431, 64.6499736261  ,
-    7.1411921919   , -37.5517577873 , 6.2405670930   , 117.1920927305 , 128.7420689815 , -3.1556854963  , -13.4100422909 , -11.9336372907 ,
-    -8.6022400553  , -102.0033506666, -78.4696575074 , 15.0765861403  , -111.5219718576, -13.4162786508 , 38.2437013694  , 61.1637732561  ,
-    -34.4804160003 , 107.4438003830 , -79.4193067813 , -81.1842853968 , -26.2622970331 , 132.3205425408 , -119.1464268477, 67.3048866598  ,
-    103.3266736715 , -58.1865815617 , 27.6231908601  , -11.2004371750 , 26.0340617206  , 12.5696123916  , 0.6442714420   , -30.7393043544 ,
-    1.5314955897   , 49.9110088250  , -106.1358721920, 51.1608329944  , -32.8684239794 , -27.7215905745 , -11.6450303367 , -36.7731678028 ,
-    59.9383486599  , -4.6301990580  , 5.0361682939   , -10.5669407980 , 124.0908762205 , 35.8305364082  , -123.6216777114, -74.2569079167 ,
-    -56.7651776816 , 16.0736385582  , 23.5030632215  , -110.6764295938, 44.3086821806  , 9.4452708243   , 5.3300080251   , 39.0483916714  ,
-    151.4550562868 , 62.8957092621  , -116.8103461233, 5.1129927759   , -33.2252515135 , -9.4522506046  , 22.7026048372  , -15.5264414569 ,
-    71.2087620034  , 19.1191568332  , 50.3019546809  , -5.6096922409  , 22.9344126462  , -7.7591876203  , 31.8949515564  , -58.4253952381 ,
-    66.4341297173  , -19.0583083044 , 96.7695087855  , 20.4934280047  , 4.9544603116   , -20.8288135920 , -173.2659655408, -62.4883621640 ,
-    -48.5528422703 , 12.1437504278  , 60.2482234666  , -19.6072312919 , -34.6320214291 , 129.0089698963 , -50.9042160618 , 98.3952661477  ,
-    -4.7051792479  , -13.1768910826 , 69.5138802139  , 58.5748201565  , -45.9385652563 , 151.7952104306 , 34.2541941013  , -58.0417838381 ,
-    28.1480473670  , 46.4006562684  , 97.7001828545  , 4.0855607626   , -32.6097018162 , 16.8913949959  , 105.7266202978 , -89.3978374651 ,
-    -60.9338593128 , -41.2220734230 , 49.9393070783  , 95.0974764854  , 49.2498366456  , 58.6214364590  , 34.1113830569  , 45.6634098874  ,
-    -22.5356086770 , -97.1978653617 , 86.5565049535  , 70.6118545777  , -30.6978082909 , 118.7238621666 , 14.5922386932  , 11.3449652072  ,
-    65.6007783405  , 82.6369678204  , -52.0390492248 , -47.0160551227 , -95.5142448634 , 99.7162626888  , -36.5523815090 , -42.8042935534 ,
-    68.3566199798  , -13.8451547552 , -71.1629911780 , 36.2989433752  , -32.4867163365 , 112.4079947071 , -75.6295117422 , 47.5276421639  ,
-    51.8078250755  , -26.8715188457 , -9.6291144797  , 40.1999849640  , -38.4634033246 , 40.9764960915  , -26.1715730268 , 36.5996396515  ,
-    -26.9924731886 , 53.7879986570  , -83.1658398348 , 23.6381378489  , 43.8794937753  , -55.4133836419 , 90.0266130838  , 14.1036181982  ,
-    -18.1225736715 , 85.1363181151  , -62.5970846379 , -18.5291947838 , -25.7341986703 , -49.7061342931 , -59.0442763971 , 50.8960636803  ,
-    -87.6471123430 , -36.7217762531 , 22.5952364054  , 11.1107885650  , -0.5377327229  , 160.8145792630 , 73.3103441505  , 10.1656872354  ,
-    -50.4554350397 , -57.3478171016 , -15.4201715357 , -26.9135446491 , -4.9891264771  , -37.0226770057 , -80.9919535641 , 50.4418660876  ,
-    -25.8517575250 , -69.9538258421 , -17.5730160671 , 15.9405836751  , 113.9545230349 , -46.1040379057 , -94.2458635014 , -69.0338522452 ,
-    43.5813790265  , 107.1836101171 , -55.1012654323 , -77.1529555887 , -33.1530320656 , -94.5582659641 , -53.6837586872 , 27.0680381378  ,
-    93.9385415207  , -61.0955216188 , 18.0530957225  , 7.9150142320   , -12.1218191587 , 34.0173961457  , 40.0084937565  , 9.8119275580   ,
-    44.2065861274  , -1.8718514394  , 67.4740024215  , 46.7391150131  , 207.2404815875 , 45.1635364462  , 43.3580102761  , -44.0244218674 ,
-    83.2387206007  , -8.6441851856  , 12.3993902588  , -22.5091685270 , -19.8332981376 , 97.9196509289  , -76.6720306234 , 28.9740705859  ,
-    121.9415248016 , 9.6656982611   , -51.0996453694 , 37.3704374740  , 74.7589840907  , -113.4066752631, 120.0029566342 , -105.3786221360,
-    81.8152755619  , -13.4979932982 , -21.4680758393 , -85.1088235539 , -65.3610798409 , -35.0444139470 , -48.0220794487 , -41.6210317362 ,
-    33.1212995259  , -82.1480936443 , -10.5479715135 , 76.4601917004  , 42.1983651157  , 92.6104239912  , -42.3536237955 , -24.5644182272 ,
-    30.4446637772  , -90.2899420489 , 63.6723540422  , 103.0895811428 , 64.1706769263  , -10.7069812309 , 21.8927240409  , 6.3571071738   ,
-    57.1457649358  , -52.9866276448 , 66.0981829072  , -29.5372056881 , -79.2252039810 , -136.2440652798, -57.0106422562 , 86.8203548141  ,
-    66.4244149837  , 53.3230426111  , -66.1283059222 , -131.0402660353, 8.0548411081   , 122.9088988100 , 1.2626894208   , -60.5059112373 ,
-    -68.8707203082 , -6.4747987200  , 85.8411327244  , 99.9624156733  , 90.4197864338  , -35.9630441182 , -22.9158275507 , -17.3660128776 ,
-    16.7845345761  , 34.7219749782  , -39.3513765878 , 1.0460702756   , -60.9494500182 , 20.0900333387  , -85.9636743832 , 88.4400782168  ,
-    15.0729628728  , 61.5499846243  , 11.8579871757  , 107.8617581581 , -42.9393027864 , -62.8422307621 , -19.0589600542 , 4.0750325807   ,
-    -36.0651825425 , 55.7638724501  , -10.4691736080 , -55.5672537178 , -61.2061519915 , -21.1885348576 , -131.2535612498, 24.7463552676  ,
-    22.9426321237  , 14.3038202264  , -138.0926317438, -59.0892900856 , -162.5416439986, 7.1307658250   , -141.1236672256, -4.7173618068  ,
-    -16.7741532807 , -68.2615451173 , -2.6608701102  , 84.1978109826  , -11.3446202072 , 59.9630033088  , -1.8994925010  , -37.9301641959 ,
-    -119.4435600954, -11.4587491646 , 12.2423215240  , -7.3169898616  , -67.0373621128 , 36.0198843055  , 53.9791315249  , -134.5885680695,
-    -83.8330811965 , -16.6714816463 , -8.8498552035  , -24.0513088196 , -22.9444328877 , -37.7961441531 , 25.1975736186  , -136.1611637464,
-    -5.0843464033  , -10.3939554694 , 20.7422826935  , 75.6854136623  , 46.4179626736  , -57.0052830175 , 7.3457235521   , -51.5504447254 ,
-    -158.4375751701, -200.2426967181, -48.1234996261 , 1.6623945527   , 21.1746524375  , 99.4092980367  , -2.3206772903  , 45.7989166757  ,
-    2.0181548348   , -88.0556010969 , -59.1527212096 , 47.3607925077  , -10.4181140309 , 56.3558125650  , -8.9799125560  , -30.0376711812 ,
-    -36.7132904688 , 35.7785050392  , -13.0763909369 , -2.1855594714  , 18.1550954005  , -28.6711803575 , -55.4495172398 , -2.8812973198  ,
-    -59.9575059158 , 40.0588875786  , 57.4713686602  , -3.2835144853  , -36.7193552111 , -64.9415131516 , -166.9555466445, -23.5556853844 ,
-    -54.9408569587 , -35.2310451959 , 21.3345143458  , 65.7590671151  , 51.2214538168  , 46.1271939944  , -42.2235267919 , 127.2329928299 ,
-    105.2391778600 , 17.6726845966  , -129.9021148044, 8.7065613044   , -94.0987112511 , -3.5375742950  , -23.1385452379 , 60.6219530633  ,
-    92.5445564235  , 48.5111974469  , -52.5699309159 , -60.0634811685 , 25.9034368684  , 140.0249495491 , 1.5918852392   , 38.0266038291  ,
-    17.5588710703  , 3.4294066089   , -27.6748782173 , 59.6182974489  , -35.2924781853 , -38.6198576115 , -13.6119803198 , 7.8375587489   ,
-    22.7250686519  , -28.3524510951 , -34.4269062817 , 22.6464817325  , -61.6528147860 , -5.9782002429  , 61.4730771294  , 43.5582379527  ,
-    55.6862408270  , 87.8745651631  , 46.3401042715  , -19.8780979663 , 74.1272633369  , 29.8590452377  , -12.8665765140 , 34.2931401219  ,
-    53.9279617551  , -16.9017895140 , -70.1527553166 , -79.6367897992 , 109.3728271017 , -129.2214826835, -53.4644539730 , -51.5654458993 ,
-    17.6062148433  , 3.5090251835   , 74.2615941204  , -109.3431097845, 40.1403465151  , 28.8714561280  , 94.0868659302  , -19.0047033845 ,
-    -60.0967410050 , -19.0998457619 , -67.2027075128 , 72.0711434846  , -17.8737851232 , 123.7050551274 , 132.6331504104 , 25.5018761009  ,
-    -36.7817189239 , -29.1580893235 , -6.5848563828  , 90.2868948516  , -35.7017258498 , -68.5675432955 , -52.4888589786 , 47.1377730021  ,
-    -7.4546621940  , -52.0657517138 , -49.0404829633 , -114.6910280126, -117.6819819437, -32.7856729408 , 31.8232065591  , 12.1192973039  ,
-    35.2678513420  , -1.0336778293  , 30.7021249679  , 127.0442906046 , -84.8457819393 , 28.9862843096  , -47.3524701726 , -126.1094998460,
-    -2.9700276582  , -2.4956545870  , -53.8624121141 , -85.2114117637 , 76.9057985618  , 137.1205201755 , -19.0830817212 , 14.3407526579  ,
-    -56.5921994449 , -25.6084873186 , -44.9470801106 , -133.3139496090, 0.3487447576   , 33.4499716730  , 34.7126257844  , -9.3307383323  ,
-    27.2996276947  , 10.8765676134  , -91.1032360444 , -90.9584216222 , 1.6981490570   , 96.8557438791  , 56.7726390913  , -44.3246449237 ,
-    52.3260643361  , 21.5551140465  , 27.4535327381  , 2.0072717479   , 7.4823125629   , 77.1185863870  , 16.1372262663  , -10.7206012957 ,
-    66.8830091413  , 49.3523828287  , 54.0855375598  , 30.8570349345  , -10.9255375390 , 62.3910624674  , 30.9238561381  , 0.3352881853   ,
-    72.1022806197  , -28.8319885008 , 23.3335288806  , 46.8999035980  , -67.0984424822 , -164.7917209112, 42.5767681360  , -92.4668227688 ,
-    43.8491734282  , -17.1126540408 , 37.4819594334  , 69.0774409673  , -39.3530526854 , -14.0693747124 , -60.2520781215 , -80.3860105519 ,
-    32.6689956840  , 15.3393042576  , -18.5529761307 , 97.3942151573  , -4.4462855745  , 13.7614349817  , 158.3358780719 , -44.7258299667 ,
-    -17.7741912819 , 116.5136962268 , -33.6261057820 , 22.8344441288  , -155.1423976144, 5.7070117893   , -22.7906543902 , -45.0633909283 ,
-    -13.9329987929 , -66.0848932507 , 1.1383038109   , 123.8386958483 , 67.6662401589  , 45.9152963554  , -27.4397697462 , 97.9596747354  ,
-    -6.3544655181  , 29.0832146722  , 96.3468162499  , 32.4535976137  , -91.0650399301 , 2.7293262791   , 70.7853483111  , -92.3655274571 ,
-    69.0359217256  , 83.1530567979  , 35.8375091111  , 7.3393552348   , -95.1770165365 , 76.4905790891  , 55.6253140577  , -29.5315327050 ,
-    -16.5935468750 , 20.4574192236  , -88.7897972666 , -38.6285080386 , 53.3203422726  , 98.5991486746  , 122.7305462474 , 67.7902817187  ,
-    5.1764117389   , 5.0632821624   , 21.9288789574  , -78.3140512638 , -21.2069682335 , 23.6342010925  , 34.4445769455  , 59.1346766615  ,
-    28.9978778000  , 39.8121180845  , -17.1650033520 , -56.9174900874 , 17.8157086148  , -112.8801457350, -122.4019040408, 140.8669393157 ,
-    -65.4664329639 , 40.6952775518  , 32.7260891658  , -43.2565155866 , 19.3945751928  , -20.1815002000 , -67.6601711640 , -18.1921178207 ,
-    -35.6802153684 , -19.6571455162
-/* Blocksizes */
-                filtering_blocksizes,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                      1, 7, 14, 32, FILTERING_MAX_BLOCKSIZE));
-                lms_blocksizes,
-                3,
-                CURLY(
-                      128, 256, LMS_MAX_BLOCKSIZE));
-                filtering_numtaps,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                      4, 6, 14, 32, FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS));
-                filtering_numtaps2,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                      6, 12, 18, 24, 30));
-                filtering_numstages,
-                3,
-                CURLY(
-                      1, 7, FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES));
-                filtering_postshifts,
-                3,
-                CURLY(
-                      0, 1, FILTERING_MAX_POSTSHIFT));
-                filtering_Ls,
-                3,
-                CURLY(
-                      1, 2, FILTERING_MAX_L));
-                filtering_Ms,
-                6,
-                CURLY(
-                      1, 2, 4, 7, 11, FILTERING_MAX_M));
-/* Coefficient Lists */
-// There must be at least max( FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS + 2 , FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2) coefficients
-const float32_t filtering_coeffs_f32[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2] =
-	-13.0572f, 0.0f     , -97.4724f, 8.4111f  , -7.2193f , -53.7577f, 22.2630f ,
-   -1.0509f  , -25.9198f, 26.5207f , -12.6697f, -78.7453f, -0.6540f , 0.3119f  ,
-   13.4595f  , -6.7225f , -4.1313f , -38.5974f, 3.2700f  , -51.6191f, -22.4314f,
-   0.2481f   , 32.9779f , -37.6421f, 5.4469f  , -7.0023f , 24.3657f , 9.9140f  ,
-   0.2870f   , -13.0499f, 29.3333f , -53.1396f, -2.7555f , 0.5377f  , 35.3491f ,
-   -3.7134f  , 0.8548f  , 4.7469f  , -10.5865f, -2.7285f , -1.5912f , -13.3502f,
-   6.8532f   , -8.2304f , -8.1193f , 3.8257f  , -2.1703f , 13.5727f , 14.2736f ,
-   -0.9855f  , -8.9334f , -13.8883f, 11.8430f , -2.2024f , 0.9795f  , 15.6191f ,
-   5.2121f   , 10.8102f , -9.4171f , 6.0411f  , -0.9131f , 10.6992f , -3.2634f ,
-   7.5849f   , -4.9305f , -6.0549f , -7.9409f , 1.5827f  , 13.3177f , 8.6727f  ,
-   -13.2268f , 11.1239f , 0.2481f  , 32.9779f , -37.6421f, 5.4469f  , -13.8883f,
-   11.8430f  , -2.2024f , 0.9795f  , 15.6191f , 0.2481f  , 32.9779f , -37.6421f,
-   3.2700f   , -51.6191f
-const float64_t filtering_coeffs_f64[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2] =
-	-13.0572f, 0.0f     , -97.4724f, 8.4111f  , -7.2193f , -53.7577f, 22.2630f ,
-   -1.0509f  , -25.9198f, 26.5207f , -12.6697f, -78.7453f, -0.6540f , 0.3119f  ,
-   13.4595f  , -6.7225f , -4.1313f , -38.5974f, 3.2700f  , -51.6191f, -22.4314f,
-   0.2481f   , 32.9779f , -37.6421f, 5.4469f  , -7.0023f , 24.3657f , 9.9140f  ,
-   0.2870f   , -13.0499f, 29.3333f , -53.1396f, -2.7555f , 0.5377f  , 35.3491f ,
-   -3.7134f  , 0.8548f  , 4.7469f  , -10.5865f, -2.7285f , -1.5912f , -13.3502f,
-   6.8532f   , -8.2304f , -8.1193f , 3.8257f  , -2.1703f , 13.5727f , 14.2736f ,
-   -0.9855f  , -8.9334f , -13.8883f, 11.8430f , -2.2024f , 0.9795f  , 15.6191f ,
-   5.2121f   , 10.8102f , -9.4171f , 6.0411f  , -0.9131f , 10.6992f , -3.2634f ,
-   7.5849f   , -4.9305f , -6.0549f , -7.9409f , 1.5827f  , 13.3177f , 8.6727f  ,
-   -13.2268f , 11.1239f , 0.2481f  , 32.9779f , -37.6421f, 5.4469f  , -13.8883f,
-   11.8430f  , -2.2024f , 0.9795f  , 15.6191f , 0.2481f  , 32.9779f , -37.6421f,
-   3.2700f   , -51.6191f
-const float32_t filtering_coeffs_b_f32[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2] =
-	-0.0572f, 0.0f    , -0.4724f, 0.4111f , -0.9999f, -0.7577f, 0.2630f ,
-   -0.0509f, -1.0000f, 0.5207f , -0.6697f, -0.7453f, -0.6540f, 0.3119f ,
-   0.4595f , -0.7225f, -0.1313f, -0.5974f, 0.2700f , -0.6191f, -0.4314f,
-   0.2481f , 0.9779f , -0.6421f, 0.4469f , -0.0023f, 0.3657f , 0.9140f ,
-   0.2870f , -0.0499f, 0.3333f , -0.1396f, -0.7555f, 0.5377f , 0.3491f ,
-   0.2369f , -0.5310f, -0.5904f, 0.6263f , 0.0205f , 0.1088f , -0.2926f,
-   -0.4187f, -0.5094f, 0.4479f , -0.3594f, -0.3102f, 0.6748f , 0.7620f ,
-   0.0033f , -0.9195f, 0.3192f , -0.1705f, 0.5524f , -0.5025f, 0.4898f ,
-   -0.0119f, -0.3982f, -0.7818f, -0.9186f, -0.0944f, 0.7228f , 0.7014f ,
-   0.4850f , -0.6814f, 0.4914f , -0.6286f, 0.5130f , -0.8585f, 0.3000f ,
-   0.6068f , 0.4978f , -0.7225f, -0.1313f, -0.5974f, 0.2700f , -0.6191f,
-   0.2481f , 0.9779f , -0.6421f, 0.4469f , -0.0023f, 0.3657f , 0.9140f ,
-   0.2369f , -0.5310f
-const float64_t filtering_coeffs_b_f64[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2] =
-	-0.0572f, 0.0f    , -0.4724f, 0.4111f , -0.9999f, -0.7577f, 0.2630f ,
-   -0.0509f, -1.0000f, 0.5207f , -0.6697f, -0.7453f, -0.6540f, 0.3119f ,
-   0.4595f , -0.7225f, -0.1313f, -0.5974f, 0.2700f , -0.6191f, -0.4314f,
-   0.2481f , 0.9779f , -0.6421f, 0.4469f , -0.0023f, 0.3657f , 0.9140f ,
-   0.2870f , -0.0499f, 0.3333f , -0.1396f, -0.7555f, 0.5377f , 0.3491f ,
-   0.2369f , -0.5310f, -0.5904f, 0.6263f , 0.0205f , 0.1088f , -0.2926f,
-   -0.4187f, -0.5094f, 0.4479f , -0.3594f, -0.3102f, 0.6748f , 0.7620f ,
-   0.0033f , -0.9195f, 0.3192f , -0.1705f, 0.5524f , -0.5025f, 0.4898f ,
-   -0.0119f, -0.3982f, -0.7818f, -0.9186f, -0.0944f, 0.7228f , 0.7014f ,
-   0.4850f , -0.6814f, 0.4914f , -0.6286f, 0.5130f , -0.8585f, 0.3000f ,
-   0.6068f , 0.4978f , -0.7225f, -0.1313f, -0.5974f, 0.2700f , -0.6191f,
-   0.2481f , 0.9779f , -0.6421f, 0.4469f , -0.0023f, 0.3657f , 0.9140f ,
-   0.2369f , -0.5310f
-const float32_t *filtering_coeffs_c_f32 = filtering_coeffs_b_f32 + 1;
-const q31_t filtering_coeffs_q31[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 2] =
-	0xEEDA759C, 0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0x0B0BA027, 0xF6850544, 0xB967E3EC,
-	0x1D3C4F64, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xDDF65B14, 0x22D3A62D, 0xEF5CBB89, 0x98979EE0,
-	0xFF242597, 0x0068D9E9, 0x11ACC4F3, 0xF72C0F21, 0xFA9326BC, 0xCD506BD5,
-	0x044B50CD, 0xBC36D4BC, 0xE28B1589, 0x0053690B, 0x2B4E6639, 0xCE919690,
-	0x0727234D, 0xF6CDFB14, 0x1FFF2FCF, 0x0D04DC35, 0x00607E4D, 0xEEDCF04A,
-	0x268530EF, 0xBA37B050, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xEF5CBB89, 0x00000000, 0x2B4E6639,
-	0xFF242597, 0x0068D9E9, 0x11ACC4F3, 0xF72C0F21, 0xFA9326BC, 0xCD506BD5,
-	0x1D3C4F64, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xDDF65B14, 0x22D3A62D, 0xEF5CBB89, 0x98979EE0,
-	0x044B50CD, 0xBC36D4BC, 0xE28B1589, 0x0053690B, 0x2B4E6639, 0xCE919690,
-	0x0727234D, 0xF6CDFB14, 0x1FFF2FCF, 0x0D04DC35, 0x00607E4D, 0xEEDCF04A,
-   0xE28B1589, 0x0053690B, 0x044B50CD, 0xBC36D4BC, 0xE28B1589, 0xB967E3EC,
-	0x044B50CD, 0xBC36D4BC, 0xE28B1589, 0x0053690B, 0x2B4E6639, 0xCE919690,
-   0x1FFF2FCF, 0x0D04DC35, 0x00607E4D, 0xEEDCF04A, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xDDF65B14,
-	0xFF242597, 0x0068D9E9, 0x11ACC4F3, 0xF72C0F21, 0xFA9326BC, 0xCD506BD5,
-   0x2B4E6639, 0xCE919690
-const q31_t *filtering_coeffs_b_q31 = filtering_coeffs_q31 + 1;
-const q31_t *filtering_coeffs_c_q31 = filtering_coeffs_q31 + 2;
-//fourth coefficient MUST be zero for arm_biquad_cascade_df1_fast_q15 to work
-//every 6th coefficient after that must also be zero
-const q15_t filtering_coeffs_q15[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 4] =
-	0xBA37, 0xEEDA, 0x8000, 0x0000, 0x0B0B, 0xF685, 0xB967,
-	0x1D3C, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x22D3, 0xEF5C, 0x9897,
-	0xFF24, 0x0068, 0x0000, 0xF72C, 0xFA93, 0xCD50,
-	0x044B, 0xBC36, 0x0000, 0x0053, 0x2B4E, 0xCE91,
-	0x0727, 0xF6CD, 0x0000, 0x0D04, 0x0060, 0xEEDC,
-	0x2685, 0xBA37, 0x0000, 0xDDF6, 0x0000, 0x2B4E,
-	0xFF24, 0x0068, 0x0000, 0xF72C, 0xFA93, 0xCD50,
-	0x1D3C, 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x22D3, 0xEF5C, 0x9897,
-	0x044B, 0xBC36, 0x0000, 0x0053, 0x2B4E, 0xCE91,
-	0x0727, 0xF6CD, 0x0000, 0x0D04, 0x0060, 0xEEDC,
-   0xE28B, 0x0053, 0x0000, 0xBC36, 0xE28B, 0xB967,
-	0x044B, 0xBC36, 0x0000, 0x0053, 0x2B4E, 0xCE91,
-	0x044B, 0xBC36, 0x0000, 0x0053, 0x2B4E, 0xCE91,
-	0x0727, 0xF6CD, 0x0000, 0x0D04, 0x0060, 0xEEDC,
-   0xE28B, 0x11AC, 0x0000,
-const q15_t *filtering_coeffs_b_q15 = filtering_coeffs_q15 + 2;
-const q15_t *filtering_coeffs_c_q15 = filtering_coeffs_q15 + 4;
-const q7_t filtering_coeffs_q7[FILTERING_MAX_NUMSTAGES * 6 + 8] =
-	0xEE, 0x00, 0x80, 0x0B, 0xF6, 0xB9,
-	0x1D, 0xFF, 0xDD, 0x22, 0xEF, 0x98,
-	0xFF, 0x00, 0x11, 0xF7, 0xFA, 0xCD,
-	0x04, 0xBC, 0xE2, 0x00, 0x2B, 0xCE,
-	0x07, 0xF6, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xEE,
-	0x26, 0xBA, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x80, 0x2B,
-	0xFF, 0x00, 0x11, 0xF7, 0xFA, 0xCD,
-	0x1D, 0xFF, 0xDD, 0x22, 0xEF, 0x98,
-	0x04, 0xBC, 0xE2, 0x00, 0x2B, 0xCE,
-	0x07, 0xF6, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xEE,
-   0xE2, 0x00, 0x04, 0xBC, 0xE2, 0xB9,
-	0x04, 0xBC, 0xE2, 0x00, 0x2B, 0xCE,
-	0x07, 0xF6, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xEE,
-	0x26, 0xBA, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x80, 0x2B,
-	0x07, 0xF6, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xEE,
-   0xFA, 0xCD
-const q7_t *filtering_coeffs_b_q7 = filtering_coeffs_q7 + 4;
-const q7_t *filtering_coeffs_c_q7 = filtering_coeffs_q7 + 8;
-/* Tap Delay Lists */
-//const int32_t filtering_tap_delay[FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS] = {
-//	0xEE, 0x00, 0x10, 0x0B, 0xF6, 0xD9,
-//	0x1D, 0xFF, 0xDD, 0x1A, 0xEF, 0xE8,
-//	0xFF, 0x00, 0x11, 0xF7, 0xFA, 0xDD,
-//	0x04, 0xEC, 0xE2, 0x00, 0x2B, 0xFE,
-//	0x07, 0xF6, 0x1F, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xEE,
-//	0x20, 0xDF, 0x21
-const int32_t filtering_tap_delay[FILTERING_MAX_NUMTAPS] = {
-	0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x0B, 0x03, 0x05,
-	0x1D, 0x21, 0x11, 0x1A, 0x1F, 0x07,
-	0x20, 0x01, 0x10, 0x0B, 0x03, 0x05,
-	0x1D, 0x21, 0x11, 0x1A, 0x1F, 0x07,
-	0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x0B, 0x03, 0x05,
-	0x1D, 0x21, 0x11
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/filtering_test_group.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/filtering_test_group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ac7fc..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/filtering_test_group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "filtering_tests.h"
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(biquad_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(conv_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(correlate_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(fir_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(iir_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(lms_tests);
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/fir_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/fir_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e52b2..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/fir_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "filtering_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "filtering_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define FIR_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, config_suffix, output_type)             \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_fir##config_suffix##_##suffix##_test,          \
-         arm_fir##config_suffix##_##suffix)                             \
-   {                                                                    \
-      arm_fir_instance_##suffix fir_inst_fut = { 0 };                   \
-      arm_fir_instance_##suffix fir_inst_ref = { 0 };                   \
-                                                                        \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                             \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes    \
-            ,                                                           \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                          \
-               numtaps_idx, uint16_t, numTaps, filtering_numtaps        \
-               ,                                                        \
-               /* Initialize the FIR Instances */                       \
-               arm_fir_init_##suffix(                                   \
-                     &fir_inst_fut, numTaps,                            \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,           \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);             \
-                                                                        \
-              /* Display test parameter values */                       \
-              JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                        \
-                              "Number of Taps: %d\n",                   \
-                         (int)blockSize,                                \
-                         (int)numTaps);                                 \
-                                                                        \
-               JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                      \
-                     arm_fir##config_suffix##_##suffix(                 \
-                           &fir_inst_fut,                               \
-                           (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,        \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_fut,               \
-                           blockSize));                                 \
-                                                                        \
-               arm_fir_init_##suffix(                                   \
-                     &fir_inst_ref, numTaps,                            \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,           \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);             \
-                                                                        \
-               ref_fir##config_suffix##_##suffix(                       \
-                     &fir_inst_ref,                                     \
-                     (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,              \
-                     (void *) filtering_output_ref,                     \
-                     blockSize);                                        \
-                                                                        \
-               FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                         \
-                     blockSize,                                         \
-                     output_type)));                                    \
-                                                                        \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-   }
-#define FIR_INTERPOLATE_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, output_type)                      \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_fir_interpolate_##suffix##_test,                     \
-         arm_fir_interpolate_##suffix)                                        \
-   {                                                                          \
-      arm_fir_interpolate_instance_##suffix fir_inst_fut = { 0 };             \
-      arm_fir_interpolate_instance_##suffix fir_inst_ref = { 0 };             \
-                                                                              \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                   \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes          \
-            ,                                                                 \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                \
-               numtaps_idx, uint16_t, numTaps, filtering_numtaps2             \
-               ,                                                              \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                             \
-                  L_idx, uint8_t, L, filtering_Ls                             \
-                  ,                                                           \
-                  /* Display test parameter values */                         \
-                  JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                          \
-                                 "Number of Taps: %d\n"                       \
-                                 "Upsample factor: %d\n",                     \
-                                (int)blockSize,                               \
-                                (int)numTaps,                                 \
-                                (int)L);                                      \
-                                                                              \
-                  /* Initialize the FIR Instances */                          \
-                  arm_fir_interpolate_init_##suffix(                          \
-                        &fir_inst_fut, L, numTaps,                            \
-                        (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,              \
-                        (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);                \
-                                                                              \
-                  JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                         \
-                        arm_fir_interpolate_##suffix(                         \
-                              &fir_inst_fut,                                  \
-                              (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,           \
-                              (void *) filtering_output_fut,                  \
-                              blockSize));                                    \
-                                                                              \
-                  arm_fir_interpolate_init_##suffix(                          \
-                        &fir_inst_ref, L, numTaps,                            \
-                        (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,              \
-                        (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);                \
-                                                                              \
-                  ref_fir_interpolate_##suffix(                               \
-                        &fir_inst_ref,                                        \
-                        (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                 \
-                        (void *) filtering_output_ref,                        \
-                        blockSize);                                           \
-                                                                              \
-                  FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                            \
-                        blockSize * (uint32_t)L,                              \
-                        output_type))));                                      \
-                                                                              \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                         \
-   }
-#define FIR_DECIMATE_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, config_suffix, output_type)       \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_fir_decimate##config_suffix##_##suffix##_test,    \
-         arm_fir_decimate##config_suffix##_##suffix)                       \
-   {                                                                       \
-      arm_fir_decimate_instance_##suffix fir_inst_fut = { 0 };             \
-      arm_fir_decimate_instance_##suffix fir_inst_ref = { 0 };             \
-                                                                           \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes       \
-            ,                                                              \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                             \
-               numtaps_idx, uint16_t, numTaps, filtering_numtaps           \
-               ,                                                           \
-            TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                          \
-                  M_idx, uint8_t, M, filtering_Ms                          \
-                  ,                                                        \
-                  if (blockSize % M == 0)                                   \
-                  {                                                        \
-                     /* Display test parameter values */                   \
-                     JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                    \
-                                     "Number of Taps: %d\n"                \
-                                     "Decimation Factor: %d\n",            \
-                                     (int)blockSize,                       \
-                                     (int)numTaps,                         \
-                                     (int)M);                              \
-                                                                           \
-                     /* Initialize the FIR Instances */                    \
-                     arm_fir_decimate_init_##suffix(                       \
-                           &fir_inst_fut, numTaps, M,                      \
-                           (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,        \
-                           (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);          \
-                                                                           \
-                     JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                   \
-                           arm_fir_decimate##config_suffix##_##suffix(     \
-                                 &fir_inst_fut,                            \
-                                 (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,     \
-                                 (void *) filtering_output_fut,            \
-                                 blockSize));                              \
-                                                                           \
-                     arm_fir_decimate_init_##suffix(                       \
-                           &fir_inst_ref, numTaps, M,                      \
-                           (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,        \
-                           (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);          \
-                                                                           \
-                     ref_fir_decimate##config_suffix##_##suffix(           \
-                           &fir_inst_ref,                                  \
-                           (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,           \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_ref,                  \
-                           blockSize);                                     \
-                                                                           \
-                     FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                      \
-                           blockSize / M,                                  \
-                           output_type);                                   \
-                  })));                                                    \
-                                                                           \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                      \
-   }
-#define FIR_LATTICE_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, output_type)                       \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_fir_lattice_##suffix##_test,                      \
-         arm_fir_lattice_##suffix)                                         \
-   {                                                                       \
-      arm_fir_lattice_instance_##suffix fir_inst_fut = { 0 };              \
-      arm_fir_lattice_instance_##suffix fir_inst_ref = { 0 };              \
-                                                                           \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes       \
-            ,                                                              \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                             \
-               numstages_idx, uint16_t, numStages, filtering_numstages     \
-               ,                                                           \
-               /* Display test parameter values */                         \
-               JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                          \
-                               "Number of Stages: %d\n",                   \
-                               (int)blockSize,                             \
-                               (int)numStages);                            \
-                                                                           \
-               /* Initialize the FIR Instances */                          \
-               arm_fir_lattice_init_##suffix(                              \
-                     &fir_inst_fut, numStages,                             \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,              \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState);                           \
-                                                                           \
-               JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                         \
-                     arm_fir_lattice_##suffix(                             \
-                           &fir_inst_fut,                                  \
-                           (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,           \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_fut,                  \
-                           blockSize));                                    \
-                                                                           \
-               arm_fir_lattice_init_##suffix(                              \
-                     &fir_inst_ref, numStages,                             \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,              \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState);                           \
-                                                                           \
-               ref_fir_lattice_##suffix(                                   \
-                     &fir_inst_ref,                                        \
-                     (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                 \
-                     (void *) filtering_output_ref,                        \
-                     blockSize);                                           \
-                                                                           \
-               FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                            \
-                     blockSize,                                            \
-                     output_type)));                                       \
-                                                                           \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                      \
-   }
-#define FIR_SPARSE_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, output_type)                     \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_fir_sparse_##suffix##_test,                    \
-         arm_fir_sparse_##suffix)                                       \
-   {                                                                    \
-      arm_fir_sparse_instance_##suffix fir_inst_fut = { 0 };            \
-      arm_fir_sparse_instance_##suffix fir_inst_ref = { 0 };            \
-                                                                        \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                             \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes    \
-            ,                                                           \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                          \
-               numtaps_idx, uint16_t, numTaps, filtering_numtaps        \
-               ,                                                        \
-               /* Display test parameter values */                      \
-               JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                       \
-                               "Number of Taps: %d\n"                   \
-                               "Tap Delay: %d\n",                       \
-                               (int)blockSize,                          \
-                               (int)numTaps,                            \
-                               (int)FILTERING_MAX_TAP_DELAY);           \
-                                                                        \
-               /* Initialize the FIR Instances */                       \
-               arm_fir_sparse_init_##suffix(                            \
-                     &fir_inst_fut, numTaps,                            \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,           \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState,                         \
-                     (int32_t*)filtering_tap_delay,                     \
-                     FILTERING_MAX_TAP_DELAY, blockSize);               \
-                                                                        \
-               JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                      \
-                     arm_fir_sparse_##suffix(                           \
-                           &fir_inst_fut,                               \
-                           (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,        \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_fut,               \
-                           (void *) filtering_scratch,                  \
-                           blockSize));                                 \
-                                                                        \
-               arm_fir_sparse_init_##suffix(                            \
-                     &fir_inst_ref, numTaps,                            \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,           \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState,                         \
-                     (int32_t*)filtering_tap_delay,                     \
-                     FILTERING_MAX_TAP_DELAY, blockSize);               \
-                                                                        \
-               ref_fir_sparse_##suffix(                                 \
-                     &fir_inst_ref,                                     \
-                     (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,              \
-                     (void *) filtering_output_ref,                     \
-                     (void *) filtering_scratch,                        \
-                     blockSize);                                        \
-                                                                        \
-               FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                         \
-                     blockSize,                                         \
-                     output_type)));                                    \
-                                                                        \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-   }
-#define FIR_SPARSE2_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, output_type)                    \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_fir_sparse_##suffix##_test,                    \
-         arm_fir_sparse_##suffix)                                       \
-   {                                                                    \
-      arm_fir_sparse_instance_##suffix fir_inst_fut = { 0 };            \
-      arm_fir_sparse_instance_##suffix fir_inst_ref = { 0 };            \
-                                                                        \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                             \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes    \
-            ,                                                           \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                          \
-               numtaps_idx, uint16_t, numTaps, filtering_numtaps        \
-               ,                                                        \
-              /* Display test parameter values */                       \
-              JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                        \
-                              "Number of Taps: %d\n"                    \
-                              "Tap Delay: %d\n",                        \
-                              (int)blockSize,                           \
-                              (int)numTaps,                             \
-                              (int)FILTERING_MAX_TAP_DELAY);            \
-                                                                        \
-               /* Initialize the FIR Instances */                       \
-               arm_fir_sparse_init_##suffix(                            \
-                     &fir_inst_fut, numTaps,                            \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,           \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState,                         \
-                     (int32_t*)filtering_tap_delay,                     \
-                     FILTERING_MAX_TAP_DELAY, blockSize);               \
-                                                                        \
-               JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                      \
-                     arm_fir_sparse_##suffix(                           \
-                           &fir_inst_fut,                               \
-                           (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,        \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_fut,               \
-                           (void *) filtering_scratch,                  \
-                           (void *) filtering_scratch2,                 \
-                           blockSize));                                 \
-                                                                        \
-               arm_fir_sparse_init_##suffix(                            \
-                     &fir_inst_ref, numTaps,                            \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,           \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState,                         \
-                     (int32_t*)filtering_tap_delay,                     \
-                     FILTERING_MAX_TAP_DELAY, blockSize);               \
-                                                                        \
-               ref_fir_sparse_##suffix(                                 \
-                     &fir_inst_ref,                                     \
-                     (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,              \
-                     (void *) filtering_output_ref,                     \
-                     (void *) filtering_scratch,                        \
-                     (void *) filtering_scratch2,                       \
-                     blockSize);                                        \
-                                                                        \
-               FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                         \
-                     blockSize,                                         \
-                     output_type)));                                    \
-                                                                        \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-   }
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_q7_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_fast_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_fast_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_lattice_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_lattice_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_lattice_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_interpolate_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_interpolate_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_interpolate_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_decimate_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_decimate_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_decimate_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_decimate_fast_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_decimate_fast_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_sparse_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_sparse_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_sparse_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fir_sparse_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/iir_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/iir_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d31c3f..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/iir_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "filtering_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "filtering_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define IIR_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, output_type)                                              \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_iir_lattice_##suffix##_test,                                     \
-         arm_iir_lattice_##suffix)                                                        \
-   {                                                                                      \
-      arm_iir_lattice_instance_##suffix iir_inst_fut = { 0 };                             \
-      arm_iir_lattice_instance_##suffix iir_inst_ref = { 0 };                             \
-                                                                                          \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                               \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, filtering_blocksizes                      \
-            ,                                                                             \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                            \
-               numstages_idx, uint16_t, numStages, filtering_numstages                    \
-               ,                                                                          \
-              /* Display test parameter values */                                         \
-              JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                                          \
-                              "Number of Stages: %d\n",                                   \
-                              (int)blockSize,                                             \
-                              (int)numStages);                                            \
-                                                                                          \
-               /* Initialize the IIR Instances */                                         \
-               arm_iir_lattice_init_##suffix(                                             \
-                     &iir_inst_fut, numStages, (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_b_##suffix, \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_c_##suffix,                           \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);                               \
-                                                                                          \
-               JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                        \
-                     arm_iir_lattice_##suffix(                                            \
-                           &iir_inst_fut,                                                 \
-                           (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                          \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_fut,                                 \
-                           blockSize));                                                   \
-                                                                                          \
-               arm_iir_lattice_init_##suffix(                                             \
-                     &iir_inst_ref, numStages, (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_b_##suffix, \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_c_##suffix,                           \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);                               \
-                                                                                          \
-               ref_iir_lattice_##suffix(                                                  \
-                     &iir_inst_ref,                                                       \
-                     (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                                \
-                     (void *) filtering_output_ref,                                       \
-                     blockSize);                                                          \
-                                                                                          \
-               FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                           \
-                     blockSize,                                                           \
-                     output_type)));                                                      \
-                                                                                          \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                                     \
-   }
-IIR_DEFINE_TEST(f32, float32_t);
-IIR_DEFINE_TEST(q31, q31_t);
-IIR_DEFINE_TEST(q15, q15_t);
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_iir_lattice_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_iir_lattice_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_iir_lattice_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/lms_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/lms_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 06e96b6..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/filtering_tests/lms_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "filtering_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "filtering_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-static const float32_t mu_f32 = 0.00854f;//1.0f;
-static const float32_t mu2_f32 = 1.0f;
-static const q31_t mu_q31 = 0x7fffffff;
-static const q15_t mu_q15 = 0x7fff;
-#define LMS_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, config_suffix, output_type, mu)                        \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_lms##config_suffix##_##suffix##_test,                         \
-         arm_lms##config_suffix##_##suffix)                                            \
-   {                                                                                   \
-      arm_lms##config_suffix##_instance_##suffix lms_inst_fut = { 0 };                 \
-      arm_lms##config_suffix##_instance_##suffix lms_inst_ref = { 0 };                 \
-      arm_fir_instance_##suffix fir_inst = { 0 };                                      \
-      uint32_t i;                                                                      \
-                                                                                       \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                            \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, lms_blocksizes                         \
-            ,                                                                          \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                         \
-               numtaps_idx, uint16_t, numTaps, filtering_numtaps                       \
-               ,                                                                       \
-               /* Initialize the FIR Instances */                                      \
-               arm_fir_init_##suffix(                                                  \
-                     &fir_inst, numTaps,                                               \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,                          \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);                            \
-                                                                                       \
-               ref_fir_##suffix(                                                       \
-                     &fir_inst,                                                        \
-                     (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                             \
-                     (void *) filtering_input_lms,                                     \
-                     blockSize);                                                       \
-                                                                                       \
-               for(i=0;i<numTaps;i++)                                                  \
-               {                                                                       \
-                  *((output_type*)filtering_coeffs_lms + i) = (output_type)0;          \
-               }                                                                       \
-                                                                                       \
-               for(i=0;i<blockSize;i++)                                                \
-               {                                                                       \
-                  /* scaled down so that lms will converge           */                \
-                  /* scaled down by almost the max of the abs(input) */                \
-                  *((output_type*)filtering_input_lms + i) =                           \
-                        *((output_type*)filtering_input_lms + i) / 200.0f;             \
-                                                                                       \
-                  *((output_type*)filtering_output_f32_fut + i) =                      \
-                        *((output_type*)filtering_##suffix##_inputs + i) / 200.0f;     \
-               }                                                                       \
-                                                                                       \
-               /* Display test parameter values */                                     \
-               JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                                      \
-                               "Number of Taps: %d\n",                                 \
-                               (int)blockSize,                                         \
-                               (int)numTaps);                                          \
-                                                                                       \
-               /* Initialize the LMS Instances */                                      \
-               arm_lms##config_suffix##_init_##suffix(                                 \
-                     &lms_inst_fut, numTaps,                                           \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_lms,                               \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, mu, blockSize);                        \
-                                                                                       \
-               JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                     \
-                     arm_lms##config_suffix##_##suffix(                                \
-                           &lms_inst_fut,                                              \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_f32_fut,                          \
-                           (void *) filtering_input_lms,                               \
-                           (void *) filtering_output_fut,                              \
-                           (void *) ((output_type*)filtering_output_fut+blockSize),    \
-                           blockSize));                                                \
-                                                                                       \
-               for(i=0;i<numTaps;i++)                                                  \
-               {                                                                       \
-                  *((output_type*)filtering_coeffs_lms + i) = (output_type)0;          \
-               }                                                                       \
-                                                                                       \
-               arm_lms##config_suffix##_init_##suffix(                                 \
-                     &lms_inst_ref, numTaps,                                           \
-                     (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_lms,                               \
-                     (void *) filtering_pState, mu, blockSize);                        \
-                                                                                       \
-               ref_lms##config_suffix##_##suffix(                                      \
-                     &lms_inst_ref,                                                    \
-                     (void *) filtering_output_f32_fut,                                \
-                     (void *) filtering_input_lms,                                     \
-                     (void *) filtering_output_ref,                                    \
-                     (void *) ((output_type*)filtering_output_fut+blockSize),          \
-                     blockSize);                                                       \
-                                                                                       \
-               FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                        \
-                     blockSize,                                                        \
-                     output_type)));                                                   \
-                                                                                       \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                                  \
-   }
-#define LMS_WITH_POSTSHIFT_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, config_suffix, output_type)             \
-   JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_lms##config_suffix##_##suffix##_test,                         \
-         arm_lms##config_suffix##_##suffix)                                            \
-   {                                                                                   \
-      arm_lms##config_suffix##_instance_##suffix lms_inst_fut = { 0 };                 \
-      arm_lms##config_suffix##_instance_##suffix lms_inst_ref = { 0 };                 \
-      arm_fir_instance_##suffix fir_inst = { 0 };                                      \
-      uint32_t i;                                                                      \
-                                                                                       \
-      TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                            \
-            blocksize_idx, uint32_t, blockSize, lms_blocksizes                         \
-            ,                                                                          \
-         TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                         \
-               numtaps_idx, uint16_t, numTaps, filtering_numtaps                       \
-               ,                                                                       \
-               TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                   \
-                     postshifts_idx, uint8_t, postShift, filtering_postshifts          \
-                     ,                                                                 \
-                  /* Initialize the FIR Instances */                                   \
-                  arm_fir_init_##suffix(                                               \
-                        &fir_inst, numTaps,                                            \
-                        (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_##suffix,                       \
-                        (void *) filtering_pState, blockSize);                         \
-                                                                                       \
-                  ref_fir_##suffix(                                                    \
-                        &fir_inst,                                                     \
-                        (void *) filtering_##suffix##_inputs,                          \
-                        (void *) filtering_input_lms,                                  \
-                        blockSize);                                                    \
-                                                                                       \
-                  for(i=0;i<numTaps;i++)                                               \
-                  {                                                                    \
-                     *((output_type*)filtering_coeffs_lms + i) = (output_type)0;       \
-                  }                                                                    \
-                                                                                       \
-                  for(i=0;i<blockSize;i++)                                             \
-                  {                                                                    \
-                     /* scaled down so that lms will converge */                       \
-                     /* scaled down by log2(numTaps) bits     */                       \
-                     *((output_type*)filtering_output_f32_fut + i) =                   \
-                           *((output_type*)filtering_##suffix##_inputs + i) >> 6;      \
-                  }                                                                    \
-                                                                                       \
-                  /* Display test parameter values */                                  \
-                  JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                                   \
-                                  "Number of Taps: %d\n"                               \
-                                  "Post Shift: %d\n",                                  \
-                                  (int)blockSize,                                      \
-                                  (int)numTaps,                                        \
-                                  (int)postShift);                                     \
-                                                                                       \
-                  /* Initialize the LMS Instances */                                   \
-                  arm_lms##config_suffix##_init_##suffix(                              \
-                        &lms_inst_fut, numTaps,                                        \
-                        (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_lms,                            \
-                        (void *) filtering_pState, mu_##suffix, blockSize, postShift); \
-                                                                                       \
-                  JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                  \
-                        arm_lms##config_suffix##_##suffix(                             \
-                              &lms_inst_fut,                                           \
-                              (void *) filtering_output_f32_fut,                       \
-                              (void *) filtering_input_lms,                            \
-                              (void *) filtering_output_fut,                           \
-                              (void *) ((output_type*)filtering_output_fut+blockSize), \
-                              blockSize));                                             \
-                                                                                       \
-                  for(i=0;i<numTaps;i++)                                               \
-                  {                                                                    \
-                     *((output_type*)filtering_coeffs_lms + i) = (output_type)0;       \
-                  }                                                                    \
-                                                                                       \
-                  arm_lms##config_suffix##_init_##suffix(                              \
-                        &lms_inst_ref, numTaps,                                        \
-                        (output_type*)filtering_coeffs_lms,                            \
-                        (void *) filtering_pState, mu_##suffix, blockSize, postShift); \
-                                                                                       \
-                  ref_lms##config_suffix##_##suffix(                                   \
-                        &lms_inst_ref,                                                 \
-                        (void *) filtering_output_f32_fut,                             \
-                        (void *) filtering_input_lms,                                  \
-                        (void *) filtering_output_ref,                                 \
-                        (void *) ((output_type*)filtering_output_ref+blockSize),       \
-                        blockSize);                                                    \
-                                                                                       \
-                  FILTERING_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                                     \
-                        blockSize,                                                     \
-                        output_type))));                                               \
-                                                                                       \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                                  \
-   }
-LMS_DEFINE_TEST(f32,,float32_t, mu_f32);
-LMS_DEFINE_TEST(f32,_norm,float32_t, mu2_f32);
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_lms_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_lms_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_lms_q15_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_lms_norm_f32_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_lms_norm_q31_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_lms_norm_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e826e7..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "intrinsics_templates.h"
-#include "intrinsics_test_data.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(__QADD8_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(__QSUB8_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(__QADD16_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(__SHADD16_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(__QSUB16_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(__SHSUB16_test);
-   JTEST_TEST_CALL(__SXTB16_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_tests_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_tests_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 621656d..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/intrinsics_tests/intrinsics_tests_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-#include "intrinsics_test_data.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-q63_t intrinsics_output_fut[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-q63_t intrinsics_output_ref[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-float32_t intrinsics_output_f32_fut[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-float32_t intrinsics_output_f32_ref[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN] = {0};
-const q63_t intrinsics_q63_inputs[INTRINSICS_MAX_LEN] =
-    0xF7D2D6F5414A5524, 0x5297DAF44CAB5A17, 0x54129B222D6F5B56, 0x54141F6F7DAF4E3B, 0x44C414A529B226EB, 0x22D4CAB541F6F6A ,
-    0x6053A44325CE38BF, 0x33D055403A970AFA, 0x0133D0603A44382A, 0x32513D5605540F8 , 0x03A25CE33D060524, 0x03A3A97013D56570,
-    0x3402674117D7791D, 0x72140A667FE0438C, 0x439218E426741841, 0x11739FF340A66E54, 0x67F17D77218E4386, 0x4267FE0439FF3726,
-    0x46C411420DC177CA, 0x7156C147702F2CF5, 0x26615F6441142FF1, 0x20D662C46C1476AB, 0x7700DC1715F640DD, 0x441702F2662C4E49,
-    0x50D4F8B538055E7E, 0x5570D192770871FE, 0x725576474F8B5360, 0x538258550D1928A0, 0x2773805557647821, 0x74F77087258558CF,
-    0x05066D230C0C604D, 0x63650FA350A46C19, 0x66C3646266D2370D, 0x30C6CE0050FA359A, 0x3500C0C636462E24, 0x26650A466CE00F5C,
-    0x21E3B72166D40948, 0x0731EB61355B5831, 0x577733943B72150A, 0x166773F21EB61530, 0x13566D4073394127, 0x43B355B5773F26F4,
-    0x7221CF5118052980, 0x27A22AD1038D6587, 0x67C7A8121CF517F4, 0x1187CDC722AD1691, 0x103180527A812473, 0x21C038D67CDC7D7F,
-    0x21A0FD604A5110D0, 0x1201A2156D895BB9, 0x53D20EB60FD60F35, 0x04A3DE621A215530, 0x56D4A51120EB6DDA, 0x60F6D8953DE62516,
-    0x02C61E17250123E1, 0x26D2CBB35ED813C8, 0x15B6D35061E175B1, 0x7255B1402CBB32F3, 0x35E250126D350907, 0x0615ED815B140D7E,
-    0x126418B76EAE272D, 0x23C26BB13E221841, 0x1243CF01418B7B88, 0x76E24DB126BB1B80, 0x13E6EAE23CF010E4, 0x1413E22124DB166C,
-    0x1634700479AB7E42, 0x74163F5662DF28D1, 0x246419E047004665, 0x47946BE163F56FC6, 0x66279AB7419E0C75, 0x04762DF246BE1F38,
-    0x63F5CE12243239B2, 0x31F3F574758D03E0, 0x0711F4455CE12926, 0x22471D563F574B74, 0x475243231F4458E2, 0x55C758D071D5639 ,
-    0x34806EF703A17B49, 0x77D48D32173A7C76, 0x70F7D3E306EF7531, 0x7030F2F348D32F34, 0x21703A177D3E3063, 0x306173A70F2F3549,
-    0x54426F835C314C9 , 0x42E447B118CB6B6D, 0x6502E32326F83697, 0x35C50745447B1E9C, 0x1185C3142E323A33, 0x32618CB650745715,
-    0x51D4891001AC5746, 0x5601DA36655A4E04, 0x42060E624891060F, 0x00120BF51DA36B4F, 0x66501AC560E6227F, 0x248655A420BF5EB4,
-    0x1154156550B3225B, 0x2181540540C10544, 0x02318586415656C , 0x550236A115405EAE, 0x54050B32185863E1, 0x64140C10236A1C4E,
-    0x44E7736608BD21F9, 0x2614EDF52ACF7A68, 0x752617A1773665E5, 0x608524F44EDF5F66, 0x52A08BD2617A1610, 0x1772ACF7524F4968,
-    0x06A24DC242D006CD, 0x0376A4F55F000079, 0x01D3706424DC2447, 0x2421DE706A4F5599, 0x55F42D0037064D4A, 0x4245F0001DE70608,
-    0x44018061233A2EE5, 0x22440795137E488E, 0x44424A8118061B7B, 0x12344CE44079569D, 0x513233A224A817D5, 0x118137E444CE48F5,
-    0x41D71AD7575F7883, 0x73C1D4A522406802, 0x6333CBC771AD70BB, 0x757335841D4A5D79, 0x522575F73CBC7CE4, 0x77122406335840D8,
-    0x3333D19605792E47, 0x233331A427AD2C05, 0x213330353D196EAB, 0x60513D93331A40AF, 0x4270579233035831, 0x53D27AD213D93987,
-    0x0135DC437C542094, 0x25C13796045F317E, 0x37D5C2015DC43F8B, 0x37C7DD501379650C, 0x6047C5425C20193F, 0x15D045F37DD50298,
-    0x5275C8A71D482B82, 0x210272914A6B6062, 0x63510E165C8A757B, 0x71D355A5272917C1, 0x14A1D48210E16FBC, 0x65C4A6B6355A5882,
-    0x1757DF7F66F86A35, 0x61A758A6604555A1, 0x5531A1137DF7FBB , 0xF6653541758A6216, 0x66066F861A113463, 0x37D6045553541BAD,
-    0x04E1F05221576756, 0x6554EA63483B6D8D, 0x67B55B841F052FCC, 0x2217B2E04EA63DFB, 0x3482157655B84677, 0x41F483B67B2E04F2,
-    0x41D46029787A796C, 0x71A1DB2204A12CD3, 0x2061A8C746029BD , 0x978061E41DB22DD8, 0x204787A71A8C7F28, 0x74604A12061E452E,
-    0x66B73357132D3F78, 0x3626BBB076525852, 0x53F6253673357BBA, 0x7133F6B66BBB0A58, 0x076132D362536AFA, 0x673765253F6B65EF,
-    0x55F66B026DC57B58, 0x7325FF601EB718CE, 0x17F3247766B02740, 0x26D7FF355FF60B47, 0x01E6DC5732477B8F, 0x7661EB717FF35302,
-    0x7206FF9529FD3E40, 0x34720182475A43D1, 0x44C47E076FF9528A, 0x5294CF572018209D, 0x24729FD347E079C9, 0x76F475A44CF576D3,
-    0x2512340428074E34, 0x42551CE35D6F58ED, 0x56425297234045D1, 0x4286443251CE35F9, 0x35D2807425297896, 0x7235D6F5644320FE,
-    0x04E701D50F4449A9, 0x4714E09454C361C6, 0x661718F0701D52F1, 0x50F615404E094820, 0x4540F444718F0810, 0x07054C3661540689,
-    0x46A48AC379DE5A1F, 0x5216A0C152865C23, 0x57021B7048AC3A4B, 0x379708646A0C1BE0, 0x15279DE521B705DB, 0x048528657086465D,
-    0x7206D2311CC10929, 0x038204951E1D716E, 0x71438FF16D231D4C, 0x11C149C720495108, 0x51E1CC1038FF1971, 0x16D1E1D7149C78D4,
-    0x62169C32441F1E8B, 0x147210B743D95372, 0x5024781569C324B4, 0x24402476210B7DC9, 0x743441F147815E78, 0x56943D9502476137,
-    0x30E2F6846163DDF , 0xD020E680390D6EC2, 0x612022322F684E5B, 0x461125930E680ABD, 0x0396163D02232615, 0x22F390D612593380,
-    0x76D130F57B1465FE, 0x6106D772065A6957, 0x66310E91130F53EB, 0x57B63BC76D772EF7, 0x2067B14610E916B6, 0x113065A663BC7A68,
-    0x773194712ACB00BB, 0x05973090651C5590, 0x53459BB6194714B5, 0x12A34867730904EE, 0x0652ACB059BB61B4, 0x619651C534867DBC,
-    0x21228931391C706C, 0x713129A63C164218, 0x4621317128931CD0, 0x13962882129A66AB, 0x63C391C713171F4D, 0x1283C16462882872,
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-    0x16742501556E025C, 0x070675A123802AF9, 0x27F70B22425018A4, 0x1557FB01675A18BB, 0x123556E070B227B9, 0x242238027FB01BF ,
-    0x14F6574563E7910 , 0x9524F6E36C661591, 0x11E52B3265745D2B, 0x5631E6A14F6E379D, 0x36C63E7952B32FAC, 0x2656C6611E6A1101,
-    0x34B469701DE22385, 0x2544BAB42338191F, 0x17854EB4469704B6, 0x01D783934BAB4599, 0x4231DE2254EB4809, 0x4462338178393E6D,
-    0x02D288D5550017DD, 0x1202D52639B120E1, 0x24E20D22288D52D3, 0x5554E1202D52668C, 0x6395500120D22A68, 0x22839B124E1207D1,
-    0x734251773FCC0EFE, 0x05A34BF547F37E64, 0x76F5A8D325177A90, 0x73F6F72734BF5D4D, 0x5473FCC05A8D3DCE, 0x32547F376F7275A8,
-    0x70A64DB56BEA2655, 0x22C0A4D42A1810FC, 0x1712C40264DB593A, 0x56B71C070A4D4BC0, 0x42A6BEA22C402E93, 0x2642A18171C077F9,
-    0x458752F16F0C4577, 0x42C582E370412414, 0x24D2C455752F1DC1, 0x16F4DCD4582E38EA, 0x3706F0C42C455F7B, 0x575704124DCD4EDB,
-    0x53D4FCA112BC2696, 0x2503D5E77B037135, 0x736502F44FCA1F8C, 0x112361653D5E75F6, 0x77B12BC2502F41B0, 0x44F7B037361653F1,
-    0x64657E702E5B0E31, 0x047467B320266B19, 0x61F4703257E703D7, 0x02E1F776467B3E00, 0x3202E5B047032BA3, 0x257202661F776B9C,
-    0x07D1BD5062570A84, 0x07F7D0A27EC75B48, 0x5297FCC21BD5012 , 0x062291307D0A2D5D, 0x27E625707FCC29F2, 0x21B7EC75291304B6,
-    0xE3A7D12719D558ED, 0x55F3ADE047551C8 , 0x1255F7417D12738F, 0x71925D2E3ADE0892, 0x04719D555F741997, 0x17D4755125D2E2F ,
-    0x65415E922B9F2269, 0x227544375C134FED, 0x456272D315E92399, 0x22B5618654437F4E, 0x75C2B9F2272D32AB, 0x3155C13456186AA1,
-    0x8462A8717E4D355C, 0x32C4637A234D7836, 0x75F2C1832A871760, 0x17E5FC784637A94 , 0xA237E4D32C183207, 0x32A234D75FC78B3 ,
-    0x34E6C9F47F10621E, 0x6624E3F1276966B2, 0x62562BA26C9F4A11, 0x47F25F234E3F182C, 0x1277F10662BA2EF5, 0x26C2769625F239CD,
-    0x63F0AC1573D63FED, 0x3733F3D3636E1F5E, 0x135738320AC15A0E, 0x57335C363F3D33EB, 0x36373D63738326EA, 0x20A636E135C366B1,
-    0x642711A14D476E86, 0x67E426A402F63208, 0x3757E4D1711A1FC1, 0x14D75E46426A4396, 0x4024D4767E4D1B93, 0x17102F6375E46DB7,
-    0x60A7AD242F3C44A7, 0x4490A56351A56F5C, 0x64C499527AD2463D, 0x42F4C4B60A5639CA, 0x3512F3C449952C78, 0x27A51A564C4B64F6,
-    0x14B438673AFE7F8D, 0x7554BC1466993D04, 0x36855A8743867F37, 0x73A681A14BC146C2, 0x4663AFE755A875EC, 0x74366993681A1A75,
-    0x61820F7730A67E1B, 0x773189184A4A7D0C, 0x7547389720F77993, 0x730542661891805 , 0x84A30A67738976AD, 0x7204A4A7542667D6,
-    0x6442BF173C5C6EBF, 0x668447C34499187F, 0x17A68D842BF17C97, 0x73C7AAB6447C317F, 0x3443C5C668D8419C, 0x42B449917AAB6456,
-    0x43D09163421B4F29, 0x41A3D72A76740F9C, 0x0751AD5409163B8D, 0x342754943D72AAB , 0xA76421B41AD54DD7, 0x40976740754946EE,
-    0x654105637317342B, 0x30C54BB4218546D4, 0x45D0CE6310563DA7, 0x3735D14654BB4CCE, 0x421731730CE63E46, 0x310218545D146234,
-    0x40709D7233BE6C63, 0x63607C36325044E5, 0x42D3655309D72335, 0x2332DFA407C36BA , 0x63233BE6365530CC, 0x309325042DFA448C,
-    0x312150271663516F, 0x53C1253259B00AA , 0x0493CEF0150274EA, 0x716492F312532D4A, 0x259166353CEF002D, 0x01559B00492F3DA5,
-    0x72F14A10263A2574, 0x2682F6276F8005C2, 0x0266829314A10651, 0x026269872F627ABA, 0x76F263A268293238, 0x3146F80026987646,
-    0x12B59B1552590516, 0x0532B2A410144D36, 0x4275395359B151B9, 0x552278512B2A4F05, 0x4105259053953699, 0x3591014427851C75,
-    0xF4F32843180646F3, 0x54718F4F2E970306, 0x6623953632843145, 0x318D315E18F4FE8F
-/* The source data is random across the q63_t range. Accessing it by word should
-   remain random. */
-const q31_t * intrinsics_q31_inputs = (q31_t *) intrinsics_q63_inputs;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/main.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f07b8b..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "all_tests.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
-asm(" .global __ARM_use_no_argv\n");
-void debug_init(void)
-    uint32_t * SHCSR_ptr = (uint32_t *) 0xE000ED24; /* System Handler Control and State Register */
-    *SHCSR_ptr |= 0x70000;             /* Enable  UsageFault, BusFault, and MemManage fault*/
-int main(void)
-    debug_init();
-    JTEST_INIT();               /* Initialize test framework. */
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(all_tests); /* Run all tests. */
-    JTEST_ACT_EXIT_FW();        /* Exit test framework.  */
-    while (1);                   /* Never return. */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/math_helper.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/math_helper.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ef09e40..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/math_helper.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
-* $Date:        29. November 2010
-* $Revision:    V1.0.3
-* Project:      CMSIS DSP Library
-* Title:        math_helper.c
-* Description:  Definition of all helper functions required.
-* Target Processor: Cortex-M4/Cortex-M3
-* Version 1.0.3 2010/11/29
-*    Re-organized the CMSIS folders and updated documentation.
-* Version 1.0.2 2010/11/11
-*    Documentation updated.
-* Version 1.0.1 2010/10/05
-*    Production release and review comments incorporated.
-* Version 1.0.0 2010/09/20
-*    Production release and review comments incorporated.
-* Version 0.0.7  2010/06/10
-*    Misra-C changes done
-* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-*       Include standard header files
-* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-*       Include project header files
-* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include "math_helper.h"
- * @brief  Caluclation of SNR
- * @param  float*   Pointer to the reference buffer
- * @param  float*   Pointer to the test buffer
- * @param  uint32_t     total number of samples
- * @return float    SNR
- * The function Caluclates signal to noise ratio for the reference output
- * and test output
- */
-float arm_snr_f32(float *pRef, float *pTest, uint32_t buffSize)
-  float EnergySignal = 0.0, EnergyError = 0.0;
-  uint32_t i;
-  float SNR;
-  int temp;
-  int *test;
-  for (i = 0; i < buffSize; i++)
-    {
-      /* Checking for a NAN value in pRef array */
-      test =   (int *)(&pRef[i]);
-      temp =  *test;
-      if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
-      {
-            return(0);
-      }
-      /* Checking for a NAN value in pTest array */
-      test =   (int *)(&pTest[i]);
-      temp =  *test;
-      if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
-      {
-            return(0);
-      }
-      EnergySignal += pRef[i] * pRef[i];
-      EnergyError += (pRef[i] - pTest[i]) * (pRef[i] - pTest[i]);
-    }
-    /* Checking for a NAN value in EnergyError */
-    test =   (int *)(&EnergyError);
-    temp =  *test;
-    if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
-    {
-        return(0);
-    }
-  SNR = 10 * log10f (EnergySignal / EnergyError);
-	return (SNR);
-double arm_snr_f64(double *pRef, double *pTest, uint32_t buffSize)
-  double EnergySignal = 0.0, EnergyError = 0.0;
-  uint32_t i;
-  double SNR;
-  int temp;
-  int *test;
-  for (i = 0; i < buffSize; i++)
-    {
-      /* Checking for a NAN value in pRef array */
-      test =   (int *)(&pRef[i]);
-      temp =  *test;
-      if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
-      {
-            return(0);
-      }
-      /* Checking for a NAN value in pTest array */
-      test =   (int *)(&pTest[i]);
-      temp =  *test;
-      if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
-      {
-            return(0);
-      }
-      EnergySignal += pRef[i] * pRef[i];
-      EnergyError += (pRef[i] - pTest[i]) * (pRef[i] - pTest[i]);
-    }
-    /* Checking for a NAN value in EnergyError */
-    test =   (int *)(&EnergyError);
-    temp =  *test;
-    if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
-    {
-        return(0);
-    }
-  SNR = 10 * log10 (EnergySignal / EnergyError);
-  return (SNR);
- * @brief  Provide guard bits for Input buffer
- * @param  q15_t*       Pointer to input buffer
- * @param  uint32_t     blockSize
- * @param  uint32_t     guard_bits
- * @return none
- * The function Provides the guard bits for the buffer
- * to avoid overflow
- */
-void arm_provide_guard_bits_q15 (q15_t * input_buf, uint32_t blockSize,
-                            uint32_t guard_bits)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
-    {
-      input_buf[i] = input_buf[i] >> guard_bits;
-    }
- * @brief  Converts float to fixed in q12.20 format
- * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- * The function converts floating point values to fixed point(q12.20) values
- */
-void arm_float_to_q12_20(float *pIn, q31_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-    {
-      /* 1048576.0f corresponds to pow(2, 20) */
-      pOut[i] = (q31_t) (pIn[i] * 1048576.0f);
-      pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
-      if (pIn[i] == (float) 1.0)
-        {
-          pOut[i] = 0x000FFFFF;
-        }
-    }
- * @brief  Compare MATLAB Reference Output and ARM Test output
- * @param  q15_t*   Pointer to Ref buffer
- * @param  q15_t*   Pointer to Test buffer
- * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- */
-uint32_t arm_compare_fixed_q15(q15_t *pIn, q15_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
-  uint32_t i;
-  int32_t diff, diffCrnt = 0;
-  uint32_t maxDiff = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-  {
-    diff = pIn[i] - pOut[i];
-    diffCrnt = (diff > 0) ? diff : -diff;
-    if (diffCrnt > maxDiff)
-    {
-        maxDiff = diffCrnt;
-    }
-  }
-  return(maxDiff);
- * @brief  Compare MATLAB Reference Output and ARM Test output
- * @param  q31_t*   Pointer to Ref buffer
- * @param  q31_t*   Pointer to Test buffer
- * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- */
-uint32_t arm_compare_fixed_q31(q31_t *pIn, q31_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
-  uint32_t i;
-  int32_t diff, diffCrnt = 0;
-  uint32_t maxDiff = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-  {
-    diff = pIn[i] - pOut[i];
-    diffCrnt = (diff > 0) ? diff : -diff;
-    if (diffCrnt > maxDiff)
-    {
-        maxDiff = diffCrnt;
-    }
-  }
-  return(maxDiff);
- * @brief  Provide guard bits for Input buffer
- * @param  q31_t*   Pointer to input buffer
- * @param  uint32_t     blockSize
- * @param  uint32_t     guard_bits
- * @return none
- * The function Provides the guard bits for the buffer
- * to avoid overflow
- */
-void arm_provide_guard_bits_q31 (q31_t * input_buf,
-                                 uint32_t blockSize,
-                                 uint32_t guard_bits)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
-    {
-      input_buf[i] = input_buf[i] >> guard_bits;
-    }
- * @brief  Provide guard bits for Input buffer
- * @param  q31_t*   Pointer to input buffer
- * @param  uint32_t     blockSize
- * @param  uint32_t     guard_bits
- * @return none
- * The function Provides the guard bits for the buffer
- * to avoid overflow
- */
-void arm_provide_guard_bits_q7 (q7_t * input_buf,
-                                uint32_t blockSize,
-                                uint32_t guard_bits)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
-    {
-      input_buf[i] = input_buf[i] >> guard_bits;
-    }
- * @brief  Caluclates number of guard bits
- * @param  uint32_t     number of additions
- * @return none
- * The function Caluclates the number of guard bits
- * depending on the numtaps
- */
-uint32_t arm_calc_guard_bits (uint32_t num_adds)
-  uint32_t i = 1, j = 0;
-  if (num_adds == 1)
-    {
-      return (0);
-    }
-  while (i < num_adds)
-    {
-      i = i * 2;
-      j++;
-    }
-  return (j);
- * @brief  Converts Q15 to floating-point
- * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- */
-void arm_apply_guard_bits (float32_t * pIn,
-                           uint32_t numSamples,
-                           uint32_t guard_bits)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-    {
-      pIn[i] = pIn[i] * arm_calc_2pow(guard_bits);
-    }
- * @brief  Calculates pow(2, numShifts)
- * @param  uint32_t     number of shifts
- * @return pow(2, numShifts)
- */
-uint32_t arm_calc_2pow(uint32_t numShifts)
-  uint32_t i, val = 1;
-  for (i = 0; i < numShifts; i++)
-    {
-      val = val * 2;
-    }
-  return(val);
- * @brief  Converts float to fixed q14
- * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values
- */
-void arm_float_to_q14 (float *pIn, q15_t * pOut,
-                       uint32_t numSamples)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-    {
-      /* 16384.0f corresponds to pow(2, 14) */
-      pOut[i] = (q15_t) (pIn[i] * 16384.0f);
-      pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
-      if (pIn[i] == (float) 2.0)
-        {
-          pOut[i] = 0x7FFF;
-        }
-    }
- * @brief  Converts float to fixed q30 format
- * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values
- */
-void arm_float_to_q30 (float *pIn, q31_t * pOut,
-                       uint32_t numSamples)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-    {
-      /* 1073741824.0f corresponds to pow(2, 30) */
-      pOut[i] = (q31_t) (pIn[i] * 1073741824.0f);
-      pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
-      if (pIn[i] == (float) 2.0)
-        {
-          pOut[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        }
-    }
- * @brief  Converts float to fixed q30 format
- * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values
- */
-void arm_float_to_q29 (float *pIn, q31_t * pOut,
-                       uint32_t numSamples)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-    {
-      /* 1073741824.0f corresponds to pow(2, 30) */
-      pOut[i] = (q31_t) (pIn[i] * 536870912.0f);
-      pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
-      if (pIn[i] == (float) 4.0)
-        {
-          pOut[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        }
-    }
- * @brief  Converts float to fixed q28 format
- * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values
- */
-void arm_float_to_q28 (float *pIn, q31_t * pOut,
-                       uint32_t numSamples)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-    {
-    /* 268435456.0f corresponds to pow(2, 28) */
-      pOut[i] = (q31_t) (pIn[i] * 268435456.0f);
-      pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
-      if (pIn[i] == (float) 8.0)
-        {
-          pOut[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
-        }
-    }
- * @brief  Clip the float values to +/- 1
- * @param  pIn      input buffer
- * @param  numSamples   number of samples in the buffer
- * @return none
- * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values
- */
-void arm_clip_f32 (float *pIn, uint32_t numSamples)
-  uint32_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
-    {
-      if (pIn[i] > 1.0f)
-      {
-        pIn[i] = 1.0;
-      }
-      else if ( pIn[i] < -1.0f)
-      {
-        pIn[i] = -1.0;
-      }
-    }
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_add_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_add_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c536899..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_add_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAT_ADD_TEST(suffix)          \
-        mat_add,                                \
-        suffix,                                 \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_add_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_add_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_add_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_cmplx_mult_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_cmplx_mult_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 50cd57e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_cmplx_mult_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAT_CMPLX_MULT_TEST(suffix, comparison_interface) \
-    MATRIX_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(                               \
-        mat_cmplx_mult,                                             \
-        suffix,                                                     \
-        comparison_interface)
-/* Q15 Uses a Different interface than the others. */
-#define ARM_mat_cmplx_mult_q15_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr) \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr,                                     \
-          (void *) &matrix_output_fut,                                  \
-          (q15_t *) matrix_output_scratch)
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_mat_cmplx_mult_q15_test, arm_mat_cmplx_mult_q15)
-        matrix_q15_a_inputs,
-        matrix_q15_b_inputs,
-        arm_matrix_instance_q15 * ,
-        arm_matrix_instance_q15,
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q15),
-        arm_mat_cmplx_mult_q15,
-        ARM_mat_cmplx_mult_q15_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-        ref_mat_cmplx_mult_q15,
-        REF_mat_cmplx_mult_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_cmplx_mult_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_cmplx_mult_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_cmplx_mult_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_init_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_init_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d879ee..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_init_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAT_INIT_TEST(suffix)                     \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_mat_init_##suffix##_test,         \
-                      arm_mat_init_##suffix)                \
-    {                                                       \
-        const uint16_t rows = 4;                            \
-        const uint16_t cols = 2;                            \
-        arm_matrix_instance_##suffix  matrix = {0};         \
-        /*  TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) data[rows*cols] = {0}; */ \
-            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) data[4*2] = {0}; \
-                                                            \
-            arm_mat_init_##suffix(&matrix,                  \
-                                  rows,                     \
-                                  cols,                     \
-                                  data);                    \
-                                                            \
-                JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Matrix Dimensions: %dx%d\n", \
-                     (int)matrix.numRows,                   \
-                     (int)matrix.numCols);                  \
-                                                            \
-                if ((matrix.numRows == rows) &&             \
-                    (matrix.numCols == cols) &&             \
-                    (matrix.pData == data))                 \
-                {                                           \
-                    return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;               \
-                }                                           \
-                else                                        \
-                {                                           \
-                    return JTEST_TEST_FAILED;               \
-                }                                           \
-                                                            \
-    }
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_init_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_init_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_init_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_inverse_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_inverse_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 372ac1d..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_inverse_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_mat_inverse_f32_test, arm_mat_inverse_f32)
-        mat_idx, arm_matrix_instance_f32 *, mat_ptr, matrix_f32_invertible_inputs
-        ,
-        JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Matrix Dimensions: %dx%d\n",                
-                 (int)mat_ptr->numRows,                         
-                 (int)mat_ptr->numCols); 
-        if (MATRIX_TEST_VALID_SQUARE_DIMENSIONS(arm_matrix_instance_f32 *, mat_ptr))
-        {
-            MATRIX_TEST_CONFIG_SAMESIZE_OUTPUT(arm_matrix_instance_f32 *, mat_ptr);
-            /* arm_mat_inverse_f32() modifies its source input. Use the scratch
-             * buffer to store a copy of the intended input. */
-            {
-                float32_t * original_pdata_ptr = mat_ptr->pData;
-                memcpy(matrix_output_scratch,
-                       mat_ptr->pData,
-                       mat_ptr->numRows * mat_ptr->numCols * sizeof(float32_t));
-                mat_ptr->pData = (void*) &matrix_output_scratch;
-                JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(arm_mat_inverse_f32(mat_ptr, &matrix_output_fut));
-                mat_ptr->pData = original_pdata_ptr;
-            }
-            ref_mat_inverse_f32(mat_ptr, &matrix_output_ref);
-            MATRIX_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(arm_matrix_instance_f32,
-                                         float32_t);
-        });
-    return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_mat_inverse_f64_test, arm_mat_inverse_f64)
-        mat_idx, arm_matrix_instance_f64 *, mat_ptr, matrix_f64_invertible_inputs
-        ,
-        JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Matrix Dimensions: %dx%d\n",                
-                         (int)mat_ptr->numRows,                         
-                         (int)mat_ptr->numCols);    
-        if (MATRIX_TEST_VALID_SQUARE_DIMENSIONS(arm_matrix_instance_f64 *, mat_ptr))
-        {
-            MATRIX_TEST_CONFIG_SAMESIZE_OUTPUT(arm_matrix_instance_f64 *, mat_ptr);
-            /* arm_mat_inverse_f64() modifies its source input. Use the scratch
-             * buffer to store a copy of the intended input. */
-            {
-                float64_t * original_pdata_ptr = mat_ptr->pData;
-                memcpy(matrix_output_scratch,
-                       mat_ptr->pData,
-                       mat_ptr->numRows * mat_ptr->numCols * sizeof(float64_t));
-                mat_ptr->pData = (void*) &matrix_output_scratch;
-                JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(arm_mat_inverse_f64(mat_ptr, &matrix_output_fut64));
-                mat_ptr->pData = original_pdata_ptr;
-            }
-            ref_mat_inverse_f64(mat_ptr, &matrix_output_ref64);
-            MATRIX_DBL_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(arm_matrix_instance_f64);
-        });
-    return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_inverse_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_inverse_f64_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_fast_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_fast_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 313aa04..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_fast_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAT_MULT_FAST_TEST(suffix)            \
-    MATRIX_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(                   \
-        mat_mult_fast,                                  \
-        suffix,                                         \
-/* Q15 Uses a Different interface than the others. */
-#define ARM_mat_mult_fast_q15_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr) \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr,                                     \
-          (void *) &matrix_output_fut,                                  \
-          (q15_t *) matrix_output_scratch)
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_mat_mult_fast_q15_test, arm_mat_mult_fast_q15)
-        matrix_q15_a_inputs,
-        matrix_q15_b_inputs,
-        arm_matrix_instance_q15 * ,
-        arm_matrix_instance_q15,
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q15),
-        arm_mat_mult_fast_q15,
-        ARM_mat_mult_fast_q15_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-        ref_mat_mult_fast_q15,
-        REF_mat_mult_fast_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_mult_fast_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_mult_fast_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c74bdc8..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_mult_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAT_MULT_TEST(suffix)                 \
-    MATRIX_DEFINE_TEST_TEMPLATE_ELT2(                   \
-        mat_mult,                                       \
-        suffix,                                         \
-/* Q15 Uses a Different interface than the others. */
-#define ARM_mat_mult_q15_INPUT_INTERFACE(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr) \
-    PAREN(input_a_ptr, input_b_ptr,                                     \
-          (void *) &matrix_output_fut,                                  \
-          (q15_t *) matrix_output_scratch)
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_mat_mult_q15_test, arm_mat_mult_q15)
-        matrix_q15_a_inputs,
-        matrix_q15_b_inputs,
-        arm_matrix_instance_q15 * ,
-        arm_matrix_instance_q15,
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q15),
-        arm_mat_mult_q15,
-        ARM_mat_mult_q15_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-        ref_mat_mult_q15,
-        REF_mat_mult_INPUT_INTERFACE,
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_mult_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_mult_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_mult_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_scale_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_scale_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 63fba94..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_scale_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-/* This is for the two fixed point cases */
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAT_SCALE_TEST(suffix,type)                           \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_mat_scale_##suffix##_test, arm_mat_scale_##suffix) \
-    {                                                                   \
-        uint32_t i,j;                                                   \
-                                                                        \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
-            mat_idx, arm_matrix_instance_##suffix *,                    \
-            mat_ptr, matrix_##suffix##_b_inputs                         \
-            ,                                                           \
-            MATRIX_TEST_CONFIG_SAMESIZE_OUTPUT(                         \
-                arm_matrix_instance_##suffix *, mat_ptr);               \
-                                                                        \
-            for(i=0;i<MATRIX_MAX_COEFFS_LEN;i++)                        \
-            {                                                           \
-                for(j=0;j<MATRIX_MAX_SHIFTS_LEN;j++)                    \
-                {                                                       \
-                    JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Matrix Dimensions: %dx%d\n",       \
-                         (int)mat_ptr->numRows,                         \
-                         (int)mat_ptr->numCols);                        \
-                                                                        \
-                    JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                 \
-                        arm_mat_scale_##suffix(mat_ptr,                 \
-                                               matrix_##suffix##_scale_values[i], \
-                                               matrix_shift_values[j],  \
-                                               (arm_matrix_instance_##suffix*) &matrix_output_fut)); \
-                                                                        \
-                    ref_mat_scale_##suffix(mat_ptr,                     \
-                                           matrix_##suffix##_scale_values[i], \
-                                           matrix_shift_values[j],      \
-                                           (arm_matrix_instance_##suffix*) &matrix_output_ref); \
-                                                                        \
-                        MATRIX_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(arm_matrix_instance_##suffix, \
-                                                     type);             \
-                }                                                       \
-            });                                                         \
-                                                                        \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
-    }
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_mat_scale_f32_test, arm_mat_scale_f32)
-    uint32_t i;
-        mat_idx, arm_matrix_instance_f32 *, mat_ptr, matrix_f32_b_inputs
-        ,
-        MATRIX_TEST_CONFIG_SAMESIZE_OUTPUT(arm_matrix_instance_f32 *, mat_ptr);
-        for(i=0;i<MATRIX_MAX_COEFFS_LEN;i++)
-        {
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Matrix Dimensions: %dx%d\n",                
-                         (int)mat_ptr->numRows,                         
-                         (int)mat_ptr->numCols);                        
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(arm_mat_scale_f32(mat_ptr, matrix_f32_scale_values[i], &matrix_output_fut));
-            ref_mat_scale_f32(mat_ptr, matrix_f32_scale_values[i], &matrix_output_ref);
-            MATRIX_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(arm_matrix_instance_f32,
-                                         float32_t);
-        });
-    return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_scale_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_scale_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_scale_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_sub_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_sub_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 245c28e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_sub_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAT_SUB_TEST(suffix)          \
-        mat_sub,                                \
-        suffix,                                 \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_sub_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_sub_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_sub_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_trans_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_trans_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e49c80b..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/mat_trans_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "matrix_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAT_TRANS_TEST(suffix)        \
-        mat_trans,                              \
-        suffix,                                 \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_trans_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_trans_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mat_trans_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 033fe10..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-#include "arm_math.h"
-#include "matrix_test_data.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-arm_matrix_instance_f32 matrix_output_fut = {
-    0,
-    0,
-    (float32_t *) &matrix_output_fut_data
-arm_matrix_instance_f32 matrix_output_ref = {
-    0,
-    0,
-    (float32_t *) &matrix_output_ref_data
-arm_matrix_instance_f64 matrix_output_fut64 = {
-    0,
-    0,
-    (float64_t *) &matrix_output_fut_data
-arm_matrix_instance_f64 matrix_output_ref64 = {
-    0,
-    0,
-    (float64_t *) &matrix_output_ref_data
-/* Data Buckets */
- *  Pool of random data to base matrix inputs from.
- */
-float32_t matrix_f32_100_rand[100] = {
-    -45.0345569674258,  -11.0261163038747, -14.6841428777929,
-    0.0345569674258,    -11.0261163038747, -14.6841428777929,
-    -20.3679194392227,  27.5712678608402,  -12.1390617339732,
-    -19.8753669720509,  42.3379642103244,  -23.7788252219155,
-    -23.7517765301667,  40.2716109915281,  -25.8308714086167,
-    32.1194040197959,   24.4692807074156,  -1.32083675968276,
-    31.1580458282477,   -2.90766514824093, -6.97926086704160,
-    10.2843089382083,   30.1014622769739,  44.4787189721646,
-    -9.60878544118853,  -48.4596562348445, -31.1044984967456,
-    -6.41414114190809,  3.28255887994549,  -26.9511839788442,
-    -31.5183679875864,  21.1215780433683,  -47.0779722437854,
-    -0.913590753192006, -40.3545474831611, -45.6976198342192,
-    18.6775433365315,   -5.32162505701938, -14.9272896423117,
-    34.4308792695389,   40.4880968679893,  -27.8253265982760,
-    42.8854139478045,   -1.07473615999811, -36.8026707393665,
-    -33.1009970537296,  -31.6488844262730, -19.3650527983443,
-    43.9001561999887,   -30.5235710432951, 47.9748378356085,
-    -38.2582349144194,  23.0330862855453,  -16.2280590178623,
-    44.2050590775485,   14.9115474956452,  -13.1515403509664,
-    0.850865538112700,  37.5942811492984,  -27.4078219027601,
-    -6.11300268738968,  -20.3324126781673, -1.13910261964209,
-    40.0053846417662,   45.6134540229802,  23.1722385658670,
-    12.5618560729690,   1.07715641721097,  5.01563428984222,
-    -32.9291952852141,  -38.8880776559401, -18.1221698074118,
-    7.85250610234389,   -13.0753218879785, 7.52085950784656,
-    14.7745963136307,   28.0227435151377,  31.7627708322262,
-    12.2475086001227,   -27.2335702183447, -24.1935304087933,
-    -7.58332402861928,  -26.2716420228479, -38.8797244706213,
-    -44.0220457052844,  -4.90762935690551, -41.8874231134215,
-    29.4831416883453,   8.70447045314168,  -6.43013158961009,
-    -9.12801538874479,  0.785828466111815, -4.11511718200689,
-    28.0252068321138,   -26.5220086627594, 4.70088922863450,
-    42.9385970968730,   14.4318130193692,  -29.2257707266972,
-    46.3088539286913
-float64_t matrix_f64_100_rand[100] = {
-    -45.0345569674258,  -11.0261163038747, -14.6841428777929,
-    0.0345569674258,    -11.0261163038747, -14.6841428777929,
-    -20.3679194392227,  27.5712678608402,  -12.1390617339732,
-    -19.8753669720509,  42.3379642103244,  -23.7788252219155,
-    -23.7517765301667,  40.2716109915281,  -25.8308714086167,
-    32.1194040197959,   24.4692807074156,  -1.32083675968276,
-    31.1580458282477,   -2.90766514824093, -6.97926086704160,
-    10.2843089382083,   30.1014622769739,  44.4787189721646,
-    -9.60878544118853,  -48.4596562348445, -31.1044984967456,
-    -6.41414114190809,  3.28255887994549,  -26.9511839788442,
-    -31.5183679875864,  21.1215780433683,  -47.0779722437854,
-    -0.913590753192006, -40.3545474831611, -45.6976198342192,
-    18.6775433365315,   -5.32162505701938, -14.9272896423117,
-    34.4308792695389,   40.4880968679893,  -27.8253265982760,
-    42.8854139478045,   -1.07473615999811, -36.8026707393665,
-    -33.1009970537296,  -31.6488844262730, -19.3650527983443,
-    43.9001561999887,   -30.5235710432951, 47.9748378356085,
-    -38.2582349144194,  23.0330862855453,  -16.2280590178623,
-    44.2050590775485,   14.9115474956452,  -13.1515403509664,
-    0.850865538112700,  37.5942811492984,  -27.4078219027601,
-    -6.11300268738968,  -20.3324126781673, -1.13910261964209,
-    40.0053846417662,   45.6134540229802,  23.1722385658670,
-    12.5618560729690,   1.07715641721097,  5.01563428984222,
-    -32.9291952852141,  -38.8880776559401, -18.1221698074118,
-    7.85250610234389,   -13.0753218879785, 7.52085950784656,
-    14.7745963136307,   28.0227435151377,  31.7627708322262,
-    12.2475086001227,   -27.2335702183447, -24.1935304087933,
-    -7.58332402861928,  -26.2716420228479, -38.8797244706213,
-    -44.0220457052844,  -4.90762935690551, -41.8874231134215,
-    29.4831416883453,   8.70447045314168,  -6.43013158961009,
-    -9.12801538874479,  0.785828466111815, -4.11511718200689,
-    28.0252068321138,   -26.5220086627594, 4.70088922863450,
-    42.9385970968730,   14.4318130193692,  -29.2257707266972,
-    46.3088539286913
-const float32_t matrix_f32_scale_values[MATRIX_MAX_COEFFS_LEN] =
-        43.0264275639  , -17.0525215570 , -94.8488973910 , -8.1924989580  ,
-        7.2830326091   , 66.8368719314  , 33.9778190671  , 117.8652289772 ,
-        -129.6077797465, -14.6420815368 , 18.0239223278  , 1.0000000000   ,
-        55.0375037651  , 1.8674609862   , 0.00000000000  , -33.5750364909
-const q31_t matrix_q31_scale_values[MATRIX_MAX_COEFFS_LEN] =
-    0x0201DC90, 0x211F0D7C, 0x80000000, 0xF573B824,
-    0xE85ED05B, 0x311DFB52, 0x3529E750, 0x00000000,
-    0x7FFFFFFF, 0x21FA525A, 0x0971FD45, 0x05547B68,
-    0x270C6366, 0x06FDD5A6, 0xF7025315, 0xB1155A1E
-const q15_t matrix_q15_scale_values[MATRIX_MAX_COEFFS_LEN] =
-    0x0201, 0x211F, 0x8000, 0xF573,
-    0xE85E, 0x311D, 0x3529, 0x0000,
-    0x7FFF, 0x21FA, 0x0971, 0x0554,
-    0x270C, 0x06FD, 0xF702, 0xB115
-const int32_t matrix_shift_values[MATRIX_MAX_SHIFTS_LEN] =
-    -16, -7, 0, 7, 16
-/* Matrix Definitions */
- *  Define matrices by suffix (f32, q31, q15) for use in test cases.
- *
- *  The rand1 and rand2 suffixes get their data from the same pool of random
- *  data, but their starting points differ by 1 element.
- *
- *  Makes available:
- *  - matrix_`suffix`_1x1_rand1/2
- *  - matrix_`suffix`_1x4_rand1/2
- *  - matrix_`suffix`_2x4_rand1/2
- *  - matrix_`suffix`_4x4_rand1/2
- */
-#define MATRIX_DEFINE_MATRICES(suffix)                              \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand1 =      \
-        {1, 1, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) matrix_f32_100_rand };  \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand2 =      \
-        {1, 1, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) (matrix_f32_100_rand+1)}; \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_1x1_zeros =      \
-        {1, 1, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) matrix_zeros};          \
-                                                                    \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_1x4_rand1 =      \
-        {1, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) matrix_f32_100_rand };  \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_1x4_rand2 =      \
-        {1, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) (matrix_f32_100_rand+1)}; \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_1x4_zeros =      \
-        {1, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) matrix_zeros};          \
-                                                                    \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_2x4_rand1 =      \
-        {2, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) matrix_f32_100_rand };  \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_2x4_rand2 =      \
-        {2, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) (matrix_f32_100_rand+1)}; \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_2x4_zeros =      \
-        {2, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) matrix_zeros};          \
-                                                                    \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_4x4_rand1 =      \
-        {4, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) matrix_f32_100_rand };  \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_4x4_rand2 =      \
-        {4, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) (matrix_f32_100_rand+1)}; \
-    arm_matrix_instance_##suffix matrix_##suffix##_4x4_zeros =      \
-        {4, 4, (TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix) *) matrix_zeros}
-/* Matrix-Input Arrays */
-/* Define Input #ARR_DESC_t by suffix.
- *
- * Taking inputs in parallel from the 'a' and 'b' arrays yields the following
- * test cases:
- * - 1x1 multiplication by zero
- * - 1x1 multiplication between random numbers
- * - 1x1 * 1x4 valid dimension interaction
- * - 1x1 * 2x4 invalid dimension interaction
- * - 2x4 * 4x4 larger valid dimension interaction
- * - 4x4 * 4x4 larger valid dimension interaction
- */
-#define MATRIX_DEFINE_INPUTS(suffix)                        \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE(arm_matrix_instance_##suffix *,         \
-                    matrix_##suffix##_a_inputs,             \
-                    6,                                      \
-                    CURLY(                                  \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand1,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand1,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand1,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand1,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_2x4_rand1,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_4x4_rand1        \
-                        ));                                 \
-                                                            \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE(arm_matrix_instance_##suffix *,         \
-                    matrix_##suffix##_b_inputs,             \
-                    6,                                      \
-                    CURLY(                                  \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x1_zeros,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand2,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x4_rand2,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_2x4_rand2,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_4x4_rand2,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_4x4_rand2        \
-                        ));                                 \
-                                                            \
-    ARR_DESC_DEFINE(arm_matrix_instance_##suffix *,         \
-                    matrix_##suffix##_invertible_inputs,    \
-                    4,                                      \
-                    CURLY(                                  \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand1,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_1x1_rand2,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_4x4_rand1,       \
-                        &matrix_##suffix##_4x4_rand2        \
-                        ))                                  \
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c87439d..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/matrix_tests/matrix_test_group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "matrix_tests.h"
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_add_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_cmplx_mult_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_init_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_inverse_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_mult_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_mult_fast_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_sub_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_trans_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mat_scale_tests);
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/max_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/max_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d60973b..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/max_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "statistics_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "statistics_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MAX_TEST(suffix)              \
-        max,                                    \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_max_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_max_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_max_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_max_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/mean_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/mean_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 291c10a..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/mean_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "statistics_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "statistics_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MEAN_TEST(suffix)             \
-        mean,                                   \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mean_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mean_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mean_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_mean_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/min_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/min_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d831d0..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/min_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "statistics_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "statistics_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_MIN_TEST(suffix)              \
-        min,                                    \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_min_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_min_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_min_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_min_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/power_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/power_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 12c30ea..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/power_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "statistics_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "statistics_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_POWER_TEST(suffix, output_type)   \
-        power,                                      \
-        suffix,                                     \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                   \
-JTEST_ARM_POWER_TEST(f32, float32_t);
-JTEST_ARM_POWER_TEST(q31, q63_t);
-JTEST_ARM_POWER_TEST(q15, q63_t);
-JTEST_ARM_POWER_TEST(q7,  q31_t);
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_power_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_power_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_power_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_power_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/rms_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/rms_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b1a24..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/rms_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "statistics_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "statistics_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_RMS_TEST(suffix)              \
-        rms,                                    \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rms_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rms_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rms_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ebf4580..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#include "statistics_test_data.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-                statistics_output_fut,
-                CURLY(0));
-                statistics_output_ref,
-                CURLY(0));
-uint32_t statistics_idx_fut = 0;
-uint32_t statistics_idx_ref = 0;
-/* Block Sizes */
-  To change test parameter values add/remove values inside CURLY and update 
-  the preceeding parameter to reflect the number of values inside CURLY. 
-                statistics_block_sizes,
-                4,
-                CURLY(1, 2, 15, 32));
-/* Test Data */
-                statistics_f_32,
-                32,
-                CURLY(
-                    -0.0865129623056441 , -0.3331168756476194,
-                    0.0250664612949661  , 0.0575352840717098,
-                    -0.2292942701362928 , 0.2381830931285998,
-                    0.2378328403304206  ,  -0.0075266553186635,
-                    0.0654584722817308  , 0.0349278285641849,
-                    -0.0373417155362879 , 0.1451581096586606,
-                    -0.1176633086028378 , 0.4366371636394202,
-                    -0.0272791766173191 , 0.0227862627041619,
-                    0.2133536422718378  ,  0.0118562921047211,
-                    -0.0191296810967338 , -0.1664698927300045,
-                    0.0588821632785281  , -0.2672363715875608,
-                    0.1428649103637904  ,  0.3247124128892542,
-                    -0.1383551403404573 , 0.1715993345656525,
-                    0.2508002843205065  , -0.3187459152894954,
-                    -0.2881928863802040 , 0.1142295247316356,
-                    -0.0799771155430726 , 0.1379994750928690
-                    ));
-                       statistics_f_32,
-                       31);
-                       statistics_f_32,
-                       15);
-                       statistics_f_32,
-                       2);
-                statistics_zeros,
-                32,
-                CURLY(0));
-/* Aggregate all float datasets */
-                statistics_f_all,
-                4,
-                CURLY(
-                    &statistics_zeros,
-                    &statistics_f_2,
-                    &statistics_f_15,
-                    &statistics_f_32
-                    ));
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a610a6..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/statistics_test_group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "statistics_tests.h"
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(max_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(mean_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(min_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(power_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(rms_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(std_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(var_tests);
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/std_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/std_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b80ed71..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/std_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "statistics_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "statistics_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_STD_TEST(suffix)              \
-        std,                                    \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_std_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_std_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_std_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/var_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/var_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa7c27..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/statistics_tests/var_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "statistics_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "statistics_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_VAR_TEST(suffix)              \
-        var,                                    \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_var_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_var_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_var_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/copy_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/copy_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3804f63..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/copy_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "support_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "support_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_COPY_TEST(suffix)             \
-        copy,                                   \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_copy_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_copy_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_copy_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_copy_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/fill_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/fill_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fc5892d..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/fill_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "support_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "support_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#define JTEST_ARM_FILL_TEST(suffix)             \
-        fill,                                   \
-        suffix,                                 \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-        TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),               \
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fill_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fill_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fill_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_fill_q7_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/support_test_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/support_test_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f4b5911..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/support_test_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#include "arm_math.h"
-#include "support_test_data.h"
-#define BIGGEST_INPUT_TYPE float32_t
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-                support_output_fut,
-                MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS,
-                CURLY(0));
-                support_output_ref,
-                MAX_INPUT_ELEMENTS,
-                CURLY(0));
-/* Block Sizes */
-  To change test parameter values add/remove values inside CURLY and update 
-  the preceeding parameter to reflect the number of values inside CURLY. 
-                support_block_sizes,
-                4,
-                CURLY( 2, 7, 15, 32));
-/* Numbers */
-                support_elts,
-                4,
-                CURLY( 0, 1, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff));
-/* Test Data */
-                support_f_32,
-                32,
-                CURLY(
-                      0.24865986 , -0.13364227, -0.27233250 , -7.33488200,
-                      0.42190653 , 1.17435880 , -0.49824914 , 0.87883663,
-                      0.63066370 , 1.80275680 , -84.83916000, -2.06773800,
-                      7.63452500 , 1.01487610 , -0.65785825 , 1.78019030,
-                      -0.34160388, 0.68546050 , -1.81721590 , -0.10340453,
-                      -4.48600340, -1.69763480, -1.26022340 , -1.58457480,
-                      0.51993870 , 2.83526470 , -0.21502694 , -0.57690346,
-                      -0.22945681, 0.79509383 , 0.07275216  , -2.16279080
-                      ));
-/* Alias the 32 element array with wrappers that end sooner. */
-                       support_f_32,
-                       15);
-                       support_f_32,
-                       2);
-                support_zeros,
-                32,
-                CURLY(0));
-/* Aggregate all float datasets. */
-                support_f_all,
-                4,
-                CURLY(
-                      &support_zeros,
-                      &support_f_2,
-                      &support_f_15,
-                      &support_f_32
-                      ));
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/support_test_group.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/support_test_group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc2732..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/support_test_group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "support_tests.h"
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(copy_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(fill_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(x_to_y_tests);
-    return;
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/x_to_y_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/x_to_y_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4667031..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/support_tests/x_to_y_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "support_test_data.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"           /* FUTs */
-#include "ref.h"                /* Reference Functions */
-#include "test_templates.h"
-#include "support_templates.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-/* Aliases to play nicely with templates. */
-#define arm_f32_to_q31 arm_float_to_q31
-#define arm_f32_to_q15 arm_float_to_q15
-#define arm_f32_to_q7  arm_float_to_q7
-#define arm_q31_to_f32 arm_q31_to_float
-#define arm_q15_to_f32 arm_q15_to_float
-#define arm_q7_to_f32  arm_q7_to_float
-#define ref_f32_to_q31 ref_float_to_q31
-#define ref_f32_to_q15 ref_float_to_q15
-#define ref_f32_to_q7  ref_float_to_q7
-#define ref_q31_to_f32 ref_q31_to_float
-#define ref_q15_to_f32 ref_q15_to_float
-#define ref_q7_to_f32  ref_q7_to_float
-#define JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(prefix, suffix)               \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_##prefix##_to_##suffix##_test,    \
-                      arm_##prefix##_to_##suffix)           \
-    {                                                       \
-        TEST_TEMPLATE_BUF1_BLK(                             \
-            support_f_all,                                  \
-            support_block_sizes,                            \
-            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(prefix),                       \
-            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(suffix),                       \
-            arm_##prefix##_to_##suffix,                     \
-            ARM_x_to_y_INPUT_INTERFACE,                     \
-            ref_##prefix##_to_##suffix,                     \
-            REF_x_to_y_INPUT_INTERFACE,                     \
-            SUPPORT_COMPARE_INTERFACE);                     \
-    }
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(f32, q31);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(f32, q15);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(f32, q7);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q31, f32);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q31, q15);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q31, q7);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q15, f32);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q15, q31);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q15, q7);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q7, f32);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q7, q31);
-JTEST_ARM_X_TO_Y_TEST(q7, q15);
-/* Collect all tests in a group. */
-    /*
-      To skip a test, comment it out.
-    */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_f32_to_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_f32_to_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_f32_to_q7_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q31_to_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q31_to_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q31_to_q7_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q15_to_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q15_to_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q15_to_q7_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q7_to_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q7_to_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_q7_to_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_family_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_family_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e775e..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_family_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "transform_templates.h"
-#include "transform_test_data.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-/* Macros and Defines */
-#define CFFT_FN_NAME(fn_specifier, type_suffix) \
-    arm_cfft_##fn_specifier##_##type_suffix     \
-#define CFFT_TEST_NAME(fn_specifier, type_suffix, config_suffix)        \
-    arm_cfft_##fn_specifier##_##type_suffix##_##config_suffix##_test    \
-/* Function Aliases */
-/* These aliases allow expansions in the CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST() template to
-   make sense */
-#define arm_cfft_mag_init_f32 arm_cfft_radix4_init_f32
-#define arm_cfft_mag_init_q31 arm_cfft_radix4_init_q31
-#define arm_cfft_mag_init_q15 arm_cfft_radix4_init_q15
-#define arm_cfft_mag_instance_f32 arm_cfft_radix4_instance_f32
-#define arm_cfft_mag_instance_q31 arm_cfft_radix4_instance_q31
-#define arm_cfft_mag_instance_q15 arm_cfft_radix4_instance_q15
-#define transform_mag_fftlens transform_radix4_fftlens
-/* Test Definition */
- *  Defines a test for the family of CFFT transforms.
- *
- *  The family of CFFT transforms includes:
- *
- *  - arm_cfft_radix4_xxx
- *  - arm_cfft_radix2_xxx
- *  - arm_cfft_mag_xxx
- *
- *  Where xxx can be f32, q31, or q15.
- *
- *  @param fn_specifier Allowed values: radix4, radix2, mag.
- *  @param type_suffix  Allowed values: f32, q31, q15.
- *
- *  @param config_suffix Used to differentiate test names based configuration
- *  (in this case whether the ifft_flag is set or not.)
- *  @param comparison_interface Macro name used to compare reference and fut
- *  outputs.
- *
- *  @param output_tpe The type of variable contained in the output
- *  (e.g. float32_t, uint32_t, etc).
- *
- *  @param ifft_flag Determines whether the arm_cfft_instance_xxx is configured
- *  for an inverse FFT.
- */
-#define CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST(fn_specifier,                               \
-                                type_suffix,                                \
-                                config_suffix, /* Delineate between test configs*/ \
-                                comparison_interface,                       \
-                                output_type,                                \
-                                ifft_flag)                                  \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(CFFT_TEST_NAME(fn_specifier, type_suffix,             \
-                                     config_suffix),                        \
-                      CFFT_FN_NAME(fn_specifier, type_suffix))              \
-    {                                                                       \
-        arm_cfft_##fn_specifier##_instance_##type_suffix cfft_inst_fut;     \
-        arm_cfft_##fn_specifier##_instance_##type_suffix cfft_inst_ref;     \
-                                                                            \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                               \
-            fftlen_idx, uint16_t, fftlen, transform_##fn_specifier##_fftlens \
-            ,                                                               \
-                                                                            \
-            /* Initialize the cfft instance */                              \
-            arm_cfft_##fn_specifier##_init_##type_suffix(                   \
-                &cfft_inst_fut, fftlen, ifft_flag, (uint8_t)1);             \
-            arm_cfft_##fn_specifier##_init_##type_suffix(                   \
-                &cfft_inst_ref, fftlen, ifft_flag, (uint8_t)1);             \
-                                                                            \
-            TRANSFORM_PREPARE_INPLACE_INPUTS(                               \
-                transform_fft_##type_suffix##_inputs,                       \
-                fftlen *                                                    \
-                sizeof(TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(type_suffix)) *                     \
-                2 /*complex_inputs*/);                                      \
-                                                                            \
-            /* Display parameter values */                                  \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                              \
-                            "Inverse-transform flag: %d\n",                 \
-                            (int)fftlen,                                    \
-                            (int)ifft_flag);                                \
-                                                                            \
-            /* Display cycle count and run test */                          \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                             \
-                arm_cfft_##fn_specifier##_##type_suffix(                    \
-                    &cfft_inst_fut,                                         \
-                    (void*) transform_fft_inplace_input_fut));              \
-                                                                            \
-            ref_cfft_##fn_specifier##_##type_suffix(                        \
-                &cfft_inst_ref,                                             \
-                (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_ref);                  \
-                                                                            \
-            /* Test correctness */                                          \
-            comparison_interface(                                           \
-                fftlen,                                                     \
-                output_type));                                              \
-                                                                            \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                           \
-    }
- *  Bulk wrapper for all tests instantiated using #CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST().
- *
- *  This macro allows several test definitions to share the same config_suffix
- *  and ifft_flag settings.
- */
-#define CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_ALL_TESTS(config_suffix, ifft_flag)      \
-    /* Radix2 tests*/                                               \
-    CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST(radix2, q31, config_suffix,             \
-                            TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE,  \
-                            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31),                  \
-                            ifft_flag);                             \
-    CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST(radix2, q15, config_suffix,             \
-                            TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE,  \
-                            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q15),                  \
-                            ifft_flag);                             \
-    /* Radix4 tests*/                                               \
-    CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST(radix4, q31, config_suffix,             \
-                            TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE,  \
-                            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31),                  \
-                            ifft_flag);                             \
-    CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST(radix4, q15, config_suffix,             \
-                            TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE,  \
-                            TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q15),                  \
-                            ifft_flag)
-    /* /\* Mag tests*\/                                                  \ */
-    /* CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST(mag, f32, config_suffix,                \ */
-    /*                         TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE,        \ */
-    /*                         TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(f32),                  \ */
-    /*                         ifft_flag);                             \ */
-    /* CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST(mag, q31, config_suffix,                \ */
-    /*                         TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE,        \ */
-    /*                         TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q31),                  \ */
-    /*                         ifft_flag);                             \ */
-    /* CFFT_FAMILY_DEFINE_TEST(mag, q15, config_suffix,                \ */
-    /*                         TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE,        \ */
-    /*                         TYPE_FROM_ABBREV(q15),                  \ */
-    /*                         ifft_flag) */
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    /* Forward FFT tests */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_radix2_q31_forward_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_radix2_q15_forward_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_radix4_q31_forward_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_radix4_q15_forward_test);
-    /* Inverse FFT Tests */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_radix2_q31_inverse_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_radix2_q15_inverse_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_radix4_q31_inverse_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_radix4_q15_inverse_test);
-    /* Magnitude tests removed from the DSP Library. Keeping them here in case
-       minds are changed. */
-    /* JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_mag_f32_forward_test); */
-    /* JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_mag_q31_forward_test); */
-    /* JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_mag_q15_forward_test); */
-    /* JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_mag_f32_inverse_test); */
-    /* JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_mag_q31_inverse_test); */
-    /* JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_cfft_mag_q15_inverse_test); */
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f26c6f6..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/cfft_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "transform_templates.h"
-#include "transform_test_data.h"
-  CFFT function test template. Arguments are: inverse-transform flag, function
-  suffix (q7/q15/q31/f32) and the output type (q7_t, q15_t, q31_t, float32_t)
-#define CFFT_TEST_BODY(ifft_flag, suffix, output_type)                                  \
-    do                                                                                  \
-    {                                                                                   \
-        /* Go through all arm_cfft_instances */                                         \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                           \
-            cfft_inst_idx, const arm_cfft_instance_##suffix *, cfft_inst_ptr,           \
-            transform_cfft_##suffix##_structs                                           \
-            ,                                                                           \
-                                                                                        \
-            TRANSFORM_PREPARE_INPLACE_INPUTS(                                           \
-                transform_fft_##suffix##_inputs,                                        \
-                cfft_inst_ptr->fftLen *                                                 \
-                sizeof(output_type) *                                                   \
-                2 /*complex_inputs*/);                                                  \
-                                                                                        \
-                /* Display parameter values */                                          \
-                JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                                      \
-                                "Inverse-transform flag: %d\n",                         \
-                                (int)cfft_inst_ptr->fftLen,                             \
-                                (int)ifft_flag);                                        \
-                                                                                        \
-            /* Display cycle count and run test */                                      \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                         \
-                arm_cfft_##suffix(cfft_inst_ptr,                                        \
-                             (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_fut,                  \
-                             ifft_flag,              /* IFFT Flag */                    \
-                             1));            /* Bitreverse flag */                      \
-            ref_cfft_##suffix(cfft_inst_ptr,                                            \
-                         (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_ref,                      \
-                         ifft_flag,         /* IFFT Flag */                             \
-                         1);        /* Bitreverse flag */                               \
-                                                                                        \
-            /* Test correctness */                                                      \
-            TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE(                                      \
-                cfft_inst_ptr->fftLen,                                                  \
-                output_type));                                                          \
-                                                                                        \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                                       \
-    } while (0)
-  CFFT function with downshift test template. Arguments are: inverse-transform flag,
-  function suffix (q7/q15/q31/f32) and the output type (q7_t, q15_t, q31_t, float32_t)
-#define CFFT_DOWNSHIFT_INPUT_TEST_BODY(ifft_flag, suffix, output_type)                  \
-    do                                                                                  \
-    {                                                                                   \
-        /* Go through all arm_cfft_instances */                                         \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                                           \
-            cfft_inst_idx, const arm_cfft_instance_##suffix *, cfft_inst_ptr,           \
-            transform_cfft_##suffix##_structs                                           \
-            ,                                                                           \
-                                                                                        \
-            TRANSFORM_PREPARE_INPLACE_INPUTS_DOWNSHIFT(                                 \
-                transform_fft_##suffix##_inputs,                                        \
-                cfft_inst_ptr->fftLen *                                                 \
-                sizeof(output_type) *                                                   \
-                2 /*complex_inputs*/, output_type);                                     \
-                                                                                        \
-            /* Display parameter values */                                              \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                                          \
-                            "Inverse-transform flag: %d\n",                             \
-                            (int)cfft_inst_ptr->fftLen,                                 \
-                            (int)ifft_flag);                                            \
-                                                                                        \
-            /* Display cycle count and run test */                                      \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                                         \
-                arm_cfft_##suffix(cfft_inst_ptr,                                        \
-                             (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_fut,                  \
-                             ifft_flag,              /* IFFT Flag */                    \
-                             1));            /* Bitreverse flag */                      \
-            ref_cfft_##suffix(cfft_inst_ptr,                                            \
-                         (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_ref,                      \
-                         ifft_flag,         /* IFFT Flag */                             \
-                         1);        /* Bitreverse flag */                               \
-                                                                                        \
-            /* Test correctness */                                                      \
-            TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE(                                      \
-                cfft_inst_ptr->fftLen,                                                  \
-                output_type));                                                          \
-                                                                                        \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                                       \
-    } while (0)
-/* Test declarations */
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(cfft_f32_test, cfft_f32)
-    CFFT_TEST_BODY((uint8_t) 0, f32, float32_t);
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(cfft_f32_ifft_test, cfft_f32)
-    CFFT_TEST_BODY((uint8_t) 1, f32, float32_t);
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(cfft_q31_test, cfft_q31)
-    CFFT_TEST_BODY((uint8_t) 0, q31, q31_t);
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(cfft_q31_ifft_test, cfft_q31)
-    CFFT_TEST_BODY((uint8_t) 1, q31, q31_t);
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(cfft_q15_test, cfft_q15)
-    CFFT_TEST_BODY((uint8_t) 0, q15, q15_t);
-JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(cfft_q15_ifft_test, cfft_q15)
-    CFFT_TEST_BODY((uint8_t) 1, q15, q15_t);
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(cfft_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(cfft_f32_ifft_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(cfft_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(cfft_q31_ifft_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(cfft_q15_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(cfft_q15_ifft_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/dct4_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/dct4_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aae5a42..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/dct4_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "transform_templates.h"
-#include "transform_test_data.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-#include <math.h>               /* sqrtf() */
-/* Aliases to aid macro expansion */
-#define ref_sqrt_f32(x) sqrtf(x)
-/* Test Definitions */
-DCT function test template. Arguments are: function configuration suffix
-(q7/q15/q31/f32) and input type (q7_t/q15_t/q31_t/float32_t)
-#define DCT4_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, input_type)                            \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_dct4_##suffix##_test, arm_dct4_##suffix)      \
-    {                                                                   \
-        CONCAT(arm_dct4_instance_,suffix) dct4_inst_fut        = {0};   \
-        CONCAT(arm_rfft_instance_,suffix) rfft_inst_fut        = {0};   \
-        CONCAT(arm_cfft_radix4_instance_,suffix) cfft_inst_fut = {0};   \
-                                                                        \
-        CONCAT(arm_dct4_instance_,suffix) dct4_inst_ref        = {0};   \
-        CONCAT(arm_rfft_instance_,suffix) rfft_inst_ref        = {0};   \
-        CONCAT(arm_cfft_radix4_instance_,suffix) cfft_inst_ref = {0};   \
-                                                                        \
-        /* Go through all dct lengths */                                \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
-            fftlen_idx, uint16_t, fftlen, transform_dct_fftlens         \
-            ,                                                           \
-                                                                        \
-            float32_t normalize_f32 =                                   \
-                  ref_sqrt_f32((2.0f/(float32_t)fftlen));               \
-            input_type normalize;                                       \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Calculate normalized DCT4 value for input_type. */       \
-            TEST_CONVERT_FLOAT_TO(&normalize_f32, &normalize,           \
-                                  1, input_type);                       \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Initialize the DCT4, RFFT, and CFFT instances */         \
-            arm_dct4_init_##suffix(                                     \
-                &dct4_inst_fut, &rfft_inst_fut, &cfft_inst_fut,         \
-                fftlen,                                                 \
-                fftlen/2,                                               \
-                normalize);                                             \
-                                                                        \
-            arm_dct4_init_##suffix(                                     \
-                &dct4_inst_ref, &rfft_inst_ref, &cfft_inst_ref,         \
-                fftlen,                                                 \
-                fftlen/2,                                               \
-                normalize);                                             \
-                                                                        \
-             memset( transform_fft_input_fut,0,                         \
-                     fftlen*sizeof(input_type));                        \
-                                                                        \
-            TRANSFORM_PREPARE_INPLACE_INPUTS(                           \
-                transform_fft_##suffix##_inputs,                        \
-                fftlen * sizeof(input_type));                           \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Display parameter values */                              \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n",                         \
-                         (int)fftlen);                                  \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Input provided as a scratch buffer. Inplace input is     \
-             * actual input. Display cycle count and run test*/         \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                         \
-                arm_dct4_##suffix(                                      \
-                    &dct4_inst_fut,                                     \
-                    (void *) transform_fft_input_fut,                   \
-                    (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_fut));         \
-                                                                        \
-             memset( transform_fft_input_ref,0,                         \
-                     fftlen*sizeof(input_type));                        \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Input provided as a scratch buffer. Inplace input is */  \
-            /* actual input. */                                         \
-            ref_dct4_##suffix(                                          \
-                &dct4_inst_ref,                                         \
-                (void *) transform_fft_input_ref,                       \
-                (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_ref);              \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Test correctness */                                      \
-            DCT_TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                        \
-                fftlen,                                                 \
-                input_type));                                           \
-                                                                        \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
-    }
-  DCT function test template for fixed point data. Arguments are: function
-  suffix (q7/q15/q31/f32), input type (q7_t/q15_t/q31_t/float32_t) and prefix
-  (dct_4)
-#define DCT4_FIXED_POINT_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, input_type, prefix)           \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_dct4_##suffix##_test, arm_dct4_##suffix)         \
-    {                                                                      \
-        CONCAT(arm_dct4_instance_,suffix) dct4_inst_fut        = {0};      \
-        CONCAT(arm_rfft_instance_,suffix) rfft_inst_fut        = {0};      \
-        CONCAT(arm_cfft_radix4_instance_,suffix) cfft_inst_fut = {0};      \
-                                                                           \
-        CONCAT(arm_dct4_instance_,suffix) dct4_inst_ref        = {0};      \
-        CONCAT(arm_rfft_instance_,suffix) rfft_inst_ref        = {0};      \
-        CONCAT(arm_cfft_radix4_instance_,suffix) cfft_inst_ref = {0};      \
-                                                                           \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                              \
-            fftlen_idx, uint16_t, fftlen, transform_dct_fftlens            \
-            ,                                                              \
-            uint32_t i;                                                    \
-            float32_t normalize_f32 =                                      \
-                  ref_sqrt_f32((2.0f/(float32_t)fftlen));                  \
-            input_type normalize;                                          \
-                                                                           \
-            /* Calculate normalized DCT4 value for input_type. */          \
-            TEST_CONVERT_FLOAT_TO(&normalize_f32, &normalize,              \
-                                  1, input_type);                          \
-                                                                           \
-            /* Initialize the DCT4, RFFT, and CFFT instances */            \
-            arm_dct4_init_##suffix(                                        \
-                &dct4_inst_fut, &rfft_inst_fut, &cfft_inst_fut,            \
-                fftlen,                                                    \
-                fftlen/2,                                                  \
-                normalize);                                                \
-                                                                           \
-            arm_dct4_init_##suffix(                                        \
-                &dct4_inst_ref, &rfft_inst_ref, &cfft_inst_ref,            \
-                fftlen,                                                    \
-                fftlen/2,                                                  \
-                normalize);                                                \
-                                                                           \
-             /* Input samples need to be downscaled by 1 bit to            \
-              * avoid saturations in the Q31 DCT process,                  \
-              * as the conversion from DCT2 to DCT4 involves               \
-              * one subtraction.                                           \
-              */                                                           \
-             for(i=0; i < fftlen; i++)                                     \
-             {                                                             \
-               ((input_type*)transform_fft_inplace_input_fut)[i] =         \
-                        prefix##transform_fft_##suffix##_inputs[i] >> 1;   \
-               ((input_type*)transform_fft_inplace_input_ref)[i] =         \
-                        prefix##transform_fft_##suffix##_inputs[i] >> 1;   \
-             }                                                             \
-                                                                           \
-             memset( transform_fft_input_fut,0,                            \
-                     fftlen*sizeof(input_type));                           \
-                                                                           \
-             /* Display test parameter values */                           \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n",                            \
-                         (int)fftlen);                                     \
-                                                                           \
-            /* Input provided as a scratch buffer. Inplace input is        \
-             * actual input. */                                            \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                            \
-                arm_dct4_##suffix(                                         \
-                    &dct4_inst_fut,                                        \
-                    (void *) transform_fft_input_fut,                      \
-                    (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_fut));            \
-                                                                           \
-             memset( transform_fft_input_ref,0,                            \
-                     fftlen*sizeof(input_type));                           \
-                                                                           \
-            /* Input provided as a scratch buffer. Inplace input is */     \
-            /* actual input. */                                            \
-            ref_dct4_##suffix(                                             \
-                &dct4_inst_ref,                                            \
-                (void *) transform_fft_input_ref,                          \
-                (void *) transform_fft_inplace_input_ref);                 \
-                                                                           \
-            /* Test correctness */                                         \
-            DCT_TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                           \
-                fftlen,                                                    \
-                input_type));                                              \
-                                                                           \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                          \
-    }
-DCT4_DEFINE_TEST(f32, float32_t);
-DCT4_FIXED_POINT_DEFINE_TEST(q15, q15_t, dct4_);
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_dct4_f32_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_dct4_q31_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_dct4_q15_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_fast_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_fast_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a8e17..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_fast_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "transform_templates.h"
-#include "transform_test_data.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-FFT fast function test template. Arguments are: function configuration suffix
-(q7/q15/q31/f32) and inverse-transform flag
-#define RFFT_FAST_DEFINE_TEST(config_suffix, ifft_flag)                 \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_rfft_fast_f32_##config_suffix##_test,         \
-                      arm_fft_f32)                                      \
-    {                                                                   \
-        arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 rfft_inst_fut = {{0}, 0, 0};         \
-        arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 rfft_inst_ref = {{0}, 0, 0};         \
-                                                                        \
-        /* Go through all FFT lengths */                                \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
-            fftlen_idx, uint16_t, fftlen, transform_rfft_fast_fftlens   \
-            ,                                                           \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Initialize the RFFT and CFFT Instances */                \
-            arm_rfft_fast_init_f32(                                     \
-                &rfft_inst_fut, fftlen);                                \
-                                                                        \
-            arm_rfft_fast_init_f32(                                     \
-                &rfft_inst_ref, fftlen);                                \
-                                                                        \
-            TRANSFORM_COPY_INPUTS(                                      \
-                transform_fft_f32_inputs,                               \
-                fftlen *                                                \
-                sizeof(float32_t));                                     \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Display parameter values */                              \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                          \
-                            "Inverse-transform flag: %d\n",             \
-                         (int)fftlen,                                   \
-                         (int)ifft_flag);                               \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Display cycle count and run test */                      \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                         \
-                arm_rfft_fast_f32(                                      \
-                    &rfft_inst_fut,                                     \
-                    (void *) transform_fft_input_fut,                   \
-                    (void *) transform_fft_output_fut,                  \
-                    ifft_flag));                                        \
-                                                                        \
-            ref_rfft_fast_f32(                                          \
-                &rfft_inst_ref,                                         \
-                (void *) transform_fft_input_ref,                       \
-                (void *) transform_fft_output_ref,                      \
-                ifft_flag);                                             \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Test correctness */                                      \
-            TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                            \
-                fftlen,                                                 \
-                float32_t));                                            \
-                                                                        \
-        return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                       \
-    }
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rfft_fast_f32_forward_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rfft_fast_f32_inverse_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_tests.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_tests.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fbc8e6..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/rfft_tests.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "ref.h"
-#include "arr_desc.h"
-#include "transform_templates.h"
-#include "transform_test_data.h"
-#include "type_abbrev.h"
-  FFT function test template. Arguments are: function suffix (q7/q15/q31/f32)
-  function configuration suffix (same as function suffix), inverse-transform flag,
-  input and output type (both q7_t/q15_t/q31_t/float32_t)
-#define RFFT_DEFINE_TEST(suffix, config_suffix,                         \
-                         ifft_flag, input_type, output_type)            \
-    JTEST_DEFINE_TEST(arm_rfft_##suffix##_##config_suffix##_test,       \
-                      arm_rfft_##suffix)                                \
-    {                                                                   \
-        CONCAT(arm_rfft_instance_, suffix) rfft_inst_fut = {0};         \
-        CONCAT(arm_rfft_instance_, suffix) rfft_inst_ref = {0};         \
-                                                                        \
-        /* Go through all arm_rfft lengths */                           \
-        TEMPLATE_DO_ARR_DESC(                                           \
-            fftlen_idx, uint16_t, fftlen, transform_rfft_fftlens        \
-            ,                                                           \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Initialize the RFFT and CFFT Instances */                \
-            arm_rfft_init_##suffix(                                     \
-                &rfft_inst_fut,                                         \
-                (uint32_t) fftlen, ifft_flag, 1U);                      \
-                                                                        \
-            arm_rfft_init_##suffix(                                     \
-                &rfft_inst_ref,                                         \
-                (uint32_t) fftlen, ifft_flag, 1U);                      \
-                                                                        \
-            if (ifft_flag)                                               \
-            {                                                           \
-               TRANSFORM_PREPARE_INVERSE_INPUTS(                        \
-                   transform_fft_##suffix##_inputs,                     \
-                   fftlen, input_type,                                  \
-                   fftlen *                                             \
-                   sizeof(input_type));                                 \
-            }                                                           \
-            else                                                        \
-            {                                                           \
-               TRANSFORM_COPY_INPUTS(                                   \
-                   transform_fft_##suffix##_inputs,                     \
-                   fftlen *                                             \
-                   sizeof(input_type));                                 \
-            }                                                           \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Display parameter values */                              \
-            JTEST_DUMP_STRF("Block Size: %d\n"                          \
-                            "Inverse-transform flag: %d\n",             \
-                         (int)fftlen,                                   \
-                         (int)ifft_flag);                               \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Display cycle count and run test */                      \
-            JTEST_COUNT_CYCLES(                                         \
-                arm_rfft_##suffix(                                      \
-                    &rfft_inst_fut,                                     \
-                    (void *) transform_fft_input_fut,                   \
-                    (void *) transform_fft_output_fut));                \
-                                                                        \
-            ref_rfft_##suffix(                                          \
-                &rfft_inst_ref,                                         \
-                (void *) transform_fft_input_ref,                       \
-                (void *) transform_fft_output_ref);                     \
-                                                                        \
-            /* Test correctness */                                      \
-            TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(                            \
-                fftlen,                                                 \
-                output_type));                                          \
-                                                                        \
-            return JTEST_TEST_PASSED;                                   \
-    }
-/* Collect all tests in a group */
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rfft_q31_forward_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rfft_q15_forward_test);
-    //JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rfft_f32_inverse_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rfft_q31_inverse_test);
-    JTEST_TEST_CALL(arm_rfft_q15_inverse_test);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/transform_test_group.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/transform_test_group.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f071068..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/transform_test_group.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#include "jtest.h"
-#include "transform_tests.h"
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(cfft_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(cfft_family_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(rfft_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(rfft_fast_tests);
-    JTEST_GROUP_CALL(dct4_tests);
diff --git a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/transform_tests_common_data.c b/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/transform_tests_common_data.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 98987b3..0000000
--- a/hid-dials/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/DSP_Lib_TestSuite/Common/src/transform_tests/transform_tests_common_data.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3311 +0,0 @@
-#include "transform_test_data.h"
-#include "arm_const_structs.h"
-/* Input/Output Buffers */
-float32_t transform_fft_output_fut[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] = {0};
-float32_t transform_fft_output_ref[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] = {0};
-float32_t transform_fft_input_fut[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] = {0};
-float32_t transform_fft_input_ref[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] = {0};
-float32_t transform_fft_output_f32_fut[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] = {0};
-float32_t transform_fft_output_f32_ref[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] = {0};
-/* Some of the transform function modify their inputs in-place, so that they
- * become the outputs. */
-float32_t * transform_fft_inplace_input_fut = transform_fft_output_fut;
-float32_t * transform_fft_inplace_input_ref = transform_fft_output_ref;
-q31_t transform_fft_q31_inputs[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] =
-    0xC14A5524, 0xCCABDA17, 0xAD6F5B56, 0xFDAFCE3B, 0xA9B226EB,
-    0x41F6F6A, 0xA5CE38BF, 0x3A978AFA, 0xBA44B82A, 0x855C0F8,
-    0x3D060524, 0x93D5E570, 0x97D7791D, 0xFFE0C38C, 0x26749841,
-    0xC0A6EE54, 0x218EC386, 0x39FF3726, 0x8DC1F7CA, 0x702F2CF5,
-    0xC1142FF1, 0xEC1476AB, 0x15F640DD, 0xE62CCE49, 0x3805DE7E,
-    0xF70871FE, 0xCF8BD360, 0x8D19A8A0, 0xD764F821, 0xA58558CF,
-    0x8C0CE04D, 0x50A46C19, 0x66D2370D, 0x50FA359A, 0xB646AE24,
-    0x6CE00F5C, 0xE6D48948, 0xB55BD831, 0x3B72950A, 0x9EB69530,
-    0x73394127, 0x773FA6F4, 0x9805A980, 0x838DE587, 0x9CF597F4,
-    0xA2AD1691, 0xFA81A473, 0x7CDC7D7F, 0x4A5190D0, 0xED895BB9,
-    0x8FD60F35, 0x1A21D530, 0xA0EB6DDA, 0xBDE6A516, 0x2501A3E1,
-    0x5ED893C8, 0xE1E175B1, 0xACBBB2F3, 0xED350907, 0xDB140D7E,
-    0xEEAE272D, 0xBE229841, 0xC18BFB88, 0xA6BB9B80, 0xBCF090E4,
-    0x24DB166C, 0xF9AB7E42, 0x62DF28D1, 0xC7004665, 0xE3F56FC6,
-    0x419E0C75, 0x46BE9F38, 0x2432B9B2, 0x758D83E0, 0xDCE12926,
-    0x3F57CB74, 0x1F4458E2, 0xF1DD639, 0x83A1FB49, 0x173AFC76,
-    0x86EF7531, 0x48D32F34, 0x7D3E3063, 0x8F2FB549, 0x5C314C9,
-    0x18CBEB6D, 0xA6F8B697, 0x447B9E9C, 0x2E32BA33, 0xD074D715,
-    0x81ACD746, 0xE55A4E04, 0x4891860F, 0x1DA3EB4F, 0xE0E6A27F,
-    0x20BFDEB4, 0xD0B3A25B, 0x40C10544, 0xC15656C, 0x15405EAE,
-    0x9858E3E1, 0xA36A9C4E, 0x88BD21F9, 0xAACF7A68, 0x773665E5,
-    0xCEDFDF66, 0x617A9610, 0x524FC968, 0xC2D086CD, 0x5F008079,
-    0x24DCA447, 0x6A4F5599, 0xB706CD4A, 0x1DE70608, 0xA33A2EE5,
-    0x137E488E, 0x98061B7B, 0x4079D69D, 0xA4A897D5, 0xC4CEC8F5,
-    0xD75F7883, 0x22406802, 0xF1AD70BB, 0x9D4ADD79, 0xBCBC7CE4,
-    0xB358C0D8, 0x85792E47, 0xA7ADAC05, 0x3D19EEAB, 0x331AC0AF,
-    0x33035831, 0x13D93987, 0xFC542094, 0x845F317E, 0xDDC4BF8B,
-    0x1379E50C, 0x5C20193F, 0xFDD58298, 0x9D482B82, 0x4A6BE062,
-    0xDC8A757B, 0x272917C1, 0x90E1EFBC, 0x355AD882, 0xE6F8EA35,
-    0x604555A1, 0x7DFFFBB, 0xF58AE216, 0x9A11B463, 0xD3541BAD,
-    0xA1576756, 0x483BED8D, 0x1F05AFCC, 0xCEA63DFB, 0x55B84677,
-    0xFB2E04F2, 0x787AF96C, 0x84A12CD3, 0x460A9BD, 0x9DB22DD8,
-    0x1A8C7F28, 0x861E452E, 0x932D3F78, 0x7652D852, 0x73357BBA,
-    0xEBBB0A58, 0x62536AFA, 0x3F6B65EF, 0x6DC57B58, 0x9EB798CE,
-    0xE6B0A740, 0xDFF68B47, 0x3247FB8F, 0xFFF3D302, 0xA9FD3E40,
-    0x475A43D1, 0x6FF9528A, 0x2018A09D, 0x47E0F9C9, 0x4CF5F6D3,
-    0x2807CE34, 0xDD6FD8ED, 0x234045D1, 0x51CEB5F9, 0x25297896,
-    0x6443A0FE, 0x8F4449A9, 0xD4C3E1C6, 0xF01D52F1, 0x4E09C820,
-    0xF18F0810, 0xE1548689, 0xF9DE5A1F, 0x5286DC23, 0x48AC3A4B,
-    0xEA0C1BE0, 0xA1B785DB, 0x7086465D, 0x1CC10929, 0x1E1D716E,
-    0xED231D4C, 0x2049D108, 0xB8FF9971, 0x949CF8D4, 0x441F1E8B,
-    0xC3D95372, 0x69C324B4, 0xA10BFDC9, 0xC781DE78, 0x82476137,
-    0xE163DDF, 0x390DEEC2, 0xAF68CE5B, 0x8E680ABD, 0x8223A615,
-    0x92593380, 0x7B1465FE, 0x865AE957, 0x930F53EB, 0xED772EF7,
-    0x10E916B6, 0xE3BCFA68, 0x2ACB80BB, 0xE51C5590, 0x994714B5,
-    0xF30984EE, 0x59BBE1B4, 0xB4867DBC, 0xB91C706C, 0xBC16C218,
-    0xA8931CD0, 0x129A66AB, 0x13171F4D, 0x62882872, 0x4B167FD4,
-    0xE6902F4C, 0xFA794932, 0xD4B152C, 0xB0856EA9, 0x39466D55,
-    0x3669E451, 0x8F5B9E8C, 0x877A3C6A, 0x51B956B4, 0x367EAD2A,
-    0x9D2C662A, 0x78FB6880, 0x4E6D40B6, 0x4070EFDC, 0x4DF9679C,
-    0x20306EDB, 0xE381AAE7, 0xA55DA748, 0x9B8B617B, 0x3E036FAD,
-    0x84E4C4A7, 0xD5A3F517, 0x669BA988, 0x98FDDE8C, 0x67BD85CE,
-    0x34BBB46C, 0x76994800, 0x85B9D8B6, 0x6DFA2FEF, 0x205DB5C,
-    0x9F843C4C, 0x72721B52, 0x73EF6B86, 0x5FB98B61, 0xC323DDAC,
-    0x31D424B4, 0xF68C0D7E, 0x162FAF9D, 0x7B2A7A99, 0xF9392693,
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-    0xBC6AF7AE, 0x7DD5B57B, 0xD2F121F, 0xD2BCCA1E, 0xD5DC4753,
-    0xA135C08C, 0x78E97831, 0x9B91C00B, 0xFFF2C044, 0x147B797F,
-    0x299CFB60, 0x71083BB, 0xB39A6C4F, 0x4814E3E1, 0xBD246AB0,
-    0xBCD61250, 0x2D0870, 0xC660435C, 0xCA11681E, 0xADA4C80E,
-    0x790C8875, 0x8C4F0D08, 0x48D90C74, 0xE874E9AA, 0xA8013EE8,
-    0xB2D23A7A, 0xAF73A16E, 0x2485512C, 0x698E0CB2, 0x2FF566C9,
-    0xC1B0C3C6, 0x2BE17C0E, 0xC42C3907, 0xD8A2EA94, 0x8991D24C,
-    0x19B939F1, 0xF936F8B3, 0xA72D7EF1, 0x97EED001, 0xBF9C5156,
-    0x75F08A67, 0x9AFD5756, 0x5D9D359C, 0xF905B7EC, 0x2B1553E1,
-    0x9E0FD4E1, 0x8DC4814C, 0x89F28E6D, 0x14174915, 0x1F3A4217,
-    0xA8F367F9, 0x93EE87C5, 0xAD70C6D8, 0xF04D465C, 0xE403D72B,
-    0xA686EC0F, 0xCD3A5728, 0xA1BD007, 0x9E21E401, 0xAE8517CF,
-    0x6DDB79FC, 0x8CB2C475, 0x6F71544, 0xBEAC91CF, 0x4739DC4E,
-    0x6CF4F788, 0x36BAD9AC, 0xF23568D4, 0x250BAB0A, 0x4633384F,
-    0x54F6F251, 0x454F9605, 0xCB1A346, 0x632E207F, 0x3017539C,
-    0x174A33ED, 0xBDCFD2DE, 0xC17F3D39, 0x17B8A9A2, 0xC267FB51,
-    0x9322387D, 0x348760C, 0x3C14D7E0, 0xE4E4254E, 0xCA72AA41,
-    0xB6102ED3, 0x6317A3F, 0xD3B6B9F7, 0xA8C71BB7, 0x6E452957,
-    0x3F896E32, 0xE38A4A58, 0x9893F432, 0x110A21D4, 0xE835FEBE,
-    0x90F51080, 0xD0AC5AF, 0x4FCB9903, 0xFE547785, 0x144B285D,
-    0xD0ECC753, 0xAE503BA4, 0x57CEAABC, 0x95713FE6, 0x5B0F4F86,
-    0xD94BD751, 0x4017F139, 0xF60F5E1D, 0xB9A63351, 0xF7F94F6A,
-    0x7E556ECC, 0xBFDB8642, 0xB70D07D, 0x351BEA77, 0xD1F3CAD,
-    0xA3D7EF4D, 0x1EAA28E3, 0x98A2EA79, 0xD8647392, 0x1B896804,
-    0x35CA6A08, 0x305258F, 0xE58BD955, 0xABCB6278, 0x87CF1146,
-    0x13145966, 0x45BB55CD, 0x818AA368, 0xA027F11F, 0x64C427A3,
-    0xEC831B99, 0xF2BD53F9, 0x7FDA7301, 0x35BE80D4, 0x5256E6FB,
-    0xC97D33AE, 0x30921709, 0xC2724BEC, 0x78F5436F, 0x4F5749CD,
-    0x9007F551, 0x327C31C0, 0x89782D13, 0x119AD125, 0xB1071A01,
-    0x63100C70, 0x83120035, 0xA8E2E403, 0x7E213FA3, 0xBF06AAC4,
-    0xBA68C4D9, 0x4B568927, 0x1DDD40F, 0x10FC10E8, 0xBBD7230A,
-    0x96475640, 0x8C8E6EC1, 0x44A1134A, 0xEF0F40F0, 0x51E2A5E0,
-    0x61AE6D65, 0x9DE72FD6, 0xB1711336, 0x90BEB84, 0xD610EFC6,
-    0x3D231F91, 0xB5885164, 0x2CB2112C, 0x36F50789, 0x3DEF2AB9,
-    0x1D9DC1DA, 0xA37DB070, 0x2AA92EB, 0x2D57ED6E, 0xD6E2C2CD,
-    0xB78FC54C, 0x767A565E, 0x1D1F5AAE, 0x89F256DB, 0x716A97D,
-    0x1344431D, 0xFAF015FB, 0xFED59649, 0xC479882A, 0xEEFC3D1E,
-    0x840AE162, 0xD963A347, 0x75462C25, 0xDA990E07, 0x9A57DE31,
-    0x74A35F20, 0x91852CD6, 0x3F16DE14, 0x5FA6A255, 0x47D00F85,
-    0x1B4836C9, 0xC73D0290, 0xE301026B, 0x592068D6, 0x7C32A301,
-    0x3A3C04C4, 0xB5BD3BAF, 0xB8C3BF60, 0x76723A1B, 0xD05BC35E,
-    0x7679021C, 0x6298096, 0x590BA59C, 0xBB30A2F6, 0xE5F6B06C,
-    0x21BD2A9E, 0xAC68D7DA, 0xEDA2ED5A, 0xA10E60FA, 0xABDBF569,
-    0x17F5868E, 0x82AA8505, 0x384BD8FC, 0x68DC2746, 0x8F029C0D,
-    0x3755EB11, 0xAEF4BB79, 0x453B87BA, 0x9926977F, 0x1FA1B806,
-    0xC905618, 0x9BFE8E92, 0xF6F68A5A, 0xAA955D92, 0x44F57A4A,
-    0x2186E272, 0x62EB01DA, 0x85A2D502, 0xB087955D, 0x26FF2BA0,
-    0x8D462C04, 0xE024573B, 0x609CDBD7, 0xA99B9D19, 0xFEEB3F60,
-    0x12903A0D, 0x46480C6, 0xDD0BD1B9, 0x6C60C43, 0x5E11A4FE,
-    0x935E9E58, 0x8A7F6D33, 0xA505132D, 0xBB2E3E12, 0xF48633F4,
-    0xF3BA8CF7, 0xC25D4EDD, 0x788672B8, 0xB2812608, 0xACB3A62,
-    0x2EEB679A, 0x443A71B9, 0xC42F4B12, 0xD28B3482, 0x5571FA8A,
-    0x5C0B3D55, 0x8B8619C6, 0xF564F10C, 0xD9A7C914, 0xFBD1EF46,
-    0xCEABC573, 0xEC609D28, 0x5839413B, 0x5019E901, 0x248FFF30,
-    0x7BFFB801, 0x7FD46584, 0x43702812, 0x3A5A0880, 0x7E3E9EDA,
-    0xCA4623E3, 0x2FB87A70, 0xFE70D956, 0xCE9EB3E6, 0x9A2CD2F1,
-    0x92EFB0C8, 0xC7E23873, 0x53B63A86, 0xB9D93548, 0x3C022B2,
-    0xCF4F22A6, 0x981E70BC, 0x4A05F3AB, 0xD763E93B, 0x6EAF767D,
-    0x4162629D, 0xD82A25E7, 0x6CDD19A3, 0x13524F68, 0xE5F23FDC,
-    0xB37F311F, 0x35FD43B6, 0x36626469, 0x1E409CF6, 0xE4C04F9D,
-    0xC1B58001, 0xD131078F, 0x9DE279A, 0x80B62212, 0x526405DD,
-    0xC17777C1, 0x7045FCDC, 0x53862AEC, 0x5D583056, 0xEB532222,
-    0x5837EA32, 0x719C06A4, 0x43D4F131, 0x577C6DDB, 0x9E5815A7,
-    0x8189DDD9, 0x170F154F, 0xEF813B20, 0x4DD83A53, 0xB09A28FD,
-    0x8D0DBED5, 0x1836596D, 0xC5BB2696, 0xA69FC859, 0xD6FF5E0D,
-    0xCCC65761, 0xC818C6F7, 0x7A25F980, 0xF949133, 0xC515C093,
-    0xA8AD04B5, 0x6768AC1C, 0xB5BE2C4A, 0x4F04616F, 0xBD28E4E3,
-    0x4CCA6347, 0x5F61C031
-/* The source data is random across the q31_t range. Accessing it by word should
-   remain random. */
-q15_t * transform_fft_q15_inputs = (q15_t *) transform_fft_q31_inputs;
-q15_t dct4_transform_fft_q15_inputs[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] =
-   0x0000, 0x2d5c, 0x54d5, 0x714b, 0x7f0d, 0x7c51, 0x6972, 0x48e4, 
-   0x1edf, 0xf0da, 0xc4cb, 0xa06c, 0x8874, 0x8001, 0x882a, 0x9fe2, 
-   0xc413, 0xf00c, 0x1e16, 0x4839, 0x68fc, 0x7c1f, 0x7f25, 0x71ab, 
-   0x5570, 0x2e1e, 0x00cf, 0xd367, 0xabc7, 0x8f16, 0x810d, 0x837e, 
-   0x9619, 0xb672, 0xe057, 0x0e58, 0x3a7c, 0x5f0a, 0x7741, 0x7ffe, 
-   0x781e, 0x60a7, 0x3ca4, 0x10c2, 0xe2b4, 0xb873, 0x977b, 0x8415, 
-   0x80c3, 0x8df6, 0xa9f6, 0xd121, 0xfe61, 0x2bd6, 0x539c, 0x7087, 
-   0x7ed8, 0x7cb1, 0x6a5c, 0x4a38, 0x2072, 0xf277, 0xc63d, 0xa182, 
-   0x890b, 0x8005, 0x879b, 0x9ed2, 0xc2a6, 0xee70, 0x1c81, 0x46e0, 
-   0x680c, 0x7bb7, 0x7f53, 0x7268, 0x56a3, 0x2fa0, 0x026f, 0xd4ed, 
-   0xad02, 0x8fdc, 0x8145, 0x8321, 0x9531, 0xb51f, 0xdec5, 0x0cba, 
-   0x390a, 0x5df1, 0x76a8, 0x7ff7, 0x78ab, 0x61b5, 0x3e10, 0x125e, 
-   0xe449, 0xb9cd, 0x986d, 0x847f, 0x8099, 0x8d3c, 0xa8c4, 0xcf9f, 
-   0xfcc2, 0x2a4f, 0x5260, 0x6fbf, 0x7e9d, 0x7d0c, 0x6b40, 0x4b89, 
-   0x2203, 0xf414, 0xc7b1, 0xa29c, 0x89a7, 0x800e, 0x8710, 0x9dc5, 
-   0xc13a, 0xecd5, 0x1aec, 0x4585, 0x6718, 0x7b4a, 0x7f7b, 0x7320, 
-   0x57d3, 0x3121, 0x040e, 0xd675, 0xae40, 0x90a7, 0x8182, 0x82c8, 
-   0x944f, 0xb3d0, 0xdd35, 0x0b1d, 0x3795, 0x5cd5, 0x760a, 0x7fec, 
-   0x7933, 0x62bf, 0x3f7a, 0x13f8, 0xe5df, 0xbb2a, 0x9964, 0x84ef, 
-   0x8073, 0x8c86, 0xa796, 0xce20, 0xfb23, 0x28c6, 0x5120, 0x6ef2, 
-   0x7e5e, 0x7d63, 0x6c21, 0x4cd7, 0x2393, 0xf5b2, 0xc927, 0xa3ba, 
-   0x8a47, 0x801c, 0x868b, 0x9cbd, 0xbfd1, 0xeb3b, 0x1955, 0x4427, 
-   0x6620, 0x7ad7, 0x7f9d, 0x73d3, 0x5900, 0x329f, 0x05ad, 0xd7ff, 
-   0xaf81, 0x9176, 0x81c4, 0x8274, 0x9370, 0xb284, 0xdba6, 0x097f, 
-   0x361d, 0x5bb5, 0x7566, 0x7fda, 0x79b6, 0x63c6, 0x40e2, 0x1592, 
-   0xe777, 0xbc8a, 0x9a5e, 0x8564, 0x8053, 0x8bd5, 0xa66b, 0xcca2, 
-   0xf983, 0x273c, 0x4fdd, 0x6e21, 0x7e19, 0x7db3, 0x6cfd, 0x4e21, 
-   0x2521, 0xf750, 0xca9f, 0xa4dc, 0x8aed, 0x8030, 0x860a, 0x9bb9, 
-   0xbe6b, 0xe9a1, 0x17bd, 0x42c6, 0x6523, 0x7a60, 0x7fbb, 0x7481, 
-   0x5a29, 0x341c, 0x074c, 0xd98a, 0xb0c6, 0x924a, 0x820b, 0x8226, 
-   0x9297, 0xb13b, 0xda18, 0x07e0, 0x34a4, 0x5a92, 0x74bf, 0x7fc4, 
-   0x7a34, 0x64c8, 0x4247, 0x172b, 0xe90f, 0xbdec, 0x9b5d, 0x85dd, 
-   0x8038, 0x8b29, 0xa544, 0xcb27, 0xf7e5, 0x25af, 0x4e97, 0x6d4b, 
-   0x7dcf, 0x7dff, 0x6dd5, 0x4f69, 0x26ae, 0xf8ef, 0xcc1a, 0xa601, 
-   0x8b97, 0x8049, 0x858f, 0x9ab9, 0xbd08, 0xe809, 0x1625, 0x4162, 
-   0x6422, 0x79e4, 0x7fd3, 0x752b, 0x5b4e, 0x3596, 0x08eb, 0xdb17, 
-   0xb20e, 0x9322, 0x8258, 0x81dd, 0x91c1, 0xaff5, 0xd88c, 0x0641, 
-   0x3328, 0x596a, 0x7412, 0x7fa8, 0x7aad, 0x65c6, 0x43a9, 0x18c3, 
-   0xeaa8, 0xbf51, 0x9c5f, 0x865c, 0x8023, 0x8a82, 0xa421, 0xc9ad, 
-   0xf646, 0x2422, 0x4d4d, 0x6c70, 0x7d80, 0x7e46, 0x6ea8, 0x50ad, 
-   0x2839, 0xfa8e, 0xcd97, 0xa72b, 0x8c46, 0x8067, 0x8518, 0x99bd, 
-   0xbba7, 0xe671, 0x148b, 0x3ffb, 0x631e, 0x7963, 0x7fe6, 0x75d0, 
-   0x5c6f, 0x370f, 0x0a89, 0xdca6, 0xb359, 0x93ff, 0x82a9, 0x8199, 
-   0x90f0, 0xaeb2, 0xd702, 0x04a2, 0x31aa, 0x583f, 0x7360, 0x7f88, 
-   0x7b21, 0x66c0, 0x4508, 0x1a5a, 0xec42, 0xc0b9, 0x9d66, 0x86e0, 
-   0x8012, 0x89e0, 0xa302, 0xc836, 0xf4a8, 0x2292, 0x4c01, 0x6b91, 
-   0x7d2c, 0x7e87, 0x6f76, 0x51ee, 0x29c3, 0xfc2d, 0xcf16, 0xa858, 
-   0x8cfa, 0x808b, 0x84a7, 0x98c5, 0xba4a, 0xe4da, 0x12f1, 0x3e92, 
-   0x6215, 0x78dc, 0x7ff4, 0x7670, 0x5d8c, 0x3884, 0x0c27, 0xde36, 
-   0xb4a7, 0x94e0, 0x8300, 0x815a, 0x9024, 0xad73, 0xd579, 0x0303, 
-   0x302a, 0x5711, 0x72aa, 0x7f61, 0x7b90, 0x67b5, 0x4664, 0x1bf0, 
-   0xeddd, 0xc223, 0x9e71, 0x8769, 0x8007, 0x8942, 0xa1e6, 0xc6c2, 
-   0xf30b, 0x2102, 0x4ab1, 0x6aae, 0x7cd2, 0x7ec3, 0x7040, 0x532b, 
-   0x2b4b, 0xfdcc, 0xd097, 0xa988, 0x8db3, 0x80b4, 0x843a, 0x97d1, 
-   0xb8ef, 0xe345, 0x1155, 0x3d27, 0x6108, 0x7851, 0x7ffc, 0x770b, 
-   0x5ea6, 0x39f8, 0x0dc4, 0xdfc7, 0xb5f8, 0x95c5, 0x835c, 0x8120, 
-   0x8f5d, 0xac37, 0xd3f2, 0x0164, 0x2ea8, 0x55de, 0x71ef, 0x7f36, 
-   0x7bfa, 0x68a7, 0x47be, 0x1d85, 0xef79, 0xc390, 0x9f80, 0x87f6, 
-   0x8001, 0x88a9, 0xa0cf, 0xc54f, 0xf16e, 0x1f70, 0x495e, 0x69c6, 
-   0x7c74, 0x7efa, 0x7106, 0x5465, 0x2cd1, 0xff6c, 0xd219, 0xaabc, 
-   0x8e70, 0x80e2, 0x83d3, 0x96e2, 0xb796, 0xe1b1, 0x0fb9, 0x3bb8, 
-   0x5ff7, 0x77c1, 0x7fff, 0x77a1, 0x5fbc, 0x3b69, 0x0f61, 0xe15a, 
-   0xb74d, 0x96af, 0x83bd, 0x80ec, 0x8e9a, 0xaaff, 0xd26d, 0xffc5, 
-   0x2d24, 0x54a8, 0x712f, 0x7f05, 0x7c5f, 0x6994, 0x4914, 0x1f19, 
-   0xf115, 0xc500, 0xa093, 0x8889, 0x8001, 0x8816, 0x9fbb, 0xc3df, 
-   0xefd1, 0x1ddc, 0x4808, 0x68da, 0x7c10, 0x7f2c, 0x71c6, 0x559c, 
-   0x2e55, 0x010a, 0xd39e, 0xabf4, 0x8f32, 0x8115, 0x8371, 0x95f7, 
-   0xb641, 0xe01e, 0x0e1d, 0x3a48, 0x5ee2, 0x772c, 0x7ffd, 0x7832, 
-   0x60cd, 0x3cd8, 0x10fd, 0xe2ee, 0xb8a4, 0x979e, 0x8423, 0x80bd, 
-   0x8ddb, 0xa9ca, 0xd0ea, 0xfe26, 0x2b9f, 0x536f, 0x706b, 0x7ed0, 
-   0x7cbf, 0x6a7c, 0x4a68, 0x20ab, 0xf2b2, 0xc672, 0xa1aa, 0x8921, 
-   0x8006, 0x8787, 0x9eab, 0xc272, 0xee36, 0x1c48, 0x46af, 0x67ea, 
-   0x7ba8, 0x7f59, 0x7282, 0x56cf, 0x2fd7, 0x02aa, 0xd525, 0xad2f, 
-   0x8ff9, 0x814d, 0x8314, 0x9511, 0xb4ef, 0xde8c, 0x0c80, 0x38d5, 
-   0x5dc9, 0x7692, 0x7ff6, 0x78bf, 0x61db, 0x3e44, 0x1298, 0xe483, 
-   0xb9ff, 0x9890, 0x848f, 0x8093, 0x8d22, 0xa899, 0xcf68, 0xfc87, 
-   0x2a17, 0x5232, 0x6fa2, 0x7e95, 0x7d19, 0x6b61, 0x4bb8, 0x223c, 
-   0xf44f, 0xc7e6, 0xa2c5, 0x89bd, 0x8010, 0x86fd, 0x9d9f, 0xc107, 
-   0xec9b, 0x1ab2, 0x4553, 0x66f5, 0x7b3a, 0x7f80, 0x7339, 0x57fe, 
-   0x3157, 0x0449, 0xd6ad, 0xae6d, 0x90c4, 0x818b, 0x82bc, 0x942f, 
-   0xb3a0, 0xdcfc, 0x0ae2, 0x375f, 0x5cad, 0x75f3, 0x7fe9, 0x7946, 
-   0x62e5, 0x3fae, 0x1433, 0xe619, 0xbb5c, 0x9987, 0x84ff, 0x806f, 
-   0x8c6d, 0xa76b, 0xcde9, 0xfae7, 0x288e, 0x50f2, 0x6ed5, 0x7e54, 
-   0x7d6e, 0x6c41, 0x4d06, 0x23cc, 0xf5ed, 0xc95c, 0xa3e3, 0x8a5f, 
-   0x801f, 0x8678, 0x9c98, 0xbf9e, 0xeb00, 0x191b, 0x43f5, 0x65fc, 
-   0x7ac7, 0x7fa2, 0x73ec, 0x592a, 0x32d6, 0x05e8, 0xd837, 0xafaf, 
-   0x9194, 0x81ce, 0x8269, 0x9351, 0xb255, 0xdb6d, 0x0944, 0x35e8, 
-   0x5b8c, 0x754f, 0x7fd8, 0x79c8, 0x63eb, 0x4115, 0x15cc, 0xe7b1, 
-   0xbcbc, 0x9a82, 0x8575, 0x804f, 0x8bbd, 0xa641, 0xcc6c, 0xf948, 
-   0x2703, 0x4faf, 0x6e03, 0x7e0f, 0x7dbf, 0x6d1c, 0x4e50, 0x255a, 
-   0xf78b, 0xcad5, 0xa505, 0x8b05, 0x8033, 0x85f8, 0x9b94, 0xbe39, 
-   0xe967, 0x1783, 0x4293, 0x64ff, 0x7a4f, 0x7fbf, 0x749a, 0x5a52, 
-   0x3452, 0x0787, 0xd9c3, 0xb0f4, 0x9268, 0x8216, 0x821b, 0x9278, 
-   0xb10c, 0xd9e0, 0x07a5, 0x346e, 0x5a68, 0x74a6, 0x7fc0, 0x7a46, 
-   0x64ec, 0x4279, 0x1765, 0xe949, 0xbe1f, 0x9b81, 0x85ef, 0x8035, 
-   0x8b11, 0xa51b, 0xcaf1, 0xf7aa, 0x2577, 0x4e68, 0x6d2c, 0x7dc4, 
-   0x7e0a, 0x6df3, 0x4f97, 0x26e6, 0xf92a, 0xcc50, 0xa62c, 0x8bb0, 
-   0x804d, 0x857d, 0x9a95, 0xbcd6, 0xe7cf, 0x15ea, 0x412f, 0x63fe, 
-   0x79d2, 0x7fd6, 0x7543, 0x5b77, 0x35cc, 0x0925, 0xdb50, 0xb23d, 
-   0x9341, 0x8263, 0x81d3, 0x91a3, 0xafc7, 0xd854, 0x0606, 0x32f2, 
-   0x5940, 0x73f9, 0x7fa4, 0x7abe, 0x65ea, 0x43db, 0x18fd, 0xeae2, 
-   0xbf84, 0x9c85, 0x866f, 0x8020, 0x8a6b, 0xa3f8, 0xc978, 0xf60b, 
-   0x23e9, 0x4d1e, 0x6c51, 0x7d74, 0x7e4f, 0x6ec5, 0x50db, 0x2871, 
-   0xfac9, 0xcdcd, 0xa755, 0x8c60, 0x806c, 0x8508, 0x9999, 0xbb75, 
-   0xe637, 0x1451, 0x3fc8, 0x62f8, 0x7950, 0x7fe8, 0x75e7, 0x5c98, 
-   0x3744, 0x0ac4, 0xdcdf, 0xb388, 0x941e, 0x82b5, 0x8190, 0x90d3, 
-   0xae85, 0xd6ca, 0x0467, 0x3173, 0x5814, 0x7347, 0x7f82, 0x7b31, 
-   0x66e3, 0x453a, 0x1a94, 0xec7d, 0xc0ec, 0x9d8c, 0x86f3, 0x8011, 
-   0x89c9, 0xa2d9, 0xc801, 0xf46d, 0x2259, 0x4bd1, 0x6b71, 0x7d1f, 
-   0x7e90, 0x6f93, 0x521b, 0x29fb, 0xfc68, 0xcf4c, 0xa883, 0x8d14, 
-   0x8090, 0x8497, 0x98a2, 0xba18, 0xe4a1, 0x12b6, 0x3e5f, 0x61ef, 
-   0x78c9, 0x7ff5, 0x7686, 0x5db5, 0x38b9, 0x0c61, 0xde6f, 0xb4d7, 
-   0x9500, 0x830d, 0x8152, 0x9007, 0xad46, 0xd541, 0x02c8, 0x2ff3, 
-   0x56e5, 0x7290, 0x7f5c, 0x7ba0, 0x67d8, 0x4696, 0x1c2a, 0xee17, 
-   0xc257, 0x9e97, 0x877d, 0x8006, 0x892c, 0xa1be, 0xc68d, 0xf2d0, 
-   0x20c8, 0x4a81, 0x6a8d, 0x7cc5, 0x7ecc, 0x705d, 0x5358, 0x2b82, 
-   0xfe08, 0xd0ce, 0xa9b4, 0x8dce, 0x80ba, 0x842b, 0x97af, 0xb8bd, 
-   0xe30b, 0x111b, 0x3cf3, 0x60e1, 0x783d, 0x7ffd, 0x7721, 0x5ece, 
-   0x3a2d, 0x0dff, 0xe000, 0xb629, 0x95e6, 0x836a, 0x8119, 0x8f41, 
-   0xac0b, 0xd3bb, 0x0129, 0x2e71, 0x55b2, 0x71d4, 0x7f2f, 0x7c09, 
-   0x68c9, 0x47ef, 0x1dbf, 0xefb3, 0xc3c4, 0x9fa7, 0x880b, 0x8001, 
-   0x8894, 0xa0a7, 0xc51b, 0xf133, 0x1f36, 0x492d, 0x69a5, 0x7c66, 
-   0x7f02, 0x7121, 0x5492, 0x2d08, 0xffa7, 0xd251, 0xaae8, 0x8e8b, 
-   0x80e9, 0x83c5, 0x96c1, 0xb766, 0xe177, 0x0f7f, 0x3b84, 0x5fd0, 
-   0x77ac, 0x7fff, 0x77b6, 0x5fe3, 0x3b9d, 0x0f9b, 0xe193, 0xb77d, 
-   0x96d1, 0x83cc, 0x80e5, 0x8e7e, 0xaad3, 0xd236, 0xff8a, 0x2ced, 
-   0x547c, 0x7114, 0x7efe, 0x7c6d, 0x69b5, 0x4945, 0x1f52, 0xf150, 
-   0xc534, 0xa0ba, 0x889e, 0x8001, 0x8801, 0x9f94, 0xc3ab, 0xef97, 
-   0x1da3, 0x47d7, 0x68b8, 0x7c02, 0x7f33, 0x71e1, 0x55c8, 0x2e8c, 
-   0x0145, 0xd3d6, 0xac20, 0x8f4e, 0x811c, 0x8363, 0x95d6, 0xb611, 
-   0xdfe5, 0x0de2, 0x3a13, 0x5eba, 0x7716, 0x7ffd, 0x7847, 0x60f4, 
-   0x3d0c, 0x1137, 0xe327, 0xb8d5, 0x97c0, 0x8432, 0x80b7, 0x8dc1, 
-   0xa99f, 0xd0b3, 0xfdeb, 0x2b67, 0x5342, 0x704f, 0x7ec8, 0x7ccc, 
-   0x6a9d, 0x4a98, 0x20e4, 0xf2ed, 0xc6a6, 0xa1d2, 0x8937, 0x8007, 
-   0x8773, 0x9e85, 0xc23e, 0xedfb, 0x1c0e, 0x467e, 0x67c7, 0x7b98, 
-   0x7f5e, 0x729d, 0x56fa, 0x300e, 0x02e5, 0xd55c, 0xad5c, 0x9015, 
-   0x8156, 0x8307, 0x94f0, 0xb4c0, 0xde53, 0x0c45, 0x38a0, 0x5da1, 
-   0x767b, 0x7ff5, 0x78d2, 0x6201, 0x3e78, 0x12d3, 0xe4bd, 0xba30, 
-   0x98b3, 0x849e, 0x808e, 0x8d08, 0xa86e, 0xcf32, 0xfc4c, 0x29df, 
-   0x5205, 0x6f85, 0x7e8c, 0x7d25, 0x6b81, 0x4be8, 0x2275, 0xf48a, 
-   0xc81b, 0xa2ed, 0x89d4, 0x8011, 0x86ea, 0x9d7a, 0xc0d3, 0xec60, 
-   0x1a78, 0x4522, 0x66d2, 0x7b2a, 0x7f85, 0x7353, 0x5829, 0x318e, 
-   0x0484, 0xd6e5, 0xae9b, 0x90e1, 0x8194, 0x82b0, 0x940f, 0xb371, 
-   0xdcc3, 0x0aa7, 0x372a, 0x5c84, 0x75dc, 0x7fe7, 0x7959, 0x630a, 
-   0x3fe1, 0x146d, 0xe653, 0xbb8e, 0x99aa, 0x8510, 0x806a, 0x8c53, 
-   0xa741, 0xcdb3, 0xfaac, 0x2856, 0x50c4, 0x6eb7, 0x7e4b, 0x7d7a, 
-   0x6c60, 0x4d35, 0x2404, 0xf628, 0xc992, 0xa40c, 0x8a76, 0x8021, 
-   0x8666, 0x9c72, 0xbf6b, 0xeac6, 0x18e1, 0x43c2, 0x65d8, 0x7ab6, 
-   0x7fa6, 0x7405, 0x5955, 0x330c, 0x0623, 0xd86f, 0xafdd, 0x91b2, 
-   0x81d8, 0x825e, 0x9332, 0xb226, 0xdb34, 0x0909, 0x35b2, 0x5b63, 
-   0x7537, 0x7fd5, 0x79db, 0x6410, 0x4148, 0x1607, 0xe7eb, 0xbcee, 
-   0x9aa6, 0x8586, 0x804b, 0x8ba4, 0xa617, 0xcc36, 0xf90d, 0x26cb, 
-   0x4f80, 0x6de4, 0x7e05, 0x7dca, 0x6d3b, 0x4e7f, 0x2592, 0xf7c6, 
-   0xcb0b, 0xa52f, 0x8b1d, 0x8037, 0x85e6, 0x9b6f, 0xbe06, 0xe92d, 
-   0x1749, 0x4261, 0x64db, 0x7a3d, 0x7fc2, 0x74b2, 0x5a7c, 0x3488, 
-   0x07c2, 0xd9fb, 0xb123, 0x9287, 0x8220, 0x8211, 0x9259, 0xb0de, 
-   0xd9a7, 0x076a, 0x3438, 0x5a3e, 0x748e, 0x7fbd, 0x7a57, 0x6511, 
-   0x42ac, 0x179f, 0xe983, 0xbe51, 0x9ba6, 0x8601, 0x8032, 0x8af9, 
-   0xa4f1, 0xcabb, 0xf76f, 0x253e, 0x4e39, 0x6d0d, 0x7db9, 0x7e14, 
-   0x6e11, 0x4fc5, 0x271f, 0xf965, 0xcc86, 0xa656, 0x8bc9, 0x8051, 
-   0x856c, 0x9a70, 0xbca3, 0xe795, 0x15b0, 0x40fc, 0x63d9, 0x79c0, 
-   0x7fd9, 0x755a, 0x5ba0, 0x3602, 0x0960, 0xdb89, 0xb26c, 0x9360, 
-   0x826e, 0x81c9, 0x9185, 0xaf99, 0xd81c, 0x05cb, 0x32bb, 0x5916, 
-   0x73e0, 0x7fa0, 0x7acf, 0x660d, 0x440d, 0x1937, 0xeb1d, 0xbfb7, 
-   0x9caa, 0x8681, 0x801e, 0x8a53, 0xa3cf, 0xc942, 0xf5d0, 0x23b0, 
-   0x4cef, 0x6c31, 0x7d69, 0x7e59, 0x6ee3, 0x5108, 0x28a9, 0xfb04, 
-   0xce04, 0xa780, 0x8c79, 0x8071, 0x84f7, 0x9976, 0xbb43, 0xe5fd, 
-   0x1416, 0x3f95, 0x62d3, 0x793d, 0x7feb, 0x75fe, 0x5cc0, 0x3779, 
-   0x0aff, 0xdd18, 0xb3b8, 0x943e, 0x82c2, 0x8186, 0x90b6, 0xae57, 
-   0xd692, 0x042c, 0x313d, 0x57ea, 0x732d, 0x7f7d, 0x7b41, 0x6706, 
-   0x456b, 0x1ace, 0xecb7, 0xc120, 0x9db2, 0x8706, 0x800f, 0x89b2, 
-   0xa2b1, 0xc7cc, 0xf433, 0x2220, 0x4ba1, 0x6b51, 0x7d13, 0x7e99, 
-   0x6fb0, 0x5248, 0x2a32, 0xfca3, 0xcf83, 0xa8ae, 0x8d2e, 0x8096, 
-   0x8487, 0x987f, 0xb9e6, 0xe467, 0x127c, 0x3e2b, 0x61c9, 0x78b5, 
-   0x7ff7, 0x769c, 0x5ddd, 0x38ee, 0x0c9c, 0xdea8, 0xb507, 0x9521, 
-   0x831a, 0x8149, 0x8feb, 0xad19, 0xd50a, 0x028d, 0x2fbc, 0x56ba, 
-   0x7275, 0x7f56, 0x7baf, 0x67fa, 0x46c7, 0x1c64, 0xee52, 0xc28b, 
-   0x9ebe, 0x8791, 0x8005, 0x8916, 0xa196, 0xc658, 0xf295, 0x208f, 
-   0x4a51, 0x6a6c, 0x7cb8, 0x7ed4, 0x7079, 0x5385, 0x2bba, 0xfe43, 
-   0xd104, 0xa9df, 0x8de8, 0x80c0, 0x841c, 0x978d, 0xb88c, 0xe2d2, 
-   0x10e0, 0x3cbf, 0x60bb, 0x7828, 0x7ffe, 0x7736, 0x5ef5, 0x3a61, 
-   0x0e39, 0xe03a, 0xb659, 0x9608, 0x8377, 0x8111, 0x8f25, 0xabde, 
-   0xd383, 0x00ee, 0x2e3a, 0x5586, 0x71b9, 0x7f29, 0x7c17, 0x68eb, 
-   0x4820, 0x1df8, 0xefee, 0xc3f9, 0x9fce, 0x8820, 0x8001, 0x887f, 
-   0xa080, 0xc4e6, 0xf0f8, 0x1efd, 0x48fd, 0x6983, 0x7c58, 0x7f09, 
-   0x713d, 0x54be, 0x2d3f, 0xffe2, 0xd288, 0xab15, 0x8ea7, 0x80f0, 
-   0x83b6, 0x969f, 0xb735, 0xe13e, 0x0f44, 0x3b50, 0x5fa9, 0x7797, 
-   0x7fff, 0x77cb, 0x600a, 0x3bd2, 0x0fd6, 0xe1cd, 0xb7ae, 0x96f3, 
-   0x83da, 0x80de, 0x8e63, 0xaaa7, 0xd1ff, 0xff4f, 0x2cb6, 0x5450, 
-   0x70f8, 0x7ef7, 0x7c7b, 0x69d6, 0x4975, 0x1f8b, 0xf18a, 0xc569, 
-   0xa0e2, 0x88b4, 0x8002, 0x87ed, 0x9f6d, 0xc377, 0xef5c, 0x1d69, 
-   0x47a6, 0x6896, 0x7bf3, 0x7f39, 0x71fc, 0x55f4, 0x2ec3, 0x0181, 
-   0xd40d, 0xac4d, 0x8f6a, 0x8124, 0x8356, 0x95b5, 0xb5e1, 0xdfab, 
-   0x0da7, 0x39de, 0x5e93, 0x7700, 0x7ffc, 0x785b, 0x611b, 0x3d40, 
-   0x1172, 0xe361, 0xb906, 0x97e2, 0x8441, 0x80b1, 0x8da6, 0xa973, 
-   0xd07c, 0xfdb0, 0x2b30, 0x5315, 0x7032, 0x7ebf, 0x7cd9, 0x6abe, 
-   0x4ac8, 0x211d, 0xf327, 0xc6db, 0xa1fa, 0x894d, 0x8008, 0x875f, 
-   0x9e5f, 0xc20a, 0xedc1, 0x1bd4, 0x464c, 0x67a4, 0x7b89, 0x7f64, 
-   0x72b7, 0x5726, 0x3045, 0x0320, 0xd594, 0xad89, 0x9032, 0x815e, 
-   0x82fa, 0x94d0, 0xb490, 0xde1a, 0x0c0a, 0x386b, 0x5d79, 0x7665, 
-   0x7ff3, 0x78e6, 0x6227, 0x3eab, 0x130d, 0xe4f7, 0xba62, 0x98d6, 
-   0x84ae, 0x8088, 0x8cee, 0xa843, 0xcefb, 0xfc10, 0x29a8, 0x51d8, 
-   0x6f68, 0x7e83, 0x7d32, 0x6ba1, 0x4c18, 0x22ae, 0xf4c5, 0xc850, 
-   0xa316, 0x89eb, 0x8013, 0x86d7, 0x9d54, 0xc0a0, 0xec26, 0x1a3e, 
-   0x44f0, 0x66af, 0x7b19, 0x7f8a, 0x736d, 0x5854, 0x31c4, 0x04bf, 
-   0xd71d, 0xaec9, 0x90ff, 0x819d, 0x82a4, 0x93ef, 0xb342, 0xdc8a, 
-   0x0a6c, 0x36f5, 0x5c5b, 0x75c5, 0x7fe5, 0x796c, 0x6330, 0x4014, 
-   0x14a7, 0xe68d, 0xbbc0, 0x99ce, 0x8520, 0x8065, 0x8c3a, 0xa716, 
-   0xcd7c, 0xfa71, 0x281e, 0x5097, 0x6e99, 0x7e41, 0x7d86, 0x6c80, 
-   0x4d64, 0x243d, 0xf663, 0xc9c7, 0xa435, 0x8a8d, 0x8024, 0x8653, 
-   0x9c4d, 0xbf38, 0xea8c, 0x18a7, 0x4390, 0x65b4, 0x7aa5, 0x7fab, 
-   0x741e, 0x597f, 0x3342, 0x065e, 0xd8a8, 0xb00b, 0x91d0, 0x81e2, 
-   0x8252, 0x9313, 0xb1f7, 0xdafc, 0x08ce, 0x357c, 0x5b39, 0x751f, 
-   0x7fd2, 0x79ed, 0x6434, 0x417b, 0x1641, 0xe825, 0xbd20, 0x9aca, 
-   0x8597, 0x8047, 0x8b8b, 0xa5ed, 0xcc00, 0xf8d2, 0x2693, 0x4f52, 
-   0x6dc6, 0x7dfa, 0x7dd4, 0x6d5a, 0x4ead, 0x25cb, 0xf801, 0xcb41, 
-   0xa559, 0x8b35, 0x803a, 0x85d5, 0x9b4b, 0xbdd3, 0xe8f3, 0x170f, 
-   0x422e, 0x64b6, 0x7a2c, 0x7fc6, 0x74ca, 0x5aa6, 0x34be, 0x07fd, 
-   0xda34, 0xb151, 0x92a5, 0x822b, 0x8206, 0x923b, 0xb0af, 0xd96f, 
-   0x072f, 0x3402, 0x5a14, 0x7475, 0x7fb9, 0x7a69, 0x6535, 0x42de, 
-   0x17da, 0xe9bd, 0xbe84, 0x9bcb, 0x8613, 0x802f, 0x8ae1, 0xa4c8, 
-   0xca85, 0xf734, 0x2506, 0x4e0a, 0x6cee, 0x7dae, 0x7e1e, 0x6e2f, 
-   0x4ff3, 0x2757, 0xf9a0, 0xccbc, 0xa680, 0x8be1, 0x8055, 0x855b, 
-   0x9a4d, 0xbc71, 0xe75a, 0x1576, 0x40c9, 0x63b4, 0x79ad, 0x7fdc, 
-   0x7572, 0x5bca, 0x3637, 0x099b, 0xdbc1, 0xb29b, 0x9380, 0x827a, 
-   0x81bf, 0x9168, 0xaf6b, 0xd7e4, 0x0590, 0x3285, 0x58eb, 0x73c7, 
-   0x7f9b, 0x7adf, 0x6631, 0x443f, 0x1971, 0xeb57, 0xbfea, 0x9ccf, 
-   0x8694, 0x801b, 0x8a3c, 0xa3a6, 0xc90d, 0xf596, 0x2377, 0x4cc0, 
-   0x6c12, 0x7d5d, 0x7e62, 0x6f00, 0x5136, 0x28e1, 0xfb3f, 0xce3a, 
-   0xa7ab, 0x8c93, 0x8076, 0x84e7, 0x9952, 0xbb12, 0xe5c3, 0x13dc, 
-   0x3f62, 0x62ad, 0x792a, 0x7fed, 0x7615, 0x5ce9, 0x37ae, 0x0b39, 
-   0xdd50, 0xb3e7, 0x945e, 0x82ce, 0x817d, 0x9099, 0xae2a, 0xd65a, 
-   0x03f1, 0x3106, 0x57bf, 0x7313, 0x7f78, 0x7b51, 0x6729, 0x459d, 
-   0x1b08, 0xecf1, 0xc153, 0x9dd8, 0x871a, 0x800d, 0x899c, 0xa288, 
-   0xc797, 0xf3f8, 0x21e7, 0x4b72, 0x6b31, 0x7d06, 0x7ea2, 0x6fcd, 
-   0x5276, 0x2a6a, 0xfcde, 0xcfba, 0xa8d9, 0x8d48, 0x809c, 0x8478, 
-   0x985c, 0xb9b5, 0xe42d, 0x1241, 0x3df7, 0x61a2, 0x78a1, 0x7ff8, 
-   0x76b3, 0x5e05, 0x3923, 0x0cd7, 0xdee1, 0xb537, 0x9541, 0x8327, 
-   0x8141, 0x8fce, 0xacec, 0xd4d2, 0x0252, 0x2f86, 0x568e, 0x725b, 
-   0x7f50, 0x7bbe, 0x681d, 0x46f8, 0x1c9d, 0xee8d, 0xc2bf, 0x9ee4, 
-   0x87a5, 0x8004, 0x8900, 0xa16f, 0xc623, 0xf25a, 0x2056, 0x4a20, 
-   0x6a4c, 0x7cab, 0x7edb, 0x7095, 0x53b2, 0x2bf1, 0xfe7e, 0xd13c, 
-   0xaa0b, 0x8e03, 0x80c7, 0x840d, 0x976b, 0xb85b, 0xe298, 0x10a6, 
-   0x3c8b, 0x6094, 0x7814, 0x7ffe, 0x774c, 0x5f1d, 0x3a96, 0x0e74, 
-   0xe073, 0xb689, 0x9629, 0x8385, 0x810a, 0x8f09, 0xabb2, 0xd34c, 
-   0x00b2, 0x2e03, 0x555a, 0x719e, 0x7f22, 0x7c26, 0x690c, 0x4850, 
-   0x1e32, 0xf028, 0xc42d, 0x9ff5, 0x8835, 0x8001, 0x886a, 0xa059, 
-   0xc4b2, 0xf0be, 0x1ec4, 0x48cc, 0x6962, 0x7c4a, 0x7f10, 0x7158, 
-   0x54ea, 0x2d77, 0x001c, 0xd2bf, 0xab41, 0x8ec2, 0x80f7, 0x83a8, 
-   0x967d, 0xb705, 0xe105, 0x0f09, 0x3b1b, 0x5f81, 0x7782, 0x7fff, 
-   0x77e0, 0x6031, 0x3c06, 0x1011, 0xe206, 0xb7df, 0x9715, 0x83e8, 
-   0x80d7, 0x8e48, 0xaa7b, 0xd1c7, 0xff14, 0x2c7e, 0x5423, 0x70dc, 
-   0x7eef, 0x7c88, 0x69f8, 0x49a6, 0x1fc5, 0xf1c5, 0xc59d, 0xa10a, 
-   0x88c9, 0x8002, 0x87d8, 0x9f46, 0xc343, 0xef21, 0x1d30, 0x4775, 
-   0x6874, 0x7be4, 0x7f40, 0x7217, 0x561f, 0x2efa, 0x01bc, 0xd445, 
-   0xac7a, 0x8f86, 0x812c, 0x8348, 0x9594, 0xb5b1, 0xdf72, 0x0d6c, 
-   0x39aa, 0x5e6b, 0x76ea, 0x7ffb, 0x786f, 0x6141, 0x3d74, 0x11ac, 
-   0xe39b, 0xb938, 0x9805, 0x8451, 0x80ab, 0x8d8b, 0xa947, 0xd045, 
-   0xfd75, 0x2af8, 0x52e8, 0x7016, 0x7eb7, 0x7ce6, 0x6ade, 0x4af8, 
-   0x2156, 0xf362, 0xc710, 0xa222, 0x8963, 0x8009, 0x874b, 0x9e38, 
-   0xc1d6, 0xed86, 0x1b9b, 0x461b, 0x6782, 0x7b79, 0x7f6a, 0x72d1, 
-   0x5751, 0x307b, 0x035b, 0xd5cc, 0xadb6, 0x904f, 0x8167, 0x82ed, 
-   0x94b0, 0xb460, 0xdde1, 0x0bcf, 0x3836, 0x5d50, 0x764e, 0x7ff1, 
-   0x78f9, 0x624d, 0x3edf, 0x1347, 0xe530, 0xba93, 0x98f9, 0x84be, 
-   0x8083, 0x8cd4, 0xa818, 0xcec5, 0xfbd5, 0x2970, 0x51aa, 0x6f4b, 
-   0x7e7a, 0x7d3e, 0x6bc1, 0x4c47, 0x22e7, 0xf500, 0xc885, 0xa33e, 
-   0x8a02, 0x8015, 0x86c4, 0x9d2e, 0xc06d, 0xebeb, 0x1a04, 0x44be, 
-   0x668b, 0x7b09, 0x7f8f, 0x7386, 0x587f, 0x31fb, 0x04fa, 0xd755, 
-   0xaef6, 0x911c, 0x81a7, 0x8298, 0x93d0, 0xb312, 0xdc51, 0x0a31, 
-   0x36bf, 0x5c32, 0x75ad, 0x7fe2, 0x797e, 0x6355, 0x4047, 0x14e2, 
-   0xe6c7, 0xbbf2, 0x99f2, 0x8531, 0x8060, 0x8c21, 0xa6ec, 0xcd46, 
-   0xfa36, 0x27e6, 0x5069, 0x6e7b, 0x7e37, 0x7d91, 0x6c9f, 0x4d93, 
-   0x2476, 0xf69e, 0xc9fd, 0xa45f, 0x8aa5, 0x8027, 0x8641, 0x9c28, 
-   0xbf05, 0xea51, 0x186d, 0x435e, 0x6590, 0x7a94, 0x7faf, 0x7437, 
-   0x59a9, 0x3378, 0x0699, 0xd8e0, 0xb039, 0x91ee, 0x81ec, 0x8247, 
-   0x92f4, 0xb1c8, 0xdac3, 0x0893, 0x3547, 0x5b10, 0x7507, 0x7fce, 
-   0x79ff, 0x6459, 0x41ad, 0x167b, 0xe85f, 0xbd53, 0x9aee, 0x85a8, 
-   0x8043, 0x8b73, 0xa5c3, 0xcbca, 0xf897, 0x265a, 0x4f24, 0x6da7, 
-   0x7df0, 0x7ddf, 0x6d78, 0x4edc, 0x2603, 0xf83c, 0xcb77, 0xa583, 
-   0x8b4d, 0x803e, 0x85c3, 0x9b26, 0xbda1, 0xe8b8, 0x16d5, 0x41fb, 
-   0x6492, 0x7a1a, 0x7fc9, 0x74e2, 0x5ad0, 0x34f4, 0x0838, 0xda6c, 
-   0xb180, 0x92c4, 0x8236, 0x81fc, 0x921d, 0xb081, 0xd937, 0x06f4, 
-   0x33cc, 0x59ea, 0x745d, 0x7fb5, 0x7a7a, 0x6559, 0x4311, 0x1814, 
-   0xe9f8, 0xbeb7, 0x9bef, 0x8625, 0x802b, 0x8ac9, 0xa49e, 0xca50, 
-   0xf6f9, 0x24cd, 0x4ddc, 0x6ccf, 0x7da3, 0x7e28, 0x6e4d, 0x5022, 
-   0x278f, 0xf9db, 0xccf3, 0xa6aa, 0x8bfa, 0x805a, 0x854a, 0x9a29, 
-   0xbc3f, 0xe720, 0x153c, 0x4096, 0x638f, 0x799b, 0x7fdf, 0x7589, 
-   0x5bf3, 0x366d, 0x09d6, 0xdbfa, 0xb2ca, 0x939f, 0x8286, 0x81b5, 
-   0x914a, 0xaf3d, 0xd7ab, 0x0555, 0x324f, 0x58c1, 0x73ad, 0x7f96, 
-   0x7af0, 0x6655, 0x4471, 0x19ab, 0xeb91, 0xc01e, 0x9cf5, 0x86a7, 
-   0x8019, 0x8a25, 0xa37d, 0xc8d8, 0xf55b, 0x233e, 0x4c90, 0x6bf2, 
-   0x7d51, 0x7e6c, 0x6f1e, 0x5164, 0x2919, 0xfb7a, 0xce71, 0xa7d6, 
-   0x8cac, 0x807b, 0x84d7, 0x992f, 0xbae0, 0xe589, 0x13a1, 0x3f2e, 
-   0x6287, 0x7917, 0x7fef, 0x762b, 0x5d12, 0x37e4, 0x0b74, 0xdd89, 
-   0xb417, 0x947e, 0x82da, 0x8174, 0x907c, 0xadfc, 0xd622, 0x03b6, 
-   0x30d0, 0x5793, 0x72f9, 0x7f73, 0x7b61, 0x674c, 0x45cf, 0x1b42, 
-   0xed2c, 0xc187, 0x9dfe, 0x872d, 0x800b, 0x8985, 0xa260, 0xc762, 
-   0xf3bd, 0x21ae, 0x4b42, 0x6b10, 0x7cfa, 0x7eaa, 0x6fea, 0x52a3, 
-   0x2aa2, 0xfd1a, 0xcff1, 0xa905, 0x8d63, 0x80a1, 0x8468, 0x983a, 
-   0xb984, 0xe3f4, 0x1207, 0x3dc4, 0x617c, 0x788e, 0x7ff9, 0x76c9, 
-   0x5e2d, 0x3958, 0x0d12, 0xdf1a, 0xb567, 0x9562, 0x8334, 0x8139, 
-   0x8fb2, 0xacbf, 0xd49a, 0x0217, 0x2f4f, 0x5663, 0x7240, 0x7f49, 
-   0x7bcd, 0x683f, 0x4729, 0x1cd7, 0xeec7, 0xc2f3, 0x9f0b, 0x87b9, 
-   0x8003, 0x88eb, 0xa147, 0xc5ee, 0xf220, 0x201d, 0x49f0, 0x6a2b, 
-   0x7c9d, 0x7ee3, 0x70b1, 0x53de, 0x2c29, 0xfeb9, 0xd173, 0xaa37, 
-   0x8e1e, 0x80cd, 0x83ff, 0x9749, 0xb82a, 0xe25f, 0x106b, 0x3c56, 
-   0x606d, 0x7800, 0x7fff, 0x7761, 0x5f44, 0x3aca, 0x0eaf, 0xe0ac, 
-   0xb6ba, 0x964a, 0x8393, 0x8102, 0x8eed, 0xab85, 0xd314, 0x0077, 
-   0x2dcc, 0x552e, 0x7183, 0x7f1b, 0x7c34, 0x692e, 0x4881, 0x1e6b, 
-   0xf063, 0xc461, 0xa01c, 0x8849, 0x8001, 0x8855, 0xa031, 0xc47d, 
-   0xf083, 0x1e8a, 0x489c, 0x6940, 0x7c3c, 0x7f17, 0x7174, 0x5516, 
-   0x2dae, 0x0057, 0xd2f6, 0xab6d, 0x8ede, 0x80fe, 0x839a, 0x965c, 
-   0xb6d4, 0xe0cb, 0x0ecf, 0x3ae7, 0x5f5a, 0x776c, 0x7fff, 0x77f4, 
-   0x6058, 0x3c3a, 0x104b, 0xe240, 0xb810, 0x9736, 0x83f7, 0x80d1, 
-   0x8e2d, 0xaa4f, 0xd190, 0xfed9, 0x2c47, 0x53f7, 0x70c0, 0x7ee7, 
-   0x7c96, 0x6a19, 0x49d6, 0x1ffe, 0xf200, 0xc5d2, 0xa131, 0x88df, 
-   0x8003, 0x87c4, 0x9f20, 0xc30f, 0xeee7, 0x1cf6, 0x4744, 0x6852, 
-   0x7bd5, 0x7f46, 0x7232, 0x564b, 0x2f31, 0x01f7, 0xd47c, 0xaca7, 
-   0x8fa3, 0x8134, 0x833b, 0x9574, 0xb581, 0xdf39, 0x0d32, 0x3975, 
-   0x5e43, 0x76d5, 0x7ffa, 0x7883, 0x6167, 0x3da8, 0x11e7, 0xe3d4, 
-   0xb969, 0x9827, 0x8460, 0x80a5, 0x8d71, 0xa91c, 0xd00e, 0xfd3a, 
-   0x2ac0, 0x52bb, 0x6ff9, 0x7eaf, 0x7cf3, 0x6aff, 0x4b28, 0x2190, 
-   0xf39d, 0xc745, 0xa24a, 0x8979, 0x800b, 0x8738, 0x9e12, 0xc1a3, 
-   0xed4c, 0x1b61, 0x45e9, 0x675f, 0x7b6a, 0x7f70, 0x72eb, 0x577c, 
-   0x30b2, 0x0396, 0xd604, 0xade4, 0x906c, 0x8170, 0x82e1, 0x9490, 
-   0xb430, 0xdda8, 0x0b94, 0x3800, 0x5d28, 0x7638, 0x7ff0, 0x790c, 
-   0x6273, 0x3f12, 0x1382, 0xe56a, 0xbac5, 0x991c, 0x84ce, 0x807e, 
-   0x8cba, 0xa7ed, 0xce8e, 0xfb9a, 0x2938, 0x517d, 0x6f2e, 0x7e71, 
-   0x7d4a, 0x6be1, 0x4c77, 0x2320, 0xf53b, 0xc8bb, 0xa367, 0x8a19, 
-   0x8018, 0x86b1, 0x9d09, 0xc039, 0xebb1, 0x19ca, 0x448c, 0x6668, 
-   0x7af9, 0x7f94, 0x73a0, 0x58aa, 0x3231, 0x0535, 0xd78d, 0xaf24, 
-   0x913a, 0x81b0, 0x828c, 0x93b0, 0xb2e3, 0xdc19, 0x09f6, 0x368a, 
-   0x5c09, 0x7596, 0x7fe0, 0x7991, 0x637a, 0x407a, 0x151c, 0xe701, 
-   0xbc24, 0x9a15, 0x8541, 0x805c, 0x8c08, 0xa6c1, 0xcd10, 0xf9fb, 
-   0x27ae, 0x503b, 0x6e5e, 0x7e2d, 0x7d9d, 0x6cbe, 0x4dc2, 0x24ae, 
-   0xf6d9, 0xca33, 0xa488, 0x8abd, 0x802a, 0x862f, 0x9c03, 0xbed2, 
-   0xea17, 0x1833, 0x432c, 0x656c, 0x7a83, 0x7fb3, 0x744f, 0x59d3, 
-   0x33ae, 0x06d4, 0xd918, 0xb068, 0x920c, 0x81f6, 0x823c, 0x92d5, 
-   0xb199, 0xda8b, 0x0858, 0x3511, 0x5ae6, 0x74ef, 0x7fcb, 0x7a10, 
-   0x647e, 0x41e0, 0x16b5, 0xe899, 0xbd85, 0x9b13, 0x85ba, 0x8040, 
-   0x8b5a, 0xa599, 0xcb94, 0xf85c, 0x2622, 0x4ef5, 0x6d89, 0x7de5, 
-   0x7dea, 0x6d97, 0x4f0b, 0x263c, 0xf877, 0xcbad, 0xa5ac, 0x8b66, 
-   0x8041, 0x85b2, 0x9b02, 0xbd6e, 0xe87e, 0x169b, 0x41c9, 0x646d, 
-   0x7a08, 0x7fcd, 0x74fa, 0x5af9, 0x3529, 0x0873, 0xdaa5, 0xb1af, 
-   0x92e3, 0x8241, 0x81f1, 0x91fe, 0xb053, 0xd8fe, 0x06b9, 0x3396, 
-   0x59c0, 0x7444, 0x7fb1, 0x7a8b, 0x657d, 0x4343, 0x184e, 0xea32, 
-   0xbeea, 0x9c14, 0x8637, 0x8028, 0x8ab2, 0xa475, 0xca1a, 0xf6be, 
-   0x2494, 0x4dad, 0x6cb0, 0x7d97, 0x7e32, 0x6e6b, 0x5050, 0x27c7, 
-   0xfa16, 0xcd29, 0xa6d5, 0x8c13, 0x805e, 0x853a, 0x9a05, 0xbc0d, 
-   0xe6e7, 0x1501, 0x4063, 0x6369, 0x7988, 0x7fe1, 0x75a1, 0x5c1c, 
-   0x36a2, 0x0a11, 0xdc33, 0xb2f9, 0x93bf, 0x8291, 0x81ac, 0x912c, 
-   0xaf0f, 0xd773, 0x051a, 0x3218, 0x5896, 0x7394, 0x7f92, 0x7b00, 
-   0x6678, 0x44a3, 0x19e5, 0xebcc, 0xc051, 0x9d1a, 0x86b9, 0x8017, 
-   0x8a0e, 0xa354, 0xc8a2, 0xf520, 0x2306, 0x4c61, 0x6bd2, 0x7d45, 
-   0x7e75, 0x6f3b, 0x5191, 0x2951, 0xfbb5, 0xcea7, 0xa800, 0x8cc6, 
-   0x8080, 0x84c7, 0x990c, 0xbaae, 0xe550, 0x1367, 0x3efb, 0x6262, 
-   0x7904, 0x7ff0, 0x7642, 0x5d3a, 0x3819, 0x0baf, 0xddc2, 0xb446, 
-   0x949e, 0x82e7, 0x816c, 0x905f, 0xadcf, 0xd5ea, 0x037b, 0x3099, 
-   0x5768, 0x72df, 0x7f6d, 0x7b71, 0x676f, 0x4600, 0x1b7b, 0xed66, 
-   0xc1ba, 0x9e24, 0x8741, 0x800a, 0x896f, 0xa238, 0xc72d, 0xf382, 
-   0x2175, 0x4b12, 0x6af0, 0x7ced, 0x7eb3, 0x7006, 0x52d0, 0x2ada, 
-   0xfd55, 0xd027, 0xa930, 0x8d7d, 0x80a7, 0x8459, 0x9817, 0xb952, 
-   0xe3ba, 0x11cc, 0x3d90, 0x6156, 0x787a, 0x7ffa, 0x76df, 0x5e55, 
-   0x398d, 0x0d4d, 0xdf53, 0xb597, 0x9583, 0x8341, 0x8131, 0x8f96, 
-   0xac92, 0xd463, 0x01dc, 0x2f18, 0x5637, 0x7226, 0x7f43, 0x7bdc, 
-   0x6861, 0x475a, 0x1d11, 0xef02, 0xc327, 0x9f32, 0x87cd, 0x8003, 
-   0x88d5, 0xa11f, 0xc5ba, 0xf1e5, 0x1fe4, 0x49c0, 0x6a0a, 0x7c90, 
-   0x7eeb, 0x70cd, 0x540b, 0x2c60, 0xfef4, 0xd1aa, 0xaa63, 0x8e39, 
-   0x80d4, 0x83f0, 0x9727, 0xb7f9, 0xe225, 0x1030, 0x3c22, 0x6046, 
-   0x77eb, 0x7fff, 0x7776, 0x5f6c, 0x3aff, 0x0eea, 0xe0e6, 0xb6ea, 
-   0x966b, 0x83a1, 0x80fb, 0x8ed1, 0xab59, 0xd2dd, 0x003c, 0x2d95, 
-   0x5502, 0x7167, 0x7f14, 0x7c42, 0x6950, 0x48b2, 0x1ea4, 0xf09e, 
-   0xc495, 0xa043, 0x885e, 0x8001, 0x8840, 0xa00a, 0xc449, 0xf048, 
-   0x1e51, 0x486b, 0x691f, 0x7c2e, 0x7f1e, 0x718f, 0x5543, 0x2de5, 
-   0x0092, 0xd32e, 0xab9a, 0x8efa, 0x8105, 0x838c, 0x963b, 0xb6a4, 
-   0xe092, 0x0e94, 0x3ab2, 0x5f32, 0x7757, 0x7fff, 0x7809, 0x607f, 
-   0x3c6e, 0x1086, 0xe279, 0xb841, 0x9758, 0x8405, 0x80ca, 0x8e12, 
-   0xaa23, 0xd159, 0xfe9e, 0x2c0f, 0x53ca, 0x70a4, 0x7ee0, 0x7ca3, 
-   0x6a3a, 0x4a06, 0x2037, 0xf23b, 0xc607, 0xa159, 0x88f5, 0x8004, 
-   0x87b0, 0x9ef9, 0xc2db, 0xeeac, 0x1cbd, 0x4713, 0x682f, 0x7bc6, 
-   0x7f4c, 0x724c, 0x5677, 0x2f68, 0x0232, 0xd4b4, 0xacd4, 0x8fbf, 
-   0x813c, 0x832e, 0x9553, 0xb551, 0xdf00, 0x0cf7, 0x3940, 0x5e1b, 
-   0x76bf, 0x7ff9, 0x7897, 0x618e, 0x3ddb, 0x1221, 0xe40e, 0xb99a, 
-   0x984a, 0x846f, 0x809f, 0x8d57, 0xa8f1, 0xcfd7, 0xfcfe, 0x2a88, 
-   0x528e, 0x6fdd, 0x7ea6, 0x7cff, 0x6b1f, 0x4b58, 0x21c9, 0xf3d8, 
-   0xc77a, 0xa273, 0x8990, 0x800c, 0x8724, 0x9dec, 0xc16f, 0xed11, 
-   0x1b27, 0x45b8, 0x673c, 0x7b5a, 0x7f75, 0x7305, 0x57a7, 0x30e9, 
-   0x03d1, 0xd63c, 0xae11, 0x9089, 0x8179, 0x82d4, 0x9470, 0xb401, 
-   0xdd6f, 0x0b59, 0x37cb, 0x5cff, 0x7621, 0x7fee, 0x7920, 0x6299, 
-   0x3f46, 0x13bc, 0xe5a4, 0xbaf7, 0x993f, 0x84de, 0x8079, 0x8ca0, 
-   0xa7c2, 0xce58, 0xfb5f, 0x2900, 0x514f, 0x6f10, 0x7e67, 0x7d56, 
-   0x6c00, 0x4ca6, 0x2359, 0xf576, 0xc8f0, 0xa390, 0x8a30, 0x801a, 
-   0x869e, 0x9ce3, 0xc006, 0xeb77, 0x1991, 0x445a, 0x6644, 0x7ae8, 
-   0x7f99, 0x73b9, 0x58d4, 0x3268, 0x0570, 0xd7c5, 0xaf52, 0x9157, 
-   0x81ba, 0x8280, 0x9391, 0xb2b4, 0xdbe0, 0x09bb, 0x3654, 0x5be0, 
-   0x757f, 0x7fdd, 0x79a3, 0x63a0, 0x40ae, 0x1556, 0xe73b, 0xbc56, 
-   0x9a39, 0x8552, 0x8058, 0x8bef, 0xa697, 0xccda, 0xf9c0, 0x2775, 
-   0x500c, 0x6e40, 0x7e23, 0x7da8, 0x6cdd, 0x4df1, 0x24e7, 0xf714, 
-   0xca68, 0xa4b1, 0x8ad4, 0x802d, 0x861d, 0x9bdf, 0xbea0, 0xe9dd, 
-   0x17f9, 0x42f9, 0x6548, 0x7a72, 0x7fb7, 0x7468, 0x59fd, 0x33e4, 
-   0x070f, 0xd950, 0xb096, 0x922a, 0x8200, 0x8231, 0x92b6, 0xb16b, 
-   0xda52, 0x081d, 0x34db, 0x5abd, 0x74d7, 0x7fc8, 0x7a22, 0x64a2, 
-   0x4213, 0x16ef, 0xe8d3, 0xbdb8, 0x9b37, 0x85cb, 0x803c, 0x8b42, 
-   0xa56f, 0xcb5e, 0xf821, 0x25e9, 0x4ec7, 0x6d6a, 0x7dda, 0x7df4, 
-   0x6db5, 0x4f39, 0x2674, 0xf8b2, 0xcbe3, 0xa5d6, 0x8b7e, 0x8045, 
-   0x85a0, 0x9ade, 0xbd3c, 0xe844, 0x1660, 0x4196, 0x6448, 0x79f6, 
-   0x7fd0, 0x7512, 0x5b23, 0x355f, 0x08ae, 0xdadd, 0xb1dd, 0x9302, 
-   0x824c, 0x81e7, 0x91e0, 0xb024, 0xd8c6, 0x067e, 0x3360, 0x5996, 
-   0x742b, 0x7fad, 0x7a9c, 0x65a1, 0x4375, 0x1888, 0xea6c, 0xbf1d, 
-   0x9c39, 0x8649, 0x8026, 0x8a9a, 0xa44c, 0xc9e4, 0xf683, 0x245c, 
-   0x4d7e, 0x6c90, 0x7d8c, 0x7e3c, 0x6e89, 0x507e, 0x2800, 0xfa51, 
-   0xcd5f, 0xa6ff, 0x8c2c, 0x8063, 0x8529, 0x99e1, 0xbbdb, 0xe6ad, 
-   0x14c7, 0x4030, 0x6344, 0x7976, 0x7fe4, 0x75b8, 0x5c45, 0x36d8, 
-   0x0a4c, 0xdc6c, 0xb328, 0x93de, 0x829d, 0x81a2, 0x910f, 0xaee1, 
-   0xd73b, 0x04df, 0x31e2, 0x586b, 0x737b, 0x7f8d, 0x7b11, 0x669b, 
-   0x44d5, 0x1a1f, 0xec06, 0xc084, 0x9d40, 0x86cc, 0x8014, 0x89f7, 
-   0xa32c, 0xc86d, 0xf4e5, 0x22cd, 0x4c31, 0x6bb2, 0x7d38, 0x7e7e, 
-   0x6f58, 0x51bf, 0x2989, 0xfbf0, 0xcede, 0xa82b, 0x8ce0, 0x8085, 
-   0x84b7, 0x98e9, 0xba7c, 0xe516, 0x132d, 0x3ec7, 0x623c, 0x78f0, 
-   0x7ff2, 0x7659, 0x5d63, 0x384e, 0x0bea, 0xddfb, 0xb476, 0x94bf, 
-   0x82f3, 0x8163, 0x9042, 0xada2, 0xd5b2, 0x0340, 0x3062, 0x573d, 
-   0x72c5, 0x7f67, 0x7b80, 0x6792, 0x4632, 0x1bb5, 0xeda1, 0xc1ee, 
-   0x9e4a, 0x8754, 0x8009, 0x8959, 0xa210, 0xc6f8, 0xf347, 0x213c, 
-   0x4ae2, 0x6acf, 0x7ce0, 0x7ebb, 0x7023, 0x52fd, 0x2b11, 0xfd90, 
-   0xd05e, 0xa95b, 0x8d98, 0x80ad, 0x844a, 0x97f5, 0xb921, 0xe380, 
-   0x1191, 0x3d5c, 0x612f, 0x7866, 0x7ffb, 0x76f4, 0x5e7d, 0x39c2, 
-   0x0d87, 0xdf8c, 0xb5c7, 0x95a4, 0x834e, 0x8129, 0x8f79, 0xac65, 
-   0xd42b, 0x01a1, 0x2ee1, 0x560b, 0x720b, 0x7f3d, 0x7beb, 0x6884, 
-   0x478c, 0x1d4a, 0xef3c, 0xc35b, 0x9f58, 0x87e1, 0x8002, 0x88bf, 
-   0xa0f7, 0xc585, 0xf1aa, 0x1faa, 0x4990, 0x69e8, 0x7c82, 0x7ef3, 
-   0x70e9, 0x5438, 0x2c98, 0xff2f, 0xd1e1, 0xaa8f, 0x8e54, 0x80db, 
-   0x83e2, 0x9705, 0xb7c9, 0xe1ec, 0x0ff6, 0x3bee, 0x601f, 0x77d6, 
-   0x7fff, 0x778b, 0x5f93, 0x3b33, 0x0f24, 0xe11f, 0xb71b, 0x968d, 
-   0x83af, 0x80f3, 0x8eb6, 0xab2c, 0xd2a6, 0x0001, 0x2d5d, 0x54d6, 
-   0x714c, 0x7f0d, 0x7c50, 0x6971, 0x48e3, 0x1ede, 0xf0d9, 0xc4ca, 
-   0xa06b, 0x8873, 0x8001, 0x882b, 0x9fe3, 0xc415, 0xf00e, 0x1e17, 
-   0x483a, 0x68fd, 0x7c1f, 0x7f25, 0x71aa, 0x556f, 0x2e1c, 0x00ce, 
-   0xd365, 0xabc6, 0x8f16, 0x810d, 0x837f, 0x9619, 0xb673, 0xe059, 
-   0x0e59, 0x3a7e, 0x5f0b, 0x7742, 0x7ffe, 0x781d, 0x60a6, 0x3ca2, 
-   0x10c0, 0xe2b3, 0xb872, 0x977a, 0x8414, 0x80c4, 0x8df7, 0xa9f7, 
-   0xd122, 0xfe63, 0x2bd8, 0x539d, 0x7088, 0x7ed8, 0x7cb1, 0x6a5b, 
-   0x4a36, 0x2070, 0xf275, 0xc63b, 0xa181, 0x890a, 0x8005, 0x879b, 
-   0x9ed3, 0xc2a7, 0xee72, 0x1c83, 0x46e2, 0x680d, 0x7bb7, 0x7f52, 
-   0x7267, 0x56a2, 0x2f9f, 0x026d, 0xd4ec, 0xad01, 0x8fdb, 0x8145, 
-   0x8321, 0x9532, 0xb521, 0xdec7, 0x0cbc, 0x390b, 0x5df3, 0x76a8, 
-   0x7ff7, 0x78aa, 0x61b4, 0x3e0f, 0x125c, 0xe448, 0xb9cc, 0x986c, 
-   0x847f, 0x8099, 0x8d3c, 0xa8c5, 0xcfa1, 0xfcc3, 0x2a51, 0x5261, 
-   0x6fc0, 0x7e9e, 0x7d0c, 0x6b40, 0x4b87, 0x2202, 0xf413, 0xc7af, 
-   0xa29b, 0x89a6, 0x800e, 0x8711, 0x9dc6, 0xc13c, 0xecd7, 0x1aed, 
-   0x4586, 0x6719, 0x7b4a, 0x7f7a, 0x731f, 0x57d2, 0x311f, 0x040c, 
-   0xd674, 0xae3f, 0x90a6, 0x8182, 0x82c8, 0x9450, 0xb3d1, 0xdd36, 
-   0x0b1e, 0x3796, 0x5cd7, 0x760a, 0x7fec, 0x7933, 0x62be, 0x3f79, 
-   0x13f7, 0xe5de, 0xbb28, 0x9963, 0x84ee, 0x8074, 0x8c87, 0xa797, 
-   0xce21, 0xfb24, 0x28c8, 0x5121, 0x6ef3, 0x7e5e, 0x7d62, 0x6c20, 
-   0x4cd5, 0x2391, 0xf5b1, 0xc925, 0xa3b9, 0x8a47, 0x801c, 0x868b, 
-   0x9cbe, 0xbfd3, 0xeb3c, 0x1957, 0x4428, 0x6621, 0x7ad8, 0x7f9d, 
-   0x73d2, 0x58ff, 0x329e, 0x05ab, 0xd7fd, 0xaf80, 0x9175, 0x81c4, 
-   0x8275, 0x9371, 0xb285, 0xdba7, 0x0980, 0x361f, 0x5bb7, 0x7567, 
-   0x7fdb, 0x79b6, 0x63c5, 0x40e1, 0x1591, 0xe775, 0xbc88, 0x9a5d, 
-   0x8563, 0x8053, 0x8bd6, 0xa66d, 0xcca3, 0xf985, 0x273d, 0x4fde, 
-   0x6e22, 0x7e19, 0x7db3, 0x6cfc, 0x4e20, 0x2520, 0xf74f, 0xca9e, 
-   0xa4db, 0x8aec, 0x8030, 0x860b, 0x9bba, 0xbe6d, 0xe9a3, 0x17bf, 
-   0x42c7, 0x6524, 0x7a61, 0x7fbb, 0x7481, 0x5a27, 0x341b, 0x074a, 
-   0xd989, 0xb0c4, 0x9249, 0x820b, 0x8226, 0x9297, 0xb13c, 0xda1a, 
-   0x07e2, 0x34a5, 0x5a93, 0x74bf, 0x7fc4, 0x7a34, 0x64c7, 0x4245, 
-   0x172a, 0xe90d, 0xbdeb, 0x9b5c, 0x85dd, 0x8038, 0x8b2a, 0xa546, 
-   0xcb28, 0xf7e6, 0x25b1, 0x4e98, 0x6d4c, 0x7dcf, 0x7dff, 0x6dd4, 
-   0x4f67, 0x26ac, 0xf8ed, 0xcc19, 0xa600, 0x8b97, 0x8049, 0x858f, 
-   0x9aba, 0xbd09, 0xe80a, 0x1626, 0x4163, 0x6424, 0x79e4, 0x7fd3, 
-   0x752a, 0x5b4c, 0x3595, 0x08e9, 0xdb16, 0xb20c, 0x9321, 0x8257, 
-   0x81dd, 0x91c2, 0xaff6, 0xd88e, 0x0643, 0x3329, 0x596c, 0x7412, 
-   0x7fa9, 0x7aad, 0x65c5, 0x43a7, 0x18c2, 0xeaa6, 0xbf50, 0x9c5e, 
-   0x865c, 0x8023, 0x8a83, 0xa422, 0xc9af, 0xf648, 0x2423, 0x4d4f, 
-   0x6c71, 0x7d80, 0x7e46, 0x6ea7, 0x50ac, 0x2838, 0xfa8c, 0xcd95, 
-   0xa72a, 0x8c46, 0x8067, 0x8518, 0x99be, 0xbba9, 0xe673, 0x148d, 
-   0x3ffd, 0x631f, 0x7963, 0x7fe6, 0x75cf, 0x5c6e, 0x370d, 0x0a87, 
-   0xdca4, 0xb357, 0x93fe, 0x82a9, 0x8199, 0x90f1, 0xaeb4, 0xd703, 
-   0x04a4, 0x31ab, 0x5840, 0x7361, 0x7f88, 0x7b21, 0x66bf, 0x4507, 
-   0x1a59, 0xec41, 0xc0b7, 0x9d65, 0x86df, 0x8012, 0x89e0, 0xa303, 
-   0xc838, 0xf4aa, 0x2294, 0x4c02, 0x6b92, 0x7d2c, 0x7e87, 0x6f75, 
-   0x51ec, 0x29c1, 0xfc2c, 0xcf14, 0xa856, 0x8cfa, 0x808b, 0x84a7, 
-   0x98c6, 0xba4b, 0xe4dc, 0x12f2, 0x3e94, 0x6216, 0x78dd, 0x7ff4, 
-   0x766f, 0x5d8b, 0x3883, 0x0c25, 0xde34, 0xb4a6, 0x94df, 0x8300, 
-   0x815a, 0x9025, 0xad74, 0xd57b, 0x0305, 0x302c, 0x5712, 0x72ab, 
-   0x7f62, 0x7b90, 0x67b4, 0x4663, 0x1bef, 0xeddb, 0xc222, 0x9e70, 
-   0x8768, 0x8007, 0x8943, 0xa1e8, 0xc6c3, 0xf30c, 0x2103, 0x4ab2, 
-   0x6aaf, 0x7cd3, 0x7ec3, 0x703f, 0x532a, 0x2b49, 0xfdcb, 0xd095, 
-   0xa987, 0x8db2, 0x80b3, 0x843b, 0x97d2, 0xb8f0, 0xe347, 0x1157, 
-   0x3d28, 0x6109, 0x7852, 0x7ffc, 0x770a, 0x5ea5, 0x39f7, 0x0dc2, 
-   0xdfc6, 0xb5f7, 0x95c4, 0x835c, 0x8121, 0x8f5d, 0xac39, 0xd3f4, 
-   0x0165, 0x2eaa, 0x55df, 0x71f0, 0x7f36, 0x7bfa, 0x68a6, 0x47bd, 
-   0x1d84, 0xef77, 0xc38f, 0x9f7f, 0x87f6, 0x8001, 0x88aa, 0xa0d0, 
-   0xc551, 0xf16f, 0x1f71, 0x495f, 0x69c7, 0x7c74, 0x7efa, 0x7105, 
-   0x5464, 0x2ccf, 0xff6a, 0xd218, 0xaabb, 0x8e6f, 0x80e1, 0x83d3, 
-   0x96e3, 0xb798, 0xe1b2, 0x0fbb, 0x3bba, 0x5ff8, 0x77c1, 0x7fff, 
-   0x77a0, 0x5fbb, 0x3b68, 0x0f5f, 0xe158, 0xb74b, 0x96ae, 0x83bd, 
-   0x80ec, 0x8e9a, 0xab00, 0xd26f, 0xffc7, 0x2d26, 0x54aa, 0x7130, 
-   0x7f06, 0x7c5e, 0x6993, 0x4913, 0x1f17, 0xf113, 0xc4fe, 0xa092, 
-   0x8889, 0x8001, 0x8816, 0x9fbc, 0xc3e1, 0xefd3, 0x1dde, 0x4809, 
-   0x68db, 0x7c11, 0x7f2c, 0x71c5, 0x559b, 0x2e53, 0x0109, 0xd39d, 
-   0xabf3, 0x8f31, 0x8115, 0x8371, 0x95f8, 0xb643, 0xe01f, 0x0e1e, 
-   0x3a49, 0x5ee3, 0x772c, 0x7ffd, 0x7832, 0x60cc, 0x3cd6, 0x10fb, 
-   0xe2ec, 0xb8a3, 0x979d, 0x8423, 0x80bd, 0x8ddc, 0xa9cb, 0xd0eb, 
-   0xfe28, 0x2ba0, 0x5370, 0x706c, 0x7ed0, 0x7cbe, 0x6a7b, 0x4a67, 
-   0x20aa, 0xf2b0, 0xc670, 0xa1a9, 0x8920, 0x8006, 0x8787, 0x9eac, 
-   0xc273, 0xee37, 0x1c49, 0x46b0, 0x67eb, 0x7ba8, 0x7f58, 0x7281, 
-   0x56ce, 0x2fd6, 0x02a8, 0xd523, 0xad2e, 0x8ff8, 0x814d, 0x8314, 
-   0x9512, 0xb4f1, 0xde8e, 0x0c81, 0x38d6, 0x5dca, 0x7692, 0x7ff6, 
-   0x78be, 0x61da, 0x3e43, 0x1296, 0xe481, 0xb9fd, 0x988f, 0x848e, 
-   0x8093, 0x8d22, 0xa89a, 0xcf6a, 0xfc88, 0x2a19, 0x5234, 0x6fa3, 
-   0x7e95, 0x7d19, 0x6b60, 0x4bb7, 0x223b, 0xf44e, 0xc7e4, 0xa2c3, 
-   0x89bd, 0x8010, 0x86fe, 0x9da0, 0xc108, 0xec9c, 0x1ab4, 0x4555
-float32_t transform_fft_f32_inputs[TRANSFORM_MAX_FFT_LEN * 2] =
-    43.0264275639,	-17.0525215570,	-94.8488973910,	-8.1924989580,	7.2830326091,	66.8368719314,	33.9778190671,	117.8652289772,	
-    -129.6077797465,	-14.6420815368,	18.0239223278,	20.6760530292,	55.0375037651,	1.8674609862,	-85.6534302408,	-33.5750364909,	
-    29.2110949614,	110.4727049460,	-94.1914619387,	-1.4084169343,	83.5181653041,	47.3073514127,	-13.3420621181,	30.3389699104,	
-    12.1188124277,	100.9730921941,	-114.0146362390,	-77.5823200409,	37.2019034618,	40.0026301128,	-58.3387276630,	-34.9472398600,	
-    -5.1169678311,	-87.7660091118,	-150.5888601131,	56.0349370503,	50.2168884079,	-74.2313236767,	22.3648603560,	-6.8676387051,	
-    74.8957303680,	-90.1292012823,	-55.1436241586,	-66.6732976100,	-6.7918147615,	7.7612697081,	35.7892605979,	-20.0470508830,	
-    41.8369017546,	-143.7378056984,	-41.9127158600,	-108.3531841158,	-57.1917422289,	-124.2808828105,	38.9316388820,	-77.9212517405,	
-    37.1990818377,	-28.9545952748,	-155.6371057564,	45.8088886393,	36.2537018275,	-6.5727656016,	-104.2070491921,	45.5583813729,	
-    -19.7674717059,	-80.4802190947,	-1.4444563441,	-42.2142256438,	36.6546339194,	-57.0866498590,	44.4677067511,	65.7285753407,	
-    -103.8158864647,	25.4348723711,	-153.5419639389,	39.3608409474,	49.1658103436,	79.5570602275,	75.2944095996,	58.9394700746,	
-    -53.1018534392,	33.4172444014,	35.6224682287,	-64.4353396418,	-125.8464291251,	-47.6072111617,	-26.2177687594,	-12.0061322096,	
-    -17.7887967585,	-28.2926175090,	-62.0691715749,	40.5098573604,	-191.1123732593,	119.6750713043,	19.6182375803,	-26.7615252921,	
-    2.2957847015,	-108.3436451287,	-50.5906164995,	-5.6360985100,	-11.6772204201,	-84.2765293757,	-60.9317810068,	82.0446350218,	
-    -70.2048296348,	72.8738253222,	60.2450218115,	114.2741231228,	46.8180775285,	6.9915412654,	-8.9909197429,	-78.9165936808,	
-    66.4731535459,	-68.4235455651,	-79.8254597080,	-10.6308477115,	-62.6161569330,	-55.7744410292,	-11.8408366528,	98.1034940997,	
-    35.8213741877,	-54.4694482732,	86.9631830044,	-53.0343838122,	-47.4898642865,	-47.2010929590,	-31.3312639685,	-23.0908245172,	
-    12.0258009869,	-5.1098204703,	-9.8420230737,	-107.3328761158,	44.6810431959,	-17.9083820345,	-60.9753512872,	-7.5915088994,	
-    17.2250813329,	57.9176125648,	124.3004161362,	-63.1950908493,	120.5788885640,	-44.1734238117,	-91.7408095116,	-43.5696066595,	
-    -49.9560710099,	-167.8513443296,	-70.9437505499,	-46.4109705355,	-64.2264526456,	-13.9995803916,	-100.9548186356,	9.9101010575,	
-    -50.0615130815,	-55.7590145012,	-60.3195153388,	61.7913378549,	-102.0850899209,	53.2360193126,	-25.8997883369,	75.1445512333,	
-    -113.8148602310,	17.8027281119,	-19.5006822722,	-44.2169628471,	107.5017084384,	-113.7909124666,	-43.9735396033,	7.6880981388,	
-    46.7384653508,	9.9047443751,	81.8646964362,	132.3812863877,	-95.6959050236,	-68.5015813484,	65.8586404494,	18.5039353889,	
-    -30.1786166621,	-90.3098515667,	-22.9356228552,	-20.5778272423,	-2.2127786675,	-35.4418447703,	-51.8722915974,	-107.9024439078,	
-    -51.5940748232,	-51.7463262677,	74.2795485984,	94.2205022462,	9.7016384049,	-47.3556083155,	-36.7822314478,	-151.6455525363,	
-    -15.7183814485,	78.2063383182,	0.1516414969,	37.9304181609,	20.6185902740,	-22.2164106778,	6.1160554677,	2.4061326953,	
-    -111.6681824598,	-60.0858917090,	75.1698614693,	-76.5787410444,	28.3391655715,	-2.4946186443,	-68.0378899682,	104.0893199171,	
-    -51.8319647254,	38.8521710524,	75.9114239564,	73.9206172905,	-103.2533029987,	6.9002718274,	-36.6346436319,	-25.1990926265,	
-    1.5852145953,	-50.6438436795,	21.5018844428,	-151.9305562846,	-51.7326681814,	21.4475994143,	42.2564011921,	-74.0520586926,	
-    49.7370635809,	-13.2957534126,	36.6746826778,	-31.7005492589,	148.4894964268,	79.7890632353,	16.8856024809,	16.1690460177,	
-    39.2665169484,	117.2461167794,	-37.4827984831,	-47.8387803604,	-95.7025286193,	34.3058214285,	-124.9536456028,	56.1640195764,	
-    94.3636873606,	35.3992852810,	-38.3920852159,	-100.5738062016,	-29.7837022314,	42.9133913996,	-34.2715618187,	-14.3589115627,	
-    -16.5935468750,	20.4574192236,	-88.7897972666,	-38.6285080386,	53.3203422726,	98.5991486746,	122.7305462474,	67.7902817187,	
-    5.1764117389,	5.0632821624,	21.9288789574,	-78.3140512638,	-21.2069682335,	23.6342010925,	34.4445769455,	59.1346766615,	
-    28.9978778000,	39.8121180845,	-17.1650033520,	-56.9174900874,	17.8157086148,	-112.8801457350,	-122.4019040408,	140.8669393157,	
-    -65.4664329639,	40.6952775518,	32.7260891658,	-43.2565155866,	19.3945751928,	-20.1815002000,	-67.6601711640,	-18.1921178207,	
-    -35.6802153684,	49.9550290306,	131.4925251016,	-31.2940938167,	-5.2848453344,	-109.5580577933,	20.2437599390,	-8.8782958734,	
-    54.1836717264,	7.2555852190,	-3.5698316137,	-51.9236786262,	6.7861547980,	-104.4814551670,	45.8458629668,	70.0890876844,	
-    38.3572837740,	61.8024165129,	68.0176962024,	-12.8193934080,	-21.4661610917,	-0.9377108815,	-74.2100679061,	71.0490808147,	
-    91.9813889497,	-14.5797640164,	3.5036749129,	-138.3605478356,	-48.1501349794,	-16.0636922482,	-12.1334197606,	15.0562207637,	
-    -34.0878176054,	55.1075126157,	97.3829871877,	0.2053358099,	-94.8713267382,	51.5460954054,	21.2966946363,	58.1331025047,	
-    -23.4599044132,	-19.3315856528,	-8.4497193577,	-1.9594679356,	-33.1906549336,	-144.6825417978,	-57.1218958072,	35.7353406097,	
-    61.4666549819,	14.6536253128,	82.1632196866,	-44.6230161723,	-91.1022589278,	-18.5737673927,	-136.8975612334,	56.9606788003,	
-    70.7059960183,	-68.2829345081,	-10.2629800455,	-53.6385325047,	-68.7928766204,	88.2444688302,	83.1412324801,	-102.9206928160,	
-    -68.2329763159,	-69.7552955469,	108.2132269009,	-28.2582329307,	5.6685898328,	-36.0392956840,	43.3269513128,	-8.6436416796,	
-    -16.5054886972,	11.5008791788,	39.6923606683,	-28.9039554061,	13.5938214364,	-23.6296332202,	49.1171161163,	53.1636857935,	
-    -62.9672053166,	-54.2594757384,	48.3838956696,	8.0469071555,	-33.6472086213,	-120.5381752144,	55.0880453111,	17.8990740563,	
-    144.9402232336,	101.7886229203,	-73.3666393712,	-16.4721379138,	-12.7447935685,	101.8245160983,	-49.7026860415,	-15.1227790364,	
-    65.7430288442,	-131.8695390036,	10.2750933946,	90.9752774838,	-26.5859990591,	-95.6962772568,	76.2174589344,	24.8796848060,	
-    -38.8938223046,	54.1687774852,	-37.3585968996,	-34.6848570502,	33.0151011570,	-55.8345877671,	-3.9009101671,	-31.5024971691,	
-    -9.6863895491,	91.8719195957,	-58.9993249744,	-25.6887030614,	-8.0829472205,	4.6386491741,	-71.4019697167,	-21.3734669095,	
-    86.2079144404,	79.6823974266,	-0.0910915997,	44.8067718095,	58.7204020766,	72.6856808976,	-50.3373732478,	-116.1175365534,	
-    -15.0884909384,	5.4593772059,	-63.6553527905,	37.3460388205,	-32.2399421679,	95.7569350513,	-7.3700141964,	-56.0370832967,	
-    -41.7377150439,	-42.0042856519,	12.5134312941,	93.7845584531,	-32.4801087157,	-33.3976050318,	-24.2252126001,	-46.3199064467,	
-    -20.3704610276,	15.8571376404,	88.9127217235,	-33.1132582267,	-1.0005675836,	-28.1780471904,	150.9349379135,	38.0600520828,	
-    36.4338677563,	-3.3709201641,	29.7709773016,	16.5064119077,	21.3147729463,	110.6714300904,	18.8406036507,	14.8963298097,	
-    50.9975960392,	16.3991140350,	-194.0805845907,	-41.6723945839,	-74.8991127408,	-6.4587655805,	-0.6883628218,	-49.8709647175,	
-    194.2265120473,	64.3043624521,	16.0040882780,	68.4032551772,	-43.4050313128,	84.6826289824,	-28.1357565943,	134.6895584120,	
-    -7.9746152680,	-95.6692886462,	-48.9444370342,	79.4479343188,	-50.5345228122,	52.4800633307,	-14.7735051703,	-20.1510237050,	
-    22.5049816980,	64.4191999102,	24.8385648232,	99.4265041360,	62.0189508473,	-28.3892600378,	-109.8842008564,	-79.0407483407,	
-    18.3408112020,	49.1650536089,	31.5419844924,	-36.1160722679,	-132.9148081329,	10.4053531567,	-129.2463715470,	-43.4602207151,	
-    -24.2420653292,	91.5388317556,	21.4762248190,	-44.3810909139,	18.4098011282,	-45.8691164539,	-20.9831197962,	16.2076792914,	
-    66.0224147666,	-13.6794615513,	101.2163279622,	-62.4462618603,	22.2040981785,	-52.3208382802,	-24.7909079016,	58.5150375093,	
-    18.8569705105,	-55.6083430939,	131.0273367422,	-34.5209015065,	121.4357296573,	-77.2590299593,	-51.5929566898,	5.0247131098,	
-    -23.8451707592,	-4.5912313547,	31.1387246821,	61.7019310824,	49.1912429744,	-50.5836913031,	-74.8182600630,	-21.6209317022,	
-    20.9409464654,	-72.7870824583,	-28.3530746820,	-45.0794425434,	-13.4910629905,	-62.0158772255,	-34.1421181246,	44.2844972784,	
-    8.4213193211,	79.9349022793,	60.0160502260,	32.2272994080,	-72.2893887746,	17.3063698247,	-134.6335742431,	64.6499736261,	
-    7.1411921919,	-37.5517577873,	6.2405670930,	117.1920927305,	128.7420689815,	-3.1556854963,	-13.4100422909,	-11.9336372907,	
-    -8.6022400553,	-102.0033506666,	-78.4696575074,	15.0765861403,	-111.5219718576,	-13.4162786508,	38.2437013694,	61.1637732561,	
-    -34.4804160003,	107.4438003830,	-79.4193067813,	-81.1842853968,	-26.2622970331,	132.3205425408,	-119.1464268477,	67.3048866598,	
-    103.3266736715,	-58.1865815617,	27.6231908601,	-11.2004371750,	26.0340617206,	12.5696123916,	0.6442714420,	-30.7393043544,	
-    1.5314955897,	49.9110088250,	-106.1358721920,	51.1608329944,	-32.8684239794,	-27.7215905745,	-11.6450303367,	-36.7731678028,	
-    59.9383486599,	-4.6301990580,	5.0361682939,	-10.5669407980,	124.0908762205,	35.8305364082,	-123.6216777114,	-74.2569079167,	
-    -56.7651776816,	16.0736385582,	23.5030632215,	-110.6764295938,	44.3086821806,	9.4452708243,	5.3300080251,	39.0483916714,	
-    151.4550562868,	62.8957092621,	-116.8103461233,	5.1129927759,	-33.2252515135,	-9.4522506046,	22.7026048372,	-15.5264414569,	
-    71.2087620034,	19.1191568332,	50.3019546809,	-5.6096922409,	22.9344126462,	-7.7591876203,	31.8949515564,	-58.4253952381,	
-    66.4341297173,	-19.0583083044,	96.7695087855,	20.4934280047,	4.9544603116,	-20.8288135920,	-173.2659655408,	-62.4883621640,	
-    -48.5528422703,	12.1437504278,	60.2482234666,	-19.6072312919,	-34.6320214291,	129.0089698963,	-50.9042160618,	98.3952661477,	
-    -4.7051792479,	-13.1768910826,	69.5138802139,	58.5748201565,	-45.9385652563,	151.7952104306,	34.2541941013,	-58.0417838381,	
-    28.1480473670,	46.4006562684,	97.7001828545,	4.0855607626,	-32.6097018162,	16.8913949959,	105.7266202978,	-89.3978374651,	
-    -60.9338593128,	-41.2220734230,	49.9393070783,	95.0974764854,	49.2498366456,	58.6214364590,	34.1113830569,	45.6634098874,	
-    -22.5356086770,	-97.1978653617,	86.5565049535,	70.6118545777,	-30.6978082909,	118.7238621666,	14.5922386932,	11.3449652072,	
-    65.6007783405,	82.6369678204,	-52.0390492248,	-47.0160551227,	-95.5142448634,	99.7162626888,	-36.5523815090,	-42.8042935534,	
-    68.3566199798,	-13.8451547552,	-71.1629911780,	36.2989433752,	-32.4867163365,	112.4079947071,	-75.6295117422,	47.5276421639,	
-    51.8078250755,	-26.8715188457,	-9.6291144797,	40.1999849640,	-38.4634033246,	40.9764960915,	-26.1715730268,	36.5996396515,	
-    -26.9924731886,	53.7879986570,	-83.1658398348,	23.6381378489,	43.8794937753,	-55.4133836419,	90.0266130838,	14.1036181982,	
-    -18.1225736715,	85.1363181151,	-62.5970846379,	-18.5291947838,	-25.7341986703,	-49.7061342931,	-59.0442763971,	50.8960636803,	
-    -87.6471123430,	-36.7217762531,	22.5952364054,	11.1107885650,	-0.5377327229,	160.8145792630,	73.3103441505,	10.1656872354,	
-    -50.4554350397,	-57.3478171016,	-15.4201715357,	-26.9135446491,	-4.9891264771,	-37.0226770057,	-80.9919535641,	50.4418660876,	
-    -25.8517575250,	-69.9538258421,	-17.5730160671,	15.9405836751,	113.9545230349,	-46.1040379057,	-94.2458635014,	-69.0338522452,	
-    43.5813790265,	107.1836101171,	-55.1012654323,	-77.1529555887,	-33.1530320656,	-94.5582659641,	-53.6837586872,	27.0680381378,	
-    93.9385415207,	-61.0955216188,	18.0530957225,	7.9150142320,	-12.1218191587,	34.0173961457,	40.0084937565,	9.8119275580,	
-    44.2065861274,	-1.8718514394,	67.4740024215,	46.7391150131,	207.2404815875,	45.1635364462,	43.3580102761,	-44.0244218674,	
-    83.2387206007,	-8.6441851856,	12.3993902588,	-22.5091685270,	-19.8332981376,	97.9196509289,	-76.6720306234,	28.9740705859,	
-    121.9415248016,	9.6656982611,	-51.0996453694,	37.3704374740,	74.7589840907,	-113.4066752631,	120.0029566342,	-105.3786221360,	
-    81.8152755619,	-13.4979932982,	-21.4680758393,	-85.1088235539,	-65.3610798409,	-35.0444139470,	-48.0220794487,	-41.6210317362,	
-    33.1212995259,	-82.1480936443,	-10.5479715135,	76.4601917004,	42.1983651157,	92.6104239912,	-42.3536237955,	-24.5644182272,	
-    30.4446637772,	-90.2899420489,	63.6723540422,	103.0895811428,	64.1706769263,	-10.7069812309,	21.8927240409,	6.3571071738,	
-    57.1457649358,	-52.9866276448,	66.0981829072,	-29.5372056881,	-79.2252039810,	-136.2440652798,	-57.0106422562,	86.8203548141,	
-    66.4244149837,	53.3230426111,	-66.1283059222,	-131.0402660353,	8.0548411081,	122.9088988100,	1.2626894208,	-60.5059112373,	
-    -68.8707203082,	-6.4747987200,	85.8411327244,	99.9624156733,	90.4197864338,	-35.9630441182,	-22.9158275507,	-17.3660128776,	
-    16.7845345761,	34.7219749782,	-39.3513765878,	1.0460702756,	-60.9494500182,	20.0900333387,	-85.9636743832,	88.4400782168,	
-    15.0729628728,	61.5499846243,	11.8579871757,	107.8617581581,	-42.9393027864,	-62.8422307621,	-19.0589600542,	4.0750325807,	
-    -36.0651825425,	55.7638724501,	-10.4691736080,	-55.5672537178,	-61.2061519915,	-21.1885348576,	-131.2535612498,	24.7463552676,	
-    22.9426321237,	14.3038202264,	-138.0926317438,	-59.0892900856,	-162.5416439986,	7.1307658250,	-141.1236672256,	-4.7173618068,	
-    -16.7741532807,	-68.2615451173,	-2.6608701102,	84.1978109826,	-11.3446202072,	59.9630033088,	-1.8994925010,	-37.9301641959,	
-    -119.4435600954,	-11.4587491646,	12.2423215240,	-7.3169898616,	-67.0373621128,	36.0198843055,	53.9791315249,	-134.5885680695,	
-    -83.8330811965,	-16.6714816463,	-8.8498552035,	-24.0513088196,	-22.9444328877,	-37.7961441531,	25.1975736186,	-136.1611637464,	
-    -5.0843464033,	-10.3939554694,	20.7422826935,	75.6854136623,	46.4179626736,	-57.0052830175,	7.3457235521,	-51.5504447254,	
-    -158.4375751701,	-200.2426967181,	-48.1234996261,	1.6623945527,	21.1746524375,	99.4092980367,	-2.3206772903,	45.7989166757,	
-    2.0181548348,	-88.0556010969,	-59.1527212096,	47.3607925077,	-10.4181140309,	56.3558125650,	-8.9799125560,	-30.0376711812,	
-    -36.7132904688,	35.7785050392,	-13.0763909369,	-2.1855594714,	18.1550954005,	-28.6711803575,	-55.4495172398,	-2.8812973198,	
-    -59.9575059158,	40.0588875786,	57.4713686602,	-3.2835144853,	-36.7193552111,	-64.9415131516,	-166.9555466445,	-23.5556853844,	
-    -54.9408569587,	-35.2310451959,	21.3345143458,	65.7590671151,	51.2214538168,	46.1271939944,	-42.2235267919,	127.2329928299,	
-    105.2391778600,	17.6726845966,	-129.9021148044,	8.7065613044,	-94.0987112511,	-3.5375742950,	-23.1385452379,	60.6219530633,	
-    92.5445564235,	48.5111974469,	-52.5699309159,	-60.0634811685,	25.9034368684,	140.0249495491,	1.5918852392,	38.0266038291,	
-    17.5588710703,	3.4294066089,	-27.6748782173,	59.6182974489,	-35.2924781853,	-38.6198576115,	-13.6119803198,	7.8375587489,	
-    22.7250686519,	-28.3524510951,	-34.4269062817,	22.6464817325,	-61.6528147860,	-5.9782002429,	61.4730771294,	43.5582379527,	
-    55.6862408270,	87.8745651631,	46.3401042715,	-19.8780979663,	74.1272633369,	29.8590452377,	-12.8665765140,	34.2931401219,	
-    53.9279617551,	-16.9017895140,	-70.1527553166,	-79.6367897992,	109.3728271017,	-129.2214826835,	-53.4644539730,	-51.5654458993,	
-    17.6062148433,	3.5090251835,	74.2615941204,	-109.3431097845,	40.1403465151,	28.8714561280,	94.0868659302,	-19.0047033845,	
-    -60.0967410050,	-19.0998457619,	-67.2027075128,	72.0711434846,	-17.8737851232,	123.7050551274,	132.6331504104,	25.5018761009,	
-    -36.7817189239,	-29.1580893235,	-6.5848563828,	90.2868948516,	-35.7017258498,	-68.5675432955,	-52.4888589786,	47.1377730021,	
-    -7.4546621940,	-52.0657517138,	-49.0404829633,	-114.6910280126,	-117.6819819437,	-32.7856729408,	31.8232065591,	12.1192973039,	
-    35.2678513420,	-1.0336778293,	30.7021249679,	127.0442906046,	-84.8457819393,	28.9862843096,	-47.3524701726,	-126.1094998460,	
-    -2.9700276582,	-2.4956545870,	-53.8624121141,	-85.2114117637,	76.9057985618,	137.1205201755,	-19.0830817212,	14.3407526579,	
-    -56.5921994449,	-25.6084873186,	-44.9470801106,	-133.3139496090,	0.3487447576,	33.4499716730,	34.7126257844,	-9.3307383323,	
-    27.2996276947,	10.8765676134,	-91.1032360444,	-90.9584216222,	1.6981490570,	96.8557438791,	56.7726390913,	-44.3246449237,	
-    52.3260643361,	21.5551140465,	27.4535327381,	2.0072717479,	7.4823125629,	77.1185863870,	16.1372262663,	-10.7206012957,	
-    66.8830091413,	49.3523828287,	54.0855375598,	30.8570349345,	-10.9255375390,	62.3910624674,	30.9238561381,	0.3352881853,	
-    72.1022806197,	-28.8319885008,	23.3335288806,	46.8999035980,	-67.0984424822,	-164.7917209112,	42.5767681360,	-92.4668227688,	
-    43.8491734282,	-17.1126540408,	37.4819594334,	69.0774409673,	-39.3530526854,	-14.0693747124,	-60.2520781215,	-80.3860105519,	
-    32.6689956840,	15.3393042576,	-18.5529761307,	97.3942151573,	-4.4462855745,	13.7614349817,	158.3358780719,	-44.7258299667,	
-    -17.7741912819,	116.5136962268,	-33.6261057820,	22.8344441288,	-155.1423976144,	5.7070117893,	-22.7906543902,	-45.0633909283,	
-    -13.9329987929,	-66.0848932507,	1.1383038109,	123.8386958483,	67.6662401589,	45.9152963554,	-27.4397697462,	97.9596747354,	
-    -6.3544655181,	29.0832146722,	96.3468162499,	32.4535976137,	-91.0650399301,	2.7293262791,	70.7853483111,	-92.3655274571,	
-    69.0359217256,	83.1530567979,	35.8375091111,	7.3393552348,	-95.1770165365,	76.4905790891,	55.6253140577,	-29.5315327050,	
-    -19.6571455162,	-65.5631159968,	-16.1022064890,	105.8715375468,	-51.8381429466,	120.1887801783,	-12.7792505862,	45.9625293061,	
-    5.2249771246,	-44.2522411781,	-49.9151046218,	58.9294840166,	-39.5237729290,	7.7590557538,	-36.9036719322,	-13.3726971638,	
-    54.3809777660,	71.3070336679,	-51.0631236639,	-10.0694214486,	15.9743446435,	-49.4179644909,	118.7626471706,	-53.3128484840,	
-    13.5615377463,	-109.8892656203,	-42.4445411536,	-66.3623671033,	-14.8179688320,	76.6614429072,	11.1173310385,	-44.0756061917,	
-    -31.6081137549,	-112.6622817309,	32.5091400724,	33.0802101919,	-57.4339078738,	56.3466203876,	-17.0577340891,	-95.3692048341,	
-    -67.3434566840,	13.8207460717,	48.9375767823,	7.9881518802,	-33.7163627475,	38.5685408163,	12.1465400224,	-107.6320581108,	
-    4.0618423016,	-78.4521092994,	-86.1605081811,	76.0528521785,	-7.4505556232,	-32.6671595550,	28.1668313458,	-44.3982773094,	
-    -17.6420279051,	-31.0505367972,	21.8444018590,	29.2596019459,	-15.0890859227,	-13.1393295693,	2.8101074170,	-17.7888538827,	
-    32.0378687652,	-74.5375953900,	135.2497294704,	-28.0677270675,	73.5721900551,	-66.6873287357,	-25.1872324027,	66.2043845748,	
-    -94.9847220021,	51.0053667797,	125.6199200698,	-97.2966230203,	-100.0987757765,	38.7851883798,	20.5509402780,	91.2789361356,	
-    -23.6347319001,	53.4814037964,	-27.8226699628,	-4.2998301656,	-49.0060086613,	57.7107938724,	73.8228091191,	39.2104809606,	
-    -27.3049570759,	78.3558930717,	-39.1465109393,	-59.6714099634,	-71.7254332281,	44.0304489875,	62.4610534699,	-47.5531388302,	
-    62.3692165629,	6.4426089142,	9.0422858718,	23.1735394482,	-47.2878667545,	44.2020612249,	109.3032846597,	11.6805260558,	
-    -30.4758154602,	-82.4704834090,	38.6561095453,	-55.4482370852,	8.5232602822,	133.2611664825,	100.1432731096,	22.9595423699,	
-    -100.1659221126,	38.8223174175,	27.7691674207,	126.7418939874,	-91.4494781699,	141.2081002115,	39.0632821221,	63.2623914663,	
-    -30.0221078403,	-33.5477169622,	29.1082028625,	-3.3848571660,	61.5724672364,	-34.9602677014,	110.9349405045,	102.6143795477,	
-    -57.9940910047,	-35.2709261901,	16.7143230992,	-40.5324218543,	53.9355486697,	-64.2634715959,	-54.9387762268,	-42.9168088882,	
-    -57.5562950128,	37.9068250889,	-12.1446003699,	-60.1702164080,	-20.6508515440,	-98.5324628329,	101.4072369572,	129.5400369054,	
-    -81.3566359702,	50.6071670655,	-120.4768679404,	-42.4978466545,	-8.7364843153,	49.6150365421,	122.5389217747,	-17.0756316445,	
-    -62.3577228096,	-45.0934187476,	-32.0622747717,	-30.5522096168,	28.4509994932,	-38.2485520772,	-50.1501458954,	33.6999850082,	
-    -53.8053116265,	5.7733509059,	-34.6589594313,	126.1617129527,	20.7567771895,	172.0372861812,	89.0892733767,	100.7503861649,	
-    7.3378103261,	98.5906415363,	32.0129761463,	-41.8886119031,	41.2269067119,	68.3876187817,	138.4871996142,	11.3975797943,	
-    77.7316432733,	-158.5764699010,	-73.0154932162,	4.7811847147,	-23.2377092445,	-15.8949240362,	-11.9056513173,	-152.0900719578,	
-    18.2632385344,	-54.1998869586,	-181.7000796389,	48.1068217262,	-32.5550981417,	-28.0507229974,	-31.8419308387,	-25.6072993087,	
-    19.9544408703,	9.3745877673,	-83.7112773954,	69.9469812476,	103.7806121094,	7.5661034347,	19.3961679774,	-33.6734450687,	
-    145.2662801261,	84.6823084936,	3.8883005529,	16.9248666945,	-16.9581909221,	-89.4228081883,	16.2888634344,	11.1954888184,	
-    2.5472628157,	18.3389344143,	-151.4283735338,	-34.4147990116,	-25.9480238152,	-25.5347276158,	-64.8106533195,	50.6575131879,	
-    -7.3028646826,	-32.2126924117,	18.1267061221,	-16.2075818210,	-45.6339941841,	-33.6697120217,	49.2624187554,	77.8687058107,	
-    73.6069588809,	-40.8028084671,	18.9768190808,	-30.7579639537,	42.1813346527,	-83.5367163130,	-107.9332971302,	7.6029737222,	
-    26.9032374575,	49.3843590700,	-46.3813865337,	9.1625140590,	-66.2444573706,	-81.6335790942,	38.1352819102,	-26.9099106066,	
-    -73.7453409821,	120.4931605467,	10.3564307049,	-106.6178964489,	95.7043175624,	33.5246942332,	47.6828732088,	88.3229069791,	
-    -15.5217019654,	-19.5431169450,	-3.8342503054,	57.2251891575,	-48.5444916144,	71.5434047188,	12.4489765266,	-11.7576981068,	
-    -55.3127919285,	17.8351394582,	-103.4011502717,	-4.0445991564,	15.2952711643,	136.5345440142,	-63.7492382166,	36.9305043452,	
-    -1.5952862211,	16.2532277000,	-8.2697982122,	59.2373828733,	-114.7747262875,	-10.3140845306,	-30.5291082162,	-109.5521180147,	
-    0.0880047356,	-26.2704646488,	-5.8324862328,	51.9555476050,	179.0193630333,	35.7565163112,	-25.6830342083,	-38.6240101524,	
-    7.1156497155,	-38.9184661158,	-44.0206559654,	-61.9671745846,	49.0909411685,	30.5438751442,	61.5412933030,	-24.2114612829,	
-    5.7471838440,	-18.0880708776,	71.7203646740,	86.4088528992,	-58.7737324960,	-57.5055785792,	-95.3936802143,	116.1138906258,	
-    60.1792035622,	56.3771096083,	49.7396983038,	38.3766351111,	69.8500772704,	-49.1498577356,	70.3558567877,	8.6780858427,	
-    34.1723731409,	15.4734742852,	109.0630331552,	-121.1548202826,	-48.3994829024,	30.5337026074,	24.7828521521,	42.0584760304,	
-    75.1343090013,	129.5812051166,	48.4270407054,	26.4055953415,	14.0152471956,	-95.9222273011,	90.6485095604,	-14.3202487407,	
-    -67.2852187582,	-166.6666517028,	40.3833373200,	-36.1005828038,	95.8066175560,	-35.7716615894,	-49.1292761932,	-129.7066955214,	
-    103.7802140124,	1.3540192035,	-11.7154031368,	-33.6798122030,	38.8567068892,	-13.4661723261,	27.7129532179,	11.5232210014,	
-    23.1346883982,	-31.8376649712,	43.7429902892,	-6.7521035668,	9.2376550661,	49.7442294743,	-11.0442544230,	86.0728321584,	
-    83.9184836462,	-16.1275908347,	-18.4328902788,	29.0599791766,	-119.8140170048,	6.1015865800,	8.3430418870,	-26.4676140800,	
-    -54.4170405827,	65.9500246661,	-68.2589172652,	-67.8087618276,	-32.2785464329,	15.5784741177,	-40.7911512889,	-30.4549351749,	
-    65.3973162901,	-88.7812378733,	-100.7984347025,	33.8660362781,	-29.6824618124,	43.1980425632,	28.3570049344,	-53.0517620662,	
-    77.8517167497,	-197.3149986900,	39.9412966213,	64.7267960844,	9.0985185643,	-48.2516330353,	-25.2702193655,	43.5324967389,	
-    25.2174278973,	-143.4955124244,	97.6996202090,	-6.8156183641,	-24.7105412789,	-82.1407130477,	-84.2647074618,	-31.8474816146,	
-    -18.8364319750,	-39.5505715225,	-54.5495977905,	17.7158231401,	-3.7065472234,	57.0344653317,	-88.5539921734,	19.3061972587,	
-    -71.7736386745,	-41.9757523004,	44.0839025453,	93.6350283513,	23.9985071911,	-82.1811236502,	-109.4369907962,	63.5407415232,	
-    8.4092298502,	28.4295805746,	18.6411321700,	-5.3460515491,	-67.8392754185,	38.2413165851,	-48.3890309482,	-84.8999016731,	
-    -96.8897430524,	-108.9709380233,	12.6763008215,	0.6495692893,	42.5729352890,	-45.4201114101,	178.6503517211,	32.3364256219,	
-    -0.5018953239,	85.4524577539,	31.3821199920,	-77.2752461536,	-22.5276539124,	-73.5513316548,	39.4443099153,	-85.5453904099,	
-    -92.8231923388,	-40.3971881753,	-58.4187011919,	43.8859268482,	8.6368900854,	36.7106300359,	46.0279473438,	98.0046308108,	
-    141.8908992398,	99.5148913015,	-117.8125705364,	-39.1830583755,	-7.7274169732,	-48.2601982254,	62.7987036515,	-214.3028855312,	
-    -63.1561162569,	-16.8220689219,	25.8725009221,	122.4301600524,	-14.0054049372,	34.6312211243,	-80.1152116439,	19.5089176613,	
-    -55.4531957952,	50.2925094566,	-34.9023849044,	96.5932330242,	-23.3903984041,	18.8379347047,	-142.5109851060,	-26.3638740038,	
-    -45.2635268905,	10.4556800933,	-67.2064627051,	-82.5693793971,	-61.2994401437,	-60.8623342608,	-49.5256808732,	-67.5095279686,	
-    109.7221898389,	30.3565964773,	-3.9295411009,	-13.3243471006,	31.5325109517,	-42.7881917663,	-62.3012601651,	12.8902122674,	
-    -72.4707062966,	-1.1385459373,	31.9714183017,	25.4392014670,	5.2034169158,	7.4078411122,	3.9210252522,	5.6054243531,	
-    -13.9283618935,	62.6605467523,	106.2229553720,	-108.0346097164,	45.8846468124,	63.6694544818,	-10.1426865266,	-101.2125032732,	
-    84.7788854892,	-74.9877442652,	-90.4102888654,	82.3491489235,	13.4299871406,	8.6923780794,	21.7402751068,	1.3078400943,	
-    -5.3323741070,	-40.3811284623,	-2.8868770078,	160.0268532699,	-25.4997503943,	-89.7351898498,	47.6695601274,	134.7207474765,	
-    -28.8772848263,	43.7271906311,	7.3228230169,	-96.1850462320,	35.8869106751,	-11.4777855539,	-25.7781856921,	48.9895273966,	
-    13.8032764481,	14.5942766183,	5.8336013315,	87.6897796695,	-13.6765032835,	3.3883927453,	-158.3668079137,	42.2382326860,	
-    21.2461344076,	15.6945936663,	9.6604677279,	-9.5678778930,	123.3597739656,	22.1167117074,	-74.9824011460,	-95.9807585582,	
-    63.4915942695,	94.2011376357,	9.1392063086,	11.0696792396,	-61.7781744244,	32.4342673236,	47.9943613167,	-144.1319767603,	
-    -72.7895423040,	-51.0997685900,	-1.7995707656,	-94.9206104086,	72.7211674226,	58.6708314320,	-20.8389738301,	-21.1038399946,	
-    -16.3313082354,	-9.9622712842,	25.1381713884,	-43.3630408732,	95.4208180249,	4.9957713162,	139.7419301257,	-78.8102530942,	
-    18.4468841849,	-36.6529768792,	32.8656605850,	-13.9061010905,	25.3836067009,	29.3018838146,	-3.3243716283,	19.1868542168,	
-    -24.3576227747,	35.5704128749,	9.7305659636,	-28.0698496733,	80.9991737110,	44.1711909705,	67.2428623477,	-51.3139105230,	
-    -84.1430177559,	48.3068887430,	9.0115749848,	14.7342922983,	69.3129475126,	15.3916339055,	19.1526114590,	-36.2384578425,	
-    36.3072041758,	-2.7831098993,	-79.5517384898,	2.4496975564,	14.7441805304,	168.3353222077,	6.4042017907,	-94.1108499663,	
-    -96.4470728057,	93.2974672034,	-25.8910707915,	-109.8714867373,	19.6739537972,	-25.7283734173,	-63.5666504767,	-13.2751224909,	
-    -6.8369303742,	-44.9757631953,	59.5220216584,	-36.6656623877,	100.4234528842,	39.7179675926,	100.4793677526,	-86.2364278236,	
-    -92.0288292261,	-103.2337376347,	44.2981800782,	19.1367051770,	13.8984402872,	58.8220815831,	-77.2361735490,	-114.4879467592,	
-    89.1682762205,	51.2266997372,	81.3502982945,	-21.5959593928,	-11.6326571964,	8.8353642779,	-12.3913359429,	-23.1216638844,	
-    0.3575351650,	-18.2903762351,	45.8302612836,	80.6428162262,	59.7892572555,	60.1876610526,	-145.2533267974,	106.2800108239,	
-    -18.1569484863,	78.3937893751,	-85.6984739674,	25.2366777542,	61.5343531109,	140.8219730338,	47.9603484021,	-66.9887369929,	
-    -30.6392044667,	52.9963805955,	62.4415105078,	-90.2869564132,	-24.2283129464,	-99.9584280390,	-43.1587468514,	34.3760232029,	
-    89.0356907077,	22.0053768451,	-53.9159785951,	-25.1650972100,	8.0202661814,	-53.6342885367,	-7.1736148465,	109.3934027137,	
-    33.3102237776,	-81.7593644113,	-31.4758286552,	37.4778685110,	-22.7494345710,	2.0108643659,	46.8251888594,	55.2739450714,	
-    25.5904497373,	80.2180417943,	60.0712983927,	5.1023725171,	-55.3981506793,	92.0411889173,	-151.8431761496,	-17.8889138320,	
-    13.8369339480,	-98.9537744078,	-69.4129195296,	-9.4399479020,	-4.5486917569,	3.8311487140,	17.2656994939,	-25.4507802631,	
-    -42.3325354568,	-16.6440745458,	-133.8308014681,	-25.5109360172,	-23.1019754685,	-113.2804091682,	-14.3636580071,	87.9235056149,	
-    72.6206212879,	-58.7137643393,	167.9006741193,	39.5232107063,	-6.3630485808,	71.6621087431,	-114.1539708322,	101.7815598753,	
-    27.2475470378,	-54.1505303371,	30.1111783717,	-11.9959488516,	19.4405070791,	-108.4745463396,	71.0642431926,	-19.8129431719,	
-    -15.2954756654,	14.3561030921,	-16.5356371988,	52.7783287094,	28.8939941206,	-17.2842243626,	-133.2248386977,	-83.3404111930,	
-    -7.0104157691,	22.1756809435,	3.2730114916,	-32.2394014930,	20.3115837303,	-17.1488805354,	-42.1049764681,	64.9096377499,	
-    7.1989366097,	-54.9327048635,	27.4112784568,	12.8647289850,	-47.9584681630,	28.1940916618,	-77.7181004478,	-39.0254847210,	
-    14.6762624107,	32.0630508538,	73.0143676987,	-22.1015540909,	41.9874345585,	-2.8858853990,	-88.0645760668,	-90.5936909394,	
-    -17.7732180284,	118.5661779332,	-66.7797486036,	50.5937256974,	-21.9300412969,	32.8513839567,	9.2389232325,	7.6133233529,	
-    11.4306872743,	86.1899246751,	-14.8265560191,	14.3516516628,	-81.0949021047,	-14.0165322751,	6.4193008532,	91.1325356747,	
-    136.3161040384,	-79.8056934391,	48.3720074062,	184.1908593323,	-1.2350224948,	104.8017124353,	-70.7660168596,	59.8117635799,	
-    38.9768188797,	-92.6445519451,	38.4757633507,	-43.8909508451,	-68.7430495433,	-33.5503051820,	-45.7745564558,	23.1582292853,	
-    -53.0556301244,	-84.2076950671,	-11.0754062672,	59.8325332450,	115.3577555552,	6.0322991520,	-27.2020584628,	-11.6601684536,	
-    -19.6192551137,	63.6069935939,	-90.5530529832,	-65.9660360514,	-17.4108821433,	-32.2870508580,	-18.8912458596,	-13.0325547618,	
-    15.6951179243,	52.5832125410,	-5.3522907337,	-17.8679842370,	-29.6421416058,	54.8215269985,	-33.6000150970,	-17.9637151319,	
-    38.7672649613,	15.9768537914,	-36.5384968894,	-25.8899064866,	143.3564174538,	-16.7027387067,	112.4635318759,	60.9380860218,	
-    -12.5989262156,	65.1545135722,	68.4448023234,	-26.7853957961,	93.3277464713,	103.6052678753,	-67.2083365675,	17.5708362440,	
-    54.8826954360,	18.1508430942,	-39.3842844795,	37.1447880280,	57.6547054454,	9.2814912808,	108.2432242472,	32.8556189396,	
-    94.3226005359,	5.8586602054,	-110.9028458371,	-51.1302011664,	-16.0219070131,	-7.0598649579,	-176.6996383318,	-49.6407750992,	
-    -66.9977026952,	-89.9496950726,	-53.1942620674,	34.9304683629,	30.7056949448,	-64.8309845749,	73.0371656315,	-13.2113288868,	
-    -58.9585474923,	-49.8700242642,	-6.1582020634,	-145.9633036671,	46.6807699026,	-9.8057958623,	45.5962806826,	17.8413742472,	
-    -45.1844288752,	51.6533061953,	-18.3891326987,	86.2944939973,	-88.4475541046,	109.7385814010,	80.2606871510,	-6.8687112951,	
-    -40.4305300274,	-68.8038418728,	98.8182955892,	45.0578128678,	-17.9270836619,	-58.9964717416,	11.5983932225,	9.3557201268,	
-    40.2977049475,	138.6920714505,	-107.0950700047,	-8.5417944988,	76.5742734827,	99.7719961192,	33.2465872494,	-130.9955599444,	
-    -29.2255022084,	35.8580665719,	35.2949239487,	47.8913285775,	-23.4340430256,	-20.2468230117,	-129.2315852983,	-43.7204390811,	
-    18.6427890127,	-14.5256762331,	-114.5390628737,	83.3822028084,	-3.5819486705,	-30.4441161689,	-112.7352247162,	-109.1237973030,	
-    -1.2881432609,	102.3673365896,	-56.6529958750,	-17.8832422128,	-83.7875095740,	27.3286576586,	28.2690336934,	11.4666255287,	
-    52.7806502871,	-32.3964403795,	-11.7703336362,	-26.4802375579,	1.4830249909,	-46.7745447418,	-179.0106845682,	-46.4060214919,	
-    13.0495006806,	-15.7093018033,	-23.0652411102,	-46.8891647861,	-11.2767379154,	54.4284213870,	61.0257369233,	25.9537772478,	
-    32.1447676269,	-55.7565993845,	16.1980837538,	39.7108201653,	57.5494093425,	25.4753658982,	-82.6747317912,	32.8120846114,	
-    94.3963947400,	115.4928024657,	-103.8033683890,	0.5505661357,	17.6017067223,	0.3340989298,	11.4554380855,	60.7715773549,	
-    47.6023333479,	8.7147095957,	-12.4689201501,	-38.3317139365,	-70.8372336044,	19.8454635262,	-32.5311981944,	16.6656528545,	
-    -99.4051451760,	52.1836216170,	-36.3751695538,	-168.5804600081,	-12.4503257083,	20.3254098853,	-115.3933821008,	99.5221568068,	
-    -65.3861194417,	28.8829913431,	180.5755173101,	-52.4724526473,	-17.6810674060,	-36.4748431538,	-0.5256538571,	-55.6217233478,	
-    -21.4129350702,	-62.6552175024,	43.7806633668,	68.9822663027,	-103.7310445758,	24.8680657731,	-23.1804371879,	-19.6865562980,	
-    86.1256756588,	43.1915528025,	64.5202069909,	11.9433963783,	59.3956955884,	-136.0065807072,	54.2444425795,	-28.2438980841,	
-    27.6881277816,	3.3966585075,	-23.2714416081,	56.2708787997,	-104.6936674005,	-56.2472159428,	-66.3373352615,	-79.0727896373,	
-    -19.4338276833,	-81.4066241391,	-7.2994007916,	104.0111560011,	19.2521825910,	39.6171092266,	8.3114594881,	-18.6024599138,	
-    -55.8404695603,	28.7502170881,	-35.9621183078,	-83.4040376758,	100.9786890719,	43.7353110787,	58.0923223162,	158.0571243490,	
-    -89.5270222788,	35.7263973066,	-85.7794526924,	-44.9442606374,	52.4649663641,	-16.2400821703,	-137.0501146883,	33.4104950855,	
-    -66.4055049018,	20.4444710408,	-58.9392047771,	93.1083108145,	30.4506487034,	110.0306666973,	9.2409143811,	-24.4812544449,	
-    74.6860947628,	40.3769192483,	-16.9497053699,	14.5576684325,	52.3350907389,	-25.2007169663,	-125.4063020221,	62.8691359335,	
-    12.3811488011,	-49.4397264264,	-45.2008829472,	-45.9893935646,	-51.0423101211,	-13.5776298651,	-117.3962715914,	20.9725891298,	
-    -31.2377986416,	-66.8022452921,	-52.2545297076,	36.1808304465,	105.2804289847,	-29.7408485717,	35.4936891096,	-44.1058624503,	
-    -7.4267543746,	45.9626674865,	43.2586644116,	-84.9652227215,	52.2598894211,	-27.7731305158,	79.4055411705,	134.9211049595,	
-    -77.7683897577,	38.9772600887,	-42.4478182670,	35.7767677279,	120.4883485663,	40.9080290988,	-52.2908368677,	10.8332681424,	
-    103.8755744034,	-69.4025590672,	63.1667239359,	51.1565115511,	30.4688205979,	-7.2886782047,	-18.0942283768,	31.5953801065,	
-    -34.9573251248,	-43.3238802424,	-20.2265574149,	-41.4045853426,	-156.8022185924,	-20.3378496469,	5.4144969666,	-49.4467840461,	
-    -27.8246258947,	-36.1553394393,	-40.4493178373,	13.5989840626,	69.9757376469,	-60.0443280971,	3.4638171519,	-141.4361514658,	
-    93.4118114115,	-7.3645097888,	2.0470465032,	-54.6478723026,	7.3294655198,	-6.8416716006,	9.0045502006,	19.8489919128,	
-    -6.4702933570,	16.4343253942,	-10.3891055517,	100.4561542312,	29.1536913142,	53.8464057947,	-16.7143417688,	-153.3024265390,	
-    45.0496791201,	-0.9943534787,	-20.6269990550,	-50.6212419282,	-24.6576988474,	59.6066172704,	10.2122652005,	-40.4195486296,	
-    -29.2714128060,	62.6802622802,	-47.4202386064,	-34.8309723516,	79.5197299960,	-20.0749434197,	169.8665850989,	98.4267485076,	
-    31.7347164541,	37.2604966566,	6.7605021281,	-50.6903490963,	6.6127852698,	151.3469256096,	-70.3184827662,	164.9601379841,	
-    92.6205263551,	69.9026079183,	-31.0866155998,	-34.9956145613,	-9.6578985782,	-32.6789267529,	80.3319506579,	91.7685176440,	
-    5.8995239218,	-82.0636944263,	29.2086774264,	14.7724289401,	66.8988379781,	-24.7460191895,	-114.7525174298,	-32.9732857706,	
-    -51.4321208184,	-66.2382282862,	21.2981329623,	9.1062826547,	125.8754077125,	51.0615189986,	-96.7297998983,	64.9965050494,	
-    -71.5111010300,	-180.4535252581,	-56.1041777677,	-3.3591726481,	-74.8271358166,	-28.4281456554,	-70.1818488305,	35.6835607015,	
-    -13.9275123287,	-83.1043490068,	22.2289783248,	-95.1448030958,	-40.5966123003,	11.8470675380,	106.6983680147,	52.7565554571,	
-    -50.5809140712,	62.1951780988,	92.8998044629,	-110.2770489118,	-5.7088922157,	13.3095896843,	-34.0434382314,	41.5967680846,	
-    7.1406890165,	49.0800572858,	-4.8661130870,	50.1732411845,	21.8791360144,	-20.6230498949,	33.2629053316,	34.8156585726,	
-    7.7974775850,	85.5360926916,	-19.6603301120,	-13.8088176043,	77.2247366741,	81.7615386790,	29.5025756045,	-202.4477185665,	
-    -31.0440373761,	119.6975128752,	46.8351618237,	-36.0825651455,	52.3228058699,	-61.7212902449,	-37.0009190140,	-111.1411485112,	
-    119.3548750790,	7.5570310830,	6.2657871086,	49.2259611245,	49.9691348215,	-30.7394519018,	-60.1418076104,	-59.4870457446,	
-    -111.9152565690,	124.6406880479,	-47.4604425483,	13.0533325061,	-76.5307924698,	-60.2632649204,	-28.0947702114,	5.4878397959,	
-    -83.0541772262,	-3.3172056420,	20.2732863285,	29.4076349749,	47.3392948241,	55.3208777615,	-32.1444489144,	-23.6019236678,	
-    61.9602080076,	41.6812616408,	30.8111928268,	21.8108462337,	-24.6948175247,	16.1446229981,	-15.8735793778,	-24.1870889577,	
-    27.1864566801,	-50.6435004599,	-145.1098728714,	-75.7531085939,	-4.9397756888,	74.0940849050,	-53.5740454881,	28.4600455809,	
-    -64.1804054310,	-56.5695284341,	45.7257738714,	27.3208227413,	-87.4969438966,	96.9999840115,	26.5098283187,	75.3671956291,	
-    -39.9875814398,	-71.8080566179,	-64.7909433975,	112.6208244120,	-57.5455840916,	-9.0666084922,	36.9334781097,	69.7260235716,	
-    -47.6511701810,	48.9455812098,	-19.7303239899,	34.4780933174,	-24.8188130996,	1.7918733164,	-51.1027083896,	-8.0414842387,	
-    -69.6904961677,	91.4021012418,	143.3158713687,	127.8431865361,	-76.2463415340,	77.1863865583,	-104.8165933906,	-82.0491770730,	
-    -4.2452881018,	-29.8857354449,	39.4203383204,	-78.4428804183,	-67.3737881273,	45.7774162557,	43.1510666403,	-38.1227007212,	
-    48.0367915577,	-2.2796749550,	-147.5309258951,	59.4609063787,	-94.5201743634,	-90.2713711080,	83.9499629394,	-44.4267785769,	
-    66.2311395310,	-19.8654393787,	-40.9657871591,	-7.6100345494,	-153.4687135715,	-24.0528389453,	-43.0977703429,	-32.4544558717,	
-    27.4626014725,	61.8263048101,	8.4949142219,	-120.4489043103,	9.2738852281,	65.3309688121,	44.8133466197,	-37.4373241359,	
-    -83.9640842471,	23.4059670119,	-93.9143209007,	-55.4183425033,	-93.7449781980,	74.3227981579,	-11.7471950643,	84.3803942002,	
-    -31.4489037424,	-1.8363204298,	-55.3456417353,	-95.1228021775,	-55.4637768242,	-17.5611590555,	8.6597790424,	19.5417857682,	
-    -17.2507716259,	-5.7889755948,	70.5139270183,	-26.9177828140,	39.6037632634,	4.0845034879,	-59.7156630403,	-55.4689095772,	
-    -58.7669735168,	62.5057414231,	50.1807875376,	-49.3189045747,	15.4287355682,	-8.0824504769,	-47.6198199719,	15.7657690255,	
-    24.1207871994,	27.9173027164,	-12.5261250855,	-19.0257872712,	-82.0154379577,	76.9194034147,	-14.6695769647,	1.4844193915,	
-    -7.9956835409,	-55.6156194033,	39.9952855598,	51.1083969228,	48.8829532142,	62.7988625371,	51.9432398511,	2.8722062155,	
-    156.1476408615,	37.5905889544,	54.7112433550,	80.2943943272,	-6.5627640190,	88.6335213431,	112.2792767414,	21.0878200837,	
-    5.8741152139,	-19.6667337723,	33.7905147067,	-34.2798965801,	-26.4594706418,	-15.0765526773,	91.5802201722,	85.4145356413,	
-    -36.4818922051,	-147.9028534383,	-42.1412753623,	-27.3632859684,	44.0453194249,	-19.1027467398,	14.3157309983,	4.1768734004,	
-    -68.3022440228,	34.2186781120,	-10.1854692365,	-173.8586421151,	56.7091031998,	2.6538298634,	-93.3821299316,	45.9499799668,	
-    -11.8122305624,	26.1216815300,	-61.0880687199,	73.1945783047,	28.9339417573,	42.3531539412,	-71.3262502743,	85.4828937399,	
-    -66.7918044637,	5.4192940999,	-81.2977956585,	88.4998783552,	-8.8973642437,	18.0257683389,	0.2933847454,	-87.7509230128,	
-    1.4360726567,	57.2432970677,	103.3736004675,	-33.8595106764,	36.4856625370,	87.6767927437,	45.9257522623,	-91.4882358338,	
-    -43.9564432991,	36.8048295224,	-155.8735354347,	78.5839166200,	21.7365316114,	2.8251251119,	-0.5016069183,	50.9050618615,	
-    14.1865751800,	53.6974572195,	-47.3239324031,	-62.3187399635,	-109.6783459490,	10.6742758459,	3.0633856847,	170.8292829026,	
-    22.7107314592,	-115.6997421721,	179.4541315127,	36.6353212025,	-46.8173506792,	104.9377352185,	-62.3839485230,	84.2161407106,	
-    136.1327139029,	-1.7544748630,	-86.9030562131,	15.4259753671,	2.5663369046,	-116.9292434949,	64.2129157660,	78.7964806182,	
-    49.6087028507,	-23.1282134104,	-37.4278940992,	-67.9769820701,	-32.7546299170,	103.2337703853,	59.7504223629,	147.3485484359,	
-    -3.2598723366,	116.2635358555,	-4.3105783057,	99.2160004729,	18.7288916095,	78.2186271384,	-32.7460615054,	26.6048168237,	
-    54.4099899967,	-126.6518025639,	17.8377885986,	-98.5074167624,	83.5842655157,	63.5608049079,	124.1282700584,	25.0506382513,	
-    9.0974612270,	10.2387616470,	31.1629214422,	-24.4182834051,	-15.9351308181,	-32.8438279677,	8.8571103031,	3.0977533207,	
-    -23.0359569441,	-85.1033133185,	1.2922811622,	-69.5278720344,	25.7444385081,	-92.0141253702,	35.4374183520,	6.7043276497,	
-    -0.7451513477,	6.4338102885,	-75.9673321161,	-91.6026967981,	34.9987265356,	-83.2890589702,	-47.9531745920,	142.7844807861,	
-    114.2435566703,	-26.6531368807,	-16.5029393959,	14.8125488050,	16.9592532170,	12.9147547847,	59.7887418020,	-39.2528866593,	
-    -15.3658342458,	-74.4590980998,	74.3475628113,	-48.1780064666,	-11.0564355396,	70.9519213138,	110.0516331927,	36.4575879060,	
-    91.1281495181,	-103.0201029342,	-58.9865587379,	-87.3023951029,	-25.5889474724,	-80.1022425592,	7.1308546919,	42.2966419390,	
-    28.1034227718,	-110.4992975497,	52.3250451635,	-22.1535855498,	12.7339036777,	34.0415435152,	-39.0750294825,	-30.4963132547,	
-    -53.1808531221,	17.7255575164,	-10.9535616620,	-95.2135221101,	100.4987819707,	-68.9493118541,	-82.6099501128,	-18.0285171027,	
-    -21.9761772415,	-27.5932967659,	91.8124465044,	5.8338598129,	-7.0338759021,	-45.7406241732,	12.9215890948,	-0.0753638964,	
-    44.7159304680,	26.4654167590,	-40.1423667648,	-8.7426397748,	31.4700501616,	-38.5847107897,	-17.3446717482,	33.6461097548,	
-    -107.3520493912,	117.4675224001,	40.6606607876,	7.9719714143,	27.8264722603,	38.7179679154,	1.7705195429,	25.5111272928,	
-    -100.4419129176,	12.0673509113,	83.8410184425,	29.5781971450,	8.1040630143,	4.6727315335,	64.7847825199,	82.6216823615,	
-    -15.1627242063,	-22.6182310171,	13.1330997407,	49.5724583221,	-46.1716475780,	47.7331801575,	49.7204543255,	-85.3529225637,	
-    44.2195291098,	14.5616345667,	25.1355891397,	40.3146174825,	28.9423346884,	-75.1582368771,	57.1913980615,	-65.6984554165,	
-    -40.7664709143,	66.4827050221,	-37.4060644320,	22.4137979914,	-40.0020443101,	-50.0281409167,	4.8184431368,	62.4290842324,	
-    -40.0926566688,	44.5774651507,	-21.1028032780,	15.1185206565,	-16.5265077365,	50.9848497205,	-1.0692090929,	-10.2392281457,	
-    -73.6134935055,	-58.7604124292,	-78.9611342584,	-22.1438277580,	38.5664728303,	39.8041438227,	-43.2409994985,	-37.9352795857,	
-    -10.0448204868,	-23.8371815139,	3.2897249640,	-80.2885168342,	37.9525301994,	-75.0706497208,	83.5246116221,	-72.9921720117,	
-    -8.2686558506,	3.9598212380,	-88.0878393938,	14.7857207938,	37.3105932736,	-25.5786314639,	-14.2401437401,	-131.8844485523,	
-    -83.2051874645,	-48.7402478144,	-47.1392081390,	-140.1935235859,	-110.9171286805,	5.6067034386,	-61.3508997640,	-153.0780126325,	
-    20.9763880517,	36.9388874884,	-0.5023108098,	109.2764166186,	-64.7679763308,	27.5264562598,	12.7297402644,	135.9094145156,	
-    28.8725261600,	107.1985003559,	-17.0333242428,	14.6472316711,	79.6550390697,	76.3253602754,	-42.1106361443,	101.2937610145,	
-    29.1345513275,	-81.3710305821,	-51.6367882642,	-75.6657420025,	67.6127817208,	-143.1235134075,	63.4083371887,	20.2771663953,	
-    -39.6962975349,	35.4904122251,	-21.1761177463,	36.6827629732,	30.2533761253,	-100.8244394079,	42.0562320416,	-117.0985134680,	
-    86.9313959966,	-68.5862263897,	39.2349791859,	-62.0712807646,	-4.7999897806,	157.2184386950,	40.1651596554,	-130.2861272594,	
-    -21.2745075974,	96.2019047346,	130.4626031799,	47.8121736864,	67.8619386636,	-88.5169139565,	-15.5429762844,	46.7375894206,	
-    -19.9234556464,	74.2075824091,	-146.2816301611,	-27.5190709903,	-105.4977126735,	82.7567139636,	-63.4005073458,	-97.8585647602,	
-    70.7163936702,	40.3196085322,	-92.6325452663,	-65.4906649632,	14.2362768591,	-40.1848110012,	-27.7039695490,	-100.7942890248,	
-    31.7082105399,	-25.9115041943,	-37.2685165720,	12.4301141470,	-86.2349812607,	85.4288388492,	61.4326022560,	-52.6450593109,	
-    -78.4043996861,	32.7052974812,	1.1786814775,	65.3401420354,	8.4364632653,	148.3052078011,	-83.0828330696,	106.6354843068,	
-    -4.3121195655,	-44.5526178638,	-2.9317305696,	109.9935497492,	-18.4045116767,	23.1613955078,	15.6972686340,	128.8746575438,	
-    29.0629973213,	-10.2922631539,	-26.9225268881,	78.3939184322,	-13.9891592847,	-14.3955545921,	56.2259353432,	-106.9719383698,	
-    -69.4541718556,	83.7959262767,	118.0020136833,	-76.6757480506,	53.0531323252,	20.3374814219,	-45.9339005486,	46.3861511953,	
-    -82.7185926581,	-51.9983813997,	-11.1149096121,	-15.7796335925,	-14.9611867369,	-55.5963996752,	3.4778394189,	-63.4371998633,	
-    28.8327087658,	12.5198672129,	87.7380213704,	18.4911159408,	56.8889056171,	-21.9589217680,	-93.4663445471,	55.1183878788,	
-    0.6449948853,	28.6533319776,	-14.8059318368,	113.5439226734,	54.8995357737,	109.0924325068,	38.7922835723,	-0.1180981319,	
-    157.7915336564,	81.6839158496,	11.8100964756,	-22.1691332044,	9.1777753259,	-58.6991331163,	121.9143128888,	123.2714985637,	
-    28.7886850251,	-73.5910923730,	-128.7124920003,	55.3579340152,	-103.0285920820,	-68.0360814429,	-41.1894325447,	61.1418052767,	
-    9.1032579737,	-114.7074592848,	-35.4778656303,	-56.5732437789,	87.7236911508,	-34.1313499403,	62.2620712971,	-52.3364100999,	
-    -108.5676552169,	-88.3757117464,	-19.3248782556,	-10.6333977657,	11.1531439202,	117.9042736262,	-59.5405468137,	-29.0685166095,	
-    84.9970950178,	-27.4738785887,	-49.4301782076,	-23.7375836298,	123.1572277910,	-30.7874739051,	20.0070113012,	92.6375682898,	
-    -151.2677413660,	-64.5993124352,	-6.1931938222,	56.2980662344,	-51.0667271974,	3.2590148897,	94.2279629570,	-81.3680192851,	
-    -58.2441470779,	136.3043204550,	-65.1682000377,	-11.6204578273,	82.5051730406,	-20.7566312389,	12.9732577973,	-3.6631681566,	
-    5.8870959981,	-15.0765851320,	82.0878455090,	-35.8669226696,	12.3547961199,	-187.4160833910,	134.7486191161,	68.4591403436,	
-    -10.0461433931,	59.1539319574,	43.7723616252,	79.1999168985,	-24.1914155320,	38.0293798436,	4.5268241580,	32.8861446301,	
-    26.8134396608,	-32.8357678171,	75.5315658240,	-98.3994598766,	27.4380255469,	-18.2567928813,	-53.8692115445,	43.6445077874,	
-    41.8403964980,	145.5446940894,	-45.1527793517,	36.2478163862,	-23.4791069949,	12.4999105154,	-39.0947731515,	-94.0528129824,	
-    58.3030733328,	-45.3491781120,	73.6529605858,	59.5823230864,	-47.4741019188,	16.0307838051,	76.0140317071,	35.1546855136,	
-    -5.8237741703,	8.3668861475,	125.3567506875,	55.2422644949,	22.2611352600,	-33.7548647520,	22.9568910221,	-35.1162490171,	
-    34.5901055588,	-28.0490543019,	-15.6322113695,	23.3610785957,	95.0831229094,	-54.6273674257,	89.1750392621,	40.0225575612,	
-    -14.4413587278,	97.6869759465,	14.7675464371,	-37.4004765161,	119.4568961628,	-26.1920161265,	-58.0012410134,	-28.7350340564,	
-    -4.7796929865,	-19.7344028715,	-8.6437248253,	103.9809164360,	11.0043740394,	-32.6092633210,	-80.6443486297,	49.9986715363,	
-    105.5490975322,	104.0899701063,	59.5660092301,	-17.9484147791,	-55.4356343687,	5.6176664765,	147.8940936440,	42.5217478147,	
-    -33.7007685862,	76.2702328206,	17.7168869112,	29.8692838033,	47.9156001099,	78.0087519225,	-10.9663921228,	108.3826416455,	
-    -12.7724638181,	-84.5882451872,	19.6390498449,	50.9452521435,	-10.4676220676,	-59.5812635820,	-165.2174342507,	52.9034909048,	
-    4.5103428162,	28.6714188830,	151.2376493891,	-15.6519597742,	54.5244070834,	40.6356686042,	-51.3633558110,	39.9915724858,	
-    1.7184423265,	-4.3510464817,	6.8579282212,	-37.7467707598,	37.4199831388,	-44.1415061320,	7.9715921178,	80.9137854559,	
-    -93.3883447881,	-70.4226479003,	-5.9804507221,	-12.7588185792,	-12.7748179660,	-44.8489354744,	-27.7084595447,	-9.4696608732,	
-    57.0454576802,	-137.5411295173,	34.0807152122,	-82.8428997163,	36.3720183240,	117.5741160380,	91.0621096220,	16.9215804561,	
-    82.5046757105,	-16.3941226525,	21.6412310432,	9.9347818503,	94.4637136289,	40.3883996184,	-79.0927933462,	-74.1126629254,	
-    -1.8463008698,	-11.7303452181,	51.4819690412,	-40.9029132628,	79.5478142926,	37.3467151745,	119.3061300476,	81.7656373311,	
-    40.9995493552,	-18.8267671804,	-109.2814037436,	110.5826225324,	3.9090047179,	-12.7311846356,	50.2434808607,	-78.9987938122,	
-    -48.9383950748,	-23.2509396875,	-67.8816298850,	46.0043667633,	-79.5062435328,	3.7149881510,	28.8345576966,	-2.4062068420,	
-    111.7203117517,	0.4410205414,	-38.3832527193,	-61.3416288539,	-102.7939248826,	67.9533675166,	58.2475592529,	10.6035422626,	
-    37.5730234873,	49.4994673002,	-82.1647604961,	65.7885201078,	92.2097983704,	-37.3226143066,	135.8561958349,	-49.4816302910,	
-    10.8193370693,	-8.1591216625,	-124.7982308726,	-14.8282684728,	90.0927717376,	33.5256881620,	-59.8703916309,	21.7176330197,	
-    2.1782551834,	114.1382737688,	-88.1597739240,	6.5361543045,	97.9695862766,	-39.4694065867,	11.5962132886,	33.7697466356,	
-    58.9764174727,	-4.3190513332,	45.4357110166,	-39.8718237733,	101.6682995218,	16.6389670713,	0.3598261204,	-29.7440968058,	
-    -31.6482054502,	-43.8553776977,	67.0772865832,	-54.5098535835,	30.0974211944,	45.0867818944,	8.8681839790,	-27.6698123459,	
-    32.5238939056,	115.1771763945,	1.0297629680,	-0.1277281381,	53.5989816709,	-15.6940765735,	214.0039494923,	-3.9607957468,	
-    -28.2459062295,	-78.4309884274,	-45.1615660948,	-56.8373512425,	-14.9182469466,	-46.6359981712,	10.2436473643,	49.6796044695,	
-    -68.2156643693,	-73.6736376702,	-25.8482309017,	79.6432993680,	39.8430177404,	-48.6865340771,	-4.9554892261,	-10.8103852199,	
-    -163.6398049355,	34.8129987597,	43.1988001177,	4.6425367549,	71.5136740040,	5.7449295065,	-129.5178610564,	23.2851316100,	
-    -28.9856348679,	72.2878496468,	65.5641757637,	-22.6995529120,	90.6678161988,	31.9503079809,	-38.7957396135,	-29.8167763909,	
-    -127.0682245355,	-114.5912946274,	95.8998971324,	14.6842186073,	38.6817470857,	53.4220170000,	30.9640386035,	-8.7681524726,	
-    93.2374647164,	167.2548470938,	-110.0113841742,	60.7832491969,	-10.6378768861,	-12.9541979766,	50.4311478762,	14.8581364205,	
-    36.2771855577,	16.0289680028,	-27.1211553672,	-27.6119525599,	-64.3782858077,	-30.6836783175,	-11.3104575592,	46.6583470371,	
-    43.2576688462,	106.2483647125,	35.4221002374,	38.7051612461,	55.2640723227,	-64.1159659536,	57.0032601941,	-44.6269768244,	
-    53.7789820032,	-157.3514759280,	9.5791816275,	6.2806945793,	18.6705185038,	153.1320561669,	-5.5671006976,	-3.2946321773,	
-    -13.2024369589,	-21.6449448269,	-22.1412657716,	70.9673800953,	-7.9864874901,	41.7239378937,	71.5984356144,	87.1584519164,	
-    71.0575050315,	-38.5112900717,	41.0828370864,	-97.7913314993,	24.9443056744,	71.6995496139,	-116.3501231153,	67.3823850840,	
-    94.1851944844,	-41.7993332022,	55.6783133892,	47.5180232694,	-25.4261377746,	-16.5909249978,	-16.5035403522,	-31.2504616568,	
-    38.1070466320,	0.3163573698,	36.1965564905,	54.8579811585,	-54.0608838266,	-112.2426667925,	184.8017345857,	49.4559933628,	
-    97.2753525540,	-127.3976019425,	56.7945066844,	105.9924251837,	-9.7156760373,	44.4969751065,	-37.0888563276,	-26.7522105798,	
-    -40.8300149353,	52.5243354843,	-19.8943377495,	51.1416695022,	-70.0108248826,	15.6121585850,	32.5217684217,	-90.1820508578,	
-    39.2513383879,	-47.3412998909,	-31.3055181623,	-56.8173595829,	-50.8924569276,	-7.5435701646,	64.3413557990,	9.7281927789,	
-    48.9305305599,	56.5372975126,	26.7417330296,	89.0738343693,	-48.5280725684,	-31.0853481463,	-9.6358615936,	51.4311918344,	
-    -33.9718242925,	-15.7470007951,	51.2850467492,	-51.4187903682,	33.5815172911,	-71.5483298410,	-74.6635317137,	-82.6284293355,	
-    -19.3084129904,	-58.4258965628,	-7.7220084872,	-50.0589600666,	-35.4767663181,	113.1079148915,	-10.8113655056,	6.6819361958,	
-    -58.5734954218,	-83.7627866065,	26.5302830531,	-99.8288161852,	70.6577997609,	105.1602805436,	-26.9709761883,	16.7715250364,	
-    100.4598899749,	-12.8354110399,	31.2835111044,	-28.1999286002,	-71.8821977449,	-43.8649368179,	-24.4752744590,	-13.8122643365,	
-    -13.2937561135,	86.7641539982,	-45.7159093571,	-13.0092431337,	71.1728457692,	-47.6143967182,	-18.9549445122,	-52.6530519413,	
-    -36.3758751689,	95.3593012050,	-13.8106918472,	-47.9731072201,	-42.5698690212,	-33.2874699499,	74.6397905712,	13.2248699532,	
-    10.5705384630,	53.1572412508,	11.5799356215,	40.3743911825,	-30.1315085582,	-32.5536377528,	-63.4740422506,	-8.1108698232,	
-    -39.7653559069,	-61.9123876789,	30.2050339534,	-13.4902607567,	-49.0742542298,	88.5722862352,	-22.0924973356,	-43.2051228512,	
-    23.1418263846,	-52.0531638851,	61.7042537346,	62.2206170738,	89.7321026525,	16.2048654039,	-69.2890753423,	14.8548152449,	
-    -44.7911045647,	-2.5487807022,	-25.2382987671,	-73.1162478241,	-6.5637044361,	-62.4609072239,	50.2645328426,	-127.1218373352,	
-    35.9901816641,	-13.2427957988,	-19.1139418128,	11.5763910792,	42.0967727508,	93.8373969941,	48.7578089767,	116.6192984420,	
-    29.2111912926,	58.1960409947,	45.8425638147,	72.1773323399,	83.8891643331,	17.1974768083,	-78.1227071776,	-76.1533486330,	
-    -37.0312632710,	25.0291081414,	-104.8734413579,	19.7434765416,	-23.3082565679,	-21.2852819234,	-25.2235835223,	-93.6817252275,	
-    2.7146982161,	-17.4896953310,	71.2109780985,	-59.2294931409,	-84.0666862918,	-65.3056520242,	120.9838686800,	74.4971556879,	
-    -9.5684703908,	64.8377948685,	-66.6770366247,	38.8265471508,	-79.6623440265,	-39.6171150046,	68.0022918215,	64.9078337860,	
-    19.6121887994,	7.2244101173,	-23.1854400590,	30.4614578804,	46.9242283532,	-1.0747268647,	49.2189640668,	44.6411673048,	
-    86.9687811173,	22.6744479392,	-48.5360769344,	-66.6164589196,	43.6822611836,	0.0803667092,	22.1251605426,	84.5472356977,	
-    23.3682917569,	-119.0004161504,	-77.5731290127,	-8.1237991059,	-9.8574787289,	8.0923731288,	11.6312746189,	48.8042209908,	
-    -91.5385965138,	-51.9417178439,	-93.4017678039,	-7.6902800177,	42.8038592146,	208.1745748115,	-40.2269989314,	35.9946432857,	
-    14.8799963031,	72.5512530025,	-33.4277806899,	-3.2314305870,	-66.9052809329,	99.7368956670,	19.5081727184,	-29.1990516772,	
-    114.5317858084,	-154.9703729745,	-14.9584650353,	5.6179621219,	28.6224091068,	33.0426197666,	147.4892869040,	-67.9739211942,	
-    -71.7894315626,	-107.3389637620,	-95.5814122043,	-16.2209528572,	-32.6673756107,	-24.6641235582,	-96.2759765479,	42.9819639376,	
-    -45.0775031344,	26.9177278735,	87.2353637167,	58.4214280318,	-37.6862314706,	-27.9660896146,	-16.9115875649,	-16.1061688951,	
-    -28.9055343700,	58.1888376313,	-38.1213943166,	-4.7623621285,	33.9409953615,	-85.9445074362,	3.1450686264,	-88.4878703313,	
-    -50.0848195592,	-22.4167501243,	21.0397901669,	11.4240588629,	-16.0956576256,	2.8322646297,	-77.6952409905,	38.2576382396,	
-    -53.6616605614,	-26.4231916298,	-26.3358464547,	81.4694985453,	-50.3033670023,	-8.2053965822,	19.9636273501,	-10.4302918812,	
-    9.6629338686,	26.0903202845,	-37.8068628176,	9.2638853986,	-9.6752622225,	-55.1704616516,	-182.0875653530,	-116.3887933434,	
-    8.5457908424,	-29.0590636102,	-52.1712423322,	-84.2194156867,	-17.3343644788,	-69.9177944994,	98.4410912043,	-5.8653773568,	
-    14.8287039959,	-37.2315894188,	-15.8744801467,	55.8855979582,	82.6374695897,	-10.3491623457,	-13.1871637112,	-59.8321884846,	
-    -13.6406794918,	-90.9144246870,	-39.5280425915,	-21.9758399218,	-21.0648164072,	-37.2225695620,	179.7142651659,	-1.6184261744,	
-    -48.1631682332,	83.2309613815,	48.6367549372,	-30.7160958486,	-133.8419652482,	74.7583916606,	97.1026557281,	49.5481525536,	
-    33.9337592438,	-48.6489706540,	-74.5656495945,	11.2027589435,	2.2601440520,	-26.1480067313,	14.1051697860,	104.3412840234,	
-    -25.6567602627,	57.3314373931,	6.3330980799,	-55.2666198655,	-25.4971449454,	12.5333375030,	29.8117352747,	-92.8414244156,	
-    -143.2454500203,	-7.5931354464,	1.8606525257,	-9.6143470754,	-56.0408726209,	-26.0595448033,	37.1855765550,	-21.2097936957,	
-    40.1996970371,	-41.3351177032,	34.1834444638,	-186.6269086563,	-18.3614205839,	-37.9357021641,	135.6670379673,	127.6586855975,	
-    23.6471207301,	73.4502163408,	-73.9251876551,	47.5332209105,	50.1140713450,	-5.8704801353,	12.9804536200,	46.7639885850,	
-    -36.7458561449,	-33.4506904080,	36.4941161678,	3.4199906571,	-41.0407898239,	-9.8181030415,	4.7245112428,	96.3687030689,	
-    -28.2365241736,	-17.4276379002,	-65.7706653413,	-96.5485126192,	46.4790636261,	32.1379379931,	-70.2471563731,	52.3768573029,	
-    44.4162811009,	-74.8951342613,	5.7318009676,	-42.1108472837,	-131.1371125092,	121.7221178589,	40.1216742680,	6.4128170610,	
-    -32.2753329082,	36.3368525229,	-30.2548033001,	72.6541502245,	-33.4706909702,	15.8356670629,	-50.4602392965,	-4.4743341580,	
-    46.2418862356,	79.9973168669,	-111.2430552953,	-41.8285332332,	25.3359175319,	83.0841533978,	-16.9581589718,	-51.9200860092,	
-    77.9429675613,	-100.4955466280,	-16.9528387572,	-63.4657485782,	-14.2913689634,	20.8998480157,	-98.7512394038,	175.0497111959,	
-    47.0357236193,	137.1821799965,	75.4859204931,	102.0896754000,	-74.4319389528,	55.8710604661,	138.7844756707,	-23.0214452064,	
-    -44.0374225169,	-39.5194006283,	17.6585042519,	-83.7726310797,	-40.9221184784,	66.2446785328,	61.9460848477,	-26.5717761182,	
-    128.9173728445,	-90.0154125585,	30.7220887905,	19.6211869212,	91.6137623259,	31.9401330791,	-12.2054969481,	-173.4012681649,	
-    -37.8843684762,	2.3280971615,	58.8027265021,	39.6103768351,	45.9231885572,	-21.2457868614,	-56.1950724310,	93.8767608958,	
-    -20.5075317720,	81.2860077414,	-82.0982682957,	-17.2313104276,	-36.3367685204,	146.3298759474,	83.5645188769,	-95.7871128855,	
-    -41.4691805243,	-4.4610514276,	76.4605569574,	-18.7164073238,	60.5960801248,	-55.1266248358,	-49.3982202577,	163.4790300050,	
-    138.0264616472,	-15.2636421738,	36.7895684788,	83.0702148363,	-93.3437893057,	32.5989066039,	-49.2049731278,	117.1479217209,	
-    -35.4644848480,	-44.5015630679,	31.3859706395,	5.8693717755,	17.3746859058,	9.9311131323,	6.1022018377,	-121.9841205723,	
-    48.0645606148,	-103.1127755426,	20.0433058006,	-134.2922130039,	28.5016581997,	101.8535712259,	76.4518488086,	-9.2802004844,	
-    78.1358057662,	3.3099138954,	69.8587685844,	110.6444273503,	-59.6931547724,	-51.7268303246,	64.0193271761,	-15.1660919639,	
-    78.7207187414,	-51.4776928138,	30.8703273062,	67.4488362333,	-95.4561768870,	-100.0161430296,	198.1825455394,	131.1359211305,	
-    3.8645077188,	-19.1178912788,	30.3260202103,	-19.7430200798,	12.7734912557,	74.1885333495,	-67.8364659684,	-80.8926661663,	
-    12.2720397333,	-22.8440467871,	-42.1377912025,	22.2591508655,	-94.9559790816,	116.4053256024,	52.9759527067,	108.1630429012,	
-    -82.6415576638,	107.0506710689,	-32.4925050747,	-134.7178668343,	125.0907581204,	-33.0460380391,	-37.8115604172,	13.4036941541,	
-    27.9798939995,	-59.6965877877,	54.1339455110,	32.0538788400,	24.4020907468,	-74.2815166253,	8.4464964158,	-20.3601523468,	
-    28.5216426135,	54.3051140070,	91.5671757124,	44.5687804478,	-50.8430812549,	-15.1985800847,	72.6230011188,	-63.3817304557,	
-    31.1651064018,	50.5057736622,	-111.8897385947,	-2.9491865484,	80.1135762676,	-14.0696654619,	52.3521392147,	88.3353740728,	
-    87.0542702718,	44.9528879964,	24.2675410208,	-47.3556425676,	23.6195853690,	61.7358141399,	-39.8446197794,	-28.6054825449,	
-    -36.0836012134,	-73.9089369029,	95.5989535672,	7.9458092374,	21.8693430561,	-10.5751898940,	-16.1045252653,	44.4127909167,	
-    18.0851707496,	-46.7345019239,	-92.6347568314,	-15.6603448228,	39.6519674060,	29.9629332247,	-24.9622443586,	-47.2975561701,	
-    -17.7780218654,	71.7346558516,	1.8999680118,	-98.4624329314,	98.2614298645,	15.6787428700,	45.4912030123,	28.2495734475,	
-    65.7419427030,	-99.5295634165,	27.2786047010,	77.8875001753,	16.3977450032,	10.2037888065,	60.8912178592,	82.1708628016,	
-    48.2506800969,	-26.2756011209,	-57.2019501999,	-91.8180165526,	-47.2336309942,	-42.1121454516,	68.7279348832,	92.7832491188,	
-    17.6280339107,	6.7251426316,	25.0819097881,	-59.7146158445,	-65.8513175770,	-41.0602910259,	4.5838916831,	38.8846775235,	
-    19.3473841098,	-105.1434354654,	-13.7765844991,	24.1616037866,	93.0893862826,	-107.6082978084,	-58.7977319447,	58.0759414185,	
-    -89.7901093790,	16.1918835625,	-37.2172665357,	123.6960140670,	114.2205895053,	8.7980887529,	22.1354877733,	52.2713979482,	
-    22.2246402930,	36.6257130653,	74.2884386832,	39.9288008601,	113.0416245079,	26.8047584467,	58.7266876251,	-6.4680422666,	
-    -26.7509331673,	-38.6312732122,	-145.0208923168,	-35.9684264419,	-117.5381191845,	29.8488196638,	-51.1247043830,	112.6915937071,	
-    31.5277658506,	-24.1454178026,	24.0572867542,	-15.3632719912,	-44.2556311042,	58.2449714174,	-76.1363396817,	46.3749067777,	
-    3.4852275006,	-104.6231553696,	30.1977700745,	7.0441446610,	-10.0102536523,	120.6615291011,	188.0249410917,	44.3295887206,	
-    -39.4106227621,	-42.4924838463,	-28.9316859978,	103.0113316106,	51.7061135184,	-18.2169052015,	21.6066648209,	50.1453569033,	
-    12.7421867528,	-8.1356008640,	75.2454422748,	64.8694058804,	-161.7997182567,	-17.1915039219,	-41.2383269408,	0.8946812357,	
-    55.0533498639,	46.8242610223,	-5.3780848566,	-46.8156157192,	64.2205137708,	-25.1479872711,	-54.8298550608,	73.6823422266,	
-    41.9888520352,	-83.9419623261,	-41.0305214865,	-47.4087035362,	33.2268582543,	-38.7414663450,	-104.9255474057,	38.2157988361,	
-    -22.3790617016,	-31.5426215850,	14.8891733573,	-64.9019662116,	-44.3044057867,	-92.3281371013,	63.6669819235,	-18.2425819417,	
-    -49.5109487403,	-64.0201431562,	-70.3061633619,	-147.3930233046,	128.8254864954,	7.6978217230,	-56.3987238261,	95.5962971177,	
-    24.9319849141,	-1.8305826630,	63.7414243665,	-49.9852779582,	-25.7389331291,	25.2700519583,	170.5603890165,	9.5266276922,	
-    13.5399442827,	0.7663023156,	144.5140143737,	75.6602313295,	44.5345480965,	35.8927901197,	59.9952333199,	64.3016125781,	
-    59.7518716703,	15.8739554628,	57.5686758914,	58.5866845774,	43.8356058096,	7.1335337346,	27.6439212874,	-30.0398764928,	
-    6.2065364457,	-79.6476847939,	-80.1779260414,	-52.2408711631,	9.9023027662,	10.3789070887,	-46.6717275791,	57.2822267955,	
-    73.5763019279,	-71.4639042142,	-52.0323289026,	-80.3692311543,	8.8431925427,	-40.3750957204,	12.8573997402,	-112.0129690473,	
-    -67.5403575455,	-4.9929337525,	131.9313839610,	-108.2934624601,	17.2672219445,	48.9942839871,	-90.7089806183,	114.9850344553,	
-    31.5988734490,	59.7636253519,	-33.9764105756,	20.7915341567,	94.3558278877,	4.9570378129,	75.5601876581,	33.8799007373,	
-    -90.7302419365,	1.0494275291,	-33.5814817284,	-50.4328011162,	-52.6438122254,	10.3630633870,	-90.7790260582,	-60.4947106306,	
-    56.5127910083,	32.1019449106,	-8.8885657127,	22.6481300860,	-74.6992587301,	-137.1086103933,	-35.3402671515,	52.0032440119,	
-    14.9769109018,	-23.0406615521,	-41.8971596726,	-77.3413472134,	-46.9910623823,	-107.4957490524,	-86.8794002198,	52.2329975546,	
-    72.9424340427,	-74.3244971184,	85.7023745145,	60.8778950641,	-31.5903542844,	-78.0533202133,	-73.1733800101,	53.2034137779,	
-    83.0498994257,	30.2580271740,	-56.1035163750,	16.6579677161,	0.2073439761,	-5.7906867906,	-66.8711603748,	74.0261467640,	
-    -62.2989478643,	107.8399681550,	160.1626153730,	-27.1263316346,	-79.7784413411,	-10.8403444789,	-37.3887634955,	5.9808867714,	
-    -10.1978150670,	-53.9468869673,	-38.2970373675,	16.3168988370,	-1.0483342304,	-63.6173233903,	87.0866029730,	26.3862156999,	
-    -21.4053546455,	-7.8216446996,	90.5994689064,	44.6928873902,	-146.7075228500,	-62.8122471300,	-121.7119840134,	-32.8992273432,	
-    -11.9106565965,	-104.6076313473,	127.3823687195,	2.4852952522,	8.9975686284,	45.5738431227,	16.8209391951,	26.7216521497,	
-    -54.8776022226,	-68.4194899925,	20.3925320149,	4.3453071650,	49.9988757708,	-8.6636385971,	0.1191776713,	-64.1528259747,	
-    16.0849193094,	-24.1120788064,	40.7655203071,	-23.7853262362,	91.6933164270,	-54.3376676772,	69.7309190298,	113.1324293560,	
-    16.9278536871,	123.2439408123,	5.9934209089,	-45.6409119369,	17.1842607385,	83.6522464227,	-174.5484916836,	-4.9414325022,	
-    52.8768375216,	15.6132102239,	41.1192572000,	-81.3594721245,	28.8255333085,	-2.0603766865,	6.4061712949,	82.1547586637,	
-    -36.3679383103,	-1.0390408940,	-13.8483417281,	37.2231178393,	-2.5777964710,	-157.8382079085,	-60.7910508762,	48.7258486830,	
-    33.1256641954,	-54.6346845809,	88.2192196002,	39.9956402036,	3.2010617529,	88.1693658284,	11.7277451767,	32.7636165636,	
-    -68.1591305748,	43.2699890762,	107.2828531104,	-36.8225650893,	1.4407313695,	53.5742622795,	103.7597203839,	-96.8481119045,	
-    -70.2987605549,	-55.2783713624,	-6.9864094662,	-40.3280834509,	16.8072891922,	24.3756993403,	-84.6501745052,	-45.3961429485,	
-    -53.9237387431,	29.1708008262,	1.0498758638,	34.2610169651,	-9.7905112911,	-35.2443111357,	99.4574100554,	-82.7243314274,	
-    -12.3112078341,	-13.4935295204,	-65.0441169373,	-1.5707942158,	-8.0237289199,	49.5507868185,	-13.4811149250,	-3.9030733772,	
-    -75.6220602476,	-74.1596322041,	-5.7789561939,	73.6177769297,	-98.9485291892,	117.7192585235,	-79.3791252579,	11.3447373614,	
-    -24.5743979438,	33.7169431880,	39.8633765496,	-149.5617929692,	141.9104918620,	-55.0577810810,	37.2052313138,	6.4852281207,	
-    -51.9122252169,	-31.2592720321,	-69.3547398856,	-78.1122747852,	66.6338044220,	8.6865150501,	-67.8354186666,	-202.1226264943,	
-    -31.1645341579,	18.2037364021,	-64.8577486822,	32.5502423750,	26.0251882844,	5.0986012605,	-47.2026094332,	-13.9009556603,	
-    59.4152148554,	101.0702523560,	-35.6013874662,	22.1677959258,	-26.0857605492,	14.4754773923,	-0.6780897798,	-25.6530120006,	
-    -25.4546641639,	35.7707567857,	24.5314489446,	20.0344481593,	-18.3207572649,	-9.7912924757,	-11.9552594910,	106.8966283008,	
-    80.2653334386,	-3.6056009570,	77.5441202535,	37.7136483336,	-2.3165569778,	-15.1111584239,	-21.3047579337,	63.3629898072,	
-    15.4217847395,	-48.6546027271,	33.3996963722,	-87.5423526700,	-18.8955709453,	-85.0736444599,	-55.2290313813,	37.6993014695,	
-    -1.9420172920,	143.1251237972,	-55.5771775185,	-41.0289639463,	-82.6515627688,	48.5420105013,	10.2288031648,	-56.3379070490,	
-    20.0143954586,	-84.8968512309,	127.0283241701,	-79.6996444881,	-52.6134879057,	22.0561680431,	60.7355377150,	15.4017379435,	
-    -103.3924328801,	54.8459420743,	-75.9157921311,	-18.5478645340,	-120.2337715192,	19.3119533190,	14.2354651926,	49.2411155276,	
-    178.0946722971,	-75.1044338856,	-17.7857687140,	-44.5847020456,	-90.1973261616,	21.4416495288,	51.9825060227,	-66.7420817203,	
-    7.5764658958,	-70.5144035274,	-58.0645913437,	-108.7601823595,	11.3207059592,	-71.0204300166,	-71.9141786835,	-41.1119761277,	
-    -63.1487461134,	-7.1948924612,	37.4257273157,	-0.3096640281,	22.3859391424,	37.4791977942,	4.7298794262,	-33.2974745191,	
-    31.2867641674,	-32.5753321154,	66.5419169580,	-60.5202504180,	17.4192217276,	-50.5317834280,	95.8748766870,	-31.5464032969,	
-    44.7045552306,	64.5521928874,	-23.1461700992,	118.1095509083,	35.1065388893,	-27.9857316442,	8.2912382315,	39.7446781812,	
-    3.3485245256,	56.6810611812,	-22.8994983441,	80.3970810489,	22.3086957726,	128.6454657339,	22.4798757743,	49.8362059423,	
-    22.4019441476,	27.1059712406,	11.4540686475,	-10.0764491110,	28.4803668412,	94.7776130875,	-36.8737987939,	-88.8666428850,	
-    141.5495956917,	-46.9343244046,	-58.9586661150,	23.3890221338,	72.3692845286,	-27.6356117882,	-41.8318324842,	70.9559999727,	
-    -8.0897813375,	-78.2950183802,	87.8658917396,	-70.5715383399,	22.1972033651,	47.8069266963,	131.7707915958,	-23.8938128672,	
-    -33.2047798206,	-40.7583820499,	27.0405050078,	19.6445061622,	-19.3891108700,	-136.1942182249,	8.5255159178,	-42.8234719503,	
-    -70.4814202849,	-41.0662321022,	-9.3910777305,	136.7254609331,	-6.7391967243,	-68.4796734994,	-27.6933664361,	118.5680907562,	
-    7.1623426945,	6.8386734240,	75.2481710418,	33.2280590090,	50.6011222647,	-2.6551190091,	-54.6429379954,	-15.6441827245,	
-    34.8192824650,	41.1519964665,	-95.5213521044,	-7.1466152035,	-23.1705143065,	21.8243235569,	-26.6493944983,	44.3948925119,	
-    -0.2695887637,	-115.9753822388,	10.0551835964,	41.6343978371,	17.7354401036,	3.3862359071,	-107.5692389700,	110.8538665943,	
-    -77.0898864044,	-18.5513096154,	87.7377015326,	-89.7201205553,	-21.4828890020,	12.6716787713,	71.2019960218,	37.7530110511,	
-    -111.0886809644,	28.0083327042,	11.6412229475,	-14.9061811373,	78.9633564364,	-17.2424064978,	78.6411356878,	31.5888916445,	
-    -52.2057754767,	-51.8187552856,	12.8069170133,	-44.4192811197,	-29.6758641711,	-39.2862559158,	90.7444415817,	9.9897923810,	
-    -33.0089291278,	-79.7506824464,	51.5840713006,	-15.3414477161,	55.8773639416,	10.4014931469,	-12.0825624913,	30.2487218486,	
-    13.4626458507,	-41.6078761320,	-99.0036616160,	97.2413199943,	16.2571104823,	-106.6994082721,	-42.5507290539,	-30.6273488892,	
-    -65.9180047092,	-61.6996048814,	57.0455325157,	103.2653865169,	116.3758447306,	-74.5041275207,	-0.1164162789,	-14.3978018054,	
-    38.0218224919,	127.8971402721,	5.4463615012,	78.8192543895,	-25.6140607422,	-9.2485898035,	-48.8769533605,	34.5460968716,	
-    -75.8820751325,	93.8969485430,	-38.5976860109,	7.9177115766,	-80.5122708885,	21.2658351542,	67.4252739338,	2.3783155124,	
-    83.9115322121,	-75.0252790111,	37.9405478207,	14.4346316538,	-109.9157163206,	108.9078208323,	15.7162891141,	-82.1261022291,	
-    -76.1782289525,	74.4747265412,	-46.6029184986,	-41.2456137340,	-80.3895294383,	-8.4118305522,	-0.1933892651,	-145.1576077775,	
-    -15.4312649597,	39.2200199533,	-13.6364330998,	-25.8182203562,	48.1591475229,	125.4840761759,	15.9990051973,	76.3197750584,	
-    -191.2988456723,	38.9117045838,	-115.8653769258,	81.9245653626,	-10.1602378212,	54.8635932256,	-62.0258658391,	83.1033610875,	
-    -4.8490223558,	-54.6097329099,	-10.9477363598,	33.0862207616,	52.7148056029,	35.4875411655,	49.1104822038,	55.9764111036,	
-    19.3458408685,	89.0606670761,	-85.0457542002,	-78.1726308870,	93.6580344148,	-26.7125037520,	15.0835782513,	45.3860435621,	
-    12.4384130680,	70.5409358400,	9.8929034782,	-23.4934005067,	40.6776169075,	-65.7911681154,	-167.1217168499,	-19.4434798044,	
-    12.5047333259,	-106.4886582913,	-22.0096224479,	-51.4306080664,	70.4101816964,	0.0684774882,	-76.2887185579,	75.2064469835,	
-    -63.0584107912,	78.4585282303,	-20.2508456707,	-55.6679838569,	27.4321350947,	84.1834097135,	-10.3659243385,	-48.4070302399,	
-    92.8062051508,	-25.5124355326,	-84.0473681678,	71.0714983360,	25.6083325312,	-45.0808082818,	-155.1967735998,	10.6420814804,	
-    151.0278845436,	-44.2955308501,	29.5425559978,	-113.6663161729,	-36.5169042517,	-72.3071551232,	-26.8471044056,	15.6848246843,	
-    -34.5750914935,	-198.1775254215,	25.4131251136,	-21.2604011481,	-1.0414028296,	-46.7191360308,	2.7446655943,	54.9295292750,	
-    92.4228624473,	54.8526054625,	-58.0708705172,	-17.5872514429,	-107.1263606314,	3.8705217560,	8.9778481619,	-6.0018700075,	
-    93.9938778953,	20.8072064757,	24.1862680085,	-36.6869801034,	80.8573435056,	5.0571862502,	4.9644714449,	47.8862765669,	
-    35.1164783949,	-43.2306708209,	-70.4784884015,	-22.9691864018,	-13.9209248410,	-47.9058355842,	69.2014224885,	36.4205028832,	
-    -41.7969907806,	19.3910242176,	46.8411651043,	-101.1964790621,	1.7651827600,	2.7058301870,	-23.9427647032,	-29.9388425668,	
-    -85.3458953742,	-28.9877302845,	-56.3025916174,	-20.8442568667,	52.2658233674,	16.2060641337,	4.4319659648,	114.0813888914,	
-    -28.7002125175,	49.5308227691,	-30.0766397744,	-61.6828255791,	-49.3247835301,	-26.4413883089,	5.0971297500,	-28.0554103014,	
-    42.0857897882,	-47.9552784036,	-42.7903198462,	87.8376670399,	-140.5238322306,	101.5731331285,	52.2212327660,	-22.4010751415,	
-    14.4300378085,	-51.6886150508,	6.6829221172,	115.9640673493,	0.8066647921,	79.2442610587,	-18.0322597688,	-93.1043520771,	
-    -72.1150120989,	87.2886742511,	-25.4133998112,	-7.4831361426,	33.0287073819,	-23.1984191566,	-23.8078728472,	59.7504642008,	
-    -0.6923320155,	-12.4892802407,	38.4436035475,	100.2867176437,	-99.6305730687,	-108.5810851604,	9.7451186318,	-43.0333845061,	
-    -101.8397764566,	-50.5229450341,	-23.5177624889,	-64.5537003712,	174.8259413987,	80.6820828046,	156.0492701171,	-28.0432391315,	
-    54.5458337882,	-9.7039186394,	0.3967891057,	37.2171179706,	53.0918819026,	95.5734474731,	-0.1572821866,	35.9295265728,	
-    52.6110638216,	65.4681244336,	-58.8893064188,	33.3094740223,	23.7248112965,	-86.1001662411,	-124.2990486005,	-53.0143407367,	
-    60.7137702328,	16.7099000008,	-16.8984625777,	92.9154007512,	19.0020902188,	-60.8943449371,	19.8803437206,	-45.4933609435,	
-    -37.9759751454,	38.9546342412,	112.6564725638,	-20.6282048911,	-82.6461566213,	33.1634895891,	-14.6466202774,	70.8258934983,	
-    22.7763755890,	-23.8551537513,	38.0027621248,	13.1891619540,	-0.2512849813,	-22.0294650280,	-3.6017925014,	-80.9408522816,	
-    2.1581228675,	35.0316749727,	1.4313916959,	7.6662501879,	95.6789578890,	-25.3147779279,	-11.1001968711,	133.3263412000,	
-    57.3919237887,	-114.5247973399,	97.7159374781,	-25.1589170064,	-28.2795559691,	-78.0626694271,	-25.2625001068,	59.6669532190,	
-    -24.8854138846,	15.9627092698,	52.0951356726,	-49.4931272094,	32.2981549802,	-45.2155042278,	-117.7954359551,	71.9214384433,	
-    -12.0100960200,	-85.8922139632,	44.5277402755,	45.7283733108,	153.5133743833,	-12.2908386291,	-16.7857892861,	-34.6184196532,	
-    -56.8327470259,	-5.4780874150,	-38.8725168650,	4.6060525978,	20.3207039309,	-3.0993047411,	10.1132085358,	-37.8257661018,	
-    -5.5665784625,	-69.5263241776,	-38.3990002707,	55.5634953442,	34.1515898646,	25.6046582443,	49.9096070185,	23.8082590350,	
-    -59.5259871997,	53.0128767406,	-14.6534382681,	25.3901141454,	-20.2689398092,	112.6721308068,	-44.3928586231,	-46.9200544069,	
-    -102.6597110918,	-35.1087345365,	-16.4476118027,	-56.5493022087,	-19.8752899545,	112.5790185345,	13.1594262867,	-98.3712667207,	
-    84.7454129819,	-32.0001239970,	33.2615003229,	-70.2186017880,	129.5580075545,	14.3022334321,	53.5329352657,	165.1115533783,	
-    42.9337492453,	3.3467665656,	5.6916538476,	30.9878624742,	43.0083773411,	83.1082949362,	-68.6733601131,	129.7158774740,	
-    0.9829430504,	-73.5779156249,	-0.2190628113,	-66.4832285128,	-18.1621332482,	59.5591274811,	-47.9030207223,	-33.0134331016,	
-    8.2663047608,	13.5843595697,	-124.6750162116,	-119.5553229429,	6.7914845141,	17.7380901732,	-133.7630184698,	33.7185572623,	
-    -31.1975924142,	-55.1798482215,	-72.6025491416,	-65.3245960982,	-8.7224630378,	27.6488501343,	-79.6246723592,	-12.1515699989,	
-    84.6626846949,	-53.8044373764,	-47.3237819756,	58.7153917563,	23.8284036126,	18.5922606945,	-41.5094930442,	7.4798082503,	
-    -117.3348631592,	28.0374584580,	17.7205965437,	37.6075060837,	10.5295050958,	-10.2113391455,	-25.4289536763,	80.7158011723,	
-    134.2497737713,	107.8649950212,	-8.7918461736,	-99.0628159937,	-28.4975407702,	-2.4658161692,	-1.0354059017,	3.5152634039,	
-    34.3665501560,	-87.6859371958,	33.3653060530,	-45.7175591636,	-65.4175088722,	-39.9650581770,	-57.8964432706,	-74.5229831900,	
-    38.4192570282,	-93.0015200930,	102.6189889638,	-15.2156059788,	8.6020521359,	-40.6649198594,	19.2140495475,	68.7122869639,	
-    43.8544891050,	31.8559705108,	-56.5147934081,	-76.4182242061,	-20.7528009745,	122.9729619714,	19.3412487106,	119.2231188878,	
-    -61.6916564137,	19.7466881922,	1.9628648319,	-30.1476626231,	26.0368611826,	-25.8750640673,	126.2461067518,	-38.3759348959,	
-    -21.1488548859,	9.5896772329,	60.6570721102,	-27.1555851824,	-82.6629073502,	104.2859535395,	-17.1669088713,	-104.6106452933,	
-    -45.0398334945,	43.2080892320,	-87.3425077484,	0.2033770682,	-25.6876572199,	79.3659499889,	29.0973624285,	-23.8554325099,	
-    25.8594825320,	-65.7761031112,	-3.5831773610,	-7.5912426740,	98.1472561219,	13.1498139916,	-13.6564623410,	56.9471294530,	
-    3.7663518315,	-75.6123083481,	44.5806865445,	-17.4609911479,	-55.6387091480,	44.2177387420,	34.3752520512,	91.9930112408,	
-    -102.4716789145,	-40.4480770016,	-14.7542706842,	80.9321121716,	-67.9012532377,	74.2022584642,	-39.2995936367,	95.8528505885,	
-    107.5716319470,	8.1259867727,	114.9534060173,	96.1080490303,	-30.6405288182,	27.3131447051,	-22.5066083621,	-7.9447818944,	
-    25.6505787602,	-67.1523588791,	65.7872616460,	-3.3285011027,	-1.1041085569,	74.8921702514,	-25.1084011697,	-9.7589516985,	
-    126.3993857146,	-70.7299876677,	-22.4069284847,	15.4150555050,	6.0494312782,	14.7172132463,	-36.2348351724,	-63.4858079910,	
-    8.2207526905,	-101.4967633400,	12.1832438786,	49.7125534112,	-99.3127122046,	49.9528617888,	-7.3125598688,	-22.6006580462,	
-    -31.8424104370,	18.8121241410,	-89.2005207726,	-89.5613310067,	37.7746014303,	-33.8940703850,	98.1050260145,	132.6754622940,	
-    91.4832076657,	48.9724771421,	-52.3241324047,	73.9850811745,	-139.5294058433,	-14.1985477071,	10.6320943394,	32.9842589505,	
-    -117.2355637537,	-149.0942826923,	118.8257377105,	78.6561766800,	1.8467003036,	76.7457523519,	35.0575934280,	35.0405067972,	
-    46.3433191288,	51.5391456892,	43.1210412216,	21.6828221089,	-24.7058117089,	-83.9863281328,	7.1502359525,	-66.4432335170,	
-    -11.8942947461,	27.6420249691,	101.5285396899,	-168.7093966612,	38.1892453170,	55.9668521894,	64.4854368465,	-32.3167099392,	
-    -37.5824582463,	-25.5064561372,	107.2513163415,	9.6344685960,	-44.9269370404,	10.4288908869,	46.7640176210,	33.7300219820,	
-    19.9212664361,	70.0213390428,	-62.5237740415,	-81.5465118244,	-44.0793815204,	92.2566857417,	-51.2000490212,	6.0091571611,	
-    30.8037109068,	-44.7595662927,	-69.6108606342,	64.6862483343,	33.1742048387,	55.9059849044,	66.4985799238,	-48.2816133661,	
-    -22.7185185172,	-114.1511261421,	147.5147842854,	9.9781895463,	8.0732325157,	-35.8047978931,	75.9079000901,	-6.3144641143,	
-    13.1307658403,	17.7593379387,	-68.0746602967,	81.4962779846,	-21.2130737883,	4.1881456029,	-53.3976620104,	73.0143978370,	
-    -131.1048524173,	-34.4396004841,	-48.7367342675,	97.0896245872,	-153.8743591626,	146.4347629539,	-23.2984615872,	62.8412359714,	
-    12.5390587557,	-3.5600971161,	-6.8863206565,	-43.5270424219,	32.9707655033,	-103.0889331877,	-64.0535042805,	106.9215904598,	
-    -46.9078727795,	-18.2192480137,	-8.6225312780,	-75.0230233110,	33.5402016456,	63.6373276750,	-35.3286634556,	-9.7322691960,	
-    -104.9070709198,	-44.8063768563,	-10.2396474262,	-141.5682333490,	-41.9856066191,	-64.5568181205,	-105.7644577258,	-34.3266130311,	
-    18.7442551407,	-6.1736131415,	-25.1300038952,	45.1470563965,	74.1676313724,	-21.5064254542,	70.6267797692,	54.4904113618,	
-    -35.0016926163,	-36.8626539144,	-36.1085281705,	126.4456731006,	-53.4352000664,	-42.3833008015,	80.0205785607,	-5.8395042605,	
-    -3.7163929006,	99.0418697430,	67.5450923850,	-71.2740732169,	-57.7639750215,	28.3495782004,	-14.9114371149,	68.2395578146,	
-    19.9391412722,	0.3981730821,	-67.6429500835,	99.3355729015,	16.5267218873,	-63.2226829304,	-18.9357631878,	-2.8614372915,	
-    181.1332468568,	34.7347222636,	-16.1060495743,	-2.8148621786,	-45.8170675798,	43.3943251920,	28.6117124005,	-33.2361768688,	
-    -38.5248849741,	49.6677439095,	-220.2210251040,	39.4305879349,	66.5483442468,	-53.8217192052,	67.6757901350,	33.4240885070,	
-    85.1809128375,	14.6803329701,	-35.7116442076,	-45.9462851452,	142.0722968061,	7.3538820438,	-74.1993826074,	-47.7693348567,	
-    -3.3338017336,	41.8589920225,	-27.7802513358,	81.0798842587,	-35.2219569758,	-22.2714108513,	20.5772883573,	68.4758687172,	
-    51.7089964364,	25.7997568352,	-75.1742154071,	50.1290455164,	14.2169709710,	115.3455403147,	3.0734091132,	-24.0080167664,	
-    -30.0430862767,	-85.1846499745,	19.4251899965,	66.7660313085,	10.4964191964,	191.8810766140,	44.1684279713,	75.7858859863,	
-    19.2241630741,	-16.1074277656,	30.9051369625,	-103.4147225746,	-9.9194221597,	-13.0669809072,	-14.3302540445,	49.1519159556,	
-    -27.2523237365,	127.6868804216,	-85.5747904513,	-40.1209192492,	178.0522707351,	-73.6864713410,	-36.6342055327,	-99.8126854419,	
-    -41.0696248653,	42.1245867015,	-4.3161823048,	-13.2747008746,	119.6002869940,	-17.1335931288,	62.5993425061,	28.9992320778,	
-    -4.5368180858,	1.2779053761,	27.7084888678,	34.8899603537,	-30.6048794059,	-93.8465401416,	3.3778313360,	13.8864217937,	
-    -62.3784185879,	27.6165516418,	6.1885364328,	-45.2772604479,	-56.8928574665,	-7.8629078173,	47.5072063672,	-47.7279779449,	
-    116.3659358841,	-108.7063603401,	6.8435296791,	-4.2310899521,	-48.8520623760,	-42.6788172675,	28.7598264712,	-45.5725981159,	
-    5.3364646966,	-8.8259790870,	53.5478850699,	-93.0251963014,	37.5833785601,	-5.7207089841,	-36.3899380994,	21.9593949993,	
-    27.8919793663,	50.0242670536,	38.7060750441,	13.4383538753,	24.3284938604,	-66.6706972814,	-75.0556788531,	46.8080800007,	
-    -76.7685518979,	-110.1823907916,	117.3556114385,	-11.8794346783,	-100.5931552045,	-81.1814329321,	-11.1946927034,	65.9117165560,	
-    -35.0871947675,	68.9890931402,	-10.8170265109,	-76.6397320929,	40.0628004769,	-13.8876229441,	-47.6413458333,	-82.9301597006,	
-    35.3601089866,	-27.9439892787,	93.1557477015,	-43.0973522277,	-28.5635146727,	-12.8419650369,	-19.2552737753,	-104.4730738934,	
-    51.2133027222,	-80.4713372457,	82.8904666296,	-32.8693411980,	-55.1514350588,	-32.3215790447,	15.3586714150,	56.6281953096,	
-    -4.1845768663,	-21.6039139687,	37.2300232632,	41.1966104813,	-18.1197213904,	-43.3281929812,	-39.4358705806,	-68.0037577582,	
-    102.7052778200,	1.1074295163,	148.3224324741,	-139.1640107475,	-33.1782275394,	-49.4813361135,	33.6935341991,	57.7540768190,	
-    -50.1484966873,	25.5452659987,	-58.4535765464,	-124.3028152080,	46.5749355946,	88.3984919306,	18.6343901041,	27.7237147347,	
-    7.4621558601,	-45.2696342528,	6.2181991419,	-124.4793150492,	-34.3600196858,	-17.2893599431,	10.3880081085,	-34.6584762030,	
-    80.4621681009,	42.6698890316,	41.0028635312,	40.4584805162,	12.2993857558,	-2.3438124814,	-49.4434262439,	67.7382058590,	
-    -172.5728037457,	78.5681808033,	93.0200717559,	-34.3893038739,	25.4332764674,	-0.3084790746,	-47.0942986345,	67.8054627172,	
-    122.2738316110,	-84.4716788862,	-15.1596922578,	73.4104827953,	-26.5231401219,	53.5433793756,	121.1802722337,	-24.9087077008,	
-    65.6955157778,	-100.0325133938,	-5.4645525511,	38.8338919462,	38.6764256003,	7.4857563167,	-84.0517801108,	-38.0837770598,	
-    -35.8795970303,	42.8800471728,	166.4026567891,	-45.2596493921,	88.1539836076,	-84.1569136898,	-44.8705239205,	-112.3135915515,	
-    76.9816499152,	53.5768624176,	-106.3408650991,	-17.9979586956,	81.7718580719,	144.1648782825,	45.2239065385,	-50.2094826104,	
-    -14.6605194110,	57.1970152560,	-23.4826391767,	-27.1562674435,	110.9001894435,	20.1915788307,	12.1467090660,	16.7983072789,	
-    -34.1257273005,	129.1575417206,	71.4391384766,	32.9596044485,	-41.1052127849,	-48.0458686558,	0.8731114023,	-34.4439480200,	
-    29.9076993320,	68.5240097999,	78.8047480081,	10.3252970915,	0.3515809390,	73.8823954039,	44.2008862678,	72.6737200450,	
-    -13.3069689810,	-25.8971947295,	16.9120909673,	53.2843809510,	49.1074875555,	-68.1235965933,	13.6903318056,	-14.7046510890,	
-    1.6746416299,	-108.5007545621,	-83.0295464360,	-3.7524687555,	-14.4088682542,	-138.1935697707,	-19.3679003715,	38.9142288940,	
-    15.4764570005,	-2.9192486908,	43.9598275111,	-34.5312517096,	35.8385011650,	4.4981476232,	-1.4454488029,	71.1184852411,	
-    41.7476890934,	37.3368072067,	57.4916368307,	-32.2735282446,	-27.5080391474,	95.6899861001,	3.3351685514,	-111.9822940053,	
-    -12.5463248694,	39.8668835259,	-14.9822708781,	66.9305141224,	-197.7731587893,	27.4387742251,	-25.6710982597,	13.5207634746,	
-    50.2848552534,	-30.0418256053,	-14.1615451430,	68.0658302876,	-62.0642327357,	4.6615575342,	-26.7572433532,	11.5079596851,	
-    -57.9473530742,	-26.1405191819,	70.4111692091,	-95.7407842078,	11.2517762488,	100.2275069926,	85.3653529140,	-24.6494053691,	
-    123.2413542720,	21.3040690490,	-192.3747625981,	215.7057282840,	-29.9835524152,	-44.6302014167,	-66.7559203920,	25.3479943282,	
-    126.6443711753,	-36.7355336011,	29.0095532019,	-73.2298015066,	-5.8223869363,	11.9451128557,	-17.3486371102,	50.0400958000,	
-    74.7145985867,	-5.6976135921,	-73.1829497279,	-41.0455578170,	-3.6001825808,	87.1662509692,	-39.1602156793,	-41.5727119025,	
-    -18.2071856447,	-3.5383471563,	28.3732842092,	-39.9931298054,	-100.6902365532,	130.2869328357,	3.2473773399,	16.8387727072,	
-    62.0055283576,	97.3165730637,	-40.8530624130,	-12.0491532592,	88.5164060609,	71.9344891420,	-69.7440181255,	-51.2866033193,	
-    -18.4687017548,	55.7346964760,	4.4872782938,	-6.8942183136,	8.4263132246,	18.9149616636,	58.8710265459,	-17.7415034047,	
-    5.2927869482,	-20.1947447871,	-36.6005304743,	-67.2193634013,	-72.8315856033,	139.7216799221,	-2.1966369437,	83.5189402317,	
-    56.0625496338,	57.0100118287,	-9.0542670182,	58.3126231383,	-27.9316577822,	-125.8146267036,	77.1179593561,	99.1690581411,	
-    7.9703321651,	77.3501770612,	32.2815633360,	-22.9643212257,	-19.8653554993,	55.4837678464,	10.8929872542,	-1.2452363726,	
-    83.8477026208,	-88.9116003335,	-44.6537617432,	11.0099195187,	-33.7736999447,	44.2766753802,	-27.9436876110,	16.3088473703,	
-    45.6564921145,	18.9199921114,	77.9125802822,	11.2795611793,	42.8571148149,	32.4846418196,	-2.4014655924,	38.0598657284,	
-    86.5222537258,	-3.1333316838,	11.9141807475,	-2.4712869557,	47.8938116812,	35.4899843246,	42.7527497689,	-31.3225362175,	
-    -6.6842304948,	-133.5691427053,	-58.7043550030,	73.3503470631,	-21.8739658759,	70.3809855428,	54.6113598087,	9.7384709498,	
-    -141.2343505501,	27.9788413890,	-11.7574685128,	43.1029141674,	-52.0045609619,	-83.4803133516,	-57.2548505744,	52.8114424452,	
-    -30.3458066567,	39.2081027670,	-49.8609769923,	68.8871987820,	45.2005862545,	21.6377482234,	-9.7576398020,	6.4878505019,	
-    32.1853134925,	-25.1448500950,	-67.2234044003,	103.2446765175,	80.2584971166,	-68.8710032588,	-4.2141933840,	23.7223935599,	
-    -35.1939439880,	63.5237841071,	-34.7833780059,	74.4175406287,	83.0373073374,	-28.9674699605,	-55.2233708526,	64.2239365944,	
-    6.0025041292,	-22.2149197781,	29.1954442931,	-35.5058495139,	-76.9452133862,	34.6912996871,	-51.1833830895,	-49.5201882461,	
-    -7.6144484864,	116.8549382108,	-51.5005710672,	-20.6783396225,	-97.1232859994,	-6.8466290384,	59.0410141864,	-58.4613374526,	
-    74.8248237895,	75.2714612487,	23.1797286361,	-2.7866665487,	56.4240759131,	60.2417537402,	-73.0762506733,	-136.8520754748,	
-    27.3836498800,	-29.4294016791,	58.2863141991,	-15.7937240880,	12.9792729458,	-28.5369095369,	-179.3559659693,	-99.4879434608,	
-    -61.2402838269,	-24.4763496292,	-22.6643525306,	24.4590321501,	98.4299041736,	-4.5624798871,	-59.3191765161,	139.6951240672,	
-    27.1672202072,	-70.9192843433,	-18.1408458038,	-71.0174628677,	-94.0725395768,	36.1985844031,	-3.4636448040,	-39.1453082944,	
-    40.5244522827,	-70.0489070024,	-63.9181488122,	-4.7099187837,	-33.0844286599,	31.8161456785,	10.7843286816,	10.6387816259,	
-    -76.2043252282,	57.0254136124,	151.4166547223,	-50.6728456416,	-82.4408455004,	-55.4932097322,	15.9101565878,	15.2777050730,	
-    25.0235583008,	44.4425994137,	36.1343164402,	-24.3058262644,	17.6630395266,	-62.6364549232,	-40.1045046999,	-3.8451609954,	
-    -107.1141779059,	-50.7347331775,	90.5704587068,	-59.5674315899,	-23.9371281478,	-59.3738147851,	-29.5056040676,	26.2990433281,	
-    -33.2953407976,	-92.2663237623,	-25.5442696217,	-81.4532880743,	42.7268859073,	75.7986045911,	-31.6772573595,	86.8684653590,	
-    -61.5786934151,	32.6176822340,	-23.2321244436,	64.9301578846,	-6.9691761031,	-51.6553861957,	-35.7877314260,	-41.7444743167,	
-    108.3757802905,	-29.4164640263,	-18.4714648512,	-82.4131988957,	-52.9499171074,	-35.7687451877,	-80.5212521683,	40.1558185933,	
-    80.9139882507,	0.4170638335,	-52.4487435334,	-69.0227900586,	55.0806458770,	120.0318572894,	-11.5435935376,	-19.2791170530,	
-    -3.0257623065,	99.3958103659,	-19.4539047939,	-54.6600691116,	0.3603986276,	9.7863628822,	-6.2358897021,	-17.1143829423,	
-    7.9650683489,	-27.0465697723,	-45.9436029022,	-36.3352947671,	138.6511673472,	47.8115852675,	-10.9612291181,	3.6500932948,	
-    -19.3477824988,	28.7386285394,	36.0065971791,	-43.0822654618,	-43.9342369010,	-32.1210042559,	-70.4441432492,	-94.9421856551,	
-    -120.0449164046,	-65.9803176675,	-55.4329926958,	-19.2914305328,	-89.4078846739,	-30.1962221428,	61.2293835442,	93.7229961578,	
-    -8.3020564344,	-6.8386266801,	21.4975406760,	-15.0903918291,	94.1044891682,	-57.6380884034,	16.2327931770,	1.7957525957,	
-    74.7073719610,	26.8908104028,	76.5155513347,	-9.6822139478,	-8.0655893270,	-48.1277441855,	9.8408952157,	-58.8121626519,	
-    -80.9751650730,	-48.3302191201,	-27.8207839032,	-46.1625778067,	-33.5567739103,	-109.4477338693,	-168.5366005131,	156.7874587017,	
-    8.5940307118,	-21.7826451231,	12.4113841726,	86.7850811554,	-77.1019195511,	32.3109085681,	86.8849726762,	-41.2571797820,	
-    19.6006773321,	31.2507123002,	41.8106047980,	101.5445768198,	51.5335715773,	-185.1354355374,	-11.0825031251,	-20.9631685642,	
-    111.1640505949,	162.0618916128,	3.4498453592,	44.3198102843,	0.3505982148,	21.3783009799,	24.6853218910,	-20.3399016930,	
-    59.5923416012,	79.4334110932,	-78.7723219668,	-47.0670061218,	-128.3114982420,	92.4340029556,	69.1584534808,	114.9437583487,	
-    -64.6124706594,	-10.2486262273,	-1.6622261589,	50.9747480555,	-8.1203432808,	32.4414442459,	84.9091411511,	-17.9846748341,	
-    -14.7172591486,	-27.4203006303,	167.1594042893,	-25.3372000386,	-27.9888042652,	-3.6956600039,	117.9111608126,	-25.4132038904,	
-    -42.2923300579,	-95.1602974120,	19.2625367900,	-15.8766055664,	-8.8117613783,	1.1964763941,	-111.4791843369,	81.5745053342,	
-    8.7527287102,	34.5972180603,	83.9461794412,	50.2350993915,	-19.7720255327,	53.8516694944,	-104.4119088056,	30.4513918056,	
-    -62.7649123620,	-29.9513577664,	7.5719075796,	61.4944149393,	70.5737863978,	-40.0358428522,	-17.3629194898,	-10.7304848224,	
-    -60.1358805635,	46.5402792333,	-77.1330673251,	-86.7606311649,	22.2000151841,	-33.7006112473,	-139.9917432329,	138.1567785372,	
-    18.7396823616,	28.7669927272,	28.4680008506,	7.6199316893,	121.9175024680,	32.1111318802,	-58.2808504609,	-30.6563801124,	
-    44.2365370915,	-83.4728239003,	64.0531120026,	128.0019381122,	-40.3205961091,	-62.8035436979,	-15.6689887241,	-6.6975189783,	
-    -46.1591606362,	-42.4253060115,	-71.6473279718,	-75.5337463898,	87.5058573621,	-66.6145644703,	87.4635891068,	123.2852237793,	
-    -0.9887550633,	-9.6307226422,	-67.4478350330,	-86.5892204275,	-79.0537798176,	-107.7863332665,	-8.8330234138,	38.9605563706,	
-    15.3133829507,	-54.4231514572,	26.7406100788,	48.7962706395,	27.1443310148,	-2.7894277223,	7.1469114703,	-57.1657209995,	
-    -90.4215183139,	76.7797176290,	-19.2239853483,	-26.6041739391,	139.0298606143,	-36.8837362822,	-57.7952841108,	-135.9897057237,	
-    4.3453829113,	-5.1660378716,	-58.7046205842,	58.4176557979,	-120.5866252228,	34.2409281832,	105.6219016158,	-28.5323871865,	
-    11.0598518159,	-26.3069115094,	87.6681723683,	70.9393661419,	54.7982850455,	4.0477327154,	-89.5568838538,	-32.8993562613,	
-    -45.6708773935,	-52.9428269719,	14.4126898406,	39.2142079784,	-92.9447367684,	-23.6977408094,	8.2507547267,	77.1071852874,	
-    24.1675316234,	-159.7349628761,	-13.9551749672,	-67.9761692092,	-30.0410317845,	-24.6060572570,	52.6662467162,	53.1957816963,	
-    16.7992222346,	51.7621999618,	-9.2959681635,	-22.0395789118,	63.9887836127,	-15.4794522124,	-59.9041019732,	0.5489176194,	
-    78.6395685166,	134.5366929272,	-6.8712023878,	-25.4182816023,	-94.3014920612,	-120.7349462621,	15.0267811895,	64.1156824538,	
-    72.0730568718,	36.1969392849,	37.8409183719,	23.2904067106,	-65.2310984397,	-174.2644489990,	-19.2228520790,	27.4717232382,	
-    -59.1645079992,	-37.9473607579,	49.8799507321,	-79.0510884528,	-28.3803465367,	20.3721781567,	-0.4261835910,	-35.8489167205,	
-    105.4583901558,	59.5722685004,	-61.0197468314,	31.9348090719,	-71.9443219028,	58.1935525762,	24.2368907755,	11.3281193558,	
-    73.7442066031,	-58.2463274873,	62.2364089748,	-22.1662416753,	80.8054311590,	1.1123457543,	65.0742762981,	34.9247990206,	
-    104.0897515469,	-17.1726872127,	-55.1967923359,	-17.3070263921,	-113.2466807440,	-34.0273063199,	6.0065175641,	-73.2050951521,	
-    -46.9298900117,	42.5522795079,	89.6038769626,	-13.3758161339,	20.0379230047,	44.3053936382,	38.7871513797,	-96.5643124661,	
-    -164.2750976118,	-37.6742328774,	-20.7444978754,	-57.5075374112,	-82.3747950875,	-148.0525559565,	23.1385046849,	6.3810748790,	
-    26.2079771260,	-76.0359611120,	49.8590173195,	-55.6975098542,	63.1577456002,	131.5982420723,	46.7778921481,	-60.9806982634,	
-    71.7495044841,	4.3127212188,	-17.6552774593,	-32.8038637189,	-77.8751385740,	-38.0621029989,	-10.6340276560,	16.6596173712,	
-    -67.3032141305,	-8.7994716202,	50.9412272541,	49.9717453353,	-43.5703597564,	-49.6853674924,	-95.7205166501,	40.8765465419,	
-    14.2287448407,	-27.0614166095,	38.0714114583,	-35.8412172130,	-78.5197707657,	-25.6825367235,	-0.3120778923,	-13.1591053910,	
-    -13.3423425539,	-88.8689993653,	-141.9490353220,	15.3348435554,	-1.2351271212,	-12.5689032236,	63.2692606259,	92.6940600989,	
-    30.9761753348,	-14.6354581107,	50.0664499041,	22.2230304376,	-128.4011635209,	26.1869851104,	8.3304256738,	-46.1344839419,	
-    68.3461812478,	143.4759863425,	163.6742650341,	55.1856555010,	-60.1365810845,	74.3895957960,	40.2227984754,	-11.7394255168,	
-    55.5453683738,	15.9202002202,	-113.1213822368,	-85.7280046039,	-39.7263088573,	-2.5339105246,	41.0492866970,	45.3079876954,	
-    -99.6701239491,	-29.6980232319,	18.5340063985,	51.1922973890,	-79.7372970167,	-13.2393250851,	14.7419728226,	-4.8211133780,	
-    -35.5172595564,	99.3966537203,	20.0590181900,	-12.1081446475,	-61.9594867060,	-72.2256752476,	-13.2936631274,	128.5345002108,	
-    -71.9401693778,	31.6533870911,	50.8594991278,	25.1808453324,	-33.5538293275,	-42.3935228996,	-20.8053274690,	16.2131527996,	
-    118.9172555234,	89.5930952748,	-65.8274795934,	47.3384633282,	122.5406901256,	-66.7549348343,	-54.9185037426,	-68.6601805746,	
-    34.4675543582,	104.9323617738,	-57.0880010038,	-43.1248502597,	-2.0601370211,	44.1682882967,	-89.1023577428,	-35.5506312941,	
-    -10.5170036504,	9.6779403375,	78.9291026934,	-31.5855420521,	92.7949646880,	31.3559964123,	12.3617000392,	69.2326522660,	
-    3.9119449943,	-36.5330788106,	-44.5936841393,	45.7052258609,	10.6224387668,	-24.1159570162,	-21.0651270325,	-84.0415379963,	
-    -130.5857682422,	13.6064059568,	-33.6699927959,	-26.0082360265,	29.6219265142,	-47.8318612795,	19.0742065634,	-52.3410098996,	
-    32.2488186667,	8.7112925773,	68.7336792115,	23.7944448682,	99.9050365463,	8.6093548114,	59.7174217811,	23.0796589837,	
-    -113.0722961466,	3.5971633707,	-6.7890993972,	30.6764504710,	-41.1295367209,	-24.9164165484,	99.2386401122,	113.8333026527,	
-    -38.9562599796,	-55.4108562109,	-94.4601804558,	-31.7511549793,	200.3462283262,	12.7517487160,	-42.3353937717,	-51.1991446233,	
-    78.8520856510,	20.4131030912,	21.8102532347,	-51.7944815361,	-21.2191019005,	33.8300001131,	135.8377663961,	-31.0221091170,	
-    65.7730407411,	82.5117419278,	27.7816244812,	-10.6724454248,	26.6179164033,	64.9214169340,	44.6475686302,	-29.0683019634,	
-    2.0965746914,	-10.0085359932,	-29.9021362947,	-38.5046703557,	-23.5486473509,	-44.4560504617,	7.4417079380,	47.2393973843,	
-    37.7344798725,	-13.6323296763,	-28.2713540400,	-12.2494841889,	-113.6616109440,	-4.4061813255,	-84.4155850685,	18.2000114801,	
-    -37.4375420019,	-15.0025190330,	33.1826857536,	-7.7672966949,	-41.8570537108,	-61.9447815201,	-20.5430470077,	42.1225812423,	
-    -4.9372231166,	80.1718433860,	-21.7502429381,	-107.1994683407,	39.0450370860,	-13.9605768571,	57.8271065756,	100.7288025395,	
-    106.0257089013,	-94.5099462535,	-52.2425831475,	3.4251117300,	37.1163293092,	20.3088713026,	27.9957748777,	55.5881357120,	
-    -49.9425573612,	-74.3122437274,	-45.4384442770,	28.0519415044,	-57.3995353506,	-34.0343398092,	39.4842857378,	-29.4934441942,	
-    -42.2931922612,	75.5085698437,	-9.1579964746,	-88.0001960638,	32.2921191297,	130.2295801645,	-77.3690707106,	-26.5699179687,	
-    -98.7746128367,	15.1111986863,	84.2856839075,	-91.3321816766,	75.0539365102,	-22.9577135979,	-58.2687890669,	-16.4158023440,	
-    -143.1190919220,	45.6864012367,	-148.7549620241,	-87.1075640764,	-26.5968533502,	-69.7944158144,	-34.2978456494,	35.0769663698,	
-    4.1465107386,	69.0864439105,	22.4789950234,	-48.0182401768,	-14.5783104039,	-61.0550243844,	-4.2380948973,	-194.8804104528,	
-    123.0819765947,	48.2017401505,	78.9508457466,	-99.9736614294,	32.8340209984,	-1.0245301508,	-17.0041736706,	35.4641249127,	
-    -33.3575407148,	192.9072183682,	-42.9604868802,	-51.0374996711,	77.1464797096,	66.0548981845,	-61.4282764621,	-114.3126571027,	
-    21.1118181552,	85.5335633765,	27.8488718530,	-62.6421354515,	-57.3557048619,	41.6670106942,	16.8928119140,	-40.2432649132,	
-    0.6390713008,	-10.1237727904,	52.7534146685,	2.9801643945,	-11.3804175086,	119.2039503951,	46.6809821778,	84.8768259311,	
-    29.9865105951,	57.8288066379,	107.2625212828,	28.1456885969,	-120.3755566725,	-17.3802551503,	-40.0564653651,	56.8407045846,	
-    1.6793816918,	-109.5072716396,	-52.8897837730,	85.9453300669,	-20.0298903469,	52.5871200627,	13.0362762617,	92.2325099999,	
-    -6.5198193020,	-83.9036654607,	58.5211535567,	81.1131330707,	57.7324249784,	126.0368845782,	-79.8586002513,	-127.7584493863,	
-    64.8736188900,	-10.6521288269,	-0.9851623286,	-92.3945133485,	7.5244215841,	40.5886593287,	18.6445609457,	19.1117310556,	
-    26.5640714899,	22.8091685027,	94.3470412324,	61.6764800801,	10.8760679684,	-7.9240673383,	12.5919458396,	85.0254983280,	
-    -15.7186492832,	30.3331627482,	-136.2555384486,	14.2342767573,	-52.2232864172,	-49.0105238845,	16.4028777072,	13.1934114315,	
-    67.2005286948,	-11.5431941527,	-126.8761059118,	28.4325197274,	-5.2730565073,	-154.2913406142,	83.8362133106,	-13.0557850235,	
-    -24.0425722731,	-9.3049739156,	-91.4408491189,	38.7967852392,	-54.4364475655,	-50.1728478153,	-91.7628978624,	-92.4046791871,	
-    72.6594194204,	36.9149973552,	-89.5520370642,	-73.4541912166,	-83.1026853287,	55.8083893384,	-11.3360468605,	8.0892870502,	
-    21.3963536134,	-27.2804196146,	-86.1680209134,	11.1581691823,	-68.2490961721,	63.5960852067,	-40.1782672381,	-50.7929323122,	
-    2.4820154810,	35.6921504427,	-75.6795637705,	8.6054661804,	-31.1168448045,	109.0955889455,	-76.2488069978,	5.0199927782,	
-    37.8749455521,	5.6982241556,	27.3294929004,	-120.2473221866,	7.8826650171,	111.0369524326,	-43.8497436507,	-66.7312430666,	
-    97.7440071817,	49.1570048378,	-117.8025876335,	168.0477524482,	-55.9600221068,	11.1068434425,	14.0513599858,	-47.4087780504,	
-    100.4504374216,	6.1074714956,	53.7678384486,	24.4635321166,	-6.0835375669,	-64.3592936645,	-25.7780083698,	-83.3530662624,	
-    -124.9544432106,	37.5615380015,	-19.2986773913,	-110.0015552689,	121.7589202263,	4.3256928319,	-101.6571157133,	85.6785418597,	
-    16.0474362836,	-31.9024530060,	-52.6323741801,	-3.4440544641,	77.7351607744,	-10.1741553840,	48.3997106271,	1.5020725442,	
-    -0.2257709330,	68.9623795901,	9.4286729097,	-27.6379770488,	-3.9912724152,	44.9954087833,	-18.7057514605,	-14.7638693232,	
-    -1.7397189655,	68.2217569488,	63.3439223434,	38.9512814941,	-25.6642624084,	54.1881119719,	-92.4999870174,	-11.5788876807,	
-    69.0279357511,	55.8205676574,	-101.8852049100,	30.7429453237,	-58.7382928803,	89.3969596003,	-44.8903243228,	2.0422419096,	
-    41.1330103123,	-88.6692130110,	25.4298182542,	0.8899898304,	-53.5428328048,	-11.5755725623,	-28.6132997670,	-13.0337245663,	
-    52.8092078154,	0.0517964686,	-138.4959804685,	31.6788581756,	-16.6154597478,	156.3340569922,	93.3010192905,	32.6407669098,	
-    112.1297440517,	-35.7144834638,	6.5534121327,	128.2382195529,	56.9609192462,	-52.8328776011,	-65.7950928061,	-13.3541979410,	
-    34.2814367341,	26.0764152312,	52.6477198183,	-121.6672795964,	53.8959085384,	-64.8464505733,	-6.6989481273,	-164.9991018529,	
-    -12.9977296783,	92.2198340788,	-58.9488062177,	-17.3136354080,	-15.0065268104,	82.2346850297,	-52.0081326057,	-31.8754548129,	
-    -36.3987954967,	53.0154983421,	27.4015508471,	32.8268124997,	113.6916804444,	27.8095494681,	-55.1665416696,	-16.4156645469,	
-    -42.1439424759,	38.5634363918,	-64.9312441199,	8.3884871895,	32.9516167667,	-0.9395063314,	58.4852381959,	101.7397916741,	
-    -104.2729685077,	-14.9331020781,	64.4379817410,	-5.6149495442,	-69.4590669042,	128.5957740501,	61.9917796337,	0.5819416032,	
-    -69.7790071374,	-1.0381159167,	20.1469541660,	13.3351412916,	-104.5227876095,	77.5294242919,	38.0641940199,	-56.7585742367,	
-    -9.1765854459,	40.3713276531,	72.6358559436,	-14.4449566608,	40.7675499413,	-93.5568526062,	55.8238199978,	-57.5895140577,	
-    -82.1737195067,	14.7561780278,	-155.1331660454,	-3.4741158421,	-90.9790829737,	-67.6576031648,	58.4505812875,	-127.2647404391,	
-    -52.6551154593,	21.5600272148,	77.4232312163,	-100.1093952602,	50.2042564606,	11.9885332900,	34.2641380301,	-51.6644779651,	
-    -14.4960161445,	67.8496081597,	25.8195812544,	-38.8690931971,	-116.1556251224,	-68.6610388123,	64.4060064748,	-4.5039590319,	
-    45.4866635009,	60.6472857766,	121.0539185194,	4.8340889914,	-37.3668396220,	-52.4747123096,	7.6362446201,	-39.8862759852,	
-    8.0139163506,	-19.7768070929,	55.9705429761,	-77.6639159836,	-9.0747973730,	87.1299271010,	-56.0307413158,	22.0261066362,	
-    -21.4877846313,	73.7508019333,	90.2727567859,	-31.8064851485,	35.5698971534,	-123.1337229178,	-115.6888113061,	40.8859379019,	
-    -45.9826093754,	-55.6481101801,	-131.3553753176,	30.0527360996,	21.6632646479,	98.0105924807,	-39.4117175619,	-101.5958309784,	
-    2.4560883180,	47.0714688572,	-30.5516644873,	-123.2193558202,	-81.2276105808,	-35.2333787774,	131.7553150138,	74.1337100485,	
-    -111.0162621392,	-50.1520236082,	-176.7180780270,	43.6099370000,	-99.0730647751,	100.6783161314,	1.5420581129,	2.5889162904,	
-    97.2407277690,	5.5204254866,	72.0939017458,	-100.0077732933,	30.1572971400,	19.1994437619,	-83.8095901131,	-67.5983524523,	
-    75.2270686194,	80.9252084407,	42.4611462166,	-75.6376932185,	-7.5820680566,	-47.2137370820,	13.3547714942,	-49.2227272764,	
-    -101.2311839023,	-89.9953284490,	-59.5627585772,	3.5045401284,	87.8927289585,	-45.7826497344,	10.7894222301,	-34.2218214372,	
-    19.0101005894,	-79.7412295513,	-40.7129535835,	34.9745871635,	98.5275860299,	-16.5088968676,	66.3460699225,	-133.5365249144,	
-    -41.4407293928,	-15.3419046733,	88.7195803357,	5.1871004832,	-98.0467809656,	-14.1239743026,	-1.3510821103,	-38.6189020004,	
-    114.8822422747,	65.5094003215,	88.0532368083,	-59.2540330178,	92.9429540023,	21.9133947331,	-50.7728654894,	-36.7011682133,	
-    -16.9217654808,	-110.7749962658,	16.6126865137,	116.3641432033,	51.7192473353,	9.8619033750,	57.3047648863,	-21.0275512361,	
-    66.8618463429,	68.4016463402,	13.1978892272,	36.9294559769,	79.3415169994,	-74.4235076906,	-105.9928928366,	3.5485737877,	
-    35.3701917014,	11.0155135724,	-42.5279468110,	57.9138782373,	32.4492657117,	-2.5260836533,	8.2835364235,	-45.2229140182,	
-    29.4655763679,	20.5830184405,	-92.7731928028,	-88.2155574314,	-13.0181590718,	-67.4752432987,	12.2964799268,	-134.7795554776,	
-    132.5177768161,	86.4796490878,	-170.6768976365,	-53.7059277336,	23.6295211743,	100.0865623366,	134.6726479190,	-17.6813528616,	
-    -67.3925719582,	-12.1986138778,	-58.6920640259,	-46.1769630250,	14.0012237071,	105.2386807000,	47.5923010830,	-13.0446195549,	
-    21.4905427079,	89.4924853541,	-1.6294776664,	7.0507819885,	88.9962812504,	-14.3836298512,	-14.5755536250,	-158.3719830729,	
-    -71.0421641105,	9.1510759791,	3.8541666430,	46.8853635172,	-115.4505016964,	112.1915084832,	60.0579773251,	-19.3568210670,	
-    134.6457467896,	-127.7704101409,	96.1687814173,	139.4223376055,	-16.4889074247,	8.7407981479,	-31.8653460842,	-86.1989364296,	
-    6.3138143769,	29.9691806857,	10.0215115097,	21.7539979367,	-10.0119096873,	-32.7662562735,	-46.7114278488,	-32.0468371287,	
-    -104.9863919627,	164.6868132811,	14.2837511902,	103.8122395985,	-38.3195610630,	-66.2071289114,	-42.7348265210,	8.1247796770,	
-    -44.7642634909,	-99.5977533202,	-62.5669299697,	-154.4713244845,	-54.2004565831,	-21.0505396466,	-7.2304668445,	-63.1457522254,	
-    121.1292664630,	-41.2451342849,	-100.3661302819,	-79.7893865863,	2.9782522632,	28.1233518579,	-45.4712133921,	102.1080223649,	
-    64.1668281113,	-103.7410276784,	106.7427715753,	79.6231477604,	20.5960195618,	42.6351844699,	-8.0432553021,	-20.9274320455,	
-    44.7322739383,	-58.6239231825,	21.5430765926,	-32.7159508398,	56.5825012360,	-99.4275633192,	-102.9101109727,	-83.9315736318,	
-    25.8630456141,	-52.7504372152,	29.5673565938,	48.9111232224,	41.5578130085,	-14.3606917295,	-2.2040972437,	94.4661907548,	
-    132.7457583187,	55.3945646514,	-16.7731026022,	-46.5710214158,	-29.3542289267,	-14.2923094674,	23.0425873685,	-15.5814746488,	
-    22.3570974017,	-42.0180359242,	-20.3430155274,	-68.6338886669,	-64.8088612108,	-24.2988048174,	-23.5299375491,	98.0364255786,	
-    3.9778504115,	65.6849914578,	-1.5168129555,	-4.8287346639,	142.1453945317,	78.2378704371,	-57.3720730586,	-19.4585389336,	
-    76.2735042603,	-43.9459949675,	6.9426433355,	-43.1451402122,	-18.0751403348,	-34.1054109171,	55.1204864738,	115.4516445351,	
-    6.5333541873,	62.4906581904,	29.9692177776,	-33.2287635647,	-18.9268908378,	-63.0926292852,	-111.6323734820,	-10.8864814281,	
-    14.4649132510,	-25.6871888082,	-33.4308400890,	23.9756688469,	52.4567038054,	12.8701945894,	-20.5116135858,	-17.4241576687,	
-    -11.8606594870,	16.8816614097,	-18.7270784248,	-6.2425768906,	48.5175154819,	1.7426978337,	-99.3023967479,	38.5650914417,	
-    -61.0127172140,	42.7784858845,	-7.2257854969,	2.2847466905,	-99.0066793854,	60.4060120207,	48.8064141188,	-72.4258965295,	
-    -50.7390478551,	95.1299230407,	56.4763356354,	35.4471698843,	60.4632441624,	-95.6600449901,	55.9445226564,	-28.1942324306,	
-    26.9826142327,	-71.4404566440,	15.9270065277,	-86.7110877229,	-80.6677402549,	0.5529947734,	-39.4989884635,	35.7914768080,	
-    -22.6398243670,	-33.2598314085,	-25.7467291233,	16.6863716736,	80.3468995127,	-22.5068845945,	23.6096621616,	-99.4288845571,	
-    29.0662266127,	3.1265642936,	133.4725188269,	10.5889496669,	78.4289320034,	46.4143031925,	97.1026760967,	-60.1768585008,	
-    75.4045199491,	14.1399143092,	-87.6608741602,	96.8571208381,	36.1952990642,	119.9462706822,	51.7941617293,	-10.8814477399,	
-    66.0010885597,	68.6769630212,	70.6032262575,	-78.6614013388,	-52.6711668148,	29.9772317807,	-67.0938602216,	-42.3207515671,	
-    -0.0486165038,	-15.4758823937,	56.6129710458,	-54.2575866392,	111.9253009797,	-47.5236184222,	-95.6434531533,	24.9411667600,	
-    35.5636297407,	-11.3487509511,	99.6377899302,	16.0125061627,	-35.8881400079,	111.1220549938,	-2.9395719970,	-41.6388550114,	
-    -33.4638181727,	109.8808145106,	28.1021441950,	118.2701610217,	51.8151816796,	-19.5803207598,	-89.9262515893,	-26.6044307189,	
-    40.7320823989,	-19.2602062235,	62.2560193625,	85.9346547334,	49.7871555519,	-20.0313162309,	-8.1831982988,	69.5820284092,	
-    49.2993116756,	34.9185452172,	74.7523126024,	145.1939754190,	7.4232669832,	-4.5344572697,	34.0472547752,	41.4294110612,	
-    -123.0758971920,	-43.7705297332,	121.2820069260,	0.5435048718,	77.7764299214,	59.6928983371,	-27.6522675298,	-7.1273383508,	
-    26.7210269180,	4.4630452796,	-81.8607570684,	-26.3402136551,	-95.7197230242,	-7.3219091557,	-82.4289458596,	77.4381232638,	
-    65.4006110025,	36.5844708644,	66.3796224839,	-11.0118557858,	61.4481921771,	8.0694380153,	59.4652425227,	-24.3765004167,	
-    4.9649042432,	-28.5624154309,	-78.5623599502,	17.8514494843,	-20.9756518143,	-10.1916814040,	11.5732283207,	57.9552418906,	
-    -45.7612949110,	-20.9482951666,	36.8160063004,	-45.0567155877,	63.7098701462,	6.5938197429,	46.9692949757,	-83.3299455774,	
-    -88.7653437148,	118.8655843800,	93.1921951705,	-18.1354337452,	-40.1074391033,	44.0852297241,	-41.1588703642,	-105.1428083912,	
-    -7.1420535313,	66.5491789931,	28.7643638361,	-71.3690563573,	50.9039393300,	93.8257368698,	22.3478174946,	-109.6001863096,	
-    64.0649017243,	-29.4574274496,	-44.5473845748,	-132.8280128599,	-52.8587533053,	80.0084510351,	21.4678106815,	48.4383573310,	
-    56.6158184924,	-72.0365616804,	12.9911383411,	162.8295288963,	55.8780535954,	73.1821757559,	-100.6826313435,	23.4262138290,	
-    -0.5753332881,	-21.5175209047,	-138.1106268547,	-80.7925993001,	-28.1663114958,	0.9831816192,	30.7923417673,	-51.9827613979,	
-    -10.8794388756,	54.1022652480,	11.1686073161,	-44.0592484786,	21.6987012718,	-42.2412255611,	-3.4936004646,	-51.6421714543,	
-    15.8711886614,	-40.0043968804,	-6.1590232957,	-65.9457642489,	59.0569838977,	7.4295907490,	-12.6833895574,	-72.2928299923,	
-    -199.7835511043,	-71.1580901042,	-12.8895530614,	13.8448156167,	27.4808788351,	-46.2542221592,	-3.5153348434,	-176.2019445127,	
-    -48.6783165219,	70.2296726615,	111.7340160335,	-60.7655899218,	-138.1081385724,	-35.3974788626,	-65.7355628000,	57.9555341829,	
-    13.4670930872,	-79.3318328665,	36.5016341422,	27.5574278118,	-35.4004898428,	-79.3903940148,	243.2421421265,	-8.0268453199,	
-    44.0174931524,	68.8734465340,	-80.7502038529,	1.3409036386,	-86.0777878831,	37.1475406267,	18.1068167023,	-56.9153447361,	
-    -19.5224115764,	-78.8474074897,	-20.0747255852,	4.5850719720,	-191.0686482737,	23.5318026769,	-32.6675253287,	27.3087304829,	
-    31.4351407465,	19.6192337929,	-11.8866458644,	-48.4661089981,	-3.1226120347,	20.0138411382,	29.8813799560,	67.9558437137,	
-    38.7174108080,	-13.3022284820,	27.1121047281,	-26.2954327750,	120.9542179193,	11.0555865630,	-34.5895364072,	73.4542523467,	
-    -26.6956937208,	-108.0235037857,	-35.7355716826,	-69.8443555160,	33.3578766421,	26.3683815560,	97.2883332520,	133.5510498515,	
-    35.5415284008,	-16.0495119378,	-19.5483270675,	93.9985201088,	27.7795159179,	-13.1059263368,	34.2311271533,	47.1466381795,	
-    -36.4147469783,	10.4833119779,	-5.2292656110,	-25.0113244760,	-14.0549947152,	199.8348526048,	-43.2547698686,	98.4817969474,	
-    37.0586206693,	33.2121561269,	-24.7170470026,	-37.1349105091,	-30.9578044903,	-7.4114930133,	-34.4807046142,	-27.7773696385,	
-    29.2740921831,	-61.0686554741,	-32.4612619459,	6.7160769792,	3.1089599122,	12.2545595923,	62.6999428463,	30.5969686709,	
-    11.1423411573,	-57.6502489731,	60.2408835918,	-67.7203861906,	-44.4518971003,	-5.1109945114,	5.6528645074,	-43.3456968092,	
-    117.8609487802,	-24.2034537544,	-78.4496201847,	44.5294780988,	85.1475013837,	15.5247701555,	89.7512668950,	54.3013774517,	
-    -186.8510627600,	-51.0482727175,	-9.0267702018,	48.0681416363,	-32.9759681266,	-42.4456615266,	36.2738833817,	14.1610476535,	
-    -99.8207994579,	-11.5142692827,	50.1825860327,	0.3917737329,	63.3500370315,	111.2878444719,	91.6392406660,	17.6584451589,	
-    -50.7899615175,	12.4221556654,	-86.5413087906,	48.0563389410,	29.1384649619,	83.5027000186,	7.5729436929,	22.2136423571,	
-    -60.2741473997,	-170.4857658702,	17.0186844162,	136.3581532664,	31.5065683845,	-96.2326886411,	72.4014182257,	26.1414887396,	
-    -57.2844089463,	-43.9781986370,	-95.6611720182,	-133.8830434822,	33.4938269182,	-23.9156927559,	35.5520154186,	-93.2468099373,	
-    -6.2162527113,	4.5642492223,	-57.5722591446,	71.8064120226,	45.1768685505,	-9.5130102236,	110.5798720279,	-41.5641619544,	
-    0.1835509076,	-49.9128593949,	98.0154257393,	-46.9365276597,	-66.0935141873,	73.1727792846,	41.3353795661,	-27.9960128980,	
-    -44.2412816343,	46.9707404231,	12.3575979804,	-122.9770710291,	-11.9552135499,	31.4591712664,	-14.1931325058,	-6.8614191170,	
-    -16.9763787814,	36.1520894392,	75.7352320923,	-99.5121191729,	17.8024156510,	72.7923924404,	38.2259409765,	1.9325379601,	
-    -11.1978607868,	98.2703853998,	-38.0288299607,	-41.7008273041,	80.4517499854,	-116.8258848759,	30.7289872645,	-101.9012423077,	
-    93.9831977796,	101.4530665010,	9.2763209169,	116.4425755502,	2.9739225298,	45.5019124654,	-64.2956140887,	105.7408745662,	
-    -11.3657606620,	6.3069096678,	122.8709609828,	-6.3248578668,	-60.1760116205,	-35.9544630869,	-68.0834090495,	-34.8224305999,	
-    -31.5069839788,	21.2614258718,	-23.5546199906,	-128.0293305211,	-182.3893947839,	-120.7110714918,	-65.8822590864,	-63.8215221762,	
-    56.7670203795,	-61.2037205962,	3.8122259155,	1.0275735300,	-64.6391642695,	75.8652993596,	115.4068637021,	46.8849792653,	
-    -39.5505124775,	33.1187321149,	25.3372286880,	-18.5375942960,	30.3953994229,	21.8836680766,	13.9924166006,	-109.7038947262,	
-    -24.2899011732,	-52.7497505668,	35.3698361783,	34.1056231420,	-13.8686663216,	-1.7062295227,	-97.5362177027,	74.6544677369,	
-    -78.3935767846,	35.6517853160,	51.3830818724,	-93.7778131463,	81.6700292143,	126.8070312922,	-28.4470816468,	-71.2638167545,	
-    -55.2884800428,	9.0861240716,	-128.9083303383,	-16.3800803508,	34.5467745617,	28.9315662137,	84.3386694814,	-1.7523953786,	
-    69.7727914393,	44.6546611575,	90.9897326057,	121.8059195607,	28.9429876729,	-14.8591127934,	29.2818722570,	-84.6318423838,	
-    11.3290830564,	40.7084140001,	-50.5878424847,	68.2992258419,	-24.7150040711,	41.8365599450,	104.0111319954,	70.6981835472,	
-    56.4709262168,	-20.5343182666,	-16.1886023808,	101.3482649415,	108.5356887852,	24.5240870510,	-146.5152615985,	-24.0194234128,	
-    18.0331846295,	-5.1522407439,	4.9573388243,	-34.7877468646,	39.3333900199,	31.8580232326,	111.7915751739,	15.3919610203,	
-    17.5179415363,	-22.2065299595,	31.9496951848,	-18.7368015481,	-78.3621490938,	45.9954796476,	77.7231064126,	21.7258618723,	
-    23.3527631711,	-136.8686653828,	-22.5773174812,	33.6615614603,	4.8540113479,	3.9088571058,	-54.7099788715,	85.8089519875,	
-    -86.1460475251,	-0.1247811474,	-146.1793416666,	124.6659345147,	-60.7858975441,	10.3154193265,	-29.5514280889,	9.4667237048,	
-    -7.9550953683,	37.5451209024,	-27.1735194003,	46.8842847809,	41.9179936640,	-23.3158010522,	157.3009890625,	113.2843306932,	
-    -104.1727731788,	123.3854503767,	-5.2055501860,	27.9879059133,	-13.4163698144,	52.2833141248,	-129.0969704337,	46.8881212895,	
-    131.1080768010,	-19.0213767099,	155.5021671973,	20.3698150937,	37.2314029160,	40.8492644144,	-35.6880906860,	-31.7697839101,	
-    -24.3255617048,	-26.5610341544,	11.6187963194,	-51.4990517524,	39.7825587179,	-54.6696763219,	-3.8497258220,	-70.2342476864,	
-    4.9081928390,	-71.4654689380,	30.7344594349,	32.7496322701,	-90.9126087838,	-38.3652430128,	92.4042844207,	47.8082836295,	
-    145.6802813070,	-18.7426859824,	17.6059584845,	36.4864322344,	-18.7252161480,	0.9615718128,	-100.1282552629,	-42.4349083923,	
-    -14.3562238984,	-46.8134065357,	39.6360915881,	22.7361846189,	-3.2257803075,	37.2350125538,	115.6400099866,	-12.7275184486,	
-    -96.1855573652,	-10.0276483356,	57.6455407419,	77.4560348751,	-22.1178137498,	-35.6022362191,	-68.4831367839,	2.8390215747,	
-    -52.0573070842,	-93.4720169324,	-28.9154032611,	-76.6074307649,	-9.9420438435,	-6.1893105222,	29.9369590932,	74.7852614650,	
-    -1.6201087045,	-17.3703711090,	-98.9790496449,	26.7869734481,	17.1602014711,	-15.6928367417,	-7.8035969135,	89.7887008279,	
-    -70.6197502665,	-8.2854282454,	59.3778733341,	73.2639493915,	25.8370203675,	59.1628124401,	-24.8471900591,	-25.8194366580,	
-    -6.0751044137,	-57.7489484697,	88.6706386657,	-84.8771863224,	-89.4840617668,	10.9763517990,	-54.8378810910,	41.3410088555,	
-    66.6125927808,	-14.1311991812,	29.3005546497,	96.5047091289,	-3.3614374997,	-25.8108903749,	206.5074424684,	-61.4084159691,	
-    -62.4923495769,	-13.1959183651,	-59.3730978039,	-12.7173171637,	16.2427076425,	43.4296534191,	-21.7657996669,	-28.1531280594,	
-    -69.0302418588,	-86.4107750374,	17.1949881709,	-41.3078350297,	-57.6504646238,	-5.0909583836,	-8.1631298822,	1.3096980446,	
-    -2.2508953688,	35.1942051704,	-3.9027768036,	-91.2713667132,	63.6694073039,	41.4248931898,	9.8384382954,	-96.0978983961,	
-    66.1755919288,	-36.7372549691,	10.2307178666,	80.7031291631,	-38.2719834734,	39.2035878064,	-43.1259903655,	93.4819414373,	
-    89.7247077937,	78.9891448344,	95.0983537363,	36.5774514331,	8.9972120390,	-8.5755002664,	-102.1337133375,	76.9830915294,	
-    -46.7790015335,	51.0714648600,	29.5170917782,	23.9334813635,	5.2749838346,	-15.9842728433,	-1.3574532545,	-70.2729088611,	
-    -15.8039920242,	15.5313565190,	-18.1312003682,	-8.0084433716,	-27.8087982433,	51.7334750530,	19.3370491919,	29.2520159480,	
-    -68.6735151718,	8.0558008798,	-40.2210320066,	-40.9920576136,	7.8678303082,	-72.3041306508,	-10.2175986624,	-35.1356797035,	
-    201.1586117629,	56.4352966867,	46.7221688254,	-11.9012413099,	-18.9833303926,	-86.5023414408,	-23.4675063576,	-55.5806400666,	
-    153.4955981228,	-10.1092363214,	88.4029573110,	-65.9117133686,	-5.4919562765,	24.5837979674,	-33.5408574701,	-4.0004157187,	
-    56.9848893304,	-105.2177018084,	3.4948685307,	-19.8452050090,	-7.2453079498,	102.6389582052,	-8.3246123264,	-73.0861922381,	
-    0.9626940760,	-28.3612950785,	-11.1533678981,	44.2899763978,	-62.6677448146,	22.3906970985,	-13.3484872677,	67.0703918899,	
-    42.4772156970,	-18.5244182335,	37.4759091463,	31.3496965213,	-61.4436264287,	52.0955155439,	59.1486887940,	170.4906735140,	
-    46.0617455116,	40.1470772024,	-107.3976903570,	-105.4116725861,	56.8825181023,	58.5916397550,	-58.1729962485,	-60.5270235223,	
-    -39.2885519005,	9.5965348817,	-25.4354894441,	-14.0981625889,	-52.7234757042,	-83.9105208881,	72.1797338834,	-134.9219073856,	
-    9.6103094318,	9.6768962656,	26.7360474274,	41.7881752284,	-15.3952839007,	-0.1363655901,	-47.0864221556,	-8.2427253205,	
-    -57.7373834528,	-55.9508702650,	-78.5284244100,	0.1655492302,	62.9160705153,	64.1068291282,	-2.9136214436,	-105.7842253662,	
-    -45.8767944713,	-51.7074257000,	-98.8568902926,	64.1232083599,	71.1116077196,	-30.6630666091,	-58.6840707262,	-15.9383894413,	
-    -78.6620829271,	60.7529890099,	154.2357488637,	41.3625348402,	120.2872442705,	-51.3125389772,	16.7881412988,	-70.4938171347,	
-    -79.4147805796,	23.5182282020,	-81.0963234264,	-59.2244948022,	28.9135530940,	92.5951342446,	-96.6396527065,	-26.4777264554,	
-    121.3094449527,	-34.5951012470,	-127.8255512216,	-92.7699064191,	-58.4398020189,	-117.7542292595,	31.0434596629,	21.5299289765,	
-    -99.9447239591,	-16.0626333679,	6.0199864189,	82.4757175357,	22.5970205481,	73.5485760950,	35.7980568403,	72.6857884103,	
-    28.8479981590,	-67.5538339177,	43.4071338656,	-25.1893024527,	4.6130159403,	-65.2605921685,	-91.8752363625,	22.5520067301,	
-    -109.9093500045,	33.9399454761,	-13.9115156368,	-3.1879928935,	1.3920042271,	43.3324348308,	-33.3718525809,	-15.9282931008,	
-    0.7677944075,	78.1072718708,	-1.1063828562,	-10.5413152425,	37.1290958861,	13.6823396336,	-3.4014039018,	89.5388534365,	
-    37.7089705536,	64.0323076524,	44.7808982777,	-13.5604762388,	7.5118173888,	115.2300447558,	-9.1561273300,	-41.5332100116,	
-    -17.0088418256,	71.2713927804,	68.0422816650,	54.9551164038,	106.8830646917,	-6.8316822423,	-66.7609967606,	-23.3894825625,	
-    -67.4182747661,	-28.3219951260,	-15.9451114055,	-29.7266619746,	16.7419712545,	-20.5565859019,	-165.5656221846,	116.3242135199,	
-    64.2626611081,	-8.1360214710,	-94.2273608282,	-62.9983557391,	64.1759043922,	36.5449254036,	-51.5697599431,	-5.0466305585,	
-    -73.2700815931,	48.7300029897,	-35.5929303432,	-90.4816448914,	16.8187764590,	-27.9347950060,	80.7045416696,	-83.6514663068,	
-    -58.4556594913,	3.2348973759,	52.8657910284,	85.7278577109,	37.4138218732,	82.0512145755,	76.4606241856,	-109.2162517858,	
-    96.6683439683,	90.7633843052,	-53.1586977972,	34.4033331064,	44.2090456506,	80.1151111552,	2.7514790758,	-64.2623287852,	
-    126.1409018754,	-30.2423240636,	-156.0079941574,	-2.8027393737,	64.2513542782,	69.8534581189,	-73.4708875363,	20.2217494242,	
-    0.5864357659,	-104.6195300646,	-42.8322649072,	26.3037603855,	-40.7129474708,	-33.9844594811,	-26.3521525879,	109.6645932255,	
-    -106.9356716414,	49.2118962107,	11.7512591870,	68.8969247665,	113.4583578600,	-83.3347276867,	-36.2485402256,	85.9855241461,	
-    104.0814868325,	33.5770186573,	-1.9661285608,	-132.5696804701,	27.6753215958,	21.1243350017,	-28.0882593661,	35.2778527631,	
-    18.9175154387,	83.6190957901,	-71.4962755318,	138.3285404575,	97.9134306607,	-56.8042150595,	-143.3089544841,	-2.7340225658,	
-    17.5776154385,	-148.2352087417,	124.9211804787,	59.4231271286,	10.5947124378,	68.5288310273,	-67.2703544731,	-23.7935515786,	
-    38.8787769309,	34.5294359419,	-73.4536038751,	2.7126504728,	49.6972438051,	62.7223593643,	49.8175933904,	-110.1534126143,	
-    -14.6702420578,	-84.0773525862,	-92.6188033620,	-5.5698102323,	-47.9128909478,	46.7196485027,	-53.6444016449,	98.5014752828,	
-    -94.7519348776,	14.1323076055,	-89.2719075396,	47.0296071172,	41.3919626390,	-39.1489616034,	-135.6499693540,	-10.9475781700,	
-    92.7496269052,	37.4205820588,	-51.7237524182,	49.9460461012,	87.5396720347,	32.8710569742,	-32.8731769330,	-83.4249720632,	
-    34.5762125072,	13.6808877416,	-26.3766683600,	-67.8728489559,	-29.6073750328,	-47.8030427727,	-149.0587954245,	-119.5774481626,	
-    35.2806694964,	-24.3695409777,	48.7160766560,	8.8288204812,	-89.3855803242,	3.1835611015,	51.9474587643,	-41.8502161006,	
-    -34.1035165420,	94.0854499359,	-84.2224914514,	59.1627371631,	-103.1905795588,	-18.6082417651,	36.3103092592,	63.1937125568,	
-    -111.1986222065,	-32.0863426915,	-56.7330383564,	32.5073363806,	-7.1087996309,	-68.2226145792,	-157.6532604957,	45.2078386315,	
-    -2.8603211008,	33.3371110420,	37.7846637198,	-18.6405663742,	-91.0982111740,	23.2221097945,	-24.3522827840,	78.9413600618,	
-    62.8360928143,	-19.9242767252,	56.5032728402,	-5.5496240010,	8.6994906960,	83.5527376759,	-21.2346885874,	64.0836232315,	
-    22.9623722574,	-87.9578765280,	1.3523030640,	176.4067098705,	67.9036978634,	7.2537723049,	-122.2309062335,	-63.8632909466,	
-    -38.4903796734,	-16.2974411834,	2.3970826418,	64.3700072918,	-67.9197915888,	-116.4026668750,	67.5231031500,	34.6374455493,	
-    4.1311157296,	-2.9105015532,	70.8086558293,	39.2725441796,	33.8256743917,	-3.5843642097,	116.7643833804,	20.1092238787,	
-    -25.9766854190,	-51.9950492522,	3.5926636209,	-58.7583611171,	3.2768807331,	-83.5901878329,	68.7090363388,	31.4832422043,	
-    72.9380572718,	-165.9742811160,	33.9362033271,	-10.9519428632,	13.0808211304,	15.6672709051,	31.7224492437,	-24.1934977704,	
-    -111.0830116867,	11.6282084172,	-66.2259706857,	-1.9963673172,	30.0622960183,	53.3456859503,	-37.0919419160,	67.5944964290,	
-    18.5935153812,	48.9664966150,	67.3157768914,	-160.7111991618,	-25.1223842933,	-47.4479071245,	-16.7582679230,	-13.6039270052,	
-    1.7293472100,	-24.1741877419,	-76.9727398203,	-56.3783736939,	-66.9556303947,	-54.3511473684,	30.2542211582,	-66.8893229449,	
-    -73.2990092912,	239.3981985262,	-64.2850340511,	89.9092075497,	-15.3525489059,	53.3827372899,	-14.3319916122,	-115.0721596412,	
-    -50.4530123160,	44.0976786926,	52.2019557554,	72.6630207131,	27.5803572747,	33.4737730840,	-170.7640086205,	152.9204474548,	
-    -44.5872734278,	-41.0667502536,	26.6175854758,	-13.0179143239,	40.8518134705,	23.2781614140,	22.8861340709,	165.4158655103,	
-    45.0461105030,	-17.0077443894,	-2.3871329828,	-86.8854944700,	-38.5465304439,	51.8040803063,	-92.8924802068,	-113.2325293603,	
-    51.3604041632,	-18.3429725256,	-42.5989033884,	-38.9445115750,	-85.8273183104,	-56.4224331649,	17.4997720376,	89.3766578841,	
-    23.9239370283,	82.3838988229,	47.4013397563,	-28.0666334287,	77.6218433875,	-52.2133433307,	89.2938264737,	43.2058195424,	
-    49.4518987655,	-5.6570623864,	19.8577713391,	-33.2615393471,	73.6654400011,	27.5602339563,	-47.1471825605,	-34.0693505588,	
-    111.0944675938,	57.0173259682,	-63.4190502251,	46.5969999331,	49.3458328432,	-41.3853156260,	39.2494112424,	40.7148228670,	
-    -20.3911372187,	31.8352000294,	-0.9980198147,	22.2804091174,	54.0978218332,	-82.3683192993,	85.9892355872,	-58.3154306688,	
-    -104.2068911293,	91.0603181519,	32.9518095573,	20.8407188930,	34.7499759595,	81.9688480501,	-63.1013763435,	0.0064684915,	
-    -24.5056101811,	69.9306176471,	-27.5369930597,	-39.0144381716,	-14.4923929902,	-54.3182594365,	-130.3292318388,	-48.8158919788,	
-    53.2734036714,	-104.1048090944,	-70.0965204183,	3.6382745923,	83.6579656965,	23.1622465812,	126.4691310854,	102.9799547579,	
-    70.8617976147,	-8.1455978101,	-28.4590640876,	108.1156467676,	-1.9738076313,	-75.4909376542,	57.5780163484,	45.3155422582,	
-    -38.1742907476,	-52.1803902400,	-59.7016262432,	-23.3823853194,	-45.5457749841,	-10.5523915014,	-110.6271933849,	-32.0113288878,	
-    -86.9215548382,	87.4068451718,	70.9885834348,	25.1206930472,	30.7108505789,	115.6076847444,	-40.5697084903,	-56.6781054555,	
-    -31.4854227803,	-31.9552555012,	25.7938108182,	25.4540472201,	76.7058033375,	2.3905659773,	-5.9779298940,	-152.8056710400,	
-    -51.7485397077,	28.1462240336,	33.9693389366,	-71.9881317816,	-105.0496130632,	64.2276458511,	96.2519735406,	48.6822690044,	
-    -19.6594071488,	24.8884631741,	-33.0716823639,	-69.5612618256,	-25.2898319495,	98.8036926982,	-24.3703282453,	53.1789051370,	
-    86.5743876344,	18.0109802577,	68.3663740236,	112.3369755598,	-45.4492280850,	-151.6437874688,	-38.2167192413,	24.2163999975,	
-    -66.3294468430,	-150.1009914497,	-29.4992082835,	-92.1308610284,	-1.2762556067,	23.1500238372,	69.3063510487,	-69.0471660018,	
-    42.5150200276,	120.6653379806,	-152.6729845687,	48.9591377076,	2.7191539126,	0.2888762146,	-3.0784673164,	32.5853754582,	
-    -81.3351116851,	25.2072127071,	-36.3659441163,	-28.6250561447,	95.3073017008,	-75.7486406052,	65.1012680265,	-64.6031857772,	
-    56.1240652498,	-10.8517181129,	-3.7575141784,	42.9554134355,	32.9784965739,	-25.0327158003,	-147.2361479829,	-122.4898965848,	
-    -64.6526214445,	57.1527521244,	25.3983254376,	-74.5887309421,	105.2278400890,	118.4451948788,	-10.9195498541,	-45.2849091353,	
-    79.1200975888,	-60.8806018590,	-12.2957628012,	-10.2289743666,	77.2465842566,	-19.1618580885,	-50.3947630673,	130.5843172047,	
-    20.1829697245,	-24.4247513916,	71.3800655588,	-30.9467657000,	1.5373397590,	53.9054414421,	-87.7905799212,	58.1774557931,	
-    -154.0660955458,	119.2331706772,	7.0800339615,	-83.0564977313,	-99.0630549412,	64.4241699198,	27.5103964537,	36.9348345670,	
-    -10.4954521840,	-23.2759360131,	-167.1583158447,	-50.1929188975,	-17.1065117999,	-86.3978192131,	8.3733101608,	-19.6093068970,	
-    37.0486109491,	45.4922144870,	176.0647013511,	-14.1950922727,	16.7968812286,	-84.3138225875,	-53.2207464331,	-14.8171496969,	
-    65.2824157581,	93.3387940939,	-46.2740703075,	92.8129768305,	-57.1890439907,	27.2969064938,	-67.1547095718,	132.0520323271,	
-    -80.7686358272,	31.4140691769,	-52.8148627904,	-54.8739580131,	-149.8514804755,	56.0153122854,	-71.3742949563,	36.6095599948,	
-    42.3294500451,	1.2055515804,	-109.4906983981,	-71.9482696076,	-21.4390953534,	98.8949510272,	74.3069855376,	-35.1569830360,	
-    -34.9626381657,	64.2761847423,	64.7596378221,	-28.4775450749,	20.1459803277,	-26.5247867780,	-32.4734659348,	-27.8310906478,	
-    50.7956581065,	36.0746451268,	22.7531905225,	-13.9681530928,	49.5451440618,	-13.8510794385,	19.4999565108,	56.8774616945,	
-    -11.9205397259,	-71.7174333027,	138.8034243907,	-37.8252215401,	-38.5743154556,	-22.5072374207,	12.6209402643,	69.3207345010,	
-    70.3534390616,	71.5844311614,	4.0715727994,	25.4390606947,	-51.0777668722,	138.3617611366,	-34.2478029347,	-58.8492260984,	
-    -108.6623124843,	58.3034938571,	-36.9304647333,	116.5902412201,	-24.4020501110,	-74.7544840602,	67.7889120207,	-9.1455389450,	
-    -46.4456521441,	83.2551857934,	-113.9346066504,	46.2851467498,	-17.4102217179,	41.6989724702,	-23.8829078702,	76.1395799790,	
-    -27.1608730178,	-133.8787483532,	-59.9242635982,	120.5266415560,	124.9797395465,	35.5722660007,	-20.2412573812,	20.5492611902,	
-    -111.8745990845,	41.7389321101,	44.5758622786,	54.2189628306,	-44.4745944890,	-75.9761098966,	104.0472151578,	113.7219003284,	
-    33.0330354214,	-6.0923562541,	-14.8744671800,	62.5024055272,	3.7922184446,	1.1256712478,	-30.2126827228,	-83.4988699637,	
-    -103.7060854897,	-65.4982917403,	30.8897494352,	66.1124672663,	65.0983461952,	-52.5486436649,	-4.5556524541,	-26.5924272500,	
-    -94.1546367179,	-0.3559369287,	-45.0649519841,	-68.1274094478,	-7.0521865275,	-5.6612786174,	-12.5790011432,	51.2524661231,	
-    -3.6515125298,	92.9598974936,	-21.0468658542,	-40.8243392179,	-7.4342227950,	11.1119231703,	37.3371820746,	21.3179018153,	
-    50.2932980480,	-24.1611515405,	-41.7851721122,	-24.8691439055,	-28.3180388219,	121.1894536511,	15.7968116384,	17.9498027226,	
-    -55.3386005430,	-80.6689826830,	31.9394747713,	-28.1978017432,	-1.5538441529,	-4.0360096323,	73.9611531119,	17.7253526010,	
-    -24.8578563772,	18.4583438017,	75.2580204243,	-13.6139802015,	24.6918362443,	-63.0552815767,	-4.0312608443,	-14.8879121339,	
-    -2.8237511683,	-81.5024576341,	-4.2344562157,	107.1587476255,	-131.2910041645,	-25.6467586377,	0.4733397655,	62.8634326464,	
-    63.1852609425,	16.5913941858,	-96.6896044528,	81.2969911064,	18.2956425408,	-81.6677471269,	-39.2708721333,	-34.3080597347,	
-    22.5610412882,	57.2574226391,	77.9308780964,	-39.9342842346,	58.5581960994,	-5.7939281526,	104.9927182940,	-99.3837066580,	
-    25.9917768621,	-32.1605915683,	-30.4589523848,	64.8295771021,	-28.2183758982,	-37.9771330859,	-178.0772548046,	84.2925125233,	
-    45.4981954662,	49.2815212900,	-45.1224250038,	-5.9322404186,	-6.1309915876,	76.9070873365,	-11.5475730308,	18.2569564924,	
-    -124.4953563688,	53.8646820493,	-40.0231506068,	-74.3908746450,	-63.2011642999,	-18.9826189881,	69.7917580387,	-34.8403308318,	
-    -36.4625632706,	17.1934091336,	-20.8063613141,	-1.9067935434,	5.2259139474,	60.8368210348,	81.3087550974,	-42.6679999668,	
-    -95.5963552311,	-115.2609753741,	11.1809831183,	-48.3640194531,	75.1073797772,	30.8228127170,	-15.0904157375,	11.0538529673,	
-    107.4505154927,	-66.3486660110,	-32.0311111189,	38.4346222125,	8.9422998706,	-57.6098106212,	15.9132097612,	-132.1845158340,	
-    36.1916704283,	-10.5055186124,	-87.5658217149,	107.8931306399,	96.0334082800,	53.7264664477,	-72.0623965686,	-1.9038197721,	
-    26.1152808779,	119.6235796272,	48.3325601149,	117.6457486801,	28.0275495741,	-11.7030018715,	52.9236279862,	100.1176831736,	
-    -83.2423151898,	7.5280868233,	-15.3686195277,	-5.3432329923,	-27.9181052724,	-64.4492860287,	129.7502751613,	-82.3246020383,	
-    37.3256155504,	34.7298938660,	-57.0561320806,	-44.9581455455,	93.3481469867,	-54.3803550243,	26.4501204966,	18.8116878139,	
-    -74.4902220818,	15.4659232518,	-49.1948332727,	34.0006040345,	56.7177639954,	-28.8367897421,	83.8692564278,	35.6745892475,	
-    -45.7509262432,	30.3970223242,	106.1786129556,	-35.7843870107,	7.1339227808,	13.0894885560,	56.4666438735,	-23.8687514544,	
-    -111.5694112759,	-58.7858061292,	-61.2783887765,	44.1738302093,	54.7407844064,	14.3538652267,	108.5956394164,	-22.3846808158,	
-    2.5449431771,	70.3512724427,	29.5403015688,	-0.7212818796,	143.3497258886,	-17.2553350633,	-99.7681623907,	42.6913312311,	
-    35.7338157369,	-54.6728371746,	-38.0299088541,	10.1471440532,	-124.7095236710,	-190.8743243033,	139.7543496645,	-42.2528776639,	
-    39.0975372290,	27.8686903911,	22.7337255980,	42.7990612235,	-41.6771094483,	-23.0843729437,	49.7020046877,	11.0018909876,	
-    -16.5079644797,	-158.2821637063,	42.1950179525,	-30.4282660128,	67.9797563487,	-53.8121334664,	52.8306609341,	-5.2861803454,	
-    59.3808475761,	158.1836295178,	-26.8953096767,	78.8646320997,	-113.9365510474,	-37.1949934282,	53.6970193167,	-9.6523467804,	
-    7.7358952669,	-74.6220593088,	107.4394203873,	17.2364088475,	-36.5357935724,	-23.9301386540,	17.8174243490,	14.1204969615,	
-    -8.2599377000,	4.2743586584,	-46.4363395746,	-63.5670279031,	9.6872641411,	21.0630349930,	108.9834586896,	-124.7597975398,	
-    29.4251821664,	23.8313097730,	-40.8359610210,	91.9520219869,	95.7936525792,	-109.5783337883,	-60.1100153384,	-19.9591228893,	
-/* FFT Lengths */
-  To change test parameter values add/remove values inside CURLY and update 
-  the preceeding parameter to reflect the number of values inside CURLY. 
-                transform_radix2_fftlens,
-                7,
-                CURLY(
-                      16, 32, 64, 128, 256,
-                      512, 1024/*, 2048 , 4096 */));
-                transform_radix4_fftlens,
-                4,
-                CURLY(
-                      16, 64, 256, 1024/* , 4096 */));
-                transform_rfft_fftlens,
-                6,
-                CURLY(
-                      32, 64, 128, 256,
-                      512, 1024/*, 2048 , 4096, 8192*/));
-                transform_dct_fftlens,
-                3,
-                CURLY(
-                      128, 512, 2048/*, 8192*/));
-                transform_rfft_fast_fftlens,
-                7,
-                CURLY(
-                      32, 64, 128, 256,
-                      512, 1024, 2048));
-/* CFFT_F32 Structs */
-/* Uses radix2 lengths */
-ARR_DESC_DEFINE(const arm_cfft_instance_f32 *,
-                transform_cfft_f32_structs,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len16,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len32,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len64,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len128,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len256/*,
-                       &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len512, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len1024, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len2048, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len4096 */
-                    ));
-/* CFFT_Q31 Structs */
-/* Uses radix2 lengths */
-ARR_DESC_DEFINE(const arm_cfft_instance_q31 *,
-                transform_cfft_q31_structs,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len16,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len32,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len64,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len128,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len256/*,
-                       &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len512, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len1024, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len2048, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_q31_len4096 */
-                    ));
-/* CFFT_q15 Structs */
-/* Uses radix2 lengths */
-ARR_DESC_DEFINE(const arm_cfft_instance_q15 *,
-                transform_cfft_q15_structs,
-                5,
-                CURLY(
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len16,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len32,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len64,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len128,
-                    &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len256/*,
-                       &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len512, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len1024, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len2048, */
-                    /* &arm_cfft_sR_q15_len4096 */
-                    ));