#!/usr/bin/env python from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, c_void_p, Structure, c_uint8, c_size_t, cast, addressof import numpy as np from itertools import product from matelight import sendframe, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT from terminal import printframe class COLOR(Structure): _fields_ = [('r', c_uint8), ('g', c_uint8), ('b', c_uint8), ('a', c_uint8)] class FRAMEBUFFER(Structure): _fields_ = [('data', POINTER(COLOR)), ('w', c_size_t), ('h', c_size_t)] bdf = CDLL('./libbdf.so') bdf.read_bdf_file.restype = c_void_p bdf.framebuffer_render_text.restype = POINTER(FRAMEBUFFER) unifont = bdf.read_bdf_file('unifont.bdf') def render_text(text): assert unifont fb = bdf.framebuffer_render_text(bytes(str(text), 'UTF-8'), unifont) fbd = fb.contents buf = np.ctypeslib.as_array(cast(fbd.data, POINTER(c_uint8)), shape=(fbd.h, fbd.w, 4)) # Set data pointer to NULL before freeing framebuffer struct to prevent free_framebuffer from also freeing the data # buffer that is now used by numpy #bdf.console_render_buffer(fb) fbd.data = cast(c_void_p(), POINTER(COLOR)) bdf.free_framebuffer(fb) return buf def printframe(fb): h,w,_ = fb.shape print('\033[H\033[2J') bdf.console_render_buffer(fb.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_uint8)), w, h) if __name__ == '__main__': fb = render_text('\033[31;48;5;167;4;6mfoo\033[0;91mbar\033[93;106;5mbaz\033[0m\033[0;94;6m♥♥♥'); h,w,_ = fb.shape for i in range(-DISPLAY_WIDTH,w+1): leftpad = np.zeros((DISPLAY_HEIGHT, max(-i, 0), 4), dtype=np.uint8) framedata = fb[:, max(0, i):min(i+DISPLAY_WIDTH, w)] rightpad = np.zeros((DISPLAY_HEIGHT, min(DISPLAY_WIDTH, max(0, i+DISPLAY_WIDTH-w)), 4), dtype=np.uint8) dice = np.concatenate((leftpad, framedata, rightpad), 1) sendframe(dice) printframe(dice) fb = render_text('\033[31;48;5;167;4;6mfoo\033[0;91mbar\033[93;106;5mbaz\033[0m\033[0;94;6m♥♥♥');