#!/usr/bin/env python from socketserver import * from time import time, strftime, sleep from collections import namedtuple from itertools import product, cycle import threading import random from ctypes import * import numpy as np from matelight import sendframe, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, FRAME_SIZE UDP_TIMEOUT = 3.0 class COLOR(Structure): _fields_ = [('r', c_uint8), ('g', c_uint8), ('b', c_uint8), ('a', c_uint8)] class FRAMEBUFFER(Structure): _fields_ = [('data', POINTER(COLOR)), ('w', c_size_t), ('h', c_size_t)] bdf = CDLL('./libbdf.so') bdf.read_bdf_file.restype = c_void_p bdf.framebuffer_render_text.restype = POINTER(FRAMEBUFFER) bdf.framebuffer_render_text.argtypes= [c_char_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_size_t, c_size_t, c_size_t] unifont = bdf.read_bdf_file('unifont.bdf') def compute_text_bounds(text): assert unifont textbytes = bytes(str(text), 'UTF-8') textw, texth = c_size_t(0), c_size_t(0) res = bdf.framebuffer_get_text_bounds(textbytes, unifont, byref(textw), byref(texth)) if res: raise ValueError('Invalid text') return textw.value, texth.value def render_text(text, offset): cbuf = create_string_buffer(FRAME_SIZE*sizeof(COLOR)) textbytes = bytes(str(text), 'UTF-8') res = bdf.framebuffer_render_text(textbytes, unifont, cbuf, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, offset) if res: raise ValueError('Invalid text') return np.ctypeslib.as_array(cast(cbuf, POINTER(c_uint8)), shape=(DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 4)) printlock = threading.Lock() def printframe(fb): w,h,_ = fb.shape printlock.acquire() print('\0337\033[H', end='') print('Rendering frame @{}'.format(time())) bdf.console_render_buffer(fb.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_uint8)), w, h) print('\033[0m\033[KCurrently rendering', current_entry.entrytype, 'from', current_entry.remote, ':', current_entry.text, '\0338', end='') printlock.release() def scroll(text): """ Returns whether it could scroll all the text uninterrupted """ #log('Scrolling', text) w,h = compute_text_bounds(text) for i in range(-DISPLAY_WIDTH,w+1): fb = render_text(text, i); sendframe(fb) printframe(fb) return True QueueEntry = namedtuple('QueueEntry', ['entrytype', 'remote', 'timestamp', 'text']) defaultlines = [ QueueEntry('text', '', 0, l[:-1].replace('\\x1B', '\x1B')) for l in open('default.lines').readlines() ] random.shuffle(defaultlines) defaulttexts = cycle(defaultlines) current_entry = next(defaulttexts) conns = {} textqueue = [] def log(*args): printlock.acquire() print(strftime('\x1B[93m[%m-%d %H:%M:%S]\x1B[0m'), ' '.join(str(arg) for arg in args), '\x1B[0m') printlock.release() class MateLightUDPHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): try: # Housekeeping - FIXME: This is *so* the wrong place for this. for k,v in conns.items(): if time() - v.timestamp > UDP_TIMEOUT: del conns[k] global current_entry, conns data = self.request[0].strip() if len(data) != FRAME_SIZE*3+4: #raise ValueError('Invalid frame size: Expected {}, got {}'.format(FRAME_SIZE+4, len(data))) return frame = data[:-4] #crc1, = struct.unpack('!I', data[-4:]) #crc2, = zlib.crc32(frame, 0), #if crc1 != crc2: # raise ValueError('Invalid frame CRC checksum: Expected {}, got {}'.format(crc2, crc1)) #socket.sendto(b'ACK', self.client_address) a = np.array(list(frame), dtype=np.uint8) timestamp = time() addr = self.client_address[0] conn = QueueEntry('udp', addr, timestamp, '') if addr not in conns: log('\x1B[91mNew UDP connection from\x1B[0m', addr) current_entry = conn conns[addr] = current_entry if current_entry.entrytype == 'udp' and current_entry.remote == addr: current_entry = conn frame = a.reshape((DISPLAY_HEIGHT, DISPLAY_WIDTH, 3)) sendframe(frame) printframe(np.pad(frame, ((0,0),(0,0),(0,1)), 'constant', constant_values=(0,0))) except Exception as e: log('Error receiving UDP frame:', e) class MateLightTCPTextHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): global current_entry, conns data = str(self.request.recv(1024).strip(), 'UTF-8') addr = self.client_address[0] timestamp = time() if len(data) > 140: self.request.sendall('TOO MUCH INFORMATION!\n') return log('\x1B[95mText from\x1B[0m {}: {}\x1B[0m'.format(addr, data)) textqueue.append(QueueEntry('text', addr, timestamp, data)) self.request.sendall(b'KTHXBYE!\n') TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True server = TCPServer(('', 1337), MateLightTCPTextHandler) t = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) t.daemon = True t.start() UDPServer.allow_reuse_address = True userver = UDPServer(('', 1337), MateLightUDPHandler) t = threading.Thread(target=userver.serve_forever) t.daemon = True t.start() if __name__ == '__main__': print('\033[2J'+'\n'*9) while True: if current_entry.entrytype == 'text': if scroll(current_entry.text): if current_entry in textqueue: textqueue.remove(current_entry) if textqueue: current_entry = textqueue[0] else: if conns: current_entry = random.choice(list(conns.values())) else: current_entry = next(defaulttexts) if current_entry.entrytype != 'udp' and textqueue: current_entry = textqueue[0] log('\x1B[92mScrolling\x1B[0m', current_entry.text) if current_entry.entrytype == 'udp': if time() - current_entry.timestamp > UDP_TIMEOUT: current_entry = next(defaulttexts) else: sleep(0.1)