import colorsys from itertools import product from ctypes import c_size_t, c_uint8, c_void_p, c_float, CDLL, Structure, POINTER import numpy as np import time import atexit import config ml = CDLL('./') ml.matelight_open.restype = c_void_p if ml.matelight_usb_init(): raise OSError('Cannot initialize USB library') atexit.register(ml.matelight_usb_destroy) class Matelight: def __init__(self, match_serial=None): """ Open the matelight matching the USB serial number given as a bytes object. If match_serial is None, open the first matelight """ self.handle = ml.matelight_open(match_serial) self.dbuf = np.zeros(config.frame_size*4, dtype=np.uint8) if self.handle is None: raise ValueError('Cannot find requested matelight.') def sendframe(self, framedata): """ Send a frame to the display The argument contains a h * w array of 3-tuples of (r, g, b)-data or 4-tuples of (r, g, b, a)-data where the a channel is ignored. """ # just use the first Mate Light available rgba = len(framedata) == config.frame_size*4 np.copyto(self.dbuf[:640*(3+rgba)], np.frombuffer(framedata, dtype=np.uint8)) ml.matelight_send_frame(self.handle, self.dbuf.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_uint8)), c_size_t(config.crates_x), c_size_t(config.crates_y), c_float(config.brightness), rgba)