#include "config.h" #include "main.h" #include "color.h" #include "font.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void free_framebuffer(framebuffer_t *fb){ free(fb->data); free(fb); } /* CAUTION: REQUIRES INPUT TO BE \0-TERMINATED * ...also, it does a hardcoded setlocale of LC_CTYPE to en_US.utf8 for... reasons. */ framebuffer_t *framebuffer_render_text(char *s, glyphtable_t *glyph_table){ unsigned int len = strlen(s); color_t *gbuf = NULL; unsigned int gbufwidth = 0; unsigned int gbufheight = 0; char *p = s; /* Calculate screen width of string prior to allocating memory for the frame buffer */ wchar_t c; mbstate_t ps = {0}; memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); if(!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.utf8")){ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set locale\n"); goto error; } for(;;){ while(*p == '\033'){ p++; /* Jump over escape sequences */ for(;;p++){ if(!(*p == ';' || *p == '[' || ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9'))){ p++; break; } } memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); } size_t inc = mbrtowc(&c, p, MB_CUR_MAX, &ps); /* MB_CUR_MAX is safe since p is \0-terminated */ if(inc == -1 || inc == -2){ fprintf(stderr, "Error rendering string: No valid UTF-8 input.\n"); goto error; } if(inc == 0) /* Reached end of string */ break; p += inc; if(c > glyph_table->size){ fprintf(stderr, "Error rendering string: Codepoint 0x%lx out of valid range (0-%zd).\n", (long int)c, glyph_table->size); goto error; } glyph_t *g = glyph_table->data[c]; if(!g){ fprintf(stderr, "Error rendering string: Codepoint 0x%lx not in font.\n", (long int)c); goto error; } if(g->height > gbufheight) gbufheight = g->height; gbufwidth += g->width; } /* For easier rendering on the terminal, round up to multiples of two */ gbufheight += gbufheight&1; size_t gbufsize = gbufwidth*gbufheight; gbuf = calloc(gbufsize, sizeof(color_t)); if(!gbuf){ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot malloc() %zu bytes.\n", gbufsize*sizeof(color_t)); goto error; } memset(gbuf, 0, gbufsize*sizeof(color_t)); unsigned int x = 0; p = s; memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(mbstate_t)); struct { color_t fg; color_t bg; unsigned int blink:4; unsigned int bold:1; /* TODO */ unsigned int underline:1; unsigned int strikethrough:1; unsigned int fraktur:1; /* TODO See: Flat10 Fraktur font */ unsigned int invert:1; } style = { colortable[DEFAULT_FG_COLOR], colortable[DEFAULT_BG_COLOR], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /* Render glyphs (now with escape sequence rendering!) */ for(;;){ /* NOTE: This nested escape sequence parsing does not contain any unicode-awareness whatsoever */ if(*p == '\033'){ /* Escape sequence YAY */ char *sequence_start = ++p; if(*p == '['){ /* This was a CSI! */ /* Disassemble the list of numbers, only accept SGR sequences (those ending with 'm') */ long elems[MAX_CSI_ELEMENTS]; int nelems; for(nelems = 0; nelemsdata[c]; render_glyph(g, gbuf, gbufwidth, x, 0, fg, bg); if(style.strikethrough || style.underline){ int sty = gbufheight/2; /* g->y usually is a negative index of the glyph's baseline measured from the glyph's bottom */ int uly = gbufheight + g->y; for(int i=0; iwidth; i++){ if(style.strikethrough) gbuf[sty*gbufwidth + x + i] = fg; if(style.underline) gbuf[uly*gbufwidth + x + i] = fg; } } x += g->width; } framebuffer_t *fb = malloc(sizeof(framebuffer_t)); if(!fb){ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot malloc() %zu bytes.\n", sizeof(framebuffer_t)); goto error; } fb->w = gbufwidth; fb->h = gbufheight; fb->data = gbuf; return fb; error: free(gbuf); return 0; } void console_render_buffer(color_t *data, size_t w, size_t h){ /* Render framebuffer to terminal, two pixels per character using Unicode box drawing stuff */ color_t lastfg = {0, 0, 0}, lastbg = {0, 0, 0}; printf("\e[38;5;0;48;5;0m\e[K"); for(size_t y=0; y < h; y+=2){ for(size_t x=0; x < w; x++){ /* Da magicks: ▀█▄ */ color_t ct = data[y*w + x]; /* Top pixel */ color_t cb = data[(y+1)*w + x]; /* Bottom pixel */ /* The following, rather convoluted logic tries to "save" escape sequences when rendering. */ if(!memcmp(&ct, &lastfg, sizeof(color_t))){ if(!memcmp(&cb, &lastbg, sizeof(color_t))){ printf("▀"); }else if(!memcmp(&cb, &lastfg, sizeof(color_t))){ printf("█"); }else{ printf("\033[48;5;%dm▀", xterm_color_index(cb)); lastbg = cb; } }else if(!memcmp(&ct, &lastbg, sizeof(color_t))){ if(!memcmp(&cb, &lastfg, sizeof(color_t))){ printf("▄"); }else if(!memcmp(&cb, &lastbg, sizeof(color_t))){ printf(" "); }else{ printf("\033[38;5;%dm▄", xterm_color_index(cb)); lastfg = cb; } }else{ /* No matches for the upper pixel */ if(!memcmp(&cb, &lastfg, sizeof(color_t))){ printf("\033[48;5;%dm▄", xterm_color_index(ct)); lastbg = ct; }else if(!memcmp(&cb, &lastbg, sizeof(color_t))){ printf("\033[38;5;%dm▀", xterm_color_index(ct)); lastfg = ct; }else{ printf("\033[38;5;%d;48;5;%dm▀", xterm_color_index(ct), xterm_color_index(cb)); lastfg = ct; lastbg = cb; } } } printf("\n\e[K"); } printf("\033[0m"); }