# Display geometry # ┌─────────┐ ┌───┬───┬ ⋯ ┬───┬───┐ # │1 o o o 5│ │ 1 │ │ │ │ 8│ # │6 o o o o│ ├───┼───┼ ⋯ ┼───┼───┤ # │o o o o o│ │ 9 │ │ │ │16 │ # │o o o o20│ ├───┼───┼ ⋯ ┼───┼───┤ # └─────────┘ │17 │ │ │ │24 │ # ├───┼───┼ ⋯ ┼───┼───┤ # │25 │ │ │ │32 │ # └───┴───┴ ⋯ ┴───┴───┘ # Physical display dimensions crate_width = 5 crate_height = 4 crates_x = 8 crates_y = 4 # Computed values display_width = crates_x * crate_width display_height = crates_y * crate_height crate_size = crate_width*crate_height frame_size = display_width*display_height # Display gamma factor gamma = 2.5 # Brightness of the display. 0 to 1.0 brightness = 1.0 # Frame timeout for UDP clients udp_timeout = 3.0 # Interval for rotation of multiple concurrent UDP clients udp_switch_interval = 30.0 # Listening addr/port for UDP and TCP servers udp_addr = tcp_addr = '' udp_port = tcp_port = 1337 # Forward addr/port crap_fw_addr, crap_fw_port = '', 1338 # USB Serial number of matelight to control as byte string (None for first matelight connected) ml_usb_serial_match = None