%% This is file `fltpage.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% fltpage.dtx  (with options: `package')
%% Copyright (C) 1998 by Sebastian Gross. All rights reserved.
%% This file is part of the fltpage package
%% This a tool or better yet, an experiments written by Sebastian Gross,
%% who is writing this not only for it utility value, but as part of the
%% process of learning LaTeX.  This utility is far from perfect, and
%% comments are welcome.
%% The usual disclaimers apply:  If it doesn't work right that's your problem!
%% The usual GNU-style conditions apply: If you change it, you take
%% the blame; if you pass it on, pass on all present conditions;
%% Error Reports in case of UNCHANGED versions to
%%       Sebastian Gross   <seppel@zedat.fu-berlin.de>
%% \iffalse meta-comment
%% ===================================================================
%%  @LaTeX-package-file{
%%     author     = {Sebastian Gross},
%%     version    = {0.3},
%%     date       = {13 Nov 1998},
%%     filename   = {fltpage.dtx},
%%     email      = {seppel@zedat.fu-berlin.de},
%%     codetable  = {ISO/ASCII},
%%     keywords   = {LaTeX2e, float, table, figure, caption, FPfigure, FPtable},
%%     supported  = {yes},
%%     docstring  = {LaTeX package which defines new environments to place
%%                   captions of tables and figures on the facing/following page.}
%%  }
%% ===================================================================
%% \fi
\ProvidesPackage{fltpage}[1998/10/29 v.0.3 Floats on full page (SMU)]
\newcommand*{\FP@guideOneside}{following page}
\newcommand*{\FP@guideTwoside}{facing page}
\newcommand*{\FP@guideAfter}{following page}
\newcommand*{\FP@guideBefore}{preceding page}
\newcommand*{\FP@guideFaceBefore}{preceding page}
\newcommand*{\FP@guideFaceAfter}{following page}
\newcommand{\FP@positionLabel}{FP\@captype-\number\value{FP@\@captype C}-pos}
  \typeout{FP#1 is inserted on page \pageref{#2}!}}%
  \renewcommand{\FP@guideAfter}{n\"achste Seite}
  \renewcommand{\FP@guideBefore}{vorhergehende Seite}
  \renewcommand{\FP@guideFaceBefore}{gegen\"uberliegende Seite}
  \renewcommand{\FP@guideFaceAfter}{gegen\"uberliegende Seite}
    \marginpar{Insertion of FP#1}%
    \typeout{FP#1 is inserted on page \pageref{#2}!}}%
  \PackageWarning{fltpage}{Unknown option `\CurrentOption'!}%
  \stepcounter{FP@\@captype C}%
  \FP@float{\FP@positionLabel}% location label test
                   {\renewcommand{\fnum@figure}{\old@Fnum\ {\FP@guide}}}%
                   {\renewcommand{\fnum@table}{\old@Fnum\ {\FP@guide}}}}%
             \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{2pt plus2pt minus 1pt} % length above caption
             \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{2pt plus2pt minus 1pt} % length above caption
%% End of file `fltpage.sty'.