% Encoding: UTF-8
	author = {Bundesnetzagentur},
	publisher = {Bundesnetzagentur},
	title = {Smart Meter},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919100204/https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Sachgebiete/ElektrizitaetundGas/Verbraucher/NetzanschlussUndMessung/SmartMetering/SmartMeter_node.html},
	urldate = {2019-09-19},
	year = {2019}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik} and {Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Wirtschaft und Energie}},
	month = jan,
	publisher = {Bundesministerium f{\"u}r Wirtschaft und Energie},
	title = {Standardisierungsstrategie zur sektor{\"u}bergreifenden Digitalisierung nach dem Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919100713/https://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/DE/Downloads/S-T/standardisierungsstrategie.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=4},
	urldate = {2019-09-19},
	year = {2019}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	month = nov,
	organization = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	title = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919102010/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR03109.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=3},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2015}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	month = jan,
	number = {v1.0.1},
	organization = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	title = {TR-03109-1: Anforderungen an die Interoperabilit{\"a}t der Kommunikationseinheit eines intelligenten Messsystems},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919102217/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR03109-1.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=3},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2019}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	month = nov,
	number = {v1.0},
	organization = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	title = {TR-03109-6: Smart Meter Gateway Administration},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919102651/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-6-Smart_Meter_Gateway_Administration.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=4},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2015}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	month = aug,
	number = {v1.2.1},
	organization = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	title = {TR-03109-4: Public Key Infrastruktur f{\"u}r Smart Meter Gateways},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919102649/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-4_PKI.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=3},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2017}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	month = dec,
	number = {v1.1},
	organization = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	title = {TR-03109-2: Smart Meter Gateway - Anforderungen an die Funktionalit{\"a}t und Interoperabilit{\"a}t des Sicherheitsmoduls},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919102644/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-2-Anforderungen_an_die_Funktionalitaet.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=3},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2014}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	month = apr,
	organization = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	title = {TR-03109-3: Kryptographische Vorgaben f{\"u}r die Infrastruktur von intelligenten Messsystemen},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919102648/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-3_Kryptographische_Vorgaben.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=1},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2014}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = mar,
	organization = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	title = {TR-03109-1 Anlage I: CMS-Datenformat f{\"u}r die Inhaltsdatenverschl{\"u}sselung und -signatur},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919104234/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-1\_Anlage\_CMS.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2\_cid351?\_\_blob=publicationFile\&v=2},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2013}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = mar,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-1 Anlage II: COSEM/HTTP Webservices},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919104234/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-1\_Anlage\_CMS.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2\_cid351?\_\_blob=publicationFile\&v=2},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2012}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = mar,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-1 Anlage III: Feinspezifikation "Drahtlose LMN-Schnittstelle" Teil b: "OMS Technical Report Security"},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919110101/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-1_Anlage_Feinspezifikation_Drahtlose_LMN-Schnittstelle-Teil2.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=2},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2013}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = mar,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-1 Anlage III: Feinspezifikation "Drahtlose LMN-Schnittstelle" Teil a: "OMS Specification Volume 2, Primary Communication"},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919110054/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-1_Anlage_Feinspezifikation_Drahtlose_LMN-Schnittstelle.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=2},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2013}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = mar,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-1 Anlage IV: Feinspezifikation "Drahtgebundene LMN-Schnittstelle" Teil a: "HDLC f{\"u}r LMN"},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919110101/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-1_Anlage_Feinspezifikation_Drahtlose_LMN-Schnittstelle-Teil2.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=2},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2013}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = mar,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-1 Anlage IV: Feinspezifikation "Drahtgebundene LMN-Schnittstelle" Teil b: "SML Smart Message Language"},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919110756/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-1\_Anlage\_Feinspezifikation\_Drahtgebundene\_LMN-Schnittstelle\_Teilb.pdf jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2\_cid351?\_\_blob=publicationFile\&v=2},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2013}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = mar,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-1 Anlage VI: Betriebsprozesse},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919111203/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-1_Anlage_Betriebsprozesse.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=1},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2013}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = jan,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-1 Anlage VII: Interoperabilit{\"a}tsmodell und Ger{\"a}teprofile f{\"u}r Smart-Meter- Gateways},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919111350/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-1_Anlage_Interop-Modell-Geraeteprofile.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=2},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2019}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.1},
	month = dec,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-2 Anhang A: Smart Meter Gateway Sicherheitsmodul Use Cases},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919111540/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-2-Sicherheitsmodul_Use_Cases.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=2},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2014}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = jun,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-2 Anhang B: Smart Meter Mini-HSM Anforderungen an die Funktionalit{\"a}t und Interoperabilit{\"a}t des Sicherheitsmoduls},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919111832/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-2_Anhang_B_Smart_Meter_Mini_HSM.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=3},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2017}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03116 Kryptographische Vorgaben f{\"u}r Projekte der Bundesregierung},
	month = jan,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03116-3: Intelligente Messsysteme},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919112052/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03116/BSI-TR-03116-3.pdf; jsessionid=CB56FC0D3137C5624CA697AB9E57671F.1_cid360?__blob=publicationFile&v=9},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2019}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	booktitle = {Technische Richtlinie BSI TR-03109},
	edition = {00.91},
	month = jan,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-03109-TS-1: Testkonzept zu BSI TR-03109-1},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919112310/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/TechnischeRichtlinien/TR03109/TR-03109-TS-1_Testkonzept.pdf; jsessionid=BD197BE4CB44C76EE7945640B8703844.2_cid351?__blob=publicationFile&v=1},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2015}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	edition = {v1.5},
	month = jan,
	organization = {Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik},
	title = {TR-Pr{\"u}fstellen: Anforderungen an Antragsteller zur Anerkennung als Pr{\"u}fstelle im Bereich Technischer Richtlinien},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919112552/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Zertifizierung/TR-Pruefstellen.pdf; jsessionid=A6B4CB8AD2C038741C656276CE874B61.2_cid369?__blob=publicationFile&v=10},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	year = {2019}

	author = {Yilin Mo and Tiffany Hyun-Jin Kim and Kenneth Brancik and Dona Dickinson and Heejo Lee and Adrian Perrig and Bruno Sinopoli},
	journaltitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
	month = jan,
	number = {1},
	pages = {195--209},
	publisher = {IEEE},
	title = {Cyber-Physical Security of a Smart Grid Infrastructure},
	url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.sci-hub.tw/abstract/document/6016202; https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6016202; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yilin_Mo/publication/224257991_Cyber-Physical_Security_of_a_Smart_Grid_Infrastructure/links/004635395d2f66a584000000.pdf},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	volume = {100},
	year = {2012}

	author = {Vehbi C. G{\"u}ng{\"o}r and Dilan Sahin and Taskin Kocak and Concettina Buccella and Carlo Cecati and Gerhard P. Hancke and Salih Erg{\"u}t},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics},
	month = nov,
	number = {4},
	organization = {IEEE},
	pages = {529--539},
	title = {Smart Grid Technologies: Communication Technologies and Standards},
	url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Salih_Ergut/publication/224257498_Smart_Grid_Technologies_Communication_Technologies_and_Standards/links/56ccb4e508ae85c8233bc062/Smart-Grid-Technologies-Communication-Technologies-and-Standards.pdf},
	volume = {7},
	year = {2011}

	author = {Ye Yan and Yi Qian and Hamid Sharif and David Tipper},
	doi = {10.1109/SURV.2012.021312.00034},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Communications Surveys \& Tutorials},
	organization = {IEEE},
	title = {A Survey on Smart Grid Communication Infrastructures: Motivations, Requirements and Challenges},
	url = {http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/12508/1/Smart_Grid_Infrastructure_Final.pdf},
	year = {2012}

	author = {Yasin Kabalci},
	doi = {10.1016/j.rser.2015.12.114},
	journaltitle = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
	pages = {302--318},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	title = {A survey on smart metering and smart grid communication},
	url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yasin_Kabalci/publication/289504234_A_survey_on_smart_metering_and_smart_grid_communication/links/5a6105aaaca272a1581745c1/A-survey-on-smart-metering-and-smart-grid-communication.pdf},
	volume = {57},
	year = {2016}

	author = {Bin Zhou and Wentao Li and Ka Wing Chan and Yijia Cao and Yonghong Kuang and Xi Liu and Xiong Wang},
	journaltitle = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
	pages = {30--40},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	title = {Smart home energy management systems: Concept, configurations, and scheduling strategies},
	url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com.sci-hub.tw/science/article/abs/pii/S1364032116002823},
	volume = {61},
	x-color = {#009966},
	year = {2016}

	author = {Jaime Lloret and Jesus Tomas and Alejandro Canovas and Lorena Parra},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Communications Magazine},
	organization = {IEEE},
	pages = {50--57},
	title = {An Integrated IoT Architecture for Smart Metering},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	volume = {54},
	x-color = {#7a783b},
	year = {2016}

	author = {Konark Sharma and Lalit Mohan Saini},
	doi = {10.1016/j.rser.2015.04.170},
	journaltitle = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
	pages = {720--735},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	title = {Performance analysis of smart metering for smart grid: An overview},
	url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com.sci-hub.tw/science/article/abs/pii/S1364032115004402},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	volume = {49},
	x-color = {#7a783b},
	year = {2015}

	author = {Javier Leiva and Alfonso Palacios and Jos{\'e} A. Aguado},
	journaltitle = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
	pages = {227--233},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	title = {Smart metering trends, implications and necessities: A policy review},
	url = {http://kchbi.chtf.stuba.sk/upload_new/file/Miro/Proc%20problemy%20odovzdane%20zadania/Cyprichov%C3%A1/SmartMetering.pdf; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2015.11.002},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	volume = {55},
	x-color = {#009966},
	year = {2016}

	author = {G. Lopez and J.I. Moreno and H. Amar\'{\i}s and F. Salazar},
	doi = {10.1016/j.epsr.2014.05.006},
	journaltitle = {Electric Power Systems Research},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	title = {Paving the road toward Smart Grids through large-scale advanced metering infrastructures},
	url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com.sci-hub.tw/science/article/abs/pii/S0378779614001862},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	x-color = {#009966},
	year = {2014}

	author = {Damminda Alahakoon and Xinghuo Yu},
	doi = {10.1109/TII.2015.2414355},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics},
	organization = {IEEE},
	title = {Smart Electricity Meter Data Intelligence for Future Energy Systems: A Survey},
	url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.sci-hub.tw/abstract/document/7063262},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	x-color = {#009966},
	year = {2015}

	editor = {Stuart Borlase},
	isbn = {978-1-4987-9955-3},
	publisher = {CRC Press},
	series = {Electric Power and Energy Engineering},
	title = {Smart Grids: Advanced Technologies and Solutions},
	url = {http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=54E49C790BF4ABE66857D6A86E60A196},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	x-color = {#cc3300},
	year = {2017}

	author = {Saurabh Amin and Galina A. Schwartz and Alvaro A. C{\'a}rdenas and S. Shankar Sastry},
	doi = {10.1109/MCS.2014.2364711},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Control Systems Magazine},
	month = feb,
	organization = {IEEE},
	part = {1},
	title = {Game-Theoretic Models of Electricity Theft Detection in Smart Utility Networks},
	url = {https://cloudfront.escholarship.org/dist/prd/content/qt3658w184/qt3658w184.pdf},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	volume = {35},
	x-color = {#7a783b},
	year = {2015}

	author = {Anzar Mahmood and Nadeem Javaid and Sohail Razzaq},
	doi = {10.1016/j.rser.2014.08.036},
	journaltitle = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews},
	pages = {248--260},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	title = {A review of wireless communications for smart grid},
	url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com.sci-hub.tw/science/article/abs/pii/S1364032114007126},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	volume = {41},
	x-color = {#7a783b},
	year = {2015}

	author = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	edition = {v1.0},
	month = jan,
	organization = {{Bundesamt f{\"u}r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik}},
	title = {Marktanalyse zur Feststellung der technischen M{\"o}glichkeit zum Einbau intelligenter Messsysteme nach {\S} 30 MsbG},
	url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20190919124052/https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/SmartMeter/Marktanalysen/Marktanalyse_nach_Para_30_MsbG.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=8},
	urldate = 2019-09-19,
	x-color = {#009966},
	year = {2019}

	author = {R. {Czechowski} and A. M. {Kosek}},
	booktitle = {2016 Joint Workshop on Cyber- Physical Security and Resilience in Smart Grids (CPSR-SG)},
	doi = {10.1109/CPSRSG.2016.7684098},
	issn = {},
	keywords = {power consumption; power engineering computing; power system measurement; power system security; security of data; smart meters; energy theft techniques; power energy consumption; electric energy distribution; electricity theft detection; energy consumers; cyber security; smart metering; low voltage network; Energy consumption; Security; Energy measurement; Companies; Power systems; Wheels; Smart Grid; energy theft; cyber-physical security; digital data flow; energy hacking},
	month = {April},
	organization = {IEEE},
	pages = {1--7},
	title = {The most frequent energy theft techniques and hazards in present power energy consumption},
	url = {https://project-sparks.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/czechowski-cpsr-sg-paper-four.pdf},
	x-color = {#009966},
	year = {2016}

	author = {{ST Microelectronics}},
	edition = {r1},
	month = {jun},
	organization = {ST Microelectronics},
	subtitle = {Security module of a smart meter gateway as defined by the BSI},
	title = {STSAFE-J100-BS Data brief},
	url = {https://www.st.com/resource/en/data_brief/stsafe-j100-bs.pdf},
	urldate = 2019-09-20,
	x-color = {#009966},
	year = {2018}

	author = {Mathias Dalheimer},
	eventtitle = {Gulaschprogrammiernacht 2014},
	title = {Smartin Meter-Einf{\"u}hrung Deutschland},
	url = {https://entropia.de/images/2/2c/GPN14-SmartMeterEinf%C3%BChrung.pdf}

	author = {Heise Medien},
	title = {checkm8: Boot-Exploit soll neuere iPhones knacken},
	url = {https://www.heise.de/mac-and-i/meldung/checkm8-Boot-Exploit-soll-neuere-iPhones-knacken-4542075.html}

	author = {Yongdong Wu and Zhuo Wei and Jian Weng and Xin Li and Robert H. Deng},
	doi = {10.1109/TSG.2017.2661307},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid},
	month = {Sep},
	number = {5},
	pages = {4490--4502},
	title = {Resonance Attacks on Load Frequency Control of Smart Grids},
	volume = {9},
	x-color = {#cc3300},
	year = {2018}

  author = {{ENTSO-E System Protection Dynamics and WG}},
  title  = {Oscillation Event 03.12.2017},
  url    = {https://docstore.entsoe.eu/Documents/SOC%20documents/Regional_Groups_Continental_Europe/OSCILLATION_REPORT_SPD.pdf},
  month  = mar,
  year   = {2018},

	author = {Nancy G. Leveson and Clark S. Turner},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Computer},
	month = jul,
	number = {7},
	pages = {18--41},
	title = {An Investigation of the Therac-25 Accidents},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/MC.1993.274940; https://web.archive.org/web/20041128024227/http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2003/cmsc838p/Misc/therac.pdf},
	volume = {26},
	year = {1993}

	author = {Leslie Lamport and Robert Shostak and Marshall Pease},
	journaltitle = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
	month = jul,
	number = {3},
	pages = {382--401},
	publisher = {ACM},
	title = {The Byzantine Generals Problem},
	url = {https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/byzantine-generals-problem/?from=http%3A%2F%2Fresearch.microsoft.com%2Fen-us%2Fum%2Fpeople%2Flamport%2Fpubs%2Fbyz.pdf; https://doi.org/10.1145%2F357172.357176},
	volume = {4},
	year = {1982}

	author = {Matt Blaze and Joan Feigenbaum and John Ioannidis and Angelos D Keromytis},
	booktitle = {Secure Internet Programming},
	pages = {185--210},
	publisher = {Springer},
	title = {The role of trust management in distributed systems security},
	year = {1999}

	author = {Robert M. Lee and Michael J. Assante and Tim Conway},
	journal = {Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC)},
	title = {Analysis of the cyber attack on the Ukrainian power grid},
	year = {2016}

	author = {Chih-Che Sun and Adam Hahn and Chen-Ching Liu},
	journal = {International Journal of Electrical Power \& Energy Systems},
	pages = {45--56},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	title = {Cyber security of a power grid: State-of-the-art},
	volume = {99},
	year = {2018}

	author = {Jixuan Zheng and David Wenzhong Gao and Li Lin},
	booktitle = {2013 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech)},
	organization = {IEEE},
	pages = {57--64},
	title = {Smart meters in smart grid: An overview},
	year = {2013}

  author       = {{The CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Joint Working Group Standards Smart on for Grids}},
  title        = {Final report of the CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Joint Working Group on Standards for Smart Grids},
  month        = may,
  organization = {CEN/CENELEC/ETSI},
  year         = {2011},

	author = {Dillon Pariente and Emmanuel Ledinot},
	journal = {Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software},
	pages = {205-219},
	publisher = {KIT University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association},
	title = {Formal verification of industrial C code using Frama-C: a case study},
	year = {2010}

	author = {Graham Rogers},
	publisher = {Kluwer},
	title = {Power System Oscillations},
	year = {2000}

  title        = {Low Frequency Oscillations in the Interconnected System of Continental Europe},
  doi          = {10.1109/PES.2010.5589932 {\textperiodcentered}},
  publisher    = {IEEE},
  author       = {E. Grebe and J. Kabouris and S. L{\'o}pez Barba and W. Sattinger and W. Winter},
  journaltitle = {IEEE PES General Meeting},
  month        = aug,
  year         = {2010},

	author = {McDaniel Patrick and McLaughlin Stephen},
	journaltitle = {Secure Systems},
	month = may,
	organization = {IEEE},
	title = {Security and Privacy Challenges in the Smart Grid},
	year = {2009}

  author       = {Benjamin Sch{\"a}fer and Moritz Matthiae and Marc Timme and Dirk Witthaut},
  journaltitle = {New Journal of Physics},
  title        = {Decentral Smart Grid Control},
  doi          = {doi:10.1088/1367-2630/17/1/015002},
  volume       = {17},
  month        = jan,
  publisher    = {IOP/DPG},
  year         = {2015},

	author = {Oliver Kosut and Liyan Jia and Robert J. Thomas and Lang Tong},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid},
	month = nov,
	number = {4},
	pages = {645-658},
	publisher = {IEEE},
	title = {Malicious Data Attacks on the Smart Grid},
	volume = {2},
	year = {2011}

	author = {Bruce Schneier},
	journaltitle = {Crypto-Gram May 15 2002},
	month = may,
	publisher = {Counterplane Internet Security},
	title = {Secrecy, Security, and Obscurity},
	url = {https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram/archives/2002/0515.html},
	year = {2002}

	author = {Jinsub Kim and Lang Tong},
	doi = {10.1109/JSAC.2013.130712},
	journaltitle = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
	month = jul,
	number = {7},
	publisher = {IEEE},
	title = {On Topology Attack of a Smart Grid: Undetectable Attacks and Countermeasures},
	volume = {31},
	year = {2013}

	author = {Daniel Fraunholz and Simon {Duque Anton} and Hans Dieter Schotten},
	journaltitle = {2017 25th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM)},
	month = nov,
	publisher = {IEEE},
	title = {Introducing GAMfIS: A Generic Attacker Model for Information Security},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.23919/SOFTCOM.2017.8115550},
	year = {2017}

	author = {Andrew E. Kramer},
	date = {Dec 30 2016},
	journaltitle = {The New York Times New York edition, Section A, Page 1},
	publisher = {The New York Times},
	title = {How the Kremlin Recruited an Army of Specialists for Cyberwar},
	year = {2016}

	author = {Noelia Uribe-P{\'e}rez and Luis Hern{\'a}ndez and David de la Vega and Itziar Angulo},
	comment = {Questionable publisher but seems good-quality, well-researched. Maybe not published elsewhere since it's just an industry/legislative review article?},
	doi = {10.3390/app6030068},
	journaltitle = {Applied Sciences},
	month = feb,
	number = {3},
	organization = {MDPI},
	pages = {68},
	title = {State of the Art and Trends Review of Smart Metering in Electricity Grids},
	volume = {6},
	x-color = {#cc3300},
	year = {2016}

	author = {Andoni Urtasun and Pablo Sanchis and David Barricarte and Luis Marroyo},
	comment = {has lots of self-citations by urtasun},
	journaltitle = {Renewable Energy},
	month = jan,
	pages = {325--336},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	title = {Energy management strategy for a battery-diesel stand-alone system with distributed PV generation based on grid frequency modulation},
	url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2013.12.020},
	volume = {66},
	year = {2014}

  author       = {Dacfey Dzung and Inigo Berganza and Alberto Sendin},
  date         = {2011},
  journaltitle = {2011 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications},
  title        = {Evolution of powerline communications for smart distribution: From Ripple Control to OFDM},
  doi          = {10.1109/ISPLC.2011.5764444},
  url          = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Inigo_Berganza/publication/224236306_Evolution_of_powerline_communications_for_smart_distribution_From_ripple_control_to_OFDM/links/5c658800299bf1d14cc74cbd/Evolution-of-powerline-communications-for-smart-distribution-From-ripple-control-to-OFDM.pdf},

  author       = {Jochen Fritz and Alexander Hovi},
  date         = {2020},
  title        = {Transkommando-System},
  url          = {http://www.rundsteuerung.de/entwicklung/transkommando.html},
  journaltitle = {Rundsteuertechnik: Übertragung von Steuersignalen über das Energieversorgungsnetz},

  author    = {Kundur, Prabha},
  title     = {Power system stability and control},
  isbn      = {007035958X},
  language  = {eng},
  publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
  series    = {The EPRI power system engineering series},
  address   = {New York, NY u.a.},
  keywords  = {Elektrizitätsversorgungsnetz},
  year      = {1994},

  author    = {Alois M. J. Goiser},
  date      = {1998},
  title     = {Handbuch der Spread-Spectrum Technik},
  isbn      = {3-211-83080-4},
  publisher = {Springer},

  author      = {Lamport, Leslie},
  date        = {19},
  institution = {Technical Report CSL-98, SRI International},
  title       = {Constructing digital signatures from a one-way function},
  year        = {1979},

  author       = {Buchmann, Johannes and Dahmen, Erik and Ereth, Sarah and H{\"u}lsing, Andreas and R{\"u}ckert, Markus},
  booktitle    = {International Conference on Cryptology in Africa},
  title        = {On the security of the Winternitz one-time signature scheme},
  organization = {Springer},
  pages        = {363--378},
  year         = {2011},

  author       = {Merkle, Ralph C},
  booktitle    = {Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology},
  title        = {A certified digital signature},
  organization = {Springer},
  pages        = {218--238},
  year         = {1989},

  author       = {Dods, Chris and Smart, Nigel P and Stam, Martijn},
  booktitle    = {IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding},
  title        = {Hash based digital signature schemes},
  organization = {Springer},
  pages        = {96--115},
  year         = {2005},

  author      = {Gasior, M and Gonzalez, JL},
  institution = {CERN-AB-Note-2004-021},
  title       = {Improving FFT frequency measurement resolution by parabolic and gaussian interpolation},
  year        = {2004},

  author       = {Del Giudice, Antonio and Graditi, Giorgio and Pietrosanto, Antonio and Paciello, Vincenzo},
  booktitle    = {2015 IEEE International Workshop on Measurements \& Networking (M\&N)},
  title        = {Power quality in smart distribution grids},
  organization = {IEEE},
  pages        = {1--6},
  year         = {2015},

  author  = {{Virtanen}, Pauli and {Gommers}, Ralf and {Oliphant}, Travis E. and {Haberland}, Matt and {Reddy}, Tyler and {Cournapeau}, David and {Burovski}, Evgeni and {Peterson}, Pearu and {Weckesser}, Warren and {Bright}, Jonathan and {van der Walt}, St{\'e}fan J. and {Brett}, Matthew and {Wilson}, Joshua and {Jarrod Millman}, K. and {Mayorov}, Nikolay and {Nelson}, Andrew R.~J. and {Jones}, Eric and {Kern}, Robert and {Larson}, Eric and {Carey}, CJ and {Polat}, {\.I}lhan and {Feng}, Yu and {Moore}, Eric W. and {Vand erPlas}, Jake and {Laxalde}, Denis and {Perktold}, Josef and {Cimrman}, Robert and {Henriksen}, Ian and {Quintero}, E.~A. and {Harris}, Charles R and {Archibald}, Anne M. and {Ribeiro}, Ant{\^o}nio H. and {Pedregosa}, Fabian and {van Mulbregt}, Paul and {Contributors}, SciPy 1. 0},
  title   = {{SciPy 1.0: Fundamental Algorithms for Scientific Computing in Python}},
  doi     = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2},
  pages   = {261--272},
  volume  = {17},
  adsurl  = {https://rdcu.be/b08Wh},
  journal = {Nature Methods},
  year    = {2020},

  author    = {Dervi{\v{s}}kadi{\'c}, Asja and Romano, Paolo and Paolone, Mario},
  title     = {Iterative-interpolated DFT for synchrophasor estimation: A single algorithm for P-and M-class compliant PMUs},
  number    = {3},
  pages     = {547--558},
  volume    = {67},
  journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  year      = {2017},

  author    = {Narduzzi, Claudio and Bertocco, Matteo and Frigo, Guglielmo and Giorgi, Giada},
  title     = {Fast-TFM—Multifrequency phasor measurement for distribution networks},
  number    = {8},
  pages     = {1825--1835},
  volume    = {67},
  journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  year      = {2018},

  author    = {Stuart Cheshire and Mary Baker},
  title     = {Consistent overhead Byte stuffing},
  doi       = {10.1109/90.769765},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {159--172},
  volume    = {7},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/ton/CheshireB99.bib},
  journal   = {{IEEE/ACM} Trans. Netw.},
  year      = {1999},

  author    = {Thomas Kluyver and Benjamin Ragan{-}Kelley and Fernando P{\'{e}}rez and Brian E. Granger and Matthias Bussonnier and Jonathan Frederic and Kyle Kelley and Jessica B. Hamrick and Jason Grout and Sylvain Corlay and Paul Ivanov and Dami{\'{a}}n Avila and Safia Abdalla and Carol Willing and et al.},
  booktitle = {Positioning and Power in Academic Publishing: Players, Agents and Agendas, 20th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, G{\"{o}}ttingen, Germany, June 7-9, 2016},
  title     = {Jupyter Notebooks - a publishing format for reproducible computational workflows},
  doi       = {10.3233/978-1-61499-649-1-87},
  editor    = {Fernando Loizides and Birgit Schmidt},
  pages     = {87--90},
  publisher = {{IOS} Press},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/elpub/KluyverRPGBFKHG16.bib},
  year      = {2016},

  author  = {Perrin, Trevor},
  title   = {The Noise protocol framework, 2015},
  journal = {URL http://noiseprotocol. org/noise. pdf},
  year    = {2016},

  author = {Yasin Kabalci},
  title  = {A survey on smart metering and smart grid communication},
  doi    = {10.1016/j.rser.2015.12.114},
  issn   = {1364-0321},
  pages  = {302-318},
  volume = {57},
  year   = {2016},

  author = {Gasior, Marek},
  title  = {{Improving frequency resolution of discrete spectra: algorithms of three-node interpolation}},
  url    = {https://cds.cern.ch/record/1346070},
  year   = {2006},

  author    = {UCTE/ENTSO-E},
  date      = {2009},
  title     = {Operation Handbook},
  chapter   = {Policy 1: Load-Frequency Control-Final Version (approved by SC on 19 March 2009)},
  publisher = {UCTE/ENTSO-E},
  year      = {2009},

  author      = {{ENTSO-E Working Group Incident Classification Scale Under System Operations Committee}},
  date        = {2014},
  institution = {ENTSO-E},

  author    = {UCTE/ENTSO-E},
  date      = {2004},
  title     = {Operation Handbook},
  chapter   = {Appendix 1: Load-Frequency Control and Performance},
  publisher = {UCTE/ENTSO-E},
  year      = {2009},

  author    = {David Eisma and Pretesh Patel},
  booktitle = {Essential Readings in Light Metals, Volume 2, Aluminum Reduction Technology},
  date      = {2016},
  title     = {Challenges in Power Modulation},
  editor    = {Geoff Bearne and Marc Dupuis and Gary Tarcy},
  pages     = {683-688},

  author       = {Roman Düssel},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 36th International ICSOBA Conference},
  date         = {2018},
  title        = {Paradigm Shift in the Indication of a Stable Cell during Power Modulation},
  journaltitle = {Proceedings of the 36th International ICSOBA Conference},

  author      = {Christian Egenhofer and Felice Simonelli and Andrea Renda and Antonella Zarra and William Schmitt and Aurélie Faure and Eleaonor Drabik and Vasileios Rizos and Thomas Hähl and Michèle Koper and Angelica Afanador and Marian Bons},
  date        = {2018},
  institution = {European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs},
  title       = {Composition and Driversof Energy Prices and Costs:Case Studies in SelectedEnergy Intensive Industries – 2018},
  doi         = {10.2873/937326},
  url         = {https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/424dac0a-ec77-11e8-b690-01aa75ed71a1/language-en},

  author      = {Harald A. Øye},
  date        = {2012},
  institution = {27th International Aluminium Conference Metal Bulletin Events},
  title       = {Power Failure, Temporary Pot Shut-Down, Restart and Repair},
  eventtitle  = {27thInternational Aluminium Conference Metal Bulletin Events},

  author      = {Mohammed W. Ayoub and Francis V. P. Robinson},
  date        = {2013},
  institution = {Dubai Aluminium},
  title       = {A comparative study between diode and thyristor based AC to DC converters for aluminium smelting process},
  doi         = {https://doi.org/10.1109/IEEEGCC.2013.6705851},
  url         = {https://purehost.bath.ac.uk/ws/files/134381670/a_comparative_study_between_diode_and_thyristor_based_AC_to_DC_converters_for_aluminium_smelting_process.pdf},

  author      = {Paul S. Wright},
  date        = {2019},
  institution = {UK National Physical Laboratory},
  title       = {Library of ROCOF Test Waveforms – Pseudo Code, V1.0, May 2019.},
  doi         = {10.5281/zenodo.3559798},

  date        = {1997},
  institution = {Hewlett Packard},
  title       = {Application Note 200-2: Fundamentals of Quartz Oscillators},

  author       = {Adrian Cramer},
  date         = {2015},
  title        = {Bedienhandbuch "Smart Meter"},
  url          = {https://www.nbl-badlangensalza.de/fileadmin/Netze/Dokumente/Benutzerhandbuch_NBL-Smart_Meter_V.1.0_.pdf},
  organization = {{NETZE Bad Langensalza GmbH}},

  date      = {2018},
  title     = {MsbG : Kommentar zum Messstellenbetriebsgesetz},
  editor    = {Armin Steinbach and Michael Weise},
  isbn      = {9783110555882},
  publisher = {De Gruyter},

  date        = {2019},
  institution = {Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie},
  title       = {Gutachten Digitalisierung der Energiewende},
  url         = {https://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/DE/Publikationen/Studien/digitalisierung-der-energiewende-thema-1.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=4},

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