path: root/paper/iacrtrans-tches/iacrtrans/iacrdoc.tex
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+% IACR Transactions CLASS DOCUMENTATION -- version 0.24 (26 August 2016)
+% Written by Gaetan Leurent (2016)
+% To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
+% copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the
+% public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any
+% warranty.
+% You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication
+% along with this software. If not, see
+% <>.
+\author{Gaëtan Leurent\inst{1} \and Alice\inst{2} \and Bob\inst{2}}
+\institute{Inria, France, \email{} \and ACME}
+\title[\texttt{iacrtans} class documentation]{\publname}
+\subtitle{\LaTeX{} Class Documentation (v. 0.24)}
+% use optional argument because the \LaTeX command breaks the PDF keywords
+\keywords[\publname, TCHES, LaTeX]{\publname \and TCHES \and \LaTeX}
+ This document is a quick introduction to the \LaTeX{} class for the
+ \publname{}.
+The \texttt{iacrtans} \LaTeX{} class will be used by the new
+``\publname'' journal. The class is based on standard \LaTeX{}
+classes and packages (mainly the \texttt{article} class with
+\texttt{amsmath}), and should be similar in use to the \texttt{llncs}
+class used for Springer's proceedings. The \LaTeX{} source of this
+documentation is meant as an example to show basic usage of the class.
+Since we are now preparing the zero-th issue of the journal, the class
+is still in development and feedback and comments are welcome.
+\subsection*{\textcolor{red!70!black}{FAQ:} Converting \texttt{llncs} papers to \texttt{iacrtrans}}
+If you have a paper typeset with the \texttt{llncs} class, conversion
+should be relatively easy. The following steps should be sufficient
+in most cases (for the submission version):
+\item Replace \verb+\documentclass{llncs}+ with\\ \verb+\documentclass[submission,spthm]{iacrtrans}+;
+\item Replace \verb+\bibliographystyle{splncs03}+ with
+ \verb+\bibliographystyle{alpha}+;
+\item Add a \verb+\keywords{}+ command before the abstract, with
+ keywords separated by \verb+\and+;
+\item Remove commands that might override the class style, such as
+ \verb+\pagestyle{...}+ or \verb+\thispagestyle{...}+,
+ change of margins (\emph{e.g.} with the \texttt{geometry} package),
+ change of fonts, ....
+\item See also \autoref{sec:biblio} for information about how to
+ typeset the bibliography.
+\section{Main Commands}
+\subsection{Title page}
+The following commands are used to input informations for the title page.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash title}} to define the title.
+A shorter running title can be given as optional argument.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash subtitle}} to give an optional
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash author}} to define the author list.
+Author names must be delimited by \verb+\and+ macros. If there is one
+different affiliation for each author, authors and affiliations will be
+numbered automatically. Otherwise, each author name must be followed by
+\verb+\inst{...}+ with the corresponding affiliation(s).
+A shorter list of authors for the running head can be given as
+optional argument.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash institute}} to give author's affiliation(s).
+If there are several affiliations, they must be separated by
+\verb+\and+ macros, and will be numbered automatically.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash keywords}} to give a list of
+Individual keywords should be separated by the \verb+\and+ macro.
+If there are fragile commands in the keywords, use the optional argument
+to give a text-only version of the keywords; this will be used for the
+PDF meta-data.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash email}} should be used inside the
+\verb+\institute+ argument to typeset author's email address(es). An
+optional argument can be given for the hyperlink, if different from the
+displayed email. For instance, you can group emails as follows:\\
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash thanks}}
+can be used inside the \verb+\title+,
+\verb+\author+ or \verb+\institute+ argument to generate a footnote with additional
+information, if needed.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash maketitle}} is used to actually
+typeset the title.
+\paragraph{The \texttt{abstract} environment} should be used to typeset the abstract.
+Note that the keywords should be given before starting the abstract environment.
+The \texttt{iacrtrans} class uses the \AmS{} packages to typeset
+math. In particular, it loads the \texttt{amsthm} package, and
+predefines the following environments:
+ \ttfamily
+theorem & definition & remark \\
+proposition & example & note \\
+problem & exercise & case \\
+lemma & property & \\
+conjecture & question & \\
+corollary & solution & \\
+claim & & \\
+Note that the \texttt{proof} environment automatically adds a QED
+symbol at the end of the proof (unless you give option
+\texttt{[spthm]} to the \texttt{iacrtrans} class). If the QED symbol
+is typeset at a wrong position, you can force its position with
+\section{Class options}
+\subsection{Publication type}
+The class supports four publication types, selected with the
+following class options:
+\item[\texttt{[final]}] for final papers (default mode)
+\item[\texttt{[preprint]}] for preprints (without copyright info)
+\item[\texttt{[submission]}] for submissions (anonymous, with line numbers)
+\item[\texttt{[draft]}] is similar to preprint, but activates draft
+ mode for the underlying \texttt{article} class (which shows overfull hboxes), and other packages
+ (\emph{e.g.} \texttt{graphicx}, \texttt{hyperref}).
+\subsection{Other Options}
+provides theorem environments that emulates
+\texttt{llncs} class's \texttt{sptheorem}:
+\item A \texttt{\textbackslash spnewtheorem} wrapper is provided
+ around \AmS{} \texttt{\textbackslash newtheorem}. Note that the
+ styling options are ignored; you should use standard
+ \texttt{amsthm} commands for fine control.
+\item The \AmS{} \texttt{proof} environment will not automatically add a
+ QED symbol at the end of the proof.
+uses the \texttt{floatrow} package to customize floats rather than the
+plain \texttt{float} package. In particular, this allows to typeset
+floats side by side as shown in this example:
+ \begin{floatrow}
+ \ffigbox{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{1.png}}
+ {\caption{This is caption 1.}}
+ \ffigbox{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{2.png}}
+ {\caption{This is caption 2.}}
+ \end{floatrow}
+The row will be divided equally according to the number of figures, but
+you can ask each figure to take its natural space instead with
+\verb+\ffigbox[\FBwidth]+. For more advanced use, see the
+\texttt{floatrow} documentation.
+disables the automatic loading of
+\texttt{hyperref}. Use this is if your document fails to compile with
+\texttt{hyperref} for some reason.
+The \texttt{iacrtrans} class automatically loads \texttt{hyperref}
+after all other packages. If you need some packages to be loaded
+\emph{after} \texttt{hyperref}, you should load \texttt{hyperref}
+explicitly at the correct position, but not use the \texttt{[nohyperref]} option.
+\section{Typesetting the Bibliography}
+% Borrowed from btxdoc.tex
+\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+Having good bibliographic references is very important for the
+visibility of the journal. Since we don't have a commercial editor,
+authors need to make sure themselves that references are standardized
+and clean. We strongly encourage authors to use \BibTeX{} for the
+bibliograpy, using bibliographic data
+from \url{} or \url{}.
+We are still working on a good solution for the bibliography, and we
+expect to have more specific instructions when producing the final
+version of the papers, including a dedicated \BibTeX{} style.
+\section{Further instructions}
+\paragraph{\LaTeX{} distribution, and worklow.} \LaTeX{}
+distributions are available on a variaty of platforms. In particular,
+we recommand the \href{}{TeX Live}
+distribution, which is updated regularly, include a large number of
+packages, and is available on many platforms.
+\item[Linux:] A LaTeX installation is included in most Linux
+ distributions. Alternatively,
+ \href{}{TeX Live} can be installed
+ easily without root access.
+\item[Windows:] There are also good \LaTeX{} distributions for Windows,
+ such as \href{}{MikTeX} and
+ \href{}{TeX Live}.
+\item[MacOSX:] On MacOSX, TeX Live is available inside
+ \href{}{MacTeX}.
+We recommand the use of \texttt{pdflatex} because it generally
+supports more features than \texttt{latex} and \texttt{dvips}
+(\texttt{xelatex} and \texttt{lualatex} are also missing some advanced
+features from \texttt{pdflatex}).
+\paragraph{Internal references.}
+We recommend the use of \verb+\autoref+ from \texttt{hyperref}
+(automatically loaded by the class). For instance,
+\verb+\autoref{sec:options}+ links to \autoref{sec:options}.
+We recommend the use of the \texttt{tikz} package to render pictures.
+In particular, a large variety of crypto pictures made with
+\texttt{tikz} is available at \url{}.
+\paragraph{External pictures.} The \texttt{graphicx} is loaded by the
+class, and is recommended for external figures.
+If possible, external figures should be in a vector format: you can
+use PDF files when compiling with \texttt{pdflatex}, and EPS files
+when compiling with \texttt{latex}, and \texttt{dvips}. Note that the
+\verb+\includegraphics+ command will automatically select a file with
+the right extension, so if you write \verb+\includegraphics{figure}+
+and have two files \texttt{figure.pdf} and \texttt{figure.eps}, it
+should work with both workflow.
+Figure captions should be below the figures, and table captions above
+the tables. The \texttt{float} package loaded by the class should
+take care of this automatically. If want to have several figures side
+by side, see the \texttt{[floatrow]} option.
+We recommend the \texttt{booktabs} package to typeset tables.
+We recommend the \texttt{algorithm}, \texttt{algorithmcx} packages for
+algorithms (in particular, \texttt{algpseudocode} for pseudo-code).
+\section{For the Editor}
+The following commands should be used by the editor to prepare the final
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash setfirstpage}} to set the first page number.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash setlastpage}} to set the first page
+number (optional).
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash setvolume}} to set the volume number.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash setnumber}} to set the edition number.
+\paragraph{\texttt{\textbackslash setDOI}} to set the DOI.
+\section{Further information}
+More general information can be found in the following documents:
+\item General \LaTeX{} documentation, such as the
+ \href{}{(not
+ so) short introduction to \LaTeXe};
+% \item The \texttt{article} class
+% \href{}{documentation};
+\item The \AmS-\LaTeX{}
+ \href{}{documentation}
+ and \texttt{amsthm} \href{}{documentation};
+\item Documentation of the \LaTeX{} packages used in the class (see below).
+\subsection{Packages used}
+The class is based on the standard \texttt{article} class, and loads
+the following packages:
+\item \texttt{geometry}, \texttt{secsty}, \texttt{fancyhdr}, \texttt{mathtools},
+ \texttt{float}, \texttt{microtype}, \texttt{lastpage}
+\item \texttt{amsmath}, \texttt{amssymb}, \texttt{amsthm}
+\item \texttt{graphicx}
+\item \texttt{hyperref}, \texttt{hyperxmp}, \texttt{etoolbox}, \texttt{xcolor} (unless
+ the \texttt{[nohyperref]} option is used)
+\item \texttt{lineno} (in \texttt{[submission]} mode)
+\item \texttt{floatrow,caption} (with option \texttt{[floatrow]})
+We would like to thank people who helped design and improve the
+Anne Canteaut,
+Jérémy Jean,
+Bart Preneel,
+Christian Rechberger,
+Tyge Tiessen,
+Friedrich Wiemer.
+\item[v 0.21] First public version
+\item[v 0.22] Added documentations. Minor tweaks in the class.
+\item[v 0.23] More documentation. Removed some extra line-numbers
+ with AMS environments in submission mode. Make \verb+autoref+
+ capitalize sections. Table caption are now above tables. Rewritten
+ running authors and running title. Added PDF info (title, author,
+ keyword). Optional argument for \verb+\email+. Added
+ \texttt{floatrow} option.
+\item[v 0.24] Added CC licence text, and added XMP metadata. Fixed some
+ metadata transformations.