path: root/controller/fw/tools/
diff options
authorjaseg <>2021-04-09 18:38:02 +0200
committerjaseg <>2021-04-09 18:38:57 +0200
commit50998fcfb916ae251309bd4b464f2c122e8cb30d (patch)
tree4ecf7a7443b75ab51c4dc0c0fc9289342dc7d6a0 /controller/fw/tools/
parent312fee491cfab436d52db4b6265107e20f3e1293 (diff)
Repo re-org
Diffstat (limited to 'controller/fw/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/controller/fw/tools/ b/controller/fw/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index c5dafe7..0000000
--- a/controller/fw/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import os
-import sys
-import textwrap
-import uuid
-import hmac
-import binascii
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-PRESIG_VERSION = '000.001'
-DOMAINS = ['all', 'country', 'region', 'vendor', 'series']
-def format_hex(data, indent=4, wrap=True):
- indent = ' '*indent
- par = ', '.join(f'0x{b:02x}' for b in data)
- par = textwrap.fill(par, width=120,
- initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent,
- replace_whitespace=False, drop_whitespace=False)
- if wrap:
- return f'{{\n{par}\n}}'
- return par
-def domain_string(domain, value):
- return f'smart reset domain string v{PRESIG_VERSION}: domain:{domain}={value}'
-def keygen_cmd(args):
- if os.path.exists(args.keyfile) and not args.force:
- print("Error: keyfile already exists. We won't overwrite it. Instead please remove it manually.",
- file=sys.stderr)
- return 1
- root_key = os.urandom(LINKING_KEY_SIZE)
- with open(args.keyfile, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(binascii.hexlify(root_key))
- f.write(b'\n')
- return 0
-def gen_at_height(domain, value, height, key):
- # nanananananana BLOCKCHAIN!
- ds = domain_string(domain, value).encode('utf-8')
- for height in range(height+1):
- key = hmac.digest(key, ds, 'sha512')[:LINKING_KEY_SIZE]
- return key
-def auth_cmd(args):
- with open(args.keyfile, 'r') as f:
- root_key = binascii.unhexlify(
- vals = [ (domain, getattr(args, domain)) for domain in DOMAINS if getattr(args, domain) is not None ]
- if not vals:
- vals = [('all', 'all')]
- for domain, value in vals:
- auth = gen_at_height(domain, value, args.height, root_key)
- print(f'{domain}="{value}" @{args.height}: {binascii.hexlify(auth).decode()}')
-def prekey_cmd(args):
- with open(args.keyfile, 'r') as f:
- root_key = binascii.unhexlify(
- print('#include <stdint.h>')
- print('#include <assert.h>')
- print()
- print('#include "crypto.h"')
- print()
- bundle_id = uuid.uuid4().bytes
- print(f'/* bundle id {binascii.hexlify(bundle_id).decode()} */')
- print(f'uint8_t presig_bundle_id[16] = {format_hex(bundle_id)};')
- print()
- print(f'/* generated on {} */')
- print(f'uint64_t bundle_timestamp = {int(time.time())};')
- print()
- print(f'int presig_height = {args.max_height};')
- print()
- print('const char *presig_domain_strings[_TRIGGER_DOMAIN_COUNT] = {')
- for domain in DOMAINS:
- ds = domain_string(domain, getattr(args, domain))
- assert '"' not in ds
- print(f' [TRIGGER_DOMAIN_{domain.upper()}] = "{ds}",')
- print('};')
- print()
- print('uint8_t presig_keys[_TRIGGER_DOMAIN_COUNT][PRESIG_MSG_LEN] = {')
- for domain in DOMAINS:
- key = gen_at_height(domain, getattr(args, domain), args.max_height, root_key)
- print(f' [TRIGGER_DOMAIN_{domain.upper()}] = {{{format_hex(key, indent=0, wrap=False)}}},')
- print('};')
- print()
- print('static inline void __hack_asserts_only(void) {')
- print(f' static_assert(_TRIGGER_DOMAIN_COUNT == {len(DOMAINS)});')
- print(f' static_assert(PRESIG_MSG_LEN == {LINKING_KEY_SIZE});')
- print('}')
- print()
-TEST_VENDOR = 'Darthenschmidt Cyberei und Verschleierungstechnik GmbH'
-TEST_SERIES = 'Frobnicator v0.23.7'
-TEST_REGION = 'Neuland'
-TEST_COUNTRY = 'Germany'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('keyfile', help='Key file to use')
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands')
- keygen_parser = subparsers.add_parser('keygen', help='Generate a new key')
- keygen_parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Force overwriting existing keyfile')
- keygen_parser.set_defaults(func=keygen_cmd)
- auth_parser = subparsers.add_parser('auth', help='Generate one-time authentication string')
- auth_parser.add_argument('height', type=int, help='Authentication string height, counting from 0 (root key)')
- auth_parser.set_defaults(func=auth_cmd)
- auth_parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_const', const='all', help='Vendor name for vendor domain')
- auth_parser.add_argument('-v', '--vendor', type=str, nargs='?', const=TEST_VENDOR, help='Vendor name for vendor domain')
- auth_parser.add_argument('-s', '--series', type=str, nargs='?', const=TEST_SERIES, help='Series identifier for series domain')
- auth_parser.add_argument('-r', '--region', type=str, nargs='?', const=TEST_REGION, help='Region name for region domain')
- auth_parser.add_argument('-c', '--country', type=str, nargs='?', const=TEST_COUNTRY, help='Country name for country domain')
- prekey_parser = subparsers.add_parser('prekey', help='Generate prekey data .C source code file')
- prekey_parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-height', type=int, default=8, help='Height of generated prekey')
- prekey_parser.add_argument('-v', '--vendor', type=str, default=TEST_VENDOR, help='Vendor name for vendor domain')
- prekey_parser.add_argument('-s', '--series', type=str, default=TEST_SERIES, help='Series identifier for series domain')
- prekey_parser.add_argument('-r', '--region', type=str, default=TEST_REGION, help='Region name for region domain')
- prekey_parser.add_argument('-c', '--country', type=str, default=TEST_COUNTRY, help='Country name for country domain')
- prekey_parser.set_defaults(func=prekey_cmd, all='all')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- sys.exit(args.func(args))