from collections import defaultdict from dataclasses import dataclass import wx import pcbnew import shapely from shapely.geometry import polygon from shapely import affinity from . import mesh_plugin_dialog class GeneratorError(ValueError): pass class AbortError(SystemError): pass @dataclass class GeneratorSettings: mesh_angle: float = 0.0 # deg trace_width: float = 0.127 # mm space_width: float = 0.127 # mm anchor_exit: float = 0.0 # deg num_traces: int = 2 offset_x: float = 0.0 # mm offset_y: float = 0.0 # mm class MeshPluginMainDialog(mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog): def __init__(self, board): mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog.__init__(self, None) self.board = board self.m_cancelButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.quit) self.m_removeButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.tearup_mesh) self.m_generateButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.generate_mesh) self.m_net_prefix.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.update_net_label) self.tearup_confirm_dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, "", style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) self.nets = { str(wxs) for wxs, netinfo in board.GetNetsByName().items() } self.update_net_label(None) self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize()) def get_matching_nets(self): prefix = self.m_net_prefix.Value return { net for net in self.nets if net.startswith(prefix) } def tearup_mesh(self, evt): matching = self.get_matching_nets() if not str(self.m_net_prefix.Value): message = "You have set an empty net prefix. This will match ALL {} nets on the board. Do you really want to tear up all autorouted tracks? This cannot be undone!" else: message = "Do you really want to tear up all autorouted traces of the {} matching nets on this board? This step cannot be undone!" message = message.format(len(matching)) + "\n\nMatching nets:\n" + ", ".join( '""' if not netname else (netname[:16] + '...' if len(netname) > 16 else netname) for netname in (sorted(matching)[:5] + ['...'] if len(matching) > 5 else []) ) self.tearup_confirm_dialog.SetMessage(message) self.tearup_confirm_dialog.SetYesNoLabels("Tear up {} nets".format(len(matching)), "Close") if self.tearup_confirm_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.tearup_mesh() def tearup_mesh(self): for track in self.board.GetTracks(): if not (track.GetStatus() & pcbnew.TRACK_AR): continue if not track.GetNet().GetNetname() in matching: continue board.Remove(track) def generate_mesh(self, evt): try: settings = GeneratorSettings( mesh_angle = float(self.m_angleSpin.Value), trace_width = float(self.m_traceSpin.Value), space_width = float(self.m_spaceSpin.Value), anchor_exit = float(self.m_exitSpin.Value), num_traces = int(self.m_traceCountSpin.Value), offset_x = float(self.m_offsetXSpin.Value), offset_y = float(self.m_offsetYSpin.Value)) except ValueError as e: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Invalid input value: {}.".format(e), "Invalid input").ShowModal() nets = self.get_matching_nets() pads = defaultdict(lambda: []) for module in self.board.GetModules(): for pad in module.Pads(): net = pad.GetNetname() if net in nets: pads[net].append(pad) for net in nets: if net not in pads: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: No connection pads found for net {}.".format(net)).ShowModal() if len(pads[net]) == 1: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Only one of two connection pads found for net {}.".format(net)).ShowModal() if len(pads[net]) > 2: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: More than two connection pads found for net {}.".format(net)).ShowModal() eco1_id = self.board.GetLayerID('Eco1.User') mesh_zones = [] for drawing in self.board.GetDrawings(): if drawing.GetLayer() == eco1_id: mesh_zones.append(drawing) if not mesh_zones: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Could not find any mesh zones on the Eco1.User layer.").ShowModal() for zone in mesh_zones: anchors = [] for module in self.board.GetModules(): for foo in module.GraphicalItems(): if not isinstance(foo, pcbnew.TEXTE_MODULE): continue if foo.GetText() == "mesh_anchor": anchors.append(module) break if not anchors: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: No anchor found for mesh zone centered on {:.3f}, {:.3f} mm".format( zone.GetCenter().x / pcbnew.IU_PER_MM, zone.GetCenter().y / pcbnew.IU_PER_MM )).ShowModal() if len(anchors) > 1: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Currently, only a single anchor is supported.").ShowModal() try: def warn(msg): dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg + '\n\nDo you want to abort mesh generation?', "Mesh Generation Warning").ShowModal() dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, "", style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) dialog.SetYesNoLabels("Abort", "Ignore and continue") if self.tearup_confirm_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: raise AbortError() self.generate_mesh_backend(zone, anchors, warn=warn) except GeneratorError as e: return wx.MessageDialog(self, str(e), "Mesh Generation Error").ShowModal() except AbortError: pass def poly_set_to_shapely(self, poly_set): for i in range(poly_set.OutlineCount()): outline = poly_set.Outline(i) outline_points = [] for j in range(outline.PointCount()): point = outline.CPoint(j) outline_points.append((pcbnew.ToMM(point.x), pcbnew.ToMM(point.y))) yield polygon.LinearRing(outline_points) def generate_mesh_backend(self, zone, anchors, warn=lambda s: None, settings=GeneratorSettings()): anchor, = anchors anchor_outlines = list(self.poly_set_to_shapely(anchor.GetBoundingPoly())) if len(anchor_outlines) == 0: raise GeneratorError('Could not find any outlines for anchor {}'.format(anchor.GetReference())) if len(anchor_outlines) > 1: warn('Anchor {} has multiple outlines. Using first outline for trace start.') zone_outlines = list(self.poly_set_to_shapely(zone.GetPolyShape())) if len(zone_outlines) == 0: raise GeneratorError('Could not find any outlines for mesh zone.') if len(zone_outlines) > 1: raise GeneratorError('Mesh zone has too many outlines (has {}, should have one).'.format(len(zone_outlines))) zone_outline, *_rest = zone_outlines mesh_origin = zone_outline.centroid width_per_trace = settings.trace_width + settings.space_width grid_cell_width = width_per_trace * settings.num_traces zone_outline_rotated = affinity.rotate(zone_outline, -settings.mesh_angle, origin=mesh_origin) bbox = zone_outline_rotated.bounds grid_origin = (bbox[0] + settings.offset_x - grid_cell_width, bbox[1] + settings.offset_y - grid_cell_width) grid_rows = int((bbox[3] - grid_origin[1]) / grid_cell_width + 2) grid_cols = int((bbox[2] - grid_origin[0]) / grid_cell_width + 2) print(f'generating grid of size {grid_rows} * {grid_cols}') grid = [] for y in range(grid_rows): row = [] for x in range(grid_cols): cell = polygon.LinearRing([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)]) cell = affinity.scale(cell, grid_cell_width, grid_cell_width, origin=(0, 0)) cell = affinity.translate(cell, mesh_origin.x + x*grid_cell_width, mesh_origin.y + y*grid_cell_width) cell = affinity.rotate(cell, settings.mesh_angle, origin=mesh_origin) row.append(cell) grid.append(row) break for row in grid: for cell in row: poly = pcbnew.DRAWSEGMENT() poly.SetLayer(self.board.GetLayerID('Eco2.User')) poly.SetShape(pcbnew.S_POLYGON) poly.SetWidth(0) self.board.Add(poly) s = poly.GetPolyShape() s.NewOutline() for x, y in zip(*cell.xy): s.Append(pcbnew.FromMM(x), pcbnew.FromMM(y)) print('OUTLINE POINT', x, y) break pcbnew.Refresh() #self.tearup_mesh() # TODO generate def update_net_label(self, evt): self.m_netLabel.SetLabel('{} matching nets'.format(len(self.get_matching_nets()))) def quit(self, evt): self.Destroy() def show_dialog(board): dialog = MeshPluginMainDialog(board) dialog.ShowModal() return dialog