from collections import defaultdict import dataclasses from contextlib import contextmanager import textwrap import random import math from itertools import count, islice import json import re from os import path import os import wx import pcbnew import import shapely from shapely import geometry from shapely.geometry import polygon from shapely import affinity import shapely.ops from . import mesh_plugin_dialog class GeneratorError(ValueError): pass class AbortError(SystemError): pass @dataclasses.dataclass class GeneratorSettings: edge_clearance: float = 1.5 # mm anchor: str = None # Footprint designator chamfer: float = 0.0 # unit fraction mask_layer_id: int = 0 # kicad layer id, populated later random_seed: str = None randomness: float = 1.0 use_keepouts: bool = True use_outline: bool = True save_visualization: bool = True visualization_path: str = 'mesh_visualizations' def serialize(self): d = dataclasses.asdict(self) d['kimesh_settings_version'] = '2.1.0' return json.dumps(d).encode() @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data): d = json.loads(data.decode()) version = d.pop('kimesh_settings_version') vtup = tuple(map(int, version.split('.'))) if vtup > (2, 1, 0): raise cls.VersionError("Project kimesh settings file is too new for this plugin's version.") return cls(**d) class VersionError(ValueError): pass class MeshPluginMainDialog(mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog): def __init__(self, board): mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog.__init__(self, None) self.board = board self.m_cancelButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.quit) self.m_removeButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.confirm_tearup_mesh) self.m_generateButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.generate_mesh) self.m_net_prefix.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.update_net_label) self.tearup_confirm_dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, "", style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) self.nets = { str(wxs) for wxs, netinfo in board.GetNetsByName().items() } self.update_net_label(None) self.update_outline_warning() self.Fit() settings = None if path.isfile(self.settings_fn()): with open(self.settings_fn(), 'rb') as f: try: settings = GeneratorSettings.deserialize( except (GeneratorSettings.VersionError, TypeError) as e: wx.MessageDialog(self, "Cannot load settings: {}.".format(e), "File I/O error. Will use default settings.").ShowModal() for i in range(pcbnew.PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT): name = board.GetLayerName(i) self.m_maskLayerChoice.Append(name) if name == 'User.Eco1': self.m_maskLayerChoice.SetSelection(i) def sort_key(fp): ref = fp.GetReference() parts = re.findall(r'[0-9]+|[^0-9]+', ref) return tuple(int(part) if part.isnumeric() else part for part in parts) self.fps = sorted(self.board.Footprints(), key=sort_key) for i, fp in enumerate(self.fps): ref = fp.GetReference() self.m_anchorChoice.Append(ref) if (settings and ref == settings.anchor) or (not settings and 'MeshAnchor' in str(fp.GetFPID().GetLibItemName())): self.m_anchorChoice.SetSelection(i) if settings: self.m_chamferSpin.Value = settings.chamfer*100.0 self.m_maskLayerChoice.SetSelection(settings.mask_layer_id) self.m_seedInput.Value = settings.random_seed or '' self.m_randomnessSpin.Value = settings.randomness*100.0 self.m_edgeClearanceSpin.Value = settings.edge_clearance self.m_useOutlineCheckbox.Value = settings.use_outline self.m_useKeepoutCheckbox.Value = settings.use_keepouts self.m_vizTextfield.Value = settings.visualization_path self.m_vizCheckbox.Value = settings.save_visualization self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize()) @contextmanager def viz(self, filename): if self.m_vizCheckbox.Value: val = self.m_vizTextfield.Value project_dir = path.dirname(self.board.GetFileName()) if val: val = path.join(project_dir, val) if not os.path.isdir(val): os.mkdir(val) filename = path.join(val, filename) filename = path.join(project_dir, filename) with open(filename, 'w') as f: wrapper = DebugOutputWrapper(f) yield wrapper else: wrapper = DebugOutputWrapper(None) yield wrapper def board_has_outline(self): # KiCad's API is absolutely insane. As long as the board has an outline, the board outline function works # alright. Now imagine the Edge.Cuts layer is empty. What would be a sane thing to do? I guess raising an error # would be the best, with the second best being to return something like the hull of all objects on the other # layers. Alas, KiCad doesn't do either. Instead, KiCad returns the union of the shapes of all objects on the # **VISIBLE** layers, so the result of that outline function changes with which layers the user has set to # visible. Whyyyyy :( # # We have to work around this to avoid presenting the user with a foot-gun in case they hide their mesh # definition layer. # edge_cuts = self.board.GetLayerID('Edge.Cuts') outline_objs = [] for drawing in self.board.GetDrawings(): if drawing.GetLayer() == edge_cuts: return True else: return False def update_outline_warning(self): outlines = pcbnew.SHAPE_POLY_SET() self.board.GetBoardPolygonOutlines(outlines) board_outlines = list(self.poly_set_to_shapely(outlines)) board_mask = shapely.ops.unary_union(board_outlines) if not self.board_has_outline() or board_mask.is_empty: self.m_warningLabel.SetLabelMarkup('Warning: Board outline not found') else: self.m_warningLabel.SetLabelMarkup('') def get_matching_nets(self): prefix = self.m_net_prefix.Value return { net for net in self.nets if net.startswith(prefix) } def confirm_tearup_mesh(self, evt): matching = self.get_matching_nets() if not str(self.m_net_prefix.Value): message = "You have set an empty net prefix. This will match ALL {} nets on the board. Do you really want to tear up all tracks? This cannot be undone!" else: message = "Do you really want to tear up all traces of the {} matching nets on this board? This step cannot be undone!" message = message.format(len(matching)) + "\n\nMatching nets:\n" + ", ".join( '""' if not netname else (netname[:16] + '...' if len(netname) > 16 else netname) for netname in (sorted(matching)[:5] + ['...'] if len(matching) > 5 else []) ) self.tearup_confirm_dialog.SetMessage(message) self.tearup_confirm_dialog.SetYesNoLabels("Tear up {} traces".format(len(matching)), "Close") if self.tearup_confirm_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.tearup_mesh(matching) def tearup_mesh(self, matching=None): count = 0 anchor, target_layer_id = self.get_anchor() for track in self.board.GetTracks(): if matching is not None and track.GetNet().GetNetname() not in matching: continue if track.GetLayer() != target_layer_id: continue count += 1 self.board.Remove(track) print(f'Tore up {count} trace segments.') def settings_fn(self): return path.join(path.dirname(self.board.GetFileName()), 'last_kimesh_settings.json') def get_anchor(self): ref = str(self.fps[self.m_anchorChoice.GetSelection()].GetReference()) footprints = [ fp for fp in self.board.Footprints() if fp.GetReference() == ref ] if len(footprints) == 0: wx.MessageDialog(self, f'Error: Could not find anchor footprint "{ref}".').ShowModal() raise ValueError() if len(footprints) > 1: wx.MessageDialog(self, f'Error: Multiple footprints with anchor footprint reference "{ref}".').ShowModal() raise ValueError() anchor = footprints[0] pad0, *_ = anchor.Pads() lset = pad0.GetLayerSet() target_layer_id, *_ = [l for l in lset.CuStack() if lset.Contains(l)] return anchor, target_layer_id def generate_mesh(self, evt): try: settings = GeneratorSettings( edge_clearance = float(self.m_edgeClearanceSpin.Value), anchor = str(list(self.board.Footprints())[self.m_anchorChoice.GetSelection()].GetReference()), chamfer = float(self.m_chamferSpin.Value)/100.0, mask_layer_id = self.m_maskLayerChoice.GetSelection(), random_seed = str(self.m_seedInput.Value) or None, randomness = float(self.m_randomnessSpin.Value)/100.0, use_outline = self.m_useOutlineCheckbox.Value, use_keepouts = self.m_useKeepoutCheckbox.Value, visualization_path = self.m_vizTextfield.Value, save_visualization = self.m_vizCheckbox.Value) except ValueError as e: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Invalid input value: {}.".format(e), "Invalid input").ShowModal() try: with open(self.settings_fn(), 'wb') as f: f.write(settings.serialize()) print('Saved settings to', except: wx.MessageDialog(self, "Cannot save settings: {}.".format(e), "File I/O error").ShowModal() anchor, target_layer_id = self.get_anchor() mesh_zones = [] for drawing in self.board.GetDrawings(): if drawing.GetLayer() == settings.mask_layer_id: mesh_zones.append(drawing.GetPolyShape()) if not mesh_zones: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Could not find any mesh zones on the outline pattern layer.").ShowModal() keepouts = [] for zone in self.board.Zones(): if zone.GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() and zone.GetLayerSet().Contains(target_layer_id): keepouts.append(zone.Outline()) print(f'Found {len(keepouts)} keepout areas.') if self.board_has_outline() and self.m_useOutlineCheckbox.Value: # Avoid foot-gun due to insane API. See note in the function. outlines = pcbnew.SHAPE_POLY_SET() self.board.GetBoardPolygonOutlines(outlines) board_outlines = list(self.poly_set_to_shapely(outlines)) board_mask = shapely.ops.unary_union(board_outlines) mask = board_mask.buffer(-settings.edge_clearance) print('board outline bounds:', mask.bounds) if mask.is_empty: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Board edge clearance is set too high. There is nothing left for the mesh after applying clearance.").ShowModal() else: mask = None zone_outlines = [ outline for zone in mesh_zones for outline in self.poly_set_to_shapely(zone) ] zone_mask = shapely.ops.unary_union(zone_outlines) if zone_mask.is_empty: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Empty mesh outline on mesh outline layer. Make sure the mesh outline is defined with polygon objects only. Other shapes are not supported yet.").ShowModal() elif mask is None: mask = zone_mask else: mask = zone_mask.intersection(mask) print('Mesh mask bounds:', zone_mask.bounds) if self.m_useKeepoutCheckbox.Value: keepout_outlines = [ outline for zone in keepouts for outline in self.poly_set_to_shapely(zone) ] keepout_mask = shapely.ops.unary_union(keepout_outlines) if not keepout_mask.is_empty: mask = shapely.difference(mask, keepout_mask) print('keepout mask bounds:', keepout_mask.bounds) print('resulting mask bounds:', mask.bounds) if mask.is_empty: return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: After applying all keepouts, and intersecting with the board's outline, the mesh outline is empty.") try: def warn(msg): dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg + '\n\nDo you want to abort mesh generation?', "Mesh Generation Warning").ShowModal() dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, "", style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) dialog.SetYesNoLabels("Abort", "Ignore and continue") if self.tearup_confirm_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: raise AbortError() self.generate_mesh_backend(mask, anchor, net_prefix=str(self.m_net_prefix.Value), target_layer_id=target_layer_id, warn=warn, settings=settings) except GeneratorError as e: return wx.MessageDialog(self, str(e), "Mesh Generation Error").ShowModal() except AbortError: pass def poly_set_to_shapely(self, poly_set): for i in range(poly_set.OutlineCount()): outline = poly_set.Outline(i) def shape_line_chain_to_coords(line_chain): points = [] for j in range(line_chain.PointCount()): point = line_chain.CPoint(j) points.append((pcbnew.ToMM(point.x), pcbnew.ToMM(point.y))) return points exterior = shape_line_chain_to_coords(outline) interiors = [ shape_line_chain_to_coords(poly_set.Hole(i, j)) for j in range(poly_set.HoleCount(i)) ] yield polygon.Polygon(exterior, interiors) def generate_mesh_backend(self, mask, anchor, net_prefix, target_layer_id, warn=lambda s: None, settings=GeneratorSettings()): anchor_outlines = list(self.poly_set_to_shapely(anchor.GetBoundingHull())) if len(anchor_outlines) == 0: raise GeneratorError('Could not find any outlines for anchor {}'.format(anchor.GetReference())) if len(anchor_outlines) > 1: warn('Anchor {} has multiple outlines. Using first outline for trace start.') anchor_pads = list(sorted(anchor.Pads(), key=lambda pad: int(pad.GetNumber()))) trace_width = pcbnew.ToMM(anchor_pads[0].GetSize()[0]) space_width = pcbnew.ToMM(math.dist(anchor_pads[0].GetPosition(), anchor_pads[1].GetPosition())) - trace_width num_traces = len(anchor_pads) assert num_traces%4 == 0 num_traces //= 4 nets = [f'{net_prefix}{i}' for i in range(num_traces)] width_per_trace = trace_width + space_width grid_cell_width = width_per_trace * num_traces * 2 print(f'mesh cell size is {grid_cell_width}') x0, y0 = anchor_pads[len(anchor_pads)//2].GetPosition() x0, y0 = pcbnew.ToMM(x0), pcbnew.ToMM(y0) xl, yl = anchor_pads[-1].GetPosition() xl, yl = pcbnew.ToMM(xl), pcbnew.ToMM(yl) mesh_angle = math.atan2(xl-x0, yl-y0) print('mesh angle is', math.degrees(mesh_angle)) len_along = - width_per_trace/2 x0 += len_along * math.sin(mesh_angle) y0 += len_along * math.cos(mesh_angle) mask_xformed = affinity.translate(mask, -x0, -y0) mask_xformed = affinity.rotate(mask_xformed, mesh_angle, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=True) bbox = mask_xformed.bounds grid_x0, grid_y0 = math.floor(bbox[0]/grid_cell_width), math.floor(bbox[1]/grid_cell_width) grid_origin = grid_x0*grid_cell_width, grid_y0*grid_cell_width grid_rows = int(math.ceil((bbox[3] - grid_origin[1]) / grid_cell_width)) grid_cols = int(math.ceil((bbox[2] - grid_origin[0]) / grid_cell_width)) print(f'generating grid of size {grid_rows} * {grid_cols} with origin {grid_x0}, {grid_y0}') grid = [] for y in range(grid_y0, grid_y0+grid_rows): row = [] for x in range(grid_x0, grid_x0+grid_cols): cell = polygon.Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)]) cell = affinity.scale(cell, grid_cell_width, grid_cell_width, origin=(0, 0)) cell = affinity.translate(cell, x*grid_cell_width, y*grid_cell_width) cell = affinity.rotate(cell, -mesh_angle, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=True) cell = affinity.translate(cell, x0, y0) row.append(cell) grid.append(row) num_valid = 0 with self.viz('mesh_grid.svg') as dbg: dbg.add(mask, color='#00000020') for y, row in enumerate(grid, start=grid_y0): for x, cell in enumerate(row, start=grid_x0): if mask.contains(cell): if x == -1 and y == 0: # exit cell color = '#ff00ff80' else: num_valid += 1 color = '#00ff0080' elif mask.overlaps(cell): color = '#ffff0080' else: color = '#ff000080' dbg.add(cell, color=color) for foo in anchor_outlines: dbg.add(foo, color='#0000ff00', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#000000ff') dbg.add([[(x0-2, y0), (x0+2, y0)], [(x0, y0-2), (x0, y0+2)]], color='none', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#ff0000ff') def is_valid(cell): if not mask.contains(cell): return False return True def iter_neighbors(x, y): if x > grid_x0: yield x-1, y, 0b0100 if x - grid_x0 < grid_cols: yield x+1, y, 0b0001 if y > grid_y0: yield x, y-1, 0b1000 if y - grid_y0 < grid_rows: yield x, y+1, 0b0010 def reciprocal(mask): return { 0b0001: 0b0100, 0b0010: 0b1000, 0b0100: 0b0001, 0b1000: 0b0010, 0b0000: 0b0000 }[mask] rnd_state = random.Random(settings.random_seed) def skewed_random_iter(it, mask, randomness): l = list(it) if rnd_state.random() < 1.0 - randomness: for x, y, m in l: if m == mask: yield x, y, m break l.remove((x, y, m)) rnd_state.shuffle(l) yield from l def add_track(segment:geometry.LineString, net=None): coords = list(segment.coords) for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(coords, coords[1:]): if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2): # zero-length track due to zero chamfer continue track = pcbnew.PCB_TRACK(self.board) #track.SetStatus(track.GetStatus() | pcbnew.TRACK_AR) track.SetStart(pcbnew.VECTOR2I(pcbnew.FromMM(x1), pcbnew.FromMM(y1))) track.SetEnd(pcbnew.VECTOR2I(pcbnew.FromMM(x2), pcbnew.FromMM(y2))) track.SetWidth(pcbnew.FromMM(trace_width)) track.SetLayer(target_layer_id) if net is not None: track.SetNet(net) self.board.Add(track) netinfos = [] for name in nets: ni = pcbnew.NETINFO_ITEM(self.board, name) self.board.Add(ni) netinfos.append(ni) not_visited = { (x, y) for x in range(grid_x0, grid_x0+grid_cols) for y in range(grid_y0, grid_y0+grid_rows) if is_valid(grid[y-grid_y0][x-grid_x0]) } not_visited -= {(-1, 0)} # Remove exit cell num_to_visit = len(not_visited) track_count = 0 with self.viz('mesh_cells.svg') as dbg_cells,\ self.viz('mesh_composite.svg') as dbg_composite,\ self.viz('mesh_tiles.svg') as dbg_tiles,\ self.viz('mesh_traces.svg') as dbg_traces: dbg_cells.add(mask, color='#00000020') dbg_composite.add(mask, color='#00000020') dbg_traces.add(mask, color='#00000020') dbg_tiles.add(mask, color='#00000020') TILE_COLORS = { 0b0000: '#ffcc00ff', 0b0001: '#d40000ff', 0b0010: '#d40000ff', 0b0011: '#ff6600ff', 0b0100: '#d40000ff', 0b0101: '#00d400ff', 0b0110: '#ff6600ff', 0b0111: '#00ccffff', 0b1000: '#d40000ff', 0b1001: '#ff6600ff', 0b1010: '#00d400ff', 0b1011: '#00ccffff', 0b1100: '#ff6600ff', 0b1101: '#00ccffff', 0b1110: '#00ccffff', 0b1111: '#ffcc00ff'} x, y = -1, 0 visited = 0 key = 0 entry_dir = 0b0001 stack = [] depth = 0 max_depth = 0 i = 0 past_tiles = {} def dump_output(i): with self.viz(f'per-tile/step{i}.svg') as dbg_per_tile: dbg_per_tile.add(mask, color='#00000020') for foo in anchor_outlines: dbg_per_tile.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000') for le_y, row in enumerate(grid): for le_x, cell in enumerate(row): if mask.contains(cell): if cell == exit_cell[0]: color = '#ff00ff80' elif any(ol.overlaps(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines): color = '#ffff0080' elif any(ol.contains(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines): color = '#ff000080' else: color = '#00ff0080' elif mask.overlaps(cell): color = '#ffff0080' else: color = '#ff000080' dbg_per_tile.add(cell, color=color) for (le_x, le_y), (stroke_color, segments) in past_tiles.items(): for segment in segments: segment = affinity.scale(segment, grid_cell_width, grid_cell_width, origin=(0, 0)) segment = affinity.translate(segment, le_x*grid_cell_width, le_y*grid_cell_width) segment = affinity.rotate(segment, -mesh_angle, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=True) segment = affinity.translate(segment, x0, y0) dbg_per_tile.add(segment, stroke_width=trace_width, color='#ff000000', stroke_color=stroke_color) armed = False while not_visited or stack: for n_x, n_y, bmask in skewed_random_iter(iter_neighbors(x, y), entry_dir, settings.randomness): if (n_x, n_y) in not_visited: dbg_composite.add(grid[n_y-grid_y0][n_x-grid_x0], color=('visit_depth', depth), opacity=1.0) dbg_cells.add(grid[n_y-grid_y0][n_x-grid_x0], color=('visit_depth', depth), opacity=1.0) key |= bmask stack.append((x, y, key, bmask, depth)) not_visited.remove((n_x, n_y)) visited += 1 depth += 1 i += 1 armed = True max_depth = max(depth, max_depth) past_tiles[x, y] = (TILE_COLORS[key], [segment for segment, _net in Pattern.render(key, num_traces, settings.chamfer) ]) x, y, key, entry_dir = n_x, n_y, reciprocal(bmask), bmask #dump_output(i) break else: stroke_color = TILE_COLORS[key] past_tiles[x, y] = (stroke_color, [segment for segment, _net in Pattern.render(key, num_traces, settings.chamfer) ]) for segment, net in Pattern.render(key, num_traces, settings.chamfer): if is_valid(grid[y-grid_y0][x-grid_x0]): segment = affinity.scale(segment, grid_cell_width, grid_cell_width, origin=(0, 0)) segment = affinity.translate(segment, x*grid_cell_width, y*grid_cell_width) segment = affinity.rotate(segment, -mesh_angle, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=True) segment = affinity.translate(segment, x0, y0) dbg_composite.add(segment, stroke_width=trace_width, color='#ff000000', stroke_color='#ffffff60') dbg_traces.add(segment, stroke_width=trace_width, color='#ff000000', stroke_color='#000000ff') dbg_tiles.add(segment, stroke_width=trace_width, color='#ff000000', stroke_color=stroke_color) add_track(segment, netinfos[net]) # FIXME (works, disabled for debug) track_count += 1 if not stack: break if armed: i += 1 #dump_output(i) armed = False *stack, (x, y, key, entry_dir, depth) = stack dbg_cells.scale_colors('visit_depth', max_depth) dbg_composite.scale_colors('visit_depth', max_depth) for foo in anchor_outlines: dbg_cells.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000') dbg_traces.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000') dbg_composite.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000') dbg_tiles.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000') print(f'Added {track_count} trace segments.') #pcbnew.Refresh() #self.tearup_mesh() # TODO generate def update_net_label(self, evt): self.m_netLabel.SetLabel('Like: ' + ', '.join(f'{self.m_net_prefix.Value}{i}' for i in range(3)) + ', ...') def quit(self, evt): self.Destroy() class Pattern: @staticmethod def render(key, n, cd=0): yield from Pattern.LUT[key](n, cd=math.tan(math.pi/8) * cd) def draw_I(n, cd): for i in range(n): sp = (i+0.5) * (1/(2*n)) yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1)]), i sp = (2*n-1-i+0.5) * (1/(2*n)) yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1)]), i def draw_U(n, cd): pitch = (1/(2*n)) cd *= pitch # chamfer depth for i in range(n): sp = (i+0.5) * pitch yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1-sp-cd), (sp+cd, 1-sp), (1-sp-cd, 1-sp), (1-sp, 1-sp-cd), (1-sp, 0)]), i def draw_L(n, cd): pitch = (1/(2*n)) cd *= pitch # chamfer depth for i in range(n): sp = (i+0.5) * pitch yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1-sp-cd), (sp+cd, 1-sp), (1, 1-sp)]), i sp = (2*n-1-i+0.5) * pitch yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1-sp-cd), (sp+cd, 1-sp), (1, 1-sp)]), i def draw_T(n, cd): pitch = (1/(2*n)) cd *= pitch # chamfer depth for i in range(n): sp = (i+0.5) * pitch # through line yield geometry.LineString([(0, sp), (1, sp)]), i # two corners on the opposite side yield geometry.LineString([(0, 1-sp), (sp-cd, 1-sp), (sp, 1-sp+cd), (sp, 1)]), i yield geometry.LineString([(1-sp, 1), (1-sp, 1-sp+cd), (1-sp+cd, 1-sp), (1, 1-sp)]), i def draw_X(n, cd): pitch = (1/(2*n)) cd *= pitch # chamfer depth for i in range(n): sp = (i+0.5) * pitch yield geometry.LineString([(0, sp), (sp-cd, sp), (sp, sp-cd), (sp, 0)]), i yield geometry.LineString([(1-sp, 0), (1-sp, sp-cd), (1-sp+cd, sp), (1, sp)]), i yield geometry.LineString([(0, 1-sp), (sp-cd, 1-sp), (sp, 1-sp+cd), (sp, 1)]), i yield geometry.LineString([(1-sp, 1), (1-sp, 1-sp+cd), (1-sp+cd, 1-sp), (1, 1-sp)]), i def rotate(pattern, deg): def wrapper(n, *args, **kwargs): for segment, net in pattern(n, *args, **kwargs): yield affinity.rotate(segment, deg, origin=(0.5, 0.5)), net return wrapper def raise_error(n, *args, **kwargs): #raise ValueError('Tried to render invalid cell. This is a bug.') return [] LUT = { 0b0000: raise_error, 0b0001: rotate(draw_U, 90), 0b0010: rotate(draw_U, 180), 0b0011: rotate(draw_L, 90), 0b0100: rotate(draw_U, -90), 0b0101: rotate(draw_I, -90), 0b0110: rotate(draw_L, 180), 0b0111: draw_T, 0b1000: draw_U, 0b1001: draw_L, 0b1010: draw_I, 0b1011: rotate(draw_T, -90), 0b1100: rotate(draw_L, -90), 0b1101: rotate(draw_T, 180), 0b1110: rotate(draw_T, 90), 0b1111: draw_X } def virihex(val, max=1.0, alpha=1.0): r, g, b, _a = r, g, b, a = [ int(round(0xff*c)) for c in [r, g, b, alpha] ] return f'#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}{a:02x}' class DebugOutputWrapper: def __init__(self, f): self.f = f self.objs = [] def scale_colors(self, group, max_value): self.objs = [ (obj, (virihex(color[1], max=max_value) if isinstance(color, tuple) and color[0] == group else color, *rest)) for obj, (color, *rest) in self.objs ] def add(self, obj, color=None, stroke_width=0, stroke_color=None, opacity=1.0): self.objs.append((obj, (color, stroke_color, stroke_width, opacity))) def gen_svg(self, obj, fill_color=None, stroke_color=None, stroke_width=None, opacity=1.0): fill_color = fill_color or '#ff0000aa' stroke_color = stroke_color or '#000000ff' stroke_width = 0 if stroke_width is None else stroke_width if isinstance(obj, geometry.MultiPolygon): out = '' for geom in obj.geoms: out += self.gen_svg(geom, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width, opacity) return out elif isinstance(obj, polygon.Polygon): exterior_coords = [ ["{},{}".format(*c) for c in obj.exterior.coords] ] interior_coords = [ ["{},{}".format(*c) for c in interior.coords] for interior in obj.interiors ] all_coords = exterior_coords + interior_coords path = " ".join([ "M {0} L {1} z".format(coords[0], " L ".join(coords[1:])) for coords in all_coords]) elif isinstance(obj, geometry.LineString): all_coords = [ ["{},{}".format(*c) for c in obj.coords] ] path = " ".join([ "M {0} L {1}".format(coords[0], " L ".join(coords[1:])) for coords in all_coords]) elif isinstance(obj, list): all_coords = [ [f'{x},{y}' for x, y in seg] for seg in obj ] path = " ".join([ "M {0} L {1}".format(coords[0], " L ".join(coords[1:])) for coords in all_coords]) else: raise ValueError(f'Unhandled shapely object type {type(obj)}') return (f'') def save(self, margin:'unit'=5, scale:'px/unit'=10): #specify margin in coordinate units margin = 5 bboxes = [ list(obj.bounds) for obj, _style in self.objs if not isinstance(obj, list) ] min_x = min( bbox[0] for bbox in bboxes ) - margin min_y = min( bbox[1] for bbox in bboxes ) - margin max_x = max( bbox[2] for bbox in bboxes ) + margin max_y = max( bbox[3] for bbox in bboxes ) + margin width = max_x - min_x height = max_y - min_y props = { 'version': '1.1', 'baseProfile': 'full', 'width': '{width:.0f}px'.format(width = width*scale), 'height': '{height:.0f}px'.format(height = height*scale), 'viewBox': '%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f' % (min_x, min_y, width, height), 'xmlns': '', 'xmlns:ev': '', 'xmlns:xlink': '' } if self.f is not None: self.f.write(textwrap.dedent(r''' {data} ''').format( attrs = ' '.join(['{key:s}="{val:s}"'.format(key = key, val = props[key]) for key in props]), data = '\n'.join(self.gen_svg(obj, *style) for obj, style in self.objs) ).strip()) def show_dialog(board): dialog = MeshPluginMainDialog(board) dialog.ShowModal() return dialog