{ "$schema": "https://go.kicad.org/pcm/schemas/v1", "name": "KiMesh", "description": "A security mesh generator for KiCad", "description_full": "KiMesh automatically generates security meshes for you. A security mesh is a set of PCB traces that cover an area to detect physical tampering. KiMesh can cover arbitrary areas with two or more traces. Note: The KiMesh footprints Add-On must be installed alongside KiMesh. For detailed usage instructions, please have a look at the KiMesh website linked in the add-on information.", "identifier": "de.jaseg.kimesh.plugin", "type": "plugin", "author": { "name": "jaseg", "contact": { "web": "https://jaseg.de/" } }, "license": "GPL-3.0", "resources": { "homepage": "https://jaseg.de/projects/kimesh", "git": "https://git.jaseg.de/kimesh.git", "issues": "https://github.com/jaseg/kimesh/issues" }, "versions": [ { "version": "1.0.0", "status": "stable", "kicad_version": "7.99", "download_sha256": "59da3a8a13be001fb6f5eee9e1d346f4beee6c0d736856b2da205db290ad21a6", "download_size": 12895, "download_url": "https://git.jaseg.de/kimesh.git/plain/de.jaseg.kimesh.plugin-v1.0.0.zip?h=v1.0.0", "install_size": 45166 } ] }