KiCAD Security Mesh Generator ============================= .. image:: kicad-mesh-result-large.png :width: 800 :alt: A screenshot of KiCAD showing a PCB security mesh generated by KiMesh. This repository contains KiMesh, a KiCAD pcbnew plugin that generates security mesh traces on a KiCAD PCB. Installation ------------ To install, copy the "kimesh" directory into your KiCAD installation's scripting plugin folder. Usually, this is `~/.config/kicad/scripting/plugins/` for KiCAD stable installations or `~/.config/kicad/5.99/scripting/plugins/` for nightly builds. On Windows, these paths can be found in your user account's `AppData/Roaming` directory. Theory of operation ------------------- I have published a post_ on my blog on the theory of operation behind KiMesh. .. _post: