path: root/plugin
diff options
authorjaseg <>2020-08-14 18:23:31 +0200
committerjaseg <>2020-08-14 18:23:31 +0200
commit5059950c50b407c7fdedcbf2113df8f9dafd59eb (patch)
tree555796426cb0108dbe4008ecd20a7f073c6e9c6b /plugin
parenta7398d846a5c696734163205193734606e7b84c8 (diff)
randomized maze generation works
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin')
2 files changed, 167 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/main_dialog.fbp b/plugin/main_dialog.fbp
index 6c389c0..ac7e900 100644
--- a/plugin/main_dialog.fbp
+++ b/plugin/main_dialog.fbp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<property name="minimum_size"></property>
<property name="name">MainDialog</property>
<property name="pos"></property>
- <property name="size">588,356</property>
+ <property name="size">751,480</property>
<property name="subclass">; ; forward_declare</property>
<property name="title">Security Mesh Generator Plugin</property>
diff --git a/plugin/ b/plugin/
index 3b4e91a..94edf0c 100644
--- a/plugin/
+++ b/plugin/
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import textwrap
+import random
import wx
import pcbnew
import shapely
+from shapely import geometry
from shapely.geometry import polygon
from shapely import affinity
@@ -146,7 +151,7 @@ class MeshPluginMainDialog(mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog):
if self.tearup_confirm_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
raise AbortError()
- self.generate_mesh_backend(zone, anchors, warn=warn)
+ self.generate_mesh_backend(zone, anchors, warn=warn, settings=settings)
except GeneratorError as e:
return wx.MessageDialog(self, str(e), "Mesh Generation Error").ShowModal()
@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ class MeshPluginMainDialog(mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog):
for j in range(outline.PointCount()):
point = outline.CPoint(j)
outline_points.append((pcbnew.ToMM(point.x), pcbnew.ToMM(point.y)))
- yield polygon.LinearRing(outline_points)
+ yield polygon.Polygon(outline_points)
def generate_mesh_backend(self, zone, anchors, warn=lambda s: None, settings=GeneratorSettings()):
anchor, = anchors
@@ -179,11 +184,10 @@ class MeshPluginMainDialog(mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog):
raise GeneratorError('Mesh zone has too many outlines (has {}, should have one).'.format(len(zone_outlines)))
zone_outline, *_rest = zone_outlines
- mesh_origin = zone_outline.centroid
width_per_trace = settings.trace_width + settings.space_width
grid_cell_width = width_per_trace * settings.num_traces
- zone_outline_rotated = affinity.rotate(zone_outline, -settings.mesh_angle, origin=mesh_origin)
+ zone_outline_rotated = affinity.rotate(zone_outline, -settings.mesh_angle, origin=zone_outline.centroid)
bbox = zone_outline_rotated.bounds
grid_origin = (bbox[0] + settings.offset_x - grid_cell_width, bbox[1] + settings.offset_y - grid_cell_width)
@@ -195,29 +199,100 @@ class MeshPluginMainDialog(mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog):
for y in range(grid_rows):
row = []
for x in range(grid_cols):
- cell = polygon.LinearRing([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)])
+ cell = polygon.Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)])
cell = affinity.scale(cell, grid_cell_width, grid_cell_width, origin=(0, 0))
- cell = affinity.translate(cell, mesh_origin.x + x*grid_cell_width, mesh_origin.y + y*grid_cell_width)
- cell = affinity.rotate(cell, settings.mesh_angle, origin=mesh_origin)
+ cell = affinity.translate(cell, grid_origin[0] + x*grid_cell_width, grid_origin[1] + y*grid_cell_width)
+ cell = affinity.rotate(cell, settings.mesh_angle, origin=zone_outline.centroid)
- break
- for row in grid:
- for cell in row:
- poly = pcbnew.DRAWSEGMENT()
- poly.SetLayer(self.board.GetLayerID('Eco2.User'))
- poly.SetShape(pcbnew.S_POLYGON)
- poly.SetWidth(0)
- self.board.Add(poly)
- s = poly.GetPolyShape()
- s.NewOutline()
- for x, y in zip(*cell.xy):
- s.Append(pcbnew.FromMM(x), pcbnew.FromMM(y))
- print('OUTLINE POINT', x, y)
- break
- pcbnew.Refresh()
+ exit_line = affinity.rotate(geometry.LineString([(0,0), (0,-100000)]), settings.anchor_exit, origin=(0, 0))
+ exit_line = affinity.translate(exit_line, anchor_outlines[0].centroid.x, anchor_outlines[0].centroid.y)
+ possible_exits = []
+ for y, row in enumerate(grid):
+ for x, cell in enumerate(row):
+ if any(ol.overlaps(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines): # cell lies on outline
+ if exit_line.crosses(cell): # cell lies on exit line
+ possible_exits.append((cell, (x, y)))
+ if len(possible_exits) == 0:
+ raise GeneratorError('Cannot find an exit. This is a bug, please report.')
+ exit_cell = possible_exits[0] # might overlap multiple if not orthogonal
+ num_valid = 0
+ with DebugOutput('/mnt/c/Users/jaseg/shared/test.svg') as dbg:
+ dbg.add(zone_outline, color='#00000020')
+ for y, row in enumerate(grid):
+ for x, cell in enumerate(row):
+ if zone_outline.contains(cell):
+ if cell == exit_cell[0]:
+ color = '#ff00ff80'
+ elif any(ol.overlaps(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines):
+ color = '#ffff0080'
+ elif any(ol.contains(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines):
+ color = '#ff000080'
+ else:
+ num_valid += 1
+ color = '#00ff0080'
+ elif zone_outline.overlaps(cell):
+ color = '#ffff0080'
+ else:
+ color = '#ff000080'
+ dbg.add(cell, color=color)
+ for foo in anchor_outlines:
+ dbg.add(foo, color='#0000ff00', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#000000ff')
+ def is_valid(cell):
+ if not zone_outline.contains(cell):
+ return False
+ if any(ol.overlaps(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines):
+ return False
+ if any(ol.contains(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def iter_neighbors(x, y):
+ if x > 0:
+ yield x-1, y
+ if x < grid_cols:
+ yield x+1, y
+ if y > 0:
+ yield x, y-1
+ if y < grid_rows:
+ yield x, y+1
+ def random_iter(it):
+ l = list(it)
+ random.shuffle(l)
+ yield from l
+ not_visited = { (x, y) for x in range(grid_cols) for y in range(grid_rows) if is_valid(grid[y][x]) }
+ num_to_visit = len(not_visited)
+ with DebugOutput('/mnt/c/Users/jaseg/shared/test2.svg') as dbg:
+ dbg.add(zone_outline, color='#00000020')
+ x, y = exit_cell[1]
+ visited = 0
+ stack = []
+ while not_visited:
+ for n_x, n_y in random_iter(iter_neighbors(x, y)):
+ if (n_x, n_y) in not_visited:
+ dbg.add(grid[n_y][n_x], color=virihex(visited, max=num_to_visit))
+ stack.append((x, y))
+ not_visited.remove((n_x, n_y))
+ visited += 1
+ x, y = n_x, n_y
+ break
+ else:
+ *stack, (x, y) = stack
+ for foo in anchor_outlines:
+ dbg.add(foo, color='#0000ff00', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#000000ff')
+ #pcbnew.Refresh()
# TODO generate
@@ -227,6 +302,73 @@ class MeshPluginMainDialog(mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog):
def quit(self, evt):
+def virihex(val, max=1.0, alpha=1.0):
+ r, g, b, _a =
+ r, g, b, a = [ int(round(0xff*c)) for c in [r, g, b, alpha] ]
+ return f'#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}{a:02x}'
+def DebugOutput(filename):
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ wrapper = DebugOutputWrapper(f)
+ yield wrapper
+class DebugOutputWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, f):
+ self.f = f
+ self.objs = []
+ def add(self, obj, color=None, stroke_width=0, stroke_color=None):
+ self.objs.append((obj, (color, stroke_color, stroke_width)))
+ def gen_svg(self, obj, fill_color=None, stroke_color=None, stroke_width=None):
+ fill_color = fill_color or '#ff0000aa'
+ stroke_color = stroke_color or '#000000ff'
+ stroke_width = 0 if stroke_width is None else stroke_width
+ exterior_coords = [ ["{},{}".format(*c) for c in obj.exterior.coords] ]
+ interior_coords = [ ["{},{}".format(*c) for c in interior.coords] for interior in obj.interiors ]
+ path = " ".join([
+ "M {0} L {1} z".format(coords[0], " L ".join(coords[1:]))
+ for coords in exterior_coords + interior_coords])
+ return (f'<path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="{fill_color}" stroke="{stroke_color}" '
+ f'stroke-width="{stroke_width}" opacity="0.6" d="{path}" />')
+ def save(self, margin:'unit'=5, scale:'px/unit'=10):
+ #specify margin in coordinate units
+ margin = 5
+ bboxes = [ list(obj.bounds) for obj, _style in self.objs ]
+ min_x = min( bbox[0] for bbox in bboxes ) - margin
+ min_y = min( bbox[1] for bbox in bboxes ) - margin
+ max_x = max( bbox[2] for bbox in bboxes ) + margin
+ max_y = max( bbox[3] for bbox in bboxes ) + margin
+ width = max_x - min_x
+ height = max_y - min_y
+ props = {
+ 'version': '1.1',
+ 'baseProfile': 'full',
+ 'width': '{width:.0f}px'.format(width = width*scale),
+ 'height': '{height:.0f}px'.format(height = height*scale),
+ 'viewBox': '%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f' % (min_x, min_y, width, height),
+ 'xmlns': '',
+ 'xmlns:ev': '',
+ 'xmlns:xlink': ''
+ }
+ self.f.write(textwrap.dedent(r'''
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+ <svg {attrs:s}>
+ {data}
+ </svg>
+ ''').format(
+ attrs = ' '.join(['{key:s}="{val:s}"'.format(key = key, val = props[key]) for key in props]),
+ data = '\n'.join(self.gen_svg(obj, *style) for obj, style in self.objs)
+ ).strip())
def show_dialog(board):
dialog = MeshPluginMainDialog(board)