path: root/
diff options
authorjaseg <>2023-10-23 16:13:48 +0200
committerjaseg <>2023-10-23 17:12:17 +0200
commitc91ed4f594451ced01be60e305ebc9cd85efba72 (patch)
treec33b7722a8345439beb3b84b9724ba23ad9bd99d /
parentc4f176d3f43a020abeaa9d2500237d8ff77e5e3f (diff)
Repo re-org, now we are KiCad add-ons.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 773 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 17dcf6a..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,773 +0,0 @@
-from collections import defaultdict
-import dataclasses
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-import textwrap
-import random
-import math
-from itertools import count, islice
-import json
-import re
-from os import path
-import os
-import wx
-import pcbnew
-import shapely
-from shapely import geometry
-from shapely.geometry import polygon
-from shapely import affinity
-import shapely.ops
-from . import mesh_plugin_dialog
-class GeneratorError(ValueError):
- pass
-class AbortError(SystemError):
- pass
-class GeneratorSettings:
- edge_clearance: float = 1.5 # mm
- anchor: str = None # Footprint designator
- chamfer: float = 0.0 # unit fraction
- mask_layer_id: int = 0 # kicad layer id, populated later
- random_seed: str = None
- randomness: float = 1.0
- use_keepouts: bool = True
- use_outline: bool = True
- save_visualization: bool = True
- visualization_path: str = 'mesh_visualizations'
- def serialize(self):
- d = dataclasses.asdict(self)
- d['kimesh_settings_version'] = '2.1.0'
- return json.dumps(d).encode()
- @classmethod
- def deserialize(cls, data):
- d = json.loads(data.decode())
- version = d.pop('kimesh_settings_version')
- vtup = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))
- if vtup > (2, 1, 0):
- raise cls.VersionError("Project kimesh settings file is too new for this plugin's version.")
- return cls(**d)
- class VersionError(ValueError):
- pass
-class MeshPluginMainDialog(mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog):
- def __init__(self, board):
- mesh_plugin_dialog.MainDialog.__init__(self, None)
- self.board = board
- self.m_cancelButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.quit)
- self.m_removeButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.confirm_tearup_mesh)
- self.m_generateButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.generate_mesh)
- self.m_net_prefix.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.update_net_label)
- self.tearup_confirm_dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, "", style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT)
- self.nets = { str(wxs) for wxs, netinfo in board.GetNetsByName().items() }
- self.update_net_label(None)
- self.update_outline_warning()
- self.Fit()
- settings = None
- if path.isfile(self.settings_fn()):
- with open(self.settings_fn(), 'rb') as f:
- try:
- settings = GeneratorSettings.deserialize(
- except (GeneratorSettings.VersionError, TypeError) as e:
- wx.MessageDialog(self, "Cannot load settings: {}.".format(e), "File I/O error. Will use default settings.").ShowModal()
- for i in range(pcbnew.PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT):
- name = board.GetLayerName(i)
- self.m_maskLayerChoice.Append(name)
- if name == 'User.Eco1':
- self.m_maskLayerChoice.SetSelection(i)
- def sort_key(fp):
- ref = fp.GetReference()
- parts = re.findall(r'[0-9]+|[^0-9]+', ref)
- return tuple(int(part) if part.isnumeric() else part for part in parts)
- self.fps = sorted(self.board.Footprints(), key=sort_key)
- for i, fp in enumerate(self.fps):
- ref = fp.GetReference()
- self.m_anchorChoice.Append(ref)
- if settings and ref == settings.anchor:
- self.m_anchorChoice.SetSelection(i)
- if settings:
- self.m_chamferSpin.Value = settings.chamfer*100.0
- self.m_maskLayerChoice.SetSelection(settings.mask_layer_id)
- self.m_seedInput.Value = settings.random_seed or ''
- self.m_randomnessSpin.Value = settings.randomness*100.0
- self.m_edgeClearanceSpin.Value = settings.edge_clearance
- self.m_useOutlineCheckbox.Value = settings.use_outline
- self.m_useKeepoutCheckbox.Value = settings.use_keepouts
- self.m_vizTextfield.Value = settings.visualization_path
- self.m_vizCheckbox.Value = settings.save_visualization
- self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize())
- @contextmanager
- def viz(self, filename):
- if self.m_vizCheckbox.Value:
- val = self.m_vizTextfield.Value
- project_dir = path.dirname(self.board.GetFileName())
- if val:
- val = path.join(project_dir, val)
- if not os.path.isdir(val):
- os.mkdir(val)
- filename = path.join(val, filename)
- filename = path.join(project_dir, filename)
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- wrapper = DebugOutputWrapper(f)
- yield wrapper
- else:
- wrapper = DebugOutputWrapper(None)
- yield wrapper
- def board_has_outline(self):
- # KiCad's API is absolutely insane. As long as the board has an outline, the board outline function works
- # alright. Now imagine the Edge.Cuts layer is empty. What would be a sane thing to do? I guess raising an error
- # would be the best, with the second best being to return something like the hull of all objects on the other
- # layers. Alas, KiCad doesn't do either. Instead, KiCad returns the union of the shapes of all objects on the
- # **VISIBLE** layers, so the result of that outline function changes with which layers the user has set to
- # visible. Whyyyyy :(
- #
- # We have to work around this to avoid presenting the user with a foot-gun in case they hide their mesh
- # definition layer.
- #
- edge_cuts = self.board.GetLayerID('Edge.Cuts')
- outline_objs = []
- for drawing in self.board.GetDrawings():
- if drawing.GetLayer() == edge_cuts:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def update_outline_warning(self):
- outlines = pcbnew.SHAPE_POLY_SET()
- self.board.GetBoardPolygonOutlines(outlines)
- board_outlines = list(self.poly_set_to_shapely(outlines))
- board_mask = shapely.ops.unary_union(board_outlines)
- if not self.board_has_outline() or board_mask.is_empty:
- self.m_warningLabel.SetLabelMarkup('<b>Warning: Board outline not found</b>')
- else:
- self.m_warningLabel.SetLabelMarkup('')
- def get_matching_nets(self):
- prefix = self.m_net_prefix.Value
- return { net for net in self.nets if net.startswith(prefix) }
- def confirm_tearup_mesh(self, evt):
- matching = self.get_matching_nets()
- if not str(self.m_net_prefix.Value):
- message = "You have set an empty net prefix. This will match ALL {} nets on the board. Do you really want to tear up all tracks? This cannot be undone!"
- else:
- message = "Do you really want to tear up all traces of the {} matching nets on this board? This step cannot be undone!"
- message = message.format(len(matching)) + "\n\nMatching nets:\n" + ", ".join(
- '""' if not netname else (netname[:16] + '...' if len(netname) > 16 else netname)
- for netname in (sorted(matching)[:5] + ['...'] if len(matching) > 5 else [])
- )
- self.tearup_confirm_dialog.SetMessage(message)
- self.tearup_confirm_dialog.SetYesNoLabels("Tear up {} traces".format(len(matching)), "Close")
- if self.tearup_confirm_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
- self.tearup_mesh(matching)
- def tearup_mesh(self, matching=None):
- count = 0
- anchor, target_layer_id = self.get_anchor()
- for track in self.board.GetTracks():
- if matching is not None and track.GetNet().GetNetname() not in matching:
- continue
- if track.GetLayer() != target_layer_id:
- continue
- count += 1
- self.board.Remove(track)
- print(f'Tore up {count} trace segments.')
- def settings_fn(self):
- return path.join(path.dirname(self.board.GetFileName()), 'last_kimesh_settings.json')
- def get_anchor(self):
- ref = str(self.fps[self.m_anchorChoice.GetSelection()].GetReference())
- footprints = [ fp for fp in self.board.Footprints() if fp.GetReference() == ref ]
- if len(footprints) == 0:
- wx.MessageDialog(self, f'Error: Could not find anchor footprint "{ref}".').ShowModal()
- raise ValueError()
- if len(footprints) > 1:
- wx.MessageDialog(self, f'Error: Multiple footprints with anchor footprint reference "{ref}".').ShowModal()
- raise ValueError()
- anchor = footprints[0]
- pad0, *_ = anchor.Pads()
- lset = pad0.GetLayerSet()
- target_layer_id, *_ = [l for l in lset.CuStack() if lset.Contains(l)]
- return anchor, target_layer_id
- def generate_mesh(self, evt):
- try:
- settings = GeneratorSettings(
- edge_clearance = float(self.m_edgeClearanceSpin.Value),
- anchor = str(list(self.board.Footprints())[self.m_anchorChoice.GetSelection()].GetReference()),
- chamfer = float(self.m_chamferSpin.Value)/100.0,
- mask_layer_id = self.m_maskLayerChoice.GetSelection(),
- random_seed = str(self.m_seedInput.Value) or None,
- randomness = float(self.m_randomnessSpin.Value)/100.0,
- use_outline = self.m_useOutlineCheckbox.Value,
- use_keepouts = self.m_useKeepoutCheckbox.Value,
- visualization_path = self.m_vizTextfield.Value,
- save_visualization = self.m_vizCheckbox.Value)
- except ValueError as e:
- return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Invalid input value: {}.".format(e), "Invalid input").ShowModal()
- try:
- with open(self.settings_fn(), 'wb') as f:
- f.write(settings.serialize())
- print('Saved settings to',
- except:
- wx.MessageDialog(self, "Cannot save settings: {}.".format(e), "File I/O error").ShowModal()
- anchor, target_layer_id = self.get_anchor()
- mesh_zones = []
- for drawing in self.board.GetDrawings():
- if drawing.GetLayer() == settings.mask_layer_id:
- mesh_zones.append(drawing.GetPolyShape())
- if not mesh_zones:
- return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Could not find any mesh zones on the outline pattern layer.").ShowModal()
- keepouts = []
- for zone in self.board.Zones():
- if zone.GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() and zone.GetLayerSet().Contains(target_layer_id):
- keepouts.append(zone.Outline())
- print(f'Found {len(keepouts)} keepout areas.')
- if self.board_has_outline() and self.m_useOutlineCheckbox.Value: # Avoid foot-gun due to insane API. See note in the function.
- outlines = pcbnew.SHAPE_POLY_SET()
- self.board.GetBoardPolygonOutlines(outlines)
- board_outlines = list(self.poly_set_to_shapely(outlines))
- board_mask = shapely.ops.unary_union(board_outlines)
- mask = board_mask.buffer(-settings.edge_clearance)
- print('board outline bounds:', mask.bounds)
- if mask.is_empty:
- return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Board edge clearance is set too high. There is nothing left for the mesh after applying clearance.").ShowModal()
- else:
- mask = None
- zone_outlines = [ outline for zone in mesh_zones for outline in self.poly_set_to_shapely(zone) ]
- zone_mask = shapely.ops.unary_union(zone_outlines)
- if zone_mask.is_empty:
- return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: Empty mesh outline on mesh outline layer. Make sure the mesh outline is defined with polygon objects only. Other shapes are not supported yet.").ShowModal()
- elif mask is None:
- mask = zone_mask
- else:
- mask = zone_mask.intersection(mask)
- print('Mesh mask bounds:', zone_mask.bounds)
- if self.m_useKeepoutCheckbox.Value:
- keepout_outlines = [ outline for zone in keepouts for outline in self.poly_set_to_shapely(zone) ]
- keepout_mask = shapely.ops.unary_union(keepout_outlines)
- if not keepout_mask.is_empty:
- mask = shapely.difference(mask, keepout_mask)
- print('keepout mask bounds:', keepout_mask.bounds)
- print('resulting mask bounds:', mask.bounds)
- if mask.is_empty:
- return wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: After applying all keepouts, and intersecting with the board's outline, the mesh outline is empty.")
- try:
- def warn(msg):
- dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg + '\n\nDo you want to abort mesh generation?',
- "Mesh Generation Warning").ShowModal()
- dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, "", style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT)
- dialog.SetYesNoLabels("Abort", "Ignore and continue")
- if self.tearup_confirm_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
- raise AbortError()
- self.generate_mesh_backend(mask, anchor, net_prefix=str(self.m_net_prefix.Value), target_layer_id=target_layer_id, warn=warn, settings=settings)
- except GeneratorError as e:
- return wx.MessageDialog(self, str(e), "Mesh Generation Error").ShowModal()
- except AbortError:
- pass
- def poly_set_to_shapely(self, poly_set):
- for i in range(poly_set.OutlineCount()):
- outline = poly_set.Outline(i)
- def shape_line_chain_to_coords(line_chain):
- points = []
- for j in range(line_chain.PointCount()):
- point = line_chain.CPoint(j)
- points.append((pcbnew.ToMM(point.x), pcbnew.ToMM(point.y)))
- return points
- exterior = shape_line_chain_to_coords(outline)
- interiors = [ shape_line_chain_to_coords(poly_set.Hole(i, j)) for j in range(poly_set.HoleCount(i)) ]
- yield polygon.Polygon(exterior, interiors)
- def generate_mesh_backend(self, mask, anchor, net_prefix, target_layer_id, warn=lambda s: None, settings=GeneratorSettings()):
- anchor_outlines = list(self.poly_set_to_shapely(anchor.GetBoundingHull()))
- if len(anchor_outlines) == 0:
- raise GeneratorError('Could not find any outlines for anchor {}'.format(anchor.GetReference()))
- if len(anchor_outlines) > 1:
- warn('Anchor {} has multiple outlines. Using first outline for trace start.')
- anchor_pads = list(sorted(anchor.Pads(), key=lambda pad: int(pad.GetNumber())))
- trace_width = pcbnew.ToMM(anchor_pads[0].GetSize()[0])
- space_width = pcbnew.ToMM(math.dist(anchor_pads[0].GetPosition(), anchor_pads[1].GetPosition())) - trace_width
- num_traces = len(anchor_pads)
- assert num_traces%4 == 0
- num_traces //= 4
- nets = [f'{net_prefix}{i}' for i in range(num_traces)]
- width_per_trace = trace_width + space_width
- grid_cell_width = width_per_trace * num_traces * 2
- print(f'mesh cell size is {grid_cell_width}')
- x0, y0 = anchor_pads[len(anchor_pads)//2].GetPosition()
- x0, y0 = pcbnew.ToMM(x0), pcbnew.ToMM(y0)
- xl, yl = anchor_pads[-1].GetPosition()
- xl, yl = pcbnew.ToMM(xl), pcbnew.ToMM(yl)
- mesh_angle = math.atan2(xl-x0, yl-y0)
- print('mesh angle is', math.degrees(mesh_angle))
- len_along = - width_per_trace/2
- x0 += len_along * math.sin(mesh_angle)
- y0 += len_along * math.cos(mesh_angle)
- mask_xformed = affinity.translate(mask, -x0, -y0)
- mask_xformed = affinity.rotate(mask_xformed, -mesh_angle, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=True)
- bbox = mask_xformed.bounds
- grid_x0, grid_y0 = math.floor(bbox[0]/grid_cell_width), math.floor(bbox[1]/grid_cell_width)
- grid_origin = grid_x0*grid_cell_width, grid_y0*grid_cell_width
- grid_rows = int(math.ceil((bbox[3] - grid_origin[1]) / grid_cell_width))
- grid_cols = int(math.ceil((bbox[2] - grid_origin[0]) / grid_cell_width))
- print(f'generating grid of size {grid_rows} * {grid_cols} with origin {grid_x0}, {grid_y0}')
- grid = []
- for y in range(grid_y0, grid_y0+grid_rows):
- row = []
- for x in range(grid_x0, grid_x0+grid_cols):
- cell = polygon.Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)])
- cell = affinity.scale(cell, grid_cell_width, grid_cell_width, origin=(0, 0))
- cell = affinity.translate(cell, x*grid_cell_width, y*grid_cell_width)
- cell = affinity.rotate(cell, mesh_angle, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=True)
- cell = affinity.translate(cell, x0, y0)
- row.append(cell)
- grid.append(row)
- num_valid = 0
- with self.viz('mesh_grid.svg') as dbg:
- dbg.add(mask, color='#00000020')
- for y, row in enumerate(grid, start=grid_y0):
- for x, cell in enumerate(row, start=grid_x0):
- if mask.contains(cell):
- if x == 0 and y == 0: # exit cell
- color = '#ff00ff80'
- else:
- num_valid += 1
- color = '#00ff0080'
- elif mask.overlaps(cell):
- color = '#ffff0080'
- else:
- color = '#ff000080'
- dbg.add(cell, color=color)
- for foo in anchor_outlines:
- dbg.add(foo, color='#0000ff00', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#000000ff')
- dbg.add([[(x0-2, y0), (x0+2, y0)], [(x0, y0-2), (x0, y0+2)]], color='none', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#ff0000ff')
- def is_valid(cell):
- if not mask.contains(cell):
- return False
- return True
- def iter_neighbors(x, y):
- if x > grid_x0:
- yield x-1, y, 0b0100
- if x - grid_x0 < grid_cols:
- yield x+1, y, 0b0001
- if y > grid_y0:
- yield x, y-1, 0b1000
- if y - grid_y0 < grid_rows:
- yield x, y+1, 0b0010
- def reciprocal(mask):
- return {
- 0b0001: 0b0100,
- 0b0010: 0b1000,
- 0b0100: 0b0001,
- 0b1000: 0b0010,
- 0b0000: 0b0000
- }[mask]
- rnd_state = random.Random(settings.random_seed)
- def skewed_random_iter(it, mask, randomness):
- l = list(it)
- if rnd_state.random() < 1.0 - randomness:
- for x, y, m in l:
- if m == mask:
- yield x, y, m
- break
- l.remove((x, y, m))
- rnd_state.shuffle(l)
- yield from l
- def add_track(segment:geometry.LineString, net=None):
- coords = list(segment.coords)
- for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(coords, coords[1:]):
- if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2): # zero-length track due to zero chamfer
- continue
- track = pcbnew.PCB_TRACK(self.board)
- #track.SetStatus(track.GetStatus() | pcbnew.TRACK_AR)
- track.SetStart(pcbnew.VECTOR2I(pcbnew.FromMM(x1), pcbnew.FromMM(y1)))
- track.SetEnd(pcbnew.VECTOR2I(pcbnew.FromMM(x2), pcbnew.FromMM(y2)))
- track.SetWidth(pcbnew.FromMM(trace_width))
- track.SetLayer(target_layer_id)
- if net is not None:
- track.SetNet(net)
- self.board.Add(track)
- netinfos = []
- for name in nets:
- ni = pcbnew.NETINFO_ITEM(self.board, name)
- self.board.Add(ni)
- netinfos.append(ni)
- not_visited = { (x, y) for x in range(grid_x0, grid_x0+grid_cols) for y in range(grid_y0, grid_y0+grid_rows) if is_valid(grid[y-grid_y0][x-grid_x0]) }
- num_to_visit = len(not_visited)
- track_count = 0
- with self.viz('mesh_cells.svg') as dbg_cells,\
- self.viz('mesh_composite.svg') as dbg_composite,\
- self.viz('mesh_tiles.svg') as dbg_tiles,\
- self.viz('mesh_traces.svg') as dbg_traces:
- dbg_cells.add(mask, color='#00000020')
- dbg_composite.add(mask, color='#00000020')
- dbg_traces.add(mask, color='#00000020')
- dbg_tiles.add(mask, color='#00000020')
- 0b0000: '#ffcc00ff',
- 0b0001: '#d40000ff',
- 0b0010: '#d40000ff',
- 0b0011: '#ff6600ff',
- 0b0100: '#d40000ff',
- 0b0101: '#00d400ff',
- 0b0110: '#ff6600ff',
- 0b0111: '#00ccffff',
- 0b1000: '#d40000ff',
- 0b1001: '#ff6600ff',
- 0b1010: '#00d400ff',
- 0b1011: '#00ccffff',
- 0b1100: '#ff6600ff',
- 0b1101: '#00ccffff',
- 0b1110: '#00ccffff',
- 0b1111: '#ffcc00ff'}
- x, y = -1, 0
- visited = 0
- key = 0
- entry_dir = 0b0001
- stack = []
- depth = 0
- max_depth = 0
- i = 0
- past_tiles = {}
- def dump_output(i):
- with self.viz(f'per-tile/step{i}.svg') as dbg_per_tile:
- dbg_per_tile.add(mask, color='#00000020')
- for foo in anchor_outlines:
- dbg_per_tile.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000')
- for le_y, row in enumerate(grid):
- for le_x, cell in enumerate(row):
- if mask.contains(cell):
- if cell == exit_cell[0]:
- color = '#ff00ff80'
- elif any(ol.overlaps(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines):
- color = '#ffff0080'
- elif any(ol.contains(cell) for ol in anchor_outlines):
- color = '#ff000080'
- else:
- color = '#00ff0080'
- elif mask.overlaps(cell):
- color = '#ffff0080'
- else:
- color = '#ff000080'
- dbg_per_tile.add(cell, color=color)
- for (le_x, le_y), (stroke_color, segments) in past_tiles.items():
- for segment in segments:
- segment = affinity.scale(segment, grid_cell_width, grid_cell_width, origin=(0, 0))
- segment = affinity.translate(segment, le_x*grid_cell_width, le_y*grid_cell_width)
- segment = affinity.rotate(segment, mesh_angle, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=True)
- segment = affinity.translate(segment, x0, y0)
- dbg_per_tile.add(segment, stroke_width=trace_width, color='#ff000000', stroke_color=stroke_color)
- armed = False
- while not_visited or stack:
- for n_x, n_y, bmask in skewed_random_iter(iter_neighbors(x, y), entry_dir, settings.randomness):
- if (n_x, n_y) in not_visited:
- dbg_composite.add(grid[n_y-grid_y0][n_x-grid_x0], color=('visit_depth', depth), opacity=1.0)
- dbg_cells.add(grid[n_y-grid_y0][n_x-grid_x0], color=('visit_depth', depth), opacity=1.0)
- key |= bmask
- stack.append((x, y, key, bmask, depth))
- not_visited.remove((n_x, n_y))
- visited += 1
- depth += 1
- i += 1
- armed = True
- max_depth = max(depth, max_depth)
- past_tiles[x, y] = (TILE_COLORS[key],
- [segment
- for segment, _net in Pattern.render(key, num_traces, settings.chamfer) ])
- x, y, key, entry_dir = n_x, n_y, reciprocal(bmask), bmask
- #dump_output(i)
- break
- else:
- stroke_color = TILE_COLORS[key]
- past_tiles[x, y] = (stroke_color,
- [segment for segment, _net in Pattern.render(key, num_traces, settings.chamfer) ])
- for segment, net in Pattern.render(key, num_traces, settings.chamfer):
- if is_valid(grid[y-grid_y0][x-grid_x0]):
- segment = affinity.scale(segment, grid_cell_width, grid_cell_width, origin=(0, 0))
- segment = affinity.translate(segment, x*grid_cell_width, y*grid_cell_width)
- segment = affinity.rotate(segment, mesh_angle, origin=(0, 0), use_radians=True)
- segment = affinity.translate(segment, x0, y0)
- dbg_composite.add(segment, stroke_width=trace_width, color='#ff000000', stroke_color='#ffffff60')
- dbg_traces.add(segment, stroke_width=trace_width, color='#ff000000', stroke_color='#000000ff')
- dbg_tiles.add(segment, stroke_width=trace_width, color='#ff000000', stroke_color=stroke_color)
- add_track(segment, netinfos[net]) # FIXME (works, disabled for debug)
- track_count += 1
- if not stack:
- break
- if armed:
- i += 1
- #dump_output(i)
- armed = False
- *stack, (x, y, key, entry_dir, depth) = stack
- dbg_cells.scale_colors('visit_depth', max_depth)
- dbg_composite.scale_colors('visit_depth', max_depth)
- for foo in anchor_outlines:
- dbg_cells.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000')
- dbg_traces.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000')
- dbg_composite.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000')
- dbg_tiles.add(foo, color='#00000080', stroke_width=0.05, stroke_color='#00000000')
- print(f'Added {track_count} trace segments.')
- #pcbnew.Refresh()
- #self.tearup_mesh()
- # TODO generate
- def update_net_label(self, evt):
- self.m_netLabel.SetLabel('Like: ' + ', '.join(f'{self.m_net_prefix.Value}{i}' for i in range(3)) + ', ...')
- def quit(self, evt):
- self.Destroy()
-class Pattern:
- @staticmethod
- def render(key, n, cd=0):
- yield from Pattern.LUT[key](n, cd=math.tan(math.pi/8) * cd)
- def draw_I(n, cd):
- for i in range(n):
- sp = (i+0.5) * (1/(2*n))
- yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1)]), i
- sp = (2*n-1-i+0.5) * (1/(2*n))
- yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1)]), i
- def draw_U(n, cd):
- pitch = (1/(2*n))
- cd *= pitch # chamfer depth
- for i in range(n):
- sp = (i+0.5) * pitch
- yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1-sp-cd), (sp+cd, 1-sp), (1-sp-cd, 1-sp), (1-sp, 1-sp-cd), (1-sp, 0)]), i
- def draw_L(n, cd):
- pitch = (1/(2*n))
- cd *= pitch # chamfer depth
- for i in range(n):
- sp = (i+0.5) * pitch
- yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1-sp-cd), (sp+cd, 1-sp), (1, 1-sp)]), i
- sp = (2*n-1-i+0.5) * pitch
- yield geometry.LineString([(sp, 0), (sp, 1-sp-cd), (sp+cd, 1-sp), (1, 1-sp)]), i
- def draw_T(n, cd):
- pitch = (1/(2*n))
- cd *= pitch # chamfer depth
- for i in range(n):
- sp = (i+0.5) * pitch
- # through line
- yield geometry.LineString([(0, sp), (1, sp)]), i
- # two corners on the opposite side
- yield geometry.LineString([(0, 1-sp), (sp-cd, 1-sp), (sp, 1-sp+cd), (sp, 1)]), i
- yield geometry.LineString([(1-sp, 1), (1-sp, 1-sp+cd), (1-sp+cd, 1-sp), (1, 1-sp)]), i
- def draw_X(n, cd):
- pitch = (1/(2*n))
- cd *= pitch # chamfer depth
- for i in range(n):
- sp = (i+0.5) * pitch
- yield geometry.LineString([(0, sp), (sp-cd, sp), (sp, sp-cd), (sp, 0)]), i
- yield geometry.LineString([(1-sp, 0), (1-sp, sp-cd), (1-sp+cd, sp), (1, sp)]), i
- yield geometry.LineString([(0, 1-sp), (sp-cd, 1-sp), (sp, 1-sp+cd), (sp, 1)]), i
- yield geometry.LineString([(1-sp, 1), (1-sp, 1-sp+cd), (1-sp+cd, 1-sp), (1, 1-sp)]), i
- def rotate(pattern, deg):
- def wrapper(n, *args, **kwargs):
- for segment, net in pattern(n, *args, **kwargs):
- yield affinity.rotate(segment, deg, origin=(0.5, 0.5)), net
- return wrapper
- def raise_error(n, *args, **kwargs):
- #raise ValueError('Tried to render invalid cell. This is a bug.')
- return []
- LUT = {
- 0b0000: raise_error,
- 0b0001: rotate(draw_U, 90),
- 0b0010: rotate(draw_U, 180),
- 0b0011: rotate(draw_L, 90),
- 0b0100: rotate(draw_U, -90),
- 0b0101: rotate(draw_I, -90),
- 0b0110: rotate(draw_L, 180),
- 0b0111: draw_T,
- 0b1000: draw_U,
- 0b1001: draw_L,
- 0b1010: draw_I,
- 0b1011: rotate(draw_T, -90),
- 0b1100: rotate(draw_L, -90),
- 0b1101: rotate(draw_T, 180),
- 0b1110: rotate(draw_T, 90),
- 0b1111: draw_X
- }
-def virihex(val, max=1.0, alpha=1.0):
- r, g, b, _a =
- r, g, b, a = [ int(round(0xff*c)) for c in [r, g, b, alpha] ]
- return f'#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}{a:02x}'
-class DebugOutputWrapper:
- def __init__(self, f):
- self.f = f
- self.objs = []
- def scale_colors(self, group, max_value):
- self.objs = [
- (obj,
- (virihex(color[1], max=max_value) if isinstance(color, tuple) and color[0] == group else color,
- *rest))
- for obj, (color, *rest) in self.objs ]
- def add(self, obj, color=None, stroke_width=0, stroke_color=None, opacity=1.0):
- self.objs.append((obj, (color, stroke_color, stroke_width, opacity)))
- def gen_svg(self, obj, fill_color=None, stroke_color=None, stroke_width=None, opacity=1.0):
- fill_color = fill_color or '#ff0000aa'
- stroke_color = stroke_color or '#000000ff'
- stroke_width = 0 if stroke_width is None else stroke_width
- if isinstance(obj, geometry.MultiPolygon):
- out = ''
- for geom in obj.geoms:
- out += self.gen_svg(geom, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width, opacity)
- return out
- elif isinstance(obj, polygon.Polygon):
- exterior_coords = [ ["{},{}".format(*c) for c in obj.exterior.coords] ]
- interior_coords = [ ["{},{}".format(*c) for c in interior.coords] for interior in obj.interiors ]
- all_coords = exterior_coords + interior_coords
- path = " ".join([
- "M {0} L {1} z".format(coords[0], " L ".join(coords[1:]))
- for coords in all_coords])
- elif isinstance(obj, geometry.LineString):
- all_coords = [ ["{},{}".format(*c) for c in obj.coords] ]
- path = " ".join([
- "M {0} L {1}".format(coords[0], " L ".join(coords[1:]))
- for coords in all_coords])
- elif isinstance(obj, list):
- all_coords = [ [f'{x},{y}' for x, y in seg] for seg in obj ]
- path = " ".join([
- "M {0} L {1}".format(coords[0], " L ".join(coords[1:]))
- for coords in all_coords])
- else:
- raise ValueError(f'Unhandled shapely object type {type(obj)}')
- return (f'<path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="{fill_color}" opacity="{opacity}" stroke="{stroke_color}" '
- f'stroke-width="{stroke_width}" d="{path}" />')
- def save(self, margin:'unit'=5, scale:'px/unit'=10):
- #specify margin in coordinate units
- margin = 5
- bboxes = [ list(obj.bounds) for obj, _style in self.objs if not isinstance(obj, list) ]
- min_x = min( bbox[0] for bbox in bboxes ) - margin
- min_y = min( bbox[1] for bbox in bboxes ) - margin
- max_x = max( bbox[2] for bbox in bboxes ) + margin
- max_y = max( bbox[3] for bbox in bboxes ) + margin
- width = max_x - min_x
- height = max_y - min_y
- props = {
- 'version': '1.1',
- 'baseProfile': 'full',
- 'width': '{width:.0f}px'.format(width = width*scale),
- 'height': '{height:.0f}px'.format(height = height*scale),
- 'viewBox': '%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f' % (min_x, min_y, width, height),
- 'xmlns': '',
- 'xmlns:ev': '',
- 'xmlns:xlink': ''
- }
- if self.f is not None:
- self.f.write(textwrap.dedent(r'''
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <svg {attrs:s}>
- {data}
- </svg>
- ''').format(
- attrs = ' '.join(['{key:s}="{val:s}"'.format(key = key, val = props[key]) for key in props]),
- data = '\n'.join(self.gen_svg(obj, *style) for obj, style in self.objs)
- ).strip())
-def show_dialog(board):
- dialog = MeshPluginMainDialog(board)
- dialog.ShowModal()
- return dialog