--- - name: Set local path facts set_fact: image: "/var/lib/machines/{{ container }}.img" root: "/var/lib/machines/{{ container }}" "{{container}}_root": "/var/lib/machines/{{ container }}" - name: Create container image file command: truncate -s 4G "{{image}}" args: creates: "{{image}}" register: create_container - name: Download arch bootstrap image get_url: url: http://mirror.rackspace.com/archlinux/iso/2021.02.01/archlinux-bootstrap-2021.02.01-x86_64.tar.gz dest: /tmp/arch-bootstrap.tar.xz checksum: sha256:90afa6b420f5d171de71fdd11fc4f10a4ef30fdf61e4f3733958bea7bdbc0fa9 when: create_container is changed - name: Create container image filesystem filesystem: dev: "{{image}}" fstype: btrfs - name: Create container image fstab entry mount: src: "{{image}}" path: "{{root}}" state: mounted fstype: btrfs opts: loop - name: Unpack bootstrap image unarchive: remote_src: yes src: /tmp/arch-bootstrap.tar.xz dest: "{{root}}" extra_opts: --strip-components=1 creates: "{{root}}/etc" - name: Copy mirrorlist into container copy: src: mirrorlist dest: "{{root}}/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" - name: Initialize container pacman keyring shell: arch-chroot "{{root}}" pacman-key --init && arch-chroot "{{root}}" pacman-key --populate archlinux args: creates: "{{root}}/etc/pacman.d/gnupg" - name: Fixup pacman.conf for pacman to work in chroot without its own root fs lineinfile: path: "{{root}}/etc/pacman.conf" regexp: '^CheckSpace' line: '#CheckSpace' - name: Update container keyring shell: arch-chroot "{{root}}" pacman -Sy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring - name: Update container and install software shell: arch-chroot "{{root}}" pacman -Syu --noconfirm