# Infiray IRG file format parser This python module contains a simple parser for the "IRG" file format that the Infiray C200 series thermal cameras use to dump their raw data. The files contain three things: A thermal image with 8 bit resolution with contrast scaled to fit the 0...255 range, a thermal image with 16 bit resolution containing absolute temperature values with 1/16 K resolution, and a JPEG with the image from the low-res visual camera. ## Requirements pillow and numpy ## API Call `infiray_irg.load(data)` with a `bytes` object containing the IRG file's contents. It will return a tuple `(coarse, fine, vis)` of the coarse and fine images as numpy arrays, followed by the visual image as a pillow image. The coarse image has dtype uint8 and contains values from 0 to 255, where 0 is the coldest pixel in the image, and 255 is the hottest. The fine image has dtype float and contains absolute degree Celsius values. ## Example ```python from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pathlib import Path import infiray_irg coarse, fine, vis = infiray_irg.load(Path('example.irg').read_bytes()) fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 18)) ax1.imshow(coarse) ax1.set_title('Coarse contrast-maximized') fine_plt = ax2.imshow(fine) ax2.set_title('Fine absolute temperatures') fig.colorbar(fine_plt, ax=ax2, location='right', label='degrees Celsius') ax3.imshow(vis) ax3.set_title('Visual') ax4.hist(fine.flatten(), bins=100) ax4.set_title('Temperature histogram') ax4.set_xlabel('degrees Celsius') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('plot.png') print('Coldest pixel:', fine.min(), 'C', 'Hottest pixel:', fine.max(), 'C') ``` ## Bugs If you find a bug, or find a file that this library can't load, please send me an email at . ## License This module is licensed under the MIT license.