#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import sys import multiprocessing import os from math import * from pathlib import Path from itertools import cycle from contextlib import contextmanager from scipy.constants import mu_0 import numpy as np import click import matplotlib as mpl from gerbonara.cad.kicad import pcb as kicad_pcb from gerbonara.cad.kicad import footprints as kicad_fp from gerbonara.cad.kicad import graphical_primitives as kicad_gr from gerbonara.cad.kicad import primitives as kicad_pr from gerbonara.utils import Tag from gerbonara import graphic_primitives as gp from gerbonara import graphic_objects as go __version__ = '1.0.0' def point_line_distance(p, l1, l2): x0, y0 = p x1, y1 = l1 x2, y2 = l2 # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_from_a_point_to_a_line return abs((x2-x1)*(y1-y0) - (x1-x0)*(y2-y1)) / sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2) def line_line_intersection(l1, l2): p1, p2 = l1 p3, p4 = l2 x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 x3, y3 = p3 x4, y4 = p4 # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line%E2%80%93line_intersection px = ((x1*y2-y1*x2)*(x3-x4)-(x1-x2)*(x3*y4-y3*x4))/((x1-x2)*(y3-y4)-(y1-y2)*(x3-x4)) py = ((x1*y2-y1*x2)*(y3-y4)-(y1-y2)*(x3*y4-y3*x4))/((x1-x2)*(y3-y4)-(y1-y2)*(x3-x4)) return px, py def angle_between_vectors(va, vb): angle = atan2(vb[1], vb[0]) - atan2(va[1], va[0]) if angle < 0: angle += 2*pi return angle def traces_to_gmsh(traces, mesh_out, bbox, model_name='gerbonara_board', log=True, copper_thickness=0.035, board_thickness=0.8, air_box_margin=5.0): import gmsh occ = gmsh.model.occ eps = 1e-6 board_thickness -= 2*copper_thickness gmsh.initialize() gmsh.model.add('gerbonara_board') if log: gmsh.logger.start() trace_tags = {} trace_ends = set() render_cache = {} for i, tr in enumerate(traces, start=1): layer = tr[1].layer z0 = 0 if layer == 'F.Cu' else -(board_thickness+copper_thickness) prims = [prim for elem in tr for obj in elem.render(cache=render_cache) for prim in obj.to_primitives()] tags = [] for prim in prims: if isinstance(prim, gp.Line): length = dist((prim.x1, prim.y1), (prim.x2, prim.y2)) box_tag = occ.addBox(0, -prim.width/2, 0, length, prim.width, copper_thickness) angle = atan2(prim.y2 - prim.y1, prim.x2 - prim.x1) occ.rotate([(3, box_tag)], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, angle) occ.translate([(3, box_tag)], prim.x1, prim.y1, z0) tags.append(box_tag) for x, y in ((prim.x1, prim.y1), (prim.x2, prim.y2)): disc_id = (round(x, 3), round(y, 3), round(z0, 3), round(prim.width, 3)) if disc_id in trace_ends: continue trace_ends.add(disc_id) cylinder_tag = occ.addCylinder(x, y, z0, 0, 0, copper_thickness, prim.width/2) tags.append(cylinder_tag) print('fusing', tags) tags, tag_map = occ.fuse([(3, tags[0])], [(3, tag) for tag in tags[1:]]) print(tags) assert len(tags) == 1 (_dim, tag), = tags trace_tags[i] = tag (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = bbox substrate = occ.addBox(x1, y1, -board_thickness, x2-x1, y2-y1, board_thickness) x1, y1 = x1-air_box_margin, y1-air_box_margin x2, y2 = x2+air_box_margin, y2+air_box_margin w, d = x2-x1, y2-y1 z0 = -board_thickness-air_box_margin ab_h = board_thickness + 2*air_box_margin airbox = occ.addBox(x1, y1, z0, w, d, ab_h) print('Cutting airbox') occ.cut([(3, airbox)], [(3, tag) for tag in trace_tags.values()], removeObject=True, removeTool=False) print('Fragmenting') fragment_tags, fragment_hierarchy = occ.fragment([(3, airbox)], [(3, substrate)] + [(3, tag) for tag in trace_tags.values()]) print('Synchronizing') occ.synchronize() substrate_physical = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(3, [substrate], name='substrate') airbox_physical = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(3, [airbox], name='airbox') trace_physical_surfaces = [ gmsh.model.add_physical_group(2, list(gmsh.model.getAdjacencies(3, tag)[1]), name=f'trace{i}') for i, tag in trace_tags.items()] airbox_adjacent = set(gmsh.model.getAdjacencies(3, airbox)[1]) in_bbox = {tag for _dim, tag in gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(x1+eps, y1+eps, z0+eps, x1+w-eps, y1+d-eps, z0+ab_h-eps, dim=3)} airbox_physical_surface = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(2, list(airbox_adjacent - in_bbox), name='airbox_surface') points_airbox_adjacent = set(gmsh.model.getAdjacencies(0, airbox)[1]) points_inside = {tag for _dim, tag in gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(x1+eps, y1+eps, z0+eps, x1+w-eps, y1+d-eps, z0+ab_h-eps, dim=0)} gmsh.model.mesh.setSize([(0, tag) for tag in points_airbox_adjacent - points_inside], 10e-3) #gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeFromCurvature', 90) gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.Smoothing', 10) gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.Algorithm3D', 10) gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeMax', 1) gmsh.option.setNumber('General.NumThreads', multiprocessing.cpu_count()) print('Meshing') gmsh.model.mesh.generate(dim=3) print('Writing') gmsh.write(str(mesh_out)) def traces_to_gmsh_mag(traces, mesh_out, bbox, model_name='gerbonara_board', log=True, copper_thickness=0.035, board_thickness=0.8, air_box_margin_h=30.0, air_box_margin_v=80.0): import gmsh occ = gmsh.model.occ eps = 1e-6 board_thickness -= 2*copper_thickness gmsh.initialize() gmsh.model.add('gerbonara_board') if log: gmsh.logger.start() trace_tags = [] trace_ends = set() render_cache = {} first_disk, last_disk = None, None for i, tr in enumerate(traces, start=1): layer = tr[1].layer z0 = 0 if layer == 'F.Cu' else -(board_thickness+copper_thickness) objs = [obj for elem in tr for obj in elem.render(cache=render_cache)] tags = [] for ob in objs: if isinstance(ob, go.Line): length = dist((ob.x1, ob.y1), (ob.x2, ob.y2)) w = ob.aperture.equivalent_width('mm') box_tag = occ.addBox(0, -w/2, 0, length, w, copper_thickness) angle = atan2(ob.y2 - ob.y1, ob.x2 - ob.x1) occ.rotate([(3, box_tag)], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, angle) occ.translate([(3, box_tag)], ob.x1, ob.y1, z0) tags.append(box_tag) for x, y in ((ob.x1, ob.y1), (ob.x2, ob.y2)): disc_id = (round(x, 3), round(y, 3), round(z0, 3), round(w, 3)) if disc_id in trace_ends: continue trace_ends.add(disc_id) cylinder_tag = occ.addCylinder(x, y, z0, 0, 0, copper_thickness, w/2) tags.append(cylinder_tag) if first_disk is None: occ.synchronize() adjacent = gmsh.model.getAdjacencies(3, cylinder_tag) first_disk = adjacent elif i == len(traces) and last_disk is None: occ.synchronize() adjacent = gmsh.model.getAdjacencies(3, cylinder_tag) last_disk = adjacent for elem in tr: if isinstance(elem, kicad_pcb.Via): cylinder_tag = occ.addCylinder(elem.at.x, elem.at.y, 0, 0, 0, -board_thickness, elem.drill) tags.append(cylinder_tag) occ.synchronize() print('fusing', tags) tags, tag_map = occ.fuse([(3, tags[0])], [(3, tag) for tag in tags[1:]]) print(tags) assert len(tags) == 1 (_dim, tag), = tags trace_tags.append(tag) print('fusing top-level', trace_tags) tags, tag_map = occ.fuse([(3, trace_tags[0])], [(3, tag) for tag in trace_tags[1:]]) print(tags) assert len(tags) == 1 (_dim, toplevel_tag), = tags (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = bbox #print('first disk', first_disk) #print('bbox', [occ.getBoundingBox(2, tag) for tag in first_disk[1]]) #print('last disk', last_disk) #print('bbox', [occ.getBoundingBox(2, tag) for tag in last_disk[1]]) first_geom = traces[0][0] #contact_tag_top = occ.addCylinder(first_geom.start.x, first_geom.start.y, copper_thickness, 0, 0, copper_thickness, first_geom.width/2) #contact_tag_bottom = occ.addCylinder(first_geom.start.x, first_geom.start.y, -board_thickness-copper_thickness, 0, 0, -copper_thickness, first_geom.width/2) @contextmanager def model_delta(): occ.synchronize() entities = {i: set() for i in range(4)} for dim, tag in gmsh.model.getEntities(): entities[dim].add(tag) yield occ.synchronize() new_entities = {i: set() for i in range(4)} for dim, tag in gmsh.model.getEntities(): new_entities[dim].add(tag) for i, dimtype in enumerate(['points', 'lines', 'surfaces', 'volumes']): delta = entities[i] - new_entities[i] print(f'Removed {dimtype} [{len(delta)}]: {", ".join(map(str, delta))[:180]}') delta = new_entities[i] - entities[i] print(f'New {dimtype} [{len(delta)}]: {", ".join(map(str, delta))[:180]}') with model_delta(): print('Fragmenting disks') interface_tag_top = occ.addDisk(first_geom.start.x, first_geom.start.y, 0, first_geom.width/2, first_geom.width/2) interface_tag_bottom = occ.addDisk(first_geom.start.x, first_geom.start.y, -board_thickness, first_geom.width/2, first_geom.width/2) occ.fragment([(3, toplevel_tag)], [(2, interface_tag_top), (2, interface_tag_bottom)], removeObject=True, removeTool=True) #occ.synchronize() #_, toplevel_adjacent = gmsh.model.getAdjacencies(3, toplevel_tag) #x0, y0, w = traces[0][0].start.x, traces[0][0].start.y, traces[0][0].width #print(x0, y0, w) #in_bbox = occ.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(x0-w/2-eps, y0-w/2-eps, -board_thickness-eps, x0+w/2+eps, y0+w/2+eps, eps, dim=1) #print('in bbox', in_bbox) #for dim, tag in in_bbox: # print(tag, 'adjacent', gmsh.model.getAdjacencies(dim, tag)) #print('fragment', occ.fragment([(2, tag) for tag in toplevel_adjacent], [(2, interface_tag_top), (2, interface_tag_bottom)])) substrate = occ.addBox(x1, y1, -board_thickness, x2-x1, y2-y1, board_thickness) x1, y1 = x1-air_box_margin_h, y1-air_box_margin_h x2, y2 = x2+air_box_margin_h, y2+air_box_margin_h w, d = x2-x1, y2-y1 z0 = -board_thickness-air_box_margin_v ab_h = board_thickness + 2*air_box_margin_v airbox = occ.addBox(x1, y1, z0, w, d, ab_h) occ.synchronize() #trace_surface = gmsh.model.getBoundary([(3, toplevel_tag)], oriented=False) #print('Fragmenting trace surface') #with model_delta(): # print(occ.fragment(trace_surface, [(2, interface_tag_top), (2, interface_tag_bottom)], removeObject=True, removeTool=False)) #print('Fragmenting trace') #with model_delta(): # print(occ.fragment([(3, toplevel_tag)], [(3, contact_tag_top), (3, contact_tag_bottom)], removeObject=True, removeTool=False)) print('cut') with model_delta(): print(occ.cut([(3, substrate)], [(3, toplevel_tag)], removeObject=True, removeTool=False)) #print('Fragmenting substrate') #with model_delta(): # print(occ.fragment([(3, substrate)], [(3, toplevel_tag), (3, contact_tag_top), (3, contact_tag_bottom)], removeObject=True, removeTool=False)) print('cut') with model_delta(): print(occ.cut([(3, airbox)], [(3, toplevel_tag), (3, substrate)], removeObject=True, removeTool=False)) print(f'Fragmenting airbox ({airbox}) with {toplevel_tag=} {substrate=}') with model_delta(): print(occ.fragment([(3, airbox)], [(3, toplevel_tag), (3, substrate)], removeObject=True, removeTool=False)) #occ.fragment([(3, substrate)], [(2, interface_tag_top), (2, interface_tag_bottom)]) #occ.fragment([(3, airbox)], [(3, substrate), (3, toplevel_tag)]) print('Synchronizing') occ.synchronize() pcx, pcy = first_geom.start.x, first_geom.start.y pcr = first_geom.width/2 (_dim, plane_top), = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(pcx-pcr-eps, pcy-pcr-eps, -eps, pcx+pcr+eps, pcy+pcr+eps, eps, 2) (_dim, plane_bottom), = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(pcx-pcr-eps, pcy-pcr-eps, -board_thickness-eps, pcx+pcr+eps, pcy+pcr+eps, -board_thickness+eps, 2) substrate_physical = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(3, [substrate], name='substrate') airbox_physical = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(3, [airbox], name='airbox') trace_physical = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(3, [toplevel_tag], name='trace') #interface_tags_top = gmsh.model.getBoundary([(3, contact_tag_top)], oriented=False) #interface_tags_bottom = gmsh.model.getBoundary([(3, contact_tag_bottom)], oriented=False) interface_top_physical = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(2, [plane_top], name='interface_top') interface_bottom_physical = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(2, [plane_bottom], name='interface_bottom') airbox_adjacent = set(gmsh.model.getAdjacencies(3, airbox)[1]) in_bbox = {tag for _dim, tag in gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(x1+eps, y1+eps, z0+eps, x2-eps, y2-eps, z0+ab_h-eps, dim=2)} airbox_physical_surface = gmsh.model.add_physical_group(2, list(airbox_adjacent - in_bbox), name='airbox_surface') points_airbox_adjacent = {tag for _dim, tag in gmsh.model.getBoundary([(3, airbox)], recursive=True, oriented=False)} print(f'{points_airbox_adjacent=}') points_inside = {tag for _dim, tag in gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(x1+eps, y1+eps, z0+eps, x1+w-eps, y1+d-eps, z0+ab_h-eps, dim=0)} #gmsh.model.mesh.setSize([(0, tag) for tag in points_airbox_adjacent - points_inside], 300e-3) gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeFromCurvature', 32) gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.Smoothing', 10) gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.Algorithm3D', 10) gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeMax', 10) gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeMin', 0.08) gmsh.option.setNumber('General.NumThreads', multiprocessing.cpu_count()) gmsh.write('/tmp/test.msh') print('Meshing') gmsh.model.mesh.generate(dim=3) print('Writing to', str(mesh_out)) gmsh.write(str(mesh_out)) def traces_to_magneticalc(traces, out, pcb_thickness=0.8): coords = [] last_x, last_y, last_z = None, None, None def coord(x, y, z): nonlocal coords, last_x, last_y, last_z if (x, y, z) != (last_x, last_y, last_z): coords.append((x, y, z)) render_cache = {} for tr in traces: z = pcb_thickness if tr[1].layer == 'F.Cu' else 0 objs = [obj for elem in tr for obj in elem.render(cache=render_cache) if isinstance(elem, (kicad_pcb.TrackSegment, kicad_pcb.TrackArc))] # start / switch layer coord(objs[0].x1, objs[0].y1, z) for ob in objs: coord(ob.x2, ob.y2, z) np.savetxt(out, np.array(coords) / 10) # magneticalc expects centimeters, not millimeters. class SVGPath: def __init__(self, **attrs): self.d = '' self.attrs = attrs def line(self, x, y): self.d += f'L {x} {y} ' def move(self, x, y): self.d += f'M {x} {y} ' def arc(self, x, y, r, large, sweep): self.d += f'A {r} {r} 0 {int(large)} {int(sweep)} {x} {y} ' def close(self): self.d += 'Z ' def __str__(self): attrs = ' '.join(f'{key.replace("_", "-")}="{value}"' for key, value in self.attrs.items()) return f'' class SVGCircle: def __init__(self, r, cx, cy, **attrs): self.r = r self.cx, self.cy = cx, cy self.attrs = attrs def __str__(self): attrs = ' '.join(f'{key.replace("_", "-")}="{value}"' for key, value in self.attrs.items()) return f'' def svg_file(fn, stuff, vbw, vbh, vbx=0, vby=0): with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write(f'>\n') for foo in stuff: f.write(str(foo)) f.write('\n') # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farey_sequence#Next_term def farey_sequence(n: int, descending: bool = False) -> None: """Print the n'th Farey sequence. Allow for either ascending or descending.""" a, b, c, d = 0, 1, 1, n if descending: a, c = 1, n - 1 #print(f"{a}/{b}") yield a, b while c <= n and not descending or a > 0 and descending: k = (n + b) // d a, b, c, d = c, d, k * c - a, k * d - b #print(f"{a}/{b}") yield a, b def divisors(n, max_b=10): for a, b in farey_sequence(n): if a == n and b < max_b: yield b if b == n and a < max_b: yield a def print_valid_twists(ctx, param, value): if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return print(f'Valid twist counts for {value} turns:', file=sys.stderr) for d in divisors(value, value): print(f' {d}', file=sys.stderr) click.echo() ctx.exit() @click.command() @click.argument('outfile', required=False, type=click.Path(writable=True, dir_okay=False, path_type=Path)) @click.option('--footprint-name', help="Name for the generated footprint. Default: Output file name sans extension.") @click.option('--layer-pair', default='F.Cu,B.Cu', help="Target KiCad layer pair for the generated footprint, comma-separated. Default: F.Cu/B.Cu.") @click.option('--turns', type=int, default=5, help='Number of turns') @click.option('--pcb/--footprint', default=False, help='Generate a KiCad PCB instead of a footprint') @click.option('--outer-diameter', type=float, default=50, help='Outer diameter [mm]') @click.option('--inner-diameter', type=float, default=25, help='Inner diameter [mm]') @click.option('--trace-width', type=float, default=None) @click.option('--via-diameter', type=float, default=0.6) @click.option('--via-drill', type=float, default=0.3) @click.option('--via-offset', type=float, default=None, help='Radially offset vias from trace endpoints [mm]') @click.option('--keepout-zone/--no-keepout-zone', default=True, help='Add a keepout are to the footprint (default: yes)') @click.option('--keepout-margin', type=float, default=5, help='Margin between outside of coil and keepout area (mm, default: 5)') @click.option('--twists', type=int, default=1, help='Number of twists per revolution. Note that this number must be co-prime to the number of turns. Run with --show-twists to list valid values. (default: 1)') @click.option('--circle-segments', type=int, default=64, help='When not using arcs, the number of points to use for arc interpolation per 360 degrees.') @click.option('--show-twists', callback=print_valid_twists, expose_value=False, type=int, is_eager=True, help='Calculate and show valid --twists counts for the given number of turns. Takes the number of turns as a value.') @click.option('--clearance', type=float, default=None) @click.option('--arc-tolerance', type=float, default=0.02) @click.option('--mesh-out', type=click.Path(writable=True, dir_okay=False, path_type=Path)) @click.option('--mag-mesh-out', type=click.Path(writable=True, dir_okay=False, path_type=Path)) @click.option('--magneticalc-out', type=click.Path(writable=True, dir_okay=False, path_type=Path)) @click.option('--clipboard/--no-clipboard', help='Use clipboard integration (requires wl-clipboard)') @click.option('--counter-clockwise/--clockwise', help='Direction of generated spiral. Default: clockwise when wound from the inside.') @click.version_option() def generate(outfile, turns, outer_diameter, inner_diameter, via_diameter, via_drill, via_offset, trace_width, clearance, footprint_name, layer_pair, twists, clipboard, counter_clockwise, keepout_zone, keepout_margin, arc_tolerance, pcb, mesh_out, magneticalc_out, circle_segments, mag_mesh_out): if 'WAYLAND_DISPLAY' in os.environ: copy, paste, cliputil = ['wl-copy'], ['wl-paste'], 'xclip' else: copy, paste, cliputil = ['xclip', '-i', '-sel', 'clipboard'], ['xclip', '-o', '-sel' 'clipboard'], 'wl-clipboard' if gcd(twists, turns) != 1: raise click.ClickException('For the geometry to work out, the --twists parameter must be co-prime to --turns, i.e. the two must have 1 as their greatest common divisor. You can print valid values for --twists by running this command with --show-twists [turns number].') if mesh_out and not pcb: raise click.ClickException('--pcb is required when --mesh-out is used.') if magneticalc_out and not pcb: raise click.ClickException('--pcb is required when --magneticalc-out is used.') outer_radius = outer_diameter/2 inner_radius = inner_diameter/2 turns_per_layer = turns/2 sweeping_angle = 2*pi * turns_per_layer / twists spiral_pitch = (outer_radius-inner_radius) / turns_per_layer c1 = inner_radius c2 = inner_radius + spiral_pitch alpha1 = atan((outer_radius - inner_radius) / sweeping_angle / c1) alpha2 = atan((outer_radius - inner_radius) / sweeping_angle / c2) alpha = (alpha1+alpha2)/2 projected_spiral_pitch = spiral_pitch*cos(alpha) if trace_width is None and clearance is None: trace_width = 0.15 print(f'Warning: Defaulting to {trace_width:.2f} mm trace width.', file=sys.stderr) if trace_width is None: if clearance > projected_spiral_pitch: raise click.ClickException(f'Error: Given clearance of {clearance:.2f} mm is larger than the projected spiral pitch of {projected_spiral_pitch:.2f} mm. Reduce clearance or increase the size of the coil.') trace_width = projected_spiral_pitch - clearance print(f'Calculated trace width for {clearance:.2f} mm clearance is {trace_width:.2f} mm.', file=sys.stderr) elif clearance is None: if trace_width > projected_spiral_pitch: raise click.ClickException(f'Error: Given trace width of {trace_width:.2f} mm is larger than the projected spiral pitch of {projected_spiral_pitch:.2f} mm. Reduce clearance or increase the size of the coil.') clearance = projected_spiral_pitch - trace_width print(f'Calculated clearance for {trace_width:.2f} mm trace width is {clearance:.2f} mm.', file=sys.stderr) else: if trace_width > projected_spiral_pitch: raise click.ClickException(f'Error: Given trace width of {trace_width:.2f} mm is larger than the projected spiral pitch of {projected_spiral_pitch:.2f} mm. Reduce clearance or increase the size of the coil.') clearance_actual = projected_spiral_pitch - trace_width if clearance_actual < clearance: raise click.ClickException(f'Error: Actual clearance for {trace_width:.2f} mm trace is {clearance_actual:.2f} mm, which is lower than the given clearance of {clearance:.2f} mm.') if via_diameter < trace_width: print(f'Clipping via diameter from {via_diameter:.2f} mm to trace width of {trace_width:.2f} mm.', file=sys.stderr) via_diameter = trace_width if via_offset is None: via_offset = max(0, (via_diameter-trace_width)/2) print(f'Autocalculated via offset {via_offset:.2f} mm', file=sys.stderr) inner_via_ring_radius = inner_radius - via_offset #print(f'{inner_radius=} {via_offset=} {via_diameter=}', file=sys.stderr) inner_via_angle = 2*asin((via_diameter + clearance)/2 / inner_via_ring_radius) outer_via_ring_radius = outer_radius + via_offset outer_via_angle = 2*asin((via_diameter + clearance)/2 / outer_via_ring_radius) print(f'Inner via ring @r={inner_via_ring_radius:.2f} mm (from {inner_radius:.2f} mm)', file=sys.stderr) print(f' {degrees(inner_via_angle):.1f} deg / via', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Outer via ring @r={outer_via_ring_radius:.2f} mm (from {outer_radius:.2f} mm)', file=sys.stderr) print(f' {degrees(outer_via_angle):.1f} deg / via', file=sys.stderr) if inner_via_angle*twists > 2*pi: min_dia = 2*((via_diameter + clearance) / (2*sin(pi / twists)) + via_offset) raise click.ClickException(f'Error: Overlapping vias in inner via ring. Calculated minimum inner diameter is {min_dia:.2f} mm.') pitch = clearance + trace_width t, _, b = layer_pair.partition(',') layer_pair = (t.strip(), b.strip()) rainbow = '#817 #a35 #c66 #e94 #ed0 #9d5 #4d8 #2cb #0bc #09c #36b #639'.split() rainbow = rainbow[2::3] + rainbow[1::3] + rainbow[0::3] n = 5 rainbow = rainbow[n:] + rainbow[:n] out_paths = [] svg_stuff = [*out_paths] # See https://coil32.net/pcb-coil.html for details d_avg = (outer_diameter + inner_diameter)/2 phi = (outer_diameter - inner_diameter) / (outer_diameter + inner_diameter) c1, c2, c3, c4 = 1.00, 2.46, 0.00, 0.20 L = mu_0 * turns**2 * d_avg*1e3 * c1 / 2 * (log(c2/phi) + c3*phi + c4*phi**2) print(f'Outer diameter: {outer_diameter:g} mm', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Average diameter: {d_avg:g} mm', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Inner diameter: {inner_diameter:g} mm', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Fill factor: {phi:g}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'Approximate inductance: {L:g} µH', file=sys.stderr) make_pad = lambda num, layer, x, y: kicad_fp.Pad( number=str(num), type=kicad_fp.Atom.smd, shape=kicad_fp.Atom.circle, at=kicad_fp.AtPos(x=x, y=y), size=kicad_fp.XYCoord(x=trace_width, y=trace_width), layers=layer, clearance=clearance, zone_connect=0) make_line = lambda x1, y1, x2, y2, layer: kicad_fp.Line( start=kicad_fp.XYCoord(x=x1, y=y1), end=kicad_fp.XYCoord(x=x2, y=y2), layer=layer, stroke=kicad_fp.Stroke(width=trace_width)) make_arc = lambda x1, y1, x2, y2, xm, ym, layer: kicad_fp.Arc( start=kicad_fp.XYCoord(x=x1, y=y1), mid=kicad_fp.XYCoord(x=xm, y=ym), end=kicad_fp.XYCoord(x=x2, y=y2), layer=layer, stroke=kicad_fp.Stroke(width=trace_width)) make_via = lambda x, y, layers: kicad_fp.Pad(number="NC", type=kicad_fp.Atom.thru_hole, shape=kicad_fp.Atom.circle, at=kicad_fp.AtPos(x=x, y=y), size=kicad_fp.XYCoord(x=via_diameter, y=via_diameter), drill=kicad_fp.Drill(diameter=via_drill), layers=layers, clearance=clearance, zone_connect=0) use_arcs = not pcb pads = [] lines = [] arcs = [] def arc_approximate(points, layer, tolerance=0.02, level=0): indent = ' ' * level #print(f'{indent}arc_approximate {len(points)=}', file=sys.stderr) if len(points) < 3: raise ValueError() i_mid = len(points)//2 x0, y0 = points[0] x1, y1 = points[i_mid] x2, y2 = points[-1] if len(points) < 5: #print(f'{indent} -> interp last points', file=sys.stderr) yield make_arc(x0, y0, x2, y2, x1, y1, layer) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56224824/how-do-i-find-the-circumcenter-of-the-triangle-using-python-without-external-lib d = 2 * (x0 * (y2 - y1) + x2 * (y1 - y0) + x1 * (y0 - y2)) cx = ((x0 * x0 + y0 * y0) * (y2 - y1) + (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) * (y1 - y0) + (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (y0 - y2)) / d cy = ((x0 * x0 + y0 * y0) * (x1 - x2) + (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) * (x0 - x1) + (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (x2 - x0)) / d r = dist((cx, cy), (x1, y1)) if any(abs(dist((px, py), (cx, cy)) - r) > tolerance for px, py in points): #print(f'{indent} -> split', file=sys.stderr) yield from arc_approximate(points[:i_mid+1], layer, tolerance, level+1) yield from arc_approximate(points[i_mid:], layer, tolerance, level+1) else: yield make_arc(x0, y0, x2, y2, x1, y1, layer) #print(f'{indent} -> good fit', file=sys.stderr) def do_spiral(layer, r1, r2, a1, a2, start_frac, end_frac, fn=64): fn = ceil(fn * (a2-a1)/(2*pi)) x0, y0 = cos(a1)*r1, sin(a1)*r1 direction = '↓' if r2 < r1 else '↑' dr = 3 if r2 < r1 else -3 label = f'{direction} {degrees(a1):.0f}' svg_stuff.append(Tag('text', [label], x=str(x0 + cos(a1)*dr), y=str(y0 + sin(a1)*dr), text_anchor='middle', style=f'font: 1px bold sans-serif; fill: {rainbow[layer%len(rainbow)]}')) xn, yn = x0, y0 points = [(x0, y0)] dists = [] for i in range(fn): r, g, b, _a = mpl.cm.plasma(start_frac + (end_frac - start_frac)/fn * (i + 0.5)) path = SVGPath(fill='none', stroke=f'#{round(r*255):02x}{round(g*255):02x}{round(b*255):02x}', stroke_width=trace_width, stroke_linejoin='round', stroke_linecap='round') svg_stuff.append(path) xp, yp = xn, yn r = r1 + (i+1)*(r2-r1)/fn a = a1 + (i+1)*(a2-a1)/fn xn, yn = cos(a)*r, sin(a)*r path.move(xp, yp) path.line(xn, yn) points.append((xn, yn)) dists.append(dist((xp, yp), (xn, yn))) if not use_arcs: lines.append(make_line(xp, yp, xn, yn, layer_pair[layer])) if use_arcs: arcs.extend(arc_approximate(points, layer_pair[layer], arc_tolerance)) svg_stuff.append(Tag('text', [label], x=str(xn + cos(a2)*-dr), y=str(yn + sin(a2)*-dr + 1.2), text_anchor='middle', style=f'font: 1px bold sans-serif; fill: {rainbow[layer%len(rainbow)]}')) return (x0, y0), (xn, yn), sum(dists) sector_angle = 2*pi / twists total_angle = twists*2*sweeping_angle inverse = {} for i in range(twists): inverse[i*turns%twists] = i svg_vias = [] for i in range(twists): start_angle = i*sector_angle fold_angle = start_angle + sweeping_angle end_angle = fold_angle + sweeping_angle x = inverse[i]*floor(2*sweeping_angle / (2*pi)) * 2*pi (x0, y0), (xn, yn), clen = do_spiral(0, outer_radius, inner_radius, start_angle, fold_angle, (x + start_angle)/total_angle, (x + fold_angle)/total_angle, circle_segments) do_spiral(1, inner_radius, outer_radius, fold_angle, end_angle, (x + fold_angle)/total_angle, (x + end_angle)/total_angle) xv, yv = inner_via_ring_radius*cos(fold_angle), inner_via_ring_radius*sin(fold_angle) pads.append(make_via(xv, yv, layer_pair)) if not isclose(via_offset, 0, abs_tol=1e-6): lines.append(make_line(xn, yn, xv, yv, layer_pair[0])) lines.append(make_line(xn, yn, xv, yv, layer_pair[1])) svg_vias.append(Tag('circle', cx=xv, cy=yv, r=via_diameter/2, stroke='none', fill='white')) svg_vias.append(Tag('circle', cx=xv, cy=yv, r=via_drill/2, stroke='none', fill='black')) if i > 0: xv, yv = outer_via_ring_radius*cos(start_angle), outer_via_ring_radius*sin(start_angle) pads.append(make_via(xv, yv, layer_pair)) if not isclose(via_offset, 0, abs_tol=1e-6): lines.append(make_line(x0, y0, xv, yv, layer_pair[0])) lines.append(make_line(x0, y0, xv, yv, layer_pair[1])) svg_vias.append(Tag('circle', cx=xv, cy=yv, r=via_diameter/2, stroke='none', fill='white')) svg_vias.append(Tag('circle', cx=xv, cy=yv, r=via_drill/2, stroke='none', fill='black')) print(f'Approximate track length: {clen*twists*2:.2f} mm', file=sys.stderr) top_pad = make_pad(1, [layer_pair[0]], outer_radius, 0) pads.append(top_pad) bottom_pad = make_pad(2, [layer_pair[1]], outer_radius, 0) pads.append(bottom_pad) svg_stuff += svg_vias svg_stuff.append(Tag('path', d=f'M {inner_radius} 0 L {outer_radius} 0', stroke=rainbow[n+1], fill='none', stroke_width='0.05mm', stroke_linecap='round')) ntraces = int(turns_per_layer)+1 alpha = [0] * ntraces for i in range(ntraces): c = inner_radius + (outer_radius-inner_radius) / turns_per_layer * i #dalpha = dy / c #dx / dalpha = (outer_radius - inner_radius) / sweeping_angle #c * (dx / dy) = (outer_radius - inner_radius) / sweeping_angle #dx / dy = (outer_radius - inner_radius) / sweeping_angle / c dx = (outer_radius - inner_radius) / sweeping_angle / c alpha[i] = atan(dx) dy = 0.3 dx *= dy r = trace_width/2 / cos(alpha[i]) svg_stuff.append(Tag('path', d=f'M {c-r+dx} {-dy} L {c-r-dx} {dy}', stroke=rainbow[n+1], fill='none', stroke_width='0.05mm', stroke_linecap='round')) svg_stuff.append(Tag('path', d=f'M {c+r+dx} {-dy} L {c+r-dx} {dy}', stroke=rainbow[n+1], fill='none', stroke_width='0.05mm', stroke_linecap='round')) #print(f'spiral angle {degrees(alpha[i]):.2f}', file=sys.stderr) for i, (a1, a2) in enumerate(zip(alpha[::-1], alpha[1::])): amean = (a2+a1)/2 pitch = (outer_radius - inner_radius) / turns_per_layer clearance = pitch - trace_width clearance *= cos(amean) x, y = inner_radius + (i + 1/2)*pitch, -0.5 svg_stuff.append(Tag('text', [f'{clearance:.5f}mm'], x=x, y=y, text_anchor='start', transform=f'rotate(-45 {x} {y})', style=f'font: 1px bold sans-serif; fill: {rainbow[n+1]}')) svg_file('/tmp/test.svg', svg_stuff, 100, 100, -50, -50) if footprint_name: name = footprint_name elif outfile: name = outfile.stem, else: name = 'generated_coil' if keepout_zone: r = outer_diameter/2 + keepout_margin tol = 0.05 # mm n = ceil(pi / acos(1 - tol/r)) pts = [(r*cos(a*2*pi/n), r*sin(a*2*pi/n)) for a in range(n)] zones = [kicad_pr.Zone(layers=['*.Cu'], hatch=kicad_pr.Hatch(), filled_areas_thickness=False, keepout=kicad_pr.ZoneKeepout(copperpour_allowed=False), polygon=kicad_pr.ZonePolygon(pts=kicad_pr.PointList(xy=[kicad_pr.XYCoord(x=x, y=y) for x, y in pts])))] else: zones = [] if pcb: obj = kicad_pcb.Board.empty_board( zones=zones, track_segments=[kicad_pcb.TrackSegment.from_footprint_line(line) for line in lines], vias=[kicad_pcb.Via.from_pad(pad) for pad in pads if pad.type == kicad_pcb.Atom.thru_hole]) obj.rebuild_trace_index() seg = obj.track_segments[-1] traces = [] end = top_pad layer = 'F.Cu' while True: tr = list(obj.find_connected_traces(end, layers=[layer])) traces.append(tr) if not isinstance(tr[-1], kicad_pcb.Via): break layer = 'B.Cu' if layer == 'F.Cu' else 'F.Cu' end = tr[-1] # remove start pad traces[0] = traces[0][1:] r = outer_diameter/2 + 20 if mesh_out: traces_to_gmsh(traces, mesh_out, ((-r, -r), (r, r))) if mag_mesh_out: traces_to_gmsh_mag(traces, mag_mesh_out, ((-r, -r), (r, r))) if magneticalc_out: traces_to_magneticalc(traces, magneticalc_out) # for trace in traces: # print(f'Trace {i}', file=sys.stderr) # print(f' Length: {len(trace)}', file=sys.stderr) # print(f' Start: {trace[0]}', file=sys.stderr) # print(f' End: {trace[-1]}', file=sys.stderr) # print(f' Layer: {trace[1].layer}', file=sys.stderr) #for e in obj.find_connected_traces(seg, layers=seg.layer_mask): # print(getattr(e, 'layer', ''), str(e)[:80], file=sys.stderr) #nodes, edges = obj.track_skeleton(pads[-1]) #for node, node_edges in edges.items(): # print(f'Node {node} with {len(node_edges)} edges', file=sys.stderr) # for i, e in enumerate(node_edges): # print(f' Edge {i}', file=sys.stderr) # for elem in e: # print(' ', elem, file=sys.stderr) else: obj = kicad_fp.Footprint( name=name, generator=kicad_fp.Atom('GerbonaraTwistedCoilGenV1'), layer='F.Cu', descr=f"{turns} turn {outer_diameter:.2f} mm diameter twisted coil footprint, inductance approximately {L:.6f} µH. Generated by gerbonara'c Twisted Coil generator, version {__version__}.", clearance=clearance, zone_connect=0, lines=lines, arcs=arcs, pads=pads, zones=zones, ) if clipboard: try: data = obj.serialize() print(f'Running {copy[0]}.', file=sys.stderr) proc = subprocess.Popen(copy, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) proc.communicate(data) print('passed to wl-clip:', data) except FileNotFoundError: print(f'Error: --clipboard requires the {copy[0]} and {paste[0]} utilities from {cliputil} to be installed.', file=sys.stderr) elif not outfile: print(obj.serialize()) else: obj.write(outfile) if __name__ == '__main__': generate()